HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-23, Page 5--Extra hie in WOW etnbroiderieaJ' At, G:eci I err's, • —Tim next :meeting of the. 'fru, cc Fanners Institute' will irn Lucknow,. ---Tinware, japanned ware, r'u4 ,agate ironware, cheap, at T —rive car load of horses aticll other farm .stuff ivas. shipped ,krotn 'kVhite- + Il.urcli. stxtton,• to Ju NOrtilinSt4 On 7, uesdax last, Geo, Keir will -open out it> a few +11178) selee new lines in: ladies; kid. Y', _g The !est ,riOc kid 'glove ever offered s i1r Lucknow, a!1 the latest • T I AfO TGAGE $4L of south FARM PROPERTY. be nelcl. granite law., slraci'es; Ask for them. •' McOliarles,`. auctioneers will sell y;public auction at Let. 2, Con., 14; lifield•, on Z'hrusday, .,,'*Iarch.'29t} , a il�&rge quantity of ••farm •stock, r ,nts, cit,;., . The property of ,Angus 811ther1nnd •' —NNw•Spring goods: to hand in !all: the deparcments at; (leo. I(er'r's. • -The Times says that..•Mr.. D.. E (,;anieron is , to deli~ er -an Auldress- at the Preshyterranentertainineiit',' in . if'i(lrj�aln 011 the 9th •inst. • —There• is. a Calico Bali on the' tapir nen. the Caledonian" ball .- Calnp{iu 41iriiau.p ati have ju'st•"rcce•i-s 17two cases • ti►t,, ••o•rer---800' p Ices to choose• Don't.buy any. cheap .tin ware that 't•r'.lt worth taking home, but go to I$awreuce's and 'get value for . your noirey. :trader the: Power of Sale contained in''a. certain mortgage, which, will }.e prodt,ced at the time of sale, .there will be . offered for Bale • 34E Wititely's ' Hotel, : Lucknow ---UN •--- MOND,&*•,: APRIL IL a h, '88 At two o'clock lu the afternoon, by Peter Verr•iga t, Auctioneer, the fuiltiwing'valuable farm pi•al'e'rty,, The West Half of Lot. Nineteen in the Tenth Uoneession of the'1'.,waiship .f l;:iii1;r314 in the Comity of Iir;;ce, containing Fifty Acres, more or less. "rhe..aoil is a gooct clay loan, and fortyhve acres orb under cultivation. U the mpreise are erected a new Frame House, "a Jog House said a Log, Barn with Frame Ad (Mimi. There is also an, Orchard n on the place, and the.. farm is well, waterer • It' .ie Seven Miles from i-eeswafer onthe U. P R, 'seven Milnes from Lucknow on the (4.:1". R., Three Miles -from lioryrood' and Kiiilough Post Uffi":es, and is situated upon a good' lead- ing, read. It is believed that a large •iortion of the� place is in meadow, and eight acres in 1x11 Wheat, : ':..• • TERMS OF S. IE :. Ten 'per c nt, at tiin of yule, an(i sufficient '. Within Thirty nays to make one-fourtlr'uf the !nuclease money.. The bid:nice May remain on is mot tgage for three or five years; with inter- est -cat six f,er cent pec nnn�ir, liayaltlH yearly with pttivilegH of a i. t e. +`or forth tpartfculars-,poi • rigan; Aiictioneer. lIuly.rood, or' to thy Vend:. or's Solicitors, Toronto. E'L u i , LASH, CASSELS IJ OLM t , •; • Dated 9th '[arch,•18S8. Vendor's Solicitors°. • 4ins-7:31?. • 11 ' ' anyt°q, P Y n5 thb WOrtgi.ge off at ' '---?Spring . wittinery. • at• Gco •I „rt•'s' =The second meeting of tho West •1 f u ion Farmers! .Institute was field. in 1)iinganriotr on Frid•sy and Saturday but the attendance of farmers was not very large —Un ircif Margin; farni security, v ron' cansec.lu•e money at.t per ,cent,: oinf.,1� .w a .w.v an7e �agh.ohn Pu -r -vis rL4 et.ioneei;;. 