HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-03-02, Page 24
Story OrN04070;
• Shirley wen etandlOg waVtmg. ter OuSt
' In
tbo great halt and*attheWent'toWartiller*
V0,10‘ VEN7fOrtorn Ieohluherlustreonhaml
stts votont twO trorealh4,littro hands
to et Ma. Thohell iinte all roiay,f0;•the
lielti, 'being profuse,* doloratodnnth -ever-
a (Ina . garlindai and doh erinefen
egintr, While the: polished :floor was
44,mply perfect, tor ditileing. It wAte ;6 le:ettY
Aunt tasteful, hall4oOse,; being Sontewhat,ont
at the oe. .4040,fer in the mosses the sui'ts
Steel armor . caught and i•egeoteri haat
tber_fgesaid lemplighti and the,grand stair.
'! osse at, one rid* oFpotncl loerlmeen,,-emb/a
• . MOW tkverY 0003tortahle resting '' place for
the area:03,06ra bit, and liyi,, •Shirley was
-.....414andisChefOre the great. tOod-ftro that
, bltOntr Ou 1 IV wide 'footionea
MOW,' and Vnt '12do her Sartant,,sa hart thellnitthing toneixes
Om Olt Guy,what shall dOeven for. tboae revert,- in my ootintrY .SaYe that the. - • Lff 00 1.(11,,t411131rbrE:t7dWarren4:34.6.47174"
11-0100011 t0003110011 1014 VOA 040 had' "The 'Seine 10nr OWn baud, Sir,
Preeeert.• 'he' *Wein'. °`911,.' Ifight" retM'nea siiet yi 41' due to uto
withentyour tbsont are 1 i va4*1'ne a "Id °1a*- 4'4144 14
her with amiling yet serroWtO .eYeei ,41 tMontfidingly. Mist know *sea, naa .; be
°W. that 411* the e exelapiat on have en more 0Onsiderate, StorleY:
Wparlog, tbe Willow VO.91* Saiur
breathing-tie:Oh" she- oid
"X• 41%0 IV* X 'Ohail 'Ogre tor belle very •
W. ,".I think:TO 04044 Ineg resa * little, later
to hia wu to bl .evening 80
reaUy ePelided laUghing, the ZOO ineroent Torten+.
engueltly4toYt 1010wele." ")drig 174444
' *CYO" • 0)30 peg tamp' • one
e evening, "Nothing could haVa
trona 1,140.,#* " to- more ?Mos than:Major Stuart'a
She Vie 001'414 down slowly, flieteldng
her &Wes ita OWN 4er eyes. fisea
the little buttons, the long Olken Ohio of
her areas Making a .49.ft "[Wish theit
Iivfept oVer the priluson °ORO. rerhag
tostoop over tea
Rith #4yon :try, ru buve ion win be ablittek .10 that inapt; ntuart fioliihr ,f,.4),), was. white as assth4 not tune, hie. isuess more. rnvenientlY:
for tonight,' 110 algaiils.):404i:00.4'_ WM in the, wroog7 *O. lenim: Aoss -*Sire 11. via with 400/4ky tufo be; Av. pikid with it alight Placer; 41.10. ;01100 to
Latriello having * 'aye n e avreng: I think fhn3hea 00 _ahis ermy,404 ,..ho_turneil_b,b3 ey00 he 0 A i0 a 07 thet ola aseper Stuart ' au,
re eyea I. cannot hoe- people asYlng. that: Iltajor wbeautiftil young lady will 'not lack' ad- Ore • • a eu ' 'which se t his all yont thoughte tor Guy and Gay MAY?'
kltuart has * queer tate to 011:6 that ne.1Y mirere." .! - ,. ,..,.. „io . $ 'Bi. he I OSt aesraringlv, thinking
• o admiration an 040 re 0 i • .
erAl Darling, look uPana Wye nie a 00411e "It ia annety bUsineSS,4 Sir Iluga_asas. gleam '0, longing which ileehea into his that, ikt she we.ukt give onlytinunio, abandon... ,
' .' ' ' -1-- 2,1 Pr. 4A44438 FL 0,14101rae giOUght htik OWA/41 4+ added. , a ra ., v . ,, tu,..94 ,
it/ ton very sorry,9ny,oldleow: broke not eo trusting," he 00(1 to himself,' i .k; . - h en tl es ehe ewe. his teary/toss and trust that ehe Mighs
" 4 ' •
'' tit*" 4lB°4348SlatelY`. " I wish G" were blue eves; and for a ineraent they both of hoPe et which to grfoi, o wo ,, ,
In thy lingW0 voles at hie friend's OS% "he makee it' 00 difficult to deceive bim. e a"" we °meg her • on 5, - th 1, b-tn elties* . , •
esrtb fk•siten er, -Oliing,fignto„in*blook
,4iross, nndanslieinit.00 her usnooto.meet
• Guect .:•nn little, *bite- .
