HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-30, Page 1".".. •
•P.. •
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, -,„ ^ 4F-.P.f.,14 ••041 :••,. r '',,q .4, / 44, o'Or II ...yr . - r• 44,:ic•O I. .1* ra ••• .....4 •or A. ,...• • 4. o.g. • , . e ,”.. : . c.,,,,.#,,,,,.-„;,....4.,„.....41-4,4. 4,,
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•VOIh XV -18
' ,LUCPTOW ONT1UO FRID'At, .:1011,011 30.1888. WROLB NO 741.
nclinottl entlitot
hlished evety iiriday 'at the RANTINEP
loolt, Worth Eaat Coro er. of Outram .
•'• aad Caaiphell Streets, .
....41.10kNOW ONTARIO
• ;,•
. . •
. • ,• •
• :/ As, BAY4..217",*.g.1), TOR ArD PrI73.GISHIFR.
' •
' .
Suliscr13)tion.Pride. $1 per year
• iu. ii4,41vaace. •
eirob.$.urance I.
•i3 Msurancel
. •
. .116IFC• RAILViAli
ticketSAo. all points in •
, Canada, tr4ite4StatOti gU20130.
YLfirk., • " . •
and all 'inf Irmation furni*hed• on apPlication.
• " sINO.
. •
Ve" tness and Despatclz.,T-!..r3 0M:1\1" OW.
LEGAL.. , • .
./..7 li. . G.,,Kinlougli P. 0., On.
• Aratliv Ajvp Pito-unFoo Li, BAB-
• risters, Solicitors; etc, Goderich, Ont..
• • • • .L,P GARR0•W,Q..
TOItNylr• AT
• • _A ;ilia/tor in Chitiicery,,
Office next door, to the•Post, Office,
Lucknow;fint. . , •„ •
• • A GENE1t.4..1". BANKING BySi,N,E$S,
TioANS'on'Iteae.Estatirat 6 and .• 6k per
&Mt accindino..to security '• ' '
-,,,,,p.%*Oia.31T,I.,,,_.v.-41.0,graa0Ne-l'''.41-4443'"I'3( 4 "-SOCIETIES "
• • "."._,..07,S°I •• ...,"*XZV/Arr,M, _„,„„
--- • - • . .•
_ •," • .
.• - •
too, • •
The McKenzie Matter.
Comment 'front Presbytery's Committee
4 .
your isciiecsf
March 16th4 aPpears an...anonymous
contribution rairporting. t set forth
the attitude of the • Presbytery. of
Maittand in the ease of Rev. A. Me-
lienziThe•writer •evidentlY_ thinks
he acted wisely in concealing his name,
and many of, the readers og. the article
think theetune. • fad, the writer bee.n
'clesirlins: of doing Mr Mt.h.enzie
The Weekly Rxerelses oftbe Literary Ass,•,.„
elation, inereasinz hi Pnblla
• Pounlarlty**TtrAllght's rfloetiiig
Postponed. •
" It Was:one of the most pleasant
ente!laiimental ever attended," saki a
gentietnan to. us the other .day. „" I
thoroughly eri.jued it, and I !nd0 say
singing a the Glee Cub was ,indeed
exeenent.'? •• '
We were recounting seine cif. the
leading features of laSt „Friday eve.)1.-
nxereises of tiltierairsiid
far g,rater adiantage. by remaining
silent.. , •• •••.
• Every inetub6r of the • E'resbytery
•,• •
.. • .
J. 1J:lid Pit:00ms, IS. A; Lli. n,, Offices r,
iOU Block, ;i6 Thrdnto Street,. Torghtix
'Money to loan on Farm and Village Priiperty
itl.z.fet_ztt •
_ 2-, ' ' •
. -
, -
' - .' ' , •' • MEDICAL., :,.
