HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-06-29, Page 3I: 00"4 wir so IValatabli, D s -]"ih no Ap Cp=V0ut TbJU ""*04 0,140.yViisgo 10 voles. iOrime That 1�egultod' 14,14, To, a a, 01W Sated pya jx� t9l 4 to anii� TiWilis4i *1991Y on I Little �ou know of 9 Q "poolight the Orewp aft Tolitiou, sy that! aleepleponeii" POY eto- )ut�dut equipma,bij as soon as spring P ies, " ,of the", U66a' -4 �pe rgq64#d# bad me., . tii0d,,Jh9. setsin.; The. most, Iq3RO or'Bay, t suo oil oxp�wi Aga As a Vn, ii he' ti say , a 1 list aphodrim. vASL at Tibeiri it for, va 8� Lead andAs it costs-& gOO4 .00al, PX 132000f y9oro, a synog9ga valialat M w ffj� ina th- m4j�* Made to, order,, per T 11 r,, ho a, * tbing ,n vivant. tat me N to ease4l -06 ties 4tor Wba*. 0 )No.,, *IKW of pip, having 4, Qua this i4o inien peod,4, .few �doys in t a school, connected, with it,ai c bye. 0 ortsiply, so th d to A, or PrQjudico, td villisa on wlihout It ope 0 Cl mow Oita� debilitating Whb YAnday pohools. #�Dpdq b V be nnfit, for would, .like know prbsent obaiclieshave,thei*S bowtii inaka tlaq d obool Of! languages, begamg, offeQ4 apoll *40, system#, W hipri it To& ever dresm. of eating . t do wo , *p- [ 0* ok 'o f Bi;y of; goic tait A A*olaiq State there, is poorceily ony r otout a 28rd, 1787, Thai appearoA The Ship Bou;atyi, Do ce o the oreo6ture,* with its cost, r I sedatives n ibrow M r 4 lateo, Ad A& a ; a sailed froi;i Sifilliad, Fjpgl;md,, bound to A leiiiaiti6li. *atd.wfde ocott n' loth and cut into three oJ Tibetiog, is -eye hideous head, brown Spotted sides,, ip isirq,,p gr t na com- ralmsteredin Other disesseaTor the, "id t stripa'Of three- each. Sew, ih666 pt. n i or a, vil the South'. Bea. The Bh' mu4oient toi4ake away an tian's. appetite"; go.) ri ege. Yi , t, the flesh is* tender an�palatsble..WU stripp4og6ther.seou hiS. erlapping, And! By mission from the britlifi-Adibitalty to1bit W 0 e ,xd . 40909, 0 carries, one back 1,000i yeAro, .4 ,Jyby icy Yar I' by st�ne, a the ogisty-and other, islands a fr' no ti fried it- tasted very rpuoh� I fidunder. 3, . J: , Its— Lroo .. - inadotiect, eff'eot. When rou will 'theil 'have a` iece ree a f io,.oUTl;Qrte4 rches. on retires, .9 io excellent SAN the centrip. Is S, he. broad fruit. Onto, Which oz. the. pight it is imposeible , iolation. of,twialve ounces t Sharks are, Ale ng., They ire of certaint' 414 poo -of hherqp, a 3 t6*9JifVd14fiat the got water, and zoak. t e got on Wieit Indies the, British wate", '' "'a 'if I U_ SIAM, tin three by t Imp tqoertailiof to ow W0. Any: 069w Pl6tiful. in these, ro� f lime and', ounpia ago gonstructed of' -fox the pu 0 , 6, of' hoi4e, Uin d to go a in it wood, which" is 'dried and to flesh is gim.con "d., th contano Q !expo b lot -Oh Rtq 0 _Ut''y 134 Ahrted. hot, 19U ;. 4, y JOE I id pgrg able'to for day. 0 In warm U AtJ e 0 1 1 �*' , 'a' 1, o palate,, on Ptqo In& wbotb tiod 1. , , tboio� island a0 old, Idni rain *&$a]; In ket L i set, toAno fro fy ttor I .. 1. L I - I . T. .8, 10 t homewar' & _ - - t6 g.e ry t will $bon, Bli 'h 'eq the, Mor Slid stretch in the, out to 4 voys ;j ut be*ed - from "the' log. dohe a 6ommand. He Was�otshy pilustiolly' over I#' 0 a low price. ding: 510 I .!e ftiter� Jpirt, 6f t; a iisinarkobly i water r rbag, t of be L proof.' BBthe night.. . Sympatbotio m r Having roichea, your. campiag�o�t Place; land tot Is in r, thA rA bi,q lio,t a, insulting disposition. It 41 Sbark, flesh Is, Arm, And in toots hardly lisoring iIn 9 so- toInaily, Soy, to, YOU'L embers of you* qOVj