HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-06, Page 7• • • .CAM.11134.1%! •TQPIOS. •. A sreanisiar has lapencOnetructed to carry '1,00(rtons at each voyage of the solid v381.- • 44.4[4 of the, London swag"' out to the North Sea, froni the Barking Creek Sewage .'Works. Pour or five more such ships willbe required, to deal with the entire quantity. • . `Mns- Ersai %truant. was. the only woman who ever saw her soh inaugurated Presi- dent off the 11,nited- States Washington's • mother was living in Preciericksborg,• Va. When the father of his country wasinaugt • rarated; but she did not witness the °ere- mOhy, which took place in New York. TIVENOE3 AYRES; in theArgentineRepublic, ia now the largest city in :South America, the Census of 1887 giving it a Population of , WOO.. The°. Population of the entire' ntay 'Jae increased- 175 per cent.. in the wenty years, while that of the United atesin the same:Period of time has in - °teased only 79 per cent.• . A Apr in Toara, France, refuSeil to pay for a eOrSet which did not fit and was taken to court by the corsetiere. The` Amide • modestly said that he would mat ' know whether the corset fitted or not, even if be •saw it tried on, and that he was unable to ..cletaide the (ASO, and that the parties mint appeal to another arbitrator. • - • • ST. RETERSBIIEG correspondent says that the actual Czar of 'Russia, the .man whose order is irrevocable, is not Aleicander brit -Lient.-Gen, _grimier,. the head of the palace, and a member of the. Privy •Council. Hais between 40 and 45 years of age, is a soldier by profession and has been decorated manytimes for gallantry•on the ' • ' ' eld. ' , THE most sensationalresult • of the Ivive,1 in .progress at Paibersburg is the tonVersion of Hon. C. T. Caldwell, an • aviiwed infidel, who has been named the of the Wed -Virginia bar. --His ' oonversion is so thorough that he has .de- cided to abandon his luorative practice and .. enter the ministry of theMethadist Episco- • pill Church, J. W.,Warsax; to vidioin the authorship • of "Beautiful Snow" is most generally • ascribed, is a tell, straight man of •70, who - is often seen about the streeteof New York, He is a novelist as well as a writer of versesand muchiof his matter hiseen lathe periodicals, but his income from ,his writ- .(41,1efr-laa(Ttitir 7::=71,c-•.;icyafftlamalf-ctiliarnilhat 'Er" .1r7IlligekirEalE-Rivfis-,IhtliTiiginict 'author- ess, •:liaies in • practical seclusion on her • father's large farm near Cobham, in Alba, merle county, Va. She la 23 Years old, tall,. sleriderand graceful, a perfect blonde ',and very pretty. In addition to her literary ' talent she, is eornewhat' of an artist, and • spends a great part 'af her...time ; in her studio. She is passionately 'ficad of horaes, And dogs. ' • • 11EAti ADMIEAL HENEAGE, the Officer corn - amending the British Pacific . station, is ,,earning the epithet of "Sir jbsenliPorter." • He has .forbidden any officer or man' to walk on'the poop of the' flagship while he Is there, and insists on the crew ,•ancuiver-' . • nig' their 'heads as long as his 'on ; decie. -He also re( uiree his officer to weir white kid gloves at divisions on Sundays, and to •have their frock coats 'and -tunics buttoned " Oh all occasions. , TICE French astronomers are making Wonderful strides in Celestial discovery, thanks to the 'hypersensitive plates 'which modern. photography • has. ' placed •; at their service. The photographer's plate is in- finitely more sensitivo,. than the .retina Of the human eye. One part of ' the ,• has just been photographed 'where•only:150 • stare had been previously known. •The. :plate shows no fewer than 5,000, all suffi- ciently' distinct. ' Malicia MuRrITY, the temperance. advo- .