HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-23, Page 4YIL.uiu.wr. se 1• A+ppr'wh;' t.z'S1.e•la.•'ta'••�1#y_•,��. _ — L ...._.. T _ .. . .. ,.. ...., _ • itE lanklitirY TO UTTER AND. 10 A ;oTiR •Pti$inrLY A,CCORD)(NQ:'TO TIiet)IQTATEs, 'or CONSCIENCE W,E' PRIZE ABOVE. ALIT QTumR LIn>RTIE9'. 111101 :1107.97.• M4xol 23rd., 1883. ONTARIO: LEVIsLAl'I RL 1 A 1311, introduced, by Mr. Carson in 'the Ontario .House gives:•power to' 't,tunletpalitie4 to .exempt incomna, geis. signal property and buildings from, as- aessment so as to•place" the taxes 'on .land" values only,. The, by-law • is not, to take effect until confirmed by the. ,teleeters of the municipality. A c:in xsiderablo' number of petitions in favor. of: the;:principle of the bill have been -presented, and the bili is a good one Once passed, the municipality that takes advantage of it will ' ha.ve a rush 'of: manufacturiing'indastries to • it. •A ,measure of great importance to • • property -owners all ,over'Ontario has' b'in•passed by the Municipal Comrnit- ee of the' Ontat'io Legislature. ' It is.I bill i • which transfers .the power of selling lands for'taxes fromthe' county treasures to the'treastires of townships 'said mill;igen The great: :benefit. of the '• . bili•• is, that it brings the sale 'as near;as ' possibletq ,the land and to the owner• ;; so as to give him every" opportunity of- , ,paying the taxes and resoling his pre - petty ty from the.ahands, f-l:aoci, o�eeaiAat M r rs e tyreesent Jaw .a sale ��'<2,'�,•`a�t�:�',�r2TI��,l"O`' 7. a'YrOnfthe land. • - • TCE Bill before. the ':Legislature : to prevent Ontario farmers'fi'om paying too much for seed grain may have some 1neut, but.,reahy ' the faroners;of 'On� tr. a IO 417g . ht�to knot► enough to :fight ' shy -of •such' windles. ' . T'\ere •are• o - .:.. I .: COm non schools lt•. i the country; to teach. them to read, and• there are .newspapers.. ke.e 4 . thein 'posted. •ebunco o eratoor�Cps,_t-lrnItn`ei~s,w� plett:: a.i.H�cult to. it" . a.w .. , P �! manho lets hia?;' self get caught. by'the'• • ersuasions df a p stranger who offers t4.giv@•liim; smite - if Ai ,1!:il'ligr :of " the $sot eft. t 'D'rr Sir :-W°ogle you be 'kind, enough, in your irext issue, tib: call the• attention of .the public to a alight ,rnis. ttrke•'which"• appeared in the ,annual -re: port' of the West Wawanosh nIultual. Fre insurance Company, published a. short tints, ago..,The error occursin the fist of expenditures " Thi cor- rent amount, paid to, Mir lames tvlillion was $806.80 and not $886.80., as, stated in the report"' The error was correct- ed in nearly all .of the reports, but as a few of thein were sent out to,.niembers, before the mistake was, noticed, I trate, this opportunity of setting the matter rztl;ht. The report is correct in every 'other .respeot: Iam, . your. obedient; servant • ' J. Af. ,R,onguTS Dunannon, March15th, 1888. Accident at Lanes. • It isreported that a serious accident occurred.. at •Lanes on Sunday, 10th - While returning ',from church, two teams collided and ,from one of the. conveyances two ladies Were- thrown out sustaining severe • injuries. One youzig'3ady .had -her'•arnt ,-Croke-;,' and the then; pTesuot»Ably • the mother, Thad: her, eyesight badly*damaged''•'. This to: gether with the fright received has had4a very untoward effect, and at•the . time we reoeivedintelligence she was in~-ri critical• condition. Tho igh' , we have ,used the word "collided". it is: said that it was the rrsn.1t of gross care: lessness, as the .conveyance that caused this. disaster Deanne, behind the -other. , The autboriiies in that .section would' dip well to look into this,and.if'not the result of Were accident, tosee_that:.the . right parties go: net unpunished. ,.The sec idenb,,is.4 s ; ,l:anienta.11e errs: 4Thleed. 