HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-02-17, Page 284,4 ehmitling; 0040 Were e and Sir Hugh and the! at the .0elart• genie in groin* . plmt,freety; winter "rleY and the gi*AS TroOtifort in. stook mk4 414.0140), and atigke wore s gkeat',..00iCitrImmed -d. 801100 . mem liii4100)01 00,-(grelet aI distlngiishcd. Whey-, were. Art-L.101iihttikaticte„ L ..8.10ierni..Y';hringing; With MM O. as Were;. * breath, of fresh o.td:air; ..froin the ,.otitaide, • world and •, *et' titartect itart 'WOO and Mcived. away from 0041 side , entered', _ sald only Sir ttayr :the, Mart' thk.pretty.00lOrWhieh. rnee lathe fair '!.*SA,Fkl'9.%14Y.O'tetat.neilM,elAntutia,,,, Father, ,x4yrckno4c!tootialeft. 'the '.fireeide#•• Westp4eas$nt out ?". •;; _.• rather., Otildt," •InittWeree VaPel,' bewitehinglittle "Aninnet*':Withc Whom: veer QeWald• *ow , . „ vsim.,,,tneels• 49Ve, hut dering hie -.04/0„.000ec WiieUarrYing: en* kleeperate Airte,•:: • oaparstylof flirtation," '• he usid ookur,, ititjtunloonit.Vg9rion.:Xtiverib*A:elig 'WOO FIhn.W,a.xitther Thnifurnee." • .froth 4).,:a*fillia,,,--..Xo*-Allorliii.7-11ave,: --.',-14-4A-nd.do'-,-yea-:.irriegine..--thels. Shirley is 'Shitioi, iltheniOr dare say yon and ?''''iteked^ MOO. softly- Toa aro JO' Stuart.tO°4itlort000494944014:. nttorlY. Mistaken, Sir jingh.; she is ewe Aghot Akod, .-Notbont .esro,e4f2i44120441411r sof:?*whehrya:askehtr4At.* could rdea tittee and their gold- ' • • she ' stole 1445 net flirt t She dope not 'tinovi the • Meaning: ‘11.13111; t;ratim° litaitr'tegeruOtadwifatYre; et:Meld. of the word" ..••• • She sweltr48he.will obey; :fihn..!oOtor,!deepeue4 .3* .0,todiy.firttutt4.00414datit,.MuStfiehe, • . "iThen.ehe Yore'. Most of hot And rick ribYehgifistec..traref G°Vdtbeinghe th-en Wealth 400004 40 ,w474, ,113h4rlett. 7heee aby sox," said. Sir an& ineodity„, With suoh 'Oat Mei:now:1 man mutt be • - `44.4StitnCet.hiSi.. n k::-ge. as hers alie. need n,ot: loxig Yfinnn um ewlite,r :1041,090' 3foit "*P144 14•11VAMPIO ti4r- ignOrance_ 'X ehoedd'thielt."'` • •• But When he conies, as coMe he will, ."Idttoh ATtsca,- as hero V Do, yon think Strong 0 thpyort and grand; appy":AhOnglit .,finii,4,400659*0 'weft her PO very pretty?%t With supplication that snail ftll ng Sr Ragh-to assiat her'. :10 :•,•romoya 4-41: Pretty' •its. not theword ') he instiered gbilee.tVemel likheerahesut°a"nd Mangle • alokin coat. "Ring &nd . •13, 410.r; , quietly. • "She in, extremely beitutifnl,". And take.whate'er the world ma bring Alice ritirbohne bit •hor.op, ..• • Proud and eontenti, contented for 1a sake • ••• 4.,Yee.; Ohe'. -be:0401C I think" ' she Whom she hath her !deg.urloy was about to obey, when Gny"' stalled her; and, Ow hrted,het eyes *di apparent grankoeii„AL The rioli Contralto voice; 80 beautifully so highly oultivated, lyiOhitk•he. looked:. do*Ai. bee' and some people think her too pale. My Paa died aand sweot, awnady • aunt, her .niothe4' wee, very ..heantiltd, 0•4hag.. youtite•;:‘boil 'flovqr.lisi„0:. tore. • froth thnidano.: • . • ' • know abide aid RupyGapel, unfaatening her fur °she How was that? ;•.0.ia not 'three years • "Thank You; mY'darling.1" Maiot•atuatt , Oleg it aside. "Aro YOO!,Oliatevin ! her fleittic4. understand.7 ' whisPerea gc4t1y1 and thew eyes met far a Meedafileel ••ia•free•Ong!hard,l.s. • "Net, thkee -yenta Yet;ohi ; but • X 131°Mlintt *Ira 80 :sweet and fond, big' 80 t;.IPt414-4.0,r4r. • he.ioneier been abroad, yptt. ;!P . ' proud end tender;; then elhirleyntowsdesrer to the yOn.saY;s0,"'anflWereciAlt' •tiAna•dfid elre,,Aeia novo aame,ta scot.. '. fire: • At the same moment th4 dv.aiocas-ktai„oheckntiolitterost areiaiefi-.0:1301-401/1144.1. lk:titkaraeriTeltr?...