HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-27, Page 5• Interesting Items.•. •The, .Flotsam and Jetsam of the ,Qut'rent Week., - -Grand Tiucl•osse match May 2.4th,• --Miss Rote Burgess returned to •.undon on; '1 uesday last: ' • Miss Bray,; • of Winglian, Is 'the' guess of MIS. O. A. Shepard. •--George Kerr is • offering • extra 'rrlue in boots' and shoes. --The maple hut;tr. crop has, leen. e l ght hereabouts' this.sprina. .• i�► +r : fine" of t11::Lari ii rt Mcl end's. • f•ivery,horses diedMonday morning. �'lrhe ]3un;tow n tirebrig-lde will' .,;eve an exhibition of lire. tactics .on .May 24th. 7 . "1 etas, sTigars and: .general groceries. oaf tlw best grades anci qualities. at K(et r's, -XVc are pleased to learn that Mrs. ,.Alan 111cLeod :is.illlproviug front infla- 61 cation. • —Mr. Thos. 'Treleaven, • of . Mt. fort+st, .speut''a few days in the village• this week. —The Goderich Assizes open • on 'Monday, the •300; With Ml 'Justice N• McMahon presiding, . t •-� ren is �I : �p tern and you can't Metter ' then., to get 'Vent' wall papers • Ironr 'V I3. Srrfith. ' -Specialvalue in ii ,all wool .:Fi!encli. .!hies goods Irani 15c }her • yard'.:. The best valt}-e'iii'Lake°w at C.xeq. gears,: •Mr..James''.Mo(lat,•of Culross, was ri._.the:.' iltage ;an Tuesday •east with his 1in`e'iinperted Clydesdalts,stidlaoiii,"Lcrd: Tiatfieid. " "to lL i1T tti itlt c }. r y � , f, �NLIMM�:im. Aip w tf" t> r ec n^"'•��4:Gtir<E4 :.� ; 11: Purgess,foi,'the past we(7it, left. Mr his. western home on.•..Tuesday , last, •=3f you Want'it a nice: suit clothes well • made and triuinled and 'satisfac� tion. guaranteed leiace°your ori.ler • with e , 1,eoreKer __ The, Rev -Dr.-Forbes, •.-!wife and . itaVo;chil(Iren, of: St. Paul; Minn., .are, (.hie'- guests_ of k'o'rhes' father, 'Nit: ' .John Savage, gf th.is villa»e,:p Embroidered flouncings;, Swiss, and'.Muslin eintiroideries. A large -...tock to cheesetfrohi at Mrs. 'Sliiith's: A. u•ilioii .prayer -meeting, .udder-, • 4 • i'Uf rried.: a - M. McI IiTTRE74t•AincsoN-At, . the residence of the bride's •father, ou APril 25th, by ltev. A. MacKay, of. Lucknow, Mr. Gilbert McIntyre, of 'Winghaui, •tu Sarah, second, riaiighterof Mr Alex Cameron, of Wawa: nosh. ,, young•--•Argosy►--At the residence of the bride's father, oi. April 18th. by the Rev.' h)bert Leabk, .St. Helena, Alexander ,. Woods, West t'V;awanri-II, to Mary Ann; daughter of EdWFrd: Ail drew; Esq., Ash- field, Diel.,.` hlCQCIr.r.AN- In West Waivanouli, on Wed- nesday, Aprl( it)th, Rebecca McQuillan, aged. 11 yearn and 11 :months, daughter of W J McQuillan SES! SEE! Oar- patent, Spring -roller V{IINOW-BLINDS: TLe latest,. newest, and most• elegant patterns. Splendid assortine,it of'• bull paper. 000 'Watch repairing by, r . COMPETENT 'WORKMAN. Special attention. to' watches that have been, u nsfitisfaotority repaired:. else- • • where-- ,D.. MURCIHISON: Local. rind Tra;vellliti Salesmen:. To sell t).ur, choice; varieties of , '14 rr.4a2 a zaecr •tcr-t'lvr i lrt•Icri,n- , f/ • itis . auspices of ' the Bible society :was: field in St.;' Androw's church on Wed= otesday evening:. -=hiss Chaml,ers takes the lead for .fashionable Intilinery, An,:inspection `-Will convince .the tlrost.fastidious=-,i 'Georn'e :Keir Lticknow 1()4' r are look gf4.r Address with references, MA;Y BROTHERS, • NURSERYMEN, Rochester; 1Y CERKSOIRE rSOAR For .Sa.l^e: ��Ve.C;heap.. .f avingg'3ven tt :my:farm, I !law.'