4 -=pfaving been in tbe•Seed husirtess, lisiknoW,7for the last 19 years, _anal halt: al ways had a most liberal patron age, I will say, '--1 have alway's tried to n study. the welfareof my•patrons by importing the best' and most reliable -seeds' to, i•be..had. Any., person admit that' a change -of -seed' is 'ail ben efi tia'1 as '..a ch,rnge in' stock.. • Being incl ose observer of the 'nnarket 'I have :r been enabled this season; to ; get, .sorra large ]pts .of :.first clue seed,* whichh I '7 p .e f r_m - o uch • iriferioi=::seedi'-�vhtch i iii he market. So i, o ie choice American Timothy. Come and•see my .:seeds. 'before you 'purchase �A., .Mactntyre.'. V IS thing for nothing. Why . are heavy boots cheap, and What ,are.dogs-good: n g for,1if a farmer cannot •i'ceep his. door-. yard clear of strolling •swindlers . . Autb. ent><cated � Facts.. brnnkenness In. Scott Act Counties. mmunication appeered• in last weeks SENrI NEL, contributed by; one 1'V., 'A.' Hackett, of Ashfield, in which attempts to: show > the beneficial tafieots• of the Scott, Act; by 'means of: a • License report,. supposed to•be' `nude lky the tyro` uncial'. Secretary; in which lie takes 20•oounties'(includipg Halton) and compare% theft] for. the;years'.'1884 and 1887,, the' forpier •under •. License Law; the . latter • under '•Scutt , Act. He shows by; his figures that; in '1884 seven. hundred an.ci;,..fifty.-sial viere • iru-: •.}piisuited for drunkenness and 214 in• . ''1b87: ` You • will 'notice 'he ives'. gi ;the comparison -for Oire.ye<tr, wily, and then :goes on sav a'•it, wilt be seen by the above, government returns --that iu the County. jails Where .the Act bas. - been .entirely in_force,. there was a re- - ctuctiey i of :542 imprisonments ;for clrunkenness during thea :past�. three J/surs.. By his authenticated °linos be is :bold to,say (in the face;of the 'face of the: rantinge 'of. our -clergy :to the contrary)- that ;there h'sisbeen' one more iritprisonr tent' for drtinken=< iiess under 'the Scott.Act than ..under rhe Licf.nse'la�:', in the County of Bruee;, and he calls, on' intelligent citizens to i•veigh .carefully the nmatter,'(and I'sup- pose examine his statistics'), before essting their vote for ties-repeel--nates. ute. r:' •. . r ' .I • • Mr. Hackett seers to me to labor too heavily, to convince intelligent r:itisens.,, tie also :appears to be un tiivareS that'ne ode is•uomuiitted'to 'ail for drunki..tttess, (unless he'refuses� to •pay a fine),' tad 'r veru . _ . ) much. gipestthn it he is' aware that Harry Piper. er is in sP:arch of Curiosities for his ' I? • cuusieam. , Who. is W' A .Tackett, anvwa�+ 1` s, • • ST.lT1STZCIAt.; ,, .1 • • , R e li a b`l e Seedsman intimate' to.. his old was es to: patrons that,he has a, full stock of the following Reliable Seeds, all bought since . the trem.en ...,nous break in the seed market and: can, offer you prices defying competition. MOVE 8 COrnon:R.ed Mammoth• - Alsike . • L serene. White. llCCh ,AM.ERICAN RANAUTAN. nal A AlS1 ES Meadow . Fescue Canadian Blue Perrnnial Rye Orch.ard . Red�To ,.� 1? .Hungarian ax Seed„P:1anti.ig Onions -Dutch-,Sets.. -:� x1. kin m of Field and • � Garden Seeds, &c.. Strictlygood CToods.onl •d . G. �' .. y dealt with.. A..call solicited.' ardwares' in following Axes •.,. • Carvers . • •Clips•' bl L Adzes ' Cutler. ' . _ Y CtaAR A.tv1s Covers ' 'Cages -Augers .Oases: Casters 'Bits Caps •• Crashers:. Butts Clippers • •. • Drills wiles e Glue +� (lila utpose_.to sell at�.jw•11at you•••�wil r YGIJ..Li.l. yan.,e :complete,: e. �• is-suppi y'�i�T.. ��".• aX embracing. the. • Fingers 'Hangers :Ifaehiues, Pouches ,Rollers Elise • ...` • Hoes .__.