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Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-23, Page 1
• VOL -ZOO' itrittiout.,gittittel M:Published every Friday at the SENTINet "hock, North, Est Corner of Outram, and Campbell Streets, ,. LUOKNOW ONT'ARiO.. • 111, J ,i ,C: ((*RYAN„ EDT. Talc A.VDP. UBZISHE1 S.t .3cri )tion Prue $1 per ybar Advance. ALL BINnB OF !, J0B PRINTING :EXECVTE,U %vizi 1' ecztness . cznc : Des ialck LIEGAL., 1;1I'U Y CQhI.IGAi\ , COMM ISSIONERSV , in II. C. U•., Kiutunl,ltP, u., •Ont. (71. 'N.TI,W)W AND' .PROUD FOOL', I3 A R - <T". risters, Solicitors, etc., Uoclerieh, Out. , ,J. T ' G.1kaow., Q. (i.. • .WSt• PRouin'uor. LLfOP TRAY �'Bv, Al TOIi,N1tY AT &:J1'a.w, 'Solicitor in: Chancery, Convoy= •r iiic•,'etc.;'Officeuext door to the Post Office;, .Zuukttc)wSls[t_ , MoRIIIsuuN, A'i'Trnityl+:Y: AT. • 'law, Solicitor—irk.chune, i ' , C()utalis: ,..4.'"-.4 ;wi. trip. 1.fFice s. arkiImAt,s,' C.i Il rON. st co., .•larrliters SolicitorsNotaries, r l es. Pub • hie, otc, 17 'Toronto Street, Turtilto,•ioney ` to lints—Rates cheap; , , riliNK•1V1CL'IIILLIrs. P. 0. C.aritiio, . • /lc ERS0N 11(>.BIN).7"['B, , BAR- , �, ) ra 'o clveac. �� •'ri,lors;. Sulicttr:t; 'L 1 Y i .e .,, Notaries; Etc, T.U. ROBINI",TTP, n: A. I, r.. s it,. U. Mc PrriL t' ON, B.• A: LL. 'n,, Offices. 8 Un- ion Block•, :3f> '1'nrunto Str..t, `,'rorontn; ,;4Loney to loan on. Farm an�c Village Property -at.l.,wedt rates. MEDICAL.',t • J-S•;,'Tennant.- IVI S. ' Office--Mlfedicai hall, Lucknow ..`' int -Special attention Paid to ditteatos , nt womu.cand children. Ca11s promptlyattend= _std to by night or day.. , ' . D. A. 'McCriminon - b.D.0,M..M e..P S•0 1.• :it '0 S, and F M, Edinburg. Coroner Oounty • of; .Unice. . Licentiate of • Midwifery ' ` Royal College Physicians and Surgeons- )slime -One door east of the Pest' Office, L ui:know:.O'iat *,w (� R'4D.UAT1!1• OF THE..ONTARIO 11.31:.Collei;e, Toronto and. registei•eduiemiber 'of 'the Veterinary,'I<tedieal..Associatiun,, can *row he•friiud prepared to:treatall diseases: of • t• he''.lotues'tie animals. in the latest. and Most asulentihcmanner.: .. , " • C either'li ulail.'nr tele ''ram p ron tl ,ailsy g. . P p Y, attended t,i Charges Moderate •• 0,ffce, Ct rrigan'a'tlall 1' ric nt w ' e Fasces lit to 1. k •liesitlonc , G�NE,RA�L '' 11,013ER'T '.0 UNNINGHAM, INsvRANCE, 10 AN i) MARINE, ' GU.ELP.I•I. ‘,-+.111 IgEA1.ESTATEA'1` REASONABLE Rates; on !I'eru►s of. -Payment, to suit licsrrowers: i VER 1:ucknovr. ..., ELLIOTT C TRA MONEY ..TO, ' LOA N./ - FIRST' CLASS MORTGAGES AT, 7 \f . to 7: ,tier cert interest, payable yearly' 7i ,per verY2Nfoderate. • Apply to ltU.i3Ell~T:112UItRAY, 9't. Heleis, DNE v' TO LOAN:1 ' 'iii+ PEli CEN, FILUM '2 Tb 20 "years. Listsof Farms •for sale in On, y'e . cicerone to Parties i,, ata wt.11 3s Manitoba. .aril Farms will consult their intereiitss . by in •- iectingthe•advertising fheilities of Subscrili or'in Great: ltritaiii,aiiit'ireland and Contin; , • •gut"ef Lairds for• Sale.'