HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-16, Page 3I
• " HO178B. ti011itIMQXkl.'
: .
" Thefirst of the ,qtteettone to lie pt by
inenthers 1110,44yell4i ee the neticepaper Was
1419Wed to stand eier.., • The ntett, Wee that.
ourietie one given notice of by -Mr., grulliet,
as to, w.htit the Goveremeet .Proposedto de
. about Mr. Ellie44* P. fer S. '4Ohnk.-Who.
luta advoeated the unititi• of .Cada and
'the Ililited 04;0* ' Mr.„ GUilIet, though
prepent, did not iise; Inviting °ripe Of
Out" "Gq Pap." fropythu Liberal Bide,
wore raised, but 04010 remaihed
*lent. 'The Speolter waited a. few Dila-
atee and then, said "Dropped,' timerUling
question off •the' never, Therepult wee
greeted with drive laughtertbY the Op-
'peeittee- • —
Hon. Thonnte .White. end filir.•Itecter.
.. 'Angevin,, in reply to s citteation bySir
Xticherd Cartwrteht, .gaVe. twine 'informs-
*len in relatiop to the, late. Haltlircutod
tion. The othiimisaiotierato vein° the
improvements ou :the Indian lalide in the
vicinity of"Oeyugit °dimpled, by squatters
• were appointed on the 15th, October last,
'the lands having been purveyed in: 1882,
eiroutsr was itiseed 9a the leth Oittober
t 'lemming the squatters of theappointtnent.
of the twounissionere. •A• site ..for
•cloe was purchased in Caytiga. for 0450
and a C011tilict Wakt let fer, the 'hnO.dintc• . at
• about $28,000. • • ', , • •
abeeece Mr."Ciirran; of hion=•
*eel, Mr. Desjardiee, it resident of the
•Isme oity, asked. whether the Government,
• „intended this eession to relieve the harbor
of. Montreal of the charge of interest On the
• Lake Ste. 'Peter debt, '13ir ileetorliengetin
• Teplied thittthe-eel:4E* 'wee' nocler too-
eidetation.. ,
The greater pert, of the. afternoon • Watt
orioupied with. a disonesion of the resolution
• .preeeeted by Mr. Wallace, of West .York,
Nti• nailing tor-ercommittee ter•initeatigitte.'4he
• • nature and effect of the • oombinittione said
• "••.• exist with referenoe. el, the purohase and
sale in Cenada of .any :foreign or Canadian
produots. Mr. Wellitee • ..epelte at some
He declared his ,..epinion,in.open..• .,
nig that' 'eertairi oembinatiens Of heinnese
mon; to advent:4i the, intereetti of their bisi-
nese, Were lierfeotirly• right 'and. Proper„ bat
• othnbinatious. to • it. the .prices to be de...
ioneketcled by mitimfacturere for their goods
• and by the dealers th theeti geode as welt;
•bo held te he inimical to the, public welfare
and an'interferenue .with.. the „righte.Of the
.........;.„„peciple in trede. He quoted thestatements
thin • dhatilait
drive out Orictit-iiaesq•all who were .
not-coitheoted with the'Grooers'Aluild. In a
:anthracite (Joel there Was'a ring,Whitili the
ahdlition of tile(lunonis duty'. had not de- r
stioyed; whitih kept the price in Termite at
about 07 per ten whereas', according to the E
cod of !stook,' fre:ight etc. coal panic' be sold $
• •'in Toronto at $4 atoll slid 'give 25 per tient. 1
• profit to everY.ptnne handling it..., , Theft i
Were Cooabinesitt other • lineti as well, and; 4
Owing t� the; 'enormous ,..gains • matted. by R
..these tyliO•had .entered these organizations t
the:tendency' of the eystein weteconstantly
. spread andinclude other articles, •Nor a
thie,..perniciOuS, gyeteiti ethitined to 14
Osnadiaii 'Ainerieen products; for Eng- t
tter had clainied, and spoke briefly in
&natter to What had been said. He a4-
04.001 ?t4r- %Pelt IF,P. PIAMOOtt... •
:Mon. ' Peter Mitchell, who, as a Mon-
trealer, has special • opportunity for ob.
serving the ilt• 'effeet of conthinee, spoke
strongly in eurort of the motion. He
ondemnecl,Par eularlytihe effectie of the
coal oil ring,. While Admitting that if he
had 'been* Bit 'doter's, place he would
-have taken 'exactly his view of the vise.
He antieunced,hhoPelf as a National P011oy
mai, as the National Policy was under.
stood in 1878, but said he, opposed atteetglY
such duties AS Were nt/W ketPolted- He' be-
lieved in a reduatipn of the duties to a
reasonable level; bat warmly declared that
the true plan was to seek improved trade
relations with the United '.8tates. Ile
appealed espeoially to the Finance Minis-
ter, Sir Charles Tupper, whose ability he
lauded. Sir Charles lookerl at him like a
sphinx until Mr. Mitchell ePolio ' NM as
'I Ow "gentleman.whonX' ant g ' to Bee'
ocoupY his higli;.ttlece, ati long il I caret,
occupy it 1:nyself," and then a smile, broke
over the Finance Ministeee features . while
the ,Housetg laughed heartily. , Mr.
