Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-02-17, Page 6A
r0a To torl
bisTeT 0, S OU04 Of
Nm. *-The Speeiker.001t: e'at T ad P 9f
French prese a.�BM to'011lona Abroard ti
The r D,;rO'W:,
that' it was. , tr Vy".
ed rat to
ittirgin respect j e
Loss 0- pme. has+ furnished
in (NOW, YoFk W
4.1oho P-04 an Mdrttgogeq 4,00
description 9t: the -'gifts to
ill r000 t, Watts boo � g
*",soon 40t, his i,aoilge. penaltlea far ptIptopkill. �ppports
Was �TAe logo,' of the lfred n L Pope
L h siti6itlars, f. LBOOL On L
but t b V., Re come in s6 in PC CQZI�ra
�agglq, for lifta,
at 'itt. ; ea,
"all 0A resintea, il the6l6kandL
LonarkI pl, Of't�jg 'AWf dditioi�s have. mmeacl. oto the 40, Mi
ilid* j. in Whi y oba ti, g,fri, ndly socletiai.vorb
speotor of In
44.4 hty, by Mr. J. Howard Rlmve�, InMinbers.9fthill
the� Vigo, Perry,
brought, tO this citY -00 I 11naiy of I",
The �Pik tithe
h t Qn, handled,
_p afirairic
d 0 y6angj. kndj the ond is J000glola ur0.
ago*tj��'of this po ho presents �o priovis que,
lid);IM* MICA pr ovgtz,�igorl rt'r wobip. of ltbeintent, of the
yet. Upo Jarrumiyr "t detlea, not being withill
Phil 'have poseptl unditortakQ for',
_be' not
t a w. V day Si1.95 tonqj' Ali
wiipigid the adef�hiao for
laxit"dugo tio the' VSIUO; Of 010,00L0,000' Ontario 11181194111.
a b,, Ito spoo Tile crew., and a lown, ineglep lit �acoidelit, lit- -,ke 1A S *—Vt UPle, Mom Tapaboo h -h to _Q X! bra ficiiho, pro" t $brought 0 . ands'et the
roserltoo A oberea �%
won amhaos, been exceede in, the nature OLL
Cathi within its, hotels and 1. abei6tle6 and
r* Mr. Dassongetei nu, Ev6h V mortlia.'ry insurance
aoothly" until the vosed., reache the 6lias! of South Ilion.
goal Bat: by. fire. 1w a
ablid the SP1 ),000. Ireland, act a a
'Thbia, -coin 680( seere o . etio ar
Bahamas. brought w ItAPA the 6000 l'
U 66" aira ion ather, pt� vicinity, of the T IS v_es7, ig in Vith all
atom isitie, overtook I i4si been likowise. generQufi, in' ou6a. 134tj any t
on ibe. Act equ. lY
k-fatticl ship., thit resIiieot-
men Xqjb6xtj Shave, a J�jo Authorize
thrown!, Q D 'h ug.111suz
-6* atera, presented go Bit n er rif*jubilloatico or prope
ald.7 Moyqr. an- 881. Was Archbishop: 'Walsh, of j .ixblin, brictilig.0 wo: to vote- for -Vave huaooil unmviriett, War ends d d lie Bishop,Of pers6rial for a 011iii excaipilin Wlks ' L L ei Iany contiact ooIn
-Pik, it by *44 gita me - broke -.over the half-wred Itiou lite is dparued
anhalt. and witlo And On , Overwhelming from. his.. aw, t,
nibets t6fthO, and
Olonfort 04,000. 6rice oraiinuity't
Swept every inin: over, thoi aide into t e ever read the first t y,
Jg_ at erL . . I L I I .
'02 ** �UbIlo L W ebriapaill* urider tije-ontario lustirain a
a Th`IiUnited States hawoutstrippea.