ilouseaFlietcher'Ohristian,',th6, mate, with, lie perf0otly dietiuguighaplf out two. poles; eight feet, lob each wit, igro as to teach t q to ei k- from redfish., A delicious and be 91 gli havinj Stolen' quiet and stop.thinkingtiad you: iiill soon 16rk'st 6ne end Sink th 4re StIon. W I at ci t caThe Meat I a other endsla assembled ogingregation. w he. haa' be �ide Ocimthe bought at Otoiboite'L 91;0 of the islandathey dop off tty oleep,10 Stop thinking,, -Ind al, fing. the ground About a toot And. beat the egrili cage, mutterin L rl =i -is est wAln .10&d L. or, frieAln 044, The g.and gestic, 9. BQM6I foy Or "i , Mitsiting the blooto bla-B16 ormine , to, times In thiNtlia Ad well to M: them, firm in hese. Be�& isle as to stop thinking 0 one of thi meoiboat­6i L a 'as informed % oI a. through the la away, fro, m the ship� An— y on this coast, is the game otestprof hich q trom 4 an S. the boatswain -that the crew were'ready tia, s.. - - More ideas, race throng h X� fleSS night Victor H wroti. n -his Now out andther�polo 'about feet l9.pg. weep as they frantically throw. up #.%r 1put 1#6 'O r R 0 e. novel, bir phyla fidties a fi. �Azl Y.O* 5,06 P9Q and put it on top of the other twOj rest ng 4rms; othem ..'kioa tb 0 ipy.� He Surprise captain .1�* , T'oilQXSLgf the Be&."' nthef6ik ut two,more poles ten fees they told and, tahfolcl. them-. About the left *�_berth madesi prisoner' of 0. n Appearance I is 16 Y; t Ii@tAffiqthe oc It is knowri to scjen� Thd captain %nd i e ndaceiieg conat ith & d match and,go until long for the sides of your frime','-resitmi' arm on t4o'head others aronnid, JpoSSeSBidJa the, ship. horrible moniater,. huge. head and ad of* each pole ort th& 6rose po wod, �oest #me ith their hinds a) his -officers'and Men Were., t an fln0e,like fei eighteen of )I , diss I to other thoughts., peengs body furnished . With... )Iere one end: .2d feet., Christian, vith e 41HRonIttodiBmisaw Asthe1our euoe to 'the coming Of, the 'get, Adrift in ar� open bat, . which some timea,$roWto, be thirty feet jZ the other end bri -the gro b ana. Stretch the Any, refer -"A.W#lt I 01; _ ero w lit men illy�ex, �n theii con as ever *he .from and tack it, to, the Xosdoll excit f 64. Little Ia't 011. 'SiM 4ardpolitioish.-on eo.'them to t the tbAd poisine" f 614y. Island ii 11 � je't SL grip.of Mkkq- the else reinftins in Tiberias to, inter4i o&Ud. Sixt en..OfL ihoal4go 6� sleep P This recalls. to, your kt weather -or with the boughs.of student. Relics of 'the, 'Past are fourad and . sixt them finally decit to -eleotioEbbodl e.11 ter Oct d' h i Lljoya read ab t theigrei 3eaai and otlie '"trees. This is. the oh34 ill remain at Otaheitei while hristian'4ul the peoeiefflos. Of L ;p W yor not in ueridd the ri�at, t elvw Ot 4potcol "pli, it , 0w to 4elt rue," it' and- least expensive. tent you., 1055 the 1preqent,�, DjakoL t out, -from - the our anattlei'. 061 a e, And it win - ano*er y purposes aa of, the,,'old temp4,, fVill ad silt, i syenitocolurm ii. g' -o to elaep`.� -'B't ohip:'for any phice'that 6hiA6 k b ii1j; po a a might ta y mer.e m a In e or -Of t e, tent,. for'the i4riobf o . ,Jt ii'Bfinplydelicious-w en prOperl hJrig wa% heard -of Christian and slag I -you '.find y PR:Wer �prepaxqa. it And old po Not knie no will shoni iouiabe a little, more roomy and .Mo4amnliiik; rphyry oola them Ube.