HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-06, Page 8• 444 rs•'.u«re,.e a u.ae.*sisiw. i • - ea. * rW,r, •�v rx•'-h'....,,,,:4_:,,,-1.1!„,,,,,,,,,.,..2_,...,..,....,,,,.......... :k?= ........,,� ;. ., ,...... i., .� ::�, .,. •.... elle r �.- y n ._. ..._ + -. .-, ...... ..n, .. Found,;' ' L'QO*# O '` PO8T•0 �'Id � A lady' z" d 1 has been Hours, $ a m.'ta, p• ,rn by a ttentlen, 1lIaIL8 Atixtv$, the eidewivlk W G, & B.9 oath ' 6.13 a ,n. ` Daily' b cal tin at 3, It. & B. North 13.30p m.. •" .' y 1 sf Pow .tu..:,n 1�j'' s.'.P•^" f .: 'd' h11 "�'•• ••wi.,".iin.m • 0. Nps. "ie• Vis The O,alico Benttndicat' left here Pi'o' p ions, the Calico t glove ...... , . . an who.. picked it up on ball will be a great' success. The • out•1 The owner may .bade: it sideattendancewill be large, and a. this office. .: pleasanttime is anticipated.. Lost. '• A lady's •fur cap; between Frank Greer's residence and livery stable. on. Willoughby street. • Any per•soii leav- ing the same at this o#iee will be suit- ably rewarded.- ' {olymod30 mE Kintough '' 4, p )' 1s`iaioae • W. t3. & ii.eXarth: ' 3.48p. p. m Code i h . , ,c; cit >t 't I ntermedi%te Points 9.00$. an;, 4, 11. H. it, 11. North 10.30 p w.. TuesdaYe Lanaeide 3.00 p m., aid• Fridays ' • MAIts CrosE,: 'W,G,&,B.,,Southt9.30p m.. 1., j H. & B.,,:South • Z. H. & B. South. 10.00 a m• • .W•:G.,a B.NOroh 3.20p m HOlyyrood. : er iulnngh • 4.30 p.m, inlosa " • ;Tueadsy8 : angsid • •4.30 p sr, and ; • Fridaye. ' Mails for: the United Kingdom 'cloee every -Tuesdry, at 9.30 P. m-,; during the winter. The Literary Associaton t; ' • A good -program will, bepresented • torltghi at the exercises of the Liter- ary Association. • That popular insti- tution, the Glee' Club, is down for a nuinber'of selection3z'atid the debate will be; "Pursuit vs. Possession: , itinga Viciudg Pawl. Oddfellows Anniversary. The members of the Oddfellows ,lodge in this viflage will celebrate the anniversary of the order, by attending divine *service in the Methodist church on.Sunday, 22nd inst.. at eleven o'clock. Episcopal. Church. • 'At the annual ;Vestry meeting of'I the English church in this village, • Wore. W. S. 'Holmes and John Baird ^wore appointed Wardens and Mr. An- drew McM annus" delegate to the . Sy - L:,acrosse Meeting. All interested, in Canada's National. game— Lacrosse—are, requested to as- semble'at' H. Morrison's Law office, on Tuesday evening, at ''8 o'clock; to, or- ganize for the coming season. • • Meeting at Dungannon ' A inecting will be held -in the', Pres• byterian, church, at Dungannon on Thursday evening next, 12th inst.,• when addresseson the Scott' Act will. be delivered by the Rev. T. M. Camp- bell; of Owen Sound, . -and others. Back Again.; Wm. Dulmage, the. Bluevale mar - chant who recently disappeared sudden-, lv. with Mee Smith, a telegraph opera •tor"and, post (lite clerk in his. eatab iishntent, is reported'' to have returned and the young woman' also. Dultnas;e's affairs financially were in Al condition. Against :Repeal' The Rev. 'J 5 Ross, of Dundas, dill `deliver nixed r ss to the citizens pi this village in the Temperance .hall, {on Tuesday evening next,. under the.., ;ahapioes .of •'the :County Teinperance. Ittks:�;� r heaat"uw. xc NOM'_ The,Temper"ance Concert., •, The cone oriTuesday, lodge, was Hliving had the .past `tw was not as 'l'he prora carried thr Half. a Oentury in .Canada • isf ,'•sk earOitgo°iestird AocoliiirPornitaspWlii ggsn shores mi' EHn nl , a!w eiiiifrated' April 5tk. it either, considers earth ert in the Temperance Hall by the Sons of Temperance a most pleasant .event.. ' a.sur-feit of entertainments o mgnths,.' the attendance large a' it should4hav a been. m was good and splendidly oughout . Oonnel ,:of -1 its :vi lage.- las-, roll 'r, : Y the dry5goods.stock ti Render:km .