' lea] Association, and •on every side
nothing but.'expressions: a .. pleaSUre
and' .satisfaetion could:be: heard; It
"ation •would prove Mr. . the matter in allits,..p ism; It 'was de -
Atter /.
ilinhPellee, alai that : he woUulacKreeiciezil6v)esI ‘seekned .3-4
isici•nnl.dirlyta.rt,Yhotteisslttilin;d1:7g1•:*!:n.b.uweoluiatvo:I'eLolli; . ;one its ereeti ' • I' .
ba•a g,00d night for securing Pal , le line.
. , .._...eided, by vote of the t he,Ging, to pest,'
no . only a freabyterial- Certificate, but' on for anothpr year. • .
a published ,testiinonial," Statiiii.,;. that ? p Ace: fc, One.: .": . ' '.1 ' ; • ' A '. .
' , • . Ay, this was tient), may be briefly: ' • - •
after careful. investigationi•nO-found - k dear, a.,e...1 4411c:silo. ei..4.iht, 4 large
explained.'. 'It was thOuAht that hair- ' ••A
'.ation was, folind '.'-for the slander, and
exceed - • nig aenSiderable ready Money' in hand, • -." '. ' •
.that the •Presbytery expresS its person:, atithenee; and a' good program
, building. cern frfittee would Ifeel , •, :. .
al :belief in/1s iiniocence,:: mid • this .1;4. iagi$'"•-il-l'elidped, madO the exeiciseS . the
More- hopeful : that, haying . ir longer : .. ,,",.._•:,'_
be signed, not by your :tinoeynioui. con- pleasnrit7and. pleasurable .to, everyone. .. . .‘. .
.., , time for censitleration,. the, necessary • : • •
. . The pr'esicient' opened the•:proceedinf,'S .eicpenditureleoUld be laid, .one to more •-. '' -, ' :
. • . .
tributori but ,by the: moderater- and
Th. New•lPrefilbyterlan, filiourelt Will.Afot be '
Built thls Suntulfer. rind WbY It Vas
'So peolvleillraillisar; Illaiterik, of '•
• • •IUIno Importance. " .
wet, dreary ilaYAIKI bad readS had '
the effect of keeping away a, great.
ni.iieopte •from the ,coogregational. ;
meeting in the Presbyterian chuith or. :
'Monday afterneen IaSt." IoWekrei,-
there were enough preSent to .0i:induct,
the -business on the, table andbefore,'
the • meeting •arose aYerythil4. was
The adviiabil4 of 'proceeding the •
ensuing. summer wito the election - of • -
th • new church occupied. the..niajor
entertaineza. a hope that the investi- •
' •
Ede. " 4.1017etattaTaidurgtur.ta- '
• - _
11 -.4 "1,,A40.3.•.,,T) „.„,
_.`1F01.11. fte,;10,„•••. s• sir:ailat'v,,--Ttlh e7::(Itvw I be
%ales' ttb . ri Instruniente trIO
. Barristers, Solicitors,, IN otartes.v. .1. nu , -Meets every 11`rida-'ye-recini7aateight o'clock Presh,YY sitliauld•lhviarec(-1,°•4°. e-s--srs, -Geddes and Edgseil ; • •'d h I f
17 I'or,,nto Street, ,r1117:3n . e in their Hall, Camp ell Str-ret,. All * Koliourice r. c 11,qt1 waves . atpr e ,time to consi er t e sty e o
to ,fon y
t ,a1-1-Latek; cheat), • • - ,• Bretlsern cor,diaily invited. , rflyreo:ietoir,lexoorresosutsiiiitsleotwli;e1 c,Pprie:iboynte,rly, in g, ,D `eat) t.tChambersmcah;1 i;t.astoi onug, sruei4taubislliteasn.d t3h3re itnhaeny.tvaa. yce,o.las
' , n no G. wiLe01,1 • JOHN ELLIOTT, • "The panying
• '" Fit:tick McinittLes. • - -AmE •N"
. •
Grand •• • }Wee der- • . ti t n tter b t w an "Value , • statectby-Mr. P.. MacKenzie it is very
• ..., .o)e.„ • . , •. r ...
...•. . * • - • -
.....;• :4°A-'•• „O... -C.
