HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-27, Page 4• • �'9•i'lfl�-- * xn x, YSE' LIBERTY TO, UTTEn. AND 'TO ARQUE PRRELY ACCOBDINf# TQ THE DICTATES QF•CQNSOIEIICE WE PRIZE ABOVE; ALL QTHER.'LISEBTIES. . , • • • Lnaknow4.4j1.27th, '18.88: 7"R t,E OATMEAL U'OMBINE. A sure ,..result .o( protection is high larices to the conseiner without corres- ponding advantages to the agricultural 'producer; , Look at this oatineal'busine The 'nilly of Ontario are capable of m ng 000,000 barrels of raealannually, .but eve do not • ourselves require more, than, 1 50,000: What:: then,. The surplus 190;000' barrels have no' market. ,Iu.Britain . they make their' own, and ih the: United .:States': a :duty. of $1.06 'per barrel ` is absolutely Prohibitory, ao our. ; oatmeal Millers, .esombine,to keep down production, and Keep' -up the.-price;--•-About-one-third of the millers are allowed to'run, and tale others 'get a' :bonus, to stand idyl' Ooiripetition. uskilled.--Pats , aro no higher--labor_is� ,paid. no , Iinore_ __-dread. Chills mean' so many unemployed hands abut, ;here's the rub, the price of food 1] SL's"" ruts ,ynd- •olrile non=manufaetarsi goo, it lie is a fortunate enough to own a mill that tI !' cninbine" .will give him 6,000'a .seat' to`keepclosed.• Paradoxical -. query Who actual pays tosupport the dead ui n8 i is ,it,` not the. coinsumer. Findlater has jut received.a full assortment of spring and sump er inillin•ry-Give her. a call: Private•money or company funds toloan, at 6 per, .cent. per annum. Call and enquire terns.—II. Morrison'. --Buy your hat now while, in stock is .large and varied: You can get ;just what you want in hats at,11frs Smith's McIntyre has a fine dine of gents white and colored shirts, in all sizes, latest ,styles ; collars and' cuffs, latest styles ; cuff button, ,collar buttons, silk: handkerchiefs, and the best line in _25c: ties ever offered. • —Feathers, Aiguths,;Flowers, Pow- wow ornaments, etc,; . etc.,, at Atm Smith's. —Let, the old man growl', but .house-cleaning must be done and you can get beautiful papers to decorate your walls and ceilings, at; W. 11 Smith's. • Milliner4.y Millinery -1V1illiner • .lc�.R.eliable.T1e.SedsmaU wishes to intimate to `his old patrons that he has, a full stock of the. following Reliable Seeds, all bought since the tremendous break in the . seed market and can offer you prices defying competition.' ILO YEN/ Common[ Red - Mammoth Alsike. Lucerene White Ducch AMERICA: Ni CANADIAN TIMOTHY. J Meadow Fescue Canadian Blue Perrnnial Rye Orchard Red Top. Hungarian 1 • . All ki lam Seed,:Planting-anions; Dutch Setts. ,ofYield and- ar en Seeds,. �&c. 3T. trio ` , �, g00 Goods only dealt with. A call solicited. • BE'FIRAUD.S • Barnum the >? •rine of showmen• used.' t to say that, "People liked to be hum- bugged":.It sounds;, like • a'. truism. Notwithstanding scores and hundreds 0f warnings:. through experience by • heavy loss', and' frequent exposure of : humhug, by the press and- in •the courts` the :extent to which farmers have been • .fleeced has becomrt' proverbial, book- gents, lightning_ rod jmen;._ seed_grain' • swindlers, .hay, fork .dealers; tea pediers, fakers' frauds. and cheats of very kind•: prey on the farmer a11ow, we don't: • deny. there are legitimate and hokora ble. dealers in books, grain and hay Corks, but' as a,rule they are ‘he local;' ',reliable and respectable dealers. ' Fre- •uentiy;by :irri'aininr-_.they Can derive some apparent' advantage; • people' are'. drawn into very transparent Swindle:, • In, ninetynine cases -out of a' hundred, purchasers can do.better by. dealing I at': home' than with outsiders.'' How do people expect that they .can secure ' better bargains iii dry goods, teas, or any other liner' from. strangers than frorti the•local 'traders Who are reliable; and .starling business men Yet, peo ple.frequfntly pay ready:cash'to, out siders. and runt credit with focal dealers. These utterances are induced, by. hear- ing .of earing.of palpable frauds perpetrated 'on • the people. •ilhey are not inconsistent• with belief in the principle that one ought tolily, and sell where they think' • best • exchange thinks that the tine has 'surely arrived, when. Pathniasters and township•couneils should pa3 Bsotne attention to the formation of paths at. ` a)ne side of all: the, leading reads for the • accommodation of the travelling public Who walls. If '.there is one thing' tl net gives the country roads a 'civilized'look this is certainly, that ;one thing needful, To many :farmers, who neer walk, this, doubtless seems en unnecessary luxury. •' • - . But children • haye• to walk', to School,. 'and soiil•etili 'farmers' wives have to walk short distances'. :The 'muddy or dusty roads is no place for foot passen-• gers, and• the'vastw•spaces 1•ietWeetl the'. roadside and the fenciis eou.ly d,eakillie .