HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-02-10, Page 6-9r.Asouir42o,o0cp, Welt Old I3acb.10 n tiamieSQta- Takes itivtes on beilivilitat4111 Man (44 4011=41h,tat: Pro110 liiForl6,a1c;.cavs'Inp nts.,nloneY. • ,OalAklbeitLea,MinthidespatqheaYs: San- AF4Tauxu?apte.)xieuewell-49wticibaractet • ,t0r3W.P0.)‘ Yearalfl PettiAtYk •,' a Pluge-Pro and WM% to bave no relatives Or, --confidential. friend, He stays but e. 401ii DIOnthit in. a • Place, being Most, of thatitatitt Mona and Pt- •AcsitaFi Iowa. ,u Austin.saleVille. and Albeit this Stite,,looking after Ws loane 1114 collectinghis interest. He is very pooentrio. He is worthprobably SU/0,00o, 'and generally carries on his pergola his car. tatleilitcOs'of •deptait and other papers and .0 "considerable sem in cash. 'It isp.sia he has been robbed several times, -last spring hav- ing been relieved of 01.600 at Austin, Xinn. The particulars of a recent exeiting experi,. efiNkaAve just been learned,' — Hp had been boerdingior a'inenth or More 'Irliktlie hank ' of J. I'. Bennett; within gunshot of Glenville, nine miles sontb :of 'thii,eity. One day during ibe: Week pre, .,00ding Christmas a young, well-inforMecl, 3'Sy4ably.droined, mut self.poisansed NOM= tirtivenii to Fred. Merrlien's hotel in Glen- „i411001till boroe and cutter, dna inquired - Pohl -Ulmer; as' to Where ho boarded, • where: . he was generally to be 'f0Und), and other partici:dors. She drove -aiOund form time and finally returned to ..1flbert .Lea. 'The next '` clay she slighted fleKt114, cat* at tbe."43:14Ville'delidt and engaged John She** & s#anger in that soetion, to drive her into, the cthintry, Tbky Olive four miles south to the house of Mrs. Ann Buchanan, • Where the 'nye, .terkiiies woman stepped, Shethen ,direoted Showers to ?drive baok 'te-tiBennett'e n1 :td11; Sanford Tanner that a litay; at * Mrs.: 'Buchanan's Wanted. ” to •see him. .Showers . did so, and -soon *tithed with Tanner. The strange woman mine Out and got into the sleigh, 'toek-Tenner on her lap and instructed 'the' ' nianin-fitive further, en, as she wanted to! taik fivq eornehnsineos mattere with Tan- ner. In .(lenvil1e had , pretended to Malliatidt&Wati adeteritive, working Up Preblierynf.Tanner at :Ostia,- and she explainedher ebicet to Toneer.: tOWerI, t theorem roods, jut :east of • Won, she. ted Mows% Ot.aliallevattato-tdifis3• . e , The accommodeting ri he drove with Tanner over ,fiiet and retUrned in 'twenty •04: theY:alk.twient to Gordons - .n.. '** T.Tanner - Ana' the train .csme along .and-Mtninarto- iindShOWere, was 'hired by :•thii lier4p. Northwood, where 3he doubtless tea' the train bas lived in clover ever einCe- de.ShOwers had his suspicion d.'heked the woman what slated(' on fane. atilt had begun htly show through the paint.. "StVered,- "Oh, I have not shaved 1"!.*:;.alt right." t The pretended was in a man in disguise, 024 trer the, billhe, had robbed Tanner qirtigoitee of 'deposit of Albert Lea,. Austin and . St. -51,r 0,400 in cash. He ,had Tanner.. with death if d him, And thue. • easily n'bold., and lititelessfel ,rabbery. on Tanner returned to 'Glenville ho. ed to -the banks directing them noty money: Onthe certificates, and during,tho.• pest week •• they. Were 'all, re- turned44 .13imin an envelope postmarked *at, St.. Poul, Containing' also the words: "'Lost and found Jen. 17," but Tanner has not again seen. the Woman who se 'affec. fionstely.held him in her lep,;nOrthe§1,400 which she carried away. , • ' • ANOTHER MnIE 1318AliTalt. Fatal 'GAS.