°t,t,„ ,„ -,4Q4•:•,-.4....".(-1g.,•14 t ull'-ttaifir6133,4113:10h:44.1t' .'gtftaittifairOrl,;rlvre;: 4:0 V,O.".• '!tardell',MY .on'tioroitY :171,31.6:lp;Ittatb/saaaniga,,Isaahgliiril:$7:7 Pat '°:1°:•"(' • littiOLottAtotn415.11n06'her ' kiee-Fohtholtne; but' reellyie keine to iietk:'...01.13hirle47.11-0.*.yethave-bUrned it *-06,,oar-y•-ateafit-0-,'nnt-1-0--tett4.,,A70404- -•.",judging.,by-the words, it woldd_be ta '�ur"."facii*Ver the.00,1" • for etiiim.ik,her YiSable net 10 find a king -at all," remarked 140tOttY4::• .toonaeletui . • a yea ..veryatrango 4006 oda sir Hugh carelessly, stii6e before' he came ".hot"clieeks, enditubY-Capet• -.-ii-laiftleYkiro•ticre-0,;-"*.fl.itiE8140°1,,•0612:•0°°add atat°.!4°.'t h" had ..NO grief ahe should forget, pat. both her her ',I:, h , • 'Nor anyee,ute to sigh: , . t,ii.!4:1;*E,4,,,pretti,,..r.ciuge.!,,, ;ow not.kne*What it il,:heeatige father- Ewa • .,.reatiioik your oex ' reughr t mOther,fieveniVeieneken'el it to me; but 'amid., •Aiiaa • long; ly, "and very. -bocornlng. . .1 should•tvreealwaye'a,wereieven in my :childhood; girls ;.mamma Bios onto be 18 time, you viae Yuf '41r- of some mystery :Whi°11 .snrreelidel Aunthi . Mariam Of :enured 'I plinuld not :speak so .1x4a '6,iiia,treatied off,laughing and emi- franklY.tO any one hit Yoni"Ohe'06.noinaedi- ting as they went, their •quielx light • stops 'with a swift nii*nixt glance.' • " • . sounding clearly Oyer the.oakea floor.Mr.Sit` flugh-• nilitinnred eonwthing•°xPr°°' Rivera 'Oeon'folloSved, and the two friends intro. of hie•ogratitude•for the confidence, and were left . . • , • .. relinsed Alio° felt . rather .'• For a, moment . they ••stood in silence'. 10"106d 114 41:1.#tPd'•What*right had 10004 down at there(' glow Of the; fire; this t4.84*PO:03inahtntOl'eat.in what then Sir Hugh. took '•up the fur -trimmed regarded Shirley? • Well;•14Pliearances coat ha had pat ',made,. and, humming :were' to be. Credited.he:WT.11d not be ablate, eoftly as he.Wentrmeved away. At thedoor show .that interest Muchlouger, Or td, any G.10,,a voice arroated him.. „ :Pkak4ad4stearydt3O4lirheage'°thaqttF,..etiikoreo31.91talf:a. adato4ino: scan"Wethaingit •Otonti,irilli,ynounteii,o,14, thing; unusually tender In-: Major. Stuart's; sir Hugh; paused; for a moonlit ho put manner ibward, her Cott*: ' • Slifrley;. Cann you .give seine Miele?" haft!, hitan4.1he°31iitoedhe ed"..keints 404alqppoe :,thheaa4.1Sher' sho isaked•rangaldly . To That new song • Oswald Ber0 49g." , , turned qiiichlyandmade. a few. eters in the not sing tei:diai,".'Shirley.atsid; finishing ..and, treinhling,.,a;*httlo. "Fray ',ranee, nie;;Alioe.". • • • .• , • • "Cannot Bing ..to.,day‘whY ? • Have you ,s••' 14 I 4 getll�r? u look ired.ir added gently. "Weal youheve 40414- ? It wil refreeh you. I forget- When We -Vere ,out that you had HO= evePt0 Maxwell this morning.'! I am net tired, thank. 'No, Mies lett,,•:7 yea know." • But We will -convert you.. I am quite Ian old woman in my affeotiort for aiitk itakfar by MajorOtiiarolgt Perforffillaaa, at, present, he WO to 440 uiy predilee, tion." • , ^ Sir Hugh looked acmes at ,thegroop round the tea-tray, and 'hie. brow. -dark.. ened. Algernon '' Rivera • Steeled to :.4,6 dividing his attentions; pretty equally be- tween the two girls; but Major Stuart was Standing at Shirley'e elbow, cup • in hand; while DiaEliteefOilier. ifaCe alightly turned toward him overlier ehetilder„waiipbaring intome'cream withdee, deliberation. They were beth emiling,and Shir. ley'e hazel eyes Were doWlioaSt.