HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-04-06, Page 4A r 1 1r - • , . " Patterson. E (Robertson, B Dagipon, •C ieamp-• • G bell; 11 alla er, H Thompson, �' Iteobltdge . J Douglas, H. McGrew J McCdarimm , !t< Wheeler, .F Stewart..14 Bore.. Promoted from let to part 2nd J McCoy, E Vance, W Grundy $: C7oulitn<n, W Barber, Matthte. I McIntosh, D"Douglass, Ettle M Poi ck, Aggregate attendance.914Vdatly average, 43; No: on roll, 67. • • • .�•'��� nth. acv . l Storm p1114 LI9B1 TY. To (JTT$R :144U' TO ARU • 111119,iii• ACOORPING 19 THE ice, AT88 ' gTx$A LUJERTI1:8• :HJT. MAY -P It() h'4VORA ILE. .Theo; h" the spring of 1888: promises.: -to •1ie'. back ward, it by no. means follows '414 the country Will sudor. In these norern• platitudes, a late spring, pre- -rents premature s egetaton and 'keeps; rthe4fruit crops 1u''such a condition that they oan easily -withstand, • the_ , April -frosts; • ,recording to a. 'usually' well, informed meteorologist,. the abnormal •severity, of the spring on both sides of rhe Atlantic ..may be' an indication, of ,earn exceptionally hot summer. This is . app atly a` paragon , but if the sun's • 44e:4:after the vernal ernox 18 except ma c. iy treats the -first effect. would be #el::in the upper curreuts-of the atmos- •.phere,`which 'carry heat and moisture' NIA ltI Efi • WI Os ROBU ON .On March 2Sth,, art the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev It Leask. St, Helens, Joseph Wilson„ to f Margaret.. deughter of John Robinson, all of West W'nwanosh, •Harrison—MCDoNALD--At, the residence of the bride's father,• on March 28th, by the Roe. Mr. McDonald, John Matheson, to Christie. onlytdaughter of Kenneth Mc-: , Donald, of Ashtteld. • ia North 'Pole, As- these upper. ' q 1 ti^ 'tr•.r• .. (+ r'v, +lit �_.+ Q i'`eiY' elged u:Y-.. ],eT4%s-' •y'.Gyl �.e.�, y:F.�+� q y'(� ._ "C?=5•p.,,Tt'777,.'R�.r 'i •`b173)t4�Td4,P�,`rs.'I,.,+Y},.1"T'"1M f' lar .curfents ' of , great. cold' • are:tea- P.,, Op porf►rsliy's¢ .p on the earth's'. surface. t ^ Professor:. Balfour, Stewart well i lusr'. •trate4i'it.by. the ease of 0. furnace fire: '" The stronger the fire thesnore power;' •H fol the hot sliaught tip the chimney,: rhe`• idore pee etful • also. t cold. dra'glht from without 'along the floor' Sithe room." • The illustration holds- "; because we •are in a position to. the ;surface polar currents, but not • iheihot upper "currents of the atmos . Phere` ..-Leave your orders.. for hinder twine with Lawrence, before. the seas- on is '•advanced. "_ ... 1 ry 1,,A +a yr•RW' f W1 v bite School. : School.: Ceport of MonthlyExaminations, - • • 113 ' romu TMLNT. • f enio3d clsMarli obtainable, 600 1 •patiersol 539. ' 3rd elates—Marks obtainable, 600-.T Marchi.: :eon, lie r Little: 464; p•• McQuaig, • 454;; G Mnw9.428;' A McInt) e, Mid42Sdleton Gallagher. •422' , W, Lawrence,.411; , 'I to1mes, 472; LOriffith, 285 • • lith• clans --Marko ohtainable, 500-4i Mc-' Milan, •438; H, :McCrisioaton. 369; • R Griffith; 349;'D Mathetion, 334; I? Thompson, 320; L Msi::Grory. 304 M Grundy, 275., , Entrance eluate- )iaridb.'•obtainable, 500-F.. Paten 452; .L 1cDeonald, 434; K Cameiaa' ; A, ' 414" F: �rrahsm, ' 346;; ,G Smith. , , Wl itel 377; Timwrence, 365;;.A Melltn, Wit H &eCriiamon, 358 ; , W Dnng ess Walker, 332; J Yule, 920; A Grundy, 315 ; 'G Graham, 314 ; •8 West, 308; A:little, 276 ; .J: Grundy, 270 ;• C Lawrence. 285; G • Boyd.. 262 M'catnpbell, 261 .. 'G Douglass, 259 ; •M •Met rosy, 2254 J Baird,205; W.Greer,148. - ,' • 2NDrnBwAETMEnT.' '. The fellers ink .pupils• halving 'taken; over 64' , per cent of • total marlin--have'been promoted • to the senior fourth clapss i�nnthe' order Of merit:: McDonald, WLaW min. • B A' , •M 96ct engte.