HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1888-01-27, Page 3Et•
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• 1-
• 4'•
V' •
".And Dairet "ergot The:-."'
• That Pato a fellow's,sills
Ana..a,IgebTafc Corkers, •
And geometric pills,. .
Bufthe triughest of all probleMs•
• •
.Thitt with dread a hinabead 'fills. •
Is to buy the earth "at special safe" •
• ' For two •dl bind,
• For when-, .
Your wife remarks in urgenttone, .
When standing in the door:
-Just drop in Joblet's place-and-match-this-rib-
bou-an'-buy-a- coal -hod- an'- yard -of -
r ebbing salt'. dont - forget- the - candy- -gni-
oad - atop - over,- at -the-soap-counter-some-
thing-niee-rernewber-six-y ards -of - canton-
flannei-true-the-too th - paste - an' -please - at-
• tettd-to-tlifs-befere yop-go-the-store.
Then tie it string around your thumb
• And don't her•want's ignore.,
When •your.wife,is on
For " cut-price geode" of gore.
• Tis far easier to promise ,
Than to make yonr pledges right;
lie niggard in his premises
a. laggard in 'the flight; '
'The Promise oft shuts of' debate,
And is pleasanter than tight, "
And you have a clean, white conscience.
• Tlii you get honleat night. ,
• " liut then- . •
• Wheii the,wife remarkawith emphasis
,Scapding in the door :
johm-IfenrY- dour- Noise .-cull-81-1Vfarkemd6vies',
' for-that-apeol-of-cotton-No.-60-an'-those- $3-
., -are,thre13-pennatik)f-JaVa•-&-
' Aloeha-Mixticl-'n-wyard=of-ol'-gold- plush -•'n -
'some - cheese an'- rereerriber - the-wit:dew-
shades:'n-the- prunes-an'-a-cap-for-jolinny-
ate-remember - Ethel's,- doll -Itrit-better-get-
yoursof-a-ilve -cent - comb - and -the-liired-
girl's-wage is are don't - forget -the
theatre -tiekets-an'-if-youAidn't-have-such-
, a-pour-Memory-I-woUld-tell-yeu-lots-mero
Theh, tie 4 string around your thanap• -
And don't her !salts ignoreVIion '
your wife is on' the ramipage:
.And uncorks her gentle roar-
Ali.ple A 1 gallue prondeoti
' Which gives out at more '
/Hake peace until you 'do confess
7You've kept, them in a born ;
1.And wilted and dejected and
• Curled up by wifely ssorm ' • •
Youwishand Wish and wish and wish
.Yott neyer had been •born. • -,•
' • Therefore:, • - • •
'Whou the wife remark:141th earnestness,
AS yeti step front out the door; " • •
--Ansanas dear- hist rec'ollect 4hat-tie-aris•out=ot
baking-powder-and-the-instahrient-on - the:.
• piano -is :due - today- an'- we - need-°Mae-
Wather-stripsan- d(se't -fcirget 4 ton-yards.l
. of -in visible-green-tridot-ah'-a-harman'-ho*-
:• tapioes.-an'-four-yardaaf-bluwribbon- tWc/-
• inehes-wide-you-khowmy- Shade -aik-sf)nui.;
' and.- the - hanging--.1.am1)- an' -the -gas
library-hour., • • • • . '
Thep tie a 'string around Your thuixib.
-- And delft her -wants ignore . •
When Your wife is On the rananage
Anctrecinesni a dry goodil store, '
. .
FL t '-t Alti 111 t.ivatja
" On Wednesday on the Morning express
. of the'Gra.11., between. Ottawa and Mon-
treal; a trial was made of Sewall'a system.
of heating an express train by means of
Steam from the. engine. • The Chin-17points
• of the system are these: The steam enters •
at the forward end, of the train, and the st
• eup.plY is Controlled by a yen/a in each car. je
Troth.themain, pipe the e3tealir isadmitted• into radiating • pipes; so arranged as to
heat every part Of the car. • The.apparatna sh
•• AA constructed in such a inanner that any, -
A 'Con2PnY' rrovide. 'Ter. W. keilr Wants
In cl1d Age. '
• Sc/ileewig boast* of•an institution 'unique
of,its kind and well worthy of imitation.