�'out- You W L those' 'who, had gone. on 'the* Bounty for left -L If,you are a bouselleeper, a per� Pieces and coinf6itable if., ­, ould put up a , 060044, ire.thriowli upon the ground Said honowea stewed with'herbs. " It becionlep I've Ubb tOL Worry about tile'diess- th, hill, twenty years. At thend-og that time in hope rso th *Q. substance of delicate flavor frame in thereat similar to that in front, opt for,,publiii horse ti.odgha rise at 1ailti in the MoUth.L =feet bi hl, and strel a pors are PINY& ­ egard the flesh dooignE 'a 4ben &.jelly of C t erloan S ip ap . ; , - Ain ;e4:wi fio 23 �6h the city& 'fi a with bits of friege chioel 6 ory W es of lisp are .Select, G i pal ,for. by adovidelicaoy.- 'There 'a. after recigh that of a devil job )M SOL -to Put your Vent -on, so. that Aiatipas. The'L( calle& na0 Attici are'slaughtered in'the t a dZenowto1lidgiound. ('his' �,�Usm oui' veA Sloping ground I., . Cr F , L Ur Mind L otho opepiewof �devil bl h yoW cannot dip. as 'hein lr&ii yo which iest hope- Was-afterwords change o o n - Admine).. a skate.or ray fish. TheI largest of .'the la if it rams themater will readily rut.off the Stre of th - igh_fr6ro'loo, to. IS PL ' Directly,. bilij, good 09methirig. th , xmottx4o#v9;, '"6 isid,1e. Whi the. sold sUrviior ose At A easly.filthX,;.,t 4 ,q?,te4t; wei gundm.-Itris excel :*hobsa saded'on the Bounty. Christian' do h J4&62g, 'idown, the N' like, the outei cellar or,�ap you al. 4ine. thep'eiaoleare,depidsood; and tue arago, g- the, island a ., place Where .'there , JWOW. -eat!ng,111 1. I L thiV 3& 114t "' t�will:: li�, bil;6 Mon. tons -us, 1� the -'king dt the Ross --intimaii-dibat hisinf6 nt yothinkin' Who repbrtir ana t here . come the'Pilgrila their being dior fision4to an .per spa Sol sid� witauldbe little-chanoo ol id h no One maybe, iTight -bl i to Provide enough'osp*4 46. 4 - here. . To n,*, s�.orjep Jaws to die, in older thaitheii boriber may FOU ties'* 'Close it -you -isci,ilandedthere-nd, burned.ptha, rMifigithoicellatI -B4;AaAh6.ndi 6,vimon6t, had better. Place it -with. the 6 y� in en a Man 'I", cb At length. give lip that a" Aio. Thinp -went' Brilbothly fiat',4VIrofiepeate, ea. : slid the. front towardo.*the, north'or' northwest, for. rest. 61080. to'the-L toalbi of 'their wiRe': men the, bon. vivant .',bitterly resented 'if . all . re *bell 'of., the.' men, having lost , Then as your circle of - thought'begiqg. to. f_ L Storms, U, A.M. P1 ill probibly who before ; g6m� .-declare that 11, have gone wke, waisted, on 'to M1 0 - from t1pe i4outhwe'Ist. here. be Moishill. w_ - appear,-"Rdward.P..-_ $6 PSrtda,L* the 'Met words:COMI g L torn t ng one 0i *the Ots, ; narrow , you' concentrate it upon,the bed., the lo! er, whii continued 'to assert !a *teah" belled IYU ow, Aiocovertk Vohere areI h ibea-�Lfo ho the rude but ds r. i i little Wilsoli in.the Centu "Swke is igoa estip!, and, if youk4opi aon pa. in lim tM a Be no those Who bavenever odou0iod Zter, but"foil obeltorto, W la i# t di r VIl ree ofille i4t. ,Ajottf h ;t go ina t4 for yourself. The an �kinea O�, 18 jan of ]for Qkampsln the 0 UIVER both A Iah fioui� 134, �bay lem. a he *bites, Wit tlie aid t f r ywg On L if at,'' i L ly f 'res and the sounde t ,gortyPerobna of Uoth sexis are greAq killed all the Otabeitean Men.. - 0 our and you meabolly:,feel Lthitt 'our modern n L. f, The reporter ba* t6 vip e 0 or Soap, g Been i�don- Pe kow,le Vop1he island.- One of: 'beaR must 'hSvei boem��msdei Will -find it superior to .the tro4bled With,oftippiL in one L or both thelk. men were riow,le tti� thii�iime aborles sleeping you. -Chicay logo. It ery ora M house. b4mas on suddenly#'� idit 4000* 0, and, best. -ro' rig"idinto* .2 ne. ievore. X- ct people !a m q at of..fbea lit I, atea lob JAY 'farm Von r wnmal''itb;L Sep em I beponain& i*lo� --V�Uu Mr. Jo M. Olmsted, -Garden, andVoreaii somi3,voeitt)�'iub.