HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-27, Page 8• iourlf• S a. •m.^.to T;p. m,•, MAILS Aytnirva. ' ' W.f.dB.south 6.13a in.' Daly . H. d B. North 12.30p. nit }�olycovd) liinlough } 2.3Op m.•.,v ' A.ialods 1 P 0 : .y. W. G. & B. North. 3.48p m.,. (oderich j' Intermediate Points 1 9.00 p. M. 1,,. 1. & B. North 10.30 ,p, m._. 44 , • Tueidaya • L;ngeide • 3.00p. m,, pod FricIsYs• MAILU CLOG$ ; • • W, G. t B.. South •9.30 p..n. 14, H. & B.. South. f I,. H. & B.$auth 10.00 a. m• 1'y• G..t B. Nor:;h 3•20p. m- . Holyrood'1 1�iaG,ngh 4.30 p.m. "' Kinloss daye Cl Laugeid ' 4:$.0, p.m, Tne4and, Frldayeryi' . Main for the '1Jnited.. Kingdom ose Tueedsf, atb 30 p. m , d�r n the .winterev. • • Village mid !(,texts News. Photograph Gallery.' We are informed: that Mr. Thos.. Treleaven, of Mt. Foreat, intends. re- turning to,Luckaow to carry on the ,photograph -busing* "here. -He , has rented the building; next to; Berry & Days'_ drug- store and will Shortly com- rnsiice .operations.. ' A good Measure. Otto Of the bilis passed atthe recent session of -the Ontario Legislature pre- . 'sides that ,municipalities.Outside of citioac Dina.. have a public ratepayers' meeting on December. 15th each year and' must furnish the taxpayers, a fi ancial statement on or before December 24th, the earliest dity fox notninations. / .Sportsmah's.Annual'.. • :.Wereceived last -Week the Canadian N'>; p 1S a i n€itira a or 8S cont riil +yO.tke .rpt is a 6 •• ortl a `y r l ituis t'e' .trkint eeeut. the-. book is :published at the •'Canadian Sporting ' Office. '::Toronto • "Price,' 25 cents, paper Covers, ^cloth covers, 50 cents, ' and will 'be , mailed •• free anywhere or receipt of prise: Foresters+Social. his; . - alar • T u . nne>rtainmeut; drew a p P ,, e,.. 3arjte' crowd of ' •Foresters and • their Wives and. friends. to the. lodge roost' on Monday. evening last. ' Thr . chair Woe: • ably . occupied .• by Dr. . MacCriinmon, . and the • splendid • musical program is ether•-;with—tl a -abundance of good; thin by, the' committee, combined to make one of the Most enjoyable socials ever. given by. the 'societo. ., Horise Cleaning,'• A,s'thie thee for house cleaning has, arrived it nig . ''not• be out of 'season •to,. give °.. •. e a bit o� of niat'o . . ,, r or n n retativa`tca • seine of its branches. It has been .;!esu► nstrated in.: England -that. . the health, nya evetiithoMises,-of'.-the-oc-- ctipauts of hauses'may;be•aeriouely. im perilled by tlie•'paper on the .walls, and many. oases •of poisoning were. traced to the :presence of• arsenic .in the green tlye'. used to produce a delicate tint on the ''wall>cover''ng' Gone to Ni.uskoka, t •:Mr...William ;Philips, .:elm of the, old p.ioneera of Ashtield,'h.as sold his farm to'blr. Henry,.and.left . for .,Sunbrid"g o, .Muskoka, where he •Iutt7nds. to spend the• remainder of his days. Moat of • 'his faintly have settled in Muskoka •acid,this .is the reason why he and .the remainder of the.. family wish to settle, •• there: Tlie people :of,' this neighbor, Med have:lost a kind neighbor:a d I; ani `'(sure Mre.. Philips will not ht soon -:..forgotten, aa she was• very khid• to `all. ot1`hat thia neighborhood losesl'•in ,the departure of their friends, 'willbe a }greet