It is 1.1.. spinStertginsuranoe comPailY. /ts
ParPoee is to provide) for the single lady
mentherS Of well-to-do families. The cern.
PanY gives them 'shelter, board and pin
money. The method ia the following: At
the birth of a girl the father insoribes, the
child's name in the books Of the company
and pays a certain sem every year. When
his daughter reaches her twenty-lourth
year, and is still unmarried, she is. entitled
to a certain income; and to as coupleof well.
furnished reonls tn house belonging to
thecompany, whioh has a fine7garden at.
tached to it, and is inhabited by Other
yoenger or older -spinsters, who laya be -
Come. members before her. If the father
dies before his daughter attains her twenty-
fourth year the girl enjoys the smite privi-
lege& In.case' she dies or Marries all her
rights are forfeited and the money paid in
reverts to the company. These chances'
enable the coMpany to make the, provision
named, 'while parents have the satisfaction
Ofikneviing the uture,of their daughtera to
e secured in case of the 'death of their
natural providers. -Paris Americar..Register'
. "'" •
• ' Leap Year .PerAle. • 4
He\was n4)e young man, with 'cane;
high hat and patent leather- boOte: He
strolled -leisurely down' Nadi,.
puffing daintily upon a cigarette; and oc-
casionally twirling the waxen end of iv
moustache. Ere was accoeteci by a 'stout
. • . .
vvoman with a florid complexion: • •
"Tip Of the nioniin' to ye, 'Mister
'Charley," said, she. ,
"Good morning, Mrs. BleGtwilin;." said
the nice young man. , ' .
" Me darlint boy, would ye:-." and :she
bestowed bewitching smile upon hint. He
doilged'eut of her reach. The recollection
_ was, leap :year nished. up
•- ' •
" Madarne-7really r a
sorry if I cause you pain, but my ad
have already keen' bestowed upon a
nd Madarne,=•.-I can't: -
you." ' , ••
She gazed at him,. in astonishmen
then said,. indignantly : Who. axe
marry me ?• The law& of the. likee.
a poor lorfeividdy, wid Emir children
port by washiW, ye to inarry. m
Was only OW to ax Ye for that do.
the waehin' • • ;• '
4,Heesighedl-AnjegoTP-Tettet" ollvtirthat
A.4:04tr ICEPTi
A 414.,DIr'ri".11Y4n0:11,4111).0"0.tahl'itilin'irtr14741,.8:41Ver'S
I, Perhaps : ene,. of the saddest marriages
ever solernnized oecurred at the residence of
the brid r. Jacob Shaver,. in
South Division street, last Wednesday
evening'when the eldest daughter, ' Nies
Lizzie H. Shaver, was united Marriage
to J. Barnes, a Seneca street grccer.
The wedding was to have ogeurred nearly a
Year age, but owing to the death of the
bride's *other it ayes necessarily postponed.
Three days before ,the time appointed., for
the wedding, 11/1813 Matte Kane, a sister �f
the bridks mother, was taken, suddenly ill.
She.had been ailing for some time and it
soon beOeme evident that She could not
receiver,. She insisted, however, that the
preparations for the wedding should be
continued, and acoOrdingly at 7 o'clock on
Wednesday evening, while she lay dying', in
anu.pper room, in the. dining -room below
herniecte and Mr. lianiea were married,
•At the close of thi3. ceremony the bride
hastened to her aunt's bedside andreceiyred
her bias n r. and Mrs. Barnes
. reached Erie the same ilvening A telegram,
'was awaiting them anneuncing Mimi Kane's
. de th; On Friday '
a ay r. and Mil. Barnes
returned to Buffalo to attend Miss Kane's.,
funeral. The attending physician assigned
in the death Certificate some technical
cause; but.he said that. in realitY„Misa
Kan ! '
,heitrt; 7TO1' many Yeats, her horee had
'been: With Mr; ..Shaver's family, but for
Bente unaceenntable reason 'she thought
that her sister's death and her niece's mar-
riage .would necessitate her making her
homeelsewhere.--Buffath News.
e 0 death was (wised by a broken
The Contemptuous Turk.
