HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-20, Page 1• ,• :, *, • VOL. XV LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, A1'13)1.20, 1888. C. flaunt tuttnel AT laked eveiy Friday t' the .S'Et 'iREG ' , North East Cotner of Outram and`Catiqffiell Streets, • UUCKNOW ONTARIO, JA.a.B'BY N.EDITORA1l>•DPUBLISHEit tlhscripilo price. $l' per year in Advance. ALL.BrimSr Or TNG JOB FR.N..•, MCC El 'MD Vern' Veczt4ess as?d Lie's a%h. 1 ' �. LEGAL: • • NON COR Rid AN.COMMISSIONIR 0 • in H. C. G.,:Kiulutigh P. O., �(� � RR.DW,AND PROUD FOt)1', -BAR-' jj` risters, Solicitors,; etc., Uoderi' h, Ont. J. 11. (,r'' ARQOW., Q. C. 'Wm. PiiounFOOT.. TR AVER, AITORNEYY AT. ryLLIOTT onvo - law Solicitor in Chancery, C y.. sties,, etc ., Office next door to. Cho Fost.Oifice, • Intekiaow, Ont. . i }° ' , rislEl'ZI't) ll5l'izlT sale ft i�0Ka'tbwluia tinaaflaarewivrF, � Ik`3ttCF1{'1'x 1$tx1'1ng'�.'y�5106•;Ki�+S14i.//,,��r diver the Post office. , oPBILLTPS, ' CAMERON. & 1 Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries;•Pub 1 Tere•nto ;Street,.Toronto, Money lie; a;c.., 7. • toloau-Rates cheap, Flunk Mornmires. 0..CAME$Ox.. 110( oPHI.RSON ttROBINETT.E. BAR• ri , etors Solicitorei, . Conveyancers, .Notaries; Etc, ,'T. C ROBINETTIL,U. A L. H Mc L'ltsasex;'$ A. LL: n, Offices 8' Un ]i; U. M .,'otonto Street,' Toronto.. ton Block, ,3 b ...1 ro Gael Money to• loan ou Farm and Village ,P L y at lOwent rates • CA L• : MEDICAL i•• Fire Insurance .1 Life •Assn ranee !; CANADAAG1FC • �ALIWAY,. Through tickets to all points''in. ad at Vnitod States It Swope Qan MAPS, • PAMPHLETS, TXME>.. TABLES, FARES,, .; .. Andra! information furnished, on applioatfon.: JNQ MU,RCNISON, AGENT.' 'if -734. ' • CAMERON & CAMPBELL; BANKERS, / MONEY To LOAN, DRAifTS. ISSUED,. CHEQUES DASHED; •INTEREST, ALLOWED-. ON DEPOSITS, A GENERAL RANKING:BUSINESS , TRANSACT'ED;, • CONVEYANCING .'IN ALL 1.118 BRANCHES. • ' :LOANS on Real L3tate'at 6 and 64 per cent. according to security, rtVrrrlrr i, &!,,,a idr�ieduR.'t?�'° , WHOLE NO' 744, THE SPRING SHOW: • 'the=cnngr'egation, that the translation should not take place. A paper,, con- , taining 160 names, members and ' ad-- Bploadld Entr, er moves: gilt ntRngreeable ; herents, expressing theirr earnest'. weather Good Attendance. . that Mr. Anderson should remain as their iniriister; was' presented by Mr. The annual spring Show of the Kin- Robert Shiell. • loss Branch Agricultural Society waa, Dr, Ure briefly replied. Mr, And- .on. Tuesday'fast ' ersou briefly addressed the court, , and" held in this'Village. . . =' stated that it appeared to him to be 17th 'inst:. • Although the fore part of •the will of the Lord' that •he should ac- theday indicated fine, about noon snow ceptthe call, which he accordingly did;• 'commenced falling, and'' throughout the subject' to -the- approval- of'the, Presby' entire afternoon it came down in good tery, ' old January style. A rore•disagreeablle On motion it was ,agreed) that the ' day could not possibly have. been Presbytery• grant the translation of. i' o, ng s • f r Mr; 'Anderson; and .while' do .. , selected. This, however; did not date, the; people from turning out, and. nearly; ' would record our high appreciation of one thousand spectators were 'on the. .hischaracter and abilities as a minister grounds. :The display of horses was of `the,gospel--our sense: of loss sustain - not only large, but the quality of the ed l) the Presbytery