• Atillugh 'Glynn *Mole& them,a passion (Oared 40.d. resentment: :r9WIP,We'44ttrt,findalliaOatlohill lips.• 4t.1 had no idea. Wei WAS rb&d 61/011. 6 et.::;the fri resentlY the ';rtliViii! !inking the, ranalclanilagid to and romlJy to eretai igtY1 :14; Y; anirtlIsto goinurned g irl et,'0.7. 440d ma4h4ei wont er to; the. recess.. guy, '4 et , said . Hugh ndor e. glar.oe eyear Ought: her • • , 44 Yes," sihalialdWylrOMd,-,ati- he Tgav-e- her the Musto-pteol,his hand 'timbal hers gentlYler •it AnOMO4• ,, What shall I sing?". salted Shirley; bending over the,pieno. • • ' „ "The new song you virereprisetising.this morning,' gaid Ruby caliel gayly. It is you 10 turned to. us, iio 'that noene will 800 your t..7and. yoer hank is e7, ; • " Yes, that song of T3lumenthal's whit& Oswald 'emit you, ' BtUd Ahce.t • ' Shirley hesitated for amoment, and then with si .swift .endden endle which no one couldsee, for her face was turned to the piano, She began to Bing; andthe worded her, song sunk into. two hearta there with very eidarent effect.. "Sliehas not found her king as yet; • _ The golden da, 8, the golden days glide Di . They, bring no grie4 no grlof 'the should 'ergot, • Nor any ea,ute to , Na-heirtiQi her devotion.made,„.- •,• " ; No heart the patelenattuntemters ming tritheruiedshe walk's and Unelkaied „ . She has net found hor ve , a ;it ,not „fink?' ,..' ashed Alice, with acted- eurprise., "Shirley ie always so tha rAlirliere•iwtlietea f so. di;"'ShirleY,Willy6i'Pour it enit ,T•am area" , • She sunk into low ,ohair,,in an attitude fatigueand exhanistioll: giving Sir Hugh' nettialk•glanee from ,har' bine eyes, ,,,,aetiOd,1 that, 'WEIS rather t irivan 'hie wont; and that there 'InAirefilloWet unrestupenhis face; etb!*,g *P2OPtlill?P13AohluthIg° '1;0W:flied ,Hugh?." Alice hiredflaignYilYv,, _ t•he nOtitinsWeriticiessce he 'did heliethe4teition., -Ilettvituwondering iVaathe meaning eitht*ted oheelm 'tsond,that new lights: kuminouts • li • h G St rt, , Ono, in u7 , and a Ca ibtanneyslide andinePleaskre flashed , but' • Olie •only ie�tled her .k'pteity bead against ho fens' ohait -.woh,. a. tired,. 'You .4:night to . hatee*. been'. "with': 'Irl "You would gone iiik•Akalittiton'Over•"theillite•iiihfeh was on sparkled lilts Myriads ain,oatle in. the, ennshinedid it not; :' • , ,afequilseced ,ithiently. • He ' Med•Itei .mornoceeipied with Watohing 040.1,50P..)403* Phu.. stood before, the.ted ON°, .,thlln.-.'41100 !I)Prs!,,eal -et., The e0h*ct hiee,':4011.4 tOre-fixed nPen her „.,wit,h„;;an.„ititenti, • earileot',; tJerutiuY . .404.,41sPerSed, the*, sleepiness, id ide -. hand, unoonsoioualy :Oven 'to ittaAOlinchndea' ,it rented on. the , ofy think, we Shall hair° some skat. soon,',asid Mise,Oapel ,x have ,. for , . long tune. These .mild Of,,,,4nia quite. proyent /ad from ox - in the it000knoiehroont,:, anet as the' outside. edge; e2thaw tote' in and pate a stop to every- , „ , . hi Very provoking," ' agreed ontelleu;.• *pretty grey -eyed girl,' . so 0917 riend•of Miss Fairholme'e and an beireas;:•"1.16''' *fever' 'do' get any skating. , Shah( r.NO. petition ,tho•Ohirls of the weather, - Mr.471;4050,4i:the eleinent Mintigh to give us a 0080°' :* • - ' • ittf-VerhaPri he ;thigh' t , if you. „were' the titioner,•„ Misti .Montolieu," Algernon, vers answered.