- °ate, wants a lem passed niakingit a ct4me • for, a man td treat or be -treated. Upon this subject Mr, Botua•Phy said in Buffalo Last week: ." It is • an awful thing for a Man to .say no when he' has' not bee.a , 'weaned: ' Look at the effect On a baby that.s ' .has beeh.on the 'bottle for two years when 'yen undertake to Wean it. What; think, you, must it be With a man who has bocci • • on a bottle.for twenty years 2" . . MARIA, MITCHELL, the celebrated ' .pro - i . fessot of astronomy it Vassar College; s 70 years old. She is the discoverer of eight • comets,: the discovery of: ) one of which . gained her a gold medal from the., King of , Denmark, and it is said that when she was ' I of 11 she 'made an accurate record, Of ar eclipse. • She has received the . a zee,: of LL. I): from three different. : institutions Of learning. , • . • ' " .,___.,,......_...,... ' A Novi:Ur in use by many ladies in the • ' States this dela weather ' is the "'i Kairo," • or Japanese hand warmer.' It is an oblong, . .alightly'ourved hex of sheet dipper, covered • with pretty .chintk'or Silk, and heated by ignited• charcoal, specially prepared for the 'purpose; The ehtirooal comes in neat Oils, each of which will horn' five haute, , producing, a temperature of 150 degrees • and warming one nicely; The "Kairo " • costs a dollar and is sold in ding shame., In Japtin,it is used • for medical parpeseek •/oat ae-woapply poultices or hat foments - A. Cm kind of glass has been invented in • Sweden. • It contains no fewer than four- • tee.n substances, whereas the common kind . of glass contains only • six. PhhePhoTOUe 34 hef' 'sante included; and their are not to iirr , nod in any other glass. The result is, •- acso ing to those who believe in ' the new ..nvention, that whereas the highest. Power „ of an old fashioned microacopiclene manila cinly the one-fentAtindred-thousandth petit of an inch, this new glass will enable usiri .distingtilah. one two-hundred•-and-fourr •anillion-seven-huridred-thousandth' pert of ' an inch. Stupendous—but, then' • .. who on . earth WantailLhave.a. look at the 1-2(44,100,• 000th part Of an inch? , • . The German inhabitants of the Baltic are mostly Lutherans. The determination of theRussian Government seemS to be to compel religious conformity, and the Minis. ter 'of the Interior has been authorized to, ' suspend or banish Lutheran pastors with. out any Iodide& inquiry. 80)310 fifty preachers in. Livonia, have been warned , and As many in Courland. Iii Estlionia eettotal pastorti' wiVeri have been marked : out for,pnniehment.,fer holding,Miseionary •' meetings.," It is believed that if the EM- !`• ' peror .„Wite .awlite of the real conditions a . , More humans policywatita be adapted, but . usitea itItibn of the peopleis rendered' urn, pOseible, and any attempt,te ittnitiel Would Only aggravate the evil; , • • -80i111 tired age an ,engineer On the. Little Miiuni Railroad,. Ohio, was suspended be- cause, after having been examined by Dr. Clark, he was found to be quite deaf. The Petneef claimed at the time that he could hear everything while running his engine, but the docterfoundthet in a still room he could not hear ordinary 0011Versatiffil a foot away. The doctor thought he would test the case, and made a number of experiments with him on engines. The result was that the doctor found the engineer not only tell- ing the truth in rego,4 to the matter,but also 'that the deaf man could hear low remarks and Whippers on a moving engine, that even Dr. Clerk's' keen ear failed to catch, ' The engineer was reinstated. THE WOMEll Will -shortly abandon those furry caterpillars they wear around . their necks, and man's 'fur -lined overcoat with its Russian collar and cuffs will "disappear into its complier chest. It is ar pity that furs which aro alike becoming to the thick and the thin, the Call and the short, gannet be perpetually with up, and that the first warm day should make them oppressive. Some one has said woman isalways will- ing .to suffer if she can bd.'beautiful,• but she, rarely shows how ungrateful she can. be as at this time of, year when • one of her