HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-06, Page 5AtarIC
.a J. s�'.wi�v.._'�-•fit �''d_
A,Ldeld Couuc[l'
The above Council; •metin the hall
on March 29thi when all the. members
Were present.; The minutes of last
meeting were read ar,d signed.,
Messrs. Johnstone.and Cunningham
waited, on the; Connell w:tit a large
petition, asking' that a school section'
, 1)e•established near lot 7, 2nd or :Srd
by He Girvin; seconded' by
W.`ofhers; that the petition ;)e heard
and that trustees of S.S Noy l and NO.
6", be tied fled at'oncc, and that a special
1ueeting,be'. called for 21st • April' to'
Consider ' the "tatter.` .
Petiticris.'fec i E Flynn and R. •
Farrow respecting road allgwa,nees,,
were also received aild', will be, consist-
The following accounts' were paid,:
R. Harrison, for municipal; returns to.
• the governineiiitfor, '18871;.$10.00;
.f. McKay; work done by H. McGinty,
$5.01, and uncollected: clog tax $5' 00,
and salary -$80.00 ;Thomas Richardson,'
$6.50, for -.inspecting.) ridge a; his i"-;,
Jo., Rose, $1, for giving evidence on'
Dalton's horse case ; J. Cantlan, $1;75;
' = fo'r cutting ice on gr el 'road (one half
' - paid • by Wawanosh) ;. R. Hamilton,
$5 00,•,:br4ces for N urdoeh's bridge ; Re:
Jewel 4.5.00, feet .tuteber, dslivv;red to
Thos. 'F,ic nitroso";. $31.50._
Moved by,_H Cirvin,• seconded by
John i leKennie, that $200.00 be • ex-
pended'in each of the five d'ivisiotis for
ordinary repairs en' roads.'
• sMove�d� 1y H Gi viyni seconded 'by by
41!.:Ps.4"ua ..'fu7sa'J'1�Y. 1. 6[lt�l 5 -hilar"`tiff chieAt�' Z ti
f fK�a v 1
_..-.. •.�-;•-Y•�r
-rift i`t3'� �i��j�•��'"•+�"�Tsl"i €
' _ :'i=�11I11, YY .. 1J�t�'r�.�`a��,rc�.+n.,m4�"+e��•-.r%Si�'ie"'.e...:
'roe'">liti'win3."were aujointed.pathmnRters e
-Perry's; ;garden :seeds; Marcon's'l
seeds, Steel's: seeds, potato onions and "
Dutch setts, at .B.I.clntyre's,
-Before.' commencing; your spring
house-cleaning,, don't forget to call at
,Lawrence`s and get a packate of •Ala-
bastine. It wi11 save a lot of trouble,
Any shade -required. '
Buy all your Kid gloves ,forspring
wear at Geo..Kerr's and get the. best
mid most durable wearing; glove t., be
had'in Lucknow. ' • See our celebrated
50e colored 'Kid "love.
Ladies;, gall: and •e:amine ,' ,my
stock of sprint,. hats and bonnets. An
immense quantity and large.vat'iety to
select from, 14 Mrs. Smith's;
1Ladies''.and childrens' aprons left
over front the bazaar can '•be.had• at
Mrs.. Smith's. -•
Gl-" Westbrook, G' May,. VIT Johnston, D
Glirvi•i,.(i Kni hts. J McWlrinney J -Tigart,
,G Draper, .1 Dunbar, A Mitaroe, G (Jarrie,J
Hayden, U McKensiie, 1) fardine, II (Huff, .'17'
• Stewart,: It 'Finnigan, J' K ltyan,,J Stevenson
1) Sullivan;' L' Murphy, S, Weller, E .`
Hays, W McUe' y .`W Shacklc'on. W; Lan
• :nen; 12 Finlay, ,W• .Blake,, J 'L'atkabury G.
