HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-07-06, Page 51'. • r IMPORTANT N(lTrr fro the F[irraers and General Public., .i;l NTLIotEN, It ha�yn4; come under o:rriloticethat Alt n•, Alija, an:whine aged) of Lock now, 1b�l .iii th ,.•,.Iciand hlssuh-cheats c nity, are Iva/lout, authority, soliciting orders . for TORONTO ,biA.-- I ' \Ve desire to;;inyou we forin be" responsible for any ggoods f' will not iiitiil�ifa e th r our at may be purchased thr•otigh then),, and. that, we wilt not :iepp!y any, Toronto or , Massey. . wa )+hints-, for the'Luckuow are not ordereddistrict -.that directly throtgh',I,hoz... 1}O011g,'oUl1 only jteth.orizoil agent thtrt . ' for tl'r tui, vicinity. nity. At the same time h thein for . advocating oar. goods, We rein' ,in,.Youra respectfully,.• '. M THE MASS.nr 111 r 'a.C�o.' 17.77, Loclialsit• 'I'I1C people in this section have cow lali.ted their roadwork. Alex. Finlayson ,jr., bas recovered )roil)' .his 'sickness and resumed his studies agaiii in ,Kincardine.. • Dan l+Finiaysoii has; returned-frio►n' tlr� "1VTich:, tl woods Lumbering agrees •with Dan..:. b.. • Jno I.3 fill athesori left P ast week. for • • hiss ,Bella • Carne.roir le€)Moil Tuesday 'oFli. -,x t•. •( E3`1g'':iOr Calumet, : ltLlcllig lira. Matheson of Daiuth,•is visiting, at •ta -• ,rtliesoii., tiwiti1.he-101.tikados on 'Sat. u nay last Wit the exception of .a lit.: . rl sputrnb' about which .hall they : ivou id lay . �v ,_ther gaate-passed. oil' saioot; ily ',elle • sc9re stood. '!1• with an innings to spare in favor:of theClippers.' ,• The .;an a Was' uui fired. • i, Llir , • • y u�,an Ross aiid played in 11 IiQurs. =lti�t�y it,etivs. uses ofthe Head: Threat and I,un Treated bv'I STRAY PONY •Came +to the, remises of on f+'ridiev last !Ione ;the• young i pony The owner Jo 22nd, 1808, ajoungru'rf'el party, pay is requested to prove -pro - Y ex)ensedand take the animal away- J'ORN- PURVIs J,.,.y' , , el roue, The Principal of Treatrrient. •.r-.arr-rr.• f ' T :n Ae>tbe warm weather is nearly here;, I beg to intimate that my [N�arTO(K T' h►�►r N. Washington , E � , Nin•, LRCPS, .. rn[nent Luno,ar,d Throat Surgeon; ;wit 'BE AT- _.� CAIN'S HOTEL z' O ..1\T ON tj11ooRead W.Storey.'a (of A'.Storey . , Son,. 11Ianufactureie `P Seletter f reply to Mr. McCartney, Acton, Ont,), Oni;. ;—f A•eten,.Ont.,'Sept -14, 7.. ' - Greorge 1tfc•Cc• etasy, Esq., Bopne, ., ; • DEng Sin, �Your•letter received T beg to infoiin.ynitthat,Dr. WashingtonIn'roui- 'pletely. Cured ,mea, of 'Catarrh, of two.yearei. s andiu'g, whroh threatened to breali'down my.. constitution. snit) a •M1 had previously; triedM:eve -: receivia • S ry pbYsican--of note, withent b a parties,' of • good; ri,enced taking -bra medicine Would I' tom-•. suifoo.4te ...with • I would :slut iy throat at night, and.ou9 .running down .1 K a rind hadm k Sc'l�*hoaitdn� ' err mors id e V`,da ell -T r ~.. :ley nrago, andhave no return of.tetroubctin'confidently recommend Dr . Wash. .gion'toyon . •He is -no quack; •his charges. niuderate he is a fr, ; _gPntleuln in a 1 that teini aniii les, at least snchl a WY ,exlieri. 'once Believe me; 'yours -truly, piscases T e i H. STOREY,' Catarrh• Catarrhal Deafness, Chronic • Emir ` chitin Asthma and c o[[anmptiuu. A]so Loss:: of :Voice; .Chrome Sore Th or_tirowth wi , and_ P knife. _ Ail diad wrthliut'the k re.. - . nbalation,- . Inc New M•ethod *f-7 4 CONSULTATION FREE.'