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Lucknow Sentinel, 1888-01-13, Page 4
three PenCe per pound, : and fn: Canada t 'the latter ,rate hethree: (milk far half., an Oanee... Taft t. r 1 r tha Englishman can send for two cAnis «' lefts "iit Otnittlet �#h t t~oeta the Canacliau six • cents; to mail. .If. tbe'ihree cent rate. Tag ';I' IBEi&TY TO. uTTNR . AND TO ANODE • ' HELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES ozr COKBCti�NCE WS' PE ZR ABOVE ALL ta¢i Imo. i3, CO rir;fN11: We •do not regard; • Commercial Onion. as woad, bat as a means• to• an •end,.seys the Hamilton'.'Temea.: And that .end is not the Annexation of Can : Aida to the' United States, • That end •rad t ge -fr w is . , �. a between .Canada, .and the world, 'rhe Reci"P procit . ••'ide liege to'be founded On a f xiF ns8u4nes that Canadians, • for instance,, 'TJnitad!.:Statea 'duties` on;'goods . " sent:from •Canada;to the United -States,; , and -that the Yankees pay Canadian duties• on } odds 400 from the:United tatQs to. Canada:..- :The . proposer Reciprocity says in, effect : " Renf°oi; a .: • .' your duties, "' to relieve me, and» I •w.ill .._ieni, ve : my ,"duties' to .relieve you,." As a• matter of fact,'Yanlceees ,pay '1Tnited States Canucia'pay • .1Canatl sin dyties. • ; Tge proper and:idzr. •ect way to obiain relief, is to., re iio' e" ▪ •one's.. own duties, •instead of frettuig =iabou°t the dirties inaposed'.by anothe•r`• .country. Does any.reasoning lean be-. aieve'that Great Britain could hold: her • dace among the nations'if it were, -true 'that the; exporting c. ou, try r pays the, •duties? .In that cas 3, the ' peopled of England vo• uld=be suptplyi the.. rev- ,.r►�stims�srf tpan]� r 2777. WSPA'ng§:47471' "` "• tily:xtnd :Russis8 , as -welt. as.'the-reven' ,ues' of the British' ,GGovernment land' wrouid tie vtiing.:poorer arid;'ther cannot bedone away! pith, z;urely, . the, vexatlbous and useless, half ounce limit L. • • `a BouT :thea most 'sensible 'reforin. ioposed'.in,cOnilection with the Hely rules; of procedure for ,the British, f'iouse' of Commons is that which pro.: vides, for the •limitation -'Ajf the hours. of debate. "Whether concludes note tai Rouse will rise .at. half -past :'12' midnight. The all-night- sittings. are most. cleinoraliziug,"and there seems to be no Teens. of,putting :a. stop to. them except by some such arbitrary arrange-: nient'as.that proposed.Our legislat- ures . at Ottawa, ini •' 'might t. well: ad nt. Baa 8' ' 'lar arrangement.: R • H4ving been .well bought,• .. and carefully: •sElected_. in: the • best marketsihe:s -en, .bled to offer to` the public. one of the' best en ral 't 1i. i • - � p • - g • general _ � oc s n this country; selling as cheap as stocks of a much inferior quality, . McIntyre sole agent. for 0 Highland _¢ and. Halifax Yarns Albanian Kid Gloves Blabi aid • _ •- Colored, � Pest -Glove inthe ma. Germanlannel. G eck , all the't stylr" . Cities, just .now. . a : , w Era BakingPowder B .., ;..;. i . , }�� Ast Bonanza day tioned•goods,ar,, worthy the att�entior, -Of ever' person, ng the` leading firms of the. in . y..