Valk A, nod:gleamekin the e, AVM firelight:. • • .
Poor •
°I4 Gay I Wo were' 13.", t°$°Iter die tril misery: Of•thc, future hoW she Htit the great grave reProso
It will net 136 year fault Mise
changes her mind, Sir , Ifuglar! 'remarked
his valet coolly. ..4`,Y011 aro not to blame. if
has the g?od Jtaete 'to, preter you to
'47:23;?iirtnelit.rte ' Sif- litngY said
"but it is tittle to go., X 'Ann SI
va ellen five minutes more.lk
1 All right, -1 *M. restai.t' GUY answered, •
ea. Shirley otoTtea . ..fitiehea and
trembling. ope aen't mind Etugb, my
aertiegir be woo on, nonuing, eic i# very
ernrktbotioi and Can rAPX' Understand
t I am not'qtdte as 4'010100ft Toughtto
+4 Beeaily," Hugh an' a„vferea412," ratal- er. gt°°. Jtilieri,-,-t'be-eltornative is in yarn own
be lesici rine
-6 low. -tone:4116 reakii1:88tra4Tala palehands Sir I have'shOwn you that.
it is. an easy matter, and the loUng ladY,
even it she. etornia a• little, will be fgrateful
to 74M. When. She finde that she is really
Lady Glynn." •
, • am *leaving yeti s
110tit, ar3110
onyiriebe ei.to ptianity • •ee charge ". Guy went on
ttlechen4lribliketrOng voge. round tdititley now', cind hie tide was
ntellitMentr, ' • . .! • , .• .. bent over her. " know :81r 'Gilbert. and
„Alearrlie•saidlandiy, iqOut4,egy Pay Veithebne ate very good, lint knovi
that' ie mildew", Old that he
"'Arid lieVelc04‘ han**":;Itare';! dOring, my . absence,: will go. .to
fliIiietyangt,41rallaWhiStoradrinateitaily, '...Witlistnt better °axe Of mY prolletV 010
0.10;It.,1010,00ibtglA und T. -Wanted -4o 047 °PO 400' 11!3. sA. ,ea eerata4 ; "an;
,hePpOtinightln,' . .•; *Weetues" atortping,WYOUg
t "Ong., yeaMust ha happy ireniOy yeti won a: 'come to
, me r • • •
• 0e"‘" • beea "Of eonreei '•if you wish
340tit year. SI* el :o• • , a Da, Guy, nothing can go wrong,
• it:, fate ecaa,
iilY. otnik.i.'•02: Da. Alk aver; ,
yi)e (100,40,111-14: Irf1,144I,...,40.: , Oink you hae,W., that nOthingeoula
u try'," Oat you'conla be haPP,-X• yr. e truer pimiento than to- •tericler,YOU
Ana wit safe otia secure, • -
As safe and seenre, Sir Hugh, aa.if the
'Archbishop of Canterbury had per.
fornted the ceremony; Here are Your gloves,
sit." • '
Sir Thigh took the gloves and left the
room, With a grave; thoughtful, remorseful
look upon his.handeoine facc,--0 faCe which
te avap e g:rblve ce el 1 ot iP:oc° ' nle 4soctuidloie
last few days, andhore visible signs of un.,
ugethtbn wa that t time' he ever which were 113ted to his for a • ment
1"ke: ilinXst rtik s rota:. wire onfft ' tit answer • ler
"7,sheewr 1;:lwrtleare, -,_trepu_...t in we hue ; long sPotletiii, he read a love Michangettblei .
• traight whion would be true to her life 6 end.
" forget Gare love for and taustt"
in yell ?'' elle asked GO
forget Sir 1fUgh, yeti de." '
folded lustrous gleaming
Ond shiniMering around her,' Mit square
around her obocatleret• wbere they .wers
finiehed 94 With Reine eoft old. -lice. There
was not a touch color anYWhere* save in
the vivid' carmine ot bet nor hs,a she
were bare above
, "You mUst forgive me," he said,
, brokenly. "1 am alwaye offending you.; •
any jewelerY- Her arms but indeed it is very hard, end It is °say ,
her elbow, and elm carried a fan of caved days yet, you know. I haven* got myeelf
metber.of-pearl and Satin and ' Broads well under control. Even Guy would pity
lace which had been Guy's -gift. Years me it he knew now I suffer it timea; Init
after, Sir gugh Glynn could have given indeed..--inaeed 1 will conquer my folly ma.
every detail of the girl'sdrees,whiebseemed wealuicse." , 2 ..Ath
stempea indelibly _upon his recollection. . The eweet haSel. eYes were. dim --
Never had 01201,00W 3310r0 lovely. Regret tears, then, is she looked at him for a .
that Guy aite not present to see her in her moment. ' -... . .