At Constantinople,.er, at. least, in Stam-
boul,. you feel' that you, a' Frank,., do .tiot
9 I veep the.largest•theck smitWILL.aLinidon
ni . canpreduce, and yet the . Turk. will
'703r.Y.-• Pan without "deigning .even to leek at you.
exist in the eyes of the Turk Y
ou m
eati°°8 At the public fountains he will go' throngh.
neither! all his religious ablutions in your, Presence
marry as if you wererniles away. He will spread
, out his carpet, turn his face toward Mecca
tto, sat pip.: ea n .say his prayers while you are looking a
of mei that he ignores you For this dignity and • a
4 Ye to on; ; and.so mead are you in his eitiination a
stability of character .1 respect. the '-l'ilirk ; an
O. x And I am grateful to • him for procuring :me .°Y
Har for a sensation which id not nonunion in foreign sal
litioarkita5voorrintwazti:Dliatylt,efro,„ ark.izza:,,,G4
.L. , trivial: jil Enrope•it deny lerategnithe exalted -1 AO
r tj•
7. wet Ilektle"C'llnitppily Ihe ll'iPlofriatic relit- '111
- 4
• 0
"ROW AM WW-fr,
Wflhlam Reach. RazilfV0 c-0219tuffiroT, 7014
Dow De Did it.
' The recent exploit of .Mr. Willie* Bea4
leaves ne doubt that he is thehandielit man
in the world .gthe sculls. The ease
with which he outrowed his opponent, the
supposed invincible Ned Hanlan, shows
'that in, form, strokeland muscular develop,
ment, adapted to seedling, he has equal.
Although an A.ustralian byvirtue of reai.:
dence, Beach wad beim in Surrey, England;
in 1851, and removed with his parents to
New South. 3Valee in 1854. He was brought
up to his father's trade, and, While toiling
like a young Vulcan in the smithy,
soionsly developed that .magnificent phy-
sique which has since brought him World,
wide dietinction. When about 23 years of
age peach esommenced rowing on the Xlia,
,Warra Lakes against local concipetiters, and
train the outlet. kept winning Until gradu-
ally handicapped of all races. Follow-
ing. are' his chief' aquatic perforMances
whilein: Australia: - •
Dticember,1880-NVap Peenle'a liffndieap,Waol-
loornOoloo.Ray: • '-
January, 1881--$econd Pyrrtiont Regatta, won
bYJaPncuaare4;1681.Seconff Na'tlortal -Regatttif Vfoii
byD. McDonald.
River. i
February, 1884 -7 -Peat N. McDonald. Paramatta
'March. 1881-ileat George 13°1On:tot:a.' •
• May, 1881 -,Beat Charles Reynolds: • •
'October$1382-Secoricl. Punch trophy, Won by
E. C. Laycock.
December, 188,2,13eat retrattoi,tta
• January. .183.3,-Natioaal Regatta,' stra,mped,
wont by Messenger. .
March, 1883 -Nowhere; Grafton Regatta, won
McDonald. •
Marcn,1883*Won Woolioemeie100, Bar Rega#d
December 7 -Won. James, Hunt's trophy, Pa.r-
'ramatta River. ' • • ,
April 2, 1883 -Beaten by E. Trickett, eliam,
plonship (first time).
. April 12, 1883, -Beat E. Trickett, championship.
•April 17, 1883, -Beat E. Trickett, championship.
' April 12, 1884 -Beat E. Trickett. cha,mpionship.
August 16. 1864 -Beat _Erinardan, char:Vico-
ahip world.. • •
• reh-27-1-1865-neat-T: Cliffordfclutz&piiiirshili
Afarch 27, 188.4--Beati E. Etonian, ehanzpionsblii
December 19, 1835 -Beat N. Mattersom •
November 26, 1887 -Beat E; Ilanlan, chanIplon-
BhiMPrW.°Brietch'asy• sten:1.'0f tra1meg inoludes
run of two or three image before breakfast
walk. of six Or seven Miles afterwards an
pull over the Course.' ' After dinner come
other two-rnile 'iwalk and Eincond 'OW
etr 7.0 coarse: during ivhich lie rOvvii him
1 rig,„12, t out; easeti.i:• if, and then Penile
1( I* 6 ?Ni•ALOggg
-- ••'-''--;4
401-th Arrews.
:The".8ultan.,.of. Turkey, &bent' :de
IL o shot an arrow 500, yards. ag
In Scotland two menare.knowil
killed-several-McLeods With arr
0 yards. •
A pillar Standing. on 'a :plain near, con-
antinople records .shots with arrows' rang,
g -up to800 yards. - • - ' , • ' •
In 'the history of Scotland there is a re,
rd of the killing Of a man With, an arrow
ot &distance. of 5°00. yards. . • • .
