HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-01-27, Page 44 1144, Otlitiiiet. R xSi13E TY TO - UTTER AND TO AlECHI t!; OF CoN$(JIENCE WE p DI(]T1►T1 8 RIFE ASOY& ALL OTHERLIP/PETRA . BiLX' ACQoiumiel +0 1`R1 ncknow.. en. 27th., ;eat ,Ow •the, advice of his j ,,,I, i i ; hphysician, Hori: . B. •Pardee, .Coptnlissroner fv rriwn Lands,, will ilpe nd thewinter in. Florida. The. wont Of the: . depr�rttnen� will • mean-. *hile Eie lodked after. ', _,''Comtnissioner, .who rs . a hi hi deputy ghly comps - tent o$cer, w31e the' task of. represent- ing the Deilertutent on' the e ,.: , oor of the.. House willbe,,assigned to • • : :hon... :gentleman's. one• of the g eman s- colleagues in •tile:. •'al` ntstly..; •- Mr. Pardee Will be i•. •tt)> seNd'iti ilfit�ti3tei'ii4lci nuch rclea,;aild"friencl •"altd foe"will hope that, he may return:- : .to, his post thoroughly 'invigorated. • .Dort schooly r ag 'stem 'costs 'over' thine -and "a. quarter, :millions; ' yearly. •, 'tn • 1083, tilers were: 390 pupils attending' tie E-Iigh" schools. of Ontario, registered' res intending :to enter :acme. learned )profession; iu:188o"�tho number of • rstuderits of this class had' increased to '639, sn'inerea,e of .everOne' 'lrunrlr ed ani twentYPWcenZI not including the large• number of ,young men .sod boys " },preparing fat• Elie future in' law-- y office surgeries, d u"fists':silo:a, anr d''8t - s of parlous p ves itind9 , The tendency-of•ou'r- • ,.educational ` •,t:• sus um at present • is to • rl • Tilrei:f'te`tchts,°public opinion is tending in the ,dltectaon of having inore,attent• •':'.ion' given 'to.'fllanual' arid industrial Iraining in our isebools.--.Ex • IT is a soniew liat remarkable fact • !the whole ' [ •..the ri stn ' ... "off . ,the' Ltb�. _•: *•eral Goveroine with :4i- nhit.h was. sworn la,• :art Winnipeg: Thursdaiy, vith; the es - .i eptiorx of 11r. Prenderga t are -Ontario' tli .n. Premier Greenway, it 'is' :true, is by b• irth . an English.irmn ,'but 'for.. ••.'ut itiy years he resided in this: and 1Turon county, grit) represented :Suifth• Rid ills of Anion 'in the House- ..of Cointnon:..tti itis C;inst:rvativeiriter- •eat from 1.87N.to 101'8, whe,3i, beinry an :ardent free trader, he refused .to 'longer ;yet with Sir. Jobit . Ie1Jonalcl•, and ;alertly :.afteriva is removed . to llaaii,- rota, dye re he Il�s .t�vna' ".sines •beefs. >trronuveia • y identifi.ed''wtth the rappo' n -.suis ,cf the. 'Cinser*atifepo'icy:`nf: £ .ivornneat. . �iThte�hurch :':Or . :. • .. . '1. a ..annual i teetiug•, of" the «'Bite • wl,i cal' .,Creamery ,.wis hell',::iia, the • 'ForeStel•'s Hall there on Friday of last 'u'vpl., atlidthere %a: a:large ittenciati-.e' if shareholders pesent , IZo1it Curr' tC, L�q , was elected clisrrman;...incl X11:' A. H:' Musgrove ac'ce cl' as` .secretary e o to .s that d f• ar • ,. N414. o' ..