Mitebell 'Urged the Government to
take hold' etc' '..thiti matter..„,' yigor-
oliely,Oand. .eaid,'Ibev. lair no reason why
tney 'should not, unless' it was,•as be feared,
;that the contributions the members et coin
Wiles had Made to keep the 'lloyerpment
in power hadgiventhem toogreata hold
upon the Government. "If that is so," he
said, 11 then poor, unfortunate Canada, I
pity•yobl" a sentimentwhieh Was greeted
with hind. cheering. The resolution was
carried, 'Itti...Eriger'ii amendmeot being
incorporated. The .following -form., the
committee': Metiers. Bain (Soulanges),
,Bain .4 (Wentworth),. Riehard Boyle,
diegram„ Daly, Flynn; Gillmor, • °billet,
Granbois, Landry, Mollougold (Fiat ou).
MoKay„Fisher Wood (West Northumber-
hthtl) Walliitia., .....„-,;; .1t-
....1 '' ,oiZ r '!.• '3. .: f, - ,. . • , .
Bar. , Ite; turerring.; to the inquiry.' of
Mr. Mo ullewnn the previous day regard-
ing the alleged overeharge elitimed by the
Dominion Land Agent at Regina, for fur-
nishing infcirmation to an intending Settler,
eaid the original papers in the cage showed
that the foe 14 elle dollar and twenty cents
was all that wasasked for preparingplota
of ninethainships, and mot- twenty.one dol-
lars and fifty cents as Mr. McMullen had.
Mr., Davin saici he' knew the . Regitia
agent eaci. believed the oheige was entirely
withetit foundation. . !. • • • . "', • '',
edigrigKtutsomitaththiret. adalleaNgtilierken •
oiontzattowconipardep,w49 were oceeeion
lly.authorized to atit- for the Donimioti
Govertiment,. Were. guilty •Of charging outt
egeoes. fees and fieeeing the settlers,. .
Mr, 'White,. in ensWer t� the inquiry of
lir • Richard Cartviright, said the sum 0,
450,701.44d been received 'front the sale el
ands in Manitoba and •the.Ncerthweet dur•-•
ing the year 1887. — .•
•Mr., Guillet Proceeded to inipiire. Whit
otiOn the Government, proposed to take in
he caseof Mr. Ellis,'.merither tor' St John,
he, he alleged,: had declared himeelf an.
dvocite of . anneiatiOn With,. the 'United
niteri, contrary to hie oath of .allegianoe to
he .Queen, by Which he' qualified AS a.mein,
lkitorthe Houriec ' •• • ••
• Mr. Lister raised...Int:Ant ofariler.The
ueation contained an allegation and a re•
elation On a 'bombard! the Home*
Mr. Speaker ruled thequeation out of
rder On the *Mind raised by hinfoititer.
• 'Sir Charles' TiMeer , on the table the
stimatee •forthe liseal'.year 'ending June,
889, •which,.on motieri, were referred to
- Mr- Clen0Y mOved.• for an order or the
House -for a, return showing the estimated
post, if any, ead actual coilt per yord for
etteh dreth. oenetrnetea. ,pr under the
Government ikvitlthi: the: °empties 9t La1/10-,
ton, Kent,. Elgin and EsSex„ and the name
of the engineer or other person employed
by the Ontario GOvernment to makesutih
estimate. The price per yard at which
the Work was, let and whether at publics
sale or by tendert' The Balaries or other
rensuneration.paid the engineers or other
•eersens, empleyed by the Onttirio GOvern.
'Went to superintend the censtruotion et the
said drainage works, and charged to the
said works respeetively. The hon. mem-
ber eberged that he had not ileen fairly
treoted connection with his requentfor
these tetnrne. Other membere hocl
last session for returns on veriona matters,
and they had been, fureished this:session,
but he retinne he had . asked '!or bad not
been. •
Hon. Mr:Fraser proinised that ° these
the resolatjon
passed in 1084, requiring that them should'
be laid upon tbe,table citiring the; first ten,
days of every session a. statement..ehewing
tbe 'indebtedness, of each minioipality.
arreers, had been complied with thie year.
He thought the resolution had been com-
plied with every 'year 'Until the present. 'He
had not seen it this year. He would esk
what steps•had been taken by the Govern-
ment with a • view to settling up, tbese,
arrears..• • ;. ' •• •41',1;r:
• Hen. Mr. Rose (Huron) sold thereturn el
Indict to hadnot been, yet brought dewn.