• being •'' han;died by b h D,o>uinion:• . .T�cr'v;Drs of ��oud:"Te .�h. , and ; �. .. , ._._. g a ould call try our new••,seasons -Te't, in black and green., ?ire. good , jlast o seed,: and ,ivin Extr ' ,.., . •• . . P g . '.. aordinary: Satisfaction. �Inducernentseto large buyers. tJndei t lothxn _:� . e e -&564. Prices. never,. before known in tills. sedtion. .•p• Y .ow•thi5.se2son. just fnlit 3� a suit csf .mood tin cici'cic�tli4rlir,'or. f:' xi dextra stock of good Boots ••and ghoes,, at ,t• ,tither countries richer►,; Tal.E JAA$MT'Gr ' IlitDUSTRF With. ••hundreds of', prosperous.• . and. sp endiclly•i uipped',iiianiifarturing. in stitutions`the agricultural industry is still file maul one in: Canada, :o' 5f;late' Ave hear- not a. little, about .the doptes sr l condition of theagric`ultural: Indus ti y, the heavy indebtedness o£ farmers '.and the' comparitively small'.; returns ,frwom_capital and labor invested inland. 1'et believe ;many farmners' who `are debtors. ought to be` creditors.. '-Can_ arlian thrift.and:ext .prise i re plower 'has I. Is t• all •- the complaint then oundless•1 We fear not:' .'Soina. argue that. ]and 'has had s eciulittiv' -c'alee y..:,-. �� ,the pric cel being Tout.. of ro or- tiRli to its t,:. �. pr p Qdactivii capacity.:.: A ,� t ter-u�.:the-��,r-np$i;:e=.�•clUoOf dig' as'reasons�fonthe unsatisfactory 'eon of: 'the farming inte�res great eagerness' fore', land, ,cans sp' ulativ values and: ing too eitteiisii�e>: farming; •iaek.of: organization• �antl; tho • accumulation ttf: a too', large l3tl�►c debt , too much attention to • politica and tdo �htale to; agricultural irtudies. '1'00 luxurious lit ing ''and heavy ex- ;o:- Fine A11.Woo1` Frenc —44 Don't_ buy a stove' till you, li re seen the -°e FAULTLESS' aiid. "ROYAL JEWEL," ,the : best parlor and heating-stovves in the;• market, also :.the "MO'DEL," the only crnriplete rook Stove in the Dominion, for saie'by Thos. Lawrence. , •,Avery, large and surpris-., in, gly low priced stock'.of hard- ware, ' `inware, ,Granite. and :Japanned ware, to • be ..sold ' chea '. Don't' fail to see "our' stock. •of Library Latups, ld'and .141rips Bracltets, Tubular .Lanterns, • `able Cutlery;. sil v exware; etc. ;to- t,hoose' from, -;at Law rence's Sthve Tepoc;': w N, B:=Casli• paid:, for hides • and; sheepskins. ' STOVE 'i nlq mlmySV^ • 11� ��� iillJi' ru�'+l.`tit�a y11�11: h e1 i To-Continue-for:,the•next. RN —_pppp— T ry •ir s. Only a little'over one year has • elapsed since the introduction -into Canada .Of; ..the.; now • welil•knowii • ALASKA `:SPYQTA•CLE`S ,• ND. •, Olfzi ,,EYEGLASSES., A . d the.�e; is hardly a town `tor village e , when a 'an 'ageiicv for :th.i sale • of'this celebrated spectk,cle has ..not • been' in- stituted- .n • . 'Chr " AT, ASK A''is not puffed, p:lty mean • iiiglese' .*mild be •;sei'ntifie. phraes, lint is off r d to aii intelligent 1pit9:,lic.••nii its merits. and t>~el ole. aid to will .find ittolie 4a 'Jerfi:ctly ';3%00 ,y t: .: Near eibht'eu •ri•far sighte eutn•<<r, itld Age; cad be ditited. exactly •7he 'Void "A1aska" Tia stamped upnri every:pair hot o . a h .