&;: Co, of. •Wingham. , ' *r. : ' ' nnell took 'possessien of 'the store on Monday last, and intends remaining in Wingham':till he bas disposed of; the, plods. Mr. John Elliott'will leek after -the Lucknow bradchduring his absence ,Ashfield Giant. ' been.: going' the A paragraph, • has , $ ix . g, .... • rounds of the papers, ��giving a des- :ietnption of a'".big roan near Kiiicar dine, but -we ''think the 'township .,of Ashfield'' :ran boast of • ;the coining giant" in the peraot -of=Roderick--11:0- `:Kende., ,He is only. 19 years of, age : a' ,and;ttreasures, 6 feet 9inches in height. weight. is 245 lbs., and he - meas- ;Ares• 45 inches around the , cheat. The Pioneer's Birthday Wednesday last was the sixty-ninth birthday of our. esi.eenied townsman,. Melcoini Campbell Esq., ,and the: 'Pi- oneer" was warmly con ,ratulated' by hismany friends.. Mr. Ct:uipaell has been Postmaster of this village. since 'the>office was first opened, a period of nearly thirty. years;,, and theta are Sew men' in the county who enjoy to such an extent the esteem- and confidence of all clasaee,of the • community. Mr. Campbell is still hale andhearty,,: and; ,we' trust.he may be spared to' enjoy many years of health and happiness.' • • Thurs. Scott Act The Re and Mr. J 'Careron • interestin addresses mount; on of the re • .Interesting Ttoms:: -.The. Flotsam, '• and Jetsam of ' the: Ourrent. Week. • __Lawrence's stock is now, Complete =in all line. • —Mr. Mark •Bu rgess left for Indiana on Tuesday last, ' • • Nr, W' Lower, arrived home frouu Brussels on Wednesday. • • There's Steen a butter famine in town for the past week-or..so. those cheap Scotch Lace cur- tains from .50c per .pair, at Kerr's. •—Lab'rad'or herring in -half, barrels. •; Haddiesand: codlish,, at McIntyre's . 1. ,s, "elf ; ' =? ' recti lints %ncan ins. tiwv�,b�vr�tam,;' — •auze veilrtigs er * fines iii hill-• front Ireland on :°T.tiuraday;: 1.832; and -he -dosexn'c-regret- This Canada of ours' he equal to any country „ on'; Repeal. v Mr McKay, of'Luck new, c►:. Murdoch, of the firm •of & Murdoch,delivered very grand appropriate temperance in the sebool-house at Para - Tuesday, avoning hist in view.. peatof the'•Scott -Act. , :Glieese Meeting.: m sannual- of the Lucknow r;:Oheese .lFactory ovill be . 'held at the • esory, "on 'Saturday, -April 14th`• r, a'cIoek p.m.,. for the purpose .'of re- s, win's the. Auditors' Statement and. iir1•ang ng, bnsiness for : the coning' season AIL patrons and those wish-" • nig to become patrons.are respevtfully•.. „! .;requested•;to :attend: Mr. Denning is': .,)<U w 'Main -wising the section and is. we ;. relieve,meeting with' good. success • I Norman MacLe•od, • Caledonian hell on Monday evening' Seat,'. April 9th.' Norman . McLeod • ,(sion, of the late Rev. Dr. Mernnan Mac ' Leod, D. D.;) Queen Victoria's Chaplin will given vivid account of his visit to, ,Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre, •Aso a description of life and : advent- 'ores in 'Ceylon and India, as special :correspondent, With .Ii R.H , Prinee of tales.. Readings from; the ; Starling. ,(1.1y ,his late father),,and cor.clude' with ` • !l Sketches of :Scottish Life and:. Char-' octet," including his imitable humorous. Scottish serinous. 1V1r.: MacLeod will • be•°assisted by.the celebrated Canadian Tenor" " , 'u ober - of favorite , in a -number .Scotch songs. Admrssioti 25 cents. ; Ohurch O The 'co perance •p Hal next went.. T of the vi nothing it a suet concert three; gra the : perf by A Large While Peter • Ca con. of a horn w in shape but itis extinct 's past.roa section. . °dice, is n three I Measure is nearly sneer` Eariv 01 We, t the :v it lag to' close ness at 'the nint October A. 'Mc Peart lough; Kerr, doth, ray, Brumpt oncert ncert. to be. given • in the Tem- l on':' Wednesday evening pro to''.be a grand entertain - he best' available vocal":talent, Mage has been. 