Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-06, Page 6fouid . ....... Into A w, here. y OU home* bsok tq, the 06 -&MU na homelike I �ffi 0 no a zow� st,of X0 came- rOtil: SZO WUWAISV�Wnt; ure- in, nar 11111611 MOntlij. d it, tlhe,.Ilr M I' t4o'; lkthen gL J) 0 'L iii. de$qxrq4 fr ad - 1% - ve be a IV 16toplh., Me., a, ei-Very what, l3birleV0110liglits went bacl � 11 . I Made mad x the sno* I 0 �,to the, saw- won povjro think 31anima quite, so fie4u ,geS via' a not 1, ad hi Otiose, ail a the crogain a enNalthogh,she still cam -Ila Ji - t a rat a 1b, dalligorp 240 lid Atenae& W Id the S8L tired,"' 90111"ll, sSoo a aelas a g'tOWST4 Rhir Xten as Y AM, .1 Oil for� has' 0.4thusla4tio ii me il Y� as, Sh, By' had settled 'dowil. In. h, ft X%t, #i her eo.ner, `idertosldng.� t retty eopros d at 84" Would M, Soon; Mrs. Grant." -Uro was W i ere itrid Pro needli-w6ik d h A0 Oreakl 04 tto, deep, ateidf 9�, p hio was Istonish ral, Ford barrio away to*. P LAWroo as up, brighter, fair m*vAe &$t#,�of;O1d2 ain'st berl m* get her lam err faqq- h any, t a 48 Crokk t Croak I., 0 -ghb -for'lighl '80011 the ewo.rallippers than rbik I 'Et be I'v b" � oUlot " � f'. "'Y 9,; and, A eat Mudge Oliphantis, 0, h" �hA I in J 0 H 11 t xiege Shirley Y in Uuful Boulaud a all TOU'" werii sloni,�S' kr Wad t pr4VG4 the depth Sadr h Leo Mimi 0411iint, dontifibicT. 'in hpr�'. ea'rhe­ Saa- ove.fat StuarfL that a - pow A#4h64JoUnJjdbJj 'o gftarltlo"r ".. I 1. L I r . at'.'; Sh her alt fura and velvet dre t ink p 11 pus y— , Ili ­,, � L j�rloo, ness. Would not a ved this young girl With a warm &na which the .-Poll oSk; be unhappy, Olipbani, Will Bad we would try true affection,L'W w, -.,,is 5,14 golde4 ligi 4' hioh .,Was all: the deeper be. do, d Will t`111115116 YOU comfortable. m an perforin the cam gibe thou h ely ffiir.r' YOU �jtjy ' , 'a., 'th ind W#4 U g, t her Guy's' h SY Oliphant ;e r O'LLoapa, vnfe, Shirley from� her the Biderable, oak Iii Cro&kl., oqUi me, I Oat , -T I, �tsge 04 'ith iLwiA.; 'on t, Wadro-for ShJr- her Paiia, eyes rist, upon her Y Of SW' " amoier� Xa oJ" ley in hov��Stqd o 44 Ob. It adge. 0 obar. $Wlopk� whqwq @,X#equal L ac!p tiM,4 athar� fn itle' I pleasure. She wovvery love yj this, nis her li a brokenly AU4,M;kaj6, U#6 km so. K160. that. 'Phe, fino,nd it Wo uy.to forget, roak I Croak 11 ()io&k I - - il-11 r ­10POto to teaoh young girl who was to te4oh G Q love P cried be!l� Something all . oal In & exolamq, lon-of,44imppoifitin (99 boqrsb� yod, ci M qld heri verylov q . vqr, . L L r 111.1-1 ... h ' ' " � L r .., , ent, the, d,UtiegL ch please Guy'for her 1to kao Bill ely hPar bright and from, erkuslesbyShirl . ey's ,side'am, Ob M W ill rv4q an undergr YO9 Oh, yo 'h o: zoared would. Maker him happy"41tsfik, und o3astle not, I pr9m, the owik: hurt. Ai !kviomade, in 11' aven for' ,.a. into,'tawg 'same Must N ad. I iin Air 0.lesapgo. th4t,;aiidah�b6�v�d�her�heL.ig�i6ii�lioib� With 6� s6rroiR h cing At home. and,poied jor&rgot, h atin&j L 'a' ' ' ' L' ., t a one happy Chri Madge 66oild- ;hat our wedding, fat teader4esoana'rogret, for. gl6aness,"!'ismarked Shirley b Dwpayidea"et. oily, * ere is not I cause from her,, and i, t6 pjj6ti 1 1� C 1; r rL. I PA V, a- The young girl waw uV an ini t Ir her in f oile'� swera #r L 1-1 tl L 0 she bad spent in Engl�nf t eieni, par. alad