. ,..•
• .. . . .
ristors,. Soliaitors, .0onveyancers;'
'. Notaries, But, T. C.. o
•• . ••
--,,,,--- ,
,• . ...m. D., M. Q.P. s..-
.• Qiiice-i-Ilfetlital" Roll Lucknoto .
, . •470-: Necial fitteiition.: plii.it'-tri diseases ot
woine •at,cl'chililren. Calls- proritiptly attend- ,?
ed to by eight or:day., , ,. • - •
. .
D .• A".. NICOrininaon.
' M. 0. C, M...M. (..*: P. * 0, L It .0 P., 1./ ,
• ' 'it 0,, S", and li M, Edinburg Coroner County
' • of liruce qiiceotiate of MidWifery
' ' • • *Royal College Physicians and. Surgeons
nit."1„)iftOue illior east. ofthe Post -Office; 1
tuoknio4 Ont ,• '• ' . • .
Dr.. D. -Geddes • \T 78, . ,
. .
B,80I.I .A.T 14 , : OF THE ON '1 AyI0
• ...- c; I „; . T :rout° and registeritclinember
' - • , . ' : ,..•.., of. the •Veterio•ary Medical AsSocintion, can
•••tioW be fo awl .1,reparud to treat' all diseaseirof
' the tloniestic afilinala in the latest and inalit
ecientific inanner. • .. - •
, . •• . • •
.• • , . 00;Its:either by Mail or telogiain'promptly
•...' Attended' ti i " Charges .MOclez ate • ' ' •
. _
, ,Ofliee,Corrigan's Hall " •
• • . .. , . ' . .11ealtleno6; Pa4coe Hotel; Lucl-no* .. ..,
• .. \. '' . 0 NERAL , .., . '
. .11,C111.111T - ClINNINt.li-I.4d,
... .
..., 1 '' . ' ....: ttisuRA.ticir., - • .: --
• 1!1 I ° ° 'y • • The•• Vaga.bon• di'• D D. °miler n
• 'solo, "1.woula,Wouldn't, you 'I" N9IIIisi; !'n.sYlo. be pennywise and found foolis.la .
be set on such op • inion 'shell no. ,Persoti
I. - - • . , .
' knows afl entertainS it • 1,
..• • •
uch a Matter. ,We believe an edi- • -
• the stateMents of your correspondent are lids's- •
Blanche McMillan and Bring Back
, )7 t t no beat all satisf ctor to t
1i09.UL 'inferior, design or „capacity • , •
" 71' 414
In•s tting fort the reifort Of •the cannnit,,ee,
; • 1(.1•
t b " h
• (rare, -Berry • instruinental; •Mis•'s In §, • • ,
ird et of United Workmop, meet in
the Oddfellowii. gall, on the last and secoid
Monday venin of. each Month, at 8 o'clock.
Visiting Brethernare Cordially invited.
M stez Workmen- • , • iteeorder.
•* A, 3f.
. 4; ,..0:1.TELP,E1.:
AION:E.Y. 7-0 .L.aed IV' I ,
'• O ' Tr1118 Ot• PitYnlellti Allit
• niorrowtra.. •. •
•••B1,110TT, TRA.VER, Luckupyk
41:0 NE L04N
FIRS'U 'CI ASS' 1.41011TG•A:GEt•i AT 7.
•V./ to per &lit interest PaAable yearly
• ' • Charges very Aoderate: Apply to • •
'•RO SE Al Er itit,Alt,, St. HelenSs.
• 184.
IVA_ before full 'noon of Oach ina»th at 8 p,
'ni. Visiting Bre thein cox invited.
' B. M ALLOTJG ' • . R. VIN A.T}1R
. M. • • fa ea ret ,ary.
. W. ,
• :.• • '
, , , • COURT
0 41. . • ,
" ,• • oec SitERWOOU
ONEY .1() ,L0.‘411,
leading, and in one caswa t least untrue.: lhe
words tissue of hes," were not used in th.
report.:„The •main 'body of zie report was
gi.ven to the Presbytery at Whignain, ow Jan.