chief embellishments is thrown aside: She, does not desire to suffer" exactly to the degree of overheating a well made-up com- plexion, and she doubtless thinks that her tinted parasol, with other airy- confections from the haberdashers; will compensate for the soft, dark frame about her face. Per- haps so, But it is, with regret that ele- gantesi and those wild Understand the art of being well-dressed, find the time ap- proaching when their most beaconing por- tion of attire must seek an anti -moth seclusion. Try to make the„ best of it, mesdames! . • • ,• 4 „ • Youria ladies whose complexions show: the mirages of the late hours of the first season and who wish to restore their skin -to -itk..prestiatir delantante--freshneiis- are, writes a Washington correspondent„ using "lo Masquedu meri," which Frenchwomen have employed:since the days of 'la Reine Margot, Who • invented this faded com- plexion's sweet' restorer. .They take . the white of one egg beaten in .sufficient ,rose water to make a:cream ; to this "they add one gran:erne of alma and one of.. sweet almond oil. All of which is beaten together until a paste is formed, • white and sweet smelling. 'Then taking a piece of .thiCk vielbetrIcayomidealcazim..mfflig-ztky _ YmeseffiRieffirdraidic:a.:4,1a.64.1.0r anattior tiff , • , i larger far the month. • The taasteis spread thiekliatidharefidlY aier.this. -Phut tapes are fastened to'ittwo at the brew tOici two at'the chin—and When the, young woman goes to bed this is tied on -her face and re- mains there all night. In the morning she washes this off carefully with a soft sponge and tepid. Water, ' following it, by -.another, bath Of waterrunning cold:froni thelancet, and then she rubs her face vigorously with a•scift towel and emerges With the cons. pleiien of ildsteen.. But she looks decidedly. funny at night When she, has her mask :' on, which reserabieS a poultice more than any- thing else. •. There is also ii. rule .which goes •_with_thisaaaague du mri•whiCh.says that to have, a; beautiful akin a Wciman must • take. enough exercise ' et • least--..onee„in....every twentylani 'holits• to:. be: thrown Into a thorough glOW: ,' . .• Trianz„ Philadelphia . ,fiends who. peed chrome, yellow in :making ;bins have.be'en sentenced tatha.penitentiaty, two Of them for six month", each And the third one for nine, Months, .the judge expressing his sor- row that the Statute•di4: not permit hirato -Mete. out punishment "adetroate •'• to the. .. • . offence, •••:• . ' . • . . .. . Ton Duchess, of , Hamilton, , Wife ' of the Premier Peer ef:Sootland,a.nd, sister-in- law to Lady ,Mendeville'.. MIS "opened 4 retail, hntelier . shop at ' Ipswich, in ' the neighborhood . Of the 'White . Horse, Inn iminortalized liv Pickwick, and ' is, accord- ing to latest reports, crowded . with. orders. ,..A.cariadart the cheapest 'tate . for which fi board can he got • in ,i e big. ,iiew hotel in Florida is $8 a day, ad an extra particular bridegtoOm can obtain a'bridal, suite there at p;000 ,a week, the -hotel was packed On the first Of the mohth...„. The Owhertalks•Of putting up jag such another' house in New 'York ler the . exaction of jicit;sileh gilt- edged 'prices, and think.", there *ill be nicinek 111 it. ' Ns tr Stindey. will he the eighteenth ahhi• versary •.of the ptcclanaation of the Com-. Mune. • The socialists, : antirchiets. , and communists Of New York aro preparing to celebrate it with.giasto gab*. &blood and, thunder drama will 'be - presented by the Social. pe*oltitiOnary'•;ClubYen ' Saturday night, td be followed by a ball and great, denionatration to . he held : in • Clarendon Tan soft Maple has net been eatiefacterY as a shade tree for 'street. or 'lawn, , and for this realon has been. • :condemned' . .and tabooed by 'horticultural .Writers, and its value 'its a, timber tree his been brit tight of. ' When'.eldsely planted' in a•grovci •tlia tendency to split or break -is • overcome: ' it is °ally of . propagation; transplants well grows rapidly, and ispne'.of the beet trees, for fuel. . • . . • ' ' ,. . • ' . . ' • • • BAtiswoon Maybe enormotislyeeinpresged. after *doh it May be steattied andex- panded to itS'original Volume.. Adi'entage has been. taken, of this principle in the :ninth:White Of •certain kinds ofmoldings. The portions of the Weed to be left in relief are fire& compressed or pushed clown-, by :Suitable dice .below the general level of the hoard, then tho'. heard it. plicieddoWn to a ieVel, surface, aiaatter*ard steamed:The :compmssee portions • of the board- are expanded by the steam se that theY..itand Out in relief. . , , • '' ' • ' : ' • Ttin•infinence• Of the Moon upon' vegeta- tion is an interesting problem awaiting solution.Atedent ,Writer upon the' tirilijeet mentions that, wood -cutters in, Cape Colony and India insist'. that timber is full of 'Sap and' "unfit to be cut at full Moon. - Another observation Of lunar, influence in • Cape Colony' is the rapidspoiling. of timats,and 'other provisions when exposed to ariocito iightAhoughthis may tals fide to the fad, thatthe light liervee.ataat-gUide to insects. , Aist extraordinary incident is repot ed front Bdinlyargh in connection with the trial:of...the ' Lewis crofters, One of the CreiVit witneesei ,nanied 'Donald Madded had 'never barite been absent fioin Lewis', arid his being brought to Edinburgh amts. to have deranged his mind. On Tueilday he behaved as if fingering from hydrophobia, And on Wednesday morning he was brought trite dOtirt howling lake a 'dog, . On the / / doctor' s certificate of insanity he Was 'sen't to an asylum. • Sou i time ago it Was announced that human footprints in rocks had been dia. covered in Americe. At last week's. Meet- ing of the Victoria Inetitute in London, a,report, with photograph, from one of its geological members resident in the district, was read, stating that researches showed them to be imprinted in anciently deposited lava, and in some cases the iraptints were those of people wearing chriorisly made sandals Qr. moccasins-, A Beams theatrical manager began an advertieereent in the Sunday ,papers with the words "4 call for 100 women to sew On buttons disloeated by laughter," To his surprise he found the theatro. lobby filled the next, morning with women who tookthe announcement seriously and wanted a job. He appeased them is well as he could by distributing among them tickets to his per, formance..., This, the Buffalo Courier says, isnot nearly as nice a story as the one about the little girl who found as the 'ifloa, •ing sentence in one of the tales of the Brothers Grimm: "And all Who do not be- lieve this moat pay a dollar.".- Whereupon shenallecl onemoraing upon Jacob Grimm and proffered her one &Her in the most matter of, feet way to the af3tOnished.story- teller. Miss Coat liAcims, who .compelled a prominent Rockford, Ill., physician to print an abject apology for slandering her, has received Manyletters of admiration and -offers of Marriage. ;Cora's picture repre- sents a fluffy -haired girl with pleasing and regular features. A fatroer near linton, Dak.r.whci.says-he has as good a farm as there .is in the territory, writes that 'he wishes to tell bet haw much .he admires her " for the way you beat that &dot who abused you," and that." It madd msful of luv for you," and if she will marry him he will come an the next train. A Chicago Man *he siiys he hag an income of 1f5000 - a year and a good home wants her to name a day next week. A youth at Rock Ieland writes that he hag a small Salary, but he laves her very'rauch and he is sure that with such a brave woman for a wife they, can, get along very nicely on it. narrow margin. Miss—Backus-answere-the-lottere- of sympathy and•puts-the offers of marriage • into a scrap, book, • masonic; , 42.81110 i2 CluLJ qk fliSleRa theaaTvitairlThxgliiiirdrelattit ported astakingan -active- intereet