HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-20, Page 214-,41-41:eir . • , fIRR 81,140 rePlaelo_ „g the Ma, ..4,Y firelight ; •ana inable law in force in the oonfltrY14.Yfhlok 74He Loota1401 hact0replenieoed the Om Whioli poor Shirley:hall Paned. three drearY Years, YPP° Mixed nt olteerily, Prasently Alice came which had oulm'inateci in this orownina (Mt of the oak parer and Creased the hell rolser37-4narried to hint by treachery an Ptiffry• of WOO:tall 8 ' 088, more draperiea aWeePing the Polished :floor: . Yet, Sven while augh Glynn's F on /ler way uPetSirs, her soft Pick &lab" baSea048411(1 falsehood truly, bat his never. . • . • ag e wen her Way affeetedly and fan- -eyes hnghtened as he thoughtotherbeantt • ,„ • • guidly ; an still Ruby and, Shirley kept and grace and eweetness,the frown on.- his 4100 again to the. windOW• With. her eyee. dog.t.nixt Nibtou was to bring Oswald and at his cigar and romembeted• the look of Tesi." •ShirleY aamhtea.• tarahig her their vigil akthe WhidoW watching' Or the white forehead deepened as hepuffed slewlYt ' :Won the datime.00.„ • Guy fram the station, hinter, of; loathing, of contempt, which Itoby sat down beside her in, the: ffre„, • "Ruhy, rm. *ill be wad' go to the fire hadheen on his wifele face when he saw it -eight,- sun holdingher lotlid/. in hank aki(.1 dear," Shttley. add 001y:epee; hut Pithy last. • • , there wag ,41049.0 between 0.0-'4, ...414.',". did 401i MOV94 • ' • , - .. • , "It slid:had loved me only: a little l" he , 100 WO 'beating -Piot' with and ex, At itit two bright' ' lion* cane fl,e,ibing said, bnil aloud, with a: podden. yearning in . lpeotation;:,but•flitirler Wee, halM: 'With, the. into, view bathe darkness without„, and the the bine eyes whieh chased away all: their _ colmnese or defipair4--e130, bora nothing, Aowni, at rapidly approaching Wheel's gide. .eleephiese and their coldness. , "If she had - .slie feeied•all. 7.:Ler only thought now was '001.,,Fer,,,.and, clearer. Eiblrley .XQE4A then,. given MO A little of the love she lavished: ter:Guy., •A. teiir tender lines trete( hini,liad. ' dill and calm; but EnhylWad tremhli'ng Bo:. upon him -hang him l'"• And the bine eyed bmi:gisoo het•jast before he. and Oineald. Irlotontly tufo que.coold,bardlysttina. Shir-. darkened. _with 'wage jealousy and anger.. . started, bidding her take,poutsto,10.tuw :ley, put . her arMe. arena ,her. . • • .„. ')40w eaaily guy had Won that for whionlie ' ,o.hope was ettong.; lint she how nio, 44 .011* afraid all OOP .114 too. Mitett, for 'wealdheve .given ilia We.• . • • - - '• '. oiliti•-0 wit( strong, it Ixt:B4 ,000,41e40,„ you,". ehe said toOilerly. ‘! ROY,' how Why, oven for the Poesoesian, of her, to flow 0044-'0140 'hell' hiiii4O baor, it? " ' she,1,Ibeet it it I have, made you ill, too?" .oall , her his own.,..te look upon her loveli- . "-ROY," said the awnet low voice.. Which • .. °X am, not fill÷4 ant ark nervous. 'Oh, ads, and knotethet, she was his wife, he- ka4,' alWori .0'''PotbOill '' little illtow‘tiOO.,,,, Shirley!" she added; as the hall deer was had given his honor. What 'mead he not !OW vihiCh noW"hea,Beeh a 44014;7,7' ealt", hastily opened.from without, and. 'Captein. have given to•see her eyes rest. upon him as . .ekePain ite WOO; '.101. haVe heini: Oryingi .FattliOltne, looking haggard ., and weary, they toted upon Goy, to have her lips .• , deer."' ' ' ,.• ' ' , ' , . ..,.' . , _,' ' • 'oh,tered;. Panakilt, to a Orman* "a' i*R;t6 meet. his in requited love, to feel her hand "NOOpehae,.' fihir103.,'l . 'uryingr, r aouq iit. hhf. eyes, as if the'. sudden transition steal into his undlixtgertboo?. lps.Wealth,. :Imes bow." • . ' - • • • :' - •'.. . .1 •• 1 : from darkness to. light dazzled him; then his lifel. Per he toted. her, • , . ' VA4, b.tkt, 1.?icti, ate, ',tear on your face, he shut the door behind him,. and the .girls -ga loved' her. That was his Olte excuse pAai too, in your ' Woe." .'iihirleysaid,: beard th0.,aog.oart.being „to* ba,oli to the for the treaeherY. he .hed. cenunitted,haidneid. gently. "You itt_tist not fre‘Rnby,;:tit.yott , , stahleac-',1,-,-,-- - ' • ., !which,- eVen-inliis.ovin eyes, leeried linlikte•Yeiniell: ialk• giviAlea ''''''rwita.' ' a, ', "GeSaid," filfitleY said, as she .Went"' a ondly vile.' He loved 'her madly, ' wildly, !Otte break hitheeilM.Voie.er="witat'Wetil4 're* 'stein', toWerd'hinic WhileRehy, qiiite with :alIthe,Peesion of hionathte t'' aud'io- 10000 ,of 'd0?" ' - ' , ,,, ,,., .1,;,..ii.; ,,,,,-,,:,' .',._. c overcome by her agitation, sunkilOwn upon ,dead of lettiog. this's love lift him. to a '..fi.york need' not be aftelr,,,!4a?c444WFIV4• the nearest :cheir.,and.