-.;`'1 • .rn"ygora�urr0 der8on asi •sale,il;ion, acid Mu t�y `� Rio aS r7ee,�PA4.. [., n rxsa.y(� wysi x ,,_Q ,r' tsf%_ ipannge3s' for;. the year. Parties who, +have not reocive11 their dividend; • .and surplus inay, bare it at.ai)y time by calling on the .Sec•Treasl We may add that all who I,terit cream receive•a. Ogre of the earplus, • • pples, Dried: a r•-• Axe'landles, �. • K•inloss, tJan 14th, All Spice., • If inloss council met on January 14 "h -•---:o:•-- t -ROOMS ,. Wirer''having bled .the' usual cleclaOr- ations.of qualifications and office.,: The eking Powder, . t, let yfff�ollaxing-"busines's was transacted.— • Ela wi,k a . ed = Bath bricks, Accouiitt ofDr. :11c rintinoiiforlittend- • •$rushes - )rated. presents ones . ,oi3 the; late ;1''I1 Sta o ,, .. al%r J �iAraX, Y . Ordered to • lie •paid'; accour)t• of 'Pe er..Beans, • re ist ti lis, 4 t Rt'idl- for ..Bird seed • g ri o • 7, paid; account of Dr. Butter Rowe Tennant} Medical HealtliOffce �s,=Y paid'; -'aecoutit, of Jambs McGurro` for :. . I3 ets work on Kincardine ' t ciutitlar , "$ - aid )eco' Y d, B4 I3lscli.its, soda fruit p . ; unt of Ncit :Stuatct.,for work r .ait and Elacjring. stove, a oris, 8th con•, . $1.55, paid ; 'doh taxes re !t,. funded: to Georg Johnsto3i 1.; t•o Loot, $,.1os B aulisl>;: 1 ; ;the sum .Of ,$25 was It'o ar granted to the Kinloss Agricultural Bede oortl Society. Moved by Stuart and/. sec- HOonded by McKinnon that John; Lane epees, P CHOW, --- be.appoic3ted assessor.;;carried. MoV'c;d. by Stuart arid. seconded by Mcxntosh, •. that Samuel S Holmes be appointed auditor, carried.. The: peeve . appoint; ed Thomas Murray- associate auditor. Moved , McKinaoti,' and seconded' i'tiirehouse, that -a b 'saw Ly. for' re "eailin,• " y :be formed P Jt -law No. .50 , -which Costo imposes; a tax on dogs..: Moved ' and. seconded by, the same, that liy.la•w' No. 58 be now) read a' first,' second and third 'time' and .' passed .W:in;A H inde.rson• pplied' .for a refund of ` dog, tax, ' ' ,li atioii refused, ;. a.giantFISP. granted tq Mr. a d_.:11 is. CI $1.4 .r'- "A Trs:-.Clpre as re;. lief acnes AfcGuire, •'Esq P. L. S was a of refused: paynien't••;, account of D 11T:uri >31tte, ball;, square: and chtsoia for stationary '87.60 $Il1g .vitro), • button, ,}vine, Currie powder, • • CoOoa, Chocolate Cocoanut • Coffee; Chickory • • Celery. salt (*atsup Candy ;a11 kinds;'' , Copperas Currants' ,Cordage' Castor oi,1 ,,,DalifOrriia_,ltaan:. Cream 'Tartar Corn' starch .Clothes pins . '`Clothes Crockery, • Cass. farm fruit•relish. • : ;Canned" cont ` Canned peas ". Tomatoes ". , Apples Plains: , Beans ,f aspberilys i Peache t'f .