In 1794 the TurkiikAmbAsscidor shot an
tow, in a field near London, 415 yards
&hist the wind and 482' yards With the
tlytni 'Of ins •strengt'h to his will, and,
werful though he be, it is surprising
tions which the sublime porta 'still -enter- P.°
at Mr. Beach candidly states that during'
niiirY. •tibia with the *eitern' Wierld guarantee tn
the material security of the traveller in the
have Sultan's dominions. But everything inshot 'its
ConetetntinOple tells that the Turk, IL"
Although' he has now been -living -in -Minya -"
for centuries, is still a nomad in nature and eig,r
conqueror ,_wn
nople the Turks camp rather than dwell, he
and were they to be driven out of the 'city me
to -morrow they Would leave 1) h' d doe
'oar in *attain can be "cut off" without ai
I interfering with the heating of the other a,
earl, „ In ordinary nee on the road the , q
'steam for beating is supplied by 'the engine;
but proviSion is also made ,ier supplying to
heat independent of the engine; in. cinfoof a be
:Oar being side-tracked or waiting, at junc'.. r6
tions for incoming. trains, or in event of
accident interrupting the connection .with hi..
. the Main siipplyof steam.' In such eased we
heating Steam it siipplied from a small toti
boiler in •each car, :that receives the drip of bod
• Condensed water from the piped:* having a Id
small'fire-box ender it. 'Of 'donne it will sco
be seleiten that this will hive to be relied, diet
un.: The -oars coMposing the' .train 'on "cou
Sir ItObertAinalie, Pritiett.' 'Ambaseador
the Subliine. Porte, rocorde that ii21790
was preserifivhen the SUltan,shot ar.:
w '972 yards.. • • • • • •-•-•••
n the days when the was 'found
vast herds on the western .plains thero.
re Indians who; while riding at a gallnp;
14. Bend an. arrow • through btaffalo'a
Y, ' . ' 7 • '
r. Dixon, in his .history of Gairlock,
tland, says that the Maelntes• of • that
riot were•sueh archers that they
Id hit A, Man at the - distance of 400 and
n.500 yards." -
Down the toboggan slide,.
' We started, side by side;
• But luck was nuli, .
Or I was dull;
Maymbe,tlio day hinder •
• I fineied that theard
' • My headi turned,
And neverlearned, • • •
What caused zny none deferred.
' Up, toward the firniamtnit,
My .old• toboggan went,
And in the suety,: "
A Mile Or So, :
• My head Made an indent.
• • The snow Was cold that day :;
- My clothes was jerked astray; •
: Her laugh of glee • •
, Rang after me,- • ,
girls always act that Way.
• which the system was tried were elegant eve
and new"ceaches from the Grand Trunk
' chops. Mr. Anderson, of the G. T. B.
departnient; accompanied
Smash on the trial trip, and wifi,- report, to
the Company.. r . '
• ‘: '!"--110si ThsYRunishe&iiim.
LastWednesday Jennies Stewart., of .th
Porter factory, threemiles-irom.--elar
villa, insulted the Mister Or Ben: and David• ctitno. tie was walking leisurely toward
the factory, and when he readied the fete-
tory.stdre a crovid. was assembled. Aniong
. • them Was David Crane and also Ben Crane,
•. David had a•gan with two big 'barrels and
' ten had' a cowhide . with a long leather
lash. David halted. Stewart • With IC gen
cooked, id required him to stand, and at
• . the sainaeltinte saying to his brother Bee:
"Lay it on," Ben 'did lay it , on; and
• Stewart stood Still., One , of our moat
prominent citizens Was on the field and saw.
the whole occurrence,' :and .clesoribes the
°reeking • pf the. 'whip lika-nnto that of a
, pack of fire -crackers whentthe main few is
• on fire,' The crowd stood spill And no one
interfered, ' Mr..SteWeirt, 'when ' he Was let 'dente
. • ger, cried like rchild and'as socin,as possible" -4.
not with, a Mark about his • brow but the.Q.
with•knarhs from the: top of his hit to the,
iheel of his, shoe. • Mr.',$tewart was always ceina,
considered a very good man, and Very well
• . thought of, no has a most elegant lady
for a wife. The Crane boys' are Very nice 44"
young men, who, •before
I Of whipping; emulated a lawyer. Afterthe ing t4'
,lbOnSultatiOn All Parties eonsidered it better -11
for them to take theniatter into' their OWn, Frac
hands than gl into law.--Sarizeinale News.