. "• ANGUS S'TFWART!, (.Ian Valuator,,Gueknew, Ont': West• ' Wawanosh MutuaIFireInsurance Ccmpaoy, o.ii•D OF DIRECTORS MEETS FOA the. transaction of business' on the first a..a iay.in each mopth'• Parties wishing . to 'titre their property fissured in this i roaring- ppillar Company. will by ,living k be ed upon byan„agentor by one of ti► 1Dir• pp inese,o o. ,Itus ails ro tl ' add ilk a ati11I1. p >I • � J hi RODJC'RTit,• TPese• - 7 I UCKNOW ONTARIO,, FRIDAY; MARCH 23 1888. WH • �a1NO 740,: Fire. Insurance ,! Life Assurance! rr VA ADA E4CIEC. RAIIW V. 11 Through. ;tickets to -all points in ' Ca41,6ta,; Vnitad States, 8t. Euro.. e MAP:., , _ PAMPHLETS, 'r D E TABLES,- ' FARE, and all information furnished 'on application. tf 734 'JNO, MURCHISONI.AGENT. , CAMERON' & CAMPBELL; BANKERS, L LTC $ I\T Q 'VV'_. MONEY TO LOA1'', DRA1.fT'S ISSUE 0,•' 0.H'IEQU'Es C'ASHI D• IN7'ERES'1' 'ALLOWED.(i p .P(1SITS A GEN1:1RATA BANKING BUaINLSS TILANSAC ['la'),• ' ,'C(?NYEYANCING- IN. AL • ITS. RRANCHEs. • LOA -NS on Real state a 6 t and & :.. et ce nt ACCO �''cc,ll . t no, ttr'secnritl': No Y7it' Meets every 1• ida - , . g r y Nvenln� ., at eight o'clock iu their Hall, Cam)) oil Street;, :All 13iethern.• coruially 'u iced, : : ' .{ G:: 'WILSON, ,JVHN,EI/LIOTT,' ••Ntible'Grand. ' Reterder.. O...U_ -W-' UCKNOW: T.ODGE OP .TH•E ANCI- i crit lr de><.cif Uurted Workmen; meet in the Oildfellows$all, on the 'last '.and secot,d 11Tiinday eveuintts of each in,.oth, at 8'o'Olock, Visiting Brethern are Cordially invited: JNO. PEARL A.:McINTYIE,. Muster-W-srlcnselu- • ."1-t cif edge: 184. �/rEETS 7. HFI `THURSDAY ON.nit ,:LYJ_ before full' Moon of , n,eb month at 8.p. M. : Visrtinglirethern,cordially invited. B MALLOt7t 'I, "Lt 1� IiN v'L'AT.FE•, •�V'.' 11i. • • Secretary• - 1 C. COURT SHERWOOD: µ x R NUMBER 50 '•,0.4,41.0L.41P' LUCIiIfoW Meets ever , firs y t attd`•.thfrcl:Mondays : in every month', in the Orldfe#Iowe Hall. Visit tris; $Brethern.a,re cordially invited. Lis; LvoNs, Chief Ranker, D: 1) Yuiii, sec: • B 'FOUNDED 1312', ` •. CIr�It-�Er�;'�irSrit=IaiiCic=lS�rttr`is� _ . Members only admitted rooihs open' every week iii bt, (Sundays excepted), Iniis ionw.fe _. t t . e $r,; HARRY MCIN1TYR ,: D. N. LAWIENrCE President.' Secretary, DENTAL. rf esetis • r T c E R(tMN .. D S I s my surf fnetsds in tie how • � JLi T1< andsurrounding countly. Ya ,have known Inc long enough to knew that any. wo)k isnot Chea` ,'oho work; Now, I aui `making 0#.41uinid Platt's :and . Vulcanite setts, land will. 'stitpply my,ciistnme;rs with any ki ci.of Metal' to Mites they wish ,for Gold, Silver or tit ither. Char l,,e as ltde as they crabs Made, / or: h. second fci•. • 'I Will �es 'fn'>Luekn nt v uta, srcur t Fridayand Saturday and fourth 'Friday_ )it'd -., dy Saturda of each tnontn.',:Ve stable vaart given for •the palr.less extraction, of teeth: Office. near Cain's Hotel, NT/TALIZED AIR G.IV'EN•l''OR;PAIN 'less extraction,: Artificial' Teeth set` upon Vulaanite and. Celluloid,. 'Alloy, Guild,' Vulcanite trand en, ':Celluloid at i•chm is, witht eitntinumis gu , .Teeth putin etx. • without a plate. Artldcial Crowns attached' Celluleid.c to roots. Preservation''ipf the' natural' teeth andable.xtrantiag, speolaltiea. 'Fees very recon e. . MscDONA 'D' iti DEAN ,Mason's 131ocit. •Wfinlila►m. Bide enlrafice, op . Queen's $incl. Will be 1e s'l:ucknow ,St the WMuiy house ora the Ind and 4ih las udays and Topsails of mobpaNiatb. is ERIN'S • PATR N SAINT. 