• offer: y Pure Bred Boar•. (Sir 1icliard) i for. sale. Ilei was purchased front J. 0; Snell, of Edmonton, •aiai is nnt.quite,a. year aid; and h'as:.proved a sure; and very fine stockgetter Pedigree will' be'given ds received from �w r Snell:, Terms, ori aliplicariiiu: • R; E. •LANE, 4ins-743' ' ]:.anew• Uut ' MORTG GE SALE. otel; , ` Lueknow'; Whitely's -The Milne: tn; t' ke spring. medicine THURSDAY• MAY 3RD..' 83 AT 2P.M is. here again,The best kind of spring itedicine most tnerti'„eould take'' Would, 1)e':to.spring out of £ I an•'hour .earlier cv'ry morning for; a . week and :'put 111 the extra time at cleaning up'the .yard. • Sor ao:?20 emigrantchildren `' will arrive at tete Guthrie Hoene in London from England, on the 9th inst., and 'parties in need;.ofst youngster 'can be acro itadated hy,addressi l 11 Gibbers. London, Ontario. • • —Let iuc• tell you,. something, in; a whisper Whew. you'. begin ' house- cleaning, and hist lordship gets • out of patierte(:,: and'.goes down tow:ni just .go co. S!)'i.ith'S and.• p{1) cllase. some.. of •Ii.la' l)cautiful wall -papers.. 'bet 'tl eni' put •0 1 the 'Walls, and seethe efli ct' it will. roduce on hubb• y's ill -nature. • • —Mr • R:'M: Munro,; fornierfy "prin< right of Vaisley school' but latterly pub= • fisher of the Waterloo Gimmick, is leaving Waterloo, and moving to Port; I'Jlgi►tl " 'here will he. sold the ':Westcrley,r i adres of Lot 19„in•the 7th -Com.. Township -of -•'Its al'h s - Por further particulars' tree• • posters or apply.to ,. CRONYN,t I3ETl;s, ' Vendors London, or to PP. TEit CORRIGAN, Auctioneer;, Iiolyrood The Principal of'•Treatiient • N. Washington;. MP.,LROPS Eminent Lung and Throat Surgeon,;:. - WILL Irl: AT, :FLIPS -HOTEL. a „• gr. Jghriston. we Understarrd. is'to be .in' the einploy of the.. Grand :hunk. Albanian kid 'gloves in hlar{k anct• rotors; all,sizas, 4 Burtons, cho cefielect•, ••d stock, silk embroidered hacics, the hist -glove in, the. Market. ,.',Itungtaiali kid ;loves in black and 'colors, silk 4••ubroiclered'lacks,, extra •value, •4 but:: ions?, $l, 3•:". -Ne '%' sli.i'ngt4-n • M. D: ' and eiu'in- Y 1 said ' n (' r • throat iu sot ,o i of Tor; :tib t' n n , Will. visit ' Lucknow on . Triday, :May 18th. Personally” he !vas unable 'o att("»(µo1 li' _pre.viaits in 1- • {11e,tt eilQUllStal)e(S•��5I•\ya9 ' ..,intielled to sena assitant Dr. (Trays.. All cicsirots o£ tie(>,in�; l)r; Washington, \' should visit hien ¢t1 that occasion. Silu.thrrn r corn; m lJ('t,. )lungni:ittai' grass, rape, whit(' ])ilfcll elOtr()l;' ill• c<rrn'i:•clrty( r; 11Th( `top muss, antl red' reef) +;rid -S, l)uokwh at,°• ;ares`. orCllail'd- rtiss, perennial rye., toll frcctte, ;aatoes, top 1.1111 dot chseat' oliions, •1\lsir 141erryis and Steel' 13i•os. garden tcet'1s.. at A. Mdtntyre'Et, µ • , --Some of those4ri q Lisle, .ttocling s • ( i OR$E ls1' OEING: • -GENERAL ° BLACKS:MITHINC'. Adam Thompson begs leave to thank the •inhabitants: of Lucknow and surrounding; country- for the libel -9;1 patronage bestowed en him during the cast seven years, arid wishes a continuance of. hiq•.)ld customers .and a fair share of thenew, as tie loin a better position than, ever to supply the. wants of the public. Ile alwuys has: on baud' a stock. of VTaito33.0 8& Buggies If You • Want a Sprin 00 ..OUR .-TWO-4D.$ .A.101.