HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-05-04, Page 7The I!Ieat year -to Comp, • Pedlcated the..... -International-- --c X01114448t wake and call me `early, 'Call. we early, husband .dear. . To-morrow'll be the happiest thne, Pve known for many a year. ' I'll borrow your trousers,,husband, • Also*your voi,t and coat. per an going to vete,hlisbantl Your WIN is 'going to, vote 1: — . • • Taleel? so Sound all night, bnriband. 'That Veinal never wake; • . If you.clo not call me loud . When tbe day•bogins to break; • RutL niust gather up.the tickets. . And the speeches that I *re* • • 'or X antgoing. to vote, husband, Your who, is going to vote x,ittio, 81104 owl go with me„ • Toluorrew to the pol1e. To seeher noldo mother • Put her ramie upon the ; • • So you, mast callme early, .13y the rooster's morning note V Or 1: Pe doing to vote, hustiotrat,, Your wife is going to vete! [By permission of Alfrod•Tenny4anghter.), ' • • --,,Wnshtogtopignito, • • • What the CiOnMe3' 04PW.••-• • .Over the chimney tho night wind sang„ .And chantel a melody no dile -knew ;: And the woman stopped and the babe she tossed And. thmight of(ilhe one she liadlong since lost, And said, as her tearclrops,back•she forced, .". I hate the wind in the chimney."' Dyer the iomney the night wind ding,, And chanted a melody no one knew; "•And the children made as they closer drew, , Tis porno witch that is cleavingthe black • night through, 'VS a fairy trumpet thatluatthen. hie*, . • And we fear tlie wind in the chimney..." • • • - Over the chimney the, night wind sting,- .• And chanted a melody no.one knew ;' . ' • And the man as he cat on his hearth below, Said to hiniself "It will surely snow, • And fuel is dear and wages low:, And 111 stop the loak.in the cluniney." . ,Over the chimney the night wind sang, , And chanted a melody no one know; • And the•poet listened and smiled; for ho • Was man, and woman, and child, all three, And said, " ,it la Gocl'aown harmony.. - (- - - • ..•Thilimind ive bear in tho chimney." • • ,• -Bret ?arta. , , A SAILowS•LoNG, SWING • All:Night in the ocean without Even- a riauk„„to Subport Him.. . • 4 0• - The name of Frank Miller, Whci has Just • reached *here, Bays the ,San Franoieco Ex- • amiker . on the big William G. Irwin from the ladwich islands,..ought to be placed • . , • in the temple Of fame alongside% illicit •of :Leander, for he has proven that he pcisseasee 7-- an-amphibian-napacitrquite equal -to -that of the ,swirainer of the Hellespont. :Miller'a exploit was out in the: Peolfie • Ocean, and a••••••-..•-aerpflareelandotsdne...•-nanestaredimitiasidiso..5 tanapplantiodaeocresterte • o*,re-kolaetitatiftekst -disco on the, whaling vessel. Jacob A. How.; • land;_whiola, during its cruising••eatighttwO •' :whales near the SandWieb Islands. For a day or two knee the, killing the vessel was. • stirrounded by sharks eager for the refuse - The vicious creatures swarmed in the.Yiyake ' ' of the vessel and crowded around her, pcip ping their greedy head e up abate the Waves ; in plain sight of the ailora. Te deck was • slippery after: the killing,. and. one: evening while Miller was on the • port tell forasird he mistied his footing andpitohed headlong • int° the ' sea: He :thinke . he" 'suit have • fleeted, unconscious from the, shock and from fright at the .thought of . the sharks,. • for riOnie time • For ..with his. first eon- , so:nominees after gipping 'end falling he 10Oked' for the Impel,' but 6_01:neither-see: • nar, hear' anything of her. He knewlheY were not many miles frOna the shore'of the bland of MOlokai,snd gnidin .himself as • bathe contd. by the atarehe struck tint in the , direction which he thought would , carry him talk shore. • But he was swim: •,• ming against the tide; alia he could 'feel that he was making but little,' primrose, • • exert himself as he might. He thought Of • ..