The Department had beenexceptionally
busy during, the past year, ott some of the
member° IMO* from preeeedinge conducted
elsewhere, but he wonld premise tO
have them laid before the House as soon as
possible. As to the stepe taken to wind,up
such arrears, he would say that the had
mede kinie progress, It was a very dim -
club matter puce a municipality got into ar-
rears enforce colleotiOn of indebtedness;
the Gevernment, 'hewever„ • watt doing its,
Mr:Waters moved the second readiiignt
• his Bill to amend the Assessment A,:et He
ex0lainecithat the tibject of the Bilk *mite
do away with the assessment 'of farming
/steak. There were .twe reasons why this
sy stein should be abolished. •One was that.
where capital was asseseed inciorne..ehould
not be. ' That, wad a principle that was
generally •otturitted..,41m'esevezed':.zzatei
. hon., gentlenieri, went iftito 'thee° ,,polzite
minutely, and than asked that the 13i11 be
read a second time and, if. the House
thought Proper; referred then to the Muni-
cipal Committee. ' • . •
' The Billwasread a almond time and re-
ferred. to the ;Municipal OoraMittee. ,
Mr.,Qininthe Moved the, second reading
of his Bill to amend the .Municipal ',Act.
'He explained that its Objeet, was Anal*
municipal corporations to (sonatina water'
woks. for epeeist purposes • only. Thie
amendment proposed give them Power
to construct • such works , for general. ,ptir7
poses. The Bill also proposed changes in
the itietteinf issesaieteitt-ef-shoh-
.. to the Canadian deiilerset %Olaf rateg.they
•aliculd-sell the goods. , His preferenee, .he. q
• was to have the duties lei ton; ferthen
the eombiziee would be nioretinde.r tlie.cOn-1
trel of the.Canadtan Parliament., . . •
• Mr.„Edgeir said that When' he saw ;the
. notice cif •inotion in the nament Mr. Wel, e
• lade hethought anew era .liad-begun.', • He
• heartily own:erred io what had • been said, t
• • against coullitheil; and eupportedthe:reso-
• kitiori; lint pointed out,thaktlie Motiondid t
• not refer to ,.. thatiefacteettig - • tionilathes, wv
covering . Only the • plirChaiie ' intid..' Site 'of ti-
• strtieleit is Specified. ' ',Re • strongly ' eon-
• 'tended that thistnight not to' be leftbeyond"
• She range Of thelliVetitikation,,*; In' a :kW". t
tiordehe .pei.nted .out• With telling eniphasia ' te
':lroWthe.pronheei'es•of the...Liberals,. at . the ;v
. -....timethe,erciteetlYe. system : Was . adopted th
.• had:came true; tiro, a.,petied. of increased'
•.. presPerity' for thareifttetures eltisti9dit'.the e
ineoption,of • .ille.poliey, ' then • a rther.' Of re,
: 'capital lido' the protected iiiiiiistriee, leed, it
• .ing to over-prOduotien, an Unhealthy' COM -
petition and..lcise,,'thott: authhinationand
an. iiterease of ,priciainf'.;These losnits $tcii
not beenWerlted. oat an United Stittee,„ ,
.With, their sixty. ..inilliouti "el ' 'peiPtilittIon
...initil.aftea-tw,etiti.y..earti of Ettotectioh, but .i•
, in the reitrieted „market Of . 'Canada etgt4. ,1,,n
years. , had been. •sufficient tectunpletethe 114,
••. 'Goatee liedatf.airs to;day stood "exactly'. as. .,,,,In
•' the 1:tbetale claimed •they would.. He 4.4.
• . . denied that it •was"eoesiblefor cinithines in m
•.: ,Miletisfactutied ,:artieleii. to exist., without .a, t°
•. pr . Clive tariff.. • The neat oonthine hitit a•
- netural • monopoly', 'lee' there was no" dety. 7
, . on itatheapite in • the Ituited: States and Ps
' . gut& 'a tuoilopely.Wite entirelyiadependent f,..0
• .• • of the tariff, .. lie, 0X11ee8130d 0 streng belief .„°°
: that item bi ties. ' were mere „to he:feared at ‘„,,".