„hid, bor.** in her 'higher life, he had yielded. to .the :subtle lf-ain nevei, i" ' . - . ' . ,1„..'. ' ...1 '''. ' ..,,. Undo. ,.linw, •efilkand: tired -you lifOki teteptatien . with which he • hosi been . ' . "Was ''!41.11.00: Von' 1018FY'r,'• $414Pr.044,, '06ina and warnkYeitrde4 and test.tts ' .., ; ' tempted, and letit 'Sink White the level of '•:, lieftly, atter little. ,Palts*"Is ,.•Ohe V.,i#y .,:.9g.weact.bad.'started violently aa "soft ettaiter,, • * : '. ' . • , ..,,,Ibitfee againal'nialtninr,_?;:_!..,.'•._:- '• ;i, '1._L.' - ' •_•,' alto •veleo /anon his ear, ; then hit:Ara° . . She wee. Guy's betrothed, flufernie ewe- ' "Pen't'iSila ht Sr, 14440Y.,;- A,APPAt!wiP,' 1,-4ber.side, with One)tivift.kiartge,atIttiliyea Ititabin :ell the, *mid, for he had neither WoVerteinag 40100gfor., 'patience. I' pop,: ,diooping Bois, and took both her 'little' riehe*nottitle;'nest position, -nor beauty .000.9,4:nneweeedll1isatlenel nettiehly..' -- '', • hende 'int& • Burning vith,.,fever as they to wiikti women's: taney and enbane her ' "But, dear, how. „mob , iih ,,,ingat, had •. been a !shod: thne, previously, they heart; and Guy Wilk his friend, his wed ' . be .sufferitig, if, as .1::totr.: Oho' loved.„,. Sir, Were icycold now, eo geld :that the., young .and • trasty friend, to whose courage he •lliegli,."". raki, Shirley, pitifully finding, man ceold•not repress: an exclamation. Owed the life lie .enjetred., Hid friend -rand :... :OriMtiihei•atiliing. , hee*t,',Ior ii:.3oaqtaasiOn, • ,y •'‘4,Etow, coa ybn,atii,10 he spionlited i and yet he had betrayed hint t 04 had. Caved Or 4-44.70h0Clitlad,L.110#6.10 14....Pra ''',..'.n..,I4 Iar.e.inertienttliey ptOOd, looking at eech his life,andhe had taken, fret .,hini what ..h.,P,,l''haY',0"tiptelt e,Aietelliol,O.r.ge..Mi!-0,t•'.00.l.,e.r.: .other in silence, 'thA: yogi* Offfeer'S 'oyes was far: dearer- to JAM than 'life.. When Sx's-'*114°';'''..`"!'''''"":4'':•;;' ' '.:'..1' - '''• i101-0floOePeahablettY iehd.,, 04:04440ion,' that latetkiVe that:lied:entered beothhearte ' i4(.013,44116177.:00.1ineil!'„ninhyA0delfifolilr., ,ttiogirreixetig -Wit .,hOnelealirtiriery and •at eight of Shirley Rose's fair .4001 hideonie -iz":.E1104 .tse4atly to,liepitieditidesidl'48he is woo. .... . , f ... : '' .. ' : ' • • ' ' ' ' • ' : between then, ell:. the old 'friendship. 'dud 04,4400,taelingl,oVafkranYOlielhithert ' "1 have no gtiodriewi,for Yon. detirr he. gratitude had.' died' out Of•.1iltigli Glyrin's 44.:::.0:10ilii,''411sTai**ifibitleteei-44entlY.77 ",41it ,-t,t144, go,Ceect-iiny,-Oswildik - Wini -the, paselein.-.- Manyiktinie,he..hed. felt that kle ' ' k'Yeigilte'4OitzIO'Tbe,'-'040h,oritehle: !,X answer, so brokenly, ecipitifully, So' 430Old halt') kilted .Guy Stuart Whei'he ;IVO ii,been,:*iinking., go Inggit of AugOlut. aeripairingly, that the tears in Captain 'Been him With • Shirley,: and the • very -re., VSherrint,Ortedti*;. •;,1$i.• 'Was 'terri- pairhebne's•• eyes... :,..4 Wheiilk loil' lo r ' ...all , Inession,lielied been toreed to °Kerma had ir 1 tit 40, , 00040 OP,040.4oniOleatfilfigtliiiii'.0Vd;-*4,..4,4" VitAieladtaldiziimAtW.Vagl0 .111;;11,Wieb:od., ,,eniiinniheto4tolto her and • voitixjtvaxoorutoitio vooi,moitaitoogo 'ibitobytti; :toadish lora{ ' angry and 'jealous an4 zwiPipt, yet pavfOr- •"And you have sea, the .1"awYere. Yea 1•0°°•ta "t6r. " Atif.s.,t,13'.;_°11in'',1:'__• you vo • . .40Thank you,. Gay. g it Teel , Wished to commit ?"- 44 Yee." tryto fo t? /I, • " Aga their opinion is :2" Bit Xfugh in, "To forget 1 Ah, Shirley, is that peed- terrogated although the pitilese WO? While I have life. must:remember* hand still .kept its iron grip of hisTsboolder. MY 011841" "You know -it -well," Guy raid, with a 44 Wo were very. hePPY,"• she Whielterea' midden, irrepressible burst of Pain. "1 brakenly, a "smile pitiful to see curving ths need net repeat it." •stiff Wad lips. tilt is, ,something to have There was moment's diem* They been happy. together-.