-• -the sharks, whioh only a few,liciura before • , -had. been clustering around the vessel, and • every.fite niinntee he iinagined that one • Wait awashing up against him, While .every bright gleam of starlight unim, a Attie • wave he was 'cook -sure was the coldty gtitL! tering 'eye of a •hungry ;shark, ' intent On. Making a lunch off, hine•-•;BuirmOrning ; dawned -end he was still uneaten, though lici• 'weak from his battle with the -Wavea and %is ocintiiined fright .that he had not the strength to alimb on a couple Of planks nailed: together that game drifting past • • him. But he caught hold of them, and • managed tp 'sustain himself till longer by' their aid.. A terrible thirattook poatieSsion, ;f him; andas the sun rose higherstid higher it alined blistered hi face and hands. Finally, about the middle of the ' afternoon; the brig Irwin ' °erne along, saw • him and Pioked him up.:. • His strength was •' so entirely gone that ;he had:to be lifted •' ver the aide ef, the beat sentafter him as, e had been 'a baby. • • . •,For-and-Ahoutflionie . _ • A distinguished negro 'belle Of pOrt. :au :Prince; heti married,: a brother of • 131ack,the novelist. • ' Queen Olga. of 'Greece. beautiful • woman with a sweet, open face and a man- ner as °harming tia it is simple.- •Ji'ontithan. Thayer and wife, • of South • Braintree, Maim, have lited'together sixty- •* nine years and are hale, happy and hearty. „ Mra„Patti Lyle Collins; employed in the 4e deed letter." offiee at 'Washington, reads every known language except Rueskn and • Chinede. • *CHEAP heat) for Watering plant" ean be • Masle of , heavy ducking, Bari a corred- •iident Of • Farm Life. Cut the diloking. to stripEr-the4iidtlineeded:to-aohe- • .si wanted, fold the. edges together, • and sett two seams With a -sewing machine. • Then red into rolls or balls, and boil in graftingwax; the. same SS cloth for graft- ing pnrpodes. "1 inticle 160 feet Of such' • hose," says the correspOnclent,:" to water • strawberried and vegetables. I • out :the • cloth lengthWiee,ebout fifty feet in a sention, and: then sewed the seed°, tongether. •• It • • will leak a little, but not enough to amount • to anything." • • •''‘f$Plan," said a golicoolmeater, .44 you will aeon bo. a man, and will have to • attend to What;do you suppose you will do when ;you have to write letters unless You learn to Veil bettor? ?' " Oh, • Bit," answered "John, "" Shall pit' easy • Words in theni." Little Lainalimes, of Eatenton., Ga., is . . 'the latest baby wonder to be heard from: Althongh only eleven years . old she has invented e plough and a grain 'elevator that are said to ehaw renaarkable ingenuity, • • • CATAIMINT TOPICS. - " NINETEEN .0f the twenty-five tvaitere at the Hotel ao 10/46; in AtcntercYr,C4.3. struck last Week rather than wear oreat3- coats,,in which garb the proprietor had ordered them to appear. They walked out of the dining -room at the dinner hour, and their placed were filled. by bellAcys, Miss HELEN Br:encamp; now a, resident of Philadelphia, is.• a game girl,, Who hae made a fortune througli the invention of the simple "over-and.under " attachment fpr eewing 'machine% When she, diokevered the device she had to borrow money to,pay the apt Patent Office fees,. She now •owns large estates, a manufaptory and many •patent rights, that yield her alarge income in royalties., • EXTENSIVE use la HOW being made in France a the unique artieie known as wood wool, oonsistingef extremely thin and slender shavings of wood that, are corn- parabla • to •paper out for packing. It WelghS some 40 or .50 per cent., lees, than the materials generally used. for inch a purpose, and its beautiful appoarance„ fine- ness and exceeding cleanness have:brought it into great Mvor. • ; • AT a recent