'present by AineriOaris than by Canadian, ,.„4".
bebause of the greater' hold, . they had te- .,-.1
•. Mired 'epee . the public. Menne the Other ,Ps
aide of the' .line. •. ile:,'tegretted that Mr. .4,,,s
,Wallace had ' net, followed the example of sP
leading Itipublicari Protedtionists of the ,.t4
s. ' . Uriifelk 'Eltatea in ':deoleringthat if. it Were .„:
• . necesiiary to do away.. With protection. in '11,0
•',Irder• to kill" the cob:Wipes he would beWilL !n
' ing to take that step, • Heletoted, the rib*. u°
• .-ing :words; of. Mr: Mattsonoil•eliicage, to Ye
' this effect., In closing he• rtieved. to amend
• e ;resolution so as le add the " menufae" eo
• !,*titreaed: sale,'' as well as' '" piirchitse And ' lu
•..eale4ef. rartici. ii an nientioned,. eo as to Bi
, Cilia'. t the itniniry to finitude ,:mitilefac.: tu
' turets' combiitee;-.,;,, •• • ' • ' •' ' • : he
• ' . Atter- the epeeehee the: ,debate became leg
• , gene el, Mr. Quillet, made a 'speech, • ie ad
• cli
*hie he 'declared, hie opinion that to re.,' bu
• mov ' the protective dulled would be to ex- la
'pose the People' of 'Canade to the far Worse lin
• combined Of the,thiited States. : Hethofight by
' that Mr. Ildgar'e stiggeetion might well be: an
.. . ' acCeptod, being.enite sure there•wee lio,in. im
• • lention on the part of the nioVer el:limiting th
., . .thii scope of the ievestigation. - , . •
• -Thee dame Mr. Lietet.• Ile declared for .inj
• ...the radical. mire suggested by Mr. Edgar'— P9
• the irepial.of -the protective duties. . tvi
• , ' be. Sproule; of Grey, then took up the Th
;Oudgele on i he oilier side, and aCeosed Mr. bel
Liater of-fi&Vrihrfiljeiteution to . the oil ler
• terdet Of hie . (hie. Lister'.) Oen tothity of att.
•'Lairribton„ winch Mi., Lister adinitted,bold.• dot
frig that ite41-0, , ith tho protective eystern an
' •Wete Maintained , that industry sh9u1d not
be singled' eitt . tO be plead at .a diead, Wa
li • . • ,
..Vantage. ' . ' - ' . • -
'ilttg Walitide, quoted Mr; tifiteVatVOrde liti
he coenniittencf SuPPly-
sik. Richard Cartwright congratulated
be:Firtianeet Mitiiiiteren the proniptithde
ith ,W)4911,the estimate's had been hithiglit
own; and'. soquired When House might
ipeo the financial statement. •
Sir Oherles Tupper 'atid,he. was. not able
()give the exaot'clitte, but it was his in.
tition to piesieed with ' the' estinietesois
oti the practice in England,' in advatiee of
e Budget speeth. , • • •
Sir Rielfard Cartwright toid, that, wail a
ew, depertine, but he. Wee not. disposed:to
hie any ohjeisticinto it, He had no doubt
had been well considered, and be thought
ete Wai,some.conveniencain e pre-
med the budget would 160.63 delivered at
ny rate as earlY as next tveek, '
Sir Charles, Tupper—No. •.
Mr. .13attroa eaked if the Government
teed to pay :Mrs. Geivankick, widow Of
r.. dowenloolt, ;who:. was killed .by the
diens , at Frog Lake' during:. the. late
erthweet, rebellion, I, pension •in•the same
Miner and to the • same extent as Was paid
hire. Delaney, . • • . '-
Mr. White replied' 'that Mr. Gelerenlotik
as not in the employ' of the ' Indian De,
itenent, While Mr. Deleney • was. • The
titer was: eft • the time 'ofthe outbreak
Wittig a mill at 13ettlefore,lor which the
epartment Was paying his •'firtn a bonus'.
r. Delaney was a terra instrtieter,•'. hire.
elininkiek had already . received for her
rional lass $901, kind the firm of Whit&
r husbaod 'was a inereber• had been paid
;202) half of ivhich,went to the ()Mate of
e deceased: • -
Mr. l'ope, reply to Mr„..Weidon .(gt.
hp), said that -43,9711100 was 'the amount
arged to the capital atibentrit 'Ofi the'Inter-
lonial RallWity during the him four 'gaol
ate. • . • •
Mr. Taylor, in nioriiig the House into
nimittee et the whole to 'Consider a, too.
tion &blaring it expedient. to introduce
11 providing forthe regulation, mentifate
re and gale •of rendered lard, said he
lieved there was as great -neceseity for
fellation to restrict the irnportatem of ,
ulterated lard Re there was lathe case of
stet. • The respit, of the •:Oleometrgarine
w passed two sessions 4 ago' Was that ,our
ports of butter, ,Scr called, had decreased
about one Million pounds..Of the three
d a half million 'pounds of lard,that Were
ported daring:last year, be had tie doubt
at; a large' proportion 0/08 of eptiriolia'
anafacture ,cotton eeed oil and other
urious sub'strinees enteriug into ita coin.
sition. The lard that. was manufactured
thie the Country was not se edulteinted.
o intereste-ot the agriculturistsof
, . he.
ieved, demanded that the prodection
d should be proteeted in the same way
better, by having the .impritted article
allied in bond till it is properlYinspeeted
d analyzkd, •
Mr. Sproule supported the. Motion, Which
O berried.