-thii'lbk...�:--,, an ol the' responsibility resting Upoul' him'I'D .,Out..#& h onamentS1, tOL in.rd ey. wo xcieptioh.to t a 16ott for lidiroir till' - 6s L r th' h- Itakdef strong IS 6 be kti ai if JjY�g: X"Ings.sratoga Chips.. Bond for the -teischitg the� aeacendoilat&' of --hini4olf`an& your ear I 9.1ores own �Monsirbiities4o be found in -some modern fanifly - phy'slo n, and! ven, cbig co' oI the, trithe of the. Bible. iheveiywillodf iteptisonladuse,and every- -'Barstogs ps, as all - know who have Ele preferi the- simple grves, then it would be hours before the gpszll� cemeteries 'I at taotbil'the article, .,aid niado such. Ther6iO nothing easier, than Theres 'So model 66muttinity; In o you as if thia-world Was. ever seen or as are to be - seen, bear farm would let ul to Upol d" 07,7p. '86L froI mom., et,go ts, hold, -'and it 'folk .1itsburi Dispatch. 'hoasigg,�'b6rderiid by. Wild floweri, 'lying to makiiiihe op " I 'Asidinisi7aroi '1830 -,the atoes, at YOU carm Ibland, but., in 1860 APart. of 41asih- ti6turn6a lended,togethbr 6i'soporate The.,lprboess, of inartidnoture is a' very p6sidefilly std'�961atrasive, t0*111101 E W"Kailes ain be scooniplishodfwitbout!sendilig-fojz- is t1i , , l Z I JL if - t ­ to.,Fitosirn. '. This coldily, has since, 'been them,;and'Within You there, is a conscious- simp a one,. 0 OP y,. machinork,, us�4,.. . a iron, ferlbio& often isY be thma: ind in need, of a one 2 1 ing doctor; who"n in fbr the purity'in w1a nbas thist'you are going to sleep.', Youtee'l Bob aimple,toolo'can be 6allea-tiSchinery, it 1 hove V Patieat,­ remarkable ich, it has nloue roximi y - suburban good n -re4t. Whini I . I - . 11 . ..'I , ' ' alua udL alsts pf a -slicerI.: The b ' do. . How M fi, who is Subject to &I d" tained - t is . priijo es 14413, by ibconifortibli. waim, and you acort begin; Cian parer and a Urying grou" U -more ap- WAY%'A 'h 1- �11 the to petspir0,'!6uggeAiv6 -that the fever hiffornier Is coihooied.of a round plece of id ielf With a gooa,strbng STC tin pr6ptiote'racidist groiVeL stones- than the big,; him to provi a him patAu'ra a� III etweeu ya 186% 188 a number i6iurtystskn 4g@ n: the: 'on' 6nd of Wcekv6s, is a handle,: whi14' atsilngly, white %RiyVibin obelisks, briokda d6rd. A long, gaitiir:mill . do., if . nothing nSpent itijlf 0 S� 4010and. '.in.. 1818 on becorn . einorinol,. mini on " op tho-other,containsig,knifid sobet that:if 11, -topped OreekOolumns, Ronasn:-urns,, weep., elsq'is hindy., When the oramp comes on 3 thb cirgulaU sfiipa� gained at s�isitedthb place,., off. an SgioUaly into an Mire red in out a thin paring The latter consists. - ad the leg over . - Aniericibn Ship. Harry Mill cop Ing Italian. Renaiggsl3ce canopleso -take the. cord, Wind it i0ou 401dr i�-O' t ­­ 'liee;s ape .00 . A XM6_ --I , .. b a 11 7sevi6ral- a- ­of­j�knife' a --ln7ww . f t the �Ahdi*�'kuda 4 the plaw'�-ibAt-iff-cramped,-und-takd 880 K1. by a crank,,- allow a ul wn& And. gi�d 'it a sharp Oull,, dtfieslaiploLiveft6i6l." Inthe ou are n Ur ore oleo I once.4biob, on. being,iurne _y t2coguments, and whdi�i all'. rie ff 'end, -in, each -hi accompame y - = .- 01 -tW-- _Oijif 6- iie-if _j�n­d­ I ttFe. i6t Amilleribou- - ship, , the M 4 IS .0 a q tato 0 Swal 0 -7 neso is caused, 21n gooti are anni Ated by -rows one t at w u. I at V'M -thickness. Only the beat k6f - potatoes cin can go.