-, ,M.l]etts Plates tri Shears': Srrryres'. Gnus •- _ • Hol'vvw.'re Nr ii _ .. Rosin -:Seassor 1'ru weld Glass- :. Heat?s: Nuts ••. . Pansµ heeler ; ' Stands • •Tacia Glads,'t'nee Irons Ne s Racks • • Scales 1' macre Irons ' ` Pulls : Revolvers '• Squares' 'faits • ue • 1'lutnbs , Reamers S. r3jiers l alae# • Drainers Gongs Knives Pa' P IB C it Bells Cordage Dividers • 4 Grease 'Jaws • Oiler e•Buttons .Chalk tbiauiends • -. Globes • Joints'. Burnem .. Chisels, ()Ceases races on]passes'•a Crags, • ' C . .l .t :K. • • Pu4Ces. :'.]tangs'.: • Spades Twine aoking. Rivets Shrivels • Tools, • Powder••: Mules- . . Scoops ,,.epi ps Lrucks ; , • Braclrats'"--" Galli ere Tani e s orb;, • . 1'uttY Pumps. p 'scut -'.ons • ••i`,anges• Hnockers. Polish. Bating. -Cutters '. -� es • ., � �hrn Spoons K .y' baler! K tt1 g-,- . T' Note Lost; • The 'public are.cautioned against _purchasing ;:a 'joint note ' made by'• .. Messrs James Agar. and John. Durnin, dated February 9th, 1888,': for three m'ont'hs, and due., May 12th, ,1888, ,for $104.50, in''favor of Win, J. Little. or order,_ as the 'same has' ;-been ;TAME& AGAR:, 'Belfast P.' O. ' MARRIED Mc;1f`aninis-=,Torisero -On March 13th.- at• the residence of the bride's fatht,i.'by the Rev: Robert Leask, St. Hc1ens, Satnnel MoMannus, Dakota, to •Tanet daughter of John Johnston,: Esq., Ashfield TENDIRS -WANTED. T • enders will he redeived by the undersigned from the thirty-first• day of March, frrr the, coming a�ason, :of the following hits:- Lot No. 1p, .on the fttli (:Gish. of the township .of West . W'awanosh'; South west quarter of Lot No. .10 in the 9th Con of We;t•Wawanosh; North halves of Lois Grp r43 and 44 in the lit Con. township of 1 iu)oss: `.For pattienliirs enquire 'ruOM. ,S TODD, St. Reknit P. 0 ',. Executor• VCTION SALE —UF•• • i'ALTABLE .FA;'/Ill in: the Township of %Vawanosh. • ' - tinder and by .virtue of the.pnwor of sale' in :.a , mortgage from • John, A Fleming.to, the Vendors. w hibh will be. kroduced at the.time of sale; and on. default being nta(l,• i'r payment nt,the m•rne - the'reby iSecizreti, there will b e: .Tergal for s:sle.by publie auction, at Whitely`s Hotel; in the Village ',f Lueknr,it by ',JDhn Purvir,,. iictiou'eer; on; ., Tuesday. • April• 3ra,, •'88. at orae o'clock p, m.,. tile; folluwin nanielr: g property',. The East tialfor$t Lot nun•:ber• set eiitt•eit:in the fourteenth &`erne'_+i.rr7 '''f lie;Tn v,i bi_u ref. 'Irawanosh, containing 1001 acres nrrire or leis of' rrllith about 7' are mil is be. Cleared anti anile r cultivation, and. Well fencers. Onthe, premises are Said to be a frame-bnnse, frame barn and sstable, also an orehartl,Lanai are w weft atered by= I;ving'cerric.and titttated Out a good magi and within. tale and half miles of Litckne*. • • • .TERMS—Teti 1per'cent, at time , :..' ' for the balance terns ,liberal, and a illbe Made known at'tirne of sale. • For furtherpertiC hir', arl' :t•, MOss, ,B�f.I Vi'Iek & F1L Verdnrr, St.i,;itbrs T.ronto, Marc) 13th,, ISI.18, • •13zlts • Ct,nt a G�ur Emer a s aper Pilie ` 5awa Bevels :. Gla rY , y Halters' •Lanterbs •. Penedo Press Clumps Eats es • .Stones . Hatchets e('htmps; . Lifts • fine • Boraxrers Crani Hammers ' Links Punchers mes ane esu Landers Plyers Brushes Chamois : Ferrule, " Honks ..Lines Chain Collars, dog, ~Forks. Hinges r•[.n s Pails Cartridge ;.. Catches . Fawcett!. flea's h *Parent A 111:ea cares ' , Picks Files are Pruners Stoves . . Flasks Rope ' Slr i hs 1i 11 R'az g. ore •Sliriugs-. Rakes gaugers liefieotors'• Skates Traps.. • girt "'"' �."..e'rye1,a • Snaps Tins • Sinks . Varnish, Staaths Wire ' Steels '• Wrenches :ftringe ' . Wringer Straperewq: .\Vashers:' Slicer;-.. . Spikes • Wi-k Spectacles • Snfpit • . Wade. . NOTIC'E`TO F,i • R ME RS..'