Pf r. &­ Imme-, t a 140i4 of a and Shirley kn6W -1i jagiganiet to M A Nit, a lover � of diatel'y Guy,. Paid the Inuelcal toad with & Coquettish start oy w4ky. . I r 4th' musib Msjor� s h Yf he grLM 4�' and aW&qr and, Madge's W Ach thin oe&6bn bjbjg�t, no clearly and roak 1, Croak I Croak zest and'pea'ca the little rea.'bi" k ithout, GiJyL Stvtirtloi w b ' "a" , , " r , �, 19 , q9titage: W': 11han 1 giver �61i' my hand Boom to her I Yetr She had to,. I remain ered a under he i'When r gition pleaded freshly to hall 'mind. - WVII, I N7 -vis' Some-' xny beart?L' OU'Vo'900len toneo, fell upon, Shl la AX y. a epr., her. greatly Few so, the, b 0 teWL Away xQm it., HOW'00014- she a c Pi a � He win stand g, Outd , i 01h th L . c.e leara etween tiling, to'have had even4hos 'of CroakVoroaki Coaki dei, h dayp, %%a weddisig 01%sted PoLakwhioli. might bring b6i am were-- a, One, Warp'L Q1 hointo 9ontoot through the open win QW., Qth6j.fiV6.Ahd t teen, the, happiness to look n,- some pact. &I, of ny Fori of cotiiae, wenty,Shirley a -seniority women had' back upo and thei knoll poliuUtion... if he was, Madge, are youhere, dear,21"he not even those,f She ba.4-Jin W' Were bid to th6unidil Of, Wilble and Art 4,qourtiJig4 Mine, a L said gave bar an expasoJor pettl Oliphe ng and scolding. the; pleasure of ora, oeaooA,,. donstantlyst'Eripdale,-an they, "could riqt h j, to b, to &no! an remonstrating with Madge ip a, pretty game WoMon went frontAbe cradle 'the prow, t, her, �Would ad d L owerless to fill. to 'knelit, lit. some a gravemithout lOya xior. and abdL,niotherly waY w 104 the girl'enjqygd It P go %&Y,�ftna 6yJ ot �tbat there Was Man .­gm'be�,bsppy �with -this awe t am wani-T k coming, out of, a Young oall Y9114i OUTI, i, tit altar oil'imroib in o�� �oy. n ��.No ; 'd,laughadat, but whiohdbWa1ts: affect if ' Epeling.itsoweet i�gq, she zatie; reffis6:it she must, _$Jr W Q,WSSLBO st6jp6d hekj. whi hisper A: warm wig : of! hap, 3iU6ntIY worthy of his nureMwEints to'holl. If a Pi. whc;w6uld hin! fOribi tha'.pss' to'blue-oay;'fi: m3age �huka to W h yon t6YOUe pafor �,Sliir neon Vn!d welfare,: and. Shirl6y.. answaied' iBe Ana V Madge. to Does she? We mush � t linger, fiankly. Shd pinqailoly $bat UY coald nQt ry of Woman, way ;And your Mother is "Xioui Mi. t ' y , ilG mutely, but With an�oixpreigibu inber-'eyei. b re Made a� wiser choice. She was just: Moreribin satisflidM-AdgA;­andhhen bar kin orall' h4. b the bright,: Sweet: gi -would-stel-iniq eSo&PiJljg fjoni li let NT.Rdgoi think af her in angio h* h Val ;Ought, yo,w"& shawl,,,t linage. his rlwh6 L. parents' of er. PA Is, go: awayllll-ut A'Sha*1 a] his hdait and nestle thero in ake him' 'who bifer6d'h6r no lqss since abuld'she A I -really h Why lre'yotr .Abskin 'I a -i' - . o not need if. Nursie,"'Ohe nd, 11 I I L 9 Your.' 0i 'L "'I it 31adge askej,. lin"railvily. W e p imiq forgai Sil tfieL Piet as, The` !' , lih Sr greatAearleds's6b, er' Shirley 'climbed th ke 6 lot bead sunk 1113 MSjOr Stuart. Coin;/sia ope bitternaki �4i` 00, or bill on. the top 'of forwaia on'he to him. rrowi And�, -,when suoh L t. uso; in trypg to YQU!!ra L r, breast, C Whioll(stood heroottage -a inthei solita;ry tr enouh far a th. an Was', how',druel Jifb your, tall head, dy. L age All, kV'-b4rd, it, Take oare of ill Shirley h g��You must 1W -warp,. no licuopol. Hy, in , oine certainly,,for �here iveii'ibat �iftength. had: neir the school -house and the, cottage a Ileat for ten days or a r fortnight; I -hive hw never, t6 dajor Stbart.,entered, otoobin a Ii tie L. f, tod' rest Must slid" g6 h passed i . tdet the doorworyi, Mrs.' to go'. &we to taken possession a OU tor Pot Snd been given. her resist duylq joining. 