• iNly Bonnie to " fhe Bullfoo• on eu . . y
• .
tile Bank," alid. ." Tile Church in the il)ajoritY • . ' , • [
Wild.WOod;'? 'by the GIeO1ub As two payments , on: the ancOhni;
ZIA the p •• .•iVel •bt L euoW1k2;8. • The_akee.Club, Ave inaysay: covered
.1,ninertileetingiinclimPfete,,Land .S. hew .itent 4, itin0e14.h:,',...w..i0f,, ,,,I1Ory,.-,-a •' feet deep:
concerning .'.a f&w itemii Which ., were at . t110:' . •
. iv h ich Wats. then bro mini Mader :notice .... ' '• •.. •.., -7"ficer7.-r 11 rat .rehderifig.. •War-ekcerptiotfhtlr'
. .. , , . , .
.41'he alleged sciindal of 188b as 'not confine:I , 'sweet anchnusica.1,•Und..the ether4•wel'e
. .
toToroato, as the writer woUld have us niter, , hiSo: 61verk in 'good taste...-. Too.... in nob'
but alisote•St.'•GeOrge, and , on the way hOme, : •• ?.'.' .. :, _ ,• . .- . ,o ., ....
especially : between., Gruelph , and 'Lasko:JAC.. .110i.S.fi •1).y f the. people - emPin...-, In:. Ot-s-''
'rile cuininittee:fOniid ii9 :Ye:fence that he Iii:ad tr,oyed:the effect ':f MalColin Cairipbell'a
been' intoxicated in:l."0ronto, 'or, that he. hiii1 , te.".' I It:. Sva.s.in-
even 'been at St.. Geor,:fe •' blit with'due resuect .-recittil..01i, " .'fliik. D..01;4
'to tue gentleiiiiiii who saw 1r• hic4.enzie he, •' lioutled;.for some of Our. kindred •spirits,
' tween VI.M•lph add •Litielciiiici,. and WO ;stated: thdlSgli out" 'xitiliaters -never 'reach. •the
..p,tainl v. tueir impressihns; to the: •co'hi olittee as • . 1. ,, , , All „,,,.,„,., „,,,, girl..t6 iistki
'to his condition f .we.'etilinilt alloW '', it ti:---giv.- .6'1"14'..c.'13%`47 '.•.f.',.'' .".'!-.; 1-"` " • .4: •••• • .•
abroad' that tva reported no foundation fur; tne • to Miss If e-rry in d her vocal effort was
luladar. Y'itilif/a0 SivillS i-; oftr.ilaeet emPlit".13-c• Well -r, • •ived. D ' E- CainerOn tang:
'denial.. .• \.•• •• . . ., . ....: .
• . ,. , . • • • • • ". :,.'• :'• :.with .' his 'afieuiton`led,:igtace sand effeet,.
• AVii acitnirW4he,epirit: of any ' .person. who •. *. .. • ' -. ' • .. - •.,i' ' ..:•,, .t - ' •
takes:11P the detente of , an mended brother,,, - a : • .,. , , .. • , . . ,
&net Ailr-s blanche ••atcainians mstrn-
when-he can. :coaifaefitiqnsl-Y, 0 Aso, but.We do Mental' was i'ell given:, ... ,:.: .. .. l...: .:.
cieso the,k4hirts wn &Ina', by thrOwing,' ut titi,st - Tile ..4ehae..:I.',...`.' Re's'.1v.Cld - that '''S'lit), ''..
:protest. against the,policy :of endeaVoring to . , ; ." ' •
:i4nyth'er: !••11.-ne. iihnic.a. Air; "Alceiiiiivaryi of : ane and SuperStition haveoansed more
,Goiloricht is incii thine:di:10 leswthanh ve mines . . . . .. . . .
i'vith* inanifert desire of iiiquiringthat gentle
tilati!ta goo:I.:a:fine. ',The cifi.eilirttee- dill not.