• - BEAUTIFUL, D LSIGNsriots • INS z sheoes FIN :41E SUMME'RWA` �. •1.TY 'GROCERY :. ., : R X?I.PARTM.ENT 'ALSO E E, _. • . XGELS. Teas , CoeOs, Sugars' • �' apices Tobaccos And ever'ytliing else . • in. general, nue' 'I would .also direct attention tc ` my selected stock .of choice designs in •` EW • FVE WALL. PAPERS RXTHING REQUISITE FON; HnUSEHOLD USE.. I'r WILL PAY 'TO PATRO IZE US. • RAY • ILL LARGEST I IN CANADA. Wo iouraerYQnck liable,energetic. • men ti sell our 'nu ; previous experiet]1 not meths- .V , any man with 'tact ar1:[i' energy can succeed ; terms itbeial, ,cit her, salary, u,• con, mi,,sion ; outfit free. Our agents have•advantages: such as tieliio;;. home.•grown, hardy. •Canadian, stock Thi, season, We,have-a number of choice t i,ecialties, • which re of lue,, and which char only ,l;r, Russian apples, e, 'such as a complete .1sts ot'uew 11 I? t' , the Ritson:' pear, Saunders bplure, Hilbur raspberry, ] Toor's :Ruby 00 , 'ape Ohs w picu, currants, ,Moor's . ,T•liatriat;icl We have given particular attention to the propagation of hxr d3'-361.raeties auiti rbic„ru it c nort}r tsectioris of l;a,uada, For terms, ,apply tri atone 8L •We11i�l �toi TOROW.TO,• • ONT. AGON :.'MAKING. •;MORSE..SHOE:ING • C E N,E R,AL. B,LACKSMITNINCi. •• : Adam , Thonil+son. begs, leave to 'clava.' the inhabitants of Liickni W and aurroirntliii •cou.itry-for the•liberal patrth,ag„e,..bestr,.u- d •un him durini, tho lastseven yearn,. and .wishes a., . contrntiance of his Old customers; arid • a fair ;share of,the new, as he'is.:in •a better position than ever to supply the wants of the' Public; ]3e' always has unhand a•stockof , • .larged �'f ails from the Thrat ` and_ g pii s frniri the nose t d lyPii, '`Tile Literary society of this,•place lite a piciitc tit , the 'lake on Moiida 5 f' , oritc o trip fair,scix• were badly tanned. `.hire -'f -posh --for • -the ' telephone; are being -- put -in between •Kincardine and here Trion course is` aloe rt eiitlr sideroacl to the ',boundary. and: thence east to. Luckriow. • grain uyer contemplates utt nazi,e.• elevator - in his store house:. thin-=fail;'an '.wb;tor sa4o a ,treat If'rYould adeal of herd Iator. • A little boy belonging. to Ntd• Hod- grns,.;hotel Iceeperr died•: on Sunday af- ter,loon, ,Cause,:Suppostd.to ' °be.di theria. Ile ' was.: only sick o. couple of cl tys: , �< • oi:• tueilt saodesa ares t�nese�' "'.TM'f� Thr their business, seek it, attend to i o'clock In the morning u. ntil snndoq and control it and• don't' let i Neither do. they waste time talking. They look `after their workmen,, k. • ninoli work a .ratan: should do in a that he does;it and pay him: fore A. poor workman, in their' experic •,dear at 50 tents a day: They And policy to• procure the beat .• men, most, work out: of them .and, pay .t wages. d man in, their• employ what he'is worth Any man. who -fair day's work for the.firini gets a fa ' pay ' They don't believe in hiring kill time, nor' do they .calculate to inen:for more than one day who on 'Th when•the boss is around." The e 'cdoes a service' to hip men when he d a I. 11 day's. work. Good men glad it By insisting upon such 'plain tri are inculcated above, the , tendenoj make' lazy worknien into . aotive o! - Oft careless or indifferent workm �• morals and manhood,.. to teach r--' respect ;themselves , and to earn wages. ; ' There is a " chunk'" .0 • business .philosophy in these . wet firm, and they, are snited;forlocalit than Nadi Scotia..•• 7,77 si • • In various Styles of B ding Without Patent Index. and Fail w,heo,t is; a failure in this'section. �.. • 11•Ir Shaw our. Ante"r a reel Frame Mots ing MachinesR:'d 'ei en ... t ma Sulky Tray Rakes'. k-, • Mason &: Noxon Grain:.Urtirs... Woodstock and Chatham Vann gra W.,,,, ons. `ranancque and Other Buggies.. C. G ' R1d1ng.Ploughs �czng Ploulis; 30 different Styles to choose. tram • Iron.Harrows; tivtth 60 and 72 teeth: Miller's patent new model: Disc, Harrow. `;Iron andp: SoWers. Wood.