% the: auffer6l, Wpndexing J.d*i, BtOpped,it, the-isloila&and jilwe.xenef'Lth�tl -know of upop rows and scattering ow 0 *in lot up'. 'to to ;the, of, the diit of""Over-exie fie� asid� sina.,eIien. theirther 'ist WAStO,. fory-midei-white marble grave itongs, sit asoutid'it -will notoomae-onagela on leaving Cpt. Talpay I is 91 In 'er on idge ad &a tio-bb &s. me 7oi the . peiinahent gure,,jiv6 jOck..witlibini 4iiothipr 6ne'df- com inoth4neivi'dosysein .or -i o e r a ihatnight. IV the ircbit. as all opedke aild. other imperfections -a -t A t617 Mai hat or o .'t must be carefully -After tbe.pigtai-� This W.A0ErnaE1t,R6y.*ooaChriat, ivoia doing - ut oI ossibid, and.looking as, I h'DUgh they,'Would' about Six ;or tighl'oelle �of galvanic b i t in are slided they Wre placed in -water and heaved ott,'of plumb- by . tive 1 I C e4e; p Fletcher rioti dtiib'it..,;-.06untry.Gentlemam, toda y -frost. with thb-pois pole sp�lied over thee ot pro allowed, to!- iialkiii Several fidnio, - -biding we, pdl� ovar'the. hi . i iftia lit Hullillliglkimd Kriffies Anclaa-if all tho ronum6itgL ind: that. cramps, and,the poed.ti, orSeeri%'houe Stirred. - oi6oisionillj. . This is fiok.�the � grl! tfiigh. . Give it. for, ten rainutesi sud.,repeat Christian h no* 6, a, horse, %'fio 1&U410 OXIL.Nlef"t.� grove stones were. not - enough. � to xightin if I � have saved 3 itbmisi3ibn,:innumiersibl6'fences .every' -week for a month. I io a roiriIain, would: vante 'the - c9i are'addea, ince I tyof oisort 1. '&r - any ��qiiodruped.. � -Ria' deliglit and,-,' , , 6f rbinoving' the' stircli,. which Wituraintos a ,ow isidrs tonishmoni - what. he first.,, saw a steam 9hich-'rosybe ��yaelf many a g6iod night!o-resi,simily by evening paper obseres, Anent All 'd On. his : _y described via the this-id-the.most-show-! -1k;qtiiig my iptiahts Subject ti 'train Wetwulaboun4d. to coit6osout. Th iie then reis , 6 Spiian-of the notion, 'w . a . a I tre a 6t in -a brick oney" cast iron, Up how to use the dord'ai. SboydI_L, I bay .9 "h ilothis mighty vodo6for' orcbii.ip� apoitursfissfird ..engine an t,' for boiling. '; AlArge. kettle,c-, a arrivil Ch roar otiti voters: 00ii '6ii never lorgi greatest Engn 'burbingi foncisi And, as iron ruito'-wito ookn t-, to "a . ha�6 titedilib &tea - 'wl -:the the-effedVollistenin kindness, and when he left is the rttime, n6r is itin Unplibileallb dcand is.kapCneailylull of hot lird.' 33poughat ithnsture,' -lislUthein land he 't�ok Sri$"- V Which is some*hikthirmonioui shor Zigillad Worked ghi and *hioh!hiisi11Bth&eir. Th6*o al� ' , , 1. , L . . t -tisnipe toespre 40104112,'t 6 'kettle to cover Such 4,catastrophs' b the p4tiint wad in the mc pres6its,forthe, i4lG49r4 joh, A. la is geil;rally Avoided. lot iiitense'agony. io6lothedy,64�.andih the aurs krat jerk of. the' de; w on they orebolled'iintil the k I 'iray black, adds lit' -the f on the-abix vil encon orgapis 'sperkt-� a 9 . Y. pointitg An iron-wor a g op. , P ... , I . . -,. - - -a� ind, Ur6wn. T' 1dtR,-.W, St.' Clair, M.D ..the vivid white,or by *gilding. i aa Gres cisco, --and going compil tioly around 'Ong-, Ime 11�-a ing� tcild%ra� become. or; hey� are then cord ll paid 'caL, to hi _: &Lghro I 0 lidle-&6ut; Bpi! salt.. and placed. over mo tes, store. a riterth* h wdtld. be ore 'He in a, ieI to ity, After cooling 3hochips, ti tqdyingit�sndiry nkled.Iiii1i 4n k�jiial homic.. hi Mr the measur#Ar onebi erie Ira fingilly ome lo'the b6n9ludioil' that the that.the'rusfiagers 'of country' comet a.16 are ready for -peiokh2g. They are .