HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-01-27, Page 7•
R 'rte.
•81/t3. MirP104, g Seho,;lar.
Ib, she said she'd never marry any.Tom and,
Dick and Harry,
,ti•81d wed ne famous scientist of learning
Ifigt her Tom was. quite commercial
, Ag siz and Herschel. and of
He• owns ignorant, she• said, as, any circus
: do she gave poor Torn tile
as any kitten t... ,mitten, and as meek
• He went to making inoney;and'.,fo
kc) .gspair ; . . - ,- ' rgothis-wild'.
rBo t'•i:say ; at any" .rate :ha. hastened ..
" generate• to rl-
.xnto a sordid business man, a trifling. inn-
. ._ Bonaire. Jf
.But elle Wed- a, sci, ntife
quite-terr d e ,and i?is tastes. were
• Por varipus,kinds of insects
other game e. and for to'eds and
And instead 44 plaques and 1 ictur
snakes an$. boa constrictors P ",,ed'; rattle-
'take. into his sitting -room .to 'orna lent.
the seine.
Asia zealous decorator'
To a statue of "Ehiervaori aired t, alligatormy
Clay ; , bust of Henry
And you ought to, bean+• him 'talki.
bounping baby, crocodil a•
whsle of,
That ho. klayeri with is lila parlor just to w
end"his gob%a di capon?, a verycharmin
Through his dres i g fellow,'
F tidrift ; an bedroom u
to nonchatilly drift;
d an. elephant's proboscis' and two wP you
Ho jresented•to hischildren'as a,iltting C_.
mos gift,
Hut-be-soid'7its wife s piano , hT
To food his hi touy his aches._ B1wota;uuB to ease his etomeo'h
C•171 1f•TT TOPIGS'...
Lets, year has already shown its influence
upon many entertainments, and the public
balls soon to come mayall be expected t•.
show•traeec, of the particular character of
hoyear.• Lea re
Biwa P' year parties; as such, aper.
5's rather ticklish affairs, but.there.i
a good deal of fun to bo extracted out of a.
moderate application • of the rifle
the position of the,sexes: q eversing
W N .the recent b1' •
� ard' struck the
State of Nebraska the temperature fell poo
rapidly that the' creek •at
frozen solid in a verPapwoe
y few minptee. 'A -calf
that was in the etreare t the, ,,time
filet before it .could' extricate • stuckh
animal >ttaelf... The,
end _th ut,,..out�-of lu Mme WIt]i e
wo°oud vied out before a': banfir .:' At last
ts-it was doing well: •
P&IQr••LANcorna, in inaugurating the
session, . ,oBritish . pew
f the and American
An°ohreologica4 Society at. Rome 1a
st ek,
:delivered an interesting: lecture, in'wh ch.
1>is' ,be. dentol /shed the, theory that
bile ` •original1Y NO Etruscan• cit Rome
announced, cenclusiv wand; i
.origitt, had been e1y showed that i
ue to migrations
Be-shepherde.from the 'Alban hills.
he IT is said to :be a common
'Chinese. ; merchant,When
thing for g
hrist- diamonds from Cub& to Tanen iw opting
_ !1?•lace.tile; •precious --s ne Frais mouth
ha. when the. Custom tunes fi ars mouth
�hnrn. IfHouee officials; scare
the examination chances to be too
.rigid, he quietly :swallows the stones o
when• released follows'• tfiein u andn
ed' emetic), which speedily brings'`then' withi an
+again.4 8ht
Txnnn are in Paris
vendors. of horse meat • thirty-six, licensedaman
re who has oultivated a o for -hie kind of
meat says taste .this kind of
Y he likes it :better than choice
t veal,' which it resenibles... He also. t
e that .one of the most appetizing thinks
he can place on' his. table is.' lties that
roasted donkeybit of ween
meat." Soon:. 'the cry in
;fashionable •restaurari
hesfor•onel" ,• • • ts. may, be, '+ Roast
A:'°i�ncaoo paper recalls e i
picce;of account Work performed extraordinary
Henrotin I? mad by: Cashier
Trus of the. '; Merchants'',: Loan &
t• Company, init. after the big fire.
'The books of . the . bank
iiestroyed by the flame's h were entirely
The; total: cost.. of new Government
buildings at St. Thomas. is $69 67.80.