in Masonic affairs: •• The twenty-third annual reunion of the, A., & A. Scottish Rite co-ordinate bodice in Rochester will moat on April 10th i llth and 12th. During the three -days'. session aspirants for the mysteries of the ineffable, histaricaI„doctrinal,chivalric and phubo- sophicai grades Will be gratified With the investiture, whiela embraces all the realis- tic teachings 'from fourth degree to thirty - emend. degree. • • One of the most peculiar incidents ' can, heated with a lodge meeting Which lams ever come under our notice transpired at an -emergent-communication of St. '•John's Lodge, No. 209a, on Thursday 'night hist. Pant 'candidaTta-pWitikrtlieiiisehrlairfOr- degrees=twO for the first; one for the sec-, 'ond, and the other for the third—and every one of them were members of the Medical professiert of this citY. Indeed. .had it not been for an inopportune call, a. fifth :Would also have been in attendance for his third degree. Such an occurrence may not hap- pen again in the.hiatory of the 'atilt, and for this reason it is noted.-=Lendori Free , • • Pres. • • Abbotsford to be Rented. Soine.of thepapers have been . agitated by --report that Abbotsford is forsale.- 'real truth is that the place., is only in the market to be let for a term of years, and I shall be imrprisedif it •finds a tenant, as it is overrun throughout the Year with shoe% of tourists.' The house is large and gloomy, and there is nothing remarkably pretty about the ,demeime or neighborhood. Ab- botsford now belongs to Sir Walter Scott's great-granddaughter, Mrs.. Maxwell -Scott; Who is a granddaughter of Lockhart.—Lon- don Truth. • • • "Bobby:Makes u Bad break. ' • •A story is told, of a little boy, one of whose defies it was to recite a Verse from the Bible, chosen by himself, every Morn- ing at the breakfast table. " Well, Bobby," said his mother to him one • .morning, " what verse .have you learned to -day ?" " ()h, I got e real easy One," replied Bobby --" Whose wife, then, Shalt be in the in- surrection?' " After the •proper tableau had ,been. enacted the scheme of Bobby is: scripture studies was promptly revised- • RICH M,E4P13 OPt.se Chieaio Experience— Messenger Boys as ilfastterf. Instance S of lowly beginnings are. not rare M the list cif Chicago millionaires. J. W. Doane, the President of the Merchants' Loan & Trust Company, began his com- mercial career in Chicago a very small dealer in peanuts W. M. Hoyt, the whale - sale grocer and founder of the immense tea trade. between •Chicago and Chink in his youth, kept a little apple, stand at the door sof the old Richmond. Hotel, on Lake street., L. J. Gage's first work was as a carpenter in his father's box factory, on the West side. The Libby Brothers, the immensely rich 'packers,. started as work- ing butchers: . Jacob Rosenburg, the capi- talist, and Levi Rosenfeld; who 'died last suanher, *hese groat fortunes were largely increased by their- share in the Michael Reese 011,000,000 estate, were. bothped- dlers and carried' packs shoot the sur- rounding country. EL A. Kohn, the 'head of the .big wholesale clothing house on Frei:Odin -street, Was alsoa peddler. N. K. Fairbank boaststhat he canlay a brick now as well as in his youth, when he worked, as a mason. C. H. McCor- mick and Leander J. McCormick mere foundrymen. The first shop they owned was a snioll shed on -North Water street, east of Bush. B. P. Hutehineonearnedhis. youthful wages as a shoemaker. Nelson Morris blacked boots and did chores, around a 'small inn in the -pia Sherman litadtc-yardli,—After-WiirdETiferbega.n trading in lame hogs. C. B. Tarwell's first em,ploy, Ment in Chicago was as the smallest clerk. in George Smith's bank, on take street.. Conrad Seipp, the millionaire brewer, was a common brewery hand, and his partner, Lehmann, was a carpenter. Jerome Beecher was a common workingman. John T. Lester was a clerk in A. G. Down's' dry goods storeAC.hickgo.Wors. Among