"silk attire“ made het hazel eyes some- "Sir flugh, I am very dorrY,” dm said,
what wistful and sorrowful, but the story gently; 'and for a second he felt tempted to
her mirror had told. her Maafther carry her spate her -but only for * mond. The,riext
pretty head haughtily erect,: ant tb.ere was the trump (smash; the game be Waif PlaY- •
a little triuniph brightening her beautiful tug wore pub into his hand, cl -
4yes. And, as be looked upon her,Hugh he coup:II:int resist the triumPli they'o red
Glynn a heart beat high with passion and. him. ., -
longing and love, and the last remnants of "1 will not distress yen. again," he pro-
etunder teiriptation fell away from mind. "Dy the by, have 00me Of you.r .
' property to restore to you.: WM you have ,
your letter now?" . •
.•-"ii"Oh, thank yptil Teti, I think I: may,.
indulge myself . witla ' five ' minutes
longer quiet." she said and , took the
letter from. his hand. . " Will you allow
me ?" , she e,ontinued, .stiailing slightly, ,
arid Sir Hugh bowed a quiet _gkl.ell- •
himself uneeenkoh,hea, been such happy um, and the temptOr 00usanere .
!tilt% ---------rboo• tinleiptig,hroopeP r ethheel „ar btxynci, 14106veppeys ex;evo0;,treadabliteeanaansayssomt tetaenteiher said Alice eerelesevl e
agony !rale Sheelrakes words the color rose, Swift
' put days to Shirley Boss, as " You. might be wearing your v7 a
(lading -
Theo° 4*90 wh'• she ares,mad, her
144 fir -4e
4oxy;thiiiit 1 4mnl a it I w
_. ' 3 were
eoes*till': 10' SheiVe 44. 1 exPeot
rC'.• . I lie BO , ., :, •-_,,,' • '. , ''. ,,..,
"Jhefl','I'Sta navy to eV that 17‘.or ot-
ettatione;. 'di' bl', ,_aleapObintea: . 'ebto
aaFeurAy,i ..,.,4f latin;den't'Yon Orel Are
- 'V a,',.little:,,, try,?",, naaea
, 41•At' any rate I leave. her Much. tem) condos and selfish and languid. aa IT re,. Ana scarlet, to Shirley'd-facei and Sir Hugh
menner. " NoN geed -IVO,' mY darhng ; heartlessly selfish, 191a proua in a ' cert_sul Fa' ho no Court
take care ef yonrselt-and take Care et bbr. rill a his hesrgessness„ ,who.. had smiled
ona 'Pam' liovertarlto ol 8 "NY think that the. snillektor which lie. longeO,
ocoaslori;"„ Si.r augh Glynn. lIe, itimeral so
rale& to the line- '
• regreLfullYitilnienfi n aro nt bfittika' pose night or- day, no rest trona - But there w -as no time to answer. One
old friend," •,4 ••••• nese ot his thoughts; he, who iCit"/* gjw,4 by one, in all the bravery of thep aainty
ball-,dreeses, the•gues
' ltlibercaebea- tpaligniisliSt•,• ,. _ _ _ 0,41710t24,.
--fi.•,,' -la' '7,1ovigi'at.s.w...tia.. .. ,
-which he coulo. trot sqlfitec Mat -away ni. "
a ,..
hfiX1 stint almost as keenly as Guy Swayed
trust had done.. She was so fair 'and gentle,
she was so 'compassionate .for his pain,
that he might have had 'thinpadsion on
Maenad. •
liPtkantlowailkte 61T,Umi 13,3caltairctaielo`tal4APIronitlicaslneking-L
, 's • • . ',513-4," .4dely.eic . • . ••, , , • ,
Menu, themen sallied- forth lath= 4, ewar-
.aorrokinl eyes te,liie
ugh." .
"it r "and b. hb h erea the paint," and presently the Gonna of'wheels
venue and the
he unclasped, the . 'een M'a beg`9,1*
v00,:be uteity enoukh to do so
nteStrthat havebeen.VokifiglOrtvird he.t, "a eilt shruult.„... from the eePara*on Ides ler-Which be, would almost hava..laid wee heara m the ,
a bower
i7403hIrcir, ,•140it:1 d'arebOng Of (.1Tead ilia tarter ar" n,,r'i°n- the 'gentle words for w ie • e ung ,
0216,0:1„,,wentieto 711,h -fest enU trenihunq, . ' _down •his lite, were an given to another hen& eeneeelea-.;
e , g t0:13ae
;grandeur,' Og her. firifl,all,dresai. Bat „Perlin& let nniI30: entwhiclinging hands-WhY. Dist his love had"ber,tv 'al Ile, while lie was reamelange cd
jeoteO sua „almost scorned: greenery, struck up, and Shirley's first ball
• - ion child, ie only for a week or eke f any sh• 1 ,
0 a 'ration or ir ey beauty, of ortApTER
4'11°1' v4Y ne "I° °11 t • ` leaVe P with the' eat,' noble,
cold ork-re. t- D it soh to *01 eillY &it rle piqued by .he't indifference ; but now ,
Th ball at reurholme Court , was like
• • .
