HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-06-22, Page 4• • 11.7Mn *...! McInnes,' real .tat ate, loan. and Insurance agent,Kincardine,. has in .course; ofpreParation _It...descriptive ,.catalogue of farm and town properties • -,-111111.- : --THE=•- yy ��yy k.1t'tiE1#•4e flultow ' >f E L,I,l3 RTY TO, VTTE , AroTO AI GUi ;'FREEIiY ,ACCO#tDING TO Tilt DICTATES • OF CONSCIENCE' WE PRIZE .snOYE. ALL OTHER LiB,enTi,ES. '.„w , • Lnckaow Junes 22ed,1888.. TII:E ,01P.48013 DEA». • • Q'If• Friday. morning last.the Emper -or Fredrick; of Germany, passed away, ',and wherever a descendantof the Ger= nan_people exists, sorrow is felt. Fila_ ' reign was only 91 a few;, months d ura- 'It on , but in the short time allotted him to• •rule,;:' he :made his power for good :felt :iiia .manner. which few, sovereigns. -have:done. It was given to him to see ^throughthe fallacy of the -assumption :that ,Kings; and Emperors rule by di ,vine right,andthatthey are•notbound to give -ear to the voice of the people, -over Whom they are placed.. The doc- ;t'rine.;displeased :advisers of the Bis :marck "type, and almost led to an open. 7rupture‘with .the Chancellor,. but Ein- • :yperor Fredrick. insisted on a policy of. -conceiision to he: popular -rights' ' For this; �Prac . w n the r act and love of his This is what we Practice O ` gieepie,• and :the 'esteemn of.;friends: of. axritee ;,..YTt• Y`•(t +hY.'+T'L L%57 F1. %S.t o V'+•i 4+” •M'U '"Yi i\ .eA9'"3-^--- -- ..:fXi•y' •. - , a .-- %^ %a$S ,,.G"a. '•^r•fr•4g*.n Jn. :....."�7Fj "fd.+,stic,..£f"''ra":"'.^" .'.•••""'",_"" .: +:�f.;s'Ja�`+�a �S�'�ii�`ei`�;�� �CUISiYi' , ., ....,tus��ali�s�' ®e..... • ; ; Mists• for;ihisi much -loved fatherland ;by. his 1• eral views. He was'also a man -of peace. ` Too : much of the evils of, war had; he seen to make him anxious again to go .on the battlefield�if by any :means open to _honorable then it could die avoided:•• All too soon has the car- - leer of theman of peace, progress and conciliation been cut 'short. All •too. soon hag' the Princess Royal of 'Eng- "` Eln .less Victoria, been der privedd of'the-society ofthe loving help- -aneet whose character: she had so power-_ #ally influenced for ,good. efrored for salo, want', of them aE ex- traordinary bargains. These catalogues:, will: be issued about the first of July and will'be circulated at 'all -the best: lVeleta throughout the province. Ad- vertisements regarding the properties for sale will appear in the' Montreal, Toronto and London' newspapers, and; catalogues will be mailed free to all applicants. Farmers and others, who have properties which they are willing to dispose of at fair prices should com- municate with Mr. McInnes, K,incard- ine, PAY, and have a description of their lots inserted in: the catalogue, Thecost will be but atrife,. 'Commis-' sion charged on sales of amount over $2;000 onlyone per cent. ; deposit re- quired On farina of 50. acres,' 01 ; 100 acres, $2 ; .200 acres and upwards, $3, and when sale• of the. property adver• used• is effected, .amount: deposit is de- ducted-frow commission. Born. GRAnitit-ln \ Kinloes, on the 16th.'inst., the • :wife .:of Kr. John Graham, of a. daughter.. SQUARE DEALIN —AT— E T— ER • • 4'• 4 ,OPPOSED 70 WHEAT. .l&t:the different meetings ; of :farmers lately held throughout the Province the chief subject of •'discussion appears • do centre in the dairying interests ofthe ,country.• The low price of wheat, ;to• .ether w,ith,tke'sh t crops�of the past :few years, have th roughly convinced 'then thatit r doe, not pay' '.to' raise wheat, and it y 'Wish to keep up with the m , progress,:, they must,. •adopt •soon et system. Then. too, they • are aware that Ontario will not be able to compete with :Manitoba in .`the:production of wheat, and Manitoba isnot the only competitor to -.be feared. , The wheat 'of, India' .is an :important ;factor; and it' is,'highly probable':"that great, will .soon be gent to;. Britain', from .Siberia, the mite. being 'by sea fromthe mouths 'of the Obi mid Yenisei: Ontario' farmers must there- fore depend largely upon dairying for ''income and 'to restore the fertility of • 'tleir. . lands.. -Whether the butter and: ,',cheese aremanufactured on -the' fermi; • ,or in factories,' the grass on pasture e• •and meadow can hardly be depended' •ipoa to feed it large stock. /There is x ; sot enough, particularly' in dry seasons. •-'The cultivation of roots is all right 'but at is laborious. ` Corn will grow, even :indry,. ;,weather, and ia' crop of green; ,stalks, 'equal to 20 tons .;and', upwards Zenist Qa2ne8, Latest tSrt7188 , Fut before you. Fairest Pr10e5, • • Wa for` which Yee Highest 1`rce GA.H, or the 1st.. ral�xo. in trade will be : given. . Extra, value in. Tweeds, Shirtings, Flannels Ducks, Derry, 'Qottonades and all Dry Goods. 