% bringing, her some tea, •, and lowering idea • pereeptibly. ," I know that if I were the clerkof,the weather Ocilild 'refuse. yeti nothing." , e,4 ;Rhoda Montolieu laughed Vim; I wieli Yon Would' become so;" she •',Old, merrily. "No' bread and butter, think phew." ' you skate", Mists, Rees 2". Bit Hugh. eolted abruptly, as he went over to the table .7"-kflotalrAlicole-teafand-=-Shieleysiterted..a. little and Ideated hp at him in rather A he--. ' *MOM .Mantief, Ms if she had not. ;the • least idea what •ho meant. kbeg your pardon,,,,,' he nervotisly. X, did not hear; Sir•Hugh." • -"Why; cies, your wits .seeni loottather, ingtor Ali& tried, laughingly,. from the, depths Of ,h,ai great arm:their. "Sir Hugh 18 asking Yori if yon skate and You look as startled as if he lied nitid;.• 861110 eittrining • ,prOpesitione: Where are you, aliikley ?" "Not here," Sir remarked coldly, 'ise he brought Mist Fisirholme her tea, IMI1 drovt up. a 1,0w chair to tier side. “Miss ItOss's thoughts are evidently far away." ' "And Mellor 'Otuiskt. leeks , equally • ',Ye gieq! As she stood before ,changing her dress and arranginglier air with eager unsteady little hands, she leaned suddenly forward and scrutinised her own face with net% earneltliMS, end tinsdrew back, hush- ing a little, and smiling shyly at her own thought Ya, she 'was very Pretty. She, had OOP IMewn that eho was good- looking but it had never been a source of mnoli Joy te her before enow; waver; was glad. It delighted her to think that Ciusie relatives, at least the old grand uncle, ••• the only one whom he had kept up , any "intinieoy with, and who loved' so• tenderly, could not cavil at his ould hav9 had tu2Y rich, 9.°Y40..a 13°°t )311,U4 , v, Guy," the ,girl said 'simply and °faded as. 110 heard the brave sluiPle•Worda and saw the steadfast leok in the earnest yee. na;'. aisl, tat." grie4- Jle 4'.hg °Vete: W.ah'irh hit sprungv p si High G n hea "Lucky fellow!" he saia,';trYing to Walt. lightly, bat failing utterly in his bitternese and resentment. "Well, he deserves his gy•if:„,fortniie, if any Mar: ever did. ,I ca, n gthrvaen htihmat nib, thhlingkherhimPrawieoer'th3rieveBn°ac,1 . . sirrirareug-wheospoakebr. ieafgasiiillendheo• asikdo:e0awhi.e362 . hun choice, ,, _ ionio,f,e0wra.imogyaonum.etrthyintgolito.kerg000jr,d,miaylitY,:adt:eashis. ,Mise Ross ?" he said gently. "1 could ' And tllhethadehe! ittleitePlaheiitles° words, yet I wouldgi; hall tonsiuityanaeagedyshevutas4;jeslihtohaethoaunsadatn. the•ural evening dress of black grenadine, trust me enongh010 You not, to 103°w that oeinadtbooakppoiit 40,nyeavihwichlieneYi.elohrua, fhatahderh? the X will. conquer what is 44"r11137 a Gue° ' quaintly and prettily made, with a pod you wish it, I will go away and -and -see friend? ' I will , not offend yen again. ge .;; Oh,, no but-!•:- . • ' But what? be lazy, &dell You never sing noiv," said Alice. pettishly: - "Oh, . do, sing" SoLubthing l". Tt'uby pollee& .."You used not to be so •chary of your ranaie, Shirley." • , " ' "Will. ;yen accept an Unworthy; eubisti- tate?" siatiay Stuart enuhng. "Shaul I play you something, MiesFe.irholme.?" _ • "You will be:very kind if you take Pity on 'us, Major Stuart," returned Alice sweetly. ." Sir High leeks tired and out of Sorte, of I Would.press hinx into the ser - Vice; •when you have played; perhepe Shirley Will :fairer us." • • "Mayer Stuart went td the piano, which Stood in a recess facing the mantelpiece, and 11,0 down. He Was a,. good musician, and preaently, as his Angers strayed ever the keys, a flood; of 'eoft 'rich melody filled the qmet room. .Mfativerts and the two girls Ceased their chistter,'"Alice closed her eyes and letsned hack languidly 18 her deep arm -chair, Sir Hugh pulled nervoully at his long fair moultacheand watched Shirley furtively as she sat with her hands clasped idly on her tap, .her ince turned toward the plane, and a little smile upon •her line. , • • How 'beautiful She Was -how rarely, wonderfully beautiful:I In ell ,his, life he had, seen no Wcimthii whose 13eanty had so impressed and elierined him as hers did. Could it be that GuyStuart had wen what he‘wonld hive given Ors much to peewee?. Sir Hugh Glynn, set his teeth hard together at the theught. It was impossible. 