Some returns were belled for, and the
U80 adjourned, at 6 o'oloek,
„ ,•••y.
•' The: Billtitanread-a second time
The House. went. into tionimittee, Mr.
Awrey in the chair, and reported •the fol-
lowing' Bilis: • ,• ' • , •
• Respecting the 'Methodist Church •'of
Aturora—Mr. ' •
•'T9' authorise the trustees of Toronto
General Burying Grounds to sell certain
lands—Mr. E. Ev. Clarke., • • ,
` To provide for the, division of the tewn-
ship, of; Waleingkarn-7,-Mr; O'Connor.
• The House adjotirned itt 5.15. .
. . •
Joi:pw, TO BIT I.
A. Beggar Bakes a strike lbSr Preferillg His
#eq4ipst in irarloas latiguages., ' •
•. Did I,get. anything in there ? repeated.
ditepideted-looking , fellow as ,he °snip
down the etepsef it,Jefferscia &venni resi-
• dence 'yesterday," - says. the Detroit Free
nen. "Well,' you. can cackle tOeaeohinate
that -
They generally bang the 'door 'against •
the toes of tramps" , • • ''• '
.• '`t And they ought -to. • Not one trairip in
fifty knows how to:weirk a house.',
• "How did yOusWorkthat one? "' •• ' ,
"Well, my ring at the bell witivenswered•
by a servant girl. I lifted 'thy eip' to her
and said : • •: '
" 'Pleat* inforni the lady: that agen.•
Semen deinies tO comnimliCiate With Init.'',
".In a minute the lady herself was:before
me, and I took off ;ray nap again, reticle a
very key bow, and said : •
&divas, infprim!is,dilfacio egranter
" Wkiuh ? she ,saye. ' •
"'Oh, .You don't speak:. Latin Very
few ledieS' ,.:You, 'of course, tipeak
French, German and Spanish? Ill which
langnage titian say to you that I have met
'with •anisfortune, 'and desire feed, an old
colit and it 31:10/10Y ?', "
" ' Oh, you needn't mind; •being as you
'told me in•Englisli,' Go to the kitolumand
•the girl -will attend te yen.' ' • , .
• Thetnite, ma'ain.. Pen jean' tepuiligue
eta foi.'•'
" 014,9f course.' • . „
$1.0e' 4de ea pulque caritaije ?'
,• " Certainly, I will. I am ,sorry 'for
your misfortune,. and will :hunt ..im •,:suit
for you.' " ' • •
there's the suit ?"
• " You bet 1 and, she 'gave nue a 'square
meat and thirty cents --in cash boot.'
,4echerche de jean Tweltandle
• Qui, kintiago de eheese-b-o;."
Halo itround, Frei ;, •
, . .
• A sensation Wee created here to -night in
One of the • revival meetings' when Belle
Boone, a, colOred ,girt, aged 17, Who had
.never spoken in her life, suddenly else to
-her-feet and cried °et "Behold 1" se' lottd
that every One intheroinn heard her, This
v•raii followed by peculiar halo of light
illurninatin }feriae° and head, • This is
'testifiedtd ae.a 'fad. by • ecoree eye-
witneesee.Prom,. O Cedar .4apids • (Id.)
. Asitinerese Much. ,
How Often have tat ' to
climb up fiVe filet* Stairs with this bill?
L'Ilow do I know Yell don't expect
Mo to•rent tbe,.parlor flat juit to stedoeatthe
date my shabby oreditors, de you? No;
not unless they advance Money' to
pay the teot)° •
MoG4E1G4 MK%
lie 'Tone .0hictgo; " Times."' Reporter
' • .4 MOR-ORMON Or BT. KITT, II! ,
The • Chicago Theo contains a column
and a boll about, W. 4. McGarigle, The
report was sent from Hamilton; paid the
reporter had o talk with Chicago's -•ex-
,Werden which extended over an. entire
afternet1O. Xiere, axe...spinet/4re* : Mr*
hictiarigle is no tenger living in (4,004;14-
'4ov, Rua for one, bp jnclginent is 41 be
adintired., Twenty,fiveyeere of at. °loop,
inee 18 equal t� a cycle in liades. Of eirthe
stupid, Weepy, stioli-in-thermud towns. I
eye; vieited' St., Catharines takes the lead,
It wakes UP *WO 10 .h.r the morning and •
is eleePHY. drunk by 3. in the afteraciria. A He at:Ii"gx'rec7 maiden, Jet let bygosees° b3'
couple Of Wretched bote10,, s long ountob of ca" Y9' "e me again ?". 814° "44; "Jt "4'17' . •
stores, apparently . opened in • eublime in. 'Twee Fintmela when, next theY. • 4004' 04' the, .