meeting of •the Park Academy. of 'Paediolne the report of a com- mit:pion. appointed to inquire into the phenomenon :reportedby Al. titys, and commonly • called hypnOtism, was pre,.sented. .The cenolueion is that .M. Luys has been the dupe of an hysterical patient, •and that there is absolutely no trnth in:the phenomenicdescribahrldniiiit autumn. Bo= tight is thrown 'linen the recent cable despatch announcing that the eldest son of Lord •North had opened a-butolair shop by proceedings in bankruptcy against the Hon. Roger Archibald Percy Nortla, Lord North's •second Hon. • His liabilities amounted to more than '421,000 and his assets to 8500. He was .formerly a lien- -tenant -in -the Sitth-B-attalion Rifle"Brigade, but was riow a • sergeant in the Royal Dragoons, with an income of, forty,eight centiper day. Evidently the straitened cirournetances of hie family have drivan, the heir te-thatitteinto trade:• • 9 ,• lame one has been eollecting facts About the ,tathereof 'United 'States Presidents; With this result ; Grover Cleveland the. only, elergyman's , SOH Wilco :has . ever been iateztadPresident„ though Arthur's •father: was a clergyinan. wag not, however, elected President. • The :fathers of the •Virginia Preeidents,,--W,ashingtoni 'J. -offer:- son; Madition and Monroe -were planters, John Tyter's father was. a • lawyer and. a 404.49a7v410,4i,1:423412*4110(tt/.9,2,445fr 41-12142#2Mddea4AtittPrAV leitvcs--avia-403:110thercrilvtat.trit.. .Hayes' , father a. merchant, •and the father's :Garfield, Lincoln ;Tierce; Fillmore, Polk, Van Bu.ren and Seckson were farmers, • • THE :Epping' Tared Conamittee: cotrthe tiorpcitation of the Pity,. efLenden have pre- pared 6, report in, Which they gay the, ques- tion Of the tcleer had •Oaneed • than some •.ai"Xiety. -They have increased in imbibers to such an extent as to become a Bonne of serious annoiyince•to some of the introniul- inglanci-owners• and farinera,. deteral cit whpni have claimed cOmpeneaticinfOr dam- age to their crops: • :Xhe Epping Forest Act transferred the deer trona the.Crown to the consertatOril to be prcaerVea.as an object Of ornament; and, bearing intaind .that the common., rights were originally granted partly7as-aipinporteation-,-for----the-darnage done by the deer, they have: repudiated all liability on the part of theconservatora Ir any min realizes' ,naore keenly.'than the Suffering Emperor., of • Gernaany, WbO draws his breath through a envoi; tribe and cannot Oven eat his niorsel Of 'fetid like e 'Hiring. creature; that "the path Of glory. leads to the grave," that men must be ex,Senator Leland Stanford, Of California. •The railroad prince and ' is ,building a family tomb' at 'San Franoispo, •Which is to cost $100,000, ands, correspon- dent.Writea ; The Mansoletina will be Coin- pleted- during: the Coming: elimnier,- and - When finished be a fitting abcide foathe remains Of 'oneof the moat .suocessful men' of the day-erailroad 'magneto, a Million.: DAM and a philanthropist; Who is buildings' university that Will -cost batmen $15e; 000,000 and420,000;000 ; 'O. Man ' who lives mignificiently, With wealth cilia friend's and •averything that •makes life Worth living, • yet who has the great aorrow toeing his son, his .only•chila, and when . he and hiswife are called to another world arid their: remains. occupy ' their stately tomb, the, lenaily•histOrywill'end. . •• ro he bo li rail ke by tam Tk sOm • becl pilt by Fro met in The nod • the iron, wit ebbe help gina etch -eliid set .ohe cann tank Of ti tien exist in ft has gad t all t they tithe froth ing mag ,becio • tor no war nitrous seranles of naturally redgeed 1 f. rt' hate been•found an the North SOW: 0 wan River in the 'Northwest •Territory a tit nighty inilea from the town of Ed nton Alberta: . Along .the river ban gnite forination