'Ho should not have her. ,She, should be' his. That Very evening he would ask lier to. be hiswif�.. ' • , • It had been his piarpoise to 'do so from the first day he had seen her. As site stood in hex. sinipIe (serge dress in the doorway, With a knot Of red barriers at her bread; shes had seemed' to hier most beautiful and greatly to be prized. He, Ilugh• Glynn, avowed . opponent of • Inerriage as he Was, had ' then and there - resolved to make her , • his Wife. lint he had.----been-in-ntr-hurry;----lier-felt, safe, so Inure. This-dowerless-4)ean would be only tee glad to accept Win when - Over he chose to make het the offer; and Meanwhile it . wee very pleaEiant • to tredt her with the graceful courtesy, not nix, 'touched by tenderness,. which he knew could not but he, grateful to the lonely:girl, while lie flirted; a little with. Miss Fair- h�hne; With an eve ved-even to What strange, new, wonderful, beautiful hirdifelf--41itentiozi of Making. Shirley i thing was this that .had cohie into her life? jealous.' , GuY loved her; and in One nieinent all' the • But while ho been heeltating another earth had been changed and glorified. • She had come forward and had 'stolen her from could never more be sorry or lad or deso- hies ; and, altheugh she lied never !ate. Guy loved her. He had 'taken her been his •Mteent • his thoughts- into 'his strong arms and whiapered it into Hugh Glynn. bit passionately resent. !her pare, and had pttt his li.ps to her •!fora. and mother lived -a loft dainty Indian mushn yon no More." ;' • • - • deal of soft' lnce 'shone it. :Beth lace arid, . okt that' moinent•i ch° 141'4 Si*" ' mueliq were! yenewed bythn, e; but, they gni he Weald' .haVe OheYed her.' and the were neee the wOreefortliat,..ShirleY :WOW, serY ' mid wretchedness that 'grew Oat Of " annmed an. 040: sat,417, and Awn! hte Jove fev her werild beveheen prevented. harmontool. awl the..4.0a had never been' Fer a few' seeend's herlete lay. in her OWII a la riedei 30r it • had beanie -lade; after a lend's, and elle iseuldhavediseided it:- But 'quaint. old-fashielled fitYle, Of -her father'e shedidnotkubwiaUd8helOtth00hSfl00, choosing, sa, that it was not antiquated, even now. , " • • • • , And when she had gatliaredgp thepretty, Oliestrint hair, and coiled it daintily toxin& her head; she dinned the pretty robe,and then stood shyly looking at'llerself pleased at her beauty,but wondering if •Ony, would think her, foolish, :•'• and ' half hesitating whether she would not remove the Indian Muslin and 'wear •the blank grenadine Aunt Geraldine would, Wonaer, she said to herself, and Alice Would sneer; but *hat did that Matter an long as. •Guy Was lade - fled, and she oduld• read approval in his dark eyes? • Nothing mattered but that, she thought, entiliega little as she turned a way from the glees, end left die room rather hastily, although. she knew that .:it. • was early,'. and • that • .• she should -find no Min in the -drawing -room for. fully -half7an- hour yet. • ' • As she pissed down the long corridOrehe was quite tmconeoiottifof is pair Of passion- ate xeeentfulayeat Whichwere.zunttchinater,. ,1e9t3tilrarply,hehevp that rizint'fouts, Ale° materly`mithtalmoritddereaftendernessaet youteonoltasincerthlyndilflatiffditmalfd !shomemtonimuclabserhed.;--ittiliemowil'• ithatoifz.evev.Scasi-•.senvelosiontionaly,rom:.