U It f the, forcoao� IS
he to 0 re tione
'a hefree, mpo- %be T wu . . LUSY Pot . 0 Tug, 14,
e boiling, oceop,_ Aportior4 a the aroh, b
in ig itse Any joint ate
is icese socedr'n
Was -polso,oarrie& in -and, to th od of Which has
other country in istercid auder.the, Bill'
.100"011 so6ety whip
to the Samoif
W York Mr.!.Nmirn�_Roapieia jog, JeotWVeQ agasix of; t e men manage '.e1sot I Mae whole betoli
PIS( 'ly ifforded 648,006.. heAw'ay � less t an ntfv me,
ilicerisifioa, all the sonducted as a tradiniS or luierce
ro utiI6 Venture,
to attsch the xi ba m6itia.-gift cannev'be
Other than as -
Mr,. Wxioro�-T_ theAhold- 'on
Q 0001A the *'Uniiai ThwBbip ha not sunk, at. i , hand. Thii or the funds of Which are -held
also held.10 couifa
t o�d atontributions noV. beingyet 0 uiider tfie
bulk,' some f ifiing to Pope Leo the feijty trust funds, firR
g 0 ;e+ required or
tit R4
an 4at.. ent Act6' While the stoili, last' I ii manner a test q Of ibe United 'States, W69 society witlll� the Bill shalm
�mnt% Water -to regai* of ib60Aoth0Ii0 n61)(1sit With the Provinc'""�'
heto. make) any IS -by theL
amea. maii pitches :L 0 less trort strongly re�KiniMaDded. allowed to: make,
at toapplicable; tor all, through th ary hours gate rressurer, and the ijuitial or re�o.w
thew attention be,
laptiorowa at Courses,& t 4., Q 'we Who
4ei, the road. sinill
01.046t, gged the piece. bishops,' cardacato o mgj4 ILI no ofouse
It andun a many exq hold to vouch lot the financial basis Or
�but, 'for, �flvo lojult or ess t e mariners hu aits presents conditlon
teF prinic
f wreckage and waitea, aw d;
be4i of �&mpaliaios-, I prayied for
suciagas alli 'Tbdp 'lag t *ere frLom their diOQASeS e received. It of any,societyrrgiatere j: may Appoint
'By Mr Fjmtuch-i�To . siXthorizo the ap- O3 With p aiwn, s;it lost., - The sea ig call . .,
he FoIlli,L ho The Liout,
peraon4 to
gua, as med'dowzi; U%1, Is ore, please w ith it dain th an.
iiii I . � j. ba Regi� trax of zriendly socioU08-
jansitir the proven d tb
Isoac 3h4ve
b the Water gged vessel, boo wall the Admiration of t'
Kr,eger -of bush, Arem
ivoro desired to, re4oh, was i -taking c9litrSOR
d� 4 other country, since f arnia es Every friendly I
the rbwd quroge a* a the Which t"AL SUVV B0016by cutlet
or a- ifie_L Act
th atitiono preseutP, er still at a distance that, W0110 Osr ready medus t t 01 re, (it. the AjQv.]Luust Luake appolicam
!sud. fineilly Among e,' V, . 0 spre
h, Sail, they"06ald 0 nnby June SOLIJ, alter
&rts of t 6 ast; tion for� registry the
y expect 'to traverse
ent, Of
VrOm the County lMg4 pe and taik6a. effect. and shall Ato a BtstOm
;d 'M C -7- root the Ranting; wroo 3 t ey gath enterprises suciety's Act ot. incorporation,, the rules govern�
j,',tartuumte. By 4 haildej for wh a
Coulioili Of X
be b =a
With, hesetheir' Of farin stock rude, oars, toiled
aliso, Pray!. er6A in a. few pieces a i
sisepament orsji6bert. were, no '61 out, priying, for the eieinpition, f woodwork,' and heartiest energiao. Ing the sbuiety's contracts, #to laot �unu
uce sheot and any. oilitormfor P.2�9
ry, 411
and 0 Itas. In t ..If tile 1. cluitis f uund entitled to registi
Own,' W on!.-Ibtay that Will In the number Of Catho
h d oball,requiro.