and the corigre y 'aninnals shown, with few exceptions, gation by the translation, and our was good. In . all there were twenty -4. sympathy for the congregations in. :eight horses -exhibited,' including nine' .losing.their Minister towhom they, have g • ,ted heavydrau ghts . fjve Can-. been so devotedly. attached. Mr..And-- i,npor S , , - adian heay.. draughts,: three :genearl'.:'erson.is to preach his' farewell'' sermon Y. th purpose,, one reported .Percheron, ,and•. `on'20 Ma . y, • ' '� ;• ' ten•:road: and..earriage. stallions,' In The' congregation of Knox church bulls the.entr was not very large, but Brussels, have given. a call to Rev. G. y s those shown --we're• of- good, quality::. B,—Howio ;: the ,stipend promised , is. The-followvin :ls=a: list. of the:... prizes $800 per annual'' without -a -manse, to fs � alvardeda he paid •inhalf-yearly payments. Messrs 'x Ts. McRae ' Strachan, and Dickson, • sup- • "c slRtilLt�'Glii�H' oii�ANl(�i;AI?tkil , w- ,+• "cr ed hen it t1?ho vlokl�lazct,. ,ii • �,l • ::� y -" �l:�t l'�4'3�.': Lc..��;+ �g•�fkt' ,:..P t '• , r, l trs. 'I it ,' h" e tc < if th'e s en"us s i:71t 41ill .• 51.` C : �Kt101111" 'c�il; �l`usels,' �w$s"us,ta.d .McGowan, - B1nta>il_,: 3rd Bob a the , „ and on:motion the :cal was . sustained 31"".. oy James Mof3at; Culross: ' • as' a regular. gospel call. Mr. Strachan THREE YEAH OLDS. 't t letter from Mr. o O.: P. Nu-ltC • Meets every Fridayevening- at 'eight o'clock • in .their Hall, Campr ell Street. All Brethern cordially invited., ; '• G. WILSON, ; JOHN ELLIOTT' ;Noble Grand. Recorder. UCKNOW: LODGE OF THE ANCI- ent (lyd'er•of United. Workmen, meet in •the Uddfellowe Hall, on the last .'and• tec�rnd ,Monday'evenintts of each mnonth,..at,8 o'clock Visiting Brethernare Cordially invited. JI O—Pi ART . �1 -MCI i` YRE, _ Master Workmen .. 'ltecorder • D., M,. r1: P S. Office-Meelicai Half,:Lu•cknow' WI -Special ;attention paid 'to di,eases..ot -.'women andc'hildren'. =Gallapromptly attend- • ,ed to by night lir day • CCrimmnOIl. uo 11rt:'D C.:af M. C P. S. O. L, R C P,.;L, S,and L"M+Edinburg; Curoner(ount'y 'efN.t,Midwifery of Broca Licentiate of Mi, Y • Ro` al.conege Physician' and.' Surgeone Y Office, oor'east,ofthe l'opt Office, ' 1jGy'Ufficn-One.d .. . : Luoknow Ont ,. —• Dr. D. Geddes, V. S. •. • .' -.motto.,^ .RAD TA1`IM' • •OI+''. THE '.ON•TAnRtI0 • • . College. Toronto, and registered, ni . '',..of the Veterinary •lif edical Association, can: - • noW be:folios prepared; to... treat all diseases of.. (tie domestic animals, in the latebt `and moat ecieuttac .wallop,:. • 1 Calls either by, mail or •telogiant prompt y ..'ended to Charges'Modetate 9tt i-an's.Hall;;. rlfa'ce, Corr g , oe'Ilotel Lucknow: liesidence, Pasc , . . • GENERAL •O.BERT CITNNINGHAM, :,• -�• INgURANCE, , SRI ., Flit :AND •'AND:&IANL+' , �. • G1.T,ELP1T • 7' E• .,', 1VEY �_ : 'ATl•:.A.'L' ItEAS0NA1LE. N itR;A7,1ea a Payment; to suit •, 1i•nt,:s;'on rrrws of. Iyaymei , lllurrowers. EI;LI.OTV TRAVER, Lucknow, TO LOAN .1V10NLY S1'•ULASS MOR'JGAGE!'YAT 1..��i to early. ' to '7,'� per cept�interest, payable Y ., f;6ar ,es 'very bioderate. Apply'to . •, Ito 13L :CILURR4. V, St. Helen s. • godoe `No. 184. EY..: 7'0''' •,LOAN " EF.TS TRE . THURSDAY; ONOR : �' befire hill' moon of each month et8 in. Visiting Brethern coisiially invited. • •B. MALLOUhtH, R. FIN DL A TER, W. ilii Se cretary.. c. COURT Gil ERWOQ» tTUIiMBER 50 LuertNow, Meets every first and, t'hird. Mondays • :in every mn t in: the Oddfeilows Hall. Visit' n h; ing Brethern are cordially ins ited; ,l'ak. Mos Si Chief Ranger. D.3):YULS, Sec to. 