HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-16, Page 5News: 'from ishOe' youngniki •gworkfzIk• Wilson's ,sit W, mill, }lag linger*. badly cut with .:tlte saw 144 -Wes l;e Mrs John Gardiler has removed, to her other 'anti 01). the 13thrOtree,sion;, s i il mut Mtr. eritrrgenur has taken posses- , homestead,, wiiicli he rented ,�Ullle tInceai,r a, . A literary',ent•ertainiticnt is connect- ion t1• with'S , 'No, 5, will.. he hellin; the Methodist. clhurch,.on 1'g:cirlcj,srltty, lst inti*., commencing at ::7.30 p. rn. Theh11ethodivt rhpir and some of the hest talent of the village of LuckttoW, ;mid •vicircty'have .kiially consented, to aid in the i l'ograttt, . A good time may . tie: expected. • , Notes 'row,, nberley, D li Mt• Alexander'. Br, •c.I�• t: u„ nualtl, ' John KHlll, enneth 'moKievt r and ,• itrrbect Walker are 'horse fconn tile, Michigan ltxllrtuir woods, looking hale. and hearty. . Mrs. Trios. i enipton has gone ,to Toro!t!o•penerat hospital to have an' Operation. ikrfo'rnted on cher eyes. M. A. Mitchell has left for her horde in Parry Sound. Mr. Donald. Boyd. has sold. his saw still to Mr.. Fisher, of Kincardine; and llu'is snow.busy cleaning up • the yard:•. • The Rev. i•Ir.: • 1cOonald's` contrre, 'atiin, of Ashfield, are ahout-.ereotinq title horse. sheds, which . re ..tiiuch. ieede d Mr. Roderick Mchenzie. is also: home from :•'the Michigan . 'lumber woods; . , Tho ice on Lake I4iron is from twenty •to•twenty eit;ht.inches think,, rind :the 'wuddy, Water of rivers tont creeks, drove'dhe<.fish out into deep, water. , ;6<bdtTti�laiLr �*iki„JbiT''� , 0 the Towns field for t TepT 1:488.:, : Fobs die g9iling�� �saraf hcqlines clpaeni; • . euro for c and many other l ines at coat for math. ` Phis" aaTe lasts for ••r N.1 TRUNKSi Has.;just received- a large and well ,elected stock 'of fine Trunks,' Valises,;' Robes,, eto.i which he is: selling at bottom prices" t :OC ,.Tfyou ;wish a Fipwt-Class3'Thglk, (kat .or BuffaloBob°,t give ine Single le •Iai nes$ always • ,. Ingle tend' nonit in :stock 9r inade to .order., on°.short notices • Or4eraa Work a Sp cialtr R' PR TO d':144.40ce;on Mond, at twat audit...... .., :Received frons Collector, , 3581 47 /B: 'L, A portio g .� ` .. • ' , • ....' .: , , , , 12288,...31 �A,Ulit ' nlnPirt,.. .,• ,rs i ..,y.+., 186 :31 resurer Non • ' y lies Taxes...., li'roni 1'oundkeeper, , , •, • , ; :,•,, . un . ' ' . • ' . , Work done on Co ty..404 's, and Boundary Liues.,• Interest on"dep.oeits for 1887 ( •`' • ... ,� net sura 1135 45.67 ,4040 0000 '.fetalreceipts to 211d ,February, 1888..o-., ... •, •, .,. , . ,:, . ..„. ,., 01.654 9. EXPENDITURES. • , By charities. :: ; SalnrrP.a • Schools Si G: 00 Roads and Bridges; , , 44'4642'. 4e, 0. Qinnty.Rates, r . 3808 14 Election Expenses , 4 • 3808 �1 Printing Posta e Stationery..., 98 ' 75 �, g and Stationery g, Taxps'Refunded .” .., c' 14.4 und.rtes . " a .' , , 45 •.�,..r 88 Balanee in. Treasury°, '2nd February,. 1888... ,112747. 3 , Total Expgrid tura less, ba1ar ce in Treasury, . , .. $16254 92: ASSETS. 04. br}lanee in.