HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-02, Page 4t. k •„ ncr "11x, Ll$11IT To VTTBR on To !A$nl ,s, >rnmlust *maxima Tun oni�Taves dt,GQ noto+y.pN�1,� QC.�41-E,T>BIZS AR4Y S ALL: p fl oh n, aL901tilGW,, 2d8• ,4 ,BAD DEATH, ..fes .�r..�.p,u..aA} wwc+.<'.•i5*+vcP�)...-..w- Ir..�... women as preeminently f"tted to teach' 'the young,, especially in the iinitiatory itages, regarding them as; moro'iivaceas- "fu'l than, men in imparting education to, pupils under 12 year. of :ager As the bemal teachers: do, their work as well, if notbetter,:'than the men.in'this. departrnent of school work, the .Minis- ter asks why they should. net be paid as well, . The result tothe public is the, same , in. both cases. Why, asks • Mr.Itoss, should it not be the same '• tq the teacher'l `..._ 'GeorgeFeyvel, one of the best..known ' journalists and shorthand writers in •-the, Dominion,' •died at .his ' home in 'Toronto on Monday, under the •most 'Painful 'circumstances. Going home. frocn repotting •a: meeting one bitter. scold night,; a few weeks ago, he . was :A masked :fown, robbed:,<and 'left :buena: lie by highway men. When he became ;conscious he was badly trozen. Making his way•to the nearesthouse, he was kept out side till •:t`hn ';police could be' ,called, and; then taken ,to the•station in.: 'stead 'ead of his hone. Medical •men call; ed too late,; did all they, could.' forhim, seen to titosextea:t of aaiputatitig:'three' h''hia e u ` but blood poison. FOR 'SALE. Park Lots 46.47, 48,49 and: 50 ° on Somer. ville,and Rooklidgge survey and Park 1.48' 13 and 14 in Son ervilie'e survey, an;t Block A on Campbell street. ,;apply to .. - M.±CAMPI ELL..... Buser_ of eac . , ;ties set' in; and he passed awa'y'. at the F:Irly ageof 38 }*earsHe was known' ai • pin'fithis_-vicinity, haling -done } po8i'tor`, 'L' 3,rifi tO �; CGr (. , 3 yd uiaga,y, anther journals: ''' Mr 'Eyvel Was a Ye! y. piipular'with a11•who lead thie'pleasure .of : his aquaintance, and justly deserves" the high tribute paid him by.the'editor `'rnilton 7 Times: ful, `r A. faith •of'th� Hn -onipetent journalist; a sober, genial, larniable entleroen; 'domt+stic in his tastes and habits; devoted to''his Wife , a `d children; popular anions+ his Erie •ids ,and incapable of `; making, enemies; :! l,r.>tdeu t i i h's eenditur-es, though_ ► -xp .• without;:a,°trace. of meatiness—quick Notice to Creditors; p ' Notice is hereby given that James J. Henn•. eraon.,.of, the village,. of „Lueknnw, ,Carpenter, hes made an assignment of his estate and effects to Me for the lit uefit of all -his Creditors. Ail. persons ha%irgg claims against said in,olveut arerequested to' file „same 'with ins,properly attested,on';or before 15th 11Iarch.1888, on which date said estate will be distrirluted; among those creditors of whose claivas4 shall have .received notice. D. E;CAMERON, Liicknow,T' eb. 29th, 1888. Assignee. THS was-Georoe Eyvel, as the writer has know:. bauiintiniately during, the "last .