1W 63 , -pro qm 0 Oat once-02ore nto the�col 112 the, kitchenj blit- ,04troisties, and to le�ya , i free. With illouilit, &a she, Y J, r " , , , amel rld Ford c4mer'in.bJJgtiIY*frO Z- I Ran llttl�. lonely, . Shirle a Yom In WitbOUt'P' for sheliad not had time her, deeply oB7. he, hail. Jo,lI Apao'- caref ully ihg it, far ieh 'Sd' al ed her so hardly ? Must �ntered','�cloldng the-door- -Alia-face the long nights V elt After li - gionataly as 8 ad her youe� atIL er Aild, ,fasten 'is SW an : . 49 all 6r 49 light it. Shirley felt I he had reftrned'thst love, he though tr1knips And niari Im Slid Ave ou made. ilans fop i "t hSVer been Able"to, fo)rg4i the %ad fir between,. she Was ' 't L qe And yet it Beg aq dero were 'few Wd tlq error sda. would never 'Wn 006 Y. e- Sweet, of... lot sialati anpo y of that . nionlent, must kit . I liar. �hst ;� and,.Msd L no, very,cour. -ing 0 L of er, Unger andthii Tharitie'Very gooAr go had no connection With d, felt safei with .the door ageouo,,axi Of YOU., pre_ ion ?I Must she -oorr3 - hear you Are going Away, rho it ; it as not she wholia bini joif. 'secured. - A Ii tie terrier-�-s, present fro r( 'illg td�th'Qi �fe; such* an ag( MAY I 'hear them, " 'h,� : 0 through I am t Isir,",Baid Xrb. F6rd,'dbu�teyl M�l ", :L , " Madge. and he I -A great favoirite ,a a ver .00,P110 -with hot W -Stood h ,�shu Wduiab gfil With joyful' Ana Arill. barkit& yjdid­tjtey-�110�lat- a figuti- which of oil R k thX6040, X4 ten is life, as she—Shirley, greeted-hor ­ �mof I her on.', the' elft'g seeMeL 'lit da'to h the ev and'stdoa: be- Thank ave JiL b have done, d londliness and. solitude ould"nev Slowly .OUS Madge.caM6 back on, priaventear Cult :to Unfol to.. ou," Guy's gr L boame, one of the am this a hii for a mome it aSid., IBa chool-mistre& from being to Ins ely Bid nt.A�;,,q enca� qoppressive,�audfhe-llra as,. sorry burning cheer j.e.&.flndy0U too eveningg;r -Asif it mbant.0 do -U6. �k 04%b ak Won't 'You StAY ?",:a is max gently�, helped,, you knoW. I henahe sat nionW in the little, UY, a Ion tgoj. but it can't, be plessurtel'in th ozy lonely Winter 'Y greatest 0 Baton �j4e k, k. 011 "tpj Vagh Poy 3$ bash to make 8 0 in&] 6 y6u Ili ng as Well, wh ee" Yd,,,U 6i ifid .'a a hirleY's' solitoxy� Christman. jOOL weary aft erhid:Sig'hinat 'the' Win. q."Hesven' help meP Shirfey an Again in the i.ittin sy day a 'little, liti it i ­­Jj� a" - t.ghter�,, w Agw'eZ -he. added, shaing, WPr, to: emplaY-filiaelk-al� ..da " II&I L 1. . ad" 'Brpriljg,�!. bile,. she oah6ol. -brokenly.. . , .pl; UP solub Is- Sax Ahj, don't let her a holly and. mi Yr ,bat - Ile -back i Y Ang at take Miss 011p�s omfort Whatever. they, -are, shill: be me 'trouble, 11 the a ably' :cdoillioned tlOtwupbn -.tha,.Walls --- :Ana Shirley smiled; b - now., ere is * hiall jawl, 6nly, too, Atefoit ..for. thought ;-133180Y ch% bir"to Piet a ill kind' ing *herevbrl ii air which Madgn!b',Oare� bad' Badly at the homely attempts at dedora, 4,991 A' NR provided jai h on., future' urq Guy's ifiJ YOU Magi fifflet, the thouilit of md dloid place it, round er carefully, ills am .