• of all far famekinds, ' He will also 'rewind thea! of the d SCOTCH DIAMOND • HARROWS,; which he alwa�ys'has on hand and are made of • the. very bes tinaterial. Parties wanting any, thing m this line will do well to give him acall and Nee prices before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention paid to , ALL KINDS OF HORSE SHOEING.. flatfeet', contractions, and interfering. By strict attention-to,.bufiness, •gond work manship and employing nothing, but good workmen, I' trust to retain the l.atrouage kindly extended tli. hie., ADAM THOMPSON. .c;ampbell Street opposite the Bank. EDWARDS &.: McCALLUM Are now prepared to fill all orders in ,their line. • • Having houghs direct from the,nianufacturer,• ., ..food: staple lines of 'ladies, and gents BOOTS ,&: SHOES, of :the latest styles and nought for cash, • • ` they are ready -to. give • GOOD G.00D`Sfat Pike* . '. .AND ,THE LATEST PATTERNS,'. d r .. - Vii', , • r. 1 . `* Mr. Stewart, our • Cutter, can �o • ::� relied on. for,a CHILDRENS, ' • YOUTHS,.., i MISSES,: . LADIES arid GENTS Boots Shoes, Vivo ars a call, and inspect our,goods.• We also manufacture nes af'SEWED WORK in ladies and gents boots and shoes. All, orders will receive vurstrictest attention REPAIRING: DONE SECOND TO NONE 13eiriennbet-tli4i shopnext'door to W A.1.1in's; EDWARDS & 'MCCALLUM. FAR•M. FOR SALE ' OR' EXCHANGE • Being tot 'No 5k Lake Shore Range, ;con. tattiing 88•at:res, all.of which are cleared and IQ a good state .cf ceiltivtition, -Three mil' -s' frorn.the town of Kincardine.. There is a good frawe•holIse•and other out buildings:; also good oichard and a never • failing. supply "of good sprin water. '1'he'farm willbe'sl,ld abble.terms, br will. ex(hauge for :small • farui cl ise'to town cr village' For pea genius apply, at Si:14T71 I. Office; Lucknowv, or • • • • - WM. 130YD:: sr. lake Range, Kincardine F.'O'' . 'DULL•FOR' SERVICE..'• The ukrdersigneti.•will-Iceep far Service hie s» peribr Short horn Bull, f• (lhiet Justice," at Lit 30, Con, 2, Kinlo.s. .1'FRMS--for the • season --••-Grades, 131.50 ; '1'ltoroughbrc-ds, '$5, tobe paid for•on • Feb. 1st. ' 1889.,' • " CHIEF. J.USTIC bl" ltoau; Calved Oct. 21; 188 5, bred' by J. and W. 13. Watt:' Salem. Ont.,. gat :by 'lord 1.ansdowii, (51601)'•dant Ja.anca,te'rs Pride, by T.ety is,Arundell, VViolet's'Liat>,daater, by Lancester Yioletiif Greenwood,'by L. •U, B: 2nd Violet; by Duke Of' t loster; Snow drop. by \ anguard, Ptinnese, by llobin Hood Layini a, •by; SU) tan, 1)tich ss;.,bv Duke, of Cleveland; 1.avi is 4th, by 1)ukr, of Wel'in;;' ton•(3054),laI inia2i 1,' by• Alexander (110091' 7,.avinta (2911) imported ,,by a son Sxliib (1321) by .Eryholnte (1U18) by. a .soh of .Niir•bh Star J AMTS GAUNT, Pt;oprietor,. '• • t• ..Whitechurch ftill'ieft,: Secure Some of them 1ieforO ;they are tall• gene, at lits. Slay ths. ' +i• 4CONSUL',TATION,, FREE. h , L'tT 'G I ori Priclia3r May leth Ilea l I,'Stbreey's (of Pt. W. Storey Son,.' Manufucturels,; Aston, Ont.) letter of reply to Mr. Ale( rtney, cf Actdsii, Out,, Sept. 14, 18137. '.Gcorie 11lcC(artney, 4.1q• loyne, f3z,C: ISs.te See, -Your letter teeeiveil. In reply, 3:beg to rt fnr1l y:1u-tlsnt T)r: Washington coni- p144t1y, cured 1110 of. Catarrh Of two years' s an(ting,-wliMit threatened to bid ak down iny enitstitetion. I hail prepionkly tried every thing and every iliyweaii` of