--eVen for a few hours., were standing on the rug now, and the red GuLY,•'' ' • /lames of'the greet log.fire, as it roared up , ". We were very happy, Shirley,' ha the -wide •phimney, fellupon either fee* •: „ enewered,hearsely, leoltingdown with dim; . ' "There via's no need to, go;" ..11telor eye° at thughestly-face entitle° graatinteet• Eitoatt mid ho•arsely. "You took your eyes. glittering, with a • hright, feverish ineaeuree well, She ie your wife, poor un- lustre -44 very. happy, my.p00,1',,darling." happy fOrt 1 but Or your treaOltery to Me, ' "Md last:night 1 wastiainking," she went, • • your friend; your baseness to ber. a 1.5octr en in the same pitiful trusting manner'," that ohildrwho trusted you, you shell answer to yon inightby,andby have tired of snele a. the uttermost, so help. Me Heaven. • . feolish.girl, and that it was better- 1 „ " That I am in your power I knew," Sir could not this*, very OleariY,, Guy," ghei, gugh. answered calmly. 64 A one armed added, resting her •head against his •armi, ram will be powerless indeed against finch with a little gesture of weariness which -- strength as your I have wronged you was unutterably pathetic, "my head e.oh you say;.thentake:your rev,enge." , , BO -it. aches' st) newt!' . "Only a traitor would shelter "himself Sir 'Hugh made a quick movement' behind his injuries," 'raid -Major Stuart, toward her, but Osivald Pairholme put hi., 'removing hie hand , nevertheless's. •"Can hand upiis hiii a.rnu . • you. deny'the wrong? 1 trusted You and "Rave some pity," he raid haskily, ; and , you betrayedine" -, ' • Sir/nigh, involuntarily obeying the mbve- NO reproach could laaVeheen more bitter; merit, drew back and: turned away. 'Pimple as the words were. Sir Hugh's eyes Oswald • put his hand through his arnx fell under the Othere . glance,. and he half and gently forced. him to thewinclow, where turnea-;Awayi-then;---ooncluering- his mo he threwhimeellmeodily into a chair, lils. mentary . remorse,' he resumed his old eyes,•fixed on the group by the fire, while- haughtmead. • - ' . Oswald hid his face with his hand to shut, 4' That the. wrong is keepers* 1,linow," out the despairing facett which haunted guy 'went on. "And yet; If you were gen- him. f3hirley had rested her 10E4 again,* erous- . F3ttch e marriage cannot be bind- Guy's shoulder, and was looking -up into, in! It is not 13inding in ' the sight of hieface With reetlesEi shining .eyee,---whilts Heaven!' Glynn, think how I must stiffer, her fingere, with a strange uncertain move - not for myself,. bittjor lier, wheal stoop to Mont, strayed over his rough ulster. Major entreat you to set her. free,., Ofrehet beck to Stuart had pub his arm round her, but he - me. She does not love you," Major Stuart could not trust himself to look upon. her continued, hoareely and 13rokenly. "And face,' and he had turned away his head, she was: all I had,. Hugh, for the gsalie of while Wider his heairy monetaohe his line our obi friendship, for the seke-yes, I were 'set sternly and tightly, and in hid will stoop to plead ,t -of the 'service I ren.' brain the question repeated' itself -L -,Could doted you 'once long ago, renounce your any venvance be-toogrest-for-suchwiong* debit upon her! Give Shirley her free- 'as his and•hers ? ' • &In !!! . . - • ' " Guy," thesweet low voice went On while, • .. "It is impoesible. She is my wife," the terstled eyes wandered from his face 7 . paid Sir Hugh, briefly. "Bidders, she het. round the room and ' came hack „again • self was willing :' -She ItheW her mother's to . their °firet testing7pleoe,, '. " won't • . ' , .story;:she Imew the Scottish marriage kiwi; you 'speak t�. me, -dear? ' 1 thouglIcalli-7 --- 'end, Tal dear fellow, what yen ask irreiniply day -that wben-yoti . came back you would an impodbibility;'`.:Bveri -were •it -,. n.,elook sii..3/..on. look new,_ I saw yeti -feet all ' - --------- night•-altnight Did you's-sleep; Gny ? ' w t - 44, How can you °persist in that lie ?, kW' It 140, OA oak:"is." '.,' " - ' ' i#da. elewly• . ' • ' • .. ' • ' ', heart, killed _by ' hid- savage jealousy aria 1 4 gellAtifiialliatIc4britl 4111,41010 *447.1gOotinceet&i?fie:p.;XCesez,,#V' tkL. notialiti vadientifir<atateteMilir'*Olt . ,00tiKao:geboothint. for h*''''' It 14: lid' eyea- tlini;:andhialipt. 