•• , •
' couitte
, Corpse Already. ,
Two young writers 'whovvere talking:M. -I,'
their hoped, their ambitions. • a Mg
If I have not Made. a reputation bythe high, ;
time I am 30A shall. blow my brains Ont," , -An
asserted one. ' • • , " , start o
4. ""My dear boy," replied the other, "' you Uttreh
are as good as dead. :
Tnn by'DeC
statutory area of Now Orleans is ifig yea
150 square iniles ; that of Philadelphia is
, 129 square Orleana oceupies
about • forty .equare Mired; Philadelphia •the nat
oVer a:hundred. So, probably, justice willbe : P°
donaby holding that. Philadelphia, is the --Th
largest cityiin the United ,Statini.:in point rising'
of area- As to the .flye ()Wei of the I,Jnited gnarly
, States, Philadelphia will lead ngain ; New ;
. Yeilc conies next wIth:,;folity.onC square in, Calif
With forty ; swoon
• Chicago fourth, With thirty-six, andBrook. lyn , fifth, with twenty-five aenare mules.
The' five cities of the world cOveriri th
,greato.st area valiild secina, be-Philadel..
phis., 129; LOrulon; 118 ; NeVvIcirk, forty. '
• ono Now Orleans forty ; Chicago, thirty, Pawld'
six'square miles. roid ..opverd only about nevot
thircy altutremiles. „i reply; '44
Tobogganing since then
I've left to other man;
I'll -lose iny breath,
- By natural death,
liro t will slido. again.
he free library at .Leeels; , England,:
hie 120,000 volenieci;,"• • .
white' collie has been presented to
ueen as unheard Of ' '
rance about to issec silver
e to the amount of 04,oqa,ocio.
Barnum ,deolares he ice 'going to
he Great Eastern: at any cost.
i,Iv-iiriderfallysecifiens the pain Of mak,,
inistake to be the Ann to'fiitcl, it out.
r. S. D. litazen, the now Mayor of
riCtent, 1.3.,* is only 27 yearti of age..
()ceding by lamplight probably ac,
for the different 'shades of opinion.'
French plan kasAppeared, of Making.
e acthes the Pritiell channel 120 feet
' . • '
other batch of Mexican. editor's will.
n an 'eXcureion, to this country in
" ••
Rho and.a man muse register
.'51st if he wants to Vete the follow:
r. • , . •
combinations May flourish, but in
ural .of things ice pools are
a inert *llia is prosiOteMpered On
in the morning may . ha • termed a
riser, . • '
o almend trees are almost in ,bloont
Only . noses bloom at this
n th t. •
. •
. -The' inan`who:o. travels On his cheek" is
the chap that jumps' from the railway train
When: le In motiOn:
YOU 'Ilse my mixthre- once," said a
modroirientan; " i'm Sure you will
so, any ' 4.‘ No,'I was the
don't suppose ever Would," • "
with "training, .Previous to meeting Edward
Wail the second time for the world's
anyionshisThis trainer bought for him
artier's' safe cure and he says:: '" I was
eeablyaiiionieliticl, at the-great-lienefiC
ich followed its use."' While in training
finds this the beat possible aid to a-con:e-
nd of all his natural poworti, because it
s not Arid goad and afterwards Weaken
system, but_abtet,....42- perfect harmony
h nature's laws. " •
r, Beach experience is •colifinned bY
the experience of many, thousands ath-
letes over the world. . :Under the great
physical strain they •break . down and 'die
prematurely, beeause they have not been
able to keep;_dineAge-Away:fropt their
neye -and liver, whence Most diseases
originate. Mr, peach 'recognizes this.
necessity; and has sagacity. enough to tom
only scientific specifics for that purpose. He
has MA only the prestige of victory, but the
tige of ittrue scientific reethOd•Of tr •
nig, and keeping up his wonderful ; physiCal.