#nt *in alicittid establish a rule � limiing fences to di�Ep�st t6n-e- b th falling ostariet'WAS omas,th -yo bo one-half pound' li )dssary,� -and requiring ife"' c age after.�: at" son stout ps .00, inthose t at site ne( (06innii4 over er, yVars'old.', Sh T iI du yaq rgan bok� in ;retisflocl fiai-�.fifteen.,.'oente per ih aa given.mo- vwh� 4dver vipited,the ho.rid, and great I r . . . doe to be, W coinfolimity With some gen- making wparclas 6esi be' Pipe about 160 feet in length, and of pro, d W, h mirso lop A . 'regard ii kiestili6exaAbd oral scheme devised. with due to the Wrong change. \Husband (os�vsgdly) 0. .. p6itionste'ditribripiona ad organ. gpies,-%riB packov otric,. sabordinaticIiI. I -her age.. � no Ip at hisripony with and to thought'sc,.1 thouibi sd;. that's thii'wjyl ow, 160 foot, *Jaie� ia 0 the E il MOCOY'. kept. 'I made. 'N 'Thero- shall be oilike subo,raina,4 'my, hard' -earned money goes. Trust 0 ose heighi oUtbilalle (this. y6ribelrom' 160 to. Names thIxt.,30"eiviS.. atew 11 L Doi- tidn 'to nature in ift other &I odn- woman'- to -jet fooleo. book to the, to hdr all4he. timd;`Mlin P bir iR; iian nearly i'80 feet),.1a, hatichi lbidgigi than any Catgat is do. from the, enti4 a of structions ich as retsiAing-walls, bridges, counter , slid got is!*tnsib O& At; Stso qq*,,4he. oul. eep. or an plpe.id made,. and the SOuna effiltied 1,47oh'are thq-fift't girl' 0 - m own &get, 9 oads, alksi, utters;, steps, g e ife returns to the 6buriter\oad hands tbe. over by Sucla ]Pipe would not la� sensible . to us -is not-b6ne-and-i :L A. that � ave' Whalebone �dit�� � -as -obi-on—.Thigy 66 -olerk-ori-� l;-, y as a -musicat Sound. '21aereitoro our airs 0-0&ia- vault fronts yoii been dbin an go all, yoa,66n. possess a. iiiijle property of bone. formality and'sitificislity in a slid' g, 2 Wife-Miki"i the oban ..d - . . is pillai liad ndhigtorlb!11�110011rte.a-. hi.,"He Ila -too paubh.XHusboina. likol � &I NbAt dt o6uld -not . apprefiehil - the muii� - of. the :,r Powpo at all timeii, for they --and r e ., r ng Ire me 02 i ga deopeat toneqi Ike on -ears Sri it )�­Well, by jin an 0q a r t at they have set out to . e thin evel go, I�Aligklead,is got lead 0 &Ili but a cona an ot.­s-Bosto) iL.CoUriet. lelibtfil - to ti6pAh Poinpeyin ny way.,. h' ople 4.7 we give is deep i6kid musi oemeters;SnO not -in architect you &roan I -6pil poundof6arboh-and'a'.9mall quantity of oordant theti Anidug 1he" iiddinawomehwho�- 0 Stry, i66oiding. to, One act6unt, 01818,11119 itop ship on this o0coBiOn W&B Mies, ROB. in ; d illation, of mext Plessapt for the Doetoro y' 6, of' the slnQorrectly� oiotea.'The organist inuestio biie�pfttrslo- needle *so n4 ero6teaby the -Th reop- !bat missiofiar "que _y nearlylost lio life, oungii on d ' d not nearly three' 0*oia n are 1"'50,600 White melij- 'through tin outburst of fanaticiemai it -� F,66,- lid: She s*, At suffeste., a Boa 'in.ber onor., Possibly -thei on'-: the Isla roge-L but a speoig . a of pr 'and' as' 1, Ithat tio time about 2 . B 78M, ter be low thirty-twb,foet.C, but about V ahs at to b&rly : ad called, in,,, Alioxiov, - dhad�ne 'Th iont have,ohOwn, the, Chow, China. the doctor like bdlidw'� �;that - zabie. e j,pre morr. haaA, y so diffierentiated foot.. BW461 among who waiattending a patient with be ffied tid define the �Vaot harplonic huti y &1mate. : 'Then "there ire 'Otth an: a inve themselves � hi orgal ei�-, t�lilslsndchutohi aver W&gL no n4a in Gar- bage, imm6diitely proceeded to.0hook. the edt 11 . [ bJQOajL the jidAt *44dallo, And: baiia to-the'069. does tiole'. of mixed to �,the' pumbef of about not' contain ot'�par lattei, in disregardof a native"' siaperst'd let6d. her- father in.,toaching the vq- Ausion that the task, was all but. hopelessi 2'600,000, appitoxims,te'ly, . a I n id these, f(cato I Ion., I ko oi6hobl)l And was the leader in -ever '6 to silver. cording to Which delay should ha�ve teisli naide Uni1thionoll &: steady ki�d Of a tone Seem Turkie'll bithii did'not OiWafite, iatur.