kecour-neild tfie pallifig ii,r 'MN. Alcilit1iyary?,s
evidenceinaSintich a. ne was tit -, pre.pareu to
Say that /4r...streazie's eondun ' was clinsed
IV liquor: lihttepoi•tki that Alr,...M. rilayary.'s,
• stateinefits,wer&,substatitially tile $11111.4* we're
niade.in iVifighain 40 d an: 3l.dt: , Tilt; \ erson
Who carried from', Wing:ham; :the “. b . stly
,dintilt ".story,, must have .had fo:1g eats, as
neither the Committee nor: any ot ,vinan • 1
have eMpiire4,..have•LITAY 1.11(401.1Ctillil,iorstien
Wails being used. 'Jr. •AlcUillivary's iiiiiiili
' and stateifients" were given to ;wed resliytety
unkbowd to him.- When intervietveit he KA‘i":u..
his state:sent to the comuditee in am hearlfie
saine-ids as FTifir contd. expect;veibal .8.tat4.-
mefits iti be made.: lie did.' . iii:t realm:al:1er
. t. ... / 'at,'.17.te .' • ' i'll
•, y,,,..,8,4.,•
tv;,,vt•StO N.plilBER _)v;
ilr,,...,.. 1••• .
' . . '.,'., 0,0...a../4. * LUCIEN°
' Meets every•firiitand third' "Mondays' 'in
every inenth, in the Odd f ell:: ws l [all. •Visit
inglIrethern are Cordially invited.
- :.
".Lia.".11,NONs, Chief Banger D. D. YCL1ti Sec.
,p •-•oitN,pvy.ti).m..t. TO. OI••
years.: ...Lists t'it ..rarina for•Sale lit 0
W811.1,8,1q:4,11.1.01)80,rAttill8 rcleairons.to.
Jolt Farms. will'onsnit their late -rests , by. in
• ovectin.g the ad,Verti$Invi-faeilities.of
'er in Great Britain a4.0. Ireland a•nd Contin -
Alai of' Liands Sale, ••
' -."- • A.14(11TS S'1`14W A 11T4 •
.•• • Latit Valuator, r.`:.steklipsy, grit,
. •
' West Wawanosh
ittual firo.IRsurance,CcTpny,
• Iliwo 0 Ant) or -1M.PJWTORS MME't "Port
.„, ILO the tranSactinfi of linsilicfis nn, the first
, Taniday in'eadli, month Parting Withing to
•'have, their property isisUred hethis inoreaitimp
' -ty popular Oonmaoy. will by ;Mate be
urn hy an agent or by one of tan Div -
0' St
, • • . ' whether he had mentioned the• pans greeu ex,.
' MA:M*110031S, CAMPBELL planatien,er.lint net beet -rutin !:s
ticalb'ers'elilY•adrwitted rooms, open 'every date.withont-reference tO the session reerds
• week.night, (Sundays excepted). 'f 14.1)1eY• lie elPresse&. regret thAt
• 81.00; .had eith.er l.co,owir,or said aaytinug-aboutr, it,
• r tue prificipai spealiair 18 relIterlOtItt81
TiAlitRY IVIorNmYnit, I). _N. LAwiteNcn. beating the life out of A thi,ig whi(ii never had
President. Seeretary. an existeuce,, viz : Arlr. Mottillivary0
DENTAL.• .• Ws, agree, 'Witb yony cOrrSspondcht that
••--"'"7"."--7`.-tif • .nian absurd. and litirtful rumours' have...been
Q Tli11.0-ME, 0. S. '• To iny
CP • ' *: old friends in linekiir:*'.
.t.nnd thireinnif g country. You have loieWri:
inc lonc. euinigh,tO know that iny work is not
Moat) ,Colui. work, Now, Iain ufakifig Cellif •
laid Plates ,Aild ',Vulcanite Setts,'41.ind will
supply Iffy Mistiuners with •ahy kind of Metal,
'lie Plates they Wish- Sor Gold, Silver or any.
• other. Chargts al low as they can be made
for. I Will be on the segond
-Pridaya:Tal Saturday and fonrth • Friday_ and
• SattYday Or each 'month. 'Vett-stable Vapor
giVinlor the piitless extraction of teeth.