- hapPY thoughts to 'heed the loatistope that, mend inefor Guy's sake," he added stiftly,.. f011oaredher down the carpeted stairs; and, "as :Well as .for your owe? Will you believfs, while she lingered:in;the conseriatorY.to this, and Of AtUlf,thereshOUld- be, get a flower, the footsteps' Passed her; and.. any,need? • , . , Nyco on.. • ."Thank Yon," Shirleyanswered,colorhig Then, when she cameinte the drawing a little as he Eiteoped and put his liPs tohee room, smubing' softly as Idle :fastened the hand; ,-• and at the .same menient • floWers. into •the old yellow lace at ' her. 'any Stuart came .in, 'looking handsome' throat, she saw a tall slight • figure leaning and distinguished.; in "hie , quiet evening - against the mantel -piece,-• his head resting dreaa. wearily upon his hand'..- • -,Her ',heart leaped , Ho atarted, slightly, as he' caught'isightet • Op in gladness. Ittvas:GuY„ she: thought, ' the two at the:fire ; then he, bathe' forward and they: would' have,' half -en -hour's chat idoiviyi While, Shirley 'flushed and paled aLt.. by themselves before the others cisme alternately, for ..she attUld not cOnqUerthe down; but Sir Hugh Glynn, as he turned agitationwhich her ••interview with sir • to '.meet•lier'eawallthe nleaeure.die out of Hugh hadToceisiOned. ' • • • • her beautiful hazel eyeis.• •, . • _ • ' "I have' been asking Miss Bass to accept "It is net Guy," he said ,with hitterhesa my hest wishes and, congratulations," Sir which Shirleyconld not: but hear; and the Hugh said easily. • "Our old friendship, color flickered:, in her cheek for e moment,:. Guy,' will satisfy her that it is -not a Mere then faded: • ' coMplinient:" • • • , . •- She -went „forward- hopo Shirley • will Ind • that your • sie...4ngwe .woOs and tone did not .000: old frien ship has not •niede you partial," Iferi yet was he not .Guy's ffienti,. and did Gray ireptiOnded, ; "anti,' 'When you he not love and trust hien, and, Were.net. eome. to ua for , our eongratultstiens Guy's friends hers Iron:thenceforward? • • and. good Wishes, you will he. as As shedrew nearer -to the baronet, she Mire' of their eisnierity. .as 1 am of yorir*: sawby. the.light of the wax•etindlee on the Hugh" • . mantel-pieee'.;that he Walretrangelypaio,and Atthis tinie their hands met. 'frankly in that hjeltand,Wad unsteady. '. . close pressure, although 'Guy remembered "Is. anything • the'. matter?" she said afterward hew cold and.death-likewere' the ... heathy; ," Sir • 100, are • you Al/ • ca4 I fingerd that clasped; his. • •• • / get you anything ?"• • - Shirley's engagenient to Major -Stuart HIS leaned from her With it 'Sudden 'gee- was resolved: by • Sir Gilbert and -Lady , tuee of pain,' and bowed hie head upon :hie Fairholine with: .quiet pliseettreAsnd eatin• handa for a moment 18 silence: •Shirley faction, '• Her ladyship:wes. minserely glad stood silently also, trembling now with •that suoh a dangerena rivaldienid be re.: a. midden dread and terror... What had 'moved frem.her'daughter's path, for • she happened?. Wan Guy ill? She: had': Sete 'had not been ablate' deceive herself; as to hime few moments before -not quite haM the' impression' whieh beauty . an -hour -bat Seraething • titi4ht • 4+.0 hip- made. Not only was :the more beautiful pelted ,between then and now. • .