• EXplosiext In: a Nititkeibarre. • Pit. , • • ' A Wilkesbarre, 'despatch' sayti eA. terrific explosion of gas 'occurred Itt the ' liottinghani mine at Plymouth yesterday afternoon, by which five Men, who were en- gaged,, in repairingthe timherhig,were serninely if not fatally burned. It was , an ...idle day at the mine,. but before the Work, inen entered the•Pit the fire boss 'Made • an examination' and reported everything safe, but owing to Some defective ventilation 00 had iii,.some.way-accumulitted. Not know- ing this, the 'repair meinwalked, into the • priwith naked Wipe, setting fire to it. The evict/der( which 'followed wastreinendolle eatid the men were hurled in every direction. r' They were not alone burned, but Were • seriously bruised. As the **de party is badly injured and Unable to Speak, further. details Are unobtainable. The.mtmee Of the • unfortunates are: Daniel Reese,' married', aged 28; Ludwig Bose, Married, aged' • 32; John McElwee,married,. aged' 35 ; David L. Lloyd, married, aged 40, and ti Polack Whose name is not knoWn. : 'Wants Work for ithe Wire. Applicant -,Please, 'ma'arci,' Can you help a poor roan.who is out of Wink • ' . Woraan-,-1, guees-X-oan-find, morriething soutn, 110W Great 11WentimleYere Oa *el 0 by Determined Men, . ONE= MOM rrovir,m OMEN Or OENI013. One Inindred yaws ago .what a man dis- covered'in the arts and mechanics he con- cealed.. Workmen were pat on oath never to reveal the process used by their cm; Pigers.' Doors were kept olosed, artisans Wing out were Pearched, ;visitors were nlgoronSIY• excluded from achniseicin, and fithie.operatiens blinded the worintion them- selves.. The mysteries's:Pt sti7Q0-q-agt--Nte-411 hedged in'by qutokeat fences of temPirical Pretension and indieisti '•aferthatiobi• There used to be, close by • ToMPle Bar, in London,• an 'old chemiekii shop. The preorieter of it itt days gone by enloYed monopoly of mailing- citric acid. Mere, favorably circumstanced than 'other secret: marinfacturers,•hie wan a pro- cess that required.' no Redstart* He em- ployed no workmen. Expertsowe to ecutpleand assort and bottle his predbettr. They never entered the litioratOry.jAhe mystic, operationitlby Whit* he'grevKrieh. ,were confined to himselt. One daythaVing loCkedthedoore and blindathe windows, . Omer as Usual,. OtAbfkbei,f_etY tof....hie.secatg our chemist went borne to his dinner: • A chimney-sWeep, or ti bey'. disguised as Vide , await°, in chemistry, was On the Watcl.' `reildwing the georetheeper se far WOW WeY - to Oaring CrOla as tette sure he would not returnthat day, the booty philosopherhiedrapidly back toTempleBur, Ascended. the low building, dropped down the flue,•saw All. he Wanted Arid returned, carrying' with hint thelitystery of; Making citrics&oid, The monopoly of the inventor Wee gime e, A -fevi months after 'end thp .price was reduced by four-iiltho. The poor 'man was heart -broken, .; and.. Aiwa obotoy 00**gras; ignorant of the trick by Which he had been victimised.. Like Bitasi Tabitha Bramb1e,10when infloyMed tbotAlie thunder had ,spoilediwOba0elo otheerlitt her cel- lar, :he Might' have . sadd, How the thunder 'should get there when the Cellar was double -looked I. can't comprehend." The manufacture of . tinware' in England originated in * stolen secret. Few readers 'need to le informed that tinware is simply thin street iron, platen with tin 4.)y being dip,pe'd into the molten metal. In theory it egtnat;e4yotigtniatgetiiiMtVIVI-430 di40.4131,01k, it .c.e&skthttf "kinierat,„ 'wow it to plane of ,cooling. In practice, however. the process is one of the most diffieult of the arts. It was discovered in Holland, and goerded from publicity with the ''utottoet Vigilance for nearly half a •century. ,Eng - Iona tried in vain to discover: the .ecioret, Until James :Sherman,- a •' Cornish •intner, orosaed the Chennbl, insinuated himraelf eurreptitiously. into a tin plate inantifee,-, tory; made . himself master Of the .secret, end brought it honie." The .history of cast steol