iromoii the wat i "at
'djiitotIi6�rawdiwh1& ing.for legli
b6&fto t, .., . one count
the where too he viri iries, Belgium and
1�6mkift of, romi si
eotibbs. a L I found. zut their progress rIvery beptewber next,
least might bar Hungary. have sent'the most iregistrar, by t a
fOZ6 L t
yMi. Stratton -From the Town Court. - 'was alo�i the hoot'sun. bigot. down UPOn
ing !bink Used jo a rviQe i here Ilion, name
iviad so� ill n th6 a to the society the cortiticate of. registration
e equal,
0 and they new
-too well cruel tbmn
IdenticAl with L
in p bat under which any other exist
Jeoterb6iro, pray It their approteotda� hewda No o9eiiaty, abutli be. reuist000re
12 �Vaica�t. and i0provedland'in n enemy, Mark, t
top, vzusus imi
ihai 6 stered,
asdaisment of GION y and Lioregistered society
urfaoe)of the to :1 its namo,"Withom the con torittif the
behind 'the ty the storm.'Was beneath the a A reo ak d" ze
Heircourk.-F.rom. the oun i6tets-iswaiined",iiith,.shaike- �able pro notion is in bran h
d By Mmto Whist or
by a or, i6ceau. The wl of. the, Pro Where the iegistiar is in doubL
r mying for.,in- fjoiii th6 Colle, pagaltdiii, par- closty' is eqialtd. to rok;i5trj'L the question,
Council, of HaIdimandt: pi Without viater or* ood'the hard Sao
kubwa. 441[aes ling r their. un. n science in a seven
obOOls' bout their energies t& propel shall be deternsiutod by' the ALioruey-Olionerau
I r h 6406ted crossed giliouts to High* sind'Pub traying hums. -be flual, UU104bYarle4ky'.
onIg they laydka salhe euemy�of religion �oombattod i shall
-by tile pe -six hours
laries 6id psi toiliad.' Th n the Mind Of one of the by the Catholic Ch0roh
3bo also f0i'the. election qXlebf.sberiffe w
wield�_ ra'ft. For, thirty ia-A, Order in C 21
4 Quhc Zity s found, entitled tc/ registrZ
Mi' a . 0, am when any.6oci
t-ke beitare 13.44ire mind'othei bE1161s, WhO88, SO IS
The v f lion'stordpirigbit the serpent with one fore
mre pl, the ap. low, the son of the a 111sitio au certificate,
ing Atob iihe other ahoy
fine young fel 'theregisirai. ghs'
pom men the vesSel, gave way under the hardships Of and It not ousloul
in wbole or in part by fees., mild fail
pow slid, protect ad.od, this, shall be Valid 'Until
a aI 9 - .
',%hsrgin t t b, by Cotincile , of � police in
P 11 rider, t* , a athei'61ficaro who'ete paid He thoughi Vopoil Leo. In the-batiligiound h if the society
t mats ra a an 'Rituatiouo� his delirium, cal,leners of I the ensuing'lloth of June, W Vil,
has filed the pr6per: retgru,4t, will be granted p with intim -St, Thoihaa Against, with
ittrider: toe -that to A6w
an in th at irage the Virgin pr xsIr �Iayi; by UrcWr'IU
that society eXiatoi I Or Un'illoaa I)Urp �ioit"
sewete otecting' an orphan.:ognaere,
nefi, d. by'auiqh aIhas cessed to tileriegiat Y It
abi to� his- die raug �7-
gato artletsiov: Counuili be. Bu6purided or -attuce, lei
spr9l* Ion pubished in the Ontario
28 hu'l t benefit pr red, rin -all
up. rozi6ra and altarjamps,
oW of gold,'and an tWOUtY - -There � Shall be
nki otteltil6kiUM With
a. jar receiv 4 Then, With, a a -io a
99 each larg 0aseite, in FebrdarY and J ulY u
:th6 County in g9od standing 'dFin d b re -as five mat ligt�dl
Bye Hall. X. that�Soatt Act, evid'dritly. . ragge own y idur'diaornonds, ti
wero� trotigh ?under the Act.
th 6joil.of Huronj playing hoorroi-stiiolten .'by the piece, arouirld.ttio cirottlar'Ob
: teten,
ul"Wdedtiti* V t remaining .4 ay of septeml O6-thirdii"tho,- 068 Which the lioE UUISWIUI, tor.&UYL
scene, ioiled on wit theenergy tit doopors. wis expoieO At beniiditili6l[18 After the ist d
-of IV sun" , ut
gold, oil p6intille-3 Ing, - tile Act
t row of enforoarnent oi bay'd pOW0 to ic!keck,,'�e' -200 yards of the ship vestinients,'relio Ogotlos$ Of, 6f nregistereasuciety suble,A to t ProvisiO116 or'
��7 Whiinwithi. es 16 j, Mat. L' 16814 , --"'L. "" La,f of . Saints,. mud wax oandlL the Act
8�, i ' i b� the L16snod'. Commissioners. a -to the' and of to line be: to. carry out buminusil.