(11. C: Vanelstrin•, engineer of thesteamer
Daiey,1 accidentally shot
Wednesday at Victoria, . Chinaman; on
oria� B.C., The gun be.
acarry,ingfrom the cabin ,
ba rely "throe 'li o b n discharged hoed`
ins Batty.6 hes-body, And. he died•
be n : ft or Howland;, :of Toronto, hes
d to, deliver an address at a great
wni. emperance demonstration proosed
to be .:.;in Montreal onSaturda
ins-., un the Saturday, d
Order, Leagu:. auspices of the Law and
are meeting of he Lindsay hoard . of
Trade. on Friday •n ght a deputation
appointed to confer withh awas
Institute and' County the. Faamerw
of establishinga r u?i ril, with a view.
quarterly or'semi=animal,
cattle:fair in the county of Victoria.
A Mrs: Grafton, of
was, don Queen's avenue,�Lon-
East, was' knocked down by a passing
is . team at ,corner of Dundas and"R' _
is . ranondthe •cop ioh
streets, at, noon on Saturday.
of: remained nneonsoion till 9 a. tShe
but is new in.a fair to .eco, yesterday,
way o recovery.
A movement,, ,is on foot in, Montreal to
send, a deputation: to Ottawa
a e, urge the
nel debt:. The asnme.the.ohan,
warmly. dice question is ekpected to be
Ydiscussed at the approaching
annual. meeting of the Montreal Board 'o
And a shark ate up, his baby,. for you, know bow
hungry they be,
.And he went and pawned. his: overcoat' to fe
` . his rattlesnakes. •
—Yankee Incuie.
A Sign off insanity.
An Irishman over the . age of ou
and ten, who hStrictf repo
cumulated a modest. tunon ndwa a ac)
to die, called in the ui rad' and th
famil ' la Parish priest and . th
Y lawyer to make his last will and
testament. The wife, '.a•grae in cove
P .. toes
old: paEty, was also in the. room
-liminaries of the will havingThe pre.
been oono}nded
• it' became necessary to inquire about
debts.owii,g to the estate. Among t- the
• were several of importance; of which,hese
old lady had been in ignorant*, but was
nevertheless pleased` to 'find'.that 80 . was
ready money would be forthcomi after
ft r
the. funeral: T :ng. after
Nose, then;"; said the ' l•
explicitly the amount ° awyer, . stair
gn •v wed b our
lI" �lr
friends.' you. Y.
- • 173I�a,
.. m33ai,•tL -- Y ice, b• shy:, Gate
_ �!.csevnn pocIiida ;•�na�,.H
"'Good 1 good !""ejaculted the
a ' •
live_ w.. . 1
flow.; ..rational to'the last l" " •
" Luke Bowen, owes me f
resumed••the• old man.' opts pounds,".
"•Rational to the• last 1!' put in the eager
la--tc' y again. '
° " To Michael Liffey 1owe two'hundred
'•' Ah 1" eadaimed, the old woman "?leer
him '.rave !"-„gdttor s • Drawer; in ; Harper's
Magazine for; January. •
`A Cup;of Teaand $alfa Leyapoi,
• :A •fine:looking gentleman ' holding . a
Whispered conference with 'a a, restaurant
waiter attracted the attention. of a neighbor
at the 'same table the other day. With the
gentleman's dinner the waiter brought to
him a`cup of tea • and half a lesion_
gentleman squeezed thelemon juice
tea'and followed --it ; with three l• umps of
-sugar. Do you drink that because you
like it ?".asked the neighbor, : " or because.
'you have to ?” " It is.; •Russian tea,"; was
e answer ". I 'began : drinking -because
y doctor, whole a Russian, recommended
it,:and now I have become, is much a. slate
to' it ass drunkard is to liquor. I was ill,
last spring. ,The doctor would. not 'let me
have champagne when I was getting. • well,
and I would not' drink:, water. .I take the,
Russian tea; three; times ;a day `with• my
Meek, and after sapper I have it'brough't to:
any room I drink from, six to twelve cups:
of it . durii,g the evening. .I have gaine,
fifty pounds Since•I began drinking it,. but
itis a dangerous ,drink," he said, buttoning
hie overcoat up close ` 't It opens. ,a11 the
.pores, .and I am tingling'from finger to toe:
I should catch cold now 'very easily, but it
is tho'best thing with'which'to throw oil a
'cold if you: take it at night." • •'
except. the pass books :of depositosti rs an e'
his memory, M H d
..the. 1,500 accounts so s
in restored all of
�i. 67�. Sli fi ;
ll!l���tr�ny}y�:' ���e�i@a
,is •s, sgr,�dtltngaist. hen.