(To Pa. cdnti�u6dj h Ed offanded..jo 'With Madge. Y.OULWIJI nol ch YOTW young lifeb Ali, 9-so�brightgna. ob&WI whjoh�made, U a Her love w%gr great enough, and i t 211 '.I 1 13 Offenaed-mo: th',V'Ou,' My -child cloudless so 1, Wish andlbpeit m 'ba� Bht ' i aftnt-4 1) LAO -f 6UWAAW ova awear. a a Alth th light6a up Gu 'hik-d wail orlhe position- jh6,W&s to fIll Black jet is grave P neorward, She viii fi igd mam With' o6lor;.'A the, It White for6fi .--: - 8 par ing a .91 ki. 6 I a pPealls- i -both-' e - Par ead' W 910 I Ing A rhaps she but 00V were -held att. Sor kindly toward ch His' genii k aAllia-gowne -are-of- e, hands *hich, I11APPMess With too, sincere a Wish t6 mind ay L id. '9 -takin a gle sa, ­dlyj . ­ ; I I -ON6 ire her, and Shirley and braided4ith gilt; or'silvek. 0 of Heilrieft d. the Milian by'�Whiah it 3. And- � Dainty'tes g6wn6 aie mid' I, herheart -in --.,-,;-How procurei taken a suddelum' -0 Arow t4einbot :010se to, sI r. Wb r . a wife Aftatifurfas Ia, th 014A �1396. would Make, lim in'light Bliadw, With iiinh frontii Will go a Ou for. -all .1 I . I . �: ., Tiko cifef &PPY eremos.40 daub. of'LtbaC ..A Ahluty mo�ttfiee wLPo Of as it .20 strangely into, neelo'll she isid, tear t' f But 1. Trust Md zerpendioblai trucks en�16sixig. ribbdn.- jdd,�j *hit. orgqt it _0%"Ot eltay_�.do Tfiey would be, an'bar-P fully. "I shill ne�ver X �dgie,,11 as pri netiwith; For(' She'll,& Aiopl y a "couple as 1 White cloth jackets braided with O.Vask 1, hope On. Ruby and Oswald, oheili6ught g6luetima YOU V d'Ii ith us A my nOtOslimO'�fOi.Y6iigowniiike,do-,fi Uy 11 -G' ;-rr --- repsy wear. P.-� with entreating. ey 'The intenaij hill bid Perfect -love for and faith in 8ioll'othe sprit nei -is more,, Go cords;arwiff-hijb"favor fo 'A- trift&sna oomp�hion,!!,ssld ameF RPPY�06R-uxi Y. -P - , _, Mid 11 ' 6pea-mesh Point dle Bt kn, Y; O ]liar earnestness She Blip Pea ',er hand . wi firm,r 'ban I SbirI'J' .. . 'Inei -,r.e i ad She, fa Ora With & geStura,wh,ah il' YOU'r " '" Vic t ow `1161 lge.Oliplia fashionable justno for 6 VrideVveil Lg, 0 nt psinf Is. She, re�oll W rb ad.. been,. bhoe� 80ted'-somefifiles that all has fr6hi bek entr . . ry twice after she -had: kii6wn Lucie' Y! � r Y. ill, at give . . r eity, w0ai or' 9 a great d&J.' common with . Shirley hoirself during the you 'no re ere cas as, An rey, ving for'tho time of -he Ohs lad wished, that quy, ol yer, Steel, white or red braideAre Mi lit ber grin ise 'On .-Shirlpy gageriL'Ont-tb-Gtiy-,-'�nd4tbiiy:-. -made Use -7t6 - -tin, d- r c�w Wif_ --t st f4- - -ide a.. eqpeq.jove*7, mo- wenhouttogethek,,, Mrs.'Foord going. to the 6tte, ftgerly,­ imont. him, better .Kar rig 11 a you WOUIC will not u!ge y �U,� I WOUId.r 10. aracter- a'costumes '30dinembrance.of the (1OOr't6 watchthem, vialk down aathe dilivei 'he �r iA -latesUmported- and give.him 'back the a 0 to' combine a . oVeral ___Any he -&Nidojently77-� �eig%-PS , You will 1think -it shutout; ifJoh h, Y a Y 1011phant,10 over for a� day.or two; mad & had -with refejoiws' q couldi ills sight of thegrave' been. go.'ortiely shad 6`0 lor. 0 Mamma - all changed fine. itinaiied. -Abo-whei shei'eaw-i oga� pj r 'I. . . - 'L A a tifil-and interestilij strang6i