$cure' 'Single and Donble;Turni.' bath :Se : .� if • es..' fitianiea SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROW which hP'always has on hand and aril in id f ' • the: very best material. • , .Parties wanting,inv -thing in this line will do well"togive hiw.acartr • and ries prices before purchasing : elsewhe - Particular attention, paid to AL;L. KINDS OF . HORSE S�IOEINOr' `I flat feet, contractions, aril .interfering. By strictattentf on to bufiness,. good work, manship and.employing ' nothing but:•giod wo ktnen, I 'trust to retain: th,�;. l atrima, ; -.kindly-exteutied'ttreie. ADAM. THOMPSOII%1 Campbell Street opposite tb u :Bozik: n4-'theni ;pilaw besides many other valuable features, it'contafne A A Dictionary of 1i8,0OO'pords, 8000 Engravings,' Id: A Gazetteer. of the VUolr looating.and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionar' . of ncnrtyI0 00J=Noted'Persons, Ail in One'. Book..'. 3000 more words and nearly 25o) more Illustra,, tions' than any other American Dictionary. ' WEBSTER ;IS : :THE STANDARD, Authority in 'the•Gov't Printin p`:Office, and, with the U., S.Supreme' Court. • It le • recommended y tl,e•State Sup'ts of Schoois' in 36 States, and the leading ::College Presidenis.of the United States and Canada • Y of the lahguage. . e. Toronto' Globe says. Its place is- , .. very highestianh• . • ho' .Toronto Week • siiys .I•tis the one anal •authority safety to bo relied on. Tit kill sa a ■�.■ Y : Its use' is becom- Ing Universai'in Canada """77:1177'"""'". „tee Canada. Edncational11lon t�eao er can atror to ' e Wit �y oaks: No ' lio without it, .........____w. YoTribOnaccys: It15 recognized Ss the ,most 'tisefu l .existing '`, word-boote it of the English Iangna' all ver the World. b Y 7tie .LonQon �"—"”' � ' 'Pllne3•sayc It. is the beat Die. tions�'i��°" �• Th :In .10.1smal, Doleful bouht. :STEER ,ESTRAY. Va‘ne, 'to Is .Rreniisea of the falbs4riber,,Lat • st 11.111.f awner is requested to prove proper- ' ,'ty, pay espensos and take lain way. • -- "O••a o r Illustrated Pamphlet sent prepaid: C. IrIEEllAAt,loeo., publishers, Springfel/1, Bras., U S A. Nay's New Improved p ed ..:..: 'Do"ubl a- ' - a. . ct ing :.P. i. t c, li tng • � Machine, P lchinPo With steel track. Panders Scales, etc.:Clothes Wfi• gers, Wanzcr Lanps,. Washing achroesAS many ofthe above articles, have had �a)usble in-Arive nts added for 1888. Intending purehnsers would -A° well to call and °exanito before'plating their orders.Repatrs; for�ll above.. MLt6-ne:Ull, eeqles, etc.alrsYs-on ltand , Binder: Twine,� Pure INlani ' '� � • , lla, east Quality.. so >Lc� ed..' A thousand' first-class Cedar . Posts, for s .. � .....:_�� ale: IL it • prices 'A call l •t lazy ,thright 01) I Inmost, ore the ones WO 'Local, awl sAtIeswelo,. ITZIS TOO Jo Has' just' received: a htrgeatid swell,' selected stock of hne:Trunksj' Valises, Robes etc,' which heis sellinck ' . atbottom prices If you wish a ' Fir..t .Ci . ass Truals;; Goat~• or. Dutra* ,, • ., call. . a' r iigle and Donble r.:.e_. always ": 'Ordered Work a Specialty. R. PROCTOR. CHEAP CROCERIE AND IS I 0 NS. The Undersigned having this day. • bought the stook in trade 9f CLOW is offering the same at tho' REDUCED PRICES. Ail whO desire bar kiln% miNg AND: Boov LEEPIESSNE8 71,43 '',.are the only' genttiile Englisit article's 'in' the Canadian, Market'. College qf'PhYilicans and Surgeons of Qiieb00 ; tiro 1)Ptth of the ,i'r7 ethos!. • Ptiootty of lam% DO • 'Plating, Matching and Woad , Turning to order on the shortest, notigo., \-oty 'Lowest