411 ;Se,111 by public auction, at. East/tiff of' Lot 21; Cot?... 4, 'Iii,iloss, 'on•' Thursday, ,ti' arch 29th; it.,' large quantity of farm ' ack} iinplmc'nts, etc The .property: of John. •�1lcfCenzrt.. / • • - T. Lawrence isiageut in Lucknow'. i cin the celebrated paint primer,` ala- tixstitie. .This is just; the'' thing ,,'for w hitewashi ig inthe rspring. You can ' ;;et al.l the latest: -shades. Here 'is ,--out forlice and girl: readers to crack i ••A. clerk counted out a basket of eggs, took two out at a time. i111d one,relnai1Tecl , five at ca, ,and (ane' 'remained ;'• Si* at '4 time and' one' remained.; but when he.,^ttooi , then Out •seveir at a time none Wpre remain, *d. k[o:w, nrany•eggs were in the basket? —41/, who Wantspringclothing will liri•d it to their•, advunta;e• to call on Donnell,: where: they will find a large • assortment .of Tweeds to choose from, • and a firstclass tailor to: make thein:up: • -Geo Kerr has opened out a. beauti fui .• itssortuient• of new . dress,. goods ':. 'C.R 'SALE. Park .Lots 40, 47, 48, 41' and ;50 on Somer- VIHe and.$ooklid a survey and Park Ent' :13' anal 14 in Snwerville's 'survey, an•l Block A ou UOQ obeli street; Apply to.' ' • M, CAMPBELL. t , 1 and have. .r .._ now got' our stool assorted in all line's. GIVE US A -CALL. �. 4_ • '.t PEART ,00R1R1 Al ' Are. selling many ;lines o f •;b4owc ,cloerp $ coat for cash and •vanv� other lin 4- ,coost for caeca, /1110axle •lasts.for, V .L'r JJ 1\To .L- v As the spring isdose at hand the pub will& well to '' C1J J .011.1 SEJt. • ear asatin•tu,e.�t „f SPRIG ND ,SUMMER Guiiw before: pur'aliasing e1 ewhere. We have many ofiv trued ,i, A . )ongoia. 'Boo' fi,•?aA•f•LI1•Axa BUJTi•OAT.1P,I Our stock in Misses and Children. iS COMPLETE • 1111 ITS ' MAINE Ire O1RD1 )fit AllP ast.;-dtie acocui'tssettled must be - cash, h • • :PERT & C(RRIGAN.; • SOT , Only a little over one year' has elapsed since the introduction into Canada.of the now " well-known ALASKA SPECTACLE` . • EYEGLASSS.;. A. "d the,* is hardly a .town or village where,tri agency for '':the sale of this celebrated spectacle has riot been. in- • s'tittited., i The " ALASKA" is riot Puffed up by,mean legless, would be scientific phrases, but is• offered to: an int(llicent public on .its merit*. Try qi�t� and' you. will find it •tt�' ,Le-.,fir-.d3erff etI'v ifin li ;�,PN ,r14`�.l r'P•"?%5'31,3. 'F ' gtallaKt'.egiC : y',t•3*•'rrPto-r)�i� Krg10,,r • r+�lr1 E,?ear 7i-' rgittv7.1 •: - yygcp. r � w t#4y�i a •er+i�* .K Z 1'pon Tev'er par. Photograph' Cabinets,. $2.50 -PTR DOZEN .For sale by W`. J.. STEXNGER, Luck21,04, Suceessor to E. L. Johnson. in. RUNKS! }lila j.us-treceived-a largean-0 well. selected stock of fine Trunks,- " runks, . . Valises; :''.Robes, • etc;,, • • which•he is selling at b'ot'tom,prices. _�- :n: fomprising'' all.. the latest styles and roloririgs to ho lad . . Special line of all :wool': De Brie at °20c .• 'per:yard, Asl: to: see • them.' • , -=The c'oting.for . the repeal of the 'Scott Act in the County of Unroll will take place on Thursday,; 1.9thi of April. ,next:' Mr.. Thous•Farrow, of. Bue-l vale; ''has . been. appointed • returning': Officer. The vote on the repeal in the County of educe will takeplace on the Sa»,ie day '.