'quivering Aindet -seggested-7the-idea-rd her daughter's; _oh& 0*;';;Ii4ti'grpg.i'#onse. for her • nos.' for his dark inueteohe. 13,hieleyWent to Roby temptation. had/come. into his way through Ayilvt.,yingr ,;,t,14,;119. 0 .1r4%. a. 0r4:)„ 714, Ana,••siefea, ,her ...drooping .ftirm and rested Guy's faith inhtra and Shirley,* and time. IneelltMer*. •• - ". ":....„' ' .. .' .• ' ..• , - : „ .., 1, the Mtn' head, upon her breast : . . he had betrayed it, thus he had requited. • •:." ',"!Ititrid'any`CrinsotatiOribo'Oit,,S0fOgY: '.: i,.. Boy," eite mad sof*. ,44 try to be breve, ' Herese from his seat and moved up and to know shat die is net'' either ',in' or nn....: deer. ..Y2,..M Will distrOaa'Osiald,. and he. is 'down, the :• stately room'restlerselY.: He. al. heiiO4",:.yon,:.roey .,eatelY believe Ma when I Nsery *eary„!, , : , .. . '.: . ' , , ' , ' . most. wished,. that • he had spared' her.,• and • SartS07'714.037:•• onewered4':,if.:44ie-,44,-,. only ,.- She- drew her gently over to the:Aro; end yet to leave:her to Gay -'•-to let, her be his `lipiteful.aridisavege." ' • ...- ' •:'• • •.° ',:. • for a few.reinutes they stood there together; wile -no, .. it . was impassible.' But, that • ' "Xt!rilk-''''dear 1"4444.„ the sweet tiniraiin"Ruby's heed on. Shirley's breast •andher scornful. face, that wailing, • deepairirig pry *vital, atzfaiinOalAive'AdbY. Put her rhPe hand in •03Weld'e, Who was ' hardly lege 'which rung in his oars even now. • • Ah; hew ' Shirley's 'eheek and gave aquieh;ioVing Moved. : Shirley wae:theonly One who re- • she level Gay! . . - , •.. . • : • - ilti41,..i.,•::. ...;-,%.,'••• .,:, i. ". ' :' .,,..:,' . „ ,' ;.,:.: •",' ': ',.• , ••.... tained, any semblance •Of compodite, .but Amid all his jealousy and remritee and •-...•". xret are an 'angel.' ..f.e. airtey:° ' 'alio saki, she was ealre With,the.'calni of 'despair; :, . triumph, the:bitterest .tliOnght in;Sit illigh - ' wPrinir7"-Tell."'-,ttne;÷,leer;' ..-elle-.4..stldecli -,-.7.-44'thergivene:*-n-o-hope," -..captain -Fair: -.Glylin!e-reindwess-that-in;hiaplece Gay - 2 gently, '4110"!Yotifeel hopeful'?" i'': .. . "• :,•. . Wilma. saict then,' linalli'ly:-." They think Stuart . would :hitt*. fieted..fvery differently, •',_,..74.1ent shid4ak7fissed-through, the ,gitt's ,tuAt itny court Would,.ratify. the marriage. • If 'Shirley .. had , juvea-,,hanyugh---ckur 1044.0104iegi; itOd'hOreYefiln0,heririeicre. ,Etenif.yoo 'could glee .a• geed' reason 'for Would never have lifted. hie finger, if by :. so ,gleatee."'With'• r..°.:: ;.Pathetie •Misety.. in..their toiegitiDinxifife with Sir Hugh,' :it would doing he could have Waif igiloye; he would ,depthe,•,V1.-,' .:.- .••,,,-., •• ...,.• . • .. •. - • .• :: ' : .eVairmithirig."'• • ' . ' , •• ::. ' have buried it in hie own Wart and gone ,,,...:i..i.l'i*Vaiiiatone, •Ruby," she said.-• ,.,, i. ..i.I knew it Would be. iso,". said Shirley away Without one word to trouble • her -11AvAhad'ironeltem.(the.first."" :' '• wearily. '• "Hush, ...dear Baby, 'don't :soh peat° or to pain the friend who had been "But, lilhirley- : ::. -'••• : : .. Set • And -and Guy -bow does he heir it, More fortnnete thetibe.• •Sir Hugh felt in-; 44 ThereiSno Obi**, ROY.: Nothing,. X. :oatenh:1?"' - • . • • , •' : ' . . . etinetively that that would hairebeenGny'e Ilieliesie;::Mould • OW Me. • freerShitley'ide: I The freien Calm, of her face, was break.: course in his place, and the thought Of that eleged,14; tha-hante' :If.oPelese, despairing irig now, , and her bteetheitee.fast. , ,, . 'superiority. in the man who 'had heen hie Iitionliet....;.#:iikthinkthet,..eeen if ha wished. . ::. "Badly, I fear," Oswald said sadly.:44 It' friendratikled criteliY.: • .•••-• .03it:'/:ihgheentlif let:0db the marriagehe la early days as yet, Shirley,' • • .. Sir 'Hugh •Glynn loved Shirley, but -his berethe fratenerthifor hetifinie broke tiP , :There Wes 6 panes. •• • .. loire was • selfish and unworthy; : it was a. Mixture. Of passion and admiration for her contrived...so:basely: But. Ohi:Euhy"-;-•aoil : ,t mom., , ,. .. , . - . . 