•Treasury , Duee';frotw Collector—. 1 19 62 '2•': ,• , •, .. ' 20416 38' E, the undersignek hereby certify thsit the above is•a• correct Abstract of the'To*nehip, at:961 10i and d.Iso' a ebrrect' statement' of '•Assets and. Liakiilities from yhst audit to the god` day Of ebruary, 1888. ROBE ' 4. O.&RRIcg, I MORGAN DALTON AUDIT(jltt3. ' As the spring; is Floae at hand! the Pule: will do well to CALL AND: SEE our assurtment nr SPRING AND, SUMMER .00005 before purchasing elsewhere. " • . We'bave many new lin es'in, .t 1d; $Z Doxl gel BOOTS, ]AGED AND BUT11ONRd•• Our stock iq,Misses and Children IS' CQMPLETE PITS MADE TO ORDER All past due accounts muet.be settled or cash. • • . ' PEART e L CORRIGAN"' RIVIBRECIrreS 'TONIC ar Under tt c Power' of Stile contained in a°: ee,rtairrmortgage, which will, he produced at. the time eel a ale;, utero will bet -offered" for sale . dike• r `'PPhtely's• Hotel, :Luokhow • eip�r;• 3311thri ', APRIL•: a*h,_ �6$ 'At'two o'clock in. the +ifternnnn, •b7.: peter t mrrigan, Auctioneer,; the .following, valuable. 'feria property • , ,• �, !'.he_lV.est Tt Jf of -I ot-i.t-jrntpen in the Tepth ,.4Jonceseiou of the Township of Kinloss; in the AJOurity"•.of Bruce-centaiainig Fifty 4 cis' mejre, er feats, , • L lee iron is, a •'goon •c1:i,,v. leafu, arid' i rip -free acre4 are tinder dniti'vation. • Upon 'thr premfsea are erected a new Frawe House,, *Leg House and a' Loif.Barn with Frame Ad ditioit.; : Them' is.'also 'an Orchard Open the p'aCe, ar,d; the • form 'ie. Well',Watered.. It • is Seven Mites from i.'eeswiiter ea ihe•U.:E :*even Milosfroni'Lucknow oli the G, 1'. Ji:.,•; .Three MileS .0"44) ; lfolyr'ood. And ' ltiulougb 'Post Uitt ,es, And is sittnitie4 anon a .b'ourl lead. -in;0a4..•Tt is'b011oVe4 filar .'a itiage:.',ortion tlre..plag :ia i9; megclO)<', And eight, •Ari`cs Sp • • Pall • ‘Vb.e,'ut, • ,, • T,t R11I$ OF • $E: Ten per cent. at tims•of sale;, and. set 4., fent, +vithnr • Thirty i:Mys to. make .00e foprth of the, • l,urchase'rttbrrey. The balance may remain.on n ri» tgage for three'or:frve.. years, with inter- et at six per cent. perannuw,_payableyearly • +with privilec,eof paying the iueertgage el; at *';any time. .For•fitrther Particulars ap dy to Peter t;or" rigap, Auutioneer, llolyr od, or to the Yenti:.: ut s S))lisitors, '1'oront,r: '• L LAKs, L.tsn, ('Assilf.e Har st tx, ,1lated eJth itfarch,'t888, Solicitors ',:fins..739. • THE WEs'1`;:HU1ON FARMERS' .1111....$17:11.0 will hold its annual'rneeting at.. ANNN. -ON_._. 'Friday'& Saturday 'Mar let17 • !hekanniag'at 1 o'cloik u: m. on' the first day and cloe:rg at l p: m; on the second dq.y, ,.'