dweVer; shall eve why, shbley,,, Oen no be able te„ he loved her -not ,
g: had 'yen most ether balls,. especially ose
h entertain -
Abell one' ,.06. doling, *0 ,tioot and -flea at.awn'oet
a th heavy shel-
min* t her appiness; but deeply town -bred long
° t on 't ;41 '°with nassion Whioh' her trated, • ana Where a s
merits, ' in ' them' r. cOnnastrynio wyhere • the
II ire not. such.Oom-
iclitt..14.°Vklete4,nativiailughingi'Yi...:' "`.. 0 1111'herini:hei0WhiV:0":11Y13t*Uar,
the iria'•hhave sacrific the . t • 'eV. pene-
ft"1""4:."'4" bonasatt . of •••fitt /In& 1294 walkedever to .
fot toring.6urtahis,' nea t r 4 ns'he cool- eyta t tiell; but„ Vag& monentertamments at3 the tire in London
a sr e o ao P, a -was-a-s
:a-plie should be his„
thousand -fold:, It. &trine the season. The•Yeciiintryi petoplet
lotionV ftpoie.' rtd: studded door. , " . . 'indifference, .no
-stdter m MY • obeeeoet" • :014 felkiVg" he-Oned* warning Y,' np (Hatton mereaded
' • ;• 4 • y and at the soun 0 a a. ago Imo. as In perhaps, het were well repreaentheidt;itshreraree,rwiedrine p,oeinditynoc.
a f to 1, ace shilleY rich self-love as love
and flit-Hugh_htid.. •prettYglrls,_il was a
could! . s 0 BM If kea her teate au mug t trong-passion - -
19c • e
citherr tru0A WVLU „That,e..,n4, breve, shirley I NO, don't by 104; and, since feat mean, a e
eff3#61," ..litid•.:4.4,111.P.FtirwntbilIre-P' • P'7'. Mune' to the doozildarlinitigt ilizerpthe a Gri Stuart sodeeply that nothing -ere.givmg *Otto .34 Stly,
A slight cry, -1 faint, terrified., anguish.
stricken, made him • turn " quickly.
Shirley hma. risa !hits 'death,.
and; trembling in every limb, was •
looking with Axed stating eyes at her
bretber's letter. '
4.0 a • ot ' 0 Are
oo hea-venovh th matter?,
you ill?" he exclaimed, going to t, her ,
side, and regardingher with intents° anxiety,_
"Shirley, let me get you something -let ma
call-" • ,.,
was hastening -from her side,
' t so unlike Shirley's
PaibOl bootees. was ber eiementi iaencieg, •her voice- er vo _
and cm:petting, and flitting, with Sir Hugh BWiet even:tenet/ initarlat,011431 hOatffelieB0--.
mg men.
epreSsed-' --thttial#1,2 'herself from GUY -as asP- • • ot power,foryanstance.
:tsraeinidifiainitilYip,of.orfroguya, teaswrepssioriately arga7bisoad a: Just into
,`, MAI" '\ lie cittee tenea'• don't forget me."ped his room "BP
the long sleepleas night; Our; whiohnhe
means or
in in csenstant attendance, :Sir Gilbert moved arrested hire. ' • •• ' "' ". _;:.' ` . • -
in trifle pompous. 'Why Card Missed -04)11d !.::3"- Qs altd,II:ientlily!*‘1,11elt.tiljoaoirile•cirrae-•-••%Pn"e'r
among his groat% eourteotts, urbane, and a s'ii
she He went to the door, lockedit, awl: ce,rea.