presenta„,:o...eurionsinetance_A... Maiinfactitring secret stee4thilYznbtained under the 'cloak of an appM/to. philan- thropy. . The, main distinction between iron and steel,, .as many 'people imottei "ie that • thelatter containi carbon. The •ofie is : converted . into the other by being heatedfor a considerable time 'in 'contact with powdered charcoal in •an ikon box. Now, steel thus Made is uneciriaL The middle of a bar ie more Carbonized than the 'MOS; and the whine more ton the centre: It ieitherefore, nnreliablc. Nevertheless, before the invention -of cast steel there was nothing better. In 1760 there lived it At- tercliffe,' near Sheffield, a: 'Watchmaker namedHonternan. He leboame dissatisfied with the watch springs in use and set him- self to the task of making them homogene- ous. '"If,"' thought he, "1 can melt a piece , of steel • and. , petit ' into an : ingot, 'its composition 'shoiddbe the 7.same throughout.'. -He •• suc- ceeded, His steel'hecaniefamone. .11iints- mart's ingots for fine work were in univer- sal demand. He did' not 'call them coot Steel. ,i -.That was his secret. About 1770 a Urge /thentifentory of this peculiar steel Was established at Atteraliffat The process was wrapped 'in seamy by every one within reach -true and faithful, 'Men) hired, the work.ditided anCsnlidivided, large wages .paid„ and stringent oaths administered. .: It did noto.vaul. One Midwinter night, as the tall ehirtineye of the • Attercliffe steel wothithelolied 7.forth, their eMoke,, a tra- velior knee* it the gate. It was bitterly Cold, the mitt' 'fell fast, and the wind howled,' dorms the • moat„,:' The Stranger,. • arentlY a ploughman or .agrimiltural . • • The B was read the first time. • • . . THE LOCAL' LEGISLATURE. 'olionttit•The.:Spettlter took tkt Choir at 3 o'clock. . Stratton, on rising to move 'the .A.ddrearinreldj to the Speech froin the Throne, was received with, loud applause. Hetook ecesteidn to extend hearty con.;.- gretulatione. to Sir Alexander COMPbell. upon taking the office Of Lieutenant - governor of this Vrovince. It was true, he said, that the season's operations among the agriculturists' were net altogether Pegs- factery ; yet in'seine brenthee, notably in dairy farming, there had beenolarked and ?gratify ingctineceset-THOrefecreatb the'recent tirnber 551e5 by the Povincial Cievern merit, *lid thought sthat the Province, was to he congratulated upon the snecese which had attended' this the ninth sale of timber !ands hi the Province. He 'Voted figuYee relating to ' the, sales of timber limits; in Ontario„ preying an average of receipts d SW Per ecinUre mile! hoUtis- .110 quoted' also the limes. of rune sales during sansoperied in the Province of Quebec, showing arerage" receipts of only 543 bonus per square mile. It Was. complamedin some quarterethat the tim- ber. resources of the Province were being toe Mal sed up but it, was not to be for- gotten that the forests stood ceristantly in, agreed, and prommed to abide inc resu tninger-Of beins-evisnt away byfire,MoreoVer ' At 8 -6-Oloelinnict7Thttreday interning the- -it wouldbeituinioaltothe general. interests men will start, and on 'their return they of the Proving° to arbitrarily prevent the will havs a' banquet, which will be fol- lowed by the marriage. The whole corth- „ . try is aroused and thousands will see the rare. Miss Douglass is worth 1,100,000, 14,-7 WTT%• rt* Rica ' *,04P.Ext DAWN. WIT1C091,14 Da 0 01' tit)ib Never• 1.••••1^1t .t t Pc • ,1 1rTMg-, 1/41i'rs01.