k pen. I urew one.of.the.M61 . -, j h.. , ed
i 7of -overy-bird, as belion Suspend
ers, w, . -,rt&ko
_�_From the Court. Y eace athitirsio with "Ing A society wlluse*rel�iow y
By Mr. Stewart
'%'hot route tween his teeth and leaped On fa
m . tau obalicaaseto undt
wo a 'L i Y..for. the 'ex- Or cant
iasel.when his ill , Francii the skin' of a lioness,
.. .... Con6citotDu Hig'had,almoit readhed-the ve adire, to Abjf, 11"bi ity'L""tUally
h HeriR, pray ng itachedoo.and al'buffelo rdboii
"ddl ut without prell
rm:gtook assessment. ineourrati'lly the swititY
oniotion of far - who *er6:*auxioUaIy - watching wita the'llead a
Behim, hear at Mr. Vorguson-FtOn -the; County pibraink cry of horror:. and having turned. oti. it's large PAPAI COSt'01 The penalty for coutraventiop, by, may so 0
'*,t&0d bodies resu.1 I` L �� ' j. n.! - , I I a _th L _h' - large 'L -I- -an is ceitilledralptignu, 0 -the Act, V
It Lffi"'' CormicUof'. entiLto orp�ig'-ibi ariiasj,ms well
ces, iespair, be 10"
the. switumer row up,
t a 0
;;&n� . _'.. L Works 'under of 0
L go was done, diiapoear�doi another victim of rblis of la;aigio vestments in one al U6 y socmui. t have au, sun ual Audit by�
re �,L., wreolied. Aot,for pay, the wall t.' Who fe&lef U L of L "were Seventy,
d mouj,of'l�nds by arms and I,f&te , %here
chaeubl6s, not be"uffiduks of the
il Watercourses
the ]bitches an vc6 of,the oces two'snuitors %I
Oyer, not" deter� wiih� cassooks, surplices, allis L sknu CopeS'to
Ointo 'ifid C'mobi Society ; iin&, shall furnish to acil utember-.6
to nig�tL in
of is... wo 100 PibiOlis dW ilon' and Wotatted statement, showing the result of 'Like a0it.
SOvieli'V816643e, Wool
Jilook from get t
ther t�uatoh tiod, that -the , accounts "Of any
followingprivate B a. were read this Dolpting to If it is estaloli,l
ow nd a dsooe a Iull> falsified or 'that for
Wreok.'L He, too, sottern k goods, b1iiiiesta oil society have been. wit
line aboard the nalner, eighteen ruoutho there hs Doeu no. audit, or it
SiIV far It' h YLqWIM gold moiticies. Again, occur.,
R the in
To atiaead, the Act incorporating Trinity hip ing and wait
iteiii � still iiii b'
to reao % e a
there,18 filed a requisition sigued,by 25 membiero,
ri Widdifi6ld. 'he had 'gone able, assortments of every kind, belonging
-medical scbtiol�-M of aBucioty orelalwaurs under contracts f the
dragged down. by, sharks wher
The4own is- 'a- 6 - per ec IAOMJU L
to priest, ish6p, dardinali Pope. and ate
Slid '' Respecting the 'debenture debt 'of tile' but's few yarcla. Then: 4 'wave,' swelling rrisfisui, r shall
ivith psiedion"and -(HuiO]3). oi-man whom Church. altaroi Gibson dermany, a can V, a 4:01111110tous IL, coulilailt;''Who shall, make a
ell village of over -the raftoo' swept, anot
At Mr M4 III privation had eindered', too Any director, officer.ur wmplo,yioti of 4 �soci t
lie special'.auidit of tk le socitity!s books alld accounts,
jgmrd-�W hive ii h &in Slab, of atc
f ered outirely Save t 1� In
of, Agricultu Ld' .=tr it,in his h6ld'. But two on which the chalice - restsoo,,With tapestry 111,11AS fiflAUCidi.cuditibu shoal
ng -the -Department. to, 'or in% from HiSL Who wisraporese;
6ther itifts-trizi, Which wait read the axat e Of the Saviour, �u jullorisonud in thoil 06utral
e r a
TA�TZ 'They were, named Liah,"and goenes a - f the lit on cbrivictiou 11
OULD NO remain
ov took them, with %irith o His' 'crucifixion. Immediately in Prison,or'buy.commuki jail of tile kroirince to
eliopigus period not
Night Ugain er
'wat: presented board' between them and -the f rout Of 4 i our- a Bill rei ad case that 0 Iff" to a 6p, cial audiv']
-iassivene a Y leut.or'iflegal acts ui t1ho part of a -society, the,
Hart. Xr.'Mo 'Only 8 by. an It thb report of
ro'. The'�, little braft; passed in- design mud n
Ime at,
jag arbitrations with'. the Province of' Qtle� h rk-infestea wate
we'�k to
otho�r in the
is fir ielio4tid ftoria-thet weigbfi''of-, the -fotV 16 i exposition; it contains seventy society shall'be till6wed two a file,& state
boo, which'w.