.passienate„ aching, Asalous..beartWoidd and inentallyinveighed against exigence 'hack to her again. She seemed: .daxed and, '
ror , of some . • great ' trouble . was Upon her
.•-;••flir Hugh felt that to. the depths o . Fearholm,e from . , court of ash:areal,
tempt ; , het allegiance; he *Mild try of. get . Alsjeety'e, -Berries \ in general, and bewildered as. she. looked at hum; : the her-
withont, a -struggle; he loathed the means *se excellent' and the floor admitable,:itia -
But be lied. not yielded , to teinptition herself very ranch rem. e, rsheiessi .Theln. eel ft:i'ilt:e,;:m..°:::the.airitheawhilhatI7ro.ah.inaebyuhee:padoi.0:itit.0.601:•eiiinsa. a,bn.wr:tagalbehttnhenesa:Thant:4: ,
whereby he could •steal her fr'onv.. Guy, he altogether the ball was a Ocoee)), and. the beauty and startled hini greatly, While,ber
foul. . . ••• : . • . • • • . • .' • Oewald's." Chief" in' pattieular,but enjoyed
hated . the man '-vvh. ;had suggested those new year , 9Penea right . merrily at • pliit, eYes looked up. at him full of. a. beWildeted
of his overwhiliaing paision, ' he ' Wat3' . TOct now year was aliontlialf-anhour •
Old: .
pegennteidy,?, oliWy hallatlaoiettainhosvir'.m.;oststoeottliVe! her;
Meand, and yet, help. ess against. the torrent holMe Court: .
carried:. away so low 0,a,:•te .think. iof :when Sir flugh at list Was at.libettyhtit.
treachery 310 diehenor if it would give her to leave the ball -room. He had.been doing at .the anxi'ety.toia tenaerness in his vole° .
Shitley's coMpopure failed. She sunktipon ' • ..
hint... He was :thinking :of • those means duty resulting all :, the „ evening ; he, had
gallery, drawing his gloves and looking ally very agreeable,' and, although. he had tiihuhr:touitnitto Eno.. t;tiehoisaihon• ota il.siesitars. ,o;brolowitii al.'
now to he Went slowly' down 3116 pietiita. danced and flirted and made hhrisell goner.
faititlees.: evenint.areaC and ' Guy 'Stuart; to. he :. neat . her very- constantlY, and had head in helpless anguish ,upon the arni , of .
. , . , .
so ' handsonie and 'distinguished'. hi his. net danced with iiihirley;' he hod: managed
leaning back in his cornet of the. ranway. hovered abonther With a gentle care and -131.achtio,eitnt„iy;' biiwith the
'th,oi ,sa• rito. ::i.,..t.eneie. •
carriage in whichhe was epeeding tovierde .attention,for Which the girl, was very grate-. :
.dinburgli; waskingtenderlyof the. girt. fel, :She was not enjoying herself. much,. 6617:jolt" Yi'l.:.0tn.,11. hise. tifvyases,oSsitoe,'Hatisegah,,hwpaitesadia;-',..
Abe friend in whose (Marge he had , left ..she found hereon thinking of Guy and higeiltlY' ... • ' , .. • .„...• . „.i....
he hecl patted•with so lately,and kindly. of . peer .ShirleY,.:' for, .as the evening wore on,'.
her. ', , , , . ...:, .. . long: cold journey ,oa her excitedinnigina. • .."Whatie'it, Shirley? - !exit btotuer-,...
' 'Imay rairheime met Sit flugh in the ti'on conjured up ! rell.Wity sacidente, and he, illr ' • - - -:'..- ' . '. ... - . • ' ' .
hall; looking stately arardeg0400Alt 16 her. ether trouble)), until'it reqiiired a Contitant : 011,**,1*11104;isiiota'lialireThilieJnacikh•el'r'e ••itio, nothing
riChvelVet •dreas with ite,trinunings Of old effort to laugh, and emile, and, donde, and
4viedryri•Bisbil'ariry.U‘kieTeilkilthil''til •• '.
point loco; and, while theyWereekohanging it Was • a great relief to her when, 00fithlg" Washidial.,0::o. neendlih'
.b,it of waltiew on • the prograrame; which' :bduIPtegre,reoralemi:i"tlaSusesiliestradfrireciatati.°11bedt.tahite... 71hot, i.i 'le,. my obildi :end. let e 'hal
Lady FairbOlren thought was toe large and teem and :took ming° -in theschool.roorii, .Yll!'.33"xt. ti.,...' h„ . , • , ' 2 '' .:'''''
4 10W- wordaboutthe inueie and the limn!
• ' t lei& enough, .which, Or . the trinacei, `hid been
'",-Sititley ;Ire* a long uia, and likisterons. you
vrin added.; 11131311.00, ehe went with hirci, ana
‘o• Ala, 11* 77 watched'. hint get . into the dog -cart wirich
veie,:t. •was to triltabira to the • . •Tit
taro '•'5Shirley,-..Put both .,hande on well lighted in anticipation of the coming
44 hes; ,,ShirleY; ,ho"-"' *tea 'It was • -a rough, boniterons nig ,
Ary una;,•viith' tt."'Fotty.,,ltttle vem ail 0,0 be but' the avenue was.
r!••••„•• • ••• ' •• ' ' • Ida - ,footivittee.
