HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-05-04, Page 4a4! a T��—, 'ran, i.,"lo rry. TQ U*iTr;l;• ,AND, TQT ARGUE) 140 1( ACCORDING TO THE. DICTATTS Oit•90.N§ctgIicE.0.,Pal.: F�AL.(?YE:-ALL "'OTUSR",L)!B$R! IEst " Luocao�rr, 'day 4th, 1888. RUST OF' 1Vil,"�A�': At a;, Fanners' Ti,stituto °meeting in 41urol , last, week, Professor Panton ;stated :that be had caught the bcrbery plant, iii ,the; act of sending off the seeds; of rust which settled, on Ieavc s of. avheat: and then took root and grew '•and.spr,ead :,over .the stocks till the - ,vhpat rwa3 destroyed: .e said; it-: was now proved to. a certainty .that. the 'bat-bory shrubs carries the seeds of rust tsafely.,over -winter and ripe -,s thein in. t>me oicateh•on the ;rain in summer -andafter harvest• when the: Test ripens on the :St raw,- and, flies in the air). the barbers again takes it and carries it rover .till 'next 'summer., 'This is no,:, spec'rxlative'tlreor_y, but ,as'well proven,' 'as .if'you caught a fellow in'your ;ran_ - ary in ,,the ;middle of a bright `sunny day, stealing••' your,.graiin., Even -had' the barberry 'not -been, caught •in; the 'c? =act, the,; inass'of circumstantial evidence,;; ainst it was so great and points d 0 ix . `� arrant the,s'peedy destruct,ori of the, barberry wherever found. In every' k... a ,4neke l tl Mr;, W. Ritchie is starng to build, a new house. Mr, :Nr. Gairdner has got the job,; �We, have: had the ground literally covered with snow the,first of May. The: belfry on School No. 5, presents a nine.appearance, since it was painted. 'The. f.o 1 , lQvl�ing ><s the standing of S; S Noo.T5, for."=bate month of April. based, on deportaif eat, attendan,ee•and general. proficiency, viz . Sen. 5th --G. 'Andrew. " Jun. 5th A. Wilson, W. Gardner, Sen. 4th— E. McLean," D. Hnderson.. Jun.. 4th. —R. Andrew, E. Anderson, A. 'Helen.. Sen. 3rd—or Reid,, ': Gardner, E. Wilson,...Jun, 3rd,,-1VI.. ,Andrew,, S. Gardner, M. Anderson. ._ 2nd -13.. R'it °hie, W. Gardner, -A. Gardner. Sen,; part "end—, L. Webster, J."Stiteud, H. Anderson. Jun. part 2nd -E, • Gsiril ner, E.•Gardner, E. Hunter. Part 1st -. R. Gardner,, S, Webster, W.. Web- ster.' Millinery z eannll,,;ssr4nrtaiir-..,and.z cstrui tive - was the attitc'lc of . rust that tlie:;crops :in fields adjoining, whether'wheat,,b'ar- ley; or oats; were cut Tor hay But at ,first the barberry: was not:blamed.; latterly; the farmers got 'together at In- • lstitutes'and grange meetings 'and.;cora =X: :pared .zialteswhen the shrub' was =''con-: Ml.lierg ' M i1T nery ress ;Goods: • ►rests. 00 TIS it 9 seeds and all kin. Tse Prey goods -made. -oid on the word. Premium ia on every ca Guaranteed. a i -'owl .n e sure These goods -aro s er, the .: t. P•. • `tvictetii:•.nn',..undtniable proof, rooted up, .',t'andd• berried ',and rust 'escaped,. after-•: 1" 'wards :: The barberry is a -low prickly ,'.:shrub with purplish' colored leaves 'gen-`.. ,erally;grown for ornament,: and'is:said' 1o''bo -a native' of 111assachussets., Nur- sery nreir-7gardeners, farmers acrd- ,,all;: who have the thing 'growing' should' Arg it up, or.cut it at'rthe ground' and .barn it before the; leaf ".comes , out this: • spring;,else.'we: may have another .fail=' ure.in'grain, 'crops this .year byrest'' whroh the .aouirty •cannot'' afford. • The :difficulty in°.the • case' is that' the seeds' ,of rest:,are'.so. very`,small and '•.light -that they float in' the air to greatdis lances, and,,. ender proper cpndititions, .. • multiply so rapidly on,gr 'Stalks as rto destroy it in a short time •''UN'D'ER ''LICEl1t,SE`• (3i= Tuesday last ,(May 1st) the ct . i east d to. eNist, tinder license law In referring to the. •autroductioit.of the •Crook's. Act, the London ,Fre'. Press makes. the follow irtg lens lrlei' . reluarkg';- -t''Y f the. 1lotel :: eepersiIgene'rally would conform; to the ;.law in:• alt it requireruents, an end,. Would. be Pet ,to the prohibitory.irlove•. '°neat -L-a, taste •of: the effects of which was •had throe ti ,tho mediuin of;•.the Scott Act:; •:But if'they Will persist .in. violating tie; Act;;. in' spllirig' after„ ;'•.:hours' in kee ins• o"tli..lbar•:on' � T n p ,S days,,either secretly or• otherwise';':in shllinn li • ucrr .to., Children' plying :it to persons already'intoxicated, they' 'xi:eetl louk for ne!nailer niter- !Terence 'on the part • Of.' the public: Evert those rneSt strorti;ly : oppo: -d to tire .Stroh Act :arc • ' aware that Bruch evil attends the indiscriminate; sale of l civar. What they 'have 'in :mind is i thebtst practical anode of le:ssenang'the evil 'So far as experience; races th t • roan be reacheil,the ritostreaclily'througli: the sticess of the due en f or;,c.rirer t ' of the','Crooks ' Act ;hand. we' ,!sincerely.' . . { hepe that it, will lte sirstaiiie L by the.. • •full force of public opitriotr as tlie' irtost • . 1eof m etins the ' . 'retluireuients of the case." ` ° first' class rabbet circulars for.: ladiis, tli'e ., linesCrompton :11i u11 . in Crom.'. ton .corsets .at .500; lines in kid glove , ;r\ll,nniat : alio Elun!, r at ran, "at r�'. S1facInt.'re's.' l'se duly". t'elu.iumr baking :powder; , orsets rsets corsets Ar' • loves olves :. G ones osier; �osi.erT —.t p aces'" 1J m br O1d ,1• erre 1„L • W/ G • He elgua:.rters'for ell :1tI'ntxs of Builders, and ;.House. rtirnishing Su. .lies gill l.ai .ds o Tinware and .C�r,`ra�rrte Ii ori Ware. r1'• .large _supply..'of and I) �IFY' PAILS: ��lso oar s' rill ► Supply. of'.PUP.prices 'E': PIiEI'A,ItED ' 'AT N1`�' i ' rll shades. l 'ncl i 'e for :.;b.efore Y chas•iirg elsewhere• /• Agen,t,for-1AL AB AASTIN.E,. the of 1ypr,_manent;: wy:al1• coaling in the Dominion. :WEAN/El-ROUGHING A''Q 1•ALTY • , NOTICE ...To.FARME.RS� : r he su nl.. of. Binder Twine will. no cfoubt be 1'iinited as in 1887. Owing to the .scrirclty� of raw material this yea ,, t p, y , . , .s T,haye:'purchased. very advautac eously for cash a'large supply of • RE''MA i9LL,A,QINDER TVNI ■' I will sell at' the ver � lowest' rices: .Iaitending urchasers, should order: early as' the demand is:. treat and. ` the su 'PPl Y P PY limited.'', LAWRENCE. PE The_ high character of this old : medicine as a sure remedy,' for pulmonary and 1road ial'ctisorclevs, is rppeatedly,confirm: eel by the gratifyNg., • grateful., and uiisolicited ' testimony- 're ceived:'from those who have been beiief•cecl by .its` Ise: •, READ ,THE .FO ,LOW.ING: o yq > f Ilo • cltoti l;l vrttes'.