•I. • Flood, 0 Heinle. id Burgess. tI Douglas,IfsMurdoch. D • McClure. M Yon.' The•' following' •were. `pr voted- •to. fourth :close' t" H "k C harle's, W Wilson, W ai allougb f, Armstrong. E Lttt.e .L Berrv. 1 McIntyre. ' D. Boyd,,1.•Mullin. G Bowers. Steivart. J •.McCoy. A Findlater. No on roll during the inouth:of March, 45 average daily s,tten ance • ld Reliable his: old' patrons that ,e:' has a. wishes to • intimate:. to .. p , �. �. ;� f the, following Reliable .�Seeds, ail bo . g' ed market and u stock us break in the se . . S1nGe tl`],e! tremendous ", .. . can offer you prices defying competltoD : 8 d�rnrnon Red Mammoth Alsike Lucerene White Ducch. • AMERICAN: CANADIAN: . Y. •TI'�no ,.TH OBASSE Meadow Fescue' Canadin Blue Perrnnlal, Rye Orchard Red Top Hungarian All' •kinds.. Flax ' Seeed,': Planting Onion r u�tch Setas. f Field 'and Garden Seeds,, &c:: strictly goed d Call soilolted \ , Goods only dealt . �'�T. with �+:'�ar r ksv w ."•ata�� �'d� ��.u�i?� Tsai ior 3RD DEPARTMENT. Promtned: from••3rd to 2nd department: , ;Names in order of merit:. • •Tal Patterson, M Baird,M Graham A Boyd �'indlater,, E Rooklidge; 'K Treleaven, E Tennant, onald .S rm.stron Rope.J V' all , A g Promoted from senior 2nd to 3rd class : W Corrigan.R Stewart, S Yule, D McCorvie, 3 r:i -gr`• ,Stewart. J Agnew, E' McCcrvie; W Irwin, D iilcDonald, $, Tennyson, '1. McIntosh,:hi • . Mag.heron,•BMcQuaig,J1vlcCiure,MThomp-' Boit, S Barber, ^. • • Promoted front junior 2nd, to senior 2nd . E Stock ,Complete, r ' `'Greer,. W :Yule, A Dougl .••• S , Greer,,: A Me ( rimnihn, J t.bons. A. Lawson, A; Hornell,• • • • • •.•'' `M Douglas, wTreleaven, J 'McDonald, M • Mur•dod , S Johnston; M b for d, B Hatnly, A Burgess, D.,Floo3. •sylp • •411+ riEPa\RT3tErAS,.... - Y .Promoted from 2nd class 'jtinior T Moffat', $ Aturdocli, A Miller. E Smith. H Barbet, G''' Berrvt M- P4llfr k,. ;K �Lnnklydgp .McNabb, 0 Ress,_.P. • • Pnlge•' McIntosh;1 Lees, I ' �1fcDo>aald ' .T B from senior part .2nd. to second 111101!.[CTIO:t1Promoted class—G Annstrisng. W Leith' H• White, A Findlater, S Bnvd, E McK+y•;,W Brennan; L d. F W. heeler. �'L'Mallough. and R "Cate pgeh. an � . , n E Brennan and A Math= Holmes. W t;ni'nga .,� each, D Mone:, • ,,. : �• • INVITER. to I .. Pri►moted from junior tart 2nd to ren r • ppaa�rtt—E Leith,. M Campbell ati`tl M Stovel, J • Murd"ch, M DaYidann, L .Moss R At aistrbngg and B Graham' H Fincllatet, M•Catnpt;r11, t ' Grundy, G htiddlet'an, C Tennant, H Grundy J L- one'an'd R Mcc ray. rt, Agnew, ,Itcc ,m'• • ended'f rum second- 'A Baird and L Mut m r dock. Recummended from senior art'•2nd--' • A •McMIllanmm . Recoended from'iunior Balt • 2nd—}( Strwart and M Nugent, • , .' ors oselitTlti'Et4TY' PM:noted from Stli 'to 4th departli est• L,', ESDAY APRIL l and following days. - See' Our 4rayd Display of �•J lne ware : Uel 1-1e0g1144ters.for alt kin ds of Builders arii�d: • uuse TFurn shim St1pp11es, al-l'k 11 of ,Tinware and Granite Iron. Ware. A �suppy l ' of CREAMERY CANS and:'DAIRY- PAILS. -Also jAlsao . our" spring 4 large•. supply of PURE. PREFARED .P. ;.Ir1TS in 'all shades.. ` Enquire for prices before put - chasing elseutere. ; ._ ABASTINE.• the onlyermanel it wall �� coatis; In the Dominion, gent"for A;L ,P ,... VETROUGHING A SPECIALTY. -.' ESI E T H' 5:. LAW R C or-NOTiCE: TO FARMERS.: cowingto; the •scarcit ^•.of raw reaterial•this year, the supply of. indaine will no:;doubt be hunted, as in 168T., supply of Ail have : nrchesed; Y�er , • advantageously, ' for crash a large •• eathers "lowers,:' Satins, Gauzes Gautzes Zlabo= Etc LCCA . BIND li #d • 1. 