„ etutirrs cif t:he lustittite who have Strang•, .e) to read. papers r;n-the „occasion: tvih. ];lea'e ';;notify the secretary at rinco,'so. that theft` names Can be placed upon the program Un Friday evening a general . Meetingwill; • rife hold, at which, in addition to• nl ence itntisicnl'entcertainuiectliylocal talent, adrlress • a•s are e:tpecterd from Hon: A. M. llrrq:i, Mr,.; :t,rhn Dryden, M. PP , 111'r I), 11t00rllicuildy, .arid other, All are. invited: ' • • •( ,T. S. NAFTEL, • J. ItB,rtN Gi'TA ,. •secretary. • . rresident. FOR SALE. ']'ark Lot .J14 , 47, 43; 4.0 and 50 on. Sinner - vine and it.aok.iidge suri°ey and Park Lots 13' 'a44.1 14 in. Shcnervilie's survey,: anit' ]31uck �L ou Uandltbeli street.. Apply, to A• i IPi3z: r,'ca . T. TENDtRS WANTED.' Tenders: :will he received : by the iindersigrred. *mu the tbirtyfirat day of March, fieri the, enuring season, of the following lets; -• Lot No. 1,K, oo•tho 9411 bon: 8f the township of Welt Wawirnns)i 4 Southwest •quarter ;of Lot No. 113414 the lith Con, of Weet Wa anosh; North lteilves.of Lots No. 43 and 44 in he 1st Con.. ow t �.. ne ip,of iCio)ose . For pattirulsrerenquire THOMAS TODD, ,irse ouSerf •, Pt, apleus P. O.;' �"iMnpyi••... • Only a little.over etre year has` j• e1alised Since: the introduction '; auto :-.Canada" .of ;thee 1iow.•• ' well.know t . ' r ALASKA SP*CT",AC:LE-S EYCCLASSES. A* d •the0 is; hardly a town• or Village ;wher-el-`an •agcric r- for thy: sale' of this ceje3 'mated ssectacl .has, not'been in - sat, ted 641, x ' r : 'r✓. ' TASiA"in not pulled up by meati 'Ingle s:,.''t *MIA be s,c}'entific phrased, lit'is c}feretd fi Ali in'tcll` cont put lit:•;.on'' its merits.. Trt a d'• . � n van ♦v s� Try ill find it' he ,a uorfeotly reliable.aid,tr,ynur eyesight. Near'sighfec or far sighted youth Or old age; can 'be suited' exactly:, ...7'he word' ":Alaska" is • Stamped. Phvc graph abinet"s, •$2.50": PEI* D02E"r• T'or Sale W,.3, $TRIhTi M ;:'Luokn° ,Successor to E. L. Johnson. • upen ,every pair. Untilsteep taking, ;Latest designs—Best fail1 stock, anti ;splendid assortment. terling Silver Je*e InOatiadjail" • ;Sou v chin and winter sport designs—New end fasiiioriahle. • . D. Murc +i n RIPLEY 'PLANIN�� : 1 r L• 0: DOORS,, SASHES AND MOULD . INCS in . Stock, also Planing, Matching and d waoa. Turning ,•' to order on the shortest notice- ,Every .equipment, •for Builders at the ''e'er y Lowest/Pricesd •• ' . Muco uraS"9 , ROi140 • M>C1t8liii'iE81l.. • UylLIN M`DONALD W 9 • • Uri athaimBe ,n 4 IND'.AND BODY SLEEPLESSNESS, I ti10— �Y tii3x)e d i'4-7ngtiotii = +JTep t4 iFue,rtee. • " It (Co* ia; hi a word. 'the .West power ' fdl restorer of t)ie vital forces, -2)r; Sckwatk Arrnbree,ht's Ogee' Wine, though more tonic "than 'Iron er;Quinine, ver Conetipatee,• See Medical" E.eviewe, ARMNREONT,:NE!]SON `'dc 2 .Duke St j( nsvenor Sq.,. -.: Loudon, England,.• os; ng 'Machiies, •ci$'erent nuikes. a y Tia. ' .Rakes S011t :Noxoii Grain i)rills :' c►udstock and: { m Chatha:..I�arm.'`. �:� -. �,,on Was. ananoquo and• othei.''.BriggieS C. C>r Riding Ploughs. s to alltl n Pl • n Ploughs, 30ahfi'er.'elrt styles >Vo clioose ;from Iron Harrows,. with 60 and 72 teeth.' fill'er's' atent new ,Model Harrow. Iron and Wood Scufflers i•• Singleand Double Turnip Soxvcr,. A ay'$ NTew Improved . Double-acting Pitching 1/Ahiae,` :with steel. track 'Fanners Scales, etc. • Clothe:;, Wringers, W tnzer 'Lamps, Washing Maehinds As nlany of the above articles' ',havde` had valuable inz prnvemtnts added fyr..1888. Interuind ,,� purehaserswould. : to -well to call .,and exam rle'before plicing• their, orders.'