±S41.fi ign u �" ear __'„'"e°Y2: a c ,P' 'iii &co .sh,i '418gra2.6141Fn a* is !t nn.Cron iyi • 413e +�oved•.b• �'1cTriteSh a . o$lce. Y '= and secseg onded' lay McKinnon that . the the Township; Treasurer be 'instruete t to colleet .from. Henry Hodgins the sum of h re collars paid to ,hien in inistake":by 11. cheque )issued some months ago. The council aajonrned• to nisei again' g n .� to Pz:Tlrlt "turbo.- .: r�t� o the k4th.day--of' 1larch 'p :Cl'erk.. IY TIIE HIG.� .COURTOF •Cq MI j,j.'PLEAS DIVISION. DISIIEIt a JA41'ia^,• • Sale :nf a valnilhle 'farm in. 'the t nv; s- ,of 2lahfie!•1. . d "I;utstuitit ti a yitlyaimertt nil t nrler• wads. bereia there wilk be sold b,r )labia : •,.ued.o;,, witlt the at,prfrbatio t .of .D Met) ,.lald, 4_ aLuire,:lJi�putyClerk Of tht; crown a1. a MAR,T16'&. 'HOTEL LaOle afila};Ksof ,Dmagantion by. T h ti )LTH DAV OF :FEBR;UAR.• 188.8, ton .6 ' duetia,nneer, on u,r`r i fxt- b . ,.. at oheotlack ut cie aftertt'o ia,: yid fidlr,wing - 1andi and '.:Preinises nagger L it 'number J'U:: in the fifth cuaicession,• La titan :J)tv eli,,,.c1 .i totvraalnl).iif Ashfield, to the c„duty ut Huron, "less tw'r anda hal f•acrae .tiff.tlir• dour;;list cor),.erthereuf contaiutug 107aa:n.l,a half aicrea of • land. This property t 'iteaatu•l ub .4..1. uiri•e• . honk' t1Le• village Of .Uuut Irmo;;, telt u-ilis• friiui thf:' village', tiff l ge'n'es and f4nfrteen unilea from the tow •of 0 dericja;, in' da g• 'mit firntmg section of the ,cronntry attd`in reaalily: accessible'tn any of Paud places by if toil gr:;ret 'resits .ihu ,builtlitagd. tbercuu ar fair and t:ni,sist of al'story. a'a.l a Half ()Welling'. house: frame barn 3+Jet,%.tuo.fratite shwis.,2dx•1li and lIzSU :.• � :,, ,log table ..0\30 earl other outbuildings. ;'There is .also giit,cl.sarciiar.i C. isi bats uf:two acres of ;gulf weLl8tock • 1 with earelle;ilt fruit trees, ire r SAO Vi�;S: Don't.buy a stove till yon have:seen the ” FA LJLTLESS,' and f' ROYA•L'JE P "' and:, __" JEWEL G, the 'best pallor ancl: 1ieativa' o stoves. in the market,.:: also • the MODEL," :. •. l : - , to only>scontplote ` cook s#o��=a'.tt �tht3--Domtiit�tl, ; for, gale . by Thos. La«;`epee.. Avery large a;ccs :stirpris-' ingly lowpriced'stock of hard, :ware; .'Tinware, Granite and-, 'Japanned ware, • to.. be sold Cheap. ' Don't' fail to see our stock of Library Lamps, Hand /4MPs " Brackets, Tnbalar•-Lai itern A large stock of Pocket Table .Uittltty, Silverware , etc to choose. from; at Lanreuce's Stove ,Depot B. Crisp $' • paid for hieles - , and, Sheepskins: ,i ATES e Drsher3 Diamond dyes--7-all kinds --•-•--'o: "XTRACTs , Lemon f - - pure,. t. `.,i VanilIa; • Pine apple • ;,'� Pear •�...t- C 4narnon Almond Ro e; ,Fruic coloring for icing E_vats . 