- tered'overthe'.ropablic, diffirbi many *48 'ac' ito tb6 womenpli. n 13. the patient's 'friends had - a. yMuch. ­ . She J' C Qooaat�. Of L the be mointairl6d.;,add certtitlY-'the imig- Otb%thoopply heated cham.. through olimitic cause ' Then comibibout as Writtell All a I Ifinighea coniulting tlie.gddiiointhd�'Josew' Might rdadily - Seize upon such. * a &no .zome very -VIVI. fbrtlI6 Ve Bud ehee toia-Mr6- a ntuv house., The- pationt died, lid the Chinese note as the, authority. in' a, i vili slid -' dthero'bar. qtiestion.'rismis 'Cuttlo'boad is not bone, but a iia., of iza, some gem -ox zed- that She novei had all idlimottent. a 0 would have 6ailqa1he doctor in,64 bu or Whether the indefinite souria - could, be chalk once inclosed in the fonall,rems Of, the'bArlo' r *us* Indiana, some the ootliA An6ther cUrloadvain of modern. giviliza. but ing of borduo, goof 13 a of 'th ito".2Ae lbea a JOUL upper 'like, the e Conve ddoori ad of Is found ti oiradilsof.cuttlefish''. orepesc6fil eiio�gb, .and 4thers, i. dP 11I9,161and 10' exiinctspe ion that has. ckd�pjea out *ould be some,,] i cEja get; par. is ones ch Sipalffig-wat 4068 not cont ticl� Chan Santa Cru radiate of the.Yucaiii6n, the a plade.whei� on sm a par I Asir L eniob'turponi-t' p1aninstdai, 'are, fierce and Waxlike. Thk ckhigt Smain g 'th s 61o' to, ondoo Mui�a' Wdrldi 4 a of 6 insll.� ApdghSl1g6fi6in thpokidinory routine P60ii of'Wai but. is composed of V %­ ti k MS of I onora Me, e, a en.so exal thaiii shellac An& ainnobilk.' I Would like to Start. in 'business �df li% 'on island, only & few *tell d"na does -not f sibitivoiii1i7b, These with -small meand"!. Says a� young Mon.., nMeslawocoon And. er. otatlidide :is burgundy pitch is pot -a grester'part 6 radds.-, peak -'diffe'rent languages,, tho gh containing only one "98 Of 1000 thin 106 Jrapes;­ The Hatoll maid ornie,from burgundy Z' f Th pt son, o you a Art A daily paper. Your n 9, Sammie' ior 0 n . Asny 'all to a. greater or lead in6sno will be. tod'povrerful stamill to heft, Boalth-Yei, it 9'omS*h&,t, mysterious, an at e,W, in Oit' deinand palm, il tiibda use Spard -inhabits, t rqbidonow woild, very my , eriousi is gross nev gt Briiil, 6itent, according to - aftei the fourth pay4day, aiia Ight. slrej6dy begun 'to. but to my mind it �ii not b 1611131 and is not irsao it is - n6thing - but $trips contoot With. white men. 41' : 0 as paysten *a13 they can, seem to be hardly 0 -.010 -the usoplo hhve: as the"fo6t t Always the: f0d� V!110 of jlm-lesi. be 6traiii6d to begIwwlth4'/' buiwytrain the main Settle., list it is t I t th boat on 16 pleasure excursion 401gars� Inept S in ..r. malt gill oultmetcoigriy, Ple- who keep -quiet : -_ — -I the Pe5 utizt.uo 11 th. t' s th ff"AU Us d d may for a . little while w Hav Ocod The,,, funniest Ing I they Who are IL under&. Lewiston,' 'shop, of a atea' to takii older oneg Ideq.4ournal, id the mi VA Goine 'lessons ----- - �m t6hery, utOrd retired' Mrs. Markywell he store She ethan Ichal vilbigg., - Tboy hove