a balica, twdu'
b Do itiiiis, Ave Inet in reply, ana both repot t and
polifixtieliquito r an :'they'toiled 'a DE ilt
"TIONS. men, WAS easid ghtL troy shall be laid before the,.Lidutonaht-Govek"Or in
ectioli of so �nsera mud sevent
C rictions, 6ix ot Conribil, who may continue; ougliend or cancel
\� , � . on under the i the . ...... of Jennie J6zisb;- found M On On either Aide -of this are two
instance theegistry of
oillir stinrise iolid -. gold,
000 re tho,�Chamber,,Oyer..t e the vegsel,.' An `Tbal decks receptacles lade with Similar g6ldeti arti- Acupyof itierulits society shall be do
t". � " ter -lo . A odWho hm6jt p � sio, Quite slareeze haard. the'L We livered to atier porson' On olk,uland
6 pro Diff.y., eandaL A model of the, Struabi
were-sulitneigedoo only &.few foot Of the bow
Chain er crib of coilifraqf, must aboir.
-old onoug P
h td,.�bd the,i(irl's b of
Vaier. Having reaohe& this been donated 6y that diocese. -'Fine cloths,
A Paris, being above,vi try Jnittru or c4indition not
I complete terms, and Do torino
mass E
a idio p6irit the two survivor0, sunk, UtojeTly shelved in ii,glisis frame,are the gifts of the
r,�;but;thoy.weris ib have;been mairilod D&tie M.,Plitil do'C g
V�w I . I I I. I �'nt jAlelatlaolt Snuff boxes -
a io bridgra;ori did When the* brown Prince of" Garbitany. get forth shall be ;admitted in. evidenbe to the
U. I d
to interpellate. the: 0overnme
th, I t "A t hokstedi into d deep Sleep. )rejuaicii of.tho be title cry -of his reptesen
I -at the OPPO-ba coration scandals. lumber sixty, form sh intbr6ting COIT not the Legion of Honor de Awoke, they found th4t' the rigging a lal
sout forhim. - -DR#,y -�'Mfiflsier of'.3fistice. ex- ma things in: silver Thve's liabil4ti., of 01 any mpmbiw of A.society
itractsbal, at any. date ted
parted during theirunb6teciousnees ;,-that laction. Tho� ar - a gorgei
'Would hot go, iind also Agreed to d gal
as 6f many litokolly hidden under -his out
pregood-1118 wi cot at. the spars -had gone ov
ekbosid, and a, the li,
lon'L to Lit., i4ses6ments of which, aii that date,;uutiodo
sbate the inteirpellat'
the sLlp was again on a level kiel.' The two 13�uenth dis a B cold. to d on, M
intintiais. has been given by the
Uoy' 07oL
&I 'i I under the neid of � the 'The -Irish C too, besides their heavy
rtobojJnilivi, D istb6ii :ft a Ing these sasogswent a no,tice
Laun6yooL in so: Speech, declared that
is he
of money: contri
A objections -to ill itin'the scangald had ;Igo yet fresh water, 6ailous, are represcillied by orwil%ilrawal he sh,di be rolionitiod',fro
tke chief a Lpr their liablfty Under his contritati...