orops out, for seVera es, Overlaid by clatehale and sottargik. eaaa sandritb7he ' containing nodules:- o y iron stone. Thesenodnles are simile: others found. at ganioctori; and proved analysisto be carbonates, .Of 'iron, con- ing 34.98 per cent: of :metallic iron s Saskatchewan seam of lignite. has, at tirne or Other, been 'burnt, leaYing•A of ashe% clinkers and burnt 'clay, in naa twenty. feet thick, aint.nOw covered a dense growthof grasp and undereFood. in this mass Of burnt day pieces of alliairon 'atm be picked °tit, . weighing some. eases •fifteen. cor.twenty pound% y have evidently been redneed froni the Wee above mentioned by • the heat ef burning lignite. Moat of the *want ara much rtisted,' but when scratched h a file they show& bright surface. The rvition is interesting, hnd. some may L.,t6 explain: how pritnitive man ori- lly discovered the redo:T.:Ilion Of .iron or. nit, things were sought by. the ancient emiet-the • philesopheeti atone-, the r, ot life and thd.rinaversal EiOlvent, The of these, though' long known tO mcidern • iniatryi has 'plat been separated, but ot be retained, simply becanee it at. deatrOye- everything. This Ittry chemital World, 13twe Art. Mat - is the °lenient fluorine ; it o peacefully M con:many with caleinni nor-apar and also in e few 'Other 'moul- ds ; but, when islated, as it reeently been by U. Henri • Moisse,n, , is e rabid hat nothing can resist. It tonibines he metals, explosively with some, or if • aro already combined With kink r 'non-inetallid den:tent, it tears thein it, and takes .thern to itself. . Iia•unit- with sodiund, Pcdassiunic 'caleinfa, desimar an # aluininiurn the Metals nie heated even to redries4 by the kr, f its ,embrit'd&-- Iron dlinge,. Sligh* Taect burot ink" brilliant 011101010HO when. eXposed:•im,„ancianeekAem-thi. eitme:-----IliW'06.--lialg'"-r,alitag Which at a melting heat proudly resit, the 'fascias- tioaa of oxygen, 'euccumh to Oda chemical 'siren at moderate temperatures., Glass is devenred .at enee,, and water ceases to be water y so • wit this gas, ,whioh, combining with its hydrogen, at the same moment fortis the acrid, glass -dissolving hydrofluoricsoid and liberates ozone. jhs Prairie Province A Winnipeg despatoli says: The •city lumber men:lento are successfully kicking against 13ritish Columbia cedar )3eirid used for blook-paving inateaci of pine which can be obtaine4 bore., ' • The picturea. by Mr?, (Dr.), McArthur, Winnipeg, have been accepted by the corn. - miaow of the Paris' salon. No American artist has surpassed this. Kay j.,Oth has been proclaimed Arbor Day in Manitoba, and the 17th in the 'Te ritories. . • • The Salvation Army will shortly born- bao. Portage la Prairie. • • The. resolutions adopted by th&QaebSo Conferende are to be brought up for discus- sion in the Legisiattire, • The Saskatchewan River broke up on 'Thursday night; and the tekphone Wires' find ferry ropes are broken.- The ice is lwiowtheilnintge,e, feet of the pest-effloe door at c,latke'd Crossing, but the water ia now' Mr. Hugh 'Pelson, of Kibler:tan Emit, tan,, , recently Opened a -pit containing,a hogriand. bushels of potatoes. On entering he was nearly. suffocatedwith the heat, the potatoes having all been .destroyed. The cause le believed to have b ebn keeping the ventilator dosed for too long etime. • The official announcement of the com- mutation of the sentence of Thomas New- ton for Murder arrived this morning . from Ottawa. Newton, on being informed of his reprieve said, " Praise God." , • The valet, of -Lord Lonsdale returned from the North lastevening. In 'conversa- tion with a reporter he said be•parted com- pany with His Lordship at G•reen Lake, north of•Prince Albert, owing to the im- possibility a securing a stifficipt .nuraber of dogs to enable both to proOeed with the. full outfit. • Rev, Dr. Duval, Of Toledo, 0., its "spoken of asthe pastor of Knox Church. At a public meetibg held yeaterdayefter-s• poen.. there was a • arcing • expression Of • onionin favor of anquiring.the. land im- TatediefelY surrounding the old Fort Gerry gateway forpark purposes, thud presorting the old landmark. ' . • ..