'scenes of my boyhood days; the h"storio SPORTS AND PASTIMES;, • • diocese of Cashel and E 1 ' the of the far famed- illustrious' Arch: bishop ' Proposed sed' P. Amateur Lacrosse AasoCtagon i'or, this District Among the Adjacent ckerbs• =Thee Carling Contest, ' ' with Wingh:irh u` Dray, , Entipnsiiistle celebration' o � , i the Annlrer, A Picasing Eyept. •• Bary o_; liafnt Putrlek at Tecswatc; The national anniversary of Ireland's Pati ori Saint was fittingly celebrated at Teeswater -by a large congregation, attending .mass, which was. celebrated., -in--henor of its-• Hustrious--sai1nt- --by-- Father Corcoran, the: zealous and tnuchr respected pastor. After the, last gospel • had been, read; the .Rev ...gentleman pr;eaehed'•a-n admirable.'sernipn, in which he portrayed in' beautiful language, the life: " and. labors. Of, St. Patrick,' A pleasing feature of the . day was the. presentation ofaan address by the lathes Of 'the congregation, ' accompanied b an P Y. expensive set of breviaries arid' a purse, . P , intended for purchasing carpet for:the. priest's house. ADDRESS. .. REV.. D DISA1t A . We, . e tele, Iadle •e. _... �, sof this .ongregatfont urate in: tendering to you our hearty' congratulations on this, the feast of [relurad's' i'atrun , Saint, .dlf(e,e•iinaidcz it•-t-dntyc.as. lso'ea-,l:eaaure, toil' Al-''Iue` r..gt Gait j:au, Ale u-:- pliYatitt'tion. -:s'". ,tc .M e,il'dil3aalti) matnou Lana,crest1,iretloe,'tt-eny,,are.•llirrnri %Aiic`h period' your whole tune was'dev oted•.to of r.in- tere"tits and welfare".,` Iu . storm n and sunshine . you, were found atr•,your'pdst, 1n: trouble .or aSiicti ii you proved yourse!f . a father and a friend. ' 1)ear.ltev. .hither, when we compare our i)usition today witli,that of . eleven . years ag,i; we thank- (-od for t• e' change that 'luta taken place. ' At that`tiuie wehad nuchurch-_ . ) no .name, eZo priest ivithlli ten luilei, and some ,.f it double- that distance. 'We have now it •fine church and' cemetery, .fre : of debt, the Iruit,'of.yourse:f. sacrifiee and. 1 'tl•uetry, - We are dee',l deeply u 1 e fa I the • c� tr,uU a' i Y �rind, tris'- iety of mind it must- trave`' lust •ytiii`to accomp- slists'• such xesutts, • Indeed it was no small undertaking fur a young priest --older and more experienced,- "might have, been discouraged. Von'were endowed witlr•sr"feigyy "'1wrserviance arid a-ehri,tiun faith. -'.You ccuhi irht• be othe -wiee, c`umin*. as-Yourdid, from the land vf"' heroes, "the. saint and the scholar." • As' fab' earnest priest,' a warin.hearted and genes Qus - friend,' your. benevolent deposition• has en- • dogged you to all. We pray the•hand of Gad;' which has guided you Iv) long, sitay still cuntin- ue.•'to;protectyuu, and.that you may he Spared' to see again your native'. home iudear old t Ire.and and tbuse a h,i are ie aruat andc• i,le'ar dearest to you, In' conclusion, we ask'. y uito.-accept this small gift, as a sli yhi, token of:respect and esteem fro.o your devotel and attached friends who.. regard .the' continuance' of tout lab?r' amoiigst thorn more than any ",gold in, sture" and who' will always: lock forward, to .your happiness. with pride; and pleasure: the Rev: Father Corcoran cordially,' replied as_ follows: Nix DEAR . KIND 1'RIIpID3-#1.Fitting words no doubtwill fail"me to7express 'my, gratitude for. the kindness which. _,prompted:' you ••to- ',present me with this; .your. too:'flattering• address and ac(olir.pany'ing presents, but , you will: I.' am .sure,,.;forgive my involuntat•' y lvat lest' t `of' wortemperds, acid •'accept the • aim le' , .ppublic •.and sincere :assurance that with all' my heart; I thank you. ,Not beingof the ^oba cent ori. any occasion, l trust confess that this .man- ifestation of your urian regard,• renders it-exceedingiy ditllcait for me to thank you as I desire,, and as you :deserve. 