5{KMiF1w. ' • Every week we are opening out New. StYY 'les ,inDr -' ,Goods. and Millinery %lie 1Tewes You'll find .them : The Best The Cheapest Prices �talitIeB .As you like them, tyle1 a Special prices in • See our; alt' woo French dress goods at �•C. �iTOrt�l `.SOC,. Headquarters for, !orated at these m etings is to have .a • Lilo ready, and when: the corn gets, to. the roasting. ear stage,,, -it must be liar, -vested, drawn to ,the silo'and cut up ,into pieces by Machinery. In the'silo the cut corn must be subjected to pres afire. • The ensilage carr, be fed. all 'viii"rely; and, it is better than any other green: food.' With such a system of feeding, 'there will always be a plenti- ful', supply of ;Manure, for the fertile elements are not drawn away from the arra. • Crompton'a" 'Celebrated Corsets. at ,50c, 75c $1 •$1.25` .A11sites, in our celebrated Headqual ters fur. all .kinds of Builders and , House, Furnisbing, Supplies, all kinds of Tinware and4Granite Iron. Ware.: A • large , ' supply of . CREAMERY : CANS ' and DAIRY PAILS. ;Also, "our' spring,: ,,ASE . ,.,_ _ ._ _ _ ._.. _^ �--,E'Zit-Cm, �uire: for :.rices. before pur- chasing of PUR•E�'FEI` AII:ED.. PAIrT�S in"all shades. , ., q , . , p p elsewhere:: A;ont-forALABASTINSE, the -only permanent wall coating in the Dominion: 1 EAVETRQUGHING :.A.SPECIAL*TY..: ;NOTICE .TOS' FARMERS•. Owing:to . the scarcity of, raw materialthis year, tbe supply of Binder Twine ' will no doubt be limited, as in 188T. very advantageouslyfor cash a gsupply.of •A$ I have.:purchased y ., large ... • E M-AN-IL.LA BINDER 1'WI i • $ 4'01 I' will sell•.at the very lowest prices:. Intending purchasers shouldorder early as the if elnand is great anti the supply limited' - r LAWRENCE. • f You Want :a Spring Suit, Come an ;See Us TWE; Ia 2)ra'b5-•and' Tan Colors. [ '`Remember; square dealing 'at • A D i•• ' A1W THE LATEST .PATTERNS: :r.: Ste -;art relied on for a r C.tter .can' - •11E','rOU' ` . Liver Complaint, Dy. NAspepsta,1ndigestion, Biltoutnus, Jaundice, Headache, DD'usines,, Pain An the Back; Costiveness or any disease arisi from a deranged liver, ' Dn.- Coast's Livsx'Cuitz w�.be found m sure and certain remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY— / /'he unqualified success of br..Chase's Liner'Cure he Liver Complaint restee solely withthe fact that it iiacompounded from nature's Well'knoWn liver regulatera Masonsant AND DANDLt.tOss,. Combined with many other invaluable root, barks and herbs Having, a powerful affect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and BB1l „ ' 600;000 SOLD • ' , . Over oni hal/nailliess #17 Dr. Chart's ..'grit Boors • wry"t tad in Canada alone. • Wswasrt wary ,naw *Wows aid child who is trdubi.d with Liver Cows plaint fo icy llurezwllswt r mddy. 4 LADIES .. - ft•is'a well known Sc* that an inactive,liver causes; 'a dullr sallow complexion, liver 'spots, pimples, etc. ; .. Chases Liver. Care is the only remedy that will most positively cure these complaints. - ` ' • • SOMETNINO SEW. CIVEN AWAYyi E Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chaiver Curs' isvaluable Household Medical Guid Recipe k (84 :pages), containingover gool.recipes, pronounced by medical men'and' druggistses invalu able, and warth:ten times the price of the medicine. ° • e� O ff. 1 - " '... .."-..-.•....A . +7 Be ori Your Guard. P n't allow a cold in: the bead to slowly and surely run into Catarrali,•,whett ytu can . be .tired for 35i by using, Dr.' Chas 's C'ait- arra' Cure. A flew application. cure.insipieut• c. arab.; 1. to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh 2 ; ' boxes is I' tarratiteed to cure chronic catar 'r.. Try it. Only 250 'and sure cure Sold' b ` BERRY & DAYS,' Lucknuw. C •W ,. BOE, W. sorry, Issuer • of Marriage Licenses and, Certiff.- • sates. ; Oleo W. Connoll'S o1O