condition.- If be did 'Mit voluntarily give
up the ohampionship, it wend& no doubt be
a long time benne it was ivrested from
no monument Of their genius but tottering
tonibstoned and .tumble-ClOwn wooden
ltent/i0).• •
Slrl&Pxons-41foisturei intense itching and
Stinging; most at night; ythrse by Scratch •
lug.. If allowed to continue tuthors forth,
which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming
very pore," 8:WAYNE'S . OINT=10, stops, the
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and
in many cases reinoVes the tumors. It ice
equallr effiCacious curingall Skin
Diseases. DR..SWAYNE SON, Proprie-. pres
Philadelphia. • ' SWAINE'S OINTMENT
can be obtained Of druggists., Sent by Mail
for 50 cents. :
::eyarining Contortions
Passenger: (dit streetocir; alarmed)
Madani,do,yori feel a fit corning on? •
:Madam (hatightily)L.-No, sir; I'M • trying
to find my packet:
' Jack and'.1111,each took 'a pill,
" Old-fashioned kind -full grown;
•L._Jack's Went dowir,-lintWith a frown -
Jill died -from Cause.ultintstvn,'" .
.SMilea Will supersede mariy -frowns; and
Many diecomfOrts will be .unknown when
Dr. Pierce's • Pleasant Purgative • 'Pellets'
entirely supersede, As they bid, fair', to do,
•the largo and pill of our fore-
fathers. s Every day they g'ainnewlatirela I
Meet popular when Most ills abound! • •
. . . ,
The Toronto Board of Trade yesterday
decided to apply to the Dominion7Parli
Merit for a*eridnients. to their. Act In-
corporation giving theta. 'power to compel
the attendance of witnesses,..in. cases :of
arbitration -lad to enforce karate.. I
. ,
, . .
• • Woman's iitadeity." ' •
• . ' Where Snow' COMes prom.. •
. 4! Where is the Island Of Cnba'aitnated?'!„
asked an Austin school teacher of a small,
rather forlorn looking boy.::" X dtinith, air."
"Don't. you , know where'. auger comes
Tee, sir,- weborrovult• from the
;next. door neighbor."-T,,s Siftings. •
Sreiptoins of catarrh. .
Dell, heavy headache, obstrietion of the
nasal passages, dischargekfalling.from the
headinto .the 'throat; sometimes profuse;
Watery and acrid at others, thick, tenacious;
mucous, pendent, Weedy and putrid; the
eyes are week; watery and infianied ; there
ie ringing in the' Cara, deafnees; hacking or
coughing te•clear the throat, expectoration
of offensive' *atter, together :with scabs
from nicers ; the voice is changed and has
,a 'nasal: twang; the: breath. ire e.ffertsiire;
smell and taste are impaired; there ice a
seileation of clizzinese,. with mental depres.
sion, a hacking cough and general debility.
11 you aye all, or, an considerable nuinber,
any women are Prevented by feelings icif these symptoms, you are suffering. from
of delicacy consulting physician in
rangernent of her peculiarly delicate'
those disorders arising from .functional de, .y,our dieease has become,' the greater ' th
Nailed Catarrh'. The more complicated
ism,,and the most serious. results are often
caused by: this neglect.. To such persons
Dr.: Pieree'n Favorite PreseriptiOn Is an
especial beim, Raft offers sure and safe
Cure for all those distressing disorders to
which wonien are peculiarly subject, ,while
it saves a modest girl or 'woman from the
embarrassment of a pereonal eonsultetion
with a physician. ":Favorite .Prescrip:
tion " is the. only n24110110 for woman's
seemlier Weaknesses and ailments, b
ruggisteWunder a positive guarantee from
e manufacturers that it will give settle,
faction in every case,- or money will .be.....re-
fendecy. See guarentee.on bottle wrapper.
The ciiiivOld Song. • • ;
, .
Where, is your;, home ?" asked a man
of a diecopeolate.looking stranger. .
• " haven't any • home at present," was
the reply. My Wife'd mother is making
her a, visit."-rSonzerviliS Journal. •
--Notwithstanding the prevailiOg-4312Perv-
stition regarding the. number thirteen, we
den 't hear anybody Welting on the baker's
-Therci is one good thing ab • Out: a :wire
• «fence. It cannot be used for posting patent'
medicine adYertiseinents.
man's Character is • formed," days
", anti' he has been. tried by the
woinan .'ho loves.',0, This is f3ortietimos apt
to bo worse than ,being tried by Any judge.