14Iy, eutharrassuient and: thankfulness increase when 1,conslder _^Jioy 'll.tt1 have done to rnP 1t so signal a nark of <vci .r favor,and (low flinch, too high is' the estimato.•'y�ou' make of ,try' work and labors: For the term of now more 'than ten ears,: as. you remind inc in your• address, since first we inet, you, gave me••'redit for. ,having done sontee' f thin ''for, ,h ee .e thr. c �u thing -for,' .people, , \rch,: and the parish;in' general , I, certainly re .` ort' a. little 'year. b: year; ` t P doing ,YY•, � u ail'. My n vors .would lie i v der 1 t in vain, i w re I' Y , not•ericouraed byo' ra: u appreciation n of g ..Y PP whiit I did,'' as well as by the co, -o �e , ation,,harmotry, and generous support. of theand people a tru to tX , P P lEl std ata : ,n1y charge; in all my .undertakings. If,. as you,say,- much has -been' done; and I have ;no Hesitation in saying th t leek. ing' Back at our poor begiruiing,'taking^ a retrospect'' of the, 'difficulties we had to contend. with in forming a• new parish,;and the- cirernstances ' of our. few and scattered wcinbers, nnuelt has been to lishe but t e' e aces d u h cr dit is p due to your husbands, parents and ,selves. I was simply the instrument in, your handg. You truly strike a tender chord n 'my heart, ,when' you, •allnde�••-to-my'- sland'.hotnts. I certainl look anxiously •w " visit s fro' or as~i to a to th qe I love the Iearest and the boat, to that,•land I` love me y )e see .. Cooke My 'deer k r rod friends : 1 wish I to say• again, how. kindly sensible I arli, of:your luridness at all 'times, 'and I shall ever, revert . to . the compliment paid me today- with the fond recollect ion of a grateful heart ; your.,address will»serve to raise before me a higher standard • of Baty, and: indeed a stitiru- th the dg awninof the su • s b miner sporting season, the -:numerous: athletic' institutions all over the province are (being . put in _battle. 'arraY- - .Amon' :- it. tun{,L.iueti--therer-is:'consjderable ; talk : about'' resuscitating -the popular• g tIw of lacrosse• At one tirt'te, and s not `very.' ,long ,Ago either, this' town - wa., one o : the strongholds ot lacrosse An the northwtstern.•'district, and by all oddsvas the' most popular sport in. the estimation of the-piiblie. ' 'There. .fore the propose to again •\ bring the natitinai game' of Canada to the front silo l u d meet• with a'liearty reception, • • To 'stimulate: and' strengthen • the past;rue, we sugi�,est that 'endeayors be ,nlade to form, an amateur association among the towns in ..the immediate, 'Vicinity. ;'Say, . representative,. clubs frorntlie towns of(_xnd ri�ch,,vV ng}iuni, ' IKincardiile WailfceGton an "" ',This- would make a rias litl"e dire c.' of five, and. would allowofaatleast,four,- �R!wl.?a.��r�,•�.a[;��..