ortiro,vpiii sorry, Crux, X, na. eteed still in thelighteO,AcietwaY,
&hie luta you her them for the worl ,
With Sit Hugh at her sick) as the dog.oart
'e+o- itlY; 44 you op, the drove awa5r ; and 61151.,Ailt:eleg Ile he came
to the bend the drive, waved his hand in
ords;tdiden netr,.* t a furowou; then they both turned away and,
"Yes but not QS tney Were repea e
went into the ball again,' iiihitley shivering
.7ihr;;;ta;ii*sowArrec1.4..,,,,e4geyricyti,:,'„Seathat':,.......toutteliaTioi: ..:Seleii,n.t. tvloseudfinr:Fattalc,:. lcsiirsh::::ncii,,f;:lkig.0::::1.;,:,
t'tikitia,iiiiptt,tit tlici World, una 11+, Y A
qhcide are pleiClant 'Worde to hoar), sweet.' "It ie a. rough drive for Giiy,"• ilie te-
'" ' ,VrOtila 'y.118 .:ansWerea',:. 'grain*,
imals.0.1011' loot ,vic, marked. sorrowfully; ae ;they stood fora. few•
.,,,lii.•A . Is • 1, '.• said ' iota*. '' . " Theis Sac/Pita" lts rtr4n' t .61: 11118116 41 sialbrY Bret
.;• t., Then. let theur
,,-1,,N.v,re,,.: ,,• . 0A-4,•• - . •,.• . ... ,... - and a momentary
rk, 'titletlie . Othere ..6.16.- 'not, , p!.ny,
., lie ,rooioa, 4604. iotu. the ).00,14, 12 "Yes•—butlivould rather' be. Guy ,driv,
Mg awayAn the eold wind and dark:lose
' ' :.". I.:a6,not, think they pained. Mercitiolt,"
' which • Wete , lifted te-tdafeeS*. " WI' thart-tnaii-the happiest 'luau . id. the
‘. netthitikany 'mete anent -them, Shirley. ,
his ..1:4CO wan
*harolcde atiol'vrei;i19tnelosiirrares°rb,re.,g1P1-. hheeekvfka.S. verYp,leand
vlseY de net' Oat $'00. neV1.• deari.do thell" .1Pyrtilles; g hit° the Yeting: IT/11'e '` aeaele
Tot williniteta.140,, floor ?pi.. _ World," Sit Hugh sail 'slotvly. Ali, :Or-
• ,ystit eoree..,, von :be so pleasant to-gaigvasir. et: That
Ilwass e. all. en;rte se! bred iyttelsie
write to lit"'"i(iver'174ten t° 8211 (Minuet," he added, with , smile. "1
One "• but 4131r,"..•
you ixiitok,., net iSna tho. letters, being now, ,since Guy has lett you in my (*ergo,"
elie said; '81611111g ''' a° won't vex you by my folly any Mem: And
; ' •0; ' ' ' becomintied, " Will you not let MO 00k you
i he.",.liiisivered,'.-'' es00001.1Y it' they tell nie to g0 Wane down: for an hone or tvfOr BO
'! ‘,.i...`ttatil, Say I alMll not think them so,".
about yourself and' Your, doings . end our
Y • not like to think that 'be had spo °doll
as to be rested for to -night,? : Guy irould
ilittationti. ,a.., ,,, au, 4..„ia e,nheed with your pleasure.'? . • ,, • ..
'.‘"Mifi'"a"°n°?' :"'"`""-Y ''-•i- ' At- - „-,A "But Aunt Geraldine will not bo pledged
wide,' inhaeaat suilli•ng Gr.,' ' ' s Wh7-4- --- if I do not come down to dinner," Ohl). said,
'L,:lit' ,,y. lefte .10.„..i4 von well. ' vkin; You are,n eoloring shyly, and rimiling a little es she
ashtray° utile ntaiden on the eurfaeo ;vherYut " arid. I don't • think Guy would he
leseed if I were te,let people tihink I was
*ill have forgotten Me it r *tut sway. 'Conger ' h b 14 101t
43611 yfrat01,1,X3111 d0013*, De yon. *think you
than a- fortnight?"; . .
t, Or course, I shill ilia probability have
married some 'one dee it vitt prolong yonat
' labbeizett.for three .weelis? she .aneWere ,
• of supplementary let any fancied scruple prevent you, Shirletv, '
Yon know that illean de anything X Shall
be Only ,t60 glad; 1611 mi3, dear, ' What
. She 'was lying back in the Maitit now, rialu •
and 'nib:1;00(3a, her lipaquivering and the
great teaks still resting on her 'Ong le.sh ;
her • head with a weary little .gesture
sahoentaloLokii.d:.!: at 13,iin pit71181.y.. e.heof
" you not tell -rue, Shirley? Ito,. •
member, Guy left yen. in. my care. How
can I fulfil. my trust Miles)) you cOnflae in
Me?" he paid softly. 4t korgetan my folly,
.una reineniber only that he told you -,wliert
he was leaving you,• if anything Went
Wrong, to: tom° to, ine as frankly as.'
yon %Ocala. go • to 'him; • 44 Shitley:' he
added, in • earnest .entreaty,- .tt 'DM
do What Guy *mild Ad if he' re 'here
no* "
.' Pot one Moment longer' oho heditated.