answer. it wW mak�� Us vej had , '' 1.SometiMes. ohd Wondered i Iola rs .,.of flb*ejs..iS seen up6n,, Y,bolky if YOU What wonderful things' coma Lt6 PASS'? "Madge, who,'R' 0, Ittid why As: ob franktAnd';6ndia; ina game Of the n6viet ace pallailois ine ceuplo� aShe said she w6uld finit In Theymakes, f Ocept. - And now I Must 'not talk any adhoed; �odlth a bright light , Of Y -longer,lf shoi,ad&a o'I'llave. iiroid you *Vd Mrs. Ford, who Perfect' cohfliddhce�in haF,' blOW there by the wind. into" On her fine &a 01idth It You,think:i% L 'Mrs. Grahh6 Should Oug4t'Of thdiblitti4goith,� outi Wil1--YOU'cOMe-doWn*i1hmoa?11 oom.' '66 Don' 310iek, m6htion GUY.: -but shff� A novel color 60mbination"is' rke4a with 'naver� terra, cottii,and:�ot 'faithLin her H of at ? did; said Shii1ek,-siled,not pronounceL big . dolors.-a're no bldow gopd h, these 'he Win L k, ine-A ones;. above'611 thibgi; He is too.old forihei, -but W edmithblaok. Rk herf I V name. She'feltthat even iibw.'ohb in or Ah' sife feired to 6zoit6�onapicion in the Young ma, e-hervery1appy.11 :Gold' An, you '06ml 7 ,h', 6�6zne lit mind "afid, inoroiover, jai Ver and -Other'fancyembrolderids�' d" Willo notspeak it 4ith6at. betraying heineif &do4 Madge. and, are' need to L trim summer oostfime' f, th age no 0 Iave��-'846rl & at pleasure- a hbr to'b6 withl "Midge- t loolk C#APTER' XLi. if SheSfi*bd the slightest. em6 L light have her Snelifitiol'on pong6d, and oashm6retie. I er. e,,glr WAS Might be:'disc6vo;red. t. 6 times io4 Lid" -I , iogeth' Stuart'r, left' a a And t a sweet "d brighi,,so apprk. rini a a the na:jt i3t She Poppy -red,': eq olajjc�e, a, lurns is -no ?Very a M, .,.a ing Ana- teilgor -' bepi4eo;. jile - "ntda to grning, never.y- Ows all eaming thw the womin rose a ion 6 . d i help, ine -tbink-weorfay, would gdblin--Slao� are popular o' W, r 0: all onto of heri and kndw,hef b6ttei,' 1413happygirl, thiBbSppy Whom he,had' " h -Of the time: *,hen a a Olors for - the, ttle';Jiml. 04119 CA glibipse., of for Y ould be So happi 1� You-will.come.- tanatoil girl' who *ab to U lightedloomwilin.Ahei have to IB648'thoi little home fouiide4iqn *of a dressy black lace toilete.. Woman and go out on Gres n-gr&E;s h AShirley hedititad ill in'the future a er wandbiligga'again.- n the. spring,, when stg have had a adrioug an& eni looking down at whom he'llid 'loved And lost and. sorroiied ad bank 'in t ,Ahe eag 'j- d 9, ne"of Be Guy'eame,b4okol3he Must,go' Way Or exitrdating isce,,'Ohe, h 6k liar -and nestle 'into-,, his- J Isild hide hUm6r6iin b6omi The desire t � w his 16va' ng t . " I, " , , r � a 0 earr'Some. -wound; And. making Flvl& circumstance that Mks. Fordlolimp, ParlifiPS" r thing unique' -.Aad 'bxoIuolvn 46railt ja ino* 4na' find ]lead Shekubw'sfie,, could. tak6'nb r ei :for with suohlartinten OW.'r ust,the hernelf -ouci ' .k. . babi; the old s; now home. Strong in tha-dijbIb of fa 0 to h ion owaybir humbleI'in such gr: boilAoRiold. mor& Sweet bludzeyed aaven. lov-from"deteatiba-i fok�'�r h W plice had been a little refractory bid i6v6d. Shir. when Guy. was t', - &'- . , , J r , ',L liable wd happily And r,, �;�iettle I . . married, Men Asiffill,FPS Otio-Olipbs f irid6pendanj�c-' Uxlgi 11Wl ei.. alls' nd, ML tempt t of-, �&teotian.,�. herl:and him 1,-" ta"Ied. and unnerved to li`W. th" i 16 'flight van, Mro� �1119 