V qtmga�aoi*
�me V;erO weather, Ommoitia The rulos or by-laws of air unregistered oo�icfy
ith.- w ch they refreshed, :them�. rolls.of Irish lgo�ooi cae6s '01
been reachet
In the course arthe dobatb 111. Ocassai., 'of - golden. altar 'vessels and ornameints in not got forth in tile iiiii,Ittinneut or con , ItAot
Th6y aoIso - found a 'box to finest o;jbibitiog of porl not be va, id 4 favur'of the so 1lowiiig �.Tuekd 519red that jo6tice,had not been Liety uniess they
AAArg'113"0011a' naw da codfish, slid for"eighteen dgystherlived on abiiindau6e and tk
Afiat d4y--to WitneSeL the bQtL It 'bien- Patriotism. Bud are held by.the courts to big just and reaspinible.,
6 bi &Ilicwjd� to take. its course,. ad
SOB in codfish sard' water. About thig Gino the clain in the. expositio No forfuitu; e oliall i.o incut red by Buy person
-'D ' t Antery 'b th r igion L
(ffy i I M alld'jdst -a$ Up 'paralyzect by political Britian. � The king of the Sail rul have been pr�ttily bloandirid by.thi6la Itlour6ilb) jeaSOJIL of oJetault rintil atJolost titirty
up 0 WO
pear cargo, -broken theii Off6ringEloo LIS days aftoi he hits becii notified tif'tho amount
fta 1e tied. asked togo but il�averuluognt'oi he saidi,ought 40 proancit,an, -loggey", tan to flost out I in this portion Of,
WaR a 141119 �, .t. . , , . , . -Iri th� water hull, bel tit. nefit
*Vx.9 door to 94 a little f:re& air- 1RIS th asession to if ul,oval mirror, f rained he is' owing, and instructud, th
a evidence in I a pp tati wit I I be4orktAted if not -paid h time
Of th� 'hoIdL;--mUdthiA.-men were' Able+ Gotanded in abee
Of food.. L On by the 4ia
hmrNOW11841ifliblB M. Foloquot, Priisident of i a in the ware and aiirmountd
t � ".. "fl"'I,e�l�:�+��,V,"% 0 Nov. L 20t specified
Wi, secure a diversity
the doirriage6i btto
'6 have, to. -A, mud',
ted'opiriat the-disolas of" di I Zie Perry, - Ca k6ya,r of At the base.-jS the 'The ao6ditiolis of,forfeitn') inniat as
Ure,.. JUL 101 �pt the courts hold to- 15o just and r6i
y pay. 8, .:is, . , ' . L 0, the British, Urk )ed -of shamrocks
1,i. W"'god $peu'd'tVO YeW n elocumen Yo;uugi reso sm6n from' Ih4 hmr�p of Rriii kbating oil a I
�ned ih� two 96 Where the amoput V'a) able bL cluea a matte
h bate from Ir6land ke.
girl. r.18 M. do Cagaspeot called 11th,' 'the� Lizzio Many of t e, tri
unde Flo�det, of dispute it aliall' be usumed that -the buLieft-
Artier in'the debate. k6d ciary is entitibu to the: Ini-Wulum amount State&
not, t was wrecked at, the Barboidosi but all got inam'uripso
ad isW M6 do Cili ''The t A 09"TLT zxnrBxT.,
I I in tne contiact and it'sliall lie on tile socici-y-to
Ifoloquet V pagnso no m6hoie. wo reicuail -men
tid,- II,LBarlbadoe' in the
TO. FINP JBWXLS-' tai,ajo a- threstenizig.-to, ( bii , Mary
3, - w-fihilloo; he is prove the contrary And no stil;ulatioli as, to the,
1660dyL 'jealist oe�hibit All the rocaeda of fees,,subackii tioi B or, nt. or.
.00 frol 9 1
datiasioned 8a the most I
&I to the State of any flid,.L hall
f ;Ighttii�ed This Advice rtlett, to a are, now At of the face of a dead , r onfuegod. an at%
to t IS 01 Y"L
9 Get -by derstabdibg.;
buildings is s� wak
f6ligitsuse. �� it is, in e, box on a pedestal in Every olairro agaillat',iLL 0ociwy-slittll ecomo
Jan.. Oth. A noteworthy.
the a
I, D'of sixty day
ViRp SaSso' pi� e�g legally, lbo expiral I b
M.'de- Cassagnao rejoined, Such Ian -
In tio ingle formed by tW� walls close to the
leSpatich Says : " in 8 thsot*&Lotlro�a
,C'6n., c outige is'661yit for a VoVh6use. I - 4, P t ibis c6nnection that two AM rle, time in 110ti IF , in tho c,'nfract for I
iden in I I ( IA�d
�Evejegt.Hubbard V ig'so located
al igilvattlif m. kl6quet. Said that the C mot
arush, I st:Ii hainbor Would rued the afokjr, of Linn toccrue.-ind It ii t within tile ii6xt sixty
diagorially, fro 10 G000ticity lei 'Sarv& Bartraxii, of B ok uage� of tho in Bide
judge of tho-lang 80 08,11111iKthem. t, to England by the miiil eXten 8 -to,, it 'day, i iablwto.havo A a �egie-,,
t L 'in. soIjgfiJiug_fjom_h Tho,parted i
er ow opposite.' Ing try Busperload.