benefit to,spine; other locality. ` 'tt%e,join with the roat'of the neigh.bora iu :wishing; theisttoo best of suc,ress •t heir ,now' Lome:—,Gott. • Mticious Damage State lu scroii,nts indulged in whole- • ea e window *Mash ink last FridaY 'night. in. Gecycles,:: cooper, had '.over; ono ' •h.tndred 'p ones of gime broken,: and the fid ui.of Carueron Sc Murdoch some nine. • was a dastardly outrage, nistait tnaliciously planned and enforced. It, is a, disgrace to the town,'that such • vandalism occurs and that snob miser- ablo vandals' reside therein... Coi,iing: as; it did after th+. `Scott Ac't campaign, no 'Other view thee that it was done i'• i a• spirit of ret esltge exit be taken. ' The( - sufferers were•strongadvocates of the Arlt" That it was countenanced by any respectable Anti -Scott act, pian wo Y ' tletty,,liltt was:. simply and Solely the tivork of contom ptible ui:sereants'devoid of Manhood, and nobility, and Whose only arg,Uatents: aro ' !(lows and • the Wretskings of Voitgeful sutures: Should. this perpetrators ever 'become known it is, t( be heped that the full"nieastire• of. the law' will AID aimed out to sirens. It is abotyt time that the majest of I Y. then law rit this respect was outer than, 41, f+ eco to the municipality of Leickuow Tenders., 'Tenders .. „ Tenders willbe received up till. Mon- day; 210. of ' May, fora supplying the material and, erecting brick stores on Queen street, Kilieardine. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Per particulars apply, to W. 3.. Henry, • Kincardine Extreme Happiness., The man who can stand by the side 'ofa trout book, withbis debts all paid, his business reasonably prosperous his wife and family 'in' good health, and; a deep pool in sight, in' which a dozen speckled gamesters are ready- for a tussle, has in sight. nine -tenths of all thehappiness which, any one• gets. this. side of heaven. A Late Spring. *tiny • of the farmers inthis section commenced ploughing' last week,. •but; as yet there is no growth in the:grorund:.: Two years ago this time we had very warts • weather, the trees nearly' in full leaf, and cattle on the -grass.; - A -year ago farmers .were seeding on the 10th of April, and we had . non' frosts.' after that date. . School Arbor Day. The first Friday in May (the 4th) will be set apart by the Board of Trus- tees of every rural school and -incorpor- ated village for the purpose of. planting shade . trees, making flower beds,, ..and. otherwise improving and beautifying the school grounds. '?Voulct it not be a good idea for ltee've Graham-to—also'• proclaim the 4th, a public •holiday ; for 'planting trees thoroughout the village( • Personal Master. Willie Gaynor, son of Mr. Con , usynor, 12th Con., West Vawa- nosh, left on Wednesday. morning 'for the , •Atnerican Sault • where lid': has .seeu•rtad t, lauflrati.Ve ion. as book - J e • 0i•hWi. ,ysrd s ezdlega=l Girls Wanted; Two good servant girl's wanted,,. For further ;particulars apply to Mrs T.. F.. Cain, Cain's hotel, I.UCk[iow, Looking' After No 3 Major•Boyd,.:32nd Battalion, was in town- Wednesday enquiring; into the wants of No. 3 Company, It is likely: that No. 3 this year will sport' ,new uniforms when they .turn . out for annual drill some time