the messenger boys in the service of the first telegraph office opened' in Pitts, burg, Pa., years ago were four .known 're- spectively as Andy, Bob, Billy: and Harry. ,This quartette haaarzontiatklarae and for-. tune. " Andy " Carnegie is one of the rich. •est men in the United' States; "Bob" Pit- antirn-lerGen eral-A-gafft and Superintendent Of .the'Western Division Of the Perinnylviinfit: Railroad; "Billy " Moreland is City Attor- ney of Pittsburg.; and " Harry " Oliver has made a fo. itune steel and narrowly missed tedMixeroalan stsuPiereamEzragerIP.Wg1 %MEW What is Culled tiler Zero Rash." •A•shigularepicioniic has recently appeared in this, city and • vicinity- ' It seemed to follow immediately after the' last protracted cold wave, and manifested itself in the shape of a rash similar to the nettle raga, appearing upon the legs, anis and body of the afflicted. The rash especially manifested itself in the parts mostly :exposed to the cold, like the feet, hands im.4,;; face.. The rash appeared in blotches of pale red, ciecompained by an intolerable lbany X.) Journal. A Bich Man's Joke. I). W. Powers has hit upon a novel idea which, if carried into execution, may • be of Value. to ,other. testators in making their last testaments. He said to a legal gentle- man yesterday that he had Made his will at sleet. " left everything to My lawyers, and , recommended my . family to their tender mercies.I'm„sure they'll get more that way than by a 'contest.—Rochester Post-Expreis. •,' •• ' • • Truthful at all Times. 7 Grocer (id boy)—What are you doing, Jame? • • . Arnes—Puttin' sand in the edger. ,Grocer—Well, that,wOrist do. You Mint put the sugar -in the sand, and then if' °obtainer asks if voa put sand' in out sugar you can truthfully say' no. You will tied, James, as you 'tapir° more bald:less, that, 'In the long rim, truth always pays, ' • Lord Tennyeen is said by.. a ( Loridett correspondent to be far from well and to feel heenly the many driticisnis whiith his repent performances have receiVed. Hie early retirement from the post of poet laureate vq,ould stir/arum nci one there, , • . • lircHIISO PILES, (:1 *Id OWN FUNF,4{". • iffi Will Rasiti the Conilt Wtte1V. and Propel?* the Sermon, 34r, PridginS, an old and respectable Preacher, has suddenly decided to Preach hia own, general Sermon, and has set for the day the second Sunday in April, and the place a little church a few miles from High Shoals. Mr. Pridgins • has ordered his son to make him a coffin, which he directs muet be perfectly plain and locked With a pad- lock.He says the coffin will be placed by his Bide in the church, and there, in the ptesenCe, of his friends and family, who are, requested to wear mourning, be will tell of his life and pay suitable tribute to his own memory: The news has spread rapidly over the surrounding counties, and it le thought that the little 'church will not bo able to, held the 'congregation. Mr. 'Prid,, - gins is thought by some to be very eccentric, but is considered by his 'neighbors one et. the ,gmaxtest men in the county. . Ho has been a minister of the gospel for many years and is extremely popular in neighborhood. His mind is perfectly clear on all ',objects, and. he is unusually well • informed for ' a country. preachers. Ile de- sires that the prees reporters he present 'at • the funeral to occupy seats in the amen , corner. It is thought that he will then re- tire to his home and • leada-quiet life.until the time conies for him to occupy his coffin for good. No pall -beaters have yet been selected, but all arrangements will be made.. for the funeral before the eventfal day arrives, --A tlanta-Consti&tioni- - • • • . • • The Sum and Substance Of it.: A 4-year-ul4raiss had been naughty' the other day, and her niamma shut her up in a closet by way of penalty. The 'littleone alternated between , fits: of crying and appeals for freedom, and was beard to say , Within herself :tell