difference to how. Meth. or how little, heel -
MSS ill' done, ti. few flOur mills on the .Ttlemthweerriggeer 94 Ile pear tree, t"I'. '‘, ° "41 ill:
Welland Canal, Which *Pea 0048 00 Not. ihe 0.14/0119WAirheeled 'zoned thew, far hi' the
of ther hill on whieb. the town is placed, the blue, • ,
stomary number of churches a measly "29419Peclor two. dew" .."4•8.4aPPe4 °V,A3' 44dge.. .14"
Opera hoose (heaven pave the Mark1)---and Beet .be, " Lest some trifle iatotild conk) Iti: go ' •
the picture of St. Catharines is complete. ' *AY . ''' * . ' • 1
Gieigle hart spent O good -•deal, -Of his time ThSheep•s!'°e;esd;w1de9red;godenifunteiny,t'f4s4rOtOfir ailleg'Vi4011 .'
eines be Orst.Oatn0 t� Canada. If he °hate. ' • willi" :•.. •
itrarith the. idea, tif ingioing a rielf-impetied. • . ......
which. my me And part us efilinin, will you mentientheday 2". .
. . . ., . ,.
, ___„..... ••
• • .
And this la the town in
PelialloSthe PeTerit,. Of ' his ,indllnient. 49417 • • •, "134-N-4. 4 1-11L4N FICTIMN*
net be questioned. It is itekiiirabirodsptea , The orieer Experience of weenie V. cholla
'tP',,AtiltitLiPtUr• Ph°i8.8e13esfea"Ite°*•!tlic'llas colony.
. 'Seidl thieeonilit YieInstC°71easillinf i
0.(tathiLtowndaosn) ,rbeeatUrripneAlletii
..** pberift Vateo.ii,arektlie tare others • were .thatrimOnial title of:" Lady Cook entIMIts*• ;
eating -Unit •in.itlia-porloriSod.L.7ent ms0 guide. de Montserrat,' . In 1872 thiii.very
another room teelse6 in/ Wife,' int I had done woman, tog herwith, her sister'Waters& . •
. . „ .
meny times before.• • . remember thet I,. woduenw: ' . risetters in Ludlow: street
went down Matra' .04, •.ohtitteti7owith . 44 , . fiao • '' aniong the contrasts which ..•
ovpme,ilakt.e aiiitibe:eu*of4Irtooand drank a• glass prove that", rtith. is stranger .than• notion. . i •
cg*talkedo.,at to .14 l ntI 0 I l 00 . '.'.,i i ,aiabout.4,01, :.1°emi‘ :y: rehe eibyrasetnso andatniide ,' ehTvalerl yr. „ I ,i,apti:heevaertne al3 ao a.° nit .n remarkable.tihniereiatiya: ei; i,c'wmb 7i 9. t' hapn i or al
front of, the iiiittee;•''' got.' into a rig and from Chicago because New, York offered it.
tdet°tYhee*"Wra'• •I,Tplilaassteisda..1WI'IthAins '140 nVf.efA".t"t'74t opened Alt Offtee for ;stook spectilation. The / •
Motion,' :. • Wider field for their ambition, and here they •
real object,,howeer, was to ,revive the free •
levet notions which then only required a
leader, and make themselves the apoittleft
of this attractive. but pernicious echelon.
. ,.. Well,. the lad Ido was wearing Me 02ThaegYeewtiesIniel,awrhgeiolYbw6neds?fweletdbywaiiihth."48mbnealt
:doyen. 'I should have crazy 11. I. had "hut Theoclere.Tiltes4'.• being- unusually sus.
tehteledithhoedrep,dinTehhoptio. WothaeofaIir:K;rei4 ;741.:::,..„.Atititra. it.. b,...,6,,ani4,0zzlo.telynii. tylia,tet,
• If IthiMmekLiiiittent ,401341i9oaditiitTaN*9:0 iitt 4,..ima,,dagazza4 - . , .:• ' r4,-tteut"
'annetandavatite014111.'k5.40.-4 .s.,;,.:,,,t,u4rmityga,eguitudoigic • - .._ eashogh-lat
g,;Ihitt- „got4.0.4ifirtfti.gyitiffdi40.00g-tp,j'i tutleoltp,414sr.4situd,;,,,,-eo*,4n..fratolibition .'
stIneelere.' 13olleft,‘" , ,.., .. ' ..._ • " .they published the firet clearly • ro4---
' "Did • Di: -.St,' John; • 001117s ...Si .'. 747 nounced .artiole . , on' the •tli''.O •44 seen ar
eStl`a‘ PNeo7 ..Dr, 'St. :Jahn hid no more•notiesS 'Ww4olochdhullfilAr Cleellifittweetilnym.,nhiii°'fled.' Itt :
• .
of my intentions: than •you had;!' . ' . their arrest and . imprisonment in LOW* .. .
yen trete?" . :' :• . '. . .' week,. when 'heil.,:wits. obtained and. their • . ,.