Office, near Cain's ,
V toga' extriit:tion. Attifical Teeth set
upon Vulcanite and Celluloid, Alloy.
with Vuloanite and Caltilind Ott:. elements.
Cettitloid continuous pun, eid. pult
withoUt a plate: Artificial Orotyns attached,
to Mots. PreserVation a the: hatueal • teeth
aniiatra!tting, speCialties..11 very reason: '
able, • . .
MitiOniSs13lock0: •. Winghatiti ,
Side entranee, osii }Iota.
W11 be in Inicknow at. the• Whitelyhease,
• circulated abolit Mr. AicKetiziei but tell do
:already ,snbscribed.ftill doe in 'j•elY and
"Tlannary •nextreSpeatively a collect-: •
:in Messrs. • Adam Thompson,I: •
Connell, Angus Beaton, .411., .•
.MacDonald and .Roderick '
It is desired' however, ,that., all . ••.
.slionld.,.tender•payinent to tlie •
tee Witliont being called :upon. • . •
One of the ti nstees of the 8t,'
drew's church property has: left the lire -
its s.nd as: the legal time:. has ,elapsed:
Wherel .his .cotnrade-S.could-frialce alt.. ,•
appointment, the matter. was referred.- '
to the presbytery for itdeonsideratidp.„. ' •.
• ....Some needed!, imprevenients • were--; • . :
or,derecl:tp.. be •;..niatle• on. ...thereseSt,..',.,
place Of. worship,' ,and the me ting ad- •••
imirnecl; Until kfoine. time in •October . • • ••
,iiiisery•tlian pride •ai,d ainbition. '.. J,
• ' ' • ....
"O. 111urdoCh and V•Kill•istn- Mel)onagl) . - .„....‘ . • ' -
ar.rued for the foriner, And James 1. ' .r, .•3, •j-li• I 4.
•Bryan and George Kerr for the latter. • ituniorec.- .ritoperaertu..
dlair man I). 1). Yule.decided tor the
fatter, . The ar-olitnents ' were of a •• • . -
%clinching character, and the . del?aters. ° •a 811;aavalic • gjt''''• elleePer "vE11.11 In"' :
Telegraph•tlerke .. • •
, _ in
1 . 1 '. : 11 tl . ' . ' .• .• - '•PliettY
•4.)ose ,wit i sun -al t en .iusinsm. • . • . ,, , •. • .. .• - • -;
No meeting. to-niallt. • Next ineetino :`,' -4.- --. ' ' ...I ' • ' '
,Ft•idity evening, April 6. . Splendid • Win-eho.in 'March' 2.6t-li. k •"•
--•,,..i. very .
, •
gram for -Eastertide., , - • . , sad case of ,Clopenietit, the. particulars',
of which have just con to light, took
Ilings from /11mberleY. place' ,froin DitteYale-a village four
• . miles from 'here Tuesday last.
ellan caught a trout, with vWilliam. Dulmage, farmer Mid, cattl4 •
-liook. and MondaY, that Weit.11-
ed 'seventeen, peiinds.----A boy "fintned
McLellan, of Ripley, • captured her.:
ring on, the same day with a hook.'
• The Wife. Mr. s: Drown is the happy
parent' of a little sop, and • the wife of
w4. wiloyi .af .•daUghter„ sifice
dealer, yotincA man ohitherto• un- ••
' blentiShed antraetert bOc..iiiing tired of •
-"farming purchased the ,stock in •the
gelieral store of • Mr.• Titemona. and •
went into' business. , The teleeraph'
office and post office being in the same •• ••
building, he • had his employ '• as
• not consider mic of them quite so ;absiii ae • clerk. and telegraph .operato,r, a 'Miss
. the one whioh . he has just published:. in 04! la.st •notes.,
• glauting.oCer the report Of the Presbytery . A: little Srx. year oltf I.bOY. :of. M.r. Sm'it•bf-th° ' h4h.dsothe year old ' •
I, ()Won's itaS had. an ,attaek of.dipther la, daughter of ...‘741Ii' 'IS. 64- 1.!" '.°•' 'Ieighb(ir. -'r --I-
meeting in a parallel colinim„ we. are pleaseil
to notice that inir clerk in kindness. withe,i.,
(1IVII' • , .