.. Owing to the. scarcity of Taut inaterial•this year, t As -I have �. y he supply of Binder '.Twine will' ` •limited; __. , purchased:very advantageously, for cash a large no doubt beas'in189� . g supply of UR E�• MA LA BINDER TWI'I�E' I will sell at: the ver lowest rices.' .'Intending '' a lunate y p purchasers. Should' order early as:the.de'm ry' d And is great and the: :supply .. TppY LAWRNC E. •. 0. P EC T GRAN: T • . The high cha>~ aster •o.f. .this: 'old medicine ass: sole a ren3ed.v for pulmonary and bronchial disorders,4e repeatedly e.eat . •'.�. ' 'ed by-' the. gratifying,' •.�, p redly. confirm'-' .3 g, g aiteful, and unsolicited; testimony. re-.. ceived from 'those who have.•beeu benefited by its 'use ,,• READ THE FOLLOWING.' er,. a s, jr.,, of IlogdtoM.n:' Write -_-" send .ate by eipress, imtnediatel , 1 s '' S ' Please �1lotlne is " Ys one dollars Worth of TIalla'tirore's: Ea ectoratt r ,lust, finishing h'er'last bott•e: Slie, thinks: there is nothing` i bronch.tts." : like it for ir, J; C.'Smith, Car InS ector • : p , C P: R;. Galt;: wriiess—tt Send dollars worth o Haljamor. '' .. .°' can't, S nd me oris . , £, ,., e s Expectorant, I. getalor. \sithout its" '' B. ',LA URAN CES SPECTACLES''' AND EYE - ., GLASSES rot c only genuine nglrsfr .articles t the ' • n Canadian Mailiet, • Peal pebble!! Rapt in: stock. Tests'given rrc- Peal peb gi to purchasers to iprove.,genjuneness. -lie are'• atui testimonials have been received front the? Preside ; I'rtitlrliD•t • hit ',.. , , .. President,: a Ex 'Vire Press Vice -President; dent, of the.?>rf bdicalAsapociatirn ofCanada l the President ��� i anllegy of Physiean's'and Surceons of Quebec : the Dean. ofthe L rusereity.;, the 1•resident and Ex•Piesidtnts of she Medical Conn cillo ofNo Scotia, of,l;r►vty' • cal \siva Scotia, Etc r, ,�• I M.L S I1 DOCi1 SELLER . Lucknow; .n Lei ArED' • •. '•-CHASES° ,,NDRA KLr..►;. pANDEUOi'I HAVE; YOU. • `' Liver ComPlaint, s sic' Ind' p Y heP tggestio», Biliousnt ,s, Jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, .rain 'n 1 e Costwenessoranydiseasearisinj from adcran e. j v k' DR. CHAiIE'S Liv$R' CURE.. will be fpund 'a - n c anr� ' certain remedy: • •: d The ung' NATURE'S REMEDY: - qualified success .of. Dr, -Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests soler' with 'the fact that it is 'compounded from natutc s well known Hirer regulators • ' htANDRARR ANIS DANDELON'. Combined 'with many. •, her invaluable roots" barks and herbs . having' a .powerful'effect on the Kidneys, Stornaeh, Bowels and Blood. • 600, 000 SOLD , ' Orer.one=lialfWil/io» of Dr. .Chase's: Recife 'Bake were sold in Crowe& alone, • We want' every man, - wainan'and child *hods troubled 'with Liver Coria- : isle n1 id try ince e.Ycellent rerrredy. • • LA.D I ES It is -a well'knownfact that atr inactive iiver,causes, a dully sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc, Chases Liver 'Cure is the only'•rcmelly that wili:iioat 'i • positively cure these.complaints,, • • SOMETHING NEW; CIVEN AWAY.. FREE ' \Vrapped around every bottle ofd}r. Chaile!s 1 i• •" is a'valuable 'Househola.11lediCal•Goide And .are Book (84 pages), coataining'Over Soo •useful ,-, pronounced by medical men and druggists as invalu- able,. and, worth ten' times the price of the medicine. T, EDMANSON & GO,, SoleAgepls; Bradford: • . Be ors •l''our•'Cuiar'd . D.;n't'allow' a cold 1 in the, head toFlotel'y •and surelyinnintn Cate rrnh,'when 1't,it'cats be cured fop Me, by lainK Lr ta f' at. Cure.A fewnrlltcpti,rlrscurCanfititNntcitarrna ; 1 to 2 boxescores ordinary catarrali 'c to boxesis , narrantet'd, to Core eatarrnh: Try it. O'nl . 25 e c'rem ix and Sold by CCi 'EL,AND tt.UASS, 1.4, ore, ct,w+ • i.atcltii:iw , G. ' * ilei ' . Yse r9. urer of Wittrtiasocv Taioenco8- •and Cortif . gates. Gtioe' .'. Connelra o1dlltiad.. , .i • •