in June, The . major hails; from Port Elgin, He is not a _Very 'big man; but all the same they' say. he is one of the heavy -weights .at an emergency. He Took. Honors Mr. W. E. Treleaven, assistant .to. the Xtev • Mr.. Hannon in Methodist church work in:,'Kincardine,• has been in town for a week past paying his re- speots, to the "old 'folks,,at home" and. a host of friends generally. Last week he attended' the -ministerial .exantin- atios at Listel and he caine:..otf with hying colors, taking an aggregate. of 84 per cent.; 75.•per cent. entitled hint to a first •class 'standing. • Mr. Tre ieaven'is.a geed 'pulpit speaker and no doubt as he increases• in years and ex- perience:• will make his mark.' TERRIBLE DEFEAT.L • The r)eott: AOL Mepealed Iu 'six Coanties by Enormous Mgiotrttea.. 77�e ytetursu lei-/wll.. • lei SPRING s'rocK .Ot ::. IS NOW'COMpLEx ; • We have eta Yalue in. Men's and BQv s; D COARSE: W' AR k:A great variety of 'W.OMANN•'S. SI1OEa, and SLIPPERS,., which cannot be excelled fee qulility anti price. Itildr naafi We Have-thP.-latest styles. Call anal see our shoes an 1 et our pricesbefore purchas- ing, quality of our goods ncl t11eP ricess;at whichtitci sell tliiem can not fail to commend themselves to you'. AM ER:ON. '&•' MUR DOCH.. N.B • W'e' have opened out this week our lelt.and t. an :Straw Hats. , '.The 'voto .on the -Scott. Act, repeal on Thursdaylast was a big (surprise •to_ everybody. _Even_the most persistent=' apponents• to .the act;had .no hope; that'' the vote would • have resulted sa 1e tw.hou A11 a d>s^''lt}i?satoatem s?9;Ec tgt$A, ,W41Ziz PBased., t ineet`.creditable° examination at the entrance' last J my and being a .genial smart young • Ina n will. no doubt reflect credit on his parents whop are, ainong the oldest families in this region.. •Sepoy-Concert0ommittee.q -77-.----'— ' The, Qneen'a:birthday .,celebration under the auspices of the Sepoy.. Ln crosse COlub'is; now a settled fact. • The club is• just •now•'Perfecting `arrange tnents, and the posters will .be out in a week orsso. ;, At the last meeting is •.oncert_cam niOee P _was•appointed,`com 'osed of " lie•. following gentlemen H.: a n, , ,Morrison ,(chairnran) . 1) E.., Cameron,: -4,.s.. Campbell, A. B. Catineron, .Allan McConnell, D. A. Ma3,iutyrn,'and Geo. Kerr. •;This will be'...the most'memor- able•'concert of the year, and first-class'• performers ,will, bit engaged. .Oue' of the features will•be a•fancy drill from•: ;the' opera, " A Merry Warn, by•.,a • company° of twenty-four in appropriate t iilitary,; costutne. Ev-er-y-citizen should' celebrate the `.Queen's: natal -.day at haeme. Oddfellows, Sermon. Thef.inen,bers ' of ..the Oddfellow. ledge1d terie' out g..ln IaC' en" •' n mbe• ri ' • on Sunday last to celebrate the' anni- versary'of the Order iii this' Country. -The brethren ;assernbled` ia. their l'o'dge rooin at half past ten. ,and niarched in a body to the•nl,ethodisr.' church where a special: sermon' was delivered to thoin by, the paster,. the Rev. Mr.:Nugent. The text selttctod by the •rev. gentle-: Man :Wag •the words "Love the''I3roth.: erhood,': froth which he preached a very- able' and practical discourse.' The sermon•was ono of ,the .best ever delivered to the Order, ia•:;the, viillage. 