•550 bars -of soap for $1,00; 5 -glee - 25e ,' orldt':soap', at correspond.;, ingly.ior; lees;:' 7 goor"ooms;';$1:00; ,Lo(Sd sot. , '>,rushes, 5c,;, very fine te5, 25c extra nhorce..tea, ,50c, with.present.•. l3alil,; powder;" N`ew Era ," with present. sent 'Sonne excellent val'iie in dtjesa. goods, from 10e 'per' yard.: Newest, atvle of tr,inrnliug, check •satin. ••A' full ranee; of handker""chiefs 'froin 2.:for• pd Have pushed. out h; trentedous jot '• of oldgoods and have to hind •a choice selected. lot of slew, good,, all:"well' bought, --°A. Maclntyre;• . MONEY. FA M TO RENT. !alai!) Aglifipld, Over one hundred acres virleared and lie cultivation. For further /t wpm i'ionlartiiii,pifly to .. • PEE BUS. Ifayper toile! Eggs , Spying 44 If you wish a Firot-Clea , Truak,. Goat Or -Buffalo Riobe, give me a call.: :in stock Or, made. to Order 'on • short Ordirod Work a, •SPociai#,.. • 001( u'ntil stock, taking. • Latest. 'desionii--Iiest makes= A 'full. In Canadian &Myelin; and winter sport DULL FOR SERVICE. Tlic.1111(10raifinda :ket.p for service his Siiiierior Short hi -Ali Bulb'''. (Thief lustiet.," at JUSFICh Itoan; calved Oat. 21, 1385, bred: 1.0n1 i,ttneulowa, (51601). dam Lancinite'rS Pride,'hy Lewis ArtinciellNiolet's Lancaster; by Laneester Violet of .Greenweralf by K. O.' 13. led:. Violet,: by. Doke of Gloster; Snow- firap., by Vanguard. primraele,byiRobin Hood bY Sultan,. Duchess, by 1)tikel' of Cleveland, Lavinia 4tb, by Duke of Welling..., by ErYhohne41018) by a awn of North ,Stak, ./ JAMRS• GAUNT", PrOptietor xwel & Chatham_ . Se eel. Fraate: Mowing Machines: different inake8; Sulky Hat itakes.. Mason' 44..Nox(in rain _Drills. pananeque and. 964 130ggies. -- Iron .Harrows, with '60 and' 2.teetli. ,Millees.patent neiv .model Harrow.. Iron and Wood ,Sctifflers. ' Single and D'oubli) Turnip SoWers. with s.te?1, tr4cii. ' Fanners Scales, etc. , , ' As many of the . above articles have had valuable, lin:, provemints'added for 1884. - Intending •purtliaerS Would .do well to ,call and ocamine . before placiner their orders.' 'I' .. Repairs. for- all above. Machine Oil, l's,eedles, etc..alli,ays inders The undersigned :haying 'this day 'bought the stock in trade of • Binder Twine. Pure Manilla, Best Quality. Ask for prices.' A call solicited. A thousand first-class Cedar 'Posts for 8410. • • BRI First Class White Brick 'delivered 'at Lucknow Station, Cheap. ADDEEss— For :priow pall. bn,„ • 10, 6114 9 F., ?.4- ;I ol* ' '. BULLb.\\ ' . The undersigned:hail for sale (1t;' LA 11, Cain I9, '1 myosin!), of Chilross, 0 their oiglibred Short- horn Bulls, registered in the Dominion Herd STEER ESTRAY the fith of March, a red steer, comitig three ,,..pgolletty,:pay•expenses and take him away. • ItglOrt Tit U. gattzizzPi s offering the sarne.Ut the ::EDUCED PRICES. MBRECHT MIND AND BODY StEEPT PSSNFSS Vege.tal:Ie anuel ,R•ueri. tes. to us in Coca in thet moat:tonic plant in the " It (decal, in'a word, the most poiver ful restorer of the vital forces.—Dr. Schwa/ie.'. A.rinbrecht'S Coca Wine, though more tonic • than Iron or Quinine,,neyer Constipates. ' ARSIBRECHt„ NELSON & CO. .. London; Englano, Por. sale only in Lucknow ooPELAND" AND SAYS' OORSi SASHES AND MOULDINGS Planing; Matching and Wood Turning •11-OhLO Ott.