stand you are going Q marry . a see very' verdant. a t iond, hus.; 'Rentloman Whose runs t at I in 'tot -of.. havi 4, his QwAmam 9' gfe4t cl i bin charg oes, and the' RIADV mad. . I aft iwidower "o -ye he-, Appy eaj Wife �Thoruti !a,: Wobal did, Rion of this ioldnaoidt ]has, lot uliii ready, Mal YOU I ot. febt in the wo4d of tooday B�Ubboxl a day hiai�ifa took lier pencil. and boa' 3"itste;' Uen. d6nodbl Ved by the plain . ad the combination' iftn't, be a 1- have, s beian, but I'haved"t a quier Any of English I I Hu6biwi d, Yeal'yeal 'foots Are to. rickon. ShbAlnolly found that they v an(I American elaipd, t n bad. Mid. Mfirrywoll­4bi I beei, a. kind gan HOSb44 60miLng for about two� OUSr nthihgh.m�7114rper'a Dazall. of'&,' had estop over' ten . carloads'of A tots th MO A !I . ow, and I'ML US to it," p I f "Bat and slid -just did ft tol'i"eve JhAt Thd population !a I 11 . I 0 r . I �.. It 160 18701ft, was 94. in De6emberii 1 82i it was oMid. '� 1. I � ; As : vi e.Young Heini6ii r nocos lit'' Tho'grocer and the log of Which-riumbetL � Word ihipwreoked thd acdohni was rig - Ific, upper I slid sent apiece of hor 2 Froe Medical AdVice; Smoker Are now 'between t iMroi Cleve - I herfriend, Mi6a Lucy C6111%, wlio hei-just been piartied to� Prince, Hdiiiy- isildrg Who had settled thdte,,' %e odlopY of P jilies;, Who live.' rtiesia,lakn6Wi2Lhordond�x'jiggglaticl''sl3 .IiNow, and it is hard to tell Oing dread to consists 6f about 20 tam doctor " he siIiii, �SL be joined the nother mill, slQp6s, who na&irled Charles DeXay in ow York o; but ; iv 63 h Medical 4entlornall in. the- street, will be. otalveri at the ona6y, jf� Was ilk SL Case I WI. Wo Is; Story cottages formed * of biotriaboo Priftbegg� Iron rpany, a IS in n e who zed the; Angst th t, so fang led Princess, Elleii -Slio � is' the 166VL of night thatched roofw. , The islallaore, are Always 1381 asoodf ii mah-who canq a dollars, inflie'sh oboes, inside of With - drun . . I it'r ope o in niogtp6piIlar *ember jar What Woul it I' Would adir you aviie 2 Young Tim Williams till toted for their a ilatinum'sad gold. be' to ise-himbo Bleep, in the Col. A, L.� niveo, the'father df iold'hormit of Lebo, orsohmovlf family, ladt',her personal Charms in grace ing said beforb And Ot Make be, rr iddl hpY*hd ' I., I .1 I I—, I . non" aythifig of A 'similar would an Virginia authoreas, is a leading Southern had K IaRo of bipea. hioll shid Jweoling "L Or &I Sut Colin. swarmed character being absolutely unknowni When what f3han I wtltA Ab an &go r OL :012 yr got engineer, 1. d t) about' a year, h' &.hngig ap a treb.' VeaAng-that th ig thea the, terrip Hautdi I Weeki *&J' L V Any dispute arlefeS SMOE tle� who died at! nd., last; Graduate college depoittrildlit of joftriial, with the. RiohmoiId and wo la a 130 a alimbeia thetroeserthemi. ill aL coff SM Come,16 join y L at but, fell up yearphe oa it Over tin the h6tt i1irival W&S�buriea bi 4hioh, for 25 at6ffi What Danville Uollribi%d, He then � obbepiga � Ali nab6kighialef"', ii -the ve 0 a Z,viadia it, jA referred td the had kiep J 'L t tfi Pansma Ship Coils ladcaln his aboiddh 126Y f6hoWed. hi Of or . man olo* r in his bdarOdbai , The, ontimbrit ROS on Q, 't I Wlopl 'A over hil hid abill't write about?" acSM& . , . , & L , , a it nd bid. dool a grave was a 46uniouiffi. = to Pop, WA a Ung him toeiiiiii a Paitor 11 Right &boU 4ut wrA., oterlwoot is fully 80, ya to 6goo, Nets'. orde I40 7' ... . . . . . . .... .. ...... . I OqJ*e H gro y do a d u he p which pe he 1I The W r on