'paom_ a. - - � _3 i' *-:o:. IGS ,'one ound . b p oxe,s: 1' lgs. Mitts for ' , Gook3n}, French tn.3istard Fish. spliit':1ierring,. Round )leering • Trou Salt water herringt Fiuil,aw paddle:•.'. , Cndfissh • BI'oaters �f ELATIN . , 0 HERBS:--Sage, Thyme &miiner savory, Poultry dng. ;Hops, loose'and pressed.: •• Nle 'o-_..... • •, '•Ici�tg sunlit,- .. . TE lli • jars. 4a rap wick., �SCE acaroni .. . •` Marttlalada Mucilage. tet . '4+�juib.ar.L.a' 4 �J'�• Olive oil. `Musttird' Matches•.', • clops'. atltiea"1 rolled '.. graunlated.;'' •r ff) Path' pape>l',, pickles, pipes earline Py e, -peels !range, .leir3on; citron, kl'ow lineae Porridge) setts aisin ,, ice.. Ros in. ')ago, Salt, `table or barrel,, Salts; • °' altpeter, sauce seed clover, , sr s, , log et,: timothy,. and all kinds, soda,, - :.Senna, soap, Electriti:, 5c .each • - ac t?e,. pressed rose, and. W. tf• " • G., 1? bars for•.`25e.•, starch, Sugar,'sulphur;. syrups,, spices whole and around," all spit cloy es, einnan)oi ,, gfeiger; niacu carrlrway, mustard, 'black, M white aiict rel 'pepper. • -Th alio::'•ac areJohn Davis' ct:lr, braced pure spices. tapioca, Tea—best 250• in ' the DonmiirrLai in I)fatck•and grcaen or Japan;, Extra:' value'' in :3. lhs for $1 and .5(rc. tea{,' Tubs Table :salt, •ties--GOW.' Tobaccos-1-MeDenald's 13ri4r' :-Trine? of 'Wales, Rough and ,1:tearcly—'1? S ••• B eat lir rt'ug, Cavalidhji tine cut.. ' VVermicelli, • in. egur: , a• [fi�aslii ng cr ystal, is ash ),bards, • • Ty. ' hite wash brushes, wlitteiir)�, , ,•,_ I��j.,'��5�.:��;x��[�,?t�•wa",��%.ti4�y,fkiklla.(-?-r�z-�,: ;;, i]�lraaid east Roval. J readmakers ' w $TO' ♦ E's ,tea �' �. _.� _-•�., :--�'�" �', � ,�; ,; . ty� },, •.. �.., ,1�, I illll'llll'Itll.-.iti_r-r- - ..� Tia- \ :it, 1. °jlWt'\�'t'itt �.{,ai�ien':`.�y_.:i�k� I:HI't9 T yJ F�,+I2•�•ta'A� •t,:o��,,,''ll - L I�I��' gr 1141 i a:,axl�, 7aIrlla�IIIIIIUIr�lflll��ltSltliQuW�lll �Y U .4,r I .. •IIIIII'li hail_ ' • PI �i4��•' S =� �"� -: 7th•=_ 1 r % About ,1,� ace a f tl �r P as read b the land ar , cltiared and tlm b 1 a t.l �ecit,tar}r,,.at:clsh?ata 'y td timbered a•tth ! au t laud td ' ' 1(le auditors re ,oi t �i! ' u�ringtlie� The aotl of` ahelawit><I� cietirrtte bet htNfllld hemlock.•{- r� Irintit it hruj r 1 clay Uh C: t , `055,' , brae;) face riiiyitig g►atn start lea b �`'� y. p �^s{- y� e� �� 1 Ai,� stair of cultivatiort, ' •o��d 1r E L ' V`4� t'! �':i.J. �: Zt .�; cu ":want' P f ., • • . • T . E'�tlm��.• Stove t1rert�ceipts ',e12; 0,53,' w 11,.53.1, of ...1...I. :9 1 b itis Jfattc ao pztrblts for creaerri''1Pavit)r , 1'�l�. lL Tot •�- _ cent d»till oti she tla�. rif'`Rnle e the C� 1j g all V • 4a 'balance. on•hand. of wS i J , to p rr' Q There woo.