G. Blaine,the United S
f France the services 'of an inter-
preter.•were required to make. conversation.
possibl:. �. r. Gladstone however, talked.
enoh:glibly .to an interviewer a few; days
ago; and responded in Italian to ..a•' demon-' a
stration in his honor at ..Florence. If -he
should go to Athens he could chat with the g
natives' in modern Greek. H could _
polishlargebutwill street,totiover.
The Berlia Tagbiatt reports that the
serieus difference of opinion between
Mackenzie' end the German doctors in
re is
Mr: and Mrs. Wocalham, charged W
ceithe of incendiarisin"thirteen. Yea
were adjudged to be both Mit insane.
• be ey were looked up hi an asyluin where
y Sind° roma" d. le now clie-
povered that they Were not guilty of the
crime Charged against them. and that 'they
wete,pottcrazy. • They ate to he turned out
upen the' wqrld at the respective, ages df
60 and 55, but the State generonely pro -
posts! to give them a joint pension.of 6200
per year: Thiele a poor sort of redrese,
bet it is hotter than if the State shoold
present them with a bill 'kr' thirteen yeare'-
tnNATIoNix, politics at Constantinople
sOnatiwhitt complicated by, thefact that
I the Ambassa'dors • of the great powers
are married to very remarkable and strong'.
minded women, Who, 'however, in-eacli case'
are"of different pationality to that of theit
husbands. Thin; the wife of Baron Calks,
the Austrci-Efungarian Arabaseador, is an
English lady: Mule. de Raddwitz, the wife
Princese ; Lady White, the wife of the
Ex. -President. Grevy suffered A stroke Of
pOPlexy test Monday.. Ile has eince hien:
onfined to his bed, • and his 011ysician has
een tidbit him twice daily.; HiS condi?
on was kept pecret as long is pessible.
tie ege; day. The ,Inipetial speech' cantainit no
deelared there was. hope that the progress
of. the Crotin • :Prince .toward recovery
would be Maintained. • The condition of
the finances .of , the empire ere favorable
the premature explosion • of a large charge
of giant powder, ,occurred Bolton • Eiigh,
lands yeaterdaY afternoon. Four then were
garding alleged discrimination. against.
United Stateevegeele passing threugh the
.Welland.Canal will be reported favorably
by the House Coinmittee. en the. XerelOnt-
. the Queen's!Grent kitchen.
, 7• -•'----The. holidays bring a wealth Of work for
tho ceolia at Windsor: The kite,hen,•On the
..norili side ofthe Castle, is fitted elaboratelY
enough'. tO delight 'the ' heart ' even Of .a:
CfAehne.. The 'apartinent'hi nearly 50 feet
• .faehien of university kitchens. .A's an ordi-
-4iicry,staff there are at chef, de Cupdfle, two
master coriks, two . yeomen of the ineutli;
scourers,. one steam man and three kitchen
maids., besides apprenti•ces and serving-
,' :men. The numher.of dinners that :cap be
• cooked in this kitchen is Simply inarvellotis.
Eirery detail of:the arrangements is worked'
out With thfi greatest care, the dishes being
• handed,straight to the. foOtinen -from the
ceeks, and .by them Conveyed io the variens
husbandy.-'1 I sympathize deeply With you,
net to ('be .with you layout -hour of atilic-
. tion." '' Widow: (sadly)--,-" Ali, my friend,'
you don't ,know' what it is to lose hus.„
" Stich a price: for a toboggan Suit !" he
declared, as though its dimcnsione would
when she said," This suit, father dear, is
Ambaseador, is an American,: .
eues a line a polioy on behalf of the la
'of het hirth, and ad sufth opposed to the
kimmes just , published throw. light
some :of the old London Establish
Churohes. In' the insmediate neighbor,
hood of 'Billingsgate. there are four citY
Gocirge's•(Botolph•lane), St. ,Margeret Pat;
About seventeen hundredand fifty- sittinke
thousand. .0n &Raley, the 18th of Deceat-.
ber last, the, total ntimber 'of persons. pre-
sent in thesie four-chniohe's was 194, 'of
annual Value of the. four:livings...4a about
:610;800, and.thir combined annual income
of their parOdhial charities is abOut650;000.