. .
--,the next ahe had put the letter, and •
with it the opportunhy heneeded, into •bie.
hands. • " • •
, There Nvall etiefice in tlielittle Mont as be
'took it from her-eilenee broken only; as
Shirley remembered afterward, hytheliard '
tiottet..or rain 'against the wiiidoW'-parme
and the litivil'of the wind Mining the treed ,
outside. • • .•
(Tote corithituma
' I
bigratittide,• •
•4lice canie•elowly down' the Moire,. 'Oohing turned into 6 101111 .
very lovely iii a drees of palest nink, with cloak -room, 'wh4re acme of the gentle -
Sit Hugh 00081 ere,
wild rases in, lier 'curly yelloW hear.. ' men had left their plaids and overcoats.
"Sir Hugh went forward te meet her.With It was very quiet and pleaeant, Shirley
'sortie eitpresientent; bnt, Alice,' remembering thought, atter the hest•• and glare, and
the little firelit seerie, the ,tail i inan'a head 1101.8e 01 the ball'ioom. The fire had bellied^
betiding low, end his lips touching the girl's somewhat lovi, for the houlehold: were all
.0light hand, tsseed,him with a • quick re-' tee busy, to attend to 'their' regular duties,
prosebful &woe and . went toward lier and SlitrleY eanh down before it luta a lea'
Mother. • - , . - American chair, and crossed. her'little satin -
44 DelPbine *ante year opinion, mamma," oboa feet on the fender, and. closed her eyes
she said smilingly: " Sheintys that Worth wearily • as ahe rented lier pretty head
hitaselt never made a prettier areas', and egeklet the 06thiell et her °heir. •
•flie for a ferthight; se, Irattethet,,a although tht„itoin_ roven_ot Pprraeltleyber for it.', , . But siae.:Nae net left long in solitiide; the'
e r 44 ' Lay4 .1,0,ii. eager roommate blue eyes which. had • fol -
ehould lilp it, sot upon your „seggestioni bairn° LoWect "Sir Hugh, . you ore ,e, lowed her an 0O0Eitatitly yet 80 fartiVely
0110b. ti gobseae to ory became
'Sit Hugh: '. • ' • • • ' . ' better -re3get p,3rhepe, having see -in "mere of during the whole &ening hp,a noticed. het
tau, uo. favor in , your ,oyootio, ho luojkowiurfWnitrttahiatchlfeardtiong than T have 1$ escape .. from the lip,11.reem, and Sir
A n' Sir nnoll Utigh tad 'gtteffsed. 'Where :she Would . take
_.`'• It is beeatiee it is my eiggestion •
that it %It ..3
said regretfully. sipo yOU; Ins; malice, '-- 'IT% - h..- -8°' I Alice0 refuge. • :
micio Boas? xo ? Then evil ,rtio began, tie ,a Ott , is blae.ey, on _, for, 4 tre,h a la 0. us , iiik , h .
,. a moment in smiling admiration; butt, the B B FA afor see g er, more -
your hand in taken of forgiveness, and, eel, ,.-
gul turned. away petulantly , , , .; over, for that evening, just no they were
With a little\ a„mile she gave '.'
net, reliantly ; '' an& why are 4on not Wear..
;au " he fumed' entering the ball -morn, • a - servant had
brought • 21i66 ItO611 6 letter which . had
lit0 Guy'd friend, let. ine be yoursr • , 4 How have I offended
hand, and Sir Hih bent oVer it and in ty flower -8f I thought -Oa would ,do arrived by the evening mail, and Shirley ,
fle'tigliect also. It was strange bow
little bath Seemed to feel this operation.
,.:Oartaiiily it was to he but 8 short one but,
• .so • Mitch May happen in 0 fortnight,
.;n week, Inn day, that 60ine Of the
ing,tronble Mast -have Viet shadow npen,
• '''' Vitali
•' "S attoy girl t" he saki. :14 Marry sonie
oleo at your peril and his I ' if yottdo, as
lint() ea uty name is Gay Swett, I will kill
bim t Therefore* if any _a,ELI 241 .5,1!P ' r 'se 0 you
*On hint". ' • '
. :. "1 certainly will," alio replied 'nierrilyi
• MLA then the smiletuaea, and she rested
- bet heed againet Win Wearily. ,"Guy,. I
'Wish you had not to go." ' • _, • „.