•,, p Cabinets � $2.6 PEi DOZEN. For sale `by. V. �'. STR!T 'dr • Lucknaw . Successor :to E.L. Johnson. lst A�:line of :fine netill• vv�ool.. Cross :,Fou 1 .r ale'-blot}7~;-' reduced •fr ' c '�s - iloxs.ai e . l:e� &je-Elbe, Niavy Blue, .: Garnet, :• Brown'S 'Seal Brown'and.;f3'ack 1• pee lituyes for 'agricultural niiichinery is also given as a cause of depi sfQ'n anal Stiii'1• geflc, ••'' in .money affairs amongst far`nsers; These.,are.„probletas iiow engaging the earnest' attention of Eben hfful farmers and, we have, no 'doubt good will result.. -_Ex. • w4.are .glad • to seeisays the Mont;, real 1J ztnaiia that the :$,eforiners y. of Ontario and Alio., 6/lobe have :at last,: distrrve.reci.' the error' of 'their ways. '!'hey openly acknowledge tho fatal error. of abandoning free• •trade, ' and.• the Gl96e:ih a first-rate articl which. smacksof the s frit a P , ooiirage and Erutif• : of i is founder, calls upon; the,demoral ized party. to.ra°lily' to the old s tandard.• This is the most.hq ful 'si pe gn we have; set3n'for ,e,_Jong. bine itr the" pliticallife ''o£ Canada. p T' flee', .h• ° 'r, . ited�i�es 'the 1�yy i;i):. age rate ifr two''rentb" an outCnce;., au.' Britain it is a penny (two ycentsj_ ]Yost homey • "�!`can'• ho Sent for • j4 rte, l , 7. `O r .. 5 . i •' ' ` 2nd Ins �Qa.VV .x,11.', wool: , Otton)ari ("oras in:Brown• antli ivy Blue, regul r:x puce c reduced;'to- 2 P. 3rd line '7;404 a11' v ol'dress., `goods, ,reduced tot1P, is an ex ra fine ltl a°`hf€11',�voo.1 .French `dres's e,�,u�ls... 'iiie colors.:•to be:hid " are'Navy Blue, Bronze,Green • Browai' and Garnet..-, . .The above are Without ex- ce jtioii the hest value ever. offered rn .,Liicknow ;. • . xminatloln • of• the above goods r._es eetfu, su hefted. c1 �� Geo. . :err,; Luoknow .1:41P0fITANT-' TO ALL who are bald, ox' hat's thin,.. -Or Grey 1l a is, ©r •who'' are troubled .with' 1i. DOREN ENDS. ., Ift, MAGIC' ,, iV1111)e found invaluable fru the hair'nnd sehlli f It clonsea.thesealpc f all thdanruff, invigorates egre10th,of the hau;;and In'ctises of baldness where, there thP're are. the tilightest signs.. of r t t.t left, it will preidiice: geiitil, r"reg of hair:' It resters etre, hair to'its original color and ,i,f an exeelletnt tlreteifeg,, ; DO NOT DE1LAY, if your Bair is in •a weak 1' oonditioe.get a bottle at elks, • ', ----Ask for it "'. - A. DOl't'EN1V :ivD, • :Sens Ianuf • '1' RO aoturer..: A Ngo, G-ANAIM ' A «Dnrenwend is the ltraiiing :meymtfgettstor 1• of Hain„:0oodg`li1(3aaaiiu • • DE CLOTHING: • en I' say cosi 3 : ean.: • Yat she' ,o g. c -ds coat Toron� • .: ,, ,.: , : • . •. ; . , to, so come alon and , �' clear.. Q�1t. `tile�� bat an Ce Of tlie Clothing: OC1� 7r`F°22,°3747ammeezziminoreasinzems eras,. Or r : a e, cv�fts from •. • • _ . ix"s s .Only' Mo ween 'Suit ons T'r®ea, Coat .., Twos_ ..alt Ions Tweed Vests OATS Tweed .au'1ts:.fr amt i.1.70,!:41!0,77110,,,1".01.,!ri,sminusagmunmasalits'' Ladies .Fur' Gips; s , p , ik.�aas Gents u Ceps Deys: Pi. r:'C .ps. • Alli .011ier •' ' ' - ....,.... goods wall - • , how f .mus e _ .d d isp ased • of in. a �fe w�: ter. • W e s, ,. . nd a.tithe, ng ; m.y I rUg B sin s. • 417,