• • • • than Alice, but: she: Peeleased that far • • "What its it ?".she said, • almotit faintly rater. . gift than •beauty, rarer and . in her terror., .kGuy-ittanything-" • . • More . attrectivethat of. :fascination. • "'No," he inewered, lifting, his head and Had :she/been .a plain woman,. Shirley. speaking in the same bitter .mournful tone, would hisve,pOsaessed a charm, and !Angular "Shore :its nothing 'the matter with . Guy, power of attraction; and even in the,bitter •• and atoms° Yell.haire' no thought for any days to come,. whenheibea' uty faded under one dee."' . • the heavy: ,overshadowing donde, that, • She Welted at himin surprise,' her"qes oharm was always felt more or:lessly questioning and isatenished,. her cheek. with whom shecanie in contact. Atishing with a little indignation, • •To Alieeherself, her cousin's engage.. - -0.-No,V--he-.4,ent on, "Shore, is" .nothing gave,"alinost unmixed' setisfadiOn; the only wrong With GO. Tell May sot your heart' drawback- ' to her . ..pletseure being •that at reet-for, since all is we, 11 with him, Yol Shirley, althotightwo years limiting); was ; :need net heed whet other heart is broken." likely. 46 • be . married first.: Britthie•Was • ". 1 do not tinderstand;'' Shirley. .faltered such a alight pause for annoyance, and the -' • ., ".. .••• • ' • . readmit 'for being- eatisfied were 86 very . . •:" And yet it ie a very Pim& matter," he, many 'that Allis) was very *akin in het .g"tjareaittiitant,iljorttroene.. '('"taWahnati'llnlaraY bbrriinligg 4thhil felt qiiite grateful., Shirley Was noWiesielY congratulations, and ee . kind that Shirley most intense; sorrow to another.Gny has disposed of; and her beauty could no, loner. teen telling me," he :Went • on, lifting • WS interfere With Alice's own triiimphe.' That • head and looking at her With meurnfuli Sir. Hugh 'Glyiin,had been much Week by pis' 'Sekund° (Vile, "of the ,happineisii W.hicli her COrit311104.1ovelinesa Alice had. limn far yen have conferred upon him ; but 1 Won- too quick -sighted notto, perm*, but now, hdeimr !leo3r9huapphyol,lygotiht Whearte'°IbirleartyltInugui• 'adm; resulte,. and meld not poseihiYinterferevrith Of course, such itchniration.„ceuld have no heart#" • • . ' • ' • herown plans for the eubjugetion of: the Shirley started,. looking up to .hina with eligible baronet, ' ,Wide,, frightened Oyes and colorless; •olieeke: Omviski Wrote n cherminglittle noteOf • • "-Yen did not know," he said .gentlY- eengtatidation. to , cetisin, telling he` " et lead X think you did not!! --and I 'did that he had .met some .brother officers not think, or, fool that 1 was, 1• Would not Major Stuart's who had .aniply ends rseJ have let hire kcal my darling fiord me- 'the good opinion •which Oswald hid formed Shirley," he Went on passionately,"iimn anwfirt taht,e,yigine. ,stle/erzahnoth,4idnodonJ,..asildhorkir,iseayen1 il!styleadei3w the .Arst • liniment that I 'MVO' yo_wilt.rtenv.o. linetatntoluslelk Dmr Ywnr ulse;-ellef.nOrktih-ont :an.; fill with • tears, for which :•0110 'COUld not 'He 'cannot loVeyon. as 1 160 Yon---443,0an- account. w • • , • • ' • not-!" • • ' • • • - • Altogether" for, -mice thd doerS0'. trim At least he fete° true and nisble to de love seemed to be. ruheing Very etnoothlY, -what you are doing, 'Sir Hugh," the' inter" and Shirley's cup Of gladnela.meteed to be rupted, inttetering her °Meth& by aetrong brie4reing inet. And. yet-an4 :Peer effort • and Speaking; proudly and disdain! shirley1 The shadow of her anither'efatefuhl '• & I ti,.KWIMA. it...it"„Hbet.oWeciulrdo hri.hmettik_e_raY'shissifarirepna4': ftee,'hadndetrhitte oOvrdrs ,which blight 12,----tweipoilvea olio:nation Of 'Pahl; and he, grew 06,1V0%111es: hiieor;ritoomihiet4htitts,didttitt5aistigithyt Otiftt•thileergrmayotohatier's. ' M"Pe4;'6' teheoaiii'heovearbeeftelyk,thaani'.44.tilt was wrong. ber. • daWn,kdrifting away' frael o into FOrgiVe me. " . • • , ;eternity..., -' •BuS. • r # pa he turned fromher,•,the suffering ' • (To he oontlnitedi) onhi.faeteatraokahirley, 7th.aatt,0•.o.. ttl;fbrh4r„hRitsyet4tnau:801 tno...rot5,.Teaohot.