.. Repairs ab e. Machin a Oil, N eelle setc•�.. ala s.'onhznd. Binder:Twine,i Pure Manilla, � , FestQuality,:. Ask for prices. C,..0S , A Cell so7,icit'ed: •e ' . A thousand first ,class :Cedal. Posts for sale. • , ' BRLC P, e Class White Brick ti delivered at. Luoknow. , Station, ....,,Cheap,,., • ADDRESS-- , SMITH & °I; AY MOUNT Fp" EST •. inge . Nr , "OIV Targe Por prices call on 'W I•i SMIT wage ' Luckiiow°n9 t . tko�74�, /high over S.HCRTHC)RN • BULL. The undersignedliat'rot Rala_on"J,,ot 1-1; L -`on 9, '1'ownehip of lin 1} i, ii bori►ughbred Short: horn Bullis reaistrrgd in 'the, Dominion Herd Book M1ohoicemiming. animals. ' PETER ARKELL, line• 3' Tee/nista': • A than, *hoes wife is awa' on a' vis wrote :,to'her the Other dayand added •t stanza, -Which ha wrote in ood, spirit,; whioii is 'likely to raise a row • • If absence snakes the heart grow fonder, t • seta dl • I pray trios dont cease to tv a r . d • ear, • And Stay away at•least a year. Caisse for Singing: , 'Brown—That donde is an inatif3fera bore,.• - •Itobiitson�Hoty do you make that'o B.`Rear him , ging sig "I've .got $1 , atone my insido pocket." • ` • V.) ; rte, -Why not ? By Jove, if Iliad $1 ' tny,fnside pocket I would sing to. For.sale only in .Lucknow by; '. COPELANQ;,AND DAYS' Druggists ,mos. 716 E�kO �GROCERIES ISIONS. :o:o:— The undersigned . having this: ' day bought the stock ' in'trade of R..:A• •CLOW i8 o ening. the' sante at the old stand nt CED. 'Ito der;ire bar ams should gn e the ti oall, : ' ALEX.4 L. MACKAY. Lucknow, Jan. 10th, 1888 •' The Wondgs1' off Magic, 414, When, you find that beau�*y is ,tnllink away ' Try.'•''Dorenwerid's M.; rc, ' ' To the elderly. man, with' bis locks.in. dicky,. - • - "• Try . Dbrenwehi)'s Mai ic..'r A.rich head of hair " ,.Is as precious as rare, . SSo l tell you, , •' Try'" Dorenwend's Magic " The'lady+s' misfortune when losing her ' - tl .hoar, She can nick] easiily,chea l .red's Magic.," q . y; Yr p Y: �ari� , , • Try-",Dorenwend'd )&eagr'ls"' 1't imparts' strength and beauty ' It's'tbe lady's•j,lais_ditt :.. ' • -'--fwd; .II i ,, • Bo 'tell yon. Try Derep*entt's Magic. Take time the fo by relook', and boll ksiepyottr gi Thie tonic, a failure'ag never yet know 1' Try" DutenWeud's Magic" .• Try this motto -to hetd Try 'tili you eacueed, • el , •• So,Itell'youf' '� •,' . Trp e. Tyorenttiend'a Magi•c ' :Thu, now fatnoue, preparation foie' invi tins and Stiiuulating the arowtlit.af the • hair:1 • %rniversally. aecel ted s Specific Y P. ._aiB�tae2� loris&-Valu>zlrin '° peciic. on the market. All itiseilees of the scalp areeither relieved ortieni atrently cute' A rich and rapid .ggrowth of , bar will fo lifter judicious and regular ,treatment Mains witli'the user alone to tlecure'toe, eitedreetulte'.. ,Dr.:Dorenwend's Nair Magi Mold by all druggleitsat $1. por'bottle •o,, .les fart If uet:obtainable in yon ocsOty, rend direct to the loin 'manufae b nc;losiug pries.: c• A. • DORENWEND4.- PARIS HAIR 103 & 105' Yor:go St•, Toron$tr •• d. Y•