'PE11...C1•:NT,, FROM .2 TO 20, ears. Litesof Farms for sale in On- tiii•to as well ;;i Manitoba. •)'settee desirous.to soil' Farids will consult their interests by ,in theadvertisin facilities; of Suljserib Infecting g Ir. t► ii Great Britaiit and Ireland :and„A,Lo ►tin. lint of Land's for Sale,' - • ANGUS S'1T W ART, r;Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ont:, West `'OV' a a n osh • Muthal bit e Wiliam nn Cmally, OfIiI00I1'iG1 t z5 MEETS'Ff)1R ., the trausaotign of business ^un the first. . . , .. .: ..tti .'L'naaduy }n each month , I'�artiesf wtsluU.i� � ' liave'tht,irprwerty iusnred in' this increasing{ ly iii alar Cnmp any. will by.,tiving "cotes be uti 'iiaile 'u ilio by an ngeint or by one of tno" 1)1r• l' -totem, Busineset calls pretbptly (attended to p �, r • .1.11t 110131411113,, t 0111.e 1)niis*lati sa, Setry and Tfeha.• N. , road:an exract; from a let r ze.":Statesman .Jas.• Moffat,that' in:the event of the p } Howie, stating .e , Culross; 2nd "Reddgauntlet" John Mc- ,.call being sustained•b the",Presb ter",, Dairtnid,;, .Kinloss ;.' 3rd " GroveshireY• ' u y" �� ' he' would• uccept.the same, and author=. 'Oak Angus M;cKenzie,':Kinloss. , • ized Mr. Strachan to .day- that " he .ac= CANADIAN PEATY D1RAUGHT-. • cepted the Call. • p t,.' " Ontario Chief"•. :W'ni. ., •"al• meeting of'Presb :ter will lst prize, . O A sped a g Y ., , Y be held in.Kuox church,. Brussels, on 1, Monday,.7th day of May it 10 o'clock -- for r --- he>- examination.- of: Mr. o t Howie, and the1? uhlie _service in con- nection with 'the ordination and ilk- duction will be iii at '2 •p.m:• Mr. Me- Kay to preach, Mr. Stevenson. to ad dress the minister and, Mr.' McRae •to' 'address the people; Mr. Laws `Moder ator,; to preside: The examination will be `conducted' by .Messrs. Ross,'. Ballen- • type, McRae, and Stevenson: Mr. Jones was. ,appointed to `serve the edict OI1•t e' con re ation. h g g Irwin, Ashfield ; 2nd " Waterloo Chief' .John Davidson; Langside ; 3rd " Prince ;of: 'ny' Win -Wilson. G E N ERAL.._E.TIR I'OilE,' 1st •prize, 'l.Young Britain" Wm: McKenzie;. 2nd'"Sampson" Richard, Martin;; 3rd "Jinilny the Lad" John ' McKenzie.: PERCSEueit. let"p rize, " Mielani Wm. 'Fraser. ROAD CARRIAGE. " AR ed -1st prize, Royal Revenge'' David. Irwin, Blyth •; 2nd " Electric, Chief" ' E. • Livingston,. B1yth; 3rd. " Young Whalebone,"; Thos:,: Copeland, Teeawater,.'.: TWO:. TEAR OLDS --` • : 1st prize, "Young Ridgwood," Wm.,; �'Vi soli ; 2nd'''" Star," R. 1K Arm= strong..:.. BULLS. Two. year .olds -1st prize, '"Hia- watha," x. ia-watha,":H. 'Rutherford,; Belfast. , CL,OA'ROOMIS, CAMrnELL STREET: 'litembere only admitted. rooms- open every weeknight. (Sundays excepted): Initiation fee 11.00. • HARRY i&ciNTYas, 1) . N. L.t ivnisNCE. ^ ---_ . Seeretar Presfde'nt • ' Y• DENTAL• • EIMIR.G, L. D, S. TO my old friends, in. Lucknow and surrounding country. Yoµ"hat4i kyibwa not me long enough to know that my CheapJohn work; Now; I am making Collo ' lois Plates and. Vulcanite Setts, and Will supply my customers with any kind of Metal lie Plates they wish: for Gold, Silver or any other. Charged as low, as theycan be made for. I will be. in, Lticknow on the second Friday and Saturday and fourth, Friday and. 'aturda 'of each moan.. 'Vegetable Vupdx ghe ' rainless ;