'Sala' the: pela.'litia.g.0ivOrea" think --all ' 44. Wheye is he Oswald 2" , beenty .and'pride.Piqued hy.her indifference; 114,1ifitci,PaM6,44at be!Patised 'With. that • "Ho left me at •the' cross-roads," Oswald day's •Itnie..-•the man who hated hi:b. felt. ••• seen Whonil -,..iannot, help..',deepising with, replied.: ." He wanted a: tvalk, hesaid. Why,. it •keenly•-Guystleve Was. 0, noblerlovethan '• at whole lae*rt4: .:411411 a* 'PO young; and fibiOPY-7.-goOd• HeaVeit, what isithentetter I' that.: :. . , „. : :. • • . . 5,-. .. .: . IL ain :stecnietoeiotnnokmery to rheVe whatare:yon. going tO do?"' • ' 7 • ' - As the: 'thought crossed his , mind, ..the Shirley would never consent. , again --my head' turns so, ,and my eyes lintgliet2T-weed'hisviifes?-1,71cAlWtkeY, • seems tokrae as if 31 never should deep itajoratuartKaaidrarith ,bitter. igolltSa•Rt• 44ahozobildlta.town mord nogg not ;nese enelaialieve*tror Use -.Fflip z4-thrafhihiCt Wino shMtnyesterdity-Jionld__have. lintel ...For Shirley had rushed &Way:down, the reom door opened °quietly, and the man ' he ane."'" ' '' !,;,:.' :.' .• '-: : • • ,. . ' '• . ' ' hall; and ti -as trying With her little beanie, had wronged enteredand olosedit after him -ItiffoYerePt eloser to her in silence,. the so • frail .and trembling,. to. unfasten: the without a ' *ord.. Sir Ilugh stopped •his •Ilitit,tesre gathering•thicklyin' her eyes , 0 heitty, lions of the hall door . , ' : s - '. ' • restless Peranilinlatiens• to and fro,. and the aWfai'deSPOr in Shitley'a voice .e.nd• on • "At the gross -reads 1".she.roPeated, 'lift- for .fility, 0..ininute the two Men, faced etch tier ;Paleface:, ' :., . - : -, ,_ : - ' ': ,-. • • • • • ing her geld restless eyes; to. her ..tousin'ef ether in Utter silence the -betrayed and ..• , • "Buteven tilit I tiotild: 'bear," the ,Firi fOoe,With: • a 'wild • terror in ' their depthri. thebetrayet-the Man ers tinselly.. wronged. • : went on ,'iti 'her . husky . broken• V.0ige.. ‘. if 14 Don't- you perceive Where he tens going? and heWlio had. so .ornelly Wronged hum In : that wereWl;. it the . thought Of GuY's Oh; be qUick-fotpity's•sake, be qatekl" : a, breathIeee heavy silence, grim and . me-, siOrravit;howeversthat is breaking My, heart. . ., But,. Shirley--" . ; • • . • .• ., • . 'lacing, they looked at each Other, Sit'Eugh ' If 1`,00tildheer that for hint 'I should he `- 44 Oswald, don't you ' ate?" she' cried se handsome " and stately for all the suffer- , i : itka#pyl ,but-,.."', ,.She paused," hall' rose, wildly: i,,A,t the ',cress -roads 1 .ga• Was, 'go.: big; whiish", hie face 'showed , 'Signs of still, ./ ..tvienglrig her heride.deepeiringly, thenennt, log to MexWell-and they -must not -oh, Guy •pale, ' worn, haggard, With a tertible -', • back' upon bet twat agioni• all her 'hang' Heaven, they minst not ineetno* 1" • • deepeir on ,his face-despeir. which bad sjoe' ow....;,• 44' pertliete- sle.no bejie,.: atteho . ; , . 0,2APTER XXIII. ., • '; .. • Hugh ' threw; back • his ,head with• e. ,prand : something teckletiribrite 'misery, ;,:then Sit l• :ehiikenin,.e, : dravillsiVe ,agonY. Of trailing; . . • • .• ' .4 itoyeti Me Se "deerlY.4 Oh,. it ishOrrible; ROY, I Alone in ' the • library Of hid, :splendid gesture of aeannoe Ana Baia earoiy--,.' , • - tigo treeveii• he : nteteiftil:and•• altar 'OA home, Sir Hugh 431-lynn wae thinking' Of the , lc Thieiaan wieipeeted, Plealute, After. : -• 'Misery as thisi1 • . .• • • : evil ,titse he had wrought. 'Ha was ' 1YIng the courtesies we . exchange cetera! ,.1 The ' OrY Was *Ong :frOni het like the .beck :in's deep, limonite's arni-bhair• ' Ens ;•oeuld herdly have foreseen thi, is': ," *ail Of a broken' heart.; Itoby threw ,ber •usiele,fresiii *horn he had inherited, Max" ' ' 4`PerhaPa lid "-Gars veice,.hoa ,ci and eitms amnia lie; aobbing bittetly, ; and she well, bad been a:hibliemaniao, and he had changed ' and ''Mentining,. fell anon the'etill. telt he* she trembled every limb'..' not opar9abis.woolth, viriph had been groat,. newt heavily and ilowly-,-" nevertheless I. 44. Shirley,- for Guy'd. rake compose your to gratify his mania: • •• : ' : .. • ,• • ani here, as you se*" ' • ' . • . • jai • Bee-'-thet Will soon be here now. He ' Nally a voleme. which Nicola have de- . "Charmed to have the honor," Sir Hugh ' wand AO 44644Yoti thus."' ' • ' i ' • lightea a 'icOnnoisseur, but which ' P9Satiaced 4ild °tirelessly, ;and. Guy's 'eyes ,lightened Por 'Guy's onkel' • Even in .eueli. 