*n 100 104.41text *id Xxtrivagance In Wi.bourne Purism; „ Melbourne dates itsprosperity Item VIA AuAni?Plibouvgilllee.ssPV; aellifilaciaeeasPtt 01Vanderbilt84/13•vana.erk.iirt at. b periodlooffthweild°1de xdoii8trure nrS. uT'itifeiryt bv:rday” • who ia 'known • 'throughout who could go went to the diggiegs; 94a an* 1.,ennesset "The oil Queen," incense of wonted''silence reigned in the vgell-nigh her large. praltiegaitip of oil property in the deserted streets ; the shoRe and public' re. Spring Creek district, is to be married on sorts were almost empty, and the few way - next Thursday oie4t. to the orj•-Emer of a, fareie whoremeiued et home had,a restles0 foet-race Merit peughtse, is an orphan, eit4 Oohed eppearanee. 'reward Christ- • residing ,witlx. her ,grandfAther, games mes, however, the deserted city suddenly ,Douglase,p4vrietev .of the :noted "Calf put on a gay *and altered aspect,. for the bliotir,lewra73arams.nitoNreithoranthOeverrnen, a neigh- successful diggers abandoCed the'r labors hand of lairs for a time and swarmed in .0:ma to. 9044 ata hadno:opposition MA the festive seaeoh intlionity- — two years ago, viten aohni4aile, of 'Indiana, A COation.of reckless extravagance ensued, , trennsin of Mrs. Hendricks, come to the And the gold of the diggers, was soattered nelghbOrhodia., •with wild profosion and was spent even • Dialynebertisvmal7ifnetre'nthriee, haennadboktfadthsheedyorods more 90014 than it had been aniassed. Every ooriceitfable folly was perpetreted feared. Me. Douglass,. who had: no prefer- by the rough men. with unwashed faces, pace between- the, young 'men, decided. to who paraded the Streets arrayed in the end the matter, 'spa, being : an %centric Anest of broadcloth with huge rings, Inen, hit aponn novel Plan. He -got the glittering, on their: clingy, toil -worn hands... three interested persona together and pro, With them Might be seen women decked. posed, as the young lady herself ockild Out in the richest and brightest of eilks'and not decide between them, that they run a satins, below which not ;infrequently peeped, race of eight miles on •Parellel: roads, the bare, red.feet, long;, tawny lockshung winnee* matey -the girl befOre night. All, uncombed over their shoulders. The utter incongruity of their eonduct, with their unappeseas7altinairdatletahrirscrqiupltoilioinyi, they seemed wog wealth had been dissipated. • . No. materials, however elegant, wontheir favor unless it had the additional merit of. being most costly; and the Shop-keepere, finding that articles of a moderate price were almost unsalable, .prouted by ouch Jolly and raieed their wares to extravagant rices to suit the, twit() of the purl:diapers. With this prodigality was .connected an Unthinking lavishness; they gave to ()there its foolishly they spent on themselves. Among the •welltauthenticated anecdotea of 'such liberality is one of whiclithe datighL.y , ter of an • English, gentISman of rank in 0130 et the colonies was the objeet. ,•• ' ut,ThiS young lady entered a shop and "sliced the price 91 a ;valuable shawl, which.. on being inforrhed of the cost, she regretted to find beyond her nieinii; A:,stalwart digger was • standing near and overheard the colloquy between the ,young lady and the shopnian. in:4eataildin,7,1tiiidastisot:14,t%petauurto4eaxlelfile;svictiabled4013;0110; • and advancing toward her with his Prize • zhatiltlie;;disaktnittr-t..,`LZt.,szieozt2in . . 'Mare* Med the Y ovo • employment of the great capital invested m Ontario's lumbering inteets. Referring to that part of the speech. relating to Pro- vincial Lunatic • Asylums, he . said that it had bedtime evident that Anther acComino. datien was necessary for this roost un, fortunate class. In the teat sixteen years the Province had expended over 45,000,000 upon this ;most unfortunate Class. Yet there were 471 last' Year .whose misfortune - had been converted into •it crime and they had been left, in the county jails. In relation to the proposal to appoint a Minister of Agriculture, he „dwelt upon the ..nriperisince Of the terming interest, show- ing thafthe capital •invested in the farms of the Province was OW0,202,000, .the field crepe alone 'reaching the value , Of 610E579,00(f a year. It ,Was but just to this great ° interest that it should have ;epeeist ' -representation in the • Cabinet While thriGlovernment showekthis,attent• tion -tot the iriterest of the' farthink com- smith qtthittreds.