you thip ;is tough , .10 • • Simitocs—Moisture ; . intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratch ing. 11 allowed, to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, :becoming yery, 'sore... SWAYNE'S OINTMENT stops thg itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, an in many °sees removes the tumors. It is equally efficacious in curing ail :Skin Diseases. DR..SVirAYNE & SON,' Preptie tors, Philadelphia.: Swamies OINTMENT can be obtanedol druggisti.Sent by mail for 50 Cents: , • There is a little girl in Harleni; New -Yorkr whose-commercial-interests--are-so- Precocious that she relate furnished rooms in her doll's holm. to her sisters for a fixed •number of caramels per. week. A.. Tremendous Sensation • , would have been created one hundred years ago' by the eight of one of our modern express trains whizzing along at the rate of sixty Miles an hank% Just think haw our grandfathers would have staredat each a spectacle I ;It takes a good deal to astonish people now -a -days but some of the marvel- lous, cures Of consumption, wrought by Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery, have• created wide -Spread amazement. 'Consump- tion is. at last acknowledged curable. The " Golden Medical Discovery," is the only known remedy for it. If taken at the right time—which, bear in. Mind, is not When the lungs are pearly gone -1 --it will go right to theseat of the disease and accomplish ite. work as nothing else in theworld can. '• Mrs. Toth ;l3Ievins, the wife, of a farmer living near Butler, Tenn,, recently gave birth to form children, two boys and two girls. The "double twins" are all smell, but Pre well and are•likely to live. ' • ' , . , • '`‘. Had Been. woial.e.d Eighteen ;rears." It should have rend" Married," but the proof-reader observed that it 'amounted to *bout the.same thing, and ea did not draw •his blue pencil through the. error.. Unfor- tunately thers'was considerable truth in his observation. Thousands of husbandS, are constantly worried almost to despair. by thaill•health that. afflicts their wives, and often robe life Of comfort , and happi... nese. There is but (me safe and sure way' tii.ehange .all this for the better. The ladies should use Dr:. Pierce's' Favorite Prescrip. tion, • Great Responsibility, The wife of a revenue inspector at Beauce Que.,named Mercier, is 40 yeara old and the Mother of 27 'Children; a recent instal - =tent having been triplets. 111 .The treatment of many thousands of ciao". •- :.or those. chronic weaknesses,. and distressing, :.ailmetits peculiar to feniales, th'aInvalidar Hotel and 'Surgical: Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.. . has afforded a vast. experience 111 nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing rentedies for the . cpre of woman's peculiar peculiar maladies. • • , Dr: Pierce's Favorite Prescription 16 the outgrowth, or result, of this greet and valuable experience.' Thousands of testimo- nials, Medved from• Patients and from phyat• ' • vated and .obstinate °naps which:. bad tamed - their. skill, prove it to -be the inost'wonderftil ' 7refifedreVerdeVitied-fOr`the-roliet and -etre -Or suffering women. It is not recommended stai "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specific for, „Woman's peculiar -ailments- • , . • , • As at powerful., invigorating tOniej, • it • imparts : strengtii to the 'whole System.; . and to the womb and its. apy.endages itt particular. For overworked, • worn-out" ` inn -down." debilitated • teachers, .millinent.' dreastaakera seamstresses, "shopzgirls,'? house-. keepers;ruirsing Mothers, :and feeble women , generally; Dr. Pierce's., Favorite ;Prescription: is ;the greaten earthly boon, being. Unequaled ..: tis appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. 