made go miss ep I salves gentlemen., represonte& -themablves" So 'w he registrar shall baVo'aac!p.s&�to the books of
steamship and atM sailord, who had Ion 'ig
an& Magridg, wen wind
a of the Ing
It Was Saved from a' fall. Bar is, uaairmi�, ta did t6eth; 'the Ashy pail fig 0 end T
d&�Caasisjnac at ierwari f � Alfred Witts.: Betake, en I c r eye' tiny Oodietyj and way 'give a cittimant an in der'
t athe:autVivorad th nd, the Ittilf d
d at, 'containing ofive stones, - was i h pre once'. the deception they the features a too' to inspect where hippOcti, be goictitistory td,
it pi M.'Flbquet aory aoing -L detected, in
Wa'L#�:a to, bo*overi and. profi6mbleo OyMlpm�fi glassy, Staring, visitok
lost. : A War& Are, ghastly., establish his faelm
Czar, .-4 Viva.pologne"� eridi&ed much Yi-. The Act � to gt�c;�. 1 ,a and children the
0;: wants t6 burry. paotthiagift. 0 WIT(
to discoier' th' lost �xolai;;ed.: �Yduiltatri6tismj itio�.ur,rico.sbail aloply tOallcon.
M. Floquet the
erjl,tbousion>i�sta IiiidAlighted Itenes Big 13 is-jam-IAv61-w1th-y6dr Outside the:rgif to of the saver made boeletJoitok
ronists and Parliament.,
Wo an w
ty t a I* 69i6liC80e Aot.�
�6ni on ca e, itys; ifir'the -,exporition are "an
their carriages st the a a M' diAL Litt rid altafiiii"ii6bili'
Conjinning,ttrot Lord toil C
actiting There stijall not be paid on thii deatfi of a 1111d"
Did added, to' the Am not
ev6s continue d''All tight. charged M. Pallierea with op#60ig the indurr , I III b
J ytirs ill ago kiiii kit 1)
Mr. - Charles Powell begs'! ho a issued 0 CjioUlrar-to'th6 dissidnt'nienil, 616,000'pre�eiltieid VY the dontwitti6PS Of the payabiti their
&treat the guilty par4 @h se of Cbrnmon6j Saying, that WT
rung, ;Y
with his bare hands. M.PallieresJustified the conduct Of the bars of the Hou diffe lit, a uiitri0s in . 8 ukape repregented society. as cetift 6:10, at -011 1 li" icittW. I sehild
g ill, the"rgatter L re and a &bin L
in et aautmjrt� Uri
rtan, lid 11 1
the Gover Pey-eHIBIlba
wheels h d narenti Re.declftredthat'thetts�ko In , thus' Boo *ill i require their, rei in th'd management, der 10 years of all lCilt
where't e pp m I bo' inado to I he 1 oti-ren to 'of ihe
0jJ6W and oeto po*d er. Te ErNkeu gold -wanton encis ediatel� upon the ia�oning of Par' ing'from the illightest 'to the, most itripor. Upon, the Proonrer-0ene.,rAl'-werd poksorial reliresuntative, Of 'the
listribut. Ababiiipt` Co"cil.will be held iopi 6midi.
'Ond firther Tha Proo6reir-General had never fant articleti. used,, b Y� p tieit,� trial
-index fingeloo
1�W pricked his ou'Fiidoy for the paip6se of moulding the his sa6zodotal ysicletyjon the firs'
aio�.a two of, thd' By boil- Suppressed any- d6cumehi coonhootea wit rial or Popbr irtthe ex�rcipe of 0 t day o'f J'Artuary or;.
era to be made in the S pe�.oh - from *itblu ono, munth:, tber, after, niust, gulittly a
t filVd I. thr,,, Mo.,, tt 1 ftlikoti6noto &nd 6 full itei Of'filtar 00,11461 ot&tc
row two more were pmovkBre Iihb object of the intoripellation, rilent of it,
h the case. he Ministerial. circle is cc )jo0e8(' ed, -n nndL4ff&ir6o
L ale, lodSlity.
ost'o'ne of her large he dii�dlafqdioifts to�exoelse pressure upon be.rhrorie.� T n' bra', every 'I . )Iidr gold,.&gantl chat' hroano al io� ditl(r
to be tile r giotrar and must
fident that the roference -t 0,68 ing in all $16,000likewitia, and intended eke proompt and i xplicit., to. to quitics
s in the A the magistrates.' � He believeil that What.