`'fifteen ears." _ He leaves •a wife and three 4iinall children. hr is announced from Ottawa that •FM inister'Chapl'eau has decided, that all. f oreinen and ; deputy- foremen, in ;the ne " Goven•aent printing ' bureau must be able'. to speak both French and Eng: lish fluently. This`. comes before all. other considerations.` This will practi= catty reisult-ext 'all the-foremen-beinv Fran clr-;Canancliaris, for the ` very Boob reason that the average Etglisb-speak ing printer in. Canada, speaks' only the one language. its ail. 10 • • • • jet Of all Woollen G, oo d2 kets TJlster, lgs ,' Flantieaa,Undercic thing,. &c;,..&c ITLSTERINGS. at cost pr `o clear out price " .BLANKETS " ., ,: FLc ANNELTS o'rD• R 25( • 4 IR,AWERS 7f.o.r bQc ' 5e :"' 7c $1 OOc left. Onlya few snits of etch of these 'lines � --5Oe 7 5c $1.00, $1',.25,.$1.75, •Q ^`• e5 �l11•. Crompton Corsets—50,e, � � r .. A frill _,subs of tier .. p purchased toTea t spot, n` • , .: .' 1.d.. .. - • Having p rr times, a fine 'lot of 1�Tew,Sensens .Tea R an v hard Broker el why was 111. difficulty,. owlnb tp har •. - irinYlAdiaLe public._ W ith rheld out to the biggest cement ever:he • l . Indu' prepared to offer the..',n' and better .thAn a: gre�it;'. l!l ly l P50ctea (which guarnntee'equal'to a,. y Every pound of my � ... . •.: sell you, a,t' SUc. I;will'. 'givd you a: genu- ine better than any peddlercan y... ► ) > 50c teas, �,lad.posh y o mht,:an where for�ess�t,ha>i`25(;• �It Boit ' glassware,. 111•'orth '• $1,0O. • Partie:4 ine china, CUP and .SAUCER, •which'callnet be ng y take s ou.g'et.;5"cups and saucers. or a: whole' Sett�:''or 1if the goads iltit w b e b i anon� be asked buy tea should call and� see the tea.. You won • suit you. O. evv , cav ., '.;.':�, h-'.`: By Special Arrangwent a:Coloniat Train with EE Sigl .1''Olt MANITOBA, THE NORTH WEST ANI) BRITISH COLUMBIA will leave N11- G A a At 11, a. m,." ou, �. Tuesday;188 . ATT Intending colonists taking advantage of :this, train can accompany stock and efEPcts and go through„ to, destination without CHAEICE OR.- TRA IE �rG ems., w ��,,,.`a ```"`�.:.• ...• ...�.`�t ,_ . .. • .; AWR..:E.. NCbe to announce that t i l. i p p of;Iardiffare jE14S s complete enbrg,cng the �-. • following •' •A-n-exPerienc4agent_+ill—a-cc^mE,any and look after party., For ,full' inf rrin.ition, rates and to riecure berths in shaper,' call on. •. JOHN MURCHIISON, • Flied the annual, report; of. the;cnn�, inal returns for the, Province of, Ontario•' just published, theme vvere',5;134Cana- dians; convicted, 4,904' Englishmen; 2,397• rishiuen 598• Scotehmen 723' United Statesmen, 'and 261: other for. eigners.• Of the 'prisoners. 3,929 rel,- .resented themselves as belonging to tinge .1;;,oman Catheltc church,. 3;675 as Eng iieh ,.Churchthen, 1;385 as • Presdy er4,. ians,1,36G as Methodists, and .662 as belonging to other denominations, The number of married people suffering•the disgrace of convention` for crime was enly 3,995,:ascompared with 7.022 bach- elors and .spim>;sters;• ,3;277 of tl;e ct'initi= nals'were of: 'temperate. habits; 7,740 'were intemperate. Those uicarcerated who could read and write were. 8;536 in numder:•those,;who could not; 2,481. It cost $126,000 to maintain the coin • Woo jails• of the Province' during 1887 In 1886. it cost .