�:E�t�w'�i�lhl4c"Ll.a �. tomf . std •„-�..m _.C� _.....�: r: , . +�I�3kL1,1`i"m.e?�,i•, a.•s'i"` u a- Vii' lus.is sometimes needed, amidst • the ardou,s:laliors of,.the priest. in 'con si • e iffion of his calling, the . priest is shut out froin society: which after all, sheds a charm'• over-' h b and make social intercourso''so anreeabie':: . He. i sustained only. by ,#he.attachlment of -his #lock -and oceassionally, by such mem- orable. tokens of friiidliip and genet.- osity as' you have conferredon me to- day. I' need'scarcely add, in conclusion that I. will alwaystreasurethis- hand- seine set of 'breviaries as one ,of ''my dearestpossessions, and strive to de- serve this testimony of regard, from ,those' whom I will al`,vays' reiriember with atleetionate,'pride, a,,, my dearest friends LITE�n�. - •.. RA'R, YC IRCIIE ��.1�'..ln �r ,rv'�c.• ' Exec i • . e C SesS.�, Having had..two' w e ae ,urs to prepare, the•-llite,rary ,Associetiori s entertain- inert Ceintnit,tt*e alit' a program of uii-,. usual„ excellence. The GleeC!~ul h''i' as Wen:hard. har '. • at• work, 'anal having ',lately '. Y e. received' . a .consignment of the latest and host: choice'sentilnental'musicfrom o. the eity,inny,be.relied upen to wake. the '•' . echoes irt,a • inanner•and-method-hither= to'-riudre.amod of,: Essays,readitlgs and recitations;' vocal' , and instrumental' musie, . a. ,debate • on ,a, well-balanced subject,' and all. :.the` ocher splendors • ,P. , t at •go to` make, „the' hoursflit':by on :lig tsorne' wing will, be 'presented: , ' S'u• orned is" the • program I. [ls rii .tun n ta'l trio ...'.1.... Mr '.'Ara 'trans.,Desre ,G ed.:ea and Efgsbn-.' lteading ... •..:c :...:.:R. Chuinoers. Quartet '.' `B Eecitation.....; . Sting 'n back ' Bennie etoMe Glee' Club: e Debate' 1GI .Cam - • .... i bell D, E. Cameron Reel •tation...:,.,, .... ,.,,, Instruirntntal,.,.' , ,., ;,,-Mi Quartet "The:Chureh in •lie Wildwuud''' • Glee Club • • Debate`)' Resolved that i vn nc and' su •g \ `r' ,per Miss Maggie -Martin' Mies t;lara:Berly' e• Blanche 1McMillan S11 t t on have caused ,more :mise than. pride" j and igncrarce. -• I,' .J,'Grsaturi och and -R, D. Cartier or n;: for the• former;; .and. 1 ), D , Ville and Geo. Kerr fo the latter,' Critical Remarks „ .• A. E. Caisson God save the Queen:4 Notes' From Ashlileld. . also act as ari incentive 'to keen...com.-:'- petition. Of course, ''such an '.assoct-'. atioii should: beconducted on a strictly.' amateur basis, and severe restrictions 'should he `made' against outside: help.. There, is no honor nor ; chivalry in : de teatinn,' a purely ''home teairi with. foreign assistance. ' , We hope to see these saiggestions '', taken up: by our lacrossists 'and ' our neighboring, :contemporaries, and the attempt• made to organize. on' the basis , • • • • • LUCKNOW v, wiNODAH pl I` ; • ' On.Friday,afternoon last a very ex= Y citing acid interesting game ef:curling` was:.payed'in the Park -rink here be tween',two;,rinks`from Wingiam'land' „1 .the members of the :Lucknow icing,' Twenty-two "h.eads "'were played, and will ill be seen by. the' score, ft. resul�e'd.: � • hi, a tie on .All. the rinks- • .• LLCKNOW: 1- i WI' G1f4 John. hAihii.', I I?: Stitherland John Murchison GeU. McKenzie I Hugh Somerville J. 'timid • .