'As soothing And:strengthening., ittervine.. "Favorite- prescription', ...is uno-- 'quilled and is invaluable in allaying and sub-: cluing . nervous excitability, ex- haustion. prestratiOn• 'hyateriii. spasms and other distressing, nervous • symptoms , corn- monlynttendant upon functional and organic • disease of. the. Womb. .it induces refreshing • ' sleep and relieves mentaC,•auxietir ..and. de- '13°D°nrd.e-Pilele.ree; s *Fay Orite..1P;es acitption Is , a legitimate carefully , .• compounded .by .an experienced and skilled physician, and adapted to : *Oman's delicate orgarlization..; It is purely Tegetable in its , composition and perfectly harmless in its.' effectain any Condition of the system. For. . For,. •morning sickneEisi,.. or .flansea,' from whatever Cense arising, Weak 'stomach. indigestion,dys. 'peppia arid kindred symptoms, ite tuie; in tittudi doses, win_prove Very.beneilcial.: • . . 'tire en re" for the Most complicated and ob..... stinate °Cases of leucor.pliea, excessive towing, • painful ipenstruation,. unnatural suppressions, , • ..'- '..prolapsus, or. falling of tha womb, weak back, ' female weakness, anteversion. retroversion, bearing -down sensations...chronic congestion. ' inflanimation and. Ulceration of. the womb, in.. • flaMmation, pain end tenderness in ovaries,. accompanied with " internal 'heat:" • ,As a 'regelater :and prometer of tune. • thine action, at that; critical ,,,p7riod of 'change frem,girlhood to womanhood, `Favorite Fre-, . scription " is a perfeetly safe remedial agent, , and ,caii produce. only ,goed .results. It is equally efficacious . and valuable in. its effect*. when taken for those disorders; and deratigii.: • inents incident. to that later and most critical period. known as "‘Tlie Change -of. Lite." " raw rite lioretteription,” When taken In eininectiOn with' the use of Br. Pierce's Golden:Medical DiScovery, and small lexatitre doses, of Br. Pierce'e Purgative Pellets i (Little s Liver Pills), Cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder diseasee. Their combined . use ins° removes blood tante.' and abolishes eitneeroue and • scrofulous limners. front. the system. • . 6 Fa* o rl tO PreineriptiOn”,is the Only medicine for women, aold bY araggista,•UUder . st positive guarantee, from the mantt.,,:!.. that it WM give satisfactiori'in every mee, Or,raOney.Will be refunded. This guarani - tee has been sprinted ' on the. bottle-WraP and feithfully carried out for many y •'Large bottleit (100 doses). $1.00, or -bottles-for-115:00. • Women (160 pages, paper,coverccv, tend. 'ten cents in amine: Addicts, • Pot large. illUstrated 70. atise, • OA Diseases or Dispensart Medical Associallii, . . . 664 itistin, pt.",•.11113EWAL4), • "Give Him $1, and Guess.".; We Mice heard a• Man complain looting badly, and, wondered what ailed him. , A humorous friend saki, ",Give a doctor 44, and let hith guess." It was a .cutting:satire on Some doctors, who don't always guefie right. You need not guess What ails you when your food dOn't digest,. when your bowels and stomach are inactive; and when your' head aches every day, and' you are langifid andeasily fatigued. You are bilious, And Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel lets will bring [you out all • right. Smelt, sugar-coatedi easy to take. Of druggists. , It -TilliesiTime. SoniebOdy asks: • "Does it- pay to be godd? does when the business' becomeg fully established; but you've gat to sink money in the start.—Puck. • • • • • People in the gorthivest , Know • front eperience that Putnatu's Painless Cord Extractor is the only remedy to be relied upon for the eXtraatien of corns. This is the cafie everywhete tlareugh: Out the DoMiniori. Be sure to get Piathanitti stire-pop corn Clare. At dealere everywhere —Ethel—Viararna, When t :grow up, will • the calves ofnayiege be tOWS?• • • • , • Butchors, . GEN11113.ADL'i, . We want a Goon mAtst In your locality to plok • CALVSKIN'S For us. Oash furnished on so.tilde.btory gOaranty Addren C. 8. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, liy 8 nii;f'S FRIEND