„coito:tt:e,ite.,togi;" The did not moan to hurt. you,..hut, Cho liquor which the truM bought was drank."... Sir Jiugh, I cannot beer to think that 11 I o;:!osmarmtpt.hr plog,tttheihonidgrieveyoul. I iWet th0aght that •iittrzio tiatlotyot*otldctto,,.•rtanld. ;;Ve Made ner.OiffsPenn ., to -Alt inen Ste net you?" hhereelesa, bat seine • you?" aiiked.esgerly. ShirlOY,',if X had -Men are .hOnte less than others . • , • "What is it ?":he asked quietly. "I wanted to tell. yon--; " What is the matter, Hugh? Are you ill ?" said , Guy "Ill? No, of course not. What is it, Stuert ? I have a letter to write before dinner." ' _ ' ." Do you remember my telling you that We might meet our Woe at Fmrholme Court?" Guy said, with u Smile. ;" I don't, knew about you, , Hugh, ,but I have met "Caught!" exclaimed Sir Hugh, with a forisi laugh. "Who is it, Guy? Mao -C:1407 of °ours: e not," said any, looking surprised, " Why,do you guess her, Hugh?" ' 44 I fancied you admired her.more than Miss . Illontelieu," Sir Hugh , answered, carelessly.• "But, if it is Mifiti • Monto.' lieu, I congratulate you 'sincerely, for she'll a pretty girl and an heiress -to - boot:" "It is not Miss, Montolien," 'said Major Stuart, somewhat gravely. "It is Shirley Ross." . • , • "Shirley Itosor Sir Hugh exclaimed in an accent of. intense surprise that struck Guy almost painfully. • • • ' "Yes," he said, siinply. "You seem very much surprised;Hugh.' • • "I am very much surprised," returned Sir Hugh, gravely; Mid there. was a short silence. ' Why • are you so astonished, Hugh?" Major Stuart asked then. "I know that:I, ant unworthy, but----" • My dear Oily, it is net that. ,I fancied -.but I was wrong of cotirse-that .Miss Rode,.with her great beauty, woeld look out for a rich maui, Ind • ' "But she has consented, to take a poor one, • you Bed," finished Guy, smiling. "You may safely • • congratulate me, Hugh." • will wish you all happiness, old fel:, low,"'Sir Hugh said; cordially; but being encumbered with his heavy coat, perhaps he did not see Major Stuart's outstretched hand. '= " I always think that ;congratula- tions shduld be kept until one isties how the marriage Write out. I will.keep mine till * He then walked away, beginning to hum . -aol yards; and Guy followed, feeling some - What disappointed and chilled for. all his happiness. • ' • Shirley. RoCasHwA6PntuEpiltCVdirtess for dinner, feeling wildly, almost . deliriously happy. • 4. BLIP bY'•,. • ' uG;:eatiriaend , Wanhdyhaeb, ajuidy , lweo lad? b e EIORrel7Weff he left. Surelyhe Would beable to designer his wealtnesSa weakness for widish Shirley. grieYed, too truly to feel flattered by it, but which surprised even as raliek as it painna her. She had thought that Sir Hughcared for, Alice. roor.....ellioe,_ perhaps she loved him, and by, and by he would give her 'hie hive, and they would 11 be happy together; • As 'she hesitated, these thoughts flashed like lightning through her ;brain, and her geed spool fled, and her Mother's fate wag She Put out her hand to him with a frank gesture of trust. "Do not go," she • said gently. "I do • trust you. I know You will be true toyour- - If and te Guy" • , : _ "Thank you!". he i.iiturned gravehe,i "I 'will try to be worthy Of year trust and • friendship. ' And, as I am his friend, Miss ••