'anguish little . interest, for the tininitieted, health°, With a pessimist°, gleam of fury. , -lis hers, the worde:Were powerful, • Shelia shelves which stirroended the.rooni„ •on. all ."-Take otiret".., be said betWeen' his set • Ler filo on:Ruby'a breast for 0 mordent, and sides, broken into ..on one by the - carved teeth. "1 em in no mood for oxishanging 'when Ohe lifted it again it was pale and hag . doorway which. farad the rnagniligent black civilities; neitherton I in a inood to bear yonrieete." • „... ' • , • ' ' '' ... • "..wirci, -bilt:.caln*..%.- -.--', - •,-: -- --1 -. • :- - -':.; • :::• . •:',.. marble. mantel on the .othe.P. P.Yen between . • 0 Yea,"." she add; faintly, "for-- • One° the two , great stained4a,sii windows, •.“ Then to what -ant -.1 to attribute the • 4461" • , • • , : . ., , . . , Volninee'b.ad'taken .refuge, ,there was not &Mot you axe paying me?" Sir Hugh asked . "My bravo 'Shirley 1" Ruby responded an available Opera' anywhere which had not otthioy • ' . , • . . , . .• • . , :ifpiderly,;and, for 'oially lialf-mi.hout • the b.een ntilfred, and 'the room contabledaii . Traitor he Wini,, but. not • a coward, al•;; ., girls fiat Ark the fite-lit hill, Rfibee . eyes reignificed e oollectionot hooks as any in though just 'no* the sting of his conscience . • : twitching. anxiously and eerroWfully - the the kingdom. '"• . - ,.._ . .• ' :, told him that he tidily deserved to 'Ven, ' ' atm face turned toward the Window, with But , the. preeent Owner of the 'c011eotion geance which reeked but of the furious gray 4,7neh terrible pallor end anguish upon it. .. cared but little for it at any time. Had he eyee, almost black° in their eoneentrated •• • Presently's carriage dashed up . to the Wanted, nioney,„it teotildntst have cost him, auger and worm „ • ' • • • - • °Lady 'Cipel rettitning from e. drive,- AB hie lieele luta spent . ea . ninclitime and you. To mydesire for.vengeance." • ' ' Gay repeated. . t, 1 will tell door ; but it was only Lady Feirhohne and * pang to . swilled the books Over` whieh ,,,, To what?" •, they entered, the htd4 iitatelyjn their Vela trouble end ' so Mech. - gold. .. Brit now he • ,4 Poe vengeance! 'T do net •underetatid " Vet and ftirs; with a.footintin in attendance, tibtrOr gave them a thought. There. Was's you,' Tait on 'me that yen.•'would wreak .' '.1Shitley and Ruby toe*, and went a step or heavy frown noel', his brow, partly Of die• your 'angor for your :fiancee's infidelity ? . 419.0 totwora. inlay Capel Sew then, and pleeetire and partly of pain; for hie injur- _« took • • .• . . be WOrds he *dila have spoken flied. aWo:y, 'of his mindhed not tended to lollies., his The 'words Were "Saralee's, haughty,' meek- , • kiek • Shirley's. hand: andltisseed: her.; but ,od'. arm ttotiblea him, dill, and the fever : • ' tiliOn hetlips, as she de* the alteration in bodily • discoinfOrt. ' ' . . • , itd. ie theit intOnetion-•bat they died Open hie lip tie Goy rested 'his hand ,upon his ` in het' kind ;eyes.. Lady :Faitholnle had present intention Of remaining there. A ---s readiest potver. • ' • . , . . . shOuldera, swaYing. him . to end fro with. A , *Ke girl'a,feee,' and'she Went on with e inlet : He Was alone at Matweli; but he had no , • • • hid passed On imniedietely„WithOut e word "Settled, he Weald take hid Wife to the 'Muth Take care," he said, 44 ot , I will force a -*teed 'still -end glenoed et theni;.°bUt she soini. as this treiblesOme. 114141206e was . 4i, 4' .:.4>r 0 seeond.loOk at herlitteband's nice°, and Of Franco CO introduce hr his mother, the 'worde - beck throtigh . your jibing lips ' 4 • . 'Ilier voice Wks; pettedly rmmoired the nett and then they would tnivel fOt k OM* With one blow of My hand 1". , ; • - !) ' initiate When -she eaked,why the hall, wee 'hid no doubt as to the remit of hiefOr • Ho ' Lew as the Words ' Were '' spoken, there itiot_yet.lighted'.