'the ve lowest ricel.' Intending urchasers should order, early as•�•the.demand is' :.great and, the supply I. will sell at.=yp... t; p limited. T. LAWRENCE. .. .. ' ' • 0:R' T GRANT ! d. t. •.Tbe .high character of this old medicine as: a sure:reinedy' for pulmonary and bronchial, disorders,. is repeatedly confirm'- '� ed by the•gratifying, grateful, and unsolicited °t,estirrlony ceived from' those:'who have been benefited by its use. READ THE FOLLOWING Mr. Peter Shanks, "•r., .•'of Ilogdtow�►•n,, writes : _e� Please send roe; by express, immediately, one dollars: worth of Hallalnore s Expectorant just finishing' her last bottle.'.She thinks t' tire• is:'nothing. like it .for. Mother is nthinks � broilchits." • ... wriies --=•" Send . me one .•.alt,. ,.• ;1r • • . 11ir, J C: :Smith, Car Inspector, C. P. R. G dollars worth :of.Ilailaniore''s Expectorant. • I. can'tget'alonri without it. , • f in alt Departments CEORGE�. KERG. °"LU.CKNOW. • J • )F A.GEhTCY: CHASE %AND L.' LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, D.gspep'sia; indigestion, Biliousnc a, Jaundice,, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in Ate' Back,' Costiveness or any disease aruiiie from a deranged liver, Da:. CIIAstt's L,Vssx CURE: will lie, found' a sure and ceriaw remedy.' ' NATURE'S' REMEDY The unqualified success of Dr. Chases Liver Cure in Liver. Complaint, rests solely; With the face that' it is , • . compounded from nature's well known''liver regulators MANDS(KE AND DANDELION. combined with many other' invaluable "roots barks and herbs,.having a , powerful: -effect on the Kidneys, Stomach,Bowels and Blood.. 600;000 SOLD " pvie one-half ,pillion of Dr. Chases Renee. auks were sold' in Canada alone. We want every )n¢i,, woman aradzchild tato is troubled Iola Liver em plaint to try ehisexcelleet•remedy LADIES . It is a well known fact that• an inactive liver causes' a dull, sallow Complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ,' • Chases Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most• •positively: cure these.complaints. • • SOMETHING NEW. CIYEN AWAY FREE .Wrapped around everybottle of Dr. Chnse's Liver Cure is •a valuable•' Houseold Medical Guide and 'Recipe . • Book (84 pages), containing over zoo useful recipes, pronounced. by Medical men and druggists as invalu , able, and worth ten times the price of the o tthe' medicine: E. AURANCE S SPECTACLES ' AO, EYE -GLASSES are the only • enc ne•,English articles in the Canadian Market..' Real pebbles kilt' in stocac. Toasts given to purchasers to;prove gent itienem . They are. rectlmtxiended byand testimonials have been received from the President. Vice•Preaident, Ex, President and Ex•Vice•Presidetit, of,the Medical Aate"ciati+sti of Canaan ; the I'residr•tit of the College•of Yhysicans and Surgeons of Q iehec' ; the Jean cf.„the 34 decal Faculty "of Lava' University ; the i'resident'and ,EY Praraidento'of the Medical Council of Novabeotia, Etc ' A. $ BoC1�lS1;L,1•: Tacit' v1�.: ••t.• MAMMON & CO, Sole Agents, Bradford. Be on Your D ra Guard., ,t . allow w a cold ,iheld to slowly':' • and surely runt into Catarrah, when you can . '' be Kura-rl £Cas` 3:5e, by using I)r. Chase's (at- •arrah ('UTC. ' A few applications curetneipient C atarr:i6 : 1 to 2:boxes cures ordinarycatntral), 2 tori Boxes is j uai•ranteed• to, cure chronic caltarreh. Try it, Only 254 and sura' 'cure iold••by; COPELAND d DAYS, Lucknow 'W' $o, Xosngor' , of MaIrriago Lice:loos;-�aa6. Corts$w'• catoo. Office •'iilx'. • Con, .oU's''' c1d fil:ilfi�l= • . r. M1 i ,i