: "Did the captain Of the.. boat, know • who, 'street jail, .where they Were . held nearlt.
• • -." Irvine did, not kneW, who .1 Was, nee , were released. It-iff highly PX0hable 'that :
whet • : .ntY obiept..ivaa..in tinging with him :'il they had . never printed that Tiffenteee':'
•when.I got into his beet.- He knew a per. 1 statement the Whole train,..Of :hOrtid. seen -
son would come if' he Could' geVthere, -in del'alight have been avoided. - Thein Oh-
tinie.7 . . .. . . ' • • ',., -; ' .'• : • . • l'",': heation, however; wapnot aimed akBeeelier
., "'Howl" .. : • ' ' . : • '.: alone -.-,Tilton viati also .tholuded. • Victoria
• •' ". I had a letter. almost a year old giiing, 'tow.
nie perthission to •go; Om .on the Blake or :as Tilton was one of her ditieiples„.ehe,ye::,,,.•
announeed alecture in this City* arid
gelid any oneelse Ishoite_for4t-tripon4he-.--4tietiredliWto appear the rostrum am11:.:•.
lake; and., during ' the day. Word,woasent introduce her to the audience.
_i_Ortiebod.y,wothIgo,out4vitlibint-the.tnightiTfearing .it Would impair: his position as
if-71gal said, before—he could get there in. alitor Of the, Independent. ..•Vietorie7 how-, t
time." . -.; .• '. . : ... • ' • ' - ever,..Waii not to he .: put_ off with • excuses
"You •Miefilliate•Captain Irvine, then, and she repeated .her demand. Being 'club, ,
from•all oomplioity,in your escape ??.' • '. appointed; she determined to stirup ar caul. ,
WCapt., Irvine," and MciGatigia.:etioke 'dron of hell -broth for thee° men; and she :
ith great earnestness, 4.0be in as innocent succeeded far beyond. her,Wildeett eiPeeta-
of any :complicity. in that • Matter as Yon tions, later on • • Having eventually • et -
ii . .
hausted. their infinence. here they Bought a
., . , . . , : • . .
new sriberein London. Li feet, theseandel. .'
;•twas &tannin, vhe4 #297; sto9A Ali
Rifts, tetue oo the'Pear•tree* AP° eern on the
The ewallowe flew swiftly far up•M the blue,
And speeding peal ,eedthward, were loot to the
. • •
vie*. •
Said he "Can you 10,713. me, as I eon -love Yen
•bhe said,•quite demurely, 'Already Idert .
'Twas.winter when next they met on tKe bridge
The peer trees were brown, and white was 00
'ridge ;.
The swallows Were feathering their "'testa in
AlgiPre. ' .
She loosed in his face, and she burst Into tearo
Ms noise !ewes phaelied, and his liPs they were
Said she, "I caret love yen paid he, Vorl' ',0`•
you,r) • • •
Twee spring -time when next they stood 011 thO
414 white WaS the pear -tree and green; was the
The swisliows,had thoughts of a speedy return,
And the midgers were eancing adownthe brown,
You didn't meke seY pretence about it
bath, then?" • '
"Noe whatever:" •
'4 Why didithli determine to leave ?" •
"Well. yen had an exciting trip on the
abe ?." ' " • '; , reacted on them.' In A. killing manner and,
"No; at least not so Mitch So as it would they were glad ,to leave .1slew York without
have been .had 1 known What I afterward any greater injorythan,a week in •LudlOW •
knew" • • • '4... . ; • • • •iitteetJail On arriving- in London they .
. Did you eight any of pursuers?" met a degkee of stiecess of different eharao..
• "1 90yV One, tug., which 1 heard' wee in, ter fiotil that • whiCh .they • had ',:tiohieYed..• •
purstiit,"blit I, afterward learned that the either in Ohieigo, or Now York.' 'ThisWae
people on board were at the tithe So stn idly in the nistrinionial line,' and while.
reek that they could not, eel, bey* , the married man of • ',large. wealth, • Tenn% .
ail of their own beat." • • • • • - • , Made a ,stillligher Conqnestl.by
"HOW long were- you on the lake?" • ' 'the Wife ot a bitroitet,whtralse had' thetitlo "
:"Frere the .23rd till the 30th•Of Cf*merqiiiii,'both cif whiob she abated. Lady. •
"-Where did you land r •. • Oeekwillretnainhete long ereingh to attend'
'As Pei:lit' Edward but not from the to some httsinegis, matters, but it is hardly ' •
Blake. Ouenight about•inidnight I hailed probable that she will visit Ltidlow street •
he 'Marsh . and „ hoarded . her , it was a Jail, where the centrist might : the
right, •moonlight night, hot the.'sea. Was. 'werdsof Byron 'A. palace:. and a prison
•and the .trattifer..was.M4- at either land," -New York Correspondence.