- ' ,_ _. , , . . Stuart's application. to thelawyerA Even was a fierce, suppresaed • paoston in their ii ' 7 Witlieht ii....liee.rcl,, Shirley went ;bit& .to if the matter Were brought before liver- low breathed utteraitee which inede• Sir . ?Alm Wiridewi; hot misery was tee groat- for, courta, the,deeleion intist have been in . hie -: tiugh Myna quaillet a Moment.; but his '' Ler Runt'a Otuelty tip tondi her ; but ftivez .. Shirley could not. sewed- for her bine oyes, &Ailing with a steel.tike &tisk,. Met Guy's iinflinchinglY. " . Vilivild'Ailutiergbekedsold".-70u;"..dici :thy • worild --nay -csoi,40441is trAtvita=,,..011,,reat . , your words ? Each one of them is false as Heaven! anguish of yesterday does not „contradieV t. era be couticued.) _ _ falsehOod itself. You are a villain and a liar and a traitor:1" ' • - By, heaven, this is -unbearable-!#-„cried, Sir: Hugh, furiously, as' he sprung • for met him with equal futy.' One moinent More and they would hews been at eaoh:othees throat,pr draggling in the ter,. yible. embrace of two men goaded to despera- tion, who seek vengeance at any cost-ene moment Mere, ancrthe' stain' of 'blood.' guiltiness might haveheeti on the sour of- either„;_but in that moment the door Was burst open and Shirley •threw herself Bot Water for Plants. • It is a fortunate circumstance that 'a plant will endure a •setilding heat that is . fatal: to Most of its minute. enemies. Water heated to th%boiling point pinned copiously over the item of an .enfeebled peach tree, and allowedte, stend about- its collar, will. often have the happiest restorative effeds: Trees ehowing every symptom of the yel- lows have often been rendered Iniuriently. .green and •thrifty. again by this simple raeans. The heat is presuniably too mush • tweenthem,:pale,breathless,,,panting,...-er. for,the.funges:whids hadinfested thovitel hod uncovered, as she had, come from Fairholnie Court, her heir disheveled by her headlong flight through' the cold night- Tviiid;filling 'around her, her oyes wild and dilated with the. bores* and terror which had 'seized her. • . • - •• A TE XXW P R The two men fell apart at the first touch �f the httle trembling hands, and the eyes of kith .turned upon the girl, who stood, panting andbreathiess, beth hands pressed against her .• heart,. as if to etoto the throbbings which seemed as if they Mast rend it in twain, her face Wild and haggard; shaded by her loosened hair, and feint little inarticulate &les of teirot escaping from the pale, parted lips. • Captain Eairhohne, who had paused at the door, went fotwerd quietly and put- Shirleygently int9 a chair, and her head fell Int& .against it in utter exhaustion. • . : • " HaES she not sufferedenough yet " saki Oewald gravely. " Could you not have spared her this ?" ' • . • • ' He had turned to Guy, who stood breath- ing heavily from the restraintho had beep forced to place upon himself; but, before he Gould 'Mower, Shirley looked.np quickly and put out onelittle hand with sdeptecat- ing gest* of -entreaty, Which made Sir Ilugh's eyes fiaali. Even now she vise pitiful Over her lever, he thought bitterly. " No; do 'not," she 'said faintly-' do not blame him, •He hes borne an much, and he has sci Intl& to', bear. Guy" -she rase feebly,. and. put her hand upon his arm-" try to forgive Me, 'dear, and go home with Oswald." 44 Forgiie you, darling ?" he questioned mournfully; Wolthig_down at the pale uplifted facie, .44 I have -never. blamed you: --not for a mbnient ; ,but, when Ile& at you raY poor pet, how can I forgive him ? " "'Pardon me," ',Sir • Ilugh interposed haughtily, You are speaking to niy,wife.s /Guy's eyes flashed. ' . I cannot Wok atter and forget it,",he saidlitterly, 4.4,LOok I Are you not !Emend of your work?" Almost involuntetrily Sir angh turned his eyes upon her, as she stood half sup- ported by her cousin, and his thoughts' went ,back to th6 night. of the bell' at Fairhohne Cent six Weeks before: He remembered Shirley . -then, • bright, radiant, beautiful ,hei ' sweeping silken robed; he sate her now .pale, hag- gard, lovely still, With that imilieneble beauty of form which mud always' be hers,. but With all her hrightnees fade& fOrever. The centrist smote him with a keen. pang of remora° OS his eyes rested upon her. Guy," the sweet •broken-hearted Voice. confirmed, 