• J'S: Tennant, M, Dr• 'J. Nelaiids ekip.,,,1 T " J. Miirdock A. McPherson.- ' cPherson.-' W.'Alii,n J I3' Hunter, skip 26' • • John Inglis A. Mitchell Jas::Duffield Sexttla-Kent, skip, 26, Total :43 ' Total. ^ - Canadian 0 der,of 'Foresters. Tiltfollowing n is from. t}te �in�ston • r • Whig; of Feb 6th:='�In answer. to Saturday's .:"Inquirsr,'" `' I ..wool sayi, i, that'- orestry is eeuliarl adapted to i'' Y F Y P the, wants' of: mankind, let it be A.O.F. or C.O.F. It teaches in the most' for- 'l.)le' and b�eautifirl-manner the impor- - ,. tant lesson offliberty, benevoleni'e and , doncord. The natile. is'•reveredd and lovedr'y those eapeeially'whose: hearts drape-bee�� (ow ls-glad', by-t-heit„-rel e=v- u_i; in uence: For near a centurand' half our good name has been sustainecti without taint or blemish' in tour father- tap a they lan' s; anti now:count ourfgreat wealth tat a 45,000,000 aterlrng •`and' as many 7 /Oarbillions relieved, `from their'' funds. Canadian 'Order•is w x wholly a Can; adieu. institution, the only national so• ciety'of'the kind in the country,. an , , ,� thereto re curt me place at0 1 ' P n our midst We have_ fourteen con tit;'n Toronto, a • seven in Loncljon,and m st other cities, towns a v• ud filets$ ares represented. by us to the e ntr ger m two t o ' Of/ l hundred.,• Courts' 'in Ontario, -and' Several': tit,; ,.,. Quebec and Manitoba prowintps •: ,Put; , Iry" Reserve' Fund for • Endovwment lis . $50 000, -and for'weekl • • and • f` ni ' - - ,,Y .uerai .,000, andboth'rapid-1. benefits about $'46 -ly increasing,' , Our defences are proof against` the Toronto Qlobe'e journalistic•, blizzard raging against 'friendly secs eties at' present,: and.. ' we' -are just, Waiting, ant ready ,,for the legislature to Rive us a chance• td, add another' seal to our incorporation, and then show. at , least 'one societyanion the friendlies that hag' brave145 eart'the'a ttla.- and the brewer A,good fetltnre is our, local Court , whoifi �i1k'start�ed it will ' ` rospd` r"And So chi -inial tntly, •D., • 'Jarues Scott returned • home from Dakota last week. • o i--._. 1 Jrs. Jo}mitoneis':visitin _•:` r: Clintan , • •' Walter. Scott1P :FPrri9— r•esumba c;hristened.' W - S..iir' reinembrance, f the great novelist'=returned to.Dakto a the other day, after tiding over,: i, winter in . this tropical climate no blizzar'ds.liere, you know.' • The nig t, `previous to his departure, a- compo ;! of young, friends.; assembled. at: h brnther'a residence in his' honor; ` a'i1d sifter an evening's, innocent plea ar , wished hima safe journey and 'pro - perity in the "wild 'and '-woolly P with the.hp a that ere:.I:onfl '; return and stay with us alwa .. '. Belfast Sr erre 1 h h lg 0 s WO, d The Ashfield Assessor and the Meth. odist :Missionary Collectors were on the war -path last :week, • . , Mr. Daniel Alton, of Parry Sound,' District, has 'returned. ,'Ori©' of the. fair s '' sex, particular, was, we presume, greatly pleased to 'see hiw, . The ma- %jority of our, young '.wren, in going to see their sweethearts, follow Horace.' Greeleyps- advice -=-`They go Wert.. We nnderetind .that Mr. John Agar has purchased the-farra near Lanes( P. 0,, from, t e Watson Manufacturing bargain., ' , Y , ' a' 4J4 . • so well iEhe'i owb: of � affections, Co., at r Q wart, Prov. / , o • {