I' -The young nian wlio. Would witate time
kissing a gir'l's band would eat tle0 brown
• 'paper bag and:leave. ill° • bot=liotise drapes
or some one •
• •
. •
umber• and diversity \et symptoins
Thousands' of „.cevelese. Annually,' without
manifesting half of the 'ithove symptoms,
result in eonseinYtioli; and eod the:grave.
NO disease is .61 comment, niore-decentive
and dangerous, Or less. understood, Or more
Misuceesafnlly: treaied by phydeiana,
hinuired dollars reward is offered' by tlie
rnanufacturere. of Dn.: Sago's Catarrh
Remedy, for a,:catie of 'Catarrh whiCh they
cannot Mire., Itereedy 'Sold" by . druggists,
at ' y cents.
• ' Pool of a Man: •
.."Mdther-Where is Mr.,NicefelloWar
Lovely danghter .(sitting alone) --Gone
hoine' ;
• 1' Home?' 'It?s-only-8 e"-eloik."
"Yee -he asked to -to marry him,
and -Land, I .said 'no;' and -and he went
right off',,hoo boo! boo?" ' •
. The Rebellion
In the Nerthwest has been auppressed and.
our citizens can now devote reasonable
attention to their cents., , The. only sure,
safe and painless remedy hi Putnent's
less Corn Extrador. It never fails ; never
makes scire, spots won° than the original
discomfort. See that yehiget "Puteana's
and take"none ether.,
' :em• ergency Thoughts.
A little boy, fell intallfif bay ' fevi's4Zyci
since and barely escaped drowning. When
asked by his mother what. he was thinking
about while in..the ,water he. replied ; it I
was thinking what a lot of thiage yOu'd
give the if r got hdine safe."
:The 14404 Annisement Of litailke.'
"Donkey Paktiee bar, bed a Oeagant.
apd successful run through onfref the Meet
cultured and genial social sets lately. - Tim
are managed in Ohl way: I, A tailless don - -
pastediOt: 6.0i . ot of ceei 00 flannel.whwhite cotton Owl
cloth,. and this is tacked up aga,imit the
wall or folding doors of the room. Then'a
number of gray flannel tails are clistrilinted:
&thong the guests. Each in turn is blind-
folded and ,turned round on his own Axle
three thugs; then he starts to try and pin.
the tail on to its plaqe. Two, prizes are
given by the host and heateda-one to who-
ever pins the tail closest to the donkey's
atinnp, and the other to the one who went,
the moist astray.
ths- -;reeTho
g athaisadYeesaral8h8eyreSapinrelle
athoeentrneeoolvne.s acre:ma the . Pavement on a anti
, .
• - '-'1"."t"."`*1;-•
Thi Originid •
• 0 v 9 Livoni
43-NWARZ11. OP .F.IttfrA nom. .4.0PArtt,
PrZig SUO4;n-cOATN,
Being entirely yegetabid, they op-,
erate without disturbance to the system, diet,
or ocotPlition. Put up in- glass vi hermeti-
cally sealed. Always fresh and 'rel ' • •
a •Insative,_ alterative, or .pnrgative, .
these Rttle-Pelleta--give-the-Morit nerfmt•
Hiltons Headache;
Unlit ..‘Indigeatio.n;
:aeliandbowels,sre prompt,
ly relieved and, permanently
caret br the. 'use or Dr,.
Pierce • Pleaiant Purgative Pellets.
In explanation of the, remedial Power of these
Pellets' over, so great a Variety of diseases, it
may truthfully be said that their action UpOR
the system is uniVersel, not a gland or tissue
eicaping their sanative infizienee. Sold: by
druggists, 25 Cents a vial. MaxtUfactured at the :
Chemical Laboratory of WORLD'S DISPENSARY
MEDICAL ASseCIATiorr Buffalo, N. Y.