44 I went you to go. away, (lost, and not to Cane- back again. •It will be best. By and bye -riot at first, I know - but titter a time, perhape-I thitik, I. hope, pray that you may forget me and be very happy. But first will yoh-san you for, • 2o, give me • • ' , " Hew can you 'speak of forgiveness be. tWeen you and isio, Shirley 2" be asked un - Steadily. Them cart be none ever` needed, 'my poor Ohild 1" , . ' did not think 'you Would, be angry; with nie," she Said; with a tonehing ponfidence in her voice. " But, oity, it you wish it,. r will tell ytitt,ivhy / went." "There is no need, at dearest," ho great su lily wrongs , tenswerpd gently, taking Oh her little You have been to Edinburgh Sir Ilugh looked on; • 1. and h bit he visit to Dumfife with him ; for, even if it xt not voligeonoo, but, ineticAhe moor 'Ruby's faoe flushed engt 54, a 0 a US suppress the passionate words :*7hieh Whet indignation dm was about to - , • •• Tho' hall Was itghtoa now, the full glete woeld haVe seved,lier, she would net betray Eituirt, Said., in the pantie loW tones -44 jug. hetbrother trust and pun hie reputation tido only Would any vengstinCe be as Ana his proveoto. ,Shoiwao his wife. Sit Hhgh.1**, niatried to biA by the. layers of the tree, inimedistely under the ontet. bark. The London • florists. rec,em, mend hot ' water, up to 1450 F., as a. remedy when plants e.re sickly owing tithe soll souring -the acid, absorbed ,,by the. roota acting as a poison. The usuelrearort is to the troublesome job Of repotting. Wlien'this is not necessary for any other reason it id much simpler to pour hot water fieely•thrOugh the, stirred' soil; it will pre- sently conie through tinged with brown. ' After this thorough washing, if the, plants are kept warm. new rod points and new growth. will BoonofolloW. A lady friend had . a 'fine calla in a, ihreetallon pet which showed signs .ef ill -health.. On examinee tion the outer portion of the filling was ,. found mouldy, it , Whig in large part fresh' horse 'manure. As repotting was incon- venient; the plant being in flotver, hot water was freely used; it killed the mould, and the plant began to revive and was soon all tight. 1.4 St. 'Clair Tunnel Works.• The 131., Clair Tanner Co. - are nevi ' actively engaged in the construction of the tunnel between Sarnia and Port Huron', Mich. A certain portion of the machinery • and material used in the constructien of " the work will beobtained in the States, 'seri- sisting principally of pumping machinery.. paper tanks, and the shield used' in carrying on the work of excavating.The expen•• sive part of the material, consisting chiefly of cast iron plates for lining the tit will be made in this city, and it is' mated that ten thousand pounds olt article will be required before the work is concluded. • The Treaeury Department of the United States hats decided that on. material' manufactured in Canada no duty will be charged. • The Canadian` Customa , authorities have Made :the 861330 einem- shinsregarding • bridge material coming* from the States and will not levythe duties Upon etch articles as they did when the InternatiOnal.Bridge at Niagara and the. :Sault Ste. Marie -bridge were in confab ef constreotion.It is estimated -that 'the work on the Si, Clair tunnel will involves*, ' expeaditUre Of a quarter of a- Million or. dollars. • '• Between Two Young Married 'Women. " You think, thee, that YOUr husband no longer loves you as formerly?" ' Alait I -lam sure of it. " Whit rod have you 2" "What' proof 1 Why, iny dear rlend,. when he kissers me now he doesn't even dim- turb my face powder." -Paris Gaulois. ' Spring Styles. TelOrtgageg are signed by two witriedies. 'the same at last year,,and are folded act as to fit the side goat pocket. The baCh taxes are caubcci forward and Parted on the side neeied the mortgage.- In this climate 0 . mortgagee: generally *tura in the winter • Boom For Improvement.' Minister -And do you eXpeet to' be * lawyer When you grow up, like your father, Bobby /-• ' - Bobby -Yea, air ;.,1 exped to be a leap- yeivbut Ma hopes / won't be One like pa. 'A NoUrishing Spring , Coca; with four to six eggs beaten •up in it iiirstotoinerided as a'nourilihing spring breaktoote-B08 ton &mut, '