•ooailhoretkawedadendzE20000tinahalsznfcgraha zedarkstidargBaantimt-Illi=tiasiatu),...- -- ...StetineAstfiveniagm,ffikapokipaat:'.. Legislature for a Ohartiir to inoorpbrate the , Manitoba Southern ItailWay; • •May l'Ith is Arbor Day intlieTerritories ' " —rmr , . • , TREOLT • HOW Thinks Plywood Wbere• DOTS are Six itsonths Lang- tbeY ever find the North Pole, and it becomes colonize& they are. -going to have an awfal time of it. They will have cis light six months and darkness months onfnt.torfoutbblee y andeiir., ingenuityTl iere iabeyCeorntaainwlhlmiciht immortality will iist,go. Tfre Jima is far enough off at the best, but if it were night for .8124 MOntila onend what would beOnle, of no ?' Heeliands, would never go' home at all. Parties would pnly be divided by, the time, necessary to recruit eir- haaretwed diirtait7Er;s4erl ginr44Tenwrrilleenaeues141 she couldn't go. to More than two parties in the same dreg, and it would be an awful hardship to do, even that. They 71114 look at Mrs, -,--. She, wore that same 4OSS at the Smith's jilat ten h�urs Are you o 1 w .". a go ing to Ole theatre now ?''' the pieoe. 'ready to -night.", •" Get up," • . • "What time is it 7" !"‘ DOH't know; but I put you to bed in a miserable condition six•hours since and We • are dOe at the Jones'." • • supTere,NO rwdai tnetrill; IWgheletill4hir ibtrI3eankryhaOstw, ?oil" 44 Don't remember; it is any 116th meal this season." • "Don't light the gas yet." t only saved 11,000,000, and that -gas bill is• getting pro- digious. Anew dress! That' a the fifteenth in 175 hours'," "Great Seottl the metre's busted and the electric wire's broken. .Where are my beets ? • , • And the daylight Would be confusing. •A• Man Would :never • know when to leave his busineem Newspapers Would be published just when everythinghappened,Whichwould be very frequently. •• ' 44 Come ; let's go home." "Hold On; just °nevi:Me more." • :44 We've been at it just 48 hews now by the watch." 7 ' 'Where's my dinner ? "• • "-Really, my dear; I didn't think it was so 0siwtiy the lastineal, and I've,heen shop- . . • • " Ppingl Yon came home from shop- ping jiiet before I Went out, • and Woke. me up to borrow money for bar fare." "This bonnet ie item_outIoanttbe -Ten on the street with it again." • " Julius Caner!' 'You've only, lad it two, pure." - • • •• ' "Yes; hut every woman I know has Been •-taltraw 4::rrad$V. nttl: ;dyninosar. -4Welivyintboav464:4003320 Isn q row boating. You won't see thawinter if on g� on like tlaiaNO; I haven't had but hree drinks' since.' left home:" ".By the way. I want You tci drive . Latest Scottish News. ' The Earl and Counteso of •Rosehery have. • • • , . gone to Milan. • •, •• • . • J. Proudfoot, suPerintendent of the per- manent way hi Perth • and Crieft district; and an old Bervant of the Caledonian-Rall.•viay, died.at perth,the other.day. • . -There are four candidates, for the vacant Clerkship of • the Free Church Genera Aesembly;• n. Lorimer, Mains ; • Rev me out to the park." "1•,can't; eleepY, •I've been unthiety7 -; • ' ' • • "Well, 'I've only seen you fifteen:. min- • ," I can't that '; you know, perfectly well the photographing businesa will belie to shut up pretty soon; and. I've got to 1 ,rea all'I can out. of it now." , • , Jost think, howeyer; the trying . position men who would like to get full. • "Look at 'Mr. Jones I Well; I never!. li taggeringSlong-the-street-in—bidad- "3 - And erhaps taking his clothes off outside of the oor.' Of course. there will be •compensa- on