$133,000. • • C. P; R. AGs:ST, LLIas:�OW EXCELSIOR. ,, .:: • • • Axes—:. ..'»,.""aware • .:... Cape.� Firgera • H', ange r'. s 1C achi n es ' Tg i chea....Rollers . Shears Bl us s es ' S1 ev l • ' Adzes CutlerY Cans. • Ease :Hoes Millet+t;—,—elates , Rosin;Scissors 1r>He l e s _.Awls-- -aCovers' Cages Guns :'.Holww re•.NaisPots '•Ileeisncle . Tacks Augers' Cassa ("uteri Gratis_'""Heads ' Nutty _ -Pans Backs Scale. . 1ruisea Bits CapsCni+nsrs:.c G'ndst'nesIrons • 'Needles Pulls �)-evolvers Squares laps Bell.(Tippers s'(..-. Drills Gide , : ' Jacks • Oils -7- ,Plumb' • . Readers S. ,apses '1ules , BeCordage ' .3)ivicrd. Grease Jaws Viler. • Pokes. t.iibr S�aies `Pares uners. Chalk air Glra ' Toar(s. GP ensre Yac�rg• Rivets :yvels; Tools BremChisels Drainers ' iolKnives ',PaintsPowderRules Sci6 s Trucks' Bracer's • nines_. Drags <• Giiets K.n'bs • ' Putty • Pumps RailSkates Tru Br ackets C11i aa✓ficut'ons: Gauges Knockers Polish Planes Spoons. Shat .. .,ye,q . • elt.ng_ tnue's:Eyessates Kettles Paper . Pipe 'Saws Snaps .!iia . Bolts ,Gum p, CurEmery Halters, Lanterns Pencils , Preases,.StupesSinks Varian Bora• Clamps Nara••HAtcliets • i.ity ;, Pincers • Pruners StuvMs S:yr Borax ,. • (iFiles niers • Links' Punchers ]lope Sleigh.St,tiVrench e ,. . dles s Bean�r_s:,; (rninxes .Flasks Handles • Ladders' ,.plyera lvzura : Springs, • Strings Vrin ChYr•• Hooks Lines: Pails' Inkes:. Snap ^ • Scrrwv \U,ishra • Chain • Collars. dog Yorks .igea" Mops Parer_ : Ringers. • Slicer.. , Spikes Wirk lefiecor8..SNectacles Si►11s. 'Cartridge • Catches, .FOS/getss • Hasps - • ieaerres• Pette • ' • Ao- ti- NOTI'CE .TO FARMERS.. to ; • -Twine• veil, no doubt; be'lirnite(1, as in - material this. year, the supply of :Binder , -. O.w-ins* to the-scarcit_y�o£raw m ? • .. . " advantaneousiy, fur cash' a large supply .of As I hale purchased very •i INDE ' .V1 INE. MAIVILL�► B IRE. • HAIR IJRLViSI'ta iALOO' CAMPBELL STREET, LUCKNOW" If' you want' a clean ancl' easy shave, As clean as barber ever. gave, ; • 3ust'call on me at my Sal000n,'+ 'At niorntng," eve; :or afttirnoc,u. I'll , eut and comb your hair with grace, 'To suit: the' contour of your face ; • To you I'll give a geed. shampoo, The art of whish is known to'few. My scissors sharp; any razors keen, My shop is always neat and clean, And verything1'iri-sure'you-intend'•-- ,To suit the taste, and'please the mind 1 1 shouhlorilei early as'tho demand is great and . the. supply I wtll,sell at the'yery lowest prices. Intendtn,purc Lasers. T.:' LAWRENCE■ limited. � � I , �� IMPORTANT � TO�� A'Li, T ORANT. p. A 'Tian,.; ttr:wlro are -t � bled=-vwit]► �..• The: high c'ha tticter uE this. old Medicine as:�• ,,ureremerTVv •'. +, • who are •bald or'have thin` sir f.rey' %1. .. repeatedly confirm. 3311, �T F r ullnonary-a d.bronchial disorders, is repe y ]J. . 1V for' P . `: ir' grateful, and unsolicited testi>xiony, .re- ed by flee <rrati yin , ceived• front those who have been benefited by its use. .. READ FOLLOWING: ` ..