HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-23, Page 8b • .0.110 `70W eZpQy`Rnil Wo0c1 Wanted` quanta • ,be,iLs �kttxivie, delivered 1 b 'M,ouv s ;S a.'m, t°,70. • VIN S'f, 13. booth 0.,t3 a• ►u.. Daily 4.L H.•4:.13, North 12:.30 p. mi, '• •'lf lyruod ,lk uiluusu •.o�, ,k 2 $01)..M.• siuluen I • W. G.. ti ki North ;3:48PO4; l?oder►ch .„• i I ntermecii ,te Pu ate f 9'40 p,10. "'' 1,. 5 it. ..?Iurth; to 30.l?4 m.'.... ,“ . 1.sag aids ... ,3,00p m 't' and __. cosi,... FridayN " M ILS 04.0Eiz• W. a.k:B.,S,u h} L.1;$. 4 B.., South f 9.o0IN xn. L. H: ,t 13. S nit:i 10.00. a, m•! l%Y• t~i-.4 U. Nui.,ll;' ;.3,.4.9 p .ct,' c ylolyruod - 1 Kiullough ' 4:30.p.m,,. liriloea we: ',Cue%lays ]'4 sapid 1.80 p m ani, Fridays. Mails for the United Kingdon .close every `Anesday, at 9.30 p. ui., during the winter. f itta f lC' Calico Ball The young::wen of ,the;town, • both, benedicts and 'bachelors,. purpose.hold lag a +`'Calico 13'all"in' the Caledonian. hall on ' Friday ' evening, April 13th. . Tho Italian, string band, London, will provide the.music. Lost .on Friday last, on Campbell • Stied) a two dollar and a half`. gold piece, with pin,aiid small chain attached and initialed': "A. G. E:". The liner will be rewarded by `:returning them to this' otlice., • Libel Suit' Settled.' ' • We are pleased to hear that the libel suit of :D.,E Caineror. against; the Walkerton Ilerald, wl idh was, entered for trial` this week in Walke.raon,, has' been amicably settled '.'between' the -parties and the' suit withdrawn. •• q e tro$,e 1a3A L� Jk a eTR ry .,...c'... -....a ,b:,l�i"^�ti' all conection with -the recent' \Vresi,�sts in • conHuroii election.' protest, all per' ons' who subscribed to .the Reform - fund and paid the s'aine to Samuel 14loane,' `-treasurer, ate',. requested to call . on. hien. and • receive: ;the amounts. 'so„ }ilio—iaoderich biyr al Emma Wells. The 'Ernnia Wells,•Comedy: Company coinpleted their week's engagement w tli' another full house onj Saturday • night last. Tt is one. of th'o'best coni "4 clay of the ka""'n% t�lrat has ever visite they village; and shouid =they return will no doubt Meet with a •:warm recep tion. .grttariamtnent. at Sit Helens A, big .treat. is in store forthe people of St.'Helens on'ruesday evening next, t.''tli inst::.11r. E. W. ;Richards.-interids l i►`iiig oue••of.:bts popular ,entertain: irtenrs,tbere'on that date: The Misses. 'Murray, of Lucknow, ', and a number. FroinHelens will also take part, which alone sliouid insure success: 'Farms for Sale or 'Rent (Qameron, Jr,' -Campbell ;have oil hand a number offarms ,>f hich will be.`sold' •chieap'aiid en' easy. terms: If not.sold at once -will. be rented for the season:. 75 acres;far $1.600 7'5 to r es for $2000 ; • 1UE1 acres ;for 82100 ; 100''aerea:;.for *2200 ; 200 ..acres for. 8-7, 000 ;• 200 acres, for '$7.600:v All in :Kniloss township . .Apply i iii►ediately. For Daketa.; Of WS • Villa(re ori Tuesday , last. Dakota The' toad Minibered fourteen, 1v!compaides ,the annuals to ,their,des- a:citizen:of, •the . Stars and Stripes for as far as London -With the load. , Are *OW tO 1,03ttOr.' by the Chicago and r`plorth.' Western solid stea ,track is the shortest 'atid -quickest and best line west, %ts rates are as• low 'as the lowest, and its. ad/ Vantageo fit 'the shape of through cara :to the most important point4, 'its systein • T• nfortable, Valle and well 'ventilated. •oaches commend to the people as%. :,the standard line', WIL90: you 'are pay - ;fog your moneyijoo. •warit the best and :can get:it by asking fer tickets on 'the North Western; Emigrants,inove. abh,.14;handititi with earn aiitt dispatch „ ail faeilities given for ,feeding and ',attiring stock enronter• Information. • Wanted a ty of green wood' at the ... ank-:,-, ameron d� Campbell, 'Lucknow School:• The promotion examinations in4tho • Lucknow Public school will take place: next . week. -•e. Pupilsabsenting them:: selves will not be promoted. Grand Concert A splendid program is in preparation for t)ie grand, ..concert in the Temper; auce- Tlall on Friday evening next, 30th . inst., tinder the auspices, of the ladies of the Methodist church. The leading local talent o1 the :village, and others, are expected tp take part,. Bees for Sale, J. B...Hunter has for sale 20 Hives of pure Italian Bees whiolt he will sell - cheap: ' They will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, ,and any one wishing to secure a tir-st•class colony of bees, and at the lowest price, .should, not fail •to give him acall. -• New Shoe Shop: ' . Mr. L. E. Edwards, who has carried. on.shoemaking here for some time past has taken a 'partner, Mr. .McColluin, intotlie•business, an'd. ;the new' firm in, 'tend shortly to open out a store in the; building 'formerly occupied by .lames Somerville, •opposite the bridge,. .on Campbell, street, •• Hello l'There' , Mr. T. H: •Wadl'and, of $amilton, superintendent of , construction of the Bell • Teleplione'Conipany .was ,in this neighborhood' last week,. It is, the in., tentiou to extend the line from Wing ham to 1-,ucknow and Kincardine,: and also' to get ', direct' connection ' with London;, during the coiniu 'sumuier•. To 'Delinquents •_.n. •.• • _ We announced sone . time ago.; that we, w<onl:d .senn':..tt „postal ;