, "50 do "I, ior., 13ut the dour old mak
les been se goodto mo always that 1' could
': • %MA' Warta think of Iiiin as al una lonely.
pole 1.0,1fOr worea,thou be 14, ea that !do
liot belieich he id. iie ill ite•he saYS;• ViliY, X
, lua; ue you kuovoi 41 letter frornthi dear
, ola folit4 hot week."' ' . t• ,
"Yeti-4314).0nel, a' kinaidito., You .*iii
Dr- °Wafter is a bit bt SU altitmist:! he
4 naaea musingly, , una he AlWaya
touched it with hi Jips. ,As he aia se, bh , Y • • • had given itte ttugb, and. oak:
out 01%, tho oak-parlet,`„. •saw the two or not," Alice ouia pettiably, " eo leng 11#011re tO read,ie- `
"Von do not *are 'whether carry thesis log him to.keep it fer her tintil she icaf3 at
l'airholtne and. Itnby'reapel, coming e
Shirleyr‘eartioi) these you tent o • • "Tho lost/nark Glasgo*, and: it ia
standinghy the hall iirel and Ittiby Bald ,
111 stirPrise-tr:-- " How eon yoti be so unjust?" Ilugh grate 404 she Baia
64 Vith it Id onirle and ' • • ose 'he is wiehing a,/, very
e pdtting her thee*, pr‘ao,t. h t b o b t th epPY now Yeait but the good *takes mist
. Jour cotunn ixt e , , • •
4•• eked-reproachf
,jianOte ray ofaett friend; aud as snail A Welt*" • , 6
ten So the " goodtvishee' had waited until
maid . for the
'give hatri• tnY Cluy, afia Willful that
hall Always love bite jot •bia goodness to
toowortby. nephevt, ,
Yonate a darling t" tftty eat°. wady,. es tn •
tiee," remarked Alice, with irrepreejli
44 ht td be &Oben:kelt Of vary ilitereating tioroon? y
herself I" , she added ad, slie passed up OM
broad staircase, bolding her graceful he_set`
ergot,' una imolai:4.1,er soft bine area)) die.
after her. •, •••
* Ana ilttl?y; ad she followea; ',With -a
toucli of gravity on her lierintiful Vivant
face, Was reminde.d of the lin& of the old
new, safely esconced in Sir Hugh's coat -
pocket; but he thought that t,lp tinistula
ocone tor them to be delivered, • •
' So it happened that, While Shirley toy
back on her cushione thinking of any; the
" ac)v:A X. °Itte4...,}L° .ttal4..ad,' 2'211141.21 sat Sit Ettigh'e 'voice asked Petinission to
.lesving wax' ,K-03 03L a•
4"A"'V''' ntAji With a tone of entrmity which Shitiey
0 ,
°awl:0 thttrrerii,k,i eci' ee 1,1 ni unv ob• uta not,but hOard• '
°-- She gave the pct.:Manion vorteg'ently, and
hand to. hitt) to WWI 0130 , of tier long.
Ong- • ••
itd t° tSks tr/eY k. 0 gloves, and w e. was 'bending over the tog, leaning bill elbow on the nitintel
LatrezUe to . s y .
°were?" , . , , •
..".,If X thougbt you cated,", Alio° began
relent' gly, dropping her eyeereoquettiehly,
intlYou oks
and the lifting thou,: Slain tO 1310 i600* . ' tiohooi.voom. door. was 4
he% mime ferWard and •ittcled side her 011
110 i4Ab6fQr P°°" va her 1* -r°1 ih6re was a 6tS rtistl° of ‘silit and fowling down at bet coget 'tonaei.
for flirting Guys on tho una the vetti4,f of tiny tto hhigirig;buS shitioy aia lu;it reject
faity,turn__; • •
Bald Sir flogh Glyuu deftly. She &Ion not look tie
• , .1•011A.I1B11 ta • heeled' attoeil, • ' his gam. •
' "it,Sicina if ,Fotee would be pto re- 4,,d • ore Shirley," 00,11. Akiceit' flOtt da pleseen*
Judgo to,priaorket)-:" disgraceful,
itastue,..that there are Snob Wet yOntO
prey upon the ceinninnity.. :Dia! it,ever ,
debut to yen that you are worao then
wertliletia Prisoner " Bf
ttattaXent ft:0 see& men as mei Yo' 116fteli,
*ttddent drawin' big tary obbory
- ,.
• ,tho,Agtorouvoltno. tio amino,
. .
110therL-tobby, io filet the proper way
to Iola your 'knife and fork? • . •
think it's a proper enatighwoy,
• ‘itet • ralitittinio4nitia4.,4folaritl,hat little iliera