• so Iixed as to afford Cotnfor'table, and. eays %%alkin s.,'' week trek:.'!T rkital . ' �. q ,, . 1✓ ptiiople pale . rsented . one Sanderson . with u 'long; r flowery, but very .chtuff'chified .address,. next day he folded, his ' tent, and° his,' c•re'ditors hate only the published copy 'Of the address 'tq realize• on' �. Dress : Goods --Dress AT orsets. corset } ... w w .arms• .+;' e5 4c^ +N•+tN"o G,",t Cn?'n ,.. re Corsets. T - loves„ . . Gloves loves AT- Hosier3T Ho'szer 2 Ios:er'3 • L aces mor 1d Mu i s1 s etc. ••^i•• Headquarters for 'all kinds of Builders and. House Furnishing :Supplies, all kinds. o Tinware''and' Granite' Iron Ware;.. A large supply of CItEAI ERY CATS anc1.:DAIT%Y PAL Also *or :sprin stn ; �.�lyv. of PURE' P�l EP.ARED::PAINTS: >Il a11 -`-shades. ric rn fo prices-befol�ep,i.- pp.J. Chasing elsewhere. Agent •for At,ABASTI'N'E, file oar perm ,uf'ent�v t1l.coatin . in'.the D()tnii iZQn. `EAVETROUGHii G ,:A :S•PE.CIALT (. Ir,NOTI:CE TOTAFIR.A.ERS.-40 Owing to, theseareity' of raw Material this year, the supply, of Binder .Twine' will iio doubt belimited, es,in 1687' As I,have /urchased •ery advan tageously, for cash a:)arse sppply of MANILLA BINDER TWINE; I, will sell,_at the very .loWest:prides. limited' . Intendinfipurchaseis should order early as the demanci is great and the.. supply T. LAWR'E'NCE. ECTORA The high, cli:ar acter of this old roecliobie as a sur ; ; medy :for . ul,tnoniry and ti on.chral discrdevs Isre;; catedly, c firm.. 'NI .kiy. the 6 -ratifying'• grateful ,an,d unsolicited testimoi :.re-. ceiv ed from those lvhu have beef' benefited .,.by READ TH E :FOLLOWING ?1i. P'eter•;Sha.n t..'of:xlogdtON1n writes'.— Please . send ill e. by oxpress, iinntecliately,. one dollars .v orth of 1 Eallamore's Expectorant - Mother is just hashinct her last bottle. ''She thiults there is rioth'ing like. it for, bronchits.".•• ••''.• • 1fe..J. a Smith. Car Inspector, C ,P. IL 044, *riles : '":Send 'me One' dollars worth of Ylallarnor('S Expectorant. ;1 ean't.get talons:witheetit." ANGE OF A.GENOY. �3.�,' LAU ATCE'S .SPECTACLES' AND ;E7E-4LASSS tn,reth`(w only genuine bnglish articles in: the Canadian Alai et: Real' pebbles ltep't' in stock. ' Eret;ts gi en to purchasers tri ,l>rrtv'c ;entinenetef. T})� • ;ti'e I 3 r dhblin.emitid ily and h'Jimonial8 hsV" been received front ' the Presi chrnt, 'Vice Pre;riilent, 1,Y•. ,l'rettidtttt and 1.ir•\• ice•Preeident,'Olt-he :Medical Apsfciatinil of Canada ; the Prerliclint of the a n ofT t • i;, • (it the Y] a theiY edi tllt.,t, of i h� sicrliiH and . 16Zne}it,t , c,il T nct>.liy of Lava 11 niveteity the J't.'•i sident Mid 1 x•i'rt.s,deiits of thlt iieclic:U Council of ova-$ otic, rte• • • a .t* 13i�Oi SELt4i i1, Li ekriow, RE(YELEBRATL•'D , VV.,Dr CHASES) pNORAKE .i �•• DAMDE LION LIVER. CURE 'HAVE YOU Liver. Compplaint, Dyspepsia, Indiggestion,. Bihousnt,,;¢,. Jaundice„ ,Headache,' Dizziness, Pain • in the'Btell, • Costiveness or' any disease arising from a deranged liver:' „gDnrtai.' Cnu'remAStt dy:s'r»aVER CUR.k will be: found, a,ture acid rata. NATURE'S. REMEDY The ungealified success of Dr. ,'Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Co.nplatnt rests solely with the fact that• it is compounded froin nature's well known lives reg�julator., MAMMA It A.ND.DANDELION, comhrnvri' With 'mat ether invalua5le roots barks anef Dlerlis, having a poBlwerfu.l'etfecc o600n the,000 Skidney'(,OLStoDmach; Bowels,a and Over ortth6lf',, mit/tors of Dr. Chases •RecijSe Beaks were said in Canada .alone. We want emery man; Oman and 'child who is troubled with Liver C,,, . ' tlaint 10 try this excellent remedy., LAMES It is a well kn own fact that an inactive liver canoes: • a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples,. t Chases Liver Cure is tate only remedy that will St ' Positively cure iliese complaints. ,. • cy SOMETHINO NEW. CIYEN AWAY FREE Wrapped around everyy bottle'of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure; • t� 5 valuable 'Household Medical Guide and Recipe:' Book4'84 rages), containing over 200 useful' recipes„ pronounced by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten dales the price of the medicine,.... T. EDMANSQlf&i . Sole Agents,' Bradford.., ..be on Your Guard; 71n4t all:ow i fold in the head to slowly' and` surely run iut•t'(,atarrah, whin yuit• cn,u bie':Awed for :;ac, by using'1)r. •("•hams eat- arrah C'iire. A few lipid ications ( litre o•ilpten catart'th . 1 tri 2 boxes curets ortlnitar% cat t axratlt - 2 toff boxes, is • narrantaitil to• etre clar.rnie catiti rah, Try it.' Only li'c and sure' caret •:v Solei by 11V1U1t,Y eC D•AYS",. Lucknt,w. 'W'Berri, assurer rf Ma$ritago, Licenses and Ceti.. coitus. Office W. Connell's ®dt stand; • • it