-4,01-Ittbor Aver0 krdi V3.• speech Whic'h was ,well delivered and well received,. He Was 'glad to know: that in conformity. with their. policy Of extending the franchise as rapidly as -publics senti- ment would justify, it, the 'Gtezerninent would thitFeWsima701.0-pose that manho�d suffrage should be established in ,the 'Pr& Mr; Meredith said he Would postpone obseivaticine upon some points referred to h other speakers until:slater period of the session. Hi heartily concurre in the con. -gratulationenXtended-te"the-new-Lient* Governor. There could be no better tribute to the benefits of Odinieg in, the Conserva- tive cation than the high praise given by gentlemen opposite to Sit Alexander Campbell, and this Was also . a complete answer to the statements which had been Made fOr party purposes in the Ilobsti and out of it by members of the Governreetit which would have led one who believed them to regard the presentlieut•Governor as traiter to this Province 'and desirous of depriving - her of over 100,000 square nailee•ef territory. Ife was glad to know .that the pessimistic ; views held by their leaders, the Minister of Education '(11r. Ross) % being • the 'first among theni to voice *the opposite view, were not held hy,,, the mover and. „seconder of the,Address. • ,' ' The resolution for the address Was car- ried, the customary form waisgorte through and the address adopted. -Petitions were presented from the County 'Conneile-'of. Welland And 'Lennox and A.ddiiagton, praying relief respecting the confinement of insane persons mthe com- mons jails; • Ron. Mr. Fraser presented a Bill respect- ing the closing of • shops ' and the hours Of labor of ' young': ehadien and , persons therein. • s;, : 'Hon. Mr. Mowat presented a Bill relat- ing o alimony tun ares. e ex- plaMed that theObject 'WSW ProYide that the magistrates or polleilinegistrate trying cases • of • nen-support Might' decide the .amount, of 'alimony to be given where the amount claimed .wae not large,apPeal being , 4 *staid:Set. • .. . • ,„„ • nave an acquaintance who takes ennne The. other day, when the wind wite.bloWhig, frornthe west, he otatted out hi that diree- lion. He was 'in ahurry, too-iniportant business.. By and. by ho wanted Kane enuff. He tOOlt out his box; stepped, turned his beekto the wind to., keep the .snuff from Mewing away., tools.a pinch and walked on. Yee, sir; •walhen, on .in, the very direction he had come -didn't know he, had . turned around. A. peep hasn't 'mu& brain, but you never se* goose do such. a thing, ita X am glad I liVein.this. age, there are so many people to hate. Xliketo hate .people, 'anyway; but I prefer to have deserve to be. hated. Most of 'Ahern, ' nowadays, thank heaven.' do deserve in be:hated. Now, therelte that Zelloit4ith the anocoashis On attatto6t=o-LugedamytiVagINVIV iniqearstWoutNa-uAlaitt body'within a mile of ,you: • Suddenly you tee hint,froin the corner of your eye, right, beside you, close up; and your blood jtamps and stops, There Ought' to be a law to• makemen in mocoatiins west -th-ciFIrighten decent: folks Out of their -for you to do., ' Applicant (gratefully) --Thanks:- • If you ' could give roe some washing to do, take it home to my Wife....-TheEprieli-, .