• i loiittuf :••Solieit,irs t s �♦ � �, • 5' irnprove �L�;3t��'] into bcal;tut.e"•,}i'thl,nt tli. � • ��.pJrOV� a , �3 (?f batter; �{ i1C}r'4�i''a.g ; tf.r6t tJ be pair) int tt tort crit: t of ltxla tea �y •.�' ,n,d'at an' as erz�+e rice of . ;`� I:[rcha:D; lbs$, }ells u xhG 0111th:tic Yi t f �- P ..0c er. entitles t cr tit r•lie,I l.7•�V �rtr� 7 �o t ;lea 04,i• p , t to ati' conveyance ►ti ti• to I ��� C�,l�• _ the patrons' 16e per po�.sv{sin w Iet.i tI po[ irci frit" t5elr l.)ntttl'. f p n[uir rL �I ur ("has: rat rceIIlttat,• t. N,Ir• y r will be rE( he sUt Us sign ,an ': '1 he , fi,r the 4 pit fling, of ,. • wijj bt: PU .r.f th} Uurc Lt r ; 1 lir . l'n of N, ti, tt " _ _ l9 was t1lcldetl as t6l- tell) be rut Li r �uaiJ �W t•t •� t0 t��,,laathject t s t t rr tit e,i� loci r i •. • el alkene patrons conit, � ltelt)g ..4Of a. r ePi1 . rat) tr'a tlltitt, tree illi unn of lc�JU t, �tt1t n, :100 do • tut to , 'debt, inti;r fit. .11 orae. "stet;. ri • �11e)i; 1 Ct .iltt�t t, •tb t; '11'""" alc atLr, tl i rd l � q•a1p ha11 tit frl, rf {• If'fou,'want to::se e somethin o real hat.d8 he may" e% t 4 ur lin;; c.ltnliti lax „ )nay be obtainedtu+tuitthe l4auuurt t6 neer.er 1 rife.i. ri F.,an!1 11r S• ani ir'•I J .3.:Arit,rtJn qi Plaintiff's Solicitors r hoar th 1.igAtiat,it ct..Yrlot°r'" r. Y'l *intiff, ..•,1ia.;it:lrs. n 1'y 500 iii the whole property.", The • • D Do ty clerk of the• Cr. u ; ' shareholders stere, well•,satistied:.witli ' left ch tire!y l D ted ai• CTodrnc5 th'e rail buy of jail. l8&3 , Management ' of affairs," alld. Cori'- 3 las,' •Ciderny;that ills 's only the second, . 73_ ear Of its existence the, Showt11, is -,;,--t4''''4-- . `er r+aifci tom• .: • .erclothlu y t~ l g to those' interested.�� 11cIl1t:eyes. •• ' ta'aiy clear). ;ac(it�al, , Jtessrs Oaunt-anrl Robert Pettypiepat 1 dirf ctors, declined re-election, and ,Qn a brllbt ';sing taken Jarne,• ;\'Nilson, 'John Ciilespi., Jr,, Frank Iie.tbi- , T'; ,i!)Ii*r .: and Richard Pett •piece were . wlec-ted,• These with �lfk 11. 1J.' Heti. t, per pound nn• ali 'butter made for themYl during the season, and 'the rrig lati:ce carried forward for current ex- penses. The ',debt was, reduced during the year 27O,, --s0' that there is now rloosa ' of•D���rn.a and _Parlor H' o�.� in t Lamps and L�,Itl�' t3%1 Z �11 eaters � d op into the shop;. cps, and Lamp' Flinn 's' Yn endless variety. lh ' eve the Finest Sel a,ve the Finest Selection :of Parlor. and 1 .Lam•ns e •, ,.., • . Han�ing . ever shoo in the village; Clothes .Ringers Tinware. ete,, awayrdl,;syn chew p. .,t • file • DIE' s6,11l,EL 1 Taylor & Giles :Old, Stand. • • • • .44 DR. DORENWEND'S where there there are bi left; It I i*oil floe good .e.rov of ha restors grov it./.• I Y1'140040 t!001`. 111•1 ecnIdition get a bottle, rrettiiitt=ils: Canada,' •