--- se' 117r. Peter S1i�inh�l jr., xs. 1 r t't r �. it ono . 1 l let s worthll`allaitor•f, .,L� rte o send lite by e:(jaress, i►nrneclastely, o t, c o of It . 1 s1 r 1'Iothetti is est fiirr Itirih licit; last bottle, �lie•tliinks tli,ie is nothing like it fo 1.t• Mr..• J.' C Smith; tear Inspector, C ;P R. *Galt,' w=rot's : tt Serve! Inc o'ne tlollais,worth: of, 1'allaruore'S Ea; .ectorant; I can't act itl'onn without • A THE IYELEORATED . JD.R CHASE , '. is IANDELIQN Liver Comppta nt, Dyspepsia Indtgest oh, Btltousn s,, +Jaundice, 'Heedache, ••Dizziness, • Pain in the Bi.ck,' Costiveness or any disease arisili'g from a deranged liver, • D14 CHASE'S Livt:rt• Cttize;will be found a sure;•and ' certain reinedy: NATURE'S •REMEQY.. '. The• -unqualified success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure to Liver,.Complaint rests solely .with the fact that, it is, .'compounded from natures well, known' liver reggulators MAxailA1 E AN) DANDEr.IoN; combined .with' Many ether invaluable roots, I,ar1es ant>: herbs having a , powerful direct on the Kidneys, Stomach, 1iowcls and r. Blood. 6,pp0,000.SALD f%er Da:,• Chase's Ti ccr%e 1."47(41.C.nn.{s' were ,sold) in Canada akin.: We hart every vrku,, woman Alin child 'wlio.is• tro !bled withLi 'cr Coik-' ¢laint to try Iliis'czcelleal reoircdy. LADIES It is a well known fact hat'an inactive livei causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots; ptm,ples,'etc. i . Chases Liver 'Cure is the only remedy that widanust positively cureithese complaints. • SOMEDIRIC NEW: ' CIVEN AWAY FRE ,. Wrapped around every bottle aD'e Chase'0 i er•Cure tix a valuable Household medical Guide a cls Recipe , Book (84 pages), co;Ytaining over 20o •useful reeilies, ,' 'pronounced by medical men and clruggit: s,as' invalu - a able, aria worth ten tittles the price of the mediae. LAURANCE.S SPLG ACLL A are the boy -g'entiine,•cl nglish • articles it 'the Caliacliaii.�llarl et. Real J)eb lies , k(' it} titoNt„ Ceh ,lf'given •tn.rinre1ia w s to tisrnvc genttlnerictia. toe,mA r emit -d bet and tefiti:rneitili s •h tvt• tr.en• received froth •ire f'i'ci ulvnt, ice.1'rc nident, t�lx '7 't•c'sriticiit,;L d 11,?l-Vlce.l'resident, of thi.,Uoilieal;A24SO liat'inn of; Cii,ntuln tilt I'ri sieleiit hfthc'� ' i',rrllei;e; t.f •I hysicans aftd Sorgetonv of Ileeliec ;• the I) an of :the rF't;rlicttl 11'acnity nf:' 1 iM`t•a ): 7 rivcrsity', the i'i'enideet.lutd E-I'resi lents of the xtedica,l Council of Nr vn.Saptin• .1;tc,. TA EQMANSON .& CO,, Sole Agents, Bradford,'; • Be on VOW'. Civara. it nett llny `it Cora in thaw heal trt wlowly tilti sstol;t.° vim iiiti' you', Can be,,altrt+°I:fVr 35c lis •trying tl''s (%lt- ai r °h (Iltr !1 ftiiv tltlll r atirYna tut•vrlts,1l;ijr ht eatarrah ; •1 to 2 box00rns ut tlih'itt s:,ea is lt, 'o ate home t, l nnrrxttteed (Aire uh vinlr .•'-. tarrttlt:.. Tr •1t ' ()nl;v n+ii ntt�l sure: tri{'et Snlif •by s3EititY:d.73:AYS, Lriulinow. g'ayk-"W.,.k!'t.:A,•.,°" w•>:•..p vxrimu BOLI S ]irt'Bfi »u.'arknow,, yMorriaitfL couses a c. .1. • •