• • . • toe Emiensive. • NO, Patti has no babies. The family, he.Ve •decided that :they 'Isn't afford it: When they realized that it Would Cost ;the . youngster tido every thne he Wanted' his mother to sing him to sleep, cash up, or no concert, they decided that no baby could stand it without mortgegingthe nursery• and fittings. • •' • ap am, • ecturing. at the Royal • Vetted Setvice Intititute in London het .night, hoped that the English Government would procure some' of the new, pneumatic dynamite guns toexperiment' with, es their nfluence on 4 naval warfare 'will be very • Matked.-... , If thee art rich, then show thegiciattlees of thf fortune, or, what is better, the great- Then there is that fellow with the left., over expression, as sontebody in the Atlantic Monthly once, called it -the ielloW. who Meets a:friend hi front Of you on the street and pokes into your face the ex- pressiottbointettded f Of hilit:Howain"Ir sup- posedto know when I Meet the Men who is grinning the ,grin of reoegnitionhow am I to know whether it is intended for me or for the man • walking in front. 'of me? Perhaps I grin in return.. Then I. feel like a fool, and all en. account Of that fellow's left -over expression. • - Everybody has met the dodger; -the. 'iniserable‘vacillating :creature ,who never know which *ay he 'going to turn out for : you. Down :he • comes' toward . you,. walking like %%petit:Mined hurricane.: • First hp thinks he will thin to the right. Then he changes his mind . and darts a little to the left. Then he brings up square in front of you, and you stand there playing peek- 's:boo with him you . feel that every- body on the street is, lookiog at yen and laughing at you: I meet wretch every now end, then, arid I always leave him with s feeling that the la* :against carrying weapons is an injosticeand an' outrage- . I want & vigilance committee organized to snuff out the man, who, in the !Area oar •in the evening, holds his netvapaper by the lwO remotest edges till he reads everything, between. I have tried to read, in the same car with this 'person and I know what'Ittra talkirig about. I want him shot up in a dungeon till he, learns to fda his paper and give other people e chance at the light. • allowed to the judge of . the Division Court laborer, seeking shelter"... froin 'the' storm, , , .. awakened no suspunorci 3cattn1ng zn Wayfar closely, and niored by motives of hnnianity, thelotemen granted his request and let ,him in. .Feigning tcebe.tioroclut with cold and fatigue, the poor fellow sank upon • the floor, and aeon' appeared to be asleep. That, however, was far , from his intention. - He elosed his eyes , appa- rently only. He saw workmen mit bits of steel into bits, place them in °roc:11)1es, and thrust the ertteibles • into ti furoaricts. The tire Was urged to its extrethe power uiitib the Steel was melted: Clothed itt Wet rags to protect themselves, from the heat, the Workmen drew out the glowing oreciblee, andpoured their contents into a mottid., Mr."Huntsroantif trdstwir hrienothiho intiff to diselose. The secret Of making cast steel had been diseovered.--Bfiglielt Ince/tank. . idese of. thy_soul, in the -meekness- of thy •, action wia, ' thy convereation, sytntiathive • country . is at Warren, I aho, w sere . with men Of TOW estate, aid the distressed: huhardae °t the eeleettele ft." at *Prk ill and sboiV.oOnsideration ttitbe neglected; be ! gteviniaryee ;ebaatUtstliltitt,pr ptilflo° W.m.h,igtc,,.° 1)1121, 51 e,,r; .greato-4aur.efice Mcrae. , i nt, "put tindefgrottnd. • ,,• . __,_.