'Atter the .services, the procession.was .,. reformed'' and the hietnbers ; marched bail(' to the :ledge room. Some •six members 'of. .the.. A'Vitighiuni,. • encainp= inept were present and: also :took . part in :the procession; ' It,' is .expected:. a ntiniber of the Luoknow bretlti•on will, go to Whighani on staiday nextto at.: tend, the services in , that 'trowel.. HO for: the West4. :° Aare you going' west to better•, your condition 1' If so, begin ilecide• to'ship'ali your freight, and purchase •your tickets to .Dakota, Minnesota and nil' other points iia the .'tboundless •tveist 'by the •Chicago ' and • North \'Nesters •Railway, which with its 7000'iniles of• solid steel track;. is theshortest and • quickest and best •line wost l s•'rates are AS . Jew tis' ,tire low test, .grad its ad- vantages in the;shape of througli .oats to•tlleost important points, it:3 system' of :th baggage chocking,. and' its coin rtab�le, Warta, .ancl • Well ventilated eerie coes .commend it. to 'the people as' the sta0dard,lilat. \Viten you tiro pity° ing,you r, money,/ you, want ' the hist, and cast get it 11:y asking.tor ticicets ori the. Norrie Western, Emigrants move- -obit's handled ,ivitlt care and 'dispatch,:. and all" facilities^•giver( for feeding and, • watoring, stock enrouto... lnforuiation regarding_ i•ates, etc.., and. U S. cusstottts regulations, given ,.On •'application Co John, II; 'Morley, Canadian. Passer( eil=, Agent, O'Yot'k �8t.,•Torouto.,' - ,,'• t. F• Tams*. s ivie"se' '1It+i+ sly.,'-?in'p're pared• for suc.'an o.verwhellning de feat This result' was ,not.. only :con=' •:Onedi to our own county, but all along the line froiv Glengarry on the east. to -Bruce on the -west Ulie—acttinet- with" crushing disaster; ;!, great many • rea- sons a>%b given for the vary :heavy vote in lay. -or of repeal, but the whole secret say. in .the lax way: in,.which the act-: was •enforced. In, our• own village Isere iquor•-•was=soei as opeirly' os ear-. the' bars as though • "he . - were l • " s ' n,. t Y .. rcen...ed to do so, , and ".while it is:, true 'a :few= complaints were Iod g ed for Violations of the law they.generally ended in a fizzle, and 'want' ,warm supporters o • • As the wsrm weather is nearly here, I beg to intimate that sty' awy 1 A•IITIFOL-••nitioaIGNS-1 - . rnzts fens +'ULL LIiNES IN ALI::` S.UMMERW:EAJ :: • •1113 .G west Y. D.LPAETMENT 'ALSO EXCELS... ems Coffees,' • Sugars, Spices, , � Tobaccos •And everything' else in general use:• •I would 'also dirtot attention :to, 'guy selee'ted atoclt of Choice ;designs in • • EW WALL .P. the temperance 'cause, becai» a disgns F VLRY'1'HING` RItQT ISITE FOR 'ROUSEIIOLD USE. ted aud either voted for the. ' repeal, or `.:IT WILL PAY TO -PATRONIZE U'S rofraine from taking an• part in the •Y ry,.. o;,teat. aROBERT The •follotving is a llst•of. the major- ities polled in. the different municipali- ties. in' the county for and against re - e •rowxsx ars: For Against Bruce 16 ()amok• •� 57 Greenock,.. 118 Kinloss . 59 Huron ,., 20 ncardfrie 48 • •,. Towns AND VILLAQtt$. • dliesley.. „ ... .:. . ,,. 42 l.i ck o i n w.. .. '29 T . P(.rt Elgin... • ,• W.