'secured,;';and: will be.left::undone to .make ass.: A leading- feature' of -the Will : be the', tableaux' ' The ces?`and three disgraces;;'' also rmanees,.:o the;" broom bei ten young ladies in costume,: O R $19 .I .:' vTOCK :OF IS NOW COMPLETE. We have extra,value in Men's and Bey's: FINE AND WEAR. A great variety"of . WO Vi'AN S', r5' 11OEa: and,, SLIPPERS,. 'which cannot be excelled for"quality and pric , rens Ages We .have the latest styles; Cal and see our shoes ani get our prices before purelas- .. • f our goods; and .the prices', at which; we. . lrlg, as the quality o , A sell them can not fail to'cormend themselves, to you. CAM:ERC VRPCH. 1\.13 -W : hive ' opened out this week •oi*r new lead. , .Straw fiats. ' shades -from 1'0 cents, ate Mrs Smith's: ---5' cents a. roll :Will buy good wall. papeeat Berry & Day's Drug. store. Ask to•see the .cottons MtItityre .sella in'webs only= -special: brand, • —Oavendush, Silver .:Ash, and T. di 13. Myirtle cut tobacco, t►IcIntyre's • --Law;, ence is still to t front with y ' ' creamery and dairy ;Supply of y cans' pails. Now' itthe time to ` come and; order your' suits., C ontlelt can suit you every tie.., + • —No w is the triune to boy your; sun hats. '`You'oait pet them from 10, at, Mrs.,,Snuth'sa Lots of new . prints at Connell.'s See our .new lines of dress goods. from. 122c per yard up. —Mr. Robert .Hadwin, of Dakota, and Mr. Jatnes;gen; . of Winnipeg, are at present in this. section. =• Good Cow for sale ; will: calf in about two ;month's; • Apply to T. W: Htldred, Carriage.maker,•Lucknow 1VIr. W. Christie, who has been diving.: in Ancester. for :•'the 'past,, few•. months. arrived home on Monday last. •-Miss: F. Anderson, of Dungannon, and Miss Bell, of Goderick are visiting, 'at theresidence of. Mr. James Lindsay. Extra:value iii Brown Hollands from 10c per yard. at Kerr'P Towels, towelliiigs and table•linens at very low •prices:• • —Let :the welcome news spread from,. farm: to farm •' that Lawrence's. binder twine iSthe best: Leaveyonr order early. , -The spring show will be held In this, village on Tuesday,:. the l7th inst.;' Ripley on'the'201h and in Kincrrdine,, 'on the 18th. -Mess'ra: 'John , Bruce, . Andrew Waechter and .1. IC. McLean, .are ga totted as License Conrtnissieners for the cut rent' year. Remrinber that our show room opening takes place on Tuesday 'April 10th; and'follow; : day's., An inspec- tion and comparisonoof prices. respect- ;•full`! solieited,'Geor a Herr Lucknow Physicians preiriptious and fata- lly ' recipes,' soarefully compounded' Nothing .but the purealt drugs and chemicals used,; t Berry k• Day's Drug, .;Ito for the West, •w , ' Are you going west to better your Bond tion 1 If, so, .begin, now and decide •-fto ship all your freight and' purchase your "tickets to Dakota, Minnesota► and: 'other points in the boundless west 11 the Chicago and North:: Western , Method ailway, which with its 7000 .ntilea• of. • The c „ 'Maid steel. ;,track -'is the. shortest and Half e •quickest, and best line,west.l..:Its rates the ''ad sire as• lova" as :the .lowest, ; and:. its' • •though iantages' inthe;ehad. ape,of; ,through cars •good en to: the most iwportant polnts;.its system ,present ofthroug leg.. h 'ba e a •oheeking,'' and ;.its.; - purely 8. .. comfortable, wart* and well.ventilate'd any ei 'Coaches cogiurend it to. the 'people, as• well -k • • the standard' line. When you are pay- ,that he ,iris, .your :• money, .you:: want Otho hest iuce� th ' on ,talent . els tick and. can get it,by. asking, for • he North.Western. • Emigrants utotie. ' the lar tables handled 'with caro .and dispatch,, well re and. all facilities given:for•,feeding and :epplau Information f >xll n oro n to T f , stock e urou Y watering g • 'regarding rams, etc., and U. S. Customs . proceed '2-.001 pions, given 'on. application:. to