„. ',Oho telephone wires in. ltiffalo ate heniglign,011(10, • . WI:la:le 'Witt i° gr°011 . u9"41'". • Mrs. Langtry's itirliato Car. MM. ' Langtry's private car,- whichis being built for her at .Wfintington, Del., wi t be one of the most gorgeous palaces on w eels even:constructed. The cost will be ah ut 660,000. It will be eqttippdd With office, dreseing-reom, 'bath Mull bi3d.roota. The bed -room will be padded in every part, tio that in case of railroad accident Mre. Langtry will fall, gently. , Mrs. Langtry •'ll-undotibteakt-reseve-the--inone spent in the curiosity to which Oldest will give rise, in tho•Sanle Way that W.8. Eden, proprietor of "Time. Arabian Nights," re- covered. the 1,000 silver doilarti with Wbiali lie paved his bather shop in tho ' Palmer Howie, ChiCago., • C ' , Ileavy 0110f1 drtVeti the toe from New York' harbor out t0;.Sert. ; lart4s9t-OhlyieSe_miniu :1.0'ardp. lit the r The • estimates for expenditures to be made between the opening of the year mad the voting of the regular Sept*. Bill of the tiessionvere presented and voted; in the .tt.'o . • . • The• House adjourned it 3.45 , Noticed or norms., Mr: Gerson-,-On'Tttesday next -Bill re- specting stationary enghiga and engineers. , Mr Waters -4 -On Wednesday net: -Bill to amend the Aoilesszneht Act. ' Also, bill to enable widoweand unmar- ried wonien to vbte for , inerehtit'S of the Legiehttive Assembly, Mr. French -On Monday next -Bill to at -Orbit -re -the appoint -Mont of 'fire unardians .1 .ean afford to ' and ;-ye -tart% blest; you. 1" . The young lady, Who loved limerYbeyOnd • the limits Of her, purse, and who was not • troubled -with sernOlea of delicacy or ,pro. - pOety; sniilecl, hewed; thanked. hint,. and aceeeted the handsome gift. • • - and the betterprevention qf 'bur% •fires. Mr. Moltay-,-.-On Wednesday for the prevention of accidents by fire in hotels and other public buildings. • . . •, Would Make Him an Architect. • pawny Campbell went tulutifd ri-srnall out,houseciarick. After the usual fashion of bricklayers he wrought frem.' the inside, and having the material dose beside him, .the Walls' were •rising fast when diriner- time emitted, And with it his sou Jock, who brought hid father's dirtier. With honest pride in hie eye,Dawny, looked atlOok over the wall. on whiob, he was engaged and asked, . • d'yethitik Fin getting on?" • - Famous, fethet..," but fieo dao ye get oak? Ye've forgot door.'" • • One look around hint ;showed Downy that his son was right; but,•lookirtg kindly at him, he eaid: ; • ' Man, Jock, you've wit a gran', held on ye Ye'll be an atchiteet , yet as share's yet father's 0.2 minion." Giteteete• '"Mitizing •A Lucky Trio: "What have you been doing for &living itely V asked a very tough -looking citizen of a man who looked as if be might be a boon conmation, • •• Ilurgleriting." , "What was your test job?" , • " Ifiackled. the reeitidnee of e. real estate " 1./eve you any lock" " Yes; iiret-tate." ' " 1411nttt diti'yon; get ?"• , • , 1".• I got away without buy.ing'wliouSe and lot"— .._.1.4. -.Remedy Against Oituminers. , Friend--,DOn't yeti have „great. many drunithere corning in and bering, you with. their samples and their talk,? • , ' ' , • • • Merchant --A gocid'inTinydrintinters come in mere, but they don't bore me. Don't•they ask you to look at -their • samples ?'' • . " No." • „ o Don't they' ask •you to give them • - orders . • , • "No; they go right. but Without saying a word." • -,•- • ' . •• " How do you manage to get rid ,of them ?" • -", ' • • ,It's the amplest thing in theworId. I 'put a plug hat and an Open .griPsick on the counter every morning. When a druzniner sees these signs of another &limiter 'being • on the premises he goes off. Every ten Minutes in the day a drummer comes to the door, looks at the gripsack and goes. • away, and I ain left in peace." There is a story of a-priitif•,,ltefritall who had all her life it slight tendency te rednestl of the nose which developed, with years. One day, spothing toot neiglibotieg gentlemen, ehe said, simperingly ! mny lifo I've been in dt"ead Of having A red nose " Whiah, elicited the follovideg reply, • • . , . • *drone' teautifig Ainet4ean. A: Middletown (Corin.) redder of the Sun- day <Republican hastens to ,write that the identity of the beautiful girl of wheal, , Charles Dickens speaks in hie "American Notes." cte.a passenger on the 'steamboat Massachusetts froni Springfield to Hirt- ' ford in 1842, is not u. mystery -at least itt- tb� Mind of this correspondent. :She Was Miss .Mather, of :Middletown; now Mrs. Kent, of hTsw 'York, :who wag! . with her slider, and both • girls were, , considered among their friends very .handeonae. Now lotto= onetell who gave; Mr. Dieken 9, the sr:hotly:on his second 'visit, in 1868, and both 'mysteries will he cleared away. - Springfield Republiccmn. IlAffereneo. -±1.01rAtand,,,-what-do youthinkf-Aiy- canaty bird has laid an egg 1" "That ain't nothint much; my pa laid two stair carpets yesterday 1" . • , How can • you afford to give.a 5 -cent cigar and it shave for cents ?" was askedof ,a down town barber. '". Ohrt give. 'em the cigar OiSt, and 4110 no , away without the shave, Orl shave 'OM first an' they .skip without the .cigar," •• • • , . Smith and glireln ioiight *a light, , •'''Atid"warat to fight another They take the boodle half and half And thus they X each other. ' cer a n o n thie, city, earl , the ,Auguste,14e.,,Jeurnal, was iselled • upon the Other day by a man who desired, to get it prescription 'ter ,aleChel. " Ver what par - peso'?" asked the doctor. ' 1.1 Mechanical," 'Said the Man With , countenance hOnest eecitigh folOolcenyjudge intim countriwont oinounterl mice. After writing the preecip. tin* toad handing if to Abe. man the doctor ror 'what kindotraeohanteal pur- pose do you inteild to (1110 til'!alpelga tlawins wood, Coed day,, sir;',' Was the .t • Tinte's Mato Changed. "Times have changed.. , The public taste • has changed," eiclaitned the professor who Was 'delivering the literary lectura, as he warmed , up,' with his sobjeof and 'brought his handdown emphatically. on ,the desk. "Where is the men ' that reads Anthony Trollope, toeday?" • , . • • • • Here h , e . said a .hollorii-eyeci, de- jectcd booking Mau,.imi the reitt•ef the as he rose up, "I ,atii reeding :one of his books, but I'm clang it on 4 het; and,rcan lick the ornery son of a gun that has given; reply. •°•• . . . return ebettre that lastyear the United in tho broadest Xerry hroghe ; " And, States, eensumed thiglitils barrelled heel to goorlAdaveng, woman, WOW that you have a the Value of L17411894. while Pritish North red nehe will you tell inc-What hate). it America,- teeeived boor to the value of t10014 you 2it L28,024, ' • • • ' • • . me away 1" „ • , • . Idiethatie English. --.-First-ratty=--tiello Charley I Ho* ttre• • Ar.J4 Second • Party•Oh; rea enjoying .very • poor health. How are you? . • First PartyWelli I'm suffering very geed health. • • :sympathy' tnithoSIck •kniity Man (of Chicago sudden feeling of nausea has come evet' me. it mist be Scimething I've eaten, ' ' • "_=_Ilorse Editor (Sy inpittlietically)-,Poinribly it's something you have written. . VisitationEr- boston Stheolboys, tuidd' • clericel.giiidance, to the marble statue of Sullivan mey have a. highly benellotal effect • upon the modern 'Athena Sotto years hence. • , • But it promisee to canoe modificetkm ' the Boetonien noseand toitotentince in -gent. erel.. The peigeteal equaritig off ;of small • boys at street derriere at each other, with subsequefit.,lettieg out of the -right Or the 100,, as the case may be, cannot help. eatieing varian tioof SpeOled. Every bey who loOka at that :state° tithoond to de sordething in the line stiggested by it if he hat ieettie in him. When he notes vhat has thOS been: itemottalired mathle it • earniet help havingan effect in shaping Ide aspirations.e• But they aro net Our scheolt boys, noa We de not rib to iiiterfere ' 'trio 1 .;