•RE M.r. Peter Shanks, jr., of Ilogdtow. n, writes -'-" Please me by .exress, immediately, .one dollars .worth: of Hallainor-e-.s-Expectora_l'rtt* send P 'Mother is just finishing her last bottle. She:•thinks'tliere is nothing like it for. brunchits." lir. J. C Smith, Car Inspector, C'.P Ii,.•Galt, .vv+iies :=" Send me one of Hallanlore's Expectorant. 1 cant' get along without it. dolls worth .. • Perfumes are new, and always sit - t, ` IAnd With, them others' can't compete. - " ' The ladies, too, 11 would invite,; For;:1 can • ti•iin their: bangs alt right. `Tn female. teacher,' is •-•gradually. crowding, .the. nale Pedagogue .'ont, during the hist .ten. ;years; the ,number ,of lady°teaehers in the Ontario , Public . Schorls' has increased from :3,405 to 4,637,, the number of male; teachers lies actually decreased, being , . now only'' 2,727, against '4780 in 1886. : The Minister of education at- • trio..utas tau ate tendency Part 1 to fact that male,teachprsfind.it to their. profit 11;n use the school as a stepping stone to other occuisatioiisi.ehd partly to the Wer and irritation of the teacher's life ti the .tame timte, the _ Minister rt gardis 'My hearty thanks 1 iow extend, • , BTo all ;ray patronizing friends,;', And in the,future, l Will try. My,very;best to satisfy. • I. DAtID "1IIOO119'; p,ropraetOr " g to be, 'ashamed of jca"�"..";, - - - Sheou h+y „ very int ' ie 'added as' She passed up tine, Lisa,hold. her racefui head, flowerer OE'S SPEOTAO:LES AND S.E-GLASSES graceful sowers? . B. LA U1,A weeping her soft blue dress die- er her. _ ! ., IfI tin are the-Only.genyifie English .articles in the, Canadian Market.' as alio followed,' with .a relen ingly, yr; . . Send then lit bet beautif i pant al ' iehl,les kAnt in stege., `rests given to prirchasers' to prove genuineness, They are nvity. on h m pq rr Re t . Yo :. � - re .deet Ex; u s ery .Vic P s lines o4 the old :leaven :ller President a d by aVice•Pr aid nt of the Med at Association of Canada�; the Pr.sici.nt °few Minded of the g , President hx: Vil:e•Y . . P order to Lal of the the. Dean of the tedical='I'a'enity of :''Laval. 11 td be off With the Old love t allesse h? PhysicAne andSurgeons�, �, , Etc. • ...� _ . i Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova Scotia, ; y n� th.« University p .the J resident and 1:4 -Presidents _ eta ar�i A� muni named Eest,wbo s report0, tY ' . t h rare h lrnese end cut- ,; ' • •. � "� •. � � � • , ' ' 'T3OOK'SELLER, Ldckno r., RANGE O ' AGE' NCY. DR: DORENWEND'S, Mis to' have stolen a horst., lersomewhere in Bruce County, ler tines in prison -at Oranges elle. ,. - - • n• , • HAIR .MAGIC . `iVillbe found .invaluable ,forthe hair 'and sod It clenses thtiscalp,,of all llaiicliuff, invigorates tile growth of the h:xir, ud incases of 1)abloo s..' where there eases ar the PiliK, hti*st sigin ?f roots left, it Will pniduce good erop:' of• fair' It restore grey stir to itrioriginal coli;, soul is an.exoellen/caressing. " DO NO ' 7)P.I.AY, if your hair isin a N leakdoifdltin a-' le at n � .tabun c,ce. • fS ' —AM; for +1lO,RWvt1rL+'ND, . Sole Mattufaetiiri+r'. TOii,017.'O; OA1h A1)A'S A Aorenwend ie the lssding inaun'taut*P2„tr. of Hair.ilottdr' hi CsNnadA, •