write to Oswald and Ruby ind`th6* all -Waiting fortheni in the if' lay jh�id n6t' *as i " r a' ' , ' ' i ", L - . Greys; illeY;w0tild not ineg oupir h r in' an 'Madge* ried. to cape. iilhi'of 00:' th6n l land Peth4p In RENOE er usual - ge6� Was '"*a other visitOks *b6r would- redogniza. chtf.. with s1tub#.'wdhIdtq -her' T known Guy' they., Might little Siqia�.r6o :Ve4 if she hadb,ia.,thOL�.6pp6rtu baLAW' er�,;- ev( j; bat it and lei bar look )I' Amozig the.servinto there,. might difficult for -her td 'Overcome a Guy won o�wsy, a or little land' in......... a 'also some one. heayy'he4rtaohe� which *&a -girl who had' fluttered down, into ........................... y -16.'diqsp� gith Ili 'that �baby rtioi ilid,th' PilliMlink and Zlifildfa aid. eyes - beoimoi s, lip Bald, In'S elSaaer,01111 o,� Isla dome 2 id with him now, siid�*fiich always Present 0swalollfif h6meingni would cesele,'h` th6`4utmUn before. OW the U no 'J face when at sure y—,, *blob, darkeiiiia, thq.-filr�yoxlxlk lifeh those long lonely Vigilel, of all her sho'.thought. of them. all 3 She Witblied he shad 0 H, tea B aw thought Sometimes, only' t irlge, me"? Shfrley--� be gg@, donttroubles Walla, bveir. altogether for him a do& GOA n d, 'do - bri r - I cannot er' aght 0-zliihi, Shirley Gly -n#,.' or Kra. -Grant, as ahB Wionts,-whogn, oils-,,iniglib e v ill, 'r , . .. . , - they Pa again in.th I Magi oyou'; 3fida Madjoi,61: M 6rd' said, �166king at called' in. ilia � vl agei. became tha,' Village she wondered.' In vi Achool-'nilaireon; And torok�uo, hi tesorry 'far, hat ? yovulhomi,,layrr 'Bdlievoi�.znei it uite� anxiously. ."I Ar6'ydu.q Did they think of her gloaieilmas, Sad feel .0 buIlincleed must notL. heL af0gottin bar? r . 'L I , , , , yen, ntirse,: am quille, U in er residence L the little, red-brjok cottage built 'boold' 0*1,! the a erhapd - they '4!,TheA1 *ill not' age! -will,ko.wkongebra6times.,,�.6,uka thought hot dead --:and 66., fact, - ibo,j the 0 urge.. yous, will, You she M6.Ltell YOU &6�a q doinfort6ble lit, h d never,Appliad' fat. the annuity Which., tivel IWhat,, ld 96itig Wrong with , M4 'think li wide IN-aeildd at the other I.Indoir V �,youwere. b tYon, 'Be �le awaiting, wit 4640YOU, WiWlike:` it betterb Yalt' win Vfi.t live in the a little, kitchZ and 06 Hugh had' left bar Would hive given Val am strong. gjr6an -Such.. be Offbndqd,,.wiIJ IOU saabd Mia b ill noi aiwo,j 10 0 Is sidai Ana sbove'tojo . Ii ds'f6r :iuch a'belief. 'What 90,* Ali, brat. We at.tio'bod. would they. have Midi she wo 0 shnOWD for Q00o' ,Qna.of­0blch,, was dev ndered "a many Oted tolUmb6t;r ome. XOjilingrioa ac; or�.S Any -of us' -F.. Madge o3id,.Jdghin mate 9- 'gap;. *bile ihilili Other slopi the j 'men, if -thby.& known that; she had bee hol"yodfth. _that in,yritut, n blue t r Coin fend me 11 Shirley assur t, 16, Up, with 61 ma af been w ailiff Dys.- sh . had, ithout, shelter S liti al 9 , On 6 1110131143- ful handmaiden', A trim, in, (11 est . 