4*6-joiid, earring' s
t9ne, " T116
�Atj(.sa will be optimistic -in toe 'The hitornatidnal. or bo,cor,mo liAble to-ousputtolou'ur caticellath'not
eh' eld i ex�miriing indge in sit service oh th6. tiltar.
marabor of pelople beivis over iho, decision OfAhe h ill lootrip. 1+1
wi ngr tit ull?a �d
At stn it o affiame 11ftho'costs
Boo col
no t improved condition re a oeo�tdjag k�lics f rout" every owardA dotrity.1
so its like' iureoao�rdanb& ith tionlari, "r6gletro the f-,116* Ing fees *11 bo exo0tad r. or
Woo Until the lait jowels ark.;
t wl the-diotates of !its upon the ope.
n, general! re0val in ada�lp n Catholic diocese in' existenceitherd being Will cortifteate of joegi.till(JohL, for renewal
40d a'0ward Of 6 ful prospect or A in
boo offit. oonsoienco. (Applatise.). -finances. do -
certificate, *2.1 for royawail ourtifidatio lit
st' ihbi national
ShepiraL #100� The order of L the'day was then adopted thred,thoussird in the dggtel
group of members of 61 the Madonna slid". Child' Mary' and the pension of . regiatr . Yo by a vote of 965 to 175., -nicating. With the Parriellite
*06digh for, ifirm. Momt is commit Sacred Heart, 600dpy the oeuir6.iind sides 'Strck the Wrozit
m6riJibbirg with.the objeot''of concertifigbi. bove the' tabernacle. 9 Means of. -m 't boM,r taken. lon't
ggailingi Mr. Win 11. H� Singleton, a blind man who ims BuA6 Elbsrp�l car) 13
t6L_ . Y
Dit) jou over go tab6, duriiig, thwco�iing'tje0ioh- ktioll, �vhich is pullo
able tell,, Be, Afructi'V6 ttkotl lo; th;'picturea, this my I ether
old !Is olO I 66nd, ol�roiuiah Ojai
an Do inget of Per
tOk large ;661lt t
-*6 gi6intfiiiion of a 'or dinggio ofCocper own,.
b p the elovistoi jankaote chck wl drop train tight, a 'does also the iltar iron St
utr .011 It the grbd po iief using t6` adhere to the below the ariiotbleletone, [Laid the reli6a in Ings
'ing �mt LL . , r � or, Mri Giddi -Toil an't fjil 'a'' OUpp1f;
gg'jd, tbti�e fillith d n count Widititi 0i n
foui stairie oladotionoLPsoi ell Pbljoy�,af, ri-obatino. ilvierroages, are soon. V
aon hill, are yo?
di Thiolt is filet Idly as &',bank clorko.
of Be
INA 96tting too old for, muchax Newi 11611"d Alto Shvito doui�
&1!0 oti the 4 (to n, You kilrdw mbtL
th. Widow. *h,
Margaret'At"lid Of
I take Wlyears o friend Mr, Old forgot your
Jdirlig&_I'iJje ki
ell Alf itivisteleate Olndkbf, hAV, busbanil Was blown. to pieces b thro- I.th6 i600nneotion, VAth the'
oil country I sec Pateksop, Can �Milk bill
�Ig PI
%!ho Gerrki�n.(;overnm S t o' "pA since bar, girlhood part ofthe laeatkation iorion & Co., facei Bill, but I an't forgot thqt
it b ji oually I Y fs.-biiller Widow Wall otited
n the'PAii6 UIC11108 IOU bas' 'it the defibjency: you owed Me, whosin 3kipped Vo
bits into the Poor i1ollh died to Three sixti slid inti
3 the fine ait departmenti; root it W112._� sIVII 46 of the on. the estate
*06rt 06. up r;
it If'
at of
am W
�0 Chu
?a R
t- - - - - ----------