• Southampton. . ,• Tara► , 4 ... Tiverty.' •• ^tire t `8 Teen* n • Wal k• e ertoa......,. •d0Y Wiartoti.8 4 1,629 , 211 Net majclrrity.furrepeaj: 1,516. Followin$'his list of,00unties; together with the majorities by which the act was curried our yeers ago, and' the vote Thursday • 1884 ,1688 Bruce : ,,, • i3ufferin.,. 'Dundee, ,Stormont Olengarry . Huron... Norfolk... Renfrew... . • Steads.•. 1,314 • .1,418 ' .. ° 7J1 120 and ' •. .1,706 1.726 1,553 1,256 ..1,037 700 ....• 730 381 •....1183 ' 2 100' , , eav Brown --'•T. � y tb•ti Hollands, froth• `lOc per yard,at.,Ooorgo lil;re's.' • A• .nide • lino of fancy goods ; and new stanpingpatterns at. Mrs. J?india•' ter's. ' --holler towellings from 5c . er-yd.. , p �_ Dundas ' Ciitto 'shirtitgs ., tenanted 'fast colors front lOc per yard at Kerr's' -New Lhat l Ne,w, 'hats':• iliow ' f' `" s.." ., lir the tihre to s jot:your spring hats, tif- -Mr§. Sin tli`s,• .. . 11Tclnt'Y, re has the noblitest'`soft and laird felt hats. in boys and ,turns,. all sites -and colors. Genuine Cowboy` hats, and straw. hats, in• endless variety.. .Extra i alio in Cotton ehurting, cott'onadee, ducks, denims, , t0ttels, towelling, • table linens,, 'ea at,3eor3;n Kerr s Luckno,H.• UR:'R T J,?;,CARR has.in stock a complete' line of Choice 'Roller Flour lie►11'er pat Meal'. Standard Oat Meal: • Germ: Wheat •Meal ' tracked Wheat , Flax Seed '• Oil Cake Pot Barley Turnipi, and Mangle Seels • Carrot Seed, and all k nde•ofseod'grain. Seed Potatoes Herbageum; Foot( blitmmy Pea I#ucic''Whoat Flour Luck Wheat Seed THEMUMMYP[A T1'is wonderful pea.. was brought to Canada' by the Rev. A. Drummond, of New Castle. Ont: from the Queen's Garden, st•BeUnoral• Uastle • Scotian . having beenT �, sent direct. to hiin from Egypt, where it •was found in .a Mittniny s Tutub. ' • F. J 'CARR GatnpbeH's mock, Luciuiow CHAP CROCER'IES. • VISTO.:YR,. The• undersigned hexing. this. : (day bow -416.0m rite stock • in trade o,' IL. A. CLO 18.'061 111'e, 'the sante at, the . ole stand at REDUCED : PRICES.: .A.l'l who desire bargains • 'should give me a call. ALEX. 4, MACCKAY., lrutktiowr Jan. 10th,; 188d• 4 f • Onlya little,00 ver one year has • . • elapsed hs, sec s .` �e t � due i t •�% 0 i into • ' anada o' the. now � .f well-known' ,ALASKA ,S .E'���- �"' CTAC`L' E6 nND--•- • EYEGLASSES, 5. And these is.hardly a town or village where an, agency for she; sale of 1 b •-col e,orated spectacle hasp not:be ti- stituted: . "AL ASK t" is not uffed up b . mean- ingless,. . Y . ingless,:.would be' scientific . phresee, but,"i•>s dffered to unintelligent public on its Merits.. ;Try it, and,you will•find it to; be a perfectl}i `•• reliable aid to your eyesight. • Near esighre t,. • . orfar sighted'yctutli or old age. 'cern he:ruited; exactly. The word " olla;ka" id.''eiaitnfie.d•. upon cveryair, , • Photo graPh : Cabinets $2.5,0 ' :• . .DOLLN. For asle.'.b.- , ST ,INaER, Lucks ow. • Successor to E. L. ;Johnson. LVOK.N.QW [The 11191 is now in full' werl sig ord* t- anu caliablet pf meeting •all thy wants of lily- patrons "rt0' MORE DELAY • I.rrvA::x • LNG J!Oit, Y'Oifl't t Farmers: 01,14 do K:"eil to gran b • �oell. gGgm to h 1 t Where ;le liigLcst' cunit 1>rle:c•Marw bepaid:; ..:, ., CHOPPING DONE • L i USUAL •,. • The beet; grade's :if ,Rollers BOO, eo atantl' of hand. ,ga,10per 1001bes. Y Jr . •