1, i, hit toi:;our kindue Y'Would A� PosaWo'h&V6 td�pnh foil daydj; that venes& t lines. is j6 pu0shilie which malted th teen, she had.aIwoBt al oi,af. ,otgr.; the w !ce, C Ie', 1, I a lind Sh6fterlega. ilaw4.wbut for y.,qur, nurele Was but t 'fation? butib a is ro 'A", now.17 Said d . in o'.9hir- She Wag gio front. R be n oharity 11 Lor II A humble home trulyo era road-, aen0 ere is no work I will, not, d like it lilild Otafty.Lojidon lod' to,death by the' lay it Seemed a hAVen of - rebt.L After the plain stsrvdd wing stronger no*� although e e eUs'090 Oliphapt Ofteli-felt dissatisfied about d su gingo, h6r ilitin IYATURE,8 R o m Miss Madgei -But What H ! EMICOV I , earn my. breid,since," g-rOOin, her &aIth* Perhaps she would never' ))a in 'h� 5 of, Drl.Chaj6,s Li r, ver, lute i* it -joa lately, MyeAr ?10 again; but. all 1) u e 'h ohs Addedj*ltb. ' with itaL Polished wbodWorkL 2r-. -has exed and, bright win� really Strong i ill" 9i solely I . ' ' vl�! down, "it- comfortable!, old-fash- Was much at at9re's well the fact'llht it - Tvio orthree things,,, n -&not- she 'Ono is lane P10"ant, iiWl urge. better, -w its known jiv d So lookind 41132OSt like,7th coinbined-r rpthisto"' She d h Y�u-Moirow MaAke heraoilf 0 Shirley 4 dld,� in the blagk dr6adL wit oppe WA e any ore, And the White Mob.bl%p wiJilts, I of P)A* h4we'roff, a arrang6n4illiti f6i'the comfort of !be new W ; - � neyfix stonoaa and er hesumpan her beinai ning 11 all the she alwi a P684 I ba k 1knd herbs hav-�n She Opokoi S max Y13 on t id ud covered her face, an:tli�bta, .., Shirley Start6a Ana,. glanced L L 'Was a Shari PhUge in'-ih up quickly, teacher, for wh6m"'Shd baa­cond&�d& 66 blck";bfis� how, which. L' dy 'Oliphant revors .0 0.00 SOLD Wh L th' 6 little Attiolr6bm resoilL Thb.girllh face,. -wag fall of'tha most reach CA �d, fis Cina,& !re a Were , theii Shirt Y dud. ni. d liked th'00011061-Miatresi to vv06 Ree&e ffovk�r but.ohe spoke. *ithoU6,al, ivj,� if it A96 'M d no an asid:; softlj­� UP . , And the i6atumn passed eind ho whAe't .,.esy vita., 40 in16 L 16 "I G a . I I-wat 181t, miss; 01iihis �r , Mix "cell,,vi zveoo cojy , , , , i 'VOPerty­-:hi%d been' sekit. f011OW64filia Chriatmas 'eq doi of embstrAssment'or constraint; A 90 8 'OW11 feigned regret ove. A cottage pii1iO---1 caakne W, Toll m down from the Hall -,64.a � little boo V'' al L 'Xiels'Madge�86S, , 00 , A 2 with " kesne ld f allioned Christ eg ar Who�t ion haypIound. for* In 0 oNays A LADICS IV e known-ract, that it Iaxe ainie Mrs Foid. n game vo times of the girlW %, The Ali forgive I * I I I MAO, PeOP a called " in I th. . I . I . lb U' X fFP, lod A t W 'Buxurnit of, tbo�*, 4 mb�l hive p Inde eotioa�Diokans,and ThaokAr AlidwUponthegr6and the Qwh With a, hard'irbat and. V", liva. od`1 will do yeer, lay chiefly fill I.' - JuactJ -90mo,abroad Or sik months 'a shelves :And.& blue..hky sallo not distress you, a ig. Great,. go for thd whole , Winter. -You . know he fig ' k;hijIeYIS and ounshiae verhead. ver rented wisilmly nd n' liumberwl! -other roiling of the at= I smad sorry - far, You' I Ana Christas' was to. be, g. At, t. 13�insord, five111k9b'granite Mt Madge Boo, d Also Wite not - "' -' a' n ero nursid., a , y naff ' 0- At Eriaa&m. - Igtifulij. ai�yoa�ie soyoung: and 6dPretty lid. the aodioro The obildr6n', weroli� wall' inght, Bud, is,, 'he church was -age, to be as ozea;,,knives, eto.,, used me unhappi day nOW-116".111oVat ]lot Rok opeadmg thin drilledi and rated Ana joyf 1 AiltheinaL wek�. -to be. ouug : PagAh. epoolia.for sacrifice -Shall I tell you what,wd *Inter A ho- After o, time her duties beod,M6 fi4 in the 11 d, L at Were, thinkin the Rect i� 'fiii4 xf ;"f"Bat he does not look: Ill, kidsMjdje,,I� sufficiently.tkilliliarlot to be ry Wear C mimm I )ry, lit dmpoiiigo� the hisforical,im r lor the Village Aisaid Mm -I r-ord. cosolin Ing..) dertai Y 'rd'd'O 104601ad ift"evdrYcOtin a there:wd I re want, is Wache is, we thou ht yo imight bbthAt to 09 -and wly thoy. waili at times hobe f64sting �andi anthat; it 'I'd a Proof that'. St. a a OL'if L I - ., - A.I--L Shirt Yon fac b ghti4id din, h eyes were fail of -teare. � 7 - 1I to .be- go- Try �L Bernard A 6 of*' glior Bob I'll f 'the girl'i In such duties 6an, hirdly fal Ile, -7 "go , 4� .I , -- , . pinlinff fli-e-cTi-sinclination to, 8 ego Oo. so at 1 Ty L Ohs fta to *Wre� Stone the �Coin a VhI, as , Tliat.,M-briok bujlai�gil, he. ink 6 : A's wag, in abitboi by OiOU a the this' 0 AsAid ilonnj� hujila:xx belngel. a' ooButJ Her life"sithough hedeasarily Man for 6ven he 0-1 QJJaL fully altere i0land'. 1 t�s' lift is tie r abroad Will do him godd.11 lonely one.4 Itile hq 'tea 4 , ,O 1 Y girlil' oohd6l, ind thit little PUB, win not ' Maloof dail, 0 And h' Wi .00' 6 back With the 6prl paid her 6; hi on, ha tage beside it is where t her, Miso'Madge, bay desi Ford 19, M1096 Oliphant visit it the:.ddt,, aikes a Diff'' ( tags. Soijeflia-go the . Win L otenob. . . . I . .. �Do Von think yoawou�ld filke that ��Bfo;wma id the a It W48 own , h that she li'lioui-d spend t ill b6i'littio cotia L This is the f9wTO told,meto toll you,.,, the, Ith 6hlyatteadoi ' I , go 'YO,Oj I w1i - . pringj iodbobed al6ne,:her irt wig' WM in' L, 'little girl,went 6n,oulOt- Madge sorrowfully, n4ild a great bl called you, DO you And. the retrievericAlIdd lt6verj a, ack home Whiolilhad WMISin,"'asid hid Wife wy a0610Y W6014 be airtoo .co1d,,Mrg.0ilant*j present from Guy fig baf rom OL g`e 'bp. 'Ing to an rest and peaod,,, fo Vil Mauro , You Waniddt oft told w thaj' ffid'a�', and thAtiiiO cottage who a shivered." you l there..werd Mally'L Maiil Ifi,gdod 06A060-thlb. Mothers she was riding, and 'she Who Ave her hor�e-­*Ithiha groom Ana Mistress, fair face "at the'lil tables, uth L, OmfOrtsble little place. The last teacher Oh 6 yes replied William, elledpilyo Con no -oh; no III 8 dome i,6 �Bmiling Welcomed the school IIIV, onaly, As .. she radimto looking. 06 Shirley bid de a ail x* idia finned Mndg60,'.tArneqtIJj n%afrbm thoi win. br, lit , a thy in bat '6100 g yoof 0 wero vory.f6hd of hot# and a if An pre clinea everY invitation,, Sh Married to a 11 0 it h it Preferred 'to 0 Only to, be us dOw,,th4I1kfa1'fOi the i6thildarkoese in the 6, A W lqbL )nted her changiti coq hirlay tion'. gentlemapthodl odd little, r6o Ubtflah. rldi�lg.bAtv , ?reV1 g felt regret if the, gro, :,but Who is no* he -color , s6,ao In I Paid gently, bat, decidedly Vinit of Addinbrokei Thew d) tr' thotight for- bqeh A curate h t ng:hs do fro bore to press bar, fat ih n'she ,a 1. like "Charlite 'L 'Ilia hiagen ork ia ndvery ndtibed. ;in 'balhe st,Guy wad not there to her, awond si!blyn a0 .L. eaTin A, hi6g, and she was bVil, thbypt T2 I - 11 And: Major. gius�t: Sombfimad too she would walk'davirn, in t hoW, sage. tedumea 1i aminUte could b 11 go, Maafternoon And JAVO tea With'Shirl i lla. F 46 111061l0fi bat desire. tcidhatif, and you MI eaves t-rdoirow, th ey in a i%j6 Ilk, ardi, hoirkillg the, Th I 119 so ele .66 onow fell be, avii I paila061A of smlMay bof ILU am a t AU