In fine of these ehurchee, on the jay men-
tioned, the ' audience consisted et one ;nat.
-beware at the Ivy. •
There is one.featittoithont ivy 'Which is
disastrowerathdr than roraantie, and Which
Must be .guarcled 'against. -Give it time
ehough andit will unroof. ydur house. In
'any very old bowie you will .fied. it lifting
the tiles; And through any small aperthre
sending a bright green shoot through the
ecl &Sin t• . room, the writer of this'
'destroy a noble ivy, and having.1„OntirelY:
t is large
ad ing
t of Club 1
on gcung
ed been
The direetore of the Chicago Board of
to Congress on the subject Of prohihition.
salt pork. Resolutions calling Upon Con -
grads to . exact retaliatory • legislation, if
e Cobden Glob are, trying toc"raise a
sum of money to 'be spent in farther
rade Propaganda, especially in spread-
oadcast pamphlets and other Cobden
and dollars', others lees, and the hat in
round. It ia leng Since the chib have
Why do thousands Of laboring me
. etrike,for. higher wages. when they • ca
readily get theln by means of the okotee
Jive tariff ?—chiecyo Iferald.
stand home rule. The in o usband
also to reroof-a-whold building it had oter-
run,—Castell?s• .Magazine;
• No concealment.
tarty IllOrning Callet---Whein is your
lie le quite superiae,person, arid has a
Very* great part to „play in the universe.
At 'mine he reprosen ts the working eapadity
„ the, „family, but le not regar,ded art an
ornament to it, The wife does nothing but
awoke and Oleic; the husband wesliee: the
Children, Smears thole hodiet With YelloW
Owder, and gives theM - and hie wile their
ice, mid all goeb ris happily as it should in
Alice, --.-Phe is upstairs, hi her' nightey,
7.4n Conne' client th are ;85 561.
The WearnximeleSter IA around on his
ey ,are indeed doing. •Lis
,MOre than the fair trade metement in ;Eng- ,tece
land. appears to require. , '
+J.aexe+-.,�ve:w.uy�m+J—�•.•rc. rr��
•• ,nairewillat
Florida,was •Juneof
In hadas • • warrantbuttoldanythe•
start on.Thersday next.„ .He Will flailfrom•
, 'Vancouver; on the -31st.
cmgr°897-nan Bdurke• 63ehran, Archbishop Ryan of. now..
'of New York, was born an • Ireland, Febru- Roine, fa tyyfita have one of hie pni.„ ,
' Congressman John M.,,Farqiihar, 'or New philadelphia, canonised by the EfolY Bee
York, was.born near flyr, 13cotland, April and,declared a saint
COngres.sniati :George Week of, ew, York'
Woe born in
pmt couple of days shown itself in the Con
dation ef. Bishop O'Mahony, of Toronto,
Administrator of the Diocesnof-Randltrin
egeill, et the venerable • prelate,. bat hy his Many'
rry; Irel friends throughout .this district ', • .
uri, of troth morning and evening neit Sunday sto '
f Wiek- Burford Methodist .Church by Rev.. John.
mils"- •The London Ministerial Atieociation has,
'Lonisiena, was born in•coiltity De
Hampshire; ' was born in Conlin:1f;
Congressman William. WOOL!.
Nevada, Was born lathe County
, CongressonifiLeopOld Wise; of
Phiniette,-• _was born in "Vlach
• C Man Patrick', Celli
County of•Cork, Ireland, March 12t,
Congrefiernan William G. Laid
7 if There is•always one sure sign ,by
de f°1,1spil nhttPd.°1'pi t:411y., vh11.(7):di•B.i s:;i!onh- sni; ?
Rai. Jame Matheson df'Leelieville has.
4hioh Rev. V. IL Wallace, •itte Of Peterbore;•
g• It it bisllangh, The butcher, the'
arid the candleetickmakee, not to spe
the tailor; may deli geed deal for a •
." :And now, what is that tenth like ?
'.a..As, with the quality_ we. call sty
Canhot be defined ;'b t; 3 e same; there
is no mistakieg the laugh Of a ..gentle'mall.
ten end -note the next time you- get to a
TWo religious • orders bort!), be •
e -teas established in Montreal, the -Frit (amens,'
and the Dominicans.. '.:
baker Rot. G. 11.,Ccibbiedick, B.A., of deo e -
Tan' Methodist Church-. to take the place vacated
et. Dr., 'Sutherland; Of Toronto; 'hal
Scarlet fever hip taken , piece. among the!