Balt,: J Styles, PE Finlay, W ,Shackleton,
H Reid. M Alton, lt` E Lane,• J' Sneers, J
lr,vin. J, H Gan -heat, •A' Hackett, E'.Andrew,
11►'Speers, 1). Stroud,';)• Irwin, .1$'.Aldin,. S'
Ri sett;111;MeKeith . A Murdoch, 'J McDonald''
• . J Merrray, J Ford, ,141 .Mathre,ion;. R Cameron;'
i► ,Aic,Donald• A 'McI)onald,. J Mattin, J
-r-- Hintailtvn, K.-2foDonald-, J --Agar, D N Me-
, Ken•:ie,w
R Iixmil oa'r G Hutcheson; M'J Me
'ley J-Coan. K•.11tct.ean, R McDonald R
. J' McColl; .1/ -*Murray. 4: Wantsle , A Mc-
, Lcan,,,J')amixsou. G T Anderson; J Soind1er
' M T+at Ies, 3:0 .Baldwin, K Hunter. J • Hack-
•'gets 'ti Powel., " N Drennan, 11 O'Phee, R
'Knightly, til Dalton, 1) Fatiris'h, C. McCarthy,
J' Desmond, D McGt:11 J Sennet, J Young, J
•'McWhinneyy,, A Catbioart, C Connor, A Reid,'
• '1' Dreher: 'W Gourley,: A: Dreanev, J Reid, J
Kerte; J Rchnn' 'P Sherwood 'I :.Cranston,:'1'
Garvey. J J.Sullivan,. 'l' Gardiner, S Stothers
• M'Deau, T'Pentland,'M Austin., 1:):' McIver,
A Slog;,'ach, I)' Tbornbgrne • 'J . McDonald, S
'irreleaven, W T Fellow, I( McGinty. J Con:..
rain ' J I turdocb. W, Maine.' T./lit-due den".
'111 Gibson, P McCarthy, • Wilkie, .1 ', Dalton,
Johnston: 4' •Tbcurpse.'; •J Whitely, C
;Ccaenr: W -Jackman, H 8 Fisher,'1'.. ,Hussey; .
Bary. your .corsets. at Kerr'a... .
-Whetyou can 'buy,cheap. at. 11Lc-
Intyre's : 50 bars, soap for $l; 20 bars
of Electric soap for. $1';• 7 broo ts. for
$1 ; 10 scrub, brushes $l, 20 ib$, starch
$1 ; 4, lbs. e•:tra tea,J1.:' • . •
• -Just you wait till you, see the
choic • lot, of child•rens carriages all
steel 'wheels add finely finished thcoegh-
out will be in stock in a • few days at
Berry_ at Day's Drug store.
--Bio Chant; of Port Hope, agent
for the. Oddfellows' Lodge insurance
Company; will be•'at the rooms -.Of the
local lode 'her.i on• Pride Y. efverting and
wl!l e..plaiu the • workings of. th s de;:
pattme'it ,
Before buying your' Wall • ..papers
acid tr i�u,i'i�a 'go -to Derry�
Drug ;store: -you• :can see beautiful
i p islitecrin'tf tstgpordwlt iv.t.to .the
AND,:.. ' '
mom of
• Adam Thompson begs leave to thank the
inhabitants of Lucknoww and surrounding
country' for the liberal patronagebestowed on
hitt during the last seven years,' and wisheir•a
continuance of his old •cust,rmers and• a fair
share of the new,. as hehi in a better .position
than ever to suppl the • *ants of the public..
He 'always has on hand a stock of
Wagons: •gges.
of All kinds, - He will also remind them of the,
far famed
which he always•has on hand and:are. made of.
the very best material. Parties wanting Any
thing in .this line will do well td give him'aeali
'and- see prices before purchae:ing elsewhere,
Particular •attention paid to .
'fiat fret,, contractions, and interfering...
By strict attention too bufiness, good work
inansliip': and eiuploying nothing butgood
workmen, I trust to retail the 1 atronage.
kindly extended tome.
cowbell : Street opposite the Bank.
Are now prepared tofill all coderrs.in
• their line.; r "
Having' boaght direct from the:manufacturer,
• good staple linesof ladies aid gents '
BOOTS --&----SHOES S,,
"of the.4ateat style.;aid uooukht for cash; :
• they are ready to give
a It an: decides:on'becorni'ng-an,ainateur
r;ardtier, ' He Should appy to the until
who became an• amateur rgardoer
tune .last year; if, he would Jibe to get.