hut ‘s• ftru:'glarl to learn he is improsf_. .A.ceording„ to, recent ,developtrienta • , * y
the finding 4i the •Presbytery from the, ptiblie'.
but states that Alf Alu,Kenzie's request for 4 a illg; ., . , , . ,..+' . , . •,,. . ' ,, thetr ,co.tititict..,was any.thirt.g but:. c.o. r-,,•'..
presh, terial certificate Was gra111141 ; wh-le, .„,,, ,•
.. 1.,,_ o,,,,fi,, ii.,, 0_,1 of r titr;st, ia.. rect„atiaet on. Ttiosday :• atter first.raisilig
Part of We {bang wkiich referste Mr. Afilcine
your corrSsponclent • stupidly, publishes the
vi s-li`t,'Iiiislar.0 ai`ti ai313,1. "1' ''`h;Lx.'"':111\ ig...00n""atiot:: '2 !,, h . eyery, ollar that he c' ould on note and . •-•.• . '
ttiortgage.i.. the - fellow .deserte.d" - hi, •
M.tee exisWere as somewhat Lfridefinite and un. ,
, ' ' • , vobng iavife,alail ,her -fear little -children
' • ' . ' ''' -. ) -4) ` (3- ("\g0°°' ' e. °Inj:Y--.AtiseirlIcslion 'oftin. e. leaVii**, .theM :-.alniOst, ,ileAtituy, atui„ , ,
satisfactory. . . . ••4 - . ,
O.' Ounnittee of.:PresbYter; :'.. lt 14-4"Rts°"' •ni 'IA -1...1, of Mr• - D g• MCKenzie are I; • tl.,,,o .trait -i` top. t.fiO bri•dge, .:114iss
J. A 'ANPEite0g, -v11.- 1:-.•.- ..--,' , !: :. 'a . . ) .1,00
IT DIteNtnaisoN ngain att'ending schnol,.. .. , stuitit .ao3ompanyink.. 'Akin). Tbe 4e..,,,..
" ',...0.4 -......ea*"......--''' ..,.,It iS said that 'Mr. Donald Matite' nerted wife and po.rent,s'of the' girl lira
. . .
,___Bo.fore buying .your wall pipers intepds shortly leaving for California almost diStracted. They' are most
and triinniinga go to Berry Day s t visit his rother, who left here Iasi respeciable people, .and have tile synp
. .
, 4
froM 5cts pOr roll up., to the.-44nest gold •' • . -Dulinage haS ,just. reeeiVeti a letter •
. ••• , . ' • . . •
. . .
l)rug store you can see beautiful papers. tall. for tebenefit of,. his health. • pa.thy of the entire coinimunity.:, Mrs.
• patterns.. . . , . . , .. .;.,-FarinerS, tali save' great annoyance front her ,recreant husband from tho
‘" -..:--beor,ge.Kert is'Offering remarka.2 and loss of.tinie by asking for and ,de. .States .ityiIlLi.); that ' she '',,will ;toyer lief)
,ble valtie in tine Damask Table linen, , inaqing to VC Buil:AIM with the lied. MO tie() agi:ii , and eollY advising : her.; '
Table olotIlf 1•TaPi141; Towels,: 0oun. ()Ap. *and Binder , twine, ' One trial t(i. take. care. Or the children,. 'Tha
.. . . .
his tentinct 'that he either haat° leave • . :
or cointlik titticideI f;0 little' hi .ii shatiii; .
. '
terpanes, curtains, efb, Dress 'QUI convince you that its Virtues have `graoelisa.scamp gives as it reason for
b W
, ItOBLETS, • • d 4th m d d ,r „ma. f departtnent complete with latestotovel- not 1)seri exagger•ated,.
t .( pal , ,on ay at; u ays 0 , ,•
eetpits usinesii ovals promptly attended to.
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Storsed TrISSO • tittcli snOuthe • •i
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