goes t John IL, Morley, Canadian', Passenger 11►e Re Agent, 9 Yorlt St. orouto, I chair. ist Church Concert oneert given in'the Temperance n Good :Friday''evening, under spices . of 'the• Ladies Society, not largely attended,,: was a tertainment, and enjoyed by all . which wag The talent, `sail of h local;' would .liaie' clone' credit to ty; and it was remarked by a t •eller- who was ,resent, nQ.wA_ .tit,__._. ... _ ..._...1? knew of:�fro'village•tn the Prov - at ' 'better a n u 1 ,.. od use h t cbu d r than Ltieknow.' Every piece on lar , • ploughing on the. farm of Mr. mpbell,, of Lot :14,:.in the,1 Etta Wrest Wawanosh,, a portion,of as turned up. It :resembles that of the ordinary red deer, certainly :'.the antler of sone' pecies of :deet that in ages. med',through the forests in this The .:piece"` brought 46 this early' two; feet in length; with arae °prongs, but ,is originally` &e er' louble that 'length, Lu twelve •inches in' eircumfer, osing he undersigned ,. merchants.. of;. e;of, Lucknow;'`hereby agree o r respective places .et husir.' s+a�r'o'clock p.m, on and after h["A' til, 1888, untill first of p -Saturday.:nights 'excepted ;, Intyre,• Edwards YS�. McCallum, Corrigan,F.' Grenache,. B. Mal • - A 1V1cR'itiron,' J Grundy, Geo. Ale.• Lawson, Caineron & Mur- . &. S. Little, McIntosh &, Mur- W: .lz J. Little, /Campbell & on, W. Cornell,' Moody Bros. For -preparing' the seasons' trade 'has come, •sand 'I invite , a z. wznakiivet AND The lieqt value inthe market to -day' -=go where you May. a u ,h n a .:Sp,ecialtyt.. ra Full lines in - • Ever thine;: -necessary. . f x constantly' In' stock; durable in price, progransme, was exceedingly neared, and the;4naity bursts of se:'.showed that:•'' 'the- audience a , 'reciated• ;thei'r efforts. The pp. s.anrottnted to about 820,. which o the bidding fund of the church, 'v Illi°. Nugent' occ'apiocI 'the . Y• 'foment or general utility,:.:" ratter and. ,reasonable • in. —Dr. Washington, the eelebrgted': lung and. ,throat` doctor, , will be, in I;ucknovir, at 'tile. Whitely hoose,. on Thursday,a April . •12th:: Read adver- tisement.. =-yDon't forget;the place if you want. a nice : wedding or birthday present. t l .. All the Way eats u .avegoods. W h b We is ore k from ScY,s'up to f1;10 es}ab .e��+ � y , Day's Drug store. i 'i' d Special attentionsdirecteto the 'large and well assorted stock of Dress goods . in. all' ,the fashionable e shades, at George ,'Kerr's. •Special line all wool: 'Erench 4re0 goads alt 15c per yard. ° As the warm weather is nearly here,. I beg to intimate that. my . . reuteY -BEAUTIFUIti Pz ht1 ./:and C0 100a � MERWEAlt.. FULL-_IpI;NES .IN.-.�LL 5UM .. . . Y- GRAOEitY DBP.& TMENT ALSO' EXCELS,:. 0040 004000; Cos01)40000 404 '. �, .hi ,''. site in `general ii ' . I .'Wo$4 digit, attention' ud a seat Q8 selected stock o c a'f :'deet n In my e.lt�ot ,Ril h � -•�s NEW WA14 • F'AFER,• • FVERYTHIIVG REQUISITE FOIL plinf>fG• t L D UIIE. IT `WILT. PAT TO PATItON'I . ' r9 '; -, 110 .. —=Parasols 1 parasols. Extra valuei P41114 and very low prices, 'at' George:; Korr's., — .4 labastine is the Onlypermanent wall coating, „ You can get any . abode •at La wrence s. . :.„--For school, .books writing;. papery and all, school supplies, go' to Berry & Day's Drug and Stationery store Northern Exhibition will bo tele this year inWalkertonrton from Tues ay,October 2nd, to Friday, the th, wren00, o anao' d eat dvanta$"e of • his,'. Eis ont< i�Ai� WFjFt3► 8 , q tl yineii. Tl a: l# test a$ Sero 'n ri►ien'st felts tit for spring we! ,)oat receiv d, a ri r. ---Oo to T. W. Iil(1red, Lucknow ' mo' for .'waggAns, ;Luggtes, pie. de . data,. A largo Mock on 'a ' d to select . f romp. soldP. iwillb s a o ec - ,$ .ht1e, u !•a Yj . Oily., Rf: f t. t w', a rA a r as d. kad'p a 1 fit 11 'Sty► a fl s• >� � , k � p •>? ly attended to, :• • r,' •