,1;tii.:weniltight to E1L, Catharines rt. . • stieue.4.ir Pe.e.e-,24,i• .. • • ,
"Well, I Stepped at London and Hanna- • There are two ' distinct „fermi; Otplfeti- : •
(Mon the way, and . then went .to •St. 'monis: • One: of these altvelef011owelut.
atharinee te iee Mr.Prederiok Bt John, ,attaCk 01.13rOnchitin-la told in the lenge); •;•
or the purpose ef.. telling . him I had not in ois the rung is ..inbanted in patches ors:.
ended from the Blake. Ile, however, Was'
t Port Colborne; and drovedown" there ..lobnles • scattered :over '•both • lungs- .
that 18
5 once, and threw the .reporters and ,de.dren athcei4f oproTple
eetives'off the track, .They:ceitildn't mails pneumonia,„ ..The. other, that which attapke. "
et how I got there.?,' ; • • I adults suddenly, • often ,in the 'Midst Of ,
You,Were pretty well beleaguered with • apparent health, le: o&Iled “ crotipottegn•
ett'sPaper men'and detectives at brit, Were lober, pneemonia," because'one only:
du now' 4 •-• •. • • I one lung is usually attaeked: Thole*,
"01, Yes, They sWerreed after me; but
„ bathed' form' is not, caueedby.cold elthetigb,•.
hey didn't see Me. Why, haVe.ridnelv,the first symptonts ika Severe chill without '
pito e. station- with inY hand on the throttle • ihitering,• *bleji. wOrtld seem to show that •
f the engine, .dresseilAs ari engineer, when a ehilling of the body had really Caused the• .
.eciuld ithee reached eut and ,hit a • netve ••voi'old trouble; The patarrbalfotra
aper man that was waiting for •me en the •f011oWs a 'catarrh of the,btonchial tilbee ;
ead with 'thy bleak clip. Ile Went throUgh, isnever thefirst event in a Chain Of disease,
he train to look for ma, ,but • he clitinkt
but always asCondary, form is
egin at the beginning," and. Mee l&ughen bably Sethetinnes Caused by exposure exposure
ehe said "•Ididn't gave ITIY tiine 14,,ii cold—it Certainly, is if any 'catarrh is thus
adhine shop for nothing.... 1 ...hive . caused. Although there are many plausible "
&yelled all:nest •COneitantly. I have •reasons for thinking that cold never eateied '
en up North in the 'timberlands, •Aud
,,s•eold,” clinks are, some feets that Seem
yo. been to Quebec and Nictotie,and, in '
to prove that a Catarrh of the 'air /*images
di; it would- be diffibult tO, Bey Where I. may thus be Canoed. 'If one. of :the lower
avenot been.: 1 goose 1 knew almost .ae animals a frog, for -thieniple, have
uch about the Canadian .pacific as Mr,.1
I thin, 61 kit surface -thoroeghly , chilled by
an Horne himself." • . I. the tipplicationNot ice or a freezing mixture,
Anddo youminagetontake aliVingr it .Often happens that bOthitin'gri beCOnie
"Yes, indeed. I can. go, to/Pratte° and V inteaSeht ofalgeSted or overfilled With blood'
eke a living, I've inVested in real, estate .as• a 'corielequence. 'If this congestion be
the ' SOo,'. and also eit Duluth. • In fact, .
, repeated two 'or three tint* it gennino
ye beeu'in the United Btateetwiee since.jpneni�nia &mita. This sequence
left; I have been & great deal 'into. the of events %ton tiOtiettant in'ciccitrrence to be,,
rtheru parte Of Canada, and, there is it '-
etnisidereci:e there 661ncidenctie•--.St. Luis
ry7,0eh country up,there---rich 'in Miner- GlobeZieniverat. : •
of all. kincli and tintlier. There's•pleety I. , , ,
Sep and do Over 'here, . and 1 ani not A lit le &reset ofmature am
aeting my time,yon ,dan depend on•that." ling and, •
i With the eternal wisdomof childhood drevr...
a , mope of our two cities, a.rxt
tam • down her fork, •• "Theite,". Said she;
" r.ria So glad. that Rev, M. going
to preach. in ,ex0hange With pap i to:day,
because he , tells interesting-titer:ice.I do, •
Wiebthat papa was Only •jiiSt . an etelinary •
Mat, eb that 1,:cotild-go and hear .soulebody
ofee,proach• now.and tiden.".=leel*ton (Me.) •
• to
Virliy She Rages. : a leeg 13reath at the breakfast table the
: .
• Empleyment Agent -.-I Will record your
•application h.a. monient• Sohn, show this
1• lady to a seat. • •
Fair Applitient (indigoently)—Larly t do
'yen mean' tO iesult me, sir 1 " 'I neyer did a .
day's workiii tny life, I would hetVe, yon.
inow, sir, that I am a " redueed gentle.
weintio4",-Ottialie World.