for such 'people in the winter. Night as evidently ioenaed by nature to enable e exercise of the objectionable' propen- ties , of the human, anyway.Saiz ico Chronicle. ' ' : • , • Archibald ,Henderson, Crieff J. • Laurie, Tulliallan ; and Rev. R: G. Balfour, Edinburgh. ' ' ght I am asharned of him'!" And all' tha..neighbors Watching Joneti ying to find a keyhole In the fence, and . Thefeneral of Captain. McCall, .the late Chief of the Glasgow police fora% toe plebe on the 3rd inst. The remains wer billowed to the, grave. by the Lord Provost p and magistrates, - several of the. sheriffs; d about 800 constables, and byalarge portion ti of the general public,• w The jubilee of the niintsterial career of th Rev. Dr. Prorating Boner, Chalmers' el Memorial Free Church, Edinburgli,, was, ai d a on the Atli inst. The meeting was presided Over by Lord Protost-Sir Thomas: Clark; Bert, • 13r. Boner wad, in the course of the evening presented with a ,oilver palter and a chequeffir £1,000. • The police authorities at Dundee lave requested the police in , New York city to march for 'a young Man named 'William Stephens. • He left Dunidee. On the..2212d ult, and sent a ii-CiO'bie -friends indicat- ing -tiara' intention of committing suicide. It is believed, however, that he ..crosSed the Atlantic and is nowin the eitY named, Stephens, .who is afflicted with religious' mama, is .24 yeird Of age, and belongs to a good family. • A reward of t100 is offered for news of him, alit° or dead. The atatement which recently went the ranndethat the last surviving servant of Sir w-it-r-s--ich a died• • et I' ir se co aincorr n Kirkhill.there*ides a Woman, Margaret Thomson, who was in the .service' of the great npvelist when he aka. •At the age'of 16Margaret Went to Abbotsford as scullery-, maid,...whereshe:xemainecl,two-,yeararwhen,-; on Sir Walter taking the journey to Naples forhis health, she, with a number of other servants, was discharged. On his return, however, she Was ,re-engaged se.kitohen, Maid. • She is now 74 years of 'age, the mother Of four children, w,ho are all ' in honorable positiond, , is comparatively healthy and 'still; • full , of "amid. warld cracks." . • Nething 14ka It Everyday swells tho. volume of; proo,f that as o specific for ' all Blood diseases, nothing equals Dr.,•Piorce'S.Goldexi Mediettl Discovery. 'lletnember,. this •is an old established remedy with a reecird i It has • bee'l Weighed in the balance and found fut. every claim I It his been teeted many,years in, thousands of oases • with ,flattering success I For Throat and Liing troubles, Cataarli, Kidney ' disease -Liv r Complaint, Dyspepsia, SickHeadacheand all disorders resulting frominipoVerished blood, there is nothing like Dr. Pierces Golden Medinal Discovery -world renowned and ever growing in fat= '• Blottiments. • • " Thra Dcifferin's stay at Rome will be 'very:brief,' Says tendon Truth, ' and, in- deed, it is highly probable that he Will not take hp his ;appointment as successor to Sir John Saville.' I Understand' that Sir, Robert Mprier will • certainly' •leave' St. Petersburg in Notember, and 'Sir Willian" White la to be his successor, he being' replaced at'Constantinople by 'Lord Dub. form. • Sir Robert Maker will "nest likely, go to- Ronne."'" •Signe of Spring A daubof paint ton the skirt 'of your best boat; ' „'• . • • The paperer leaves a haft..Anishea job in the kitchen. • ' ' -More Mud in the' front' hall than there ought to be in the flower garden. " • The Worst cOld youiVe had snoe De- cember. .