Northern . Indian tribes in British :
Columbia, . At the :Greentille.'MethOclist .•: .
children and young peeple' died, Including,
the 2 -year-old soh of "Rev, A. E, Green, the.
The condition of the Crofters , in Lewis
contin•ues to attract mneh attention: The A
GovernMent are being Urged by both Lib.' 'war
era; and, TOO nierphers to ,adop,t, mettstirea
to give iniinediate relief,' as, on emigration
for seine mmithe. , The Whole queitich of
the crofters will be *.brOught' Undet the
When 'the einigration. project will 'receive
. The, biarglary of Mr, Henry Gretifell'a
hone(); in London wee, aeceinplished with
More: than' ordinary sturewdnese. It oc-
curred Iasi night while the femily, were at'
apartnients by meane of a ladder placed at
a Window. They lOcked the door on the
inside end then`calnili spoiled the place 'Of
its- valuable's. • To' prevent pursuit . the
blitgliire had' stretched wires across the
lawn in front -of .every se thitt,when:
the servants„ whe Enallybeard.the thieves,
rushed forth JO give the alatm '.•they sturew
bled Otertliese obstrizatiOns and .fell, thus
giving the rebbers tinie to escape.. The
hbrglare hate' thus: far mot been caught.
the Most valuable attiele they ate!
pearl necklace belonging to Mrs. Grenfell,
4 sTnree young men named Stoblieh and
Samuel Byre 'and Joseph Xelep' Were struck
by *le New York fast exPrese on the NeW
eieningand initantly .killed. The mon Were,
in A buggy and ettenipted to cress' the track
, at Orangeville, when the enirese strizek•
y. jO es on, the coreespoedent at•I'tineetOri; Mita, that a
new year.; For inetano. t ii The neW year S wede•livingxotale twenty mites fromiliere,
WI li heve one and ihree.eights of a 'year," is said la have killed' liio' wild inil ,savon'
do you Make' that ()et?" le the ' reply IbrOad-axe. ' The bey of 14 jumped from' an
three i ht 1"
, murderer won't you
young man named .1.Frank• .Surnrise
ked a couple of weeks 'at' th e
actery, Oshawa, when he todk eick "wit
spinal disease which completelY dep.,'
him of the 1180 of his lege. The Blatyor
coiered that his relations lived in Lind
he Was, therefore, shipped tO that place
MayOr's Thutsday to hetet
'Man delivered to •hilis..• like an, eXPi
eay refined tO pare for him and •
hiin back to Oshatva: On 'Friday, Chi
The' Ashes of Dove..
" All is nVer between us,
she 'said, Coldly. The presente you hat
givezflito will be returned to-Morroiv.'?
Ile stood there proudly, but hia-face Wa
" Everything ' shall he returned," sh
Went," on, with .ipieenly sweep of he
rounded arm, "4.' ;With the excePtion, • o
'Course; of the caraniets Mid Ice cream."
And thus they parted; •
„s„;. Kr. Bell is a distinguished gradimin or '
nai'' and ie known to his brethken as a scholar.
a•ii of very high •attainments, The call will '
ea Toronto,' ie trying to Secure is ite Pastorthe,
ef Rev., Jackson Wray, ' the 'talented divine. '
iile f3te,tioned at Whitfield Tabernacle,. London, '
audiences in Hamilton and Toronto by hie.
' charming lectures ne: less than by his bier
o. Tient and thoughtful sermoni. .TheY haw.
received, a decisive answer. '
the ' atrongest men that ever • lived, pa ?
that he threw a bridge. over the
'Roston Young Lady. —Doh Stly' " vthie."
Polly ;" the Word IS prenenneed " vaW130.'!
Country,COusin—dertaihly, dear. Well, ss
laWSe to trim' myliat, end walked at Alia
Web in for a rawse
r lin a Cup. of tea ,cere
f has leeg heen known that etVen,. less dials'
barrel. .ente all the ills' that iieso
; lOhe worse than being 'tried hy any jtidge.
-2.4. Maryland inert coith seVoil-WfVes haft
77trieS tO get hie paper for nothing.'
ler }Ingle:no ihe 'end
of this weelc.