note, without receiving 8 T)at tiers of r .iird, When ' I' coni -- mended taking his Iuedieme:'Iw )itl(1,aalmost' Koff e. tvjtb !nuc:ot )lw rt.ftil1 (trews! throat �tt'd throat at uig1it, and had. (!.bout giveh sire all hope. After I uuuuricne e(1 • taking' his medi- cine 1 fr:lt.t decided rel) f in: a steel:,.. an(l. in two ininithswas entire]ykcilrrdi PhatTSne, rly a year ago,:tu d have no return of the. •trnnhie. ,T. min confidently recommend lit: Wash- ington to you. Be is ncr quack , 11w...tth*arges • iii xl 1 al' ( klii•te ` Ile t4:: 1e'1'f u` Pti c. s� r , 1, tld.man'in•a 1 that term ini !tenet vest (•tist'anelt. i iii 1#eiieve me, 1r'ours truly, ° °• W.:7-r:-STOPEV. »iseR9es Treat -ed. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, (.hrnni,.;neon .. cli(tt r, AKtIinia au(1 i)ousuiIption:. (Also, 140ss of Voice, Oh'roi)ic Sore Throat, Reiiinv�ing la1•ge,l 7'()nsils ftotri the 'Cht•iia,t, 1)1'(1 ;I'dilyl)ii expert - 1. r .. s y l or or .Growths from the nose, Without the knife. All diseases of the Head. '.Throat and Iitih s T rotted by Inhalation 4'1'htl New Method.' .• • .RIPLEY !L1!!o:!I LCL DOORS,' SASHES. AND` ,.MOULDINGS iii Stock, also•. Planing, 'Matching and Wood: ' Turning to ordeto Order Ctthe, sho test notice. Every c:quipnient 'for 13Uititxe13 at Very. Lowest Pi icf . .` Ea31Courazo • 'Io3310. �'.,itto r li'Ztiott. • f;0L1N 1111;1 pp,V )1.11). . *if•i34• • TO 'CONTRACTORS' Tlfe.con tract for raising School htiis*No,12, Ashfield, one foot from the grim iAtid't+erect n stone foundatiol) under it (abont 'three feet' in height);' to1•eniovc all the' old ,)taster from.' the walls• of the building and to , )taster,.:! ;mew, 'lie-•1`et at tht aa)io:ul-bnu:1,:,,att a m11',aa: south of Atmerle. on Thursday, i , ., �, The t t , )., May 10th,. at one (t. cl5ck 1) an. ,The ladliling is: about 25 x' ;i0 feeb« ` Eur further particulars apply to the, trustees. • DONALD �ern) ' A7r1TZ3A• 1cI ti'`*I ;ti11, PO.WETI.. , 'Authoring P. 0... j L001010w 3ins�71G,. • • • • • -'7• T IANO s, rI_ 0,.xweli Chatham pelf : Binders,,, • t ' Mowing ing Machines different'ma;kes.. :sulk . Ha=.ha�i,•�k . . es: • :Mason No SOti. Graf .,:Dill . -I, rs. Woodsti o ck , , o . and �LlI1'C11R123' ��lln ,WliagU11S. Garianogiiie and otter Buggies.: C>r. .Ploughs!' «, Walking P1oulis `30 diffeient••st.:l' � � .. , Y �S to choose Iron Hari o rs, wittli 60 and 7 "teeth .;Miller's patent new Dnlr. 13 w modelisc� QW, 11 on and WoodScufflez s ',Siligle'and Double Tu1'n1i � So �crs. NsNewXin1o' ed D trot' (, �yr S p . o e a,c1ElnPtclrit> :11iLaclt* 'With steel .tt c,,... ...Farmers nlei s ' .*ales, etc. ' •'Q1othes, Wrii s, •liTa 7 l Latnps,Waslyn' g.l— VtaCtlaes. ' from.• As many of the above articles ;have ,had. valuable ;too pre x enlmi1tsadded for 1388, Tntendmg ul•oh. t ' � � • 1 � ,P ° awls �voulci r�d 1 o •call and examine before placing their orders • Repairs for all above. ` 1Matl ine Oil, Needles, Repairs, ... .... � � ; etc, always -- on' hand. Binder' Twine, Pure :Manilla, Best Qualit Ask : for. prices.. .A. �sQllctecl: A thousand fit si-cl'lss Cedar Posts for sale. ICK T:�r pp ``�� T��yy u..L.,CK .BRICK. l�) First Class White Br' iCk deli e v red:at I1LcknoW Station, Oheap -•.4 „dry HIT & AINLAY • MOI r 1iOTf;T:ST, F()r prices c:111. ott tk0445, •'. • • "' • • i I�. c,°!P tett.jew moi• 4'�� r (' 1 nJ,tf)c U'l�. is.o LLA a • •