• •
.-tChherorniooic RuaasaliurRigarrh.304., ,
liteuiredyl:', for. case '.of:
era o! i». Sages CataiTh
, . .
heavy 'headache,' obiltruetiOn. 'of 'the nasal;
71:1116fteg—,--gachiutTs!..ftillixtg.. •frcira the bead .
mto the rent; sometimes, profuse, watery, '
and acrid, othersi_thick,tenacionkatueOulli
parUlent, bloody arid _putrid; . the eyes-are-----
eweak,Twatery; and inflamed ; there 13 rniging
In the ears,Aeafness, hacking Or Coughilog to ..• .
dear the: throat,..exPectoration of offensive'
'matter, together with scabs from ulcers; ' the- •
voice is changed' and has a nasal twaligi- the
:breathAs-Offensiliet emell And • taste are
paired; • there is a sensation a dizziness, Witk
mental depr,ession,A hacking- coughariffgen,
. end debility;7. ()nits feif ntthe:abovenamed
Symptonis are -likely tobepresent 'in any one
case,• Thousands . of cases .annually, Without,.
Manifesting half Of . the above symptoms, re -
Ault. fp' consumption, and. end in the grave.
No diseaso. is to coinmozr, more deceptive and.
.dangerOus, orless understood by physicialw.
- By its mild, soothing, and healing. propertieli;
Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures . the worst
.cases of Catarrh,• 66 cold in the .headif?
'coryza,. and -Catarrhal 'Headache..
Sold' by druggista7everywIzere; ,50
'64Entold Agony from Catarrh,M
. .
of Ithaca, 117. Y., 'writes: " Some teri yearitago •
I Offered. untold agony' from • chronic nasal
Catarrh. 1.13i tanioy physician gave me up so •
incuratble,•and said. I must die. Aly ease was',
such a bad•one, that every day. towards stinm
set, my Voice would becomo. so hoarse r could
barely speak aboveA, whisper.' In the morning'
my boughing,and -olearing. Of mY throat•would-
almost stranglo. tne..: 13y the use Of Dr. Sage's .. •
Catarrh- Reraelly, in three Months, I Was nwell
man, and' the cure l, been permanent.
, .
“Constanily lIavtlring and Spittinf
• .
Tnomis•I. Iturintrxri„ Esq., !9O eet, •
;St. Louis; Mo., writes:: '''.I was ft great sufferer ,
from'patarrh for three years:.: At timeSI could.
hardly breathe..and Was constantly hawking .
and othting,- and for the last eight months
.Could not -breathe throtigh, the 'nostrils.. I •
thought nothing •could done forme. Lisek- •
ily;- was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh 7'.
Remedy, and I am' new a well Man. '•I believe
it to be the only sure remedy for eatarr.h new
manpfaetliredi and one' hag only to, give 'it, a
fairtilatto eXperienee astotindMg•residte and •
a peretanent euro."• : .
Throe ItOttlei ctOe Onterr, it. • . '
Prof. W.•IIAtrsbkita, tho fambus mesmerist.
' •
• ELI R0131,1INS, 22unuen Cohtmbia„Co.,
Pa., says: `.My daugliMr bad catarrh, when ,
she was five years Old, very badly. 1 saw -Dr. '
Sageffi Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- *
cured a, bottle for her, and soon' saw that it
bellied her;• a third Vottle effected a perms-
nent cUre: She 18 n eighteen- years' old and
sound and bMity." .
DONL. Cog.
AfeitkOn tf9i RatCherS;
•We want a etoOri max in your locality to pick •
For'tis. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty
, .
Addiesa 01 S. PAGE5 Elyse Park, Vermont, U.13
Merl! oily cure I do ilia mean merely to atop them' for
Onto aud thou' have thant return ,,e1 n_ I mean a radical • '
cure, I ha's.° Made t clIseaeo of FITS, EPILEPSY. or FALL'. •
INO SICKNESS& Iffetiong ettI warrant my reams,
,jo'curelhe worat come., Because ethers, have felled Is no .
reason fornot how receiving a cure. Send at once for a
treatise 105 a Free BottleAItny infallible rhtnedy. Give
Expread and Post (han b
m& lt dents yen for hide • • •
and I will core 705. Address 01701. O. ROOT,
Brallch 011166 'T011agt; Terelltni. •
F rfirlifsq nrez-r• JEAtts.
0.1"It to..c:,
ti.v. Nitetvo tootecIy for ti,, fibOJO til nesse by nee
.*(iitte'.1,.V.V. I rA I 1,,end 1111) 7701 1 75 ioliihSr
. 3.its1,0.(41;i1e,01.t
• • • onge wortatb