• • ••, • A.hat toe goodtb throw away and toe lunch warn to look well. London, Ont., Talent Abroad. • Bob Murray, thetondon, Oht, man; Wlio, 10 running ite deloOn aLPort they say is raking in . dollen where he •odulfin't make centa Michigan. It. is the most, popular thing on the soheadle in the southwest to be under indintitent for killing a Men. to be tried next month 'tor mud er ' $ V ; • Within a week turci'ohildren have lost 'their lives through.swallowing.toy halloo/1C and irt neither cage was the cause of stran- gulation discovered till after death. Inboth instances the obstruction .111 fike_throat....n could have been removed in time had those - present known what the trouble Was. , stinging; mostat. ni.g.nt; .wPree by Watch- ..t3YAPTPW4-34:1140.q '," *POW) ;itching Orr ing- 12110Wecno Continua tor ai fermi Ma:42'0MA :bleed and ulcerate, 'be0ogoing very sore, SWAiriTE's. Ohmighat stops the itching andjileeding, heals ulceration, and in many oases remove a the turnout. is equally efficacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR; SWAYNE & S0, Pro- prietors 'Philadelphia. SwAtiia's Ornaniunr for onbeoelobnttili;mid druggists, 'Seriiby man' h her wreiae. It, andjecicec el' IVA° iwty°,I44'r lie oat °sat rikf ing ring on, one of her thtunbe. .„ How's Your Liver?' ijowTliheeorlldivlewas, y sGdb vho : replied, lSin e when 1 n 1asked • , hoard that. there was stiCh a, thing in the house," was noted .for. her Amiability., Prometheus, when chained 'to a • rock might as well have pretended to be happy as the man who is chained to a dieeased. liver. . For poor Prometheus : there was no escape, •but by the use of Dr: Pierce's, Pleasant Purgative Pellets the disagrees, ble feelings, irritable tempert •constipations indigestion, dizziness :and eick headache, whioh are caused by • a diaeased Jiver, i• • • pronaptly disappear. • n • Mrs. Mary.D. Lowman, Mayor of . Oaks; • loosa, Kan.,haa a •pleasant face And motherly manners. .• •InIIIIg at Originality: ' • 1304 Dealer to customer) -In selecting' . a library, madam, yon will, ef notirtnii wane t set of Dickens' works complete: • Society Dame -;-No, Ithink not. 'body has Pickens' works: -From Pita: , • Do you feel dull. languid, bow4pirited,Ilife-• • less, and indescribably miserable,- both pbysi- cally and mentally; experience.: a seine of • :fullness'or bloating after„eating,.Or of "gone.., nesa" or emptiness of stomach. in the morn-. dam ktoogno,,osatedivbitter.ounohady.tArtet <mon ,tifd=r1.gleardZia,Parderta 9$. ; • k -,3)..catlae.W.,clilurreEtzeverghtzt.to krefere ythe .1sycs! 4nezvtuii-sprostra on or ., haustien,' irritability of temper, hot flushes. alternating with ;chilly 'sensations, sbaritt biting, transient pains here and there, •aold feet, "drowsiness after meals, :wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of, ing calainity ? • • • If you have all; or any considerable nmnbar of -these symptoms, you are suffering' ?Mar . that inest. common Of American maladies -4 " Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver; associated with Dyspepsia, or., Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has beeoMei.ithe greater .the number and diversity of, syntp. toms. No Matter what stage it has. reached.' • Dr. Pierce's Golden.Medical Discovery will subdue it, it taken' according to 'diree... tiona• for a reasonable.length of time. • If not cured, compScatiens raultiply-and Constimp- . • tion of the Lun_gstSladn Diseases, Heart Disease. _Rheumatism,..10" tiner.-Diseasei-or-etherirrave , maladies are:quite, liable to set in and, Sooner, or later; induce a fatal termination. • Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis., cOveryacts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood •-purifying organ, preosystem of all blood-tal t ' d . excretory .ovrgana, cleansing. 14.a n • eae. m what,ever- Cause aria .1'. les, Ileys, an other ions in acting upon the Rid. It iey strengthening, and healing 'their diseases. ,. , As. • .etrttetizins:, restorative protects' both ilesnh strength....PimaLri.111Entgo. tr. this wonderftil meMehie has gained great 'celebrity in .Curlog Fever and Ague, Chills and rover. Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases.-, Plerechi Golden ffiedleel __ every'iJRESALL. IIIIUMORS 4 .• • • train a common Blotch:' Or Ertintion,,to the • 'WOItt, 'Scrofula. .• Salt -rheum, ** Pever4oree," Sealy or Rough Skin,An short, .411 diseases • caused by bad. blood are conquered • by this. • powerfuL ,purifying, and invigorating ,Medi-' • ••• eine. Greet Batirig:131cipre rapidly heal under its benign infinence. Especially has it matii. • • testedkg potency in curing Tette'', Rezeina; • Erysipelas, l3cills;Carbuyteles, §ers, Byes, &ref-. ' White Swellins,nous sores and IXe•Glorligstre ,HollIY'-r3Thi°111tck13•121TeeaCT, and Eng larged, lands. Send ten 'cents stamps' for a large. Treatise; with colored plates, on shin Diseases, or the dame annuli* for a Treatise on Scrofulous Aseetions. • 0.4 FOR 'THE B1-00101 IS THE LIM*" • Thoroughly cleanse 'it by tieing Dr. Pierce*, Golden Medical DiScoveiy, and • ge;x1 digestion, a fair skin; buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health wilt be established. CONSUMPTION, ' wna_bie.licuieredSeg_.1)"fahillazry0es of eas.u femcilhoodyrkenir:s,rotwimil;iiiis:iretted lmar ,velous power Over this terribly fatal diseaee. When first odering•thie now world-fanied rem, • edy th the public, Dr. Pierce thouglitagriqiialy • . ofcalling' it% his "CONSUMPTION CIIRE,", but abandoned that name as too ,restrictive for a medicine which, from in; wonderful col* bination of tonic; or strengthenin'g, alterative.. or bloOd-cletinsing, anti -bilious, :pectoral; and nutritive properties, is' unequaled, not ofilv as a remed_y_ for Consumption.. but Orali 'Chronie. inseases of the • Liver Blood and 'Lungs. For Weak Lungs; Spitting of Blood, Shore, mess of Breath, chronic Nasal 0a4rrh,.:Bron. chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. • ... • Sold by Drugglsto,ati.00, or Six Bottlett for $6.uu. "Ifa Women is pretty,' • To me 'fis tie matter, ; • Be She blonde or brunette,, . • So She lets me lock at her." : An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever, beintlint. ,The Peculiar diseaseato: whit& so many of the sex are aubjece,are •prolifie catisesa pale, sallow fades, blotched with unsightly pimples, dull, lustrelesS eyes and eineeie.ted forms. Women ao afflicted can be permanently eared by using Dr: Pierce's Favorite Prescription ; and withthe restor- ation Of health cornea , that beauty which, combineditith good qualities, Of need and heart, mikes 'women angeld of, lovelinees. "'Favorite " Prescription" is 'the only medicine for women, seld7by druggists, gndera po8itWe varantec herd the manit- facturere that it will give • satisfaction in • every case, • or money efunded.. This glitiranteelias been printed on the, bottle- "wraPPeri •aild faithfully Parried out ':for inany,years. • • . • , • „She Gaye Him Back• the Ding. • • In a New 'York Conk yesterday, Mrs.' Linnio Von Proohazka threw her wedding ring at the feet of the man she is" suing for divorce. • ••• tfoyfi Every Drop. • line,• This naay be truly ;said ofPOISOn'S getoineatfeot tot hewO painIt brings remedy arYo tehtieffetrgeer. *hen failure has attended the use of every • cromaxemedy.----Nerviline is an absolute cure for all kinds of Pain, internal, exter- nal, or lentil. 'Purchase a 10 cent sample bOttle and try this great remedy, NorViline, HMO pain cure: •Don't forget the name, At any diog store. , r 1 ,, • . • Send ten„cents in atainis foe peek ,en.Consumption. .• A dress. '•• • World's Disppnsary Medical Association 603 plain St..•,,IBUFFAtO `P/ .DO'Nr 1888. ..erchant§ Butch et.a0: T'ilADERS GENERALLY, WO Want a cibOri Attu in your 1004114' topick -.CALFSKIlqS •4 • • For tic Chia" furbished on zo,tiisfaetory guarani, • Addreds 0. B. PAGE,. Hyde Park, Vermont, • , t ' .‘Jr