°ten or fifteen•dallars' worth of hrple-
:naents;for about a dollar•and.a half. •
-=Garden and Field' seeds -'the
right; place to buy your garden, seeds
is at Berry k' Day's Drug store,- a
fresh supply• just', to •hand. 'You , can
be',suppl'ied•with all kinds of field and
garden' seeds, by theounce'or 'pound:'
'.Don't :forget--theplitee,-. Berry -i • Day's=
Ding. -store. -
" filly $I
•3 Sue"ivan, .R McKee ;le, es
W ;S Holm.
the following are . Ie Lone viervers :
R Webster.. J McDonagh, 'G Curtell,- D
• Su.11iv'an,D •Mulotyre, W Iickley, J Brown,
;J Web:s.;er; D E McLean, 'W',Xeffer; 1' Lan-_
' nan. J A Dreiiney,11 Cluff, /if Dalton
• ' The "olloii ing are the Pound -keepers e •
J Mrponaah; W'McMillan, W Finlayson,
D. Mcintvre:,.,J J'am"ieson, 1' Read.
Court of Reit ion will be,;Iteld on' the 28th
day May next.
Wlu L:► E, Tip. Clerk. • ,
PA.ra101011f10' . JotI slinger
'school has, been' 'closed. the last
tea het )
.i'. e c
,eks`on a
nit ourof
two _
Miss„ Melntoshs' illness :''She . is far
drool, ,a state ' of, convalsetice. ; T;-er.
:rich' High
'brother William, of; ,tike Glid P High,
;School, 'is.'going to open our school this
Our merchant; :Donald 'Murchison,
•. l$ spladi nry hie wings: He going.
ito';open a 'ewellery•and ,•Bobk shop in
B.i}l.ey• next. week:
'Ch contractors are busy hauling/,
clat al for�.the , Cheese acoy,
vial' cihimenpe' o:peratiohs.when wartri=
er' weather conies. -Left•' over from
last week.
sle hose,
Ladtes and �
sizes, front 2octs.,-''ei►tra wade, at Airs,Smith's.
--•A .large . quantity of prepared
, paints; 'mixed, l'eady, for use, in all col-
ors, at Lawrence's. •• •
-Pure Oil cake direct from the.
manufactory. Priceslowcr than ever''
' ot1erod before, .'call at 'Berry .St Da'y's'
Drug store, ' • ' •
n'geare to be
held thissumtner at TH
oronto, ':aniil-
ton', London,'Petrolia,.:Tilsei):bu't'g,• ,Lis-
towel, I ncardine'.and Tara:
- Ltwrence has the largest sapply
of ready ►hissed' paints• .0+er • brought
i tto••Lttcknoir,. Call atfd see' them,
or, uirod '
The Principal : of -Treatment.
N : W shin on MP.,LICPS•.
• Eminent
and•Thr at Surgeon
-John Purvis'•.auct oneer, will sell
i i rood on
,1yy Public auction at . llol.y ,
Tuesda, April 10th a Targe quantity
Of farm stock,' iinpleliiei ts, etc.' '' The
;pr(J)Crty of James Lockhart.: i
rsdY Apra
Read W. H, St�orey's'(of :H.tW.' S.tnrey.:&-
Son, M.anufactu eis, Acton,, Ont.) letter of
reply to Mr. :McCartney, Cf 'Boyne,..Ono.••:
• Acton,•O'nt., Sept. 14, 1587`x,
G'orge JlfcCcrtne'i, Ego , Eo!/r,e, • Oris.
DxnitS.a.-Ynur letter received. In rents"
I beg to inforaryou tbat Da Washington torn-.
pletely,cured ins o.. Ceti -Alt .t•f• two ,years'
s .andj lig, which threatened to breakdown my
Constitution. I'• had previously urieil; every
bleb., and ei «,,ry physic r.n of note, without
.receilviilg a partical' 'f gond.: t When .I com-
menced takisiz:bis 'medicine. w almost
suffocate • with tiluc(,yn •rennin .Y down int
thrlrat'at night, and' had shout. given 'up all
kupe., .A(ter I commenced
eine I felt.a decided relief in a week. •and Jri
tete' months Was entirely cured. •'I'h'sit isnearly
a,year :10(1 have no vete a n; tile'.;.-. utile.
T can. • confidently, .it:0°10mtiod :