HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-12-30, Page 2.4•••••••,,,T7T• ••:"; N" , Tk Wellow River -PvergaTia---anutll- SevenThouand Sguare Mites - •'Terrible Xmas et Life and Property and, oregiftsgering. •-, • San E'ranOielie deSpatoh itaYs'; The 'ateamship City of :Sydney *arrived to,day, from.Hengitengana. Xoltolutma, 'Obiakeee pere,gtve details 'oke'diei-iiter 0001iSioned y the Yellow Ilitver:overflOwing its hanks; in the Province of Honan and delinribait as one of the moat .appalling ,oeourrenoes.in loss ot life• and prePerty, recOrde4. in recent tunes, The rivor broko jts 4anlm. On the , evening of .September .98th, southwest of the eity'of Ching Chow, and net only nein.; i pletely nundated that city but also ' ten .0.thgrlippnitlouS oitieg. The whole area ie• .ilOW a reging.ees.-ten-th-thirty-4-set-doep,_ was once a deneelY4popnlated and • rkili `Thelormer bed 'the Yellow • ItiVer is now dry, and the present lake was the bed,of the river .cienturiedago. " The loshof life isincalculable and the ' • ,iitatement is Made ' by missionaries that . Millione of Chinese are homeless and •Otatving, Thee, Paton, one of the. .A.med. Misidmieries, Writing from Henan Phi-. under date of Ootober 28th, saYe crops, ,heutiee.ad ' trees Are All swept &Way,involving: h fear- . 'fel 10.08, of life... The country was covered • with, aline wintee • braidy, which is gone complete destruOtion-ot-ne.O. .. cies crop ".Bread bread is the ory of •tkouBands who, are on the river bank.. • BenWolent'peolabigo in- 1oats and- throw • breed among the gnomes here anathere„ but it. is nothing comparedtvith therequire- •smut. The.inasi'of people is still being taoreasecl by. continual arrivele mien more • hungry . than the last; There they sit • in two months • •X cannot tonceive: The pledges all tgrned;Up/a* pro isidry, note*, . Several day . Orinnea,: hungry and tdejected, without a trainfor that .03.tY. there•were. some pretty maii. Seim* • iregto weer or moreel of feta. gots are • being erected for then:10. What it will be county. The pretty/. little Wow's' bird t „gory is increased owing to.:tbe bitter odd Albert Hall, .a • banker 'and merchant at • Sheldrake, bought the noted • the amOunt • 'Yelle* Etlirer he 'long been. itecirn en 'of 0640i which puiiiswealo"ha on gi • sorrow, an 'the. present aldetiter by Eiger- 'O•eitcli ;and, ..4ezekiah, o d . lisiikerved.tn remise its right totheierrible 'Eattlionglit theft ;of h • ado; 40 yet s • of the disaster Are many'. who 'pretended to have sold 7 farm where but few ,foreignerd, are, and AC re.: . t. has 'occurred in,a,district nmehillerY this region, and thus to beim obtained the; notee. • They had been ingeni- • 0,erte.futliistiiid by , .t.hts .00thas. and c:i.tiuoitlythceech.bltraitse. testrar thneoiteitsi!dyg:rif;rtglIr.iO4- \ haiedin.the Pekin 'Gazette 00hVey It very v a:agnate account of the extettof the less amountfrom6100 to 8300 each, have been ot life and, prooar .00fferhigo. Bold thin. in Other Parts of die the survivore4 •' The Governor .in county during the pad- five days, An8. it is :..'pOrte ' the .'tlifehe Viet' 'all'the reekOned that the • 'tidal • amourd'of note ' people : have been; .drowned in the district constructed from the eenighirdpledges•and 5F -49A- •-q-urvivq*Yeilig. sold inthis *fon ih,$1,500 or 1,6O0 . 9,4,9tgas..94.14,gro'tr,i4X-ozdaYqt5hint4Miciesi3Yeatthet4 twerno0, Iii4fiAnt4e.44.%1VP• ;.`1 411.gedlicrilr rininVaiiWthe'five,`,thretithiWIL--Thili giN494 dkiziltexcalig, (thilhic hew liiirAilbitge) hut little iinpresdidn as to whit the extent 0v4ndin in Genesee ana"-Livgignkni counties• .01.00 disaiteireally, 43. • several , ego. The.; result :rof ' the .The, Chinese ..Tinz0,' in the ,PrOviinie wait_ at 'Oaf:tithe .Wae over 1/4700... old gra.yAitiired Mari negotiated the promis- An • 09*, Where Ndicihstrehei inundations have ' abinhoderrecii. "nye.; there 270 people .ecrY notes thew •• herhelese, :repreatting-these Whose 4178013E8.. . ,vZere destroyed, and :adds that the misery • with that ceueicis bY,).EttiangO=Hohe• 'ne) Awards 4114841f 1;ift*Ialie?' .;Other • ih that, ProVince coniPared • , • 'Believed **ICC% story.. • . • ... • - 'renew River., • Thieident nf ground 'Swept ' ;Mier by the. OvertvhelMing\fkied given in • A•Vincenheelalia,P.deepittoh,o1Y81 At Endish.fignrea ''over qi3O,Oftl,Tiare• gurPhte3eBborn.',.:. Inc 40loion county, 111., • And the lend -thin; subilierge &med. a. pert . Bonner, „a justiee,W,the peace, .of. One of the Holiest and bit densely brought a 'snit; • against "'Id* . pepuhited plaints in Northein . hit*. Derrington, for blander.. :Benner The neceseiWto-Illb-(701-0-W 404(1-1144-r.egdiaT.-ennetahhl-ser-ved the Papers•. 'hire he imagined. 'Already considerable and • brought the, %tee Into his own court. •..; aims have been 'contributed to tibia he At the trial Bohner-M*1ra sill the evidence, • . Tao of the s4ffepri,j. :The riiibitor:. !and; then .fenlyia Conetable:Wookiey tot*, .1:thina had given two Of,,fiaelik An ,Ths latter .administered the oath, :the 'Chinese have :started 'inheeripthm andthe'Instiai.:Mek the witness stencil° • 411., Shhngii, id' which,. 'filteignert tify in his °Wit • behalf vbefore his : Own •jiberany contributed. bade., . rendered-hens:4(mi and entirely d.4ptived of .41.1.ohances.4 earning their': livelihood, for •their' &ado will either- 'beconie permanent fakee or -uninhabitable swarepe. Um feared • that the distress Which:Will he ifelt during- • the .conung winor equal in iiiteneity •---the-faminhOft years. age,. when salient.; Able *elation .oehtributed frOniallparts of the world we utterly inacleirtiate., It is . 4'. stated that wan th the' (lotion. taken by • the Yellow River, it no„,longer flows to - Wards the. sea, but seems 'content . con, vetting Eastern . •end 'Northern Nganwhui. into , oay'Sitioiately - the pea through7the. Kuingon, .or • it may Oen 'poseiblyljoin the Yarigtse. ' A PHYSISHAN,S.ITATA.10 .:' Introdnees,' Diphtheria °erne in His ,Faini13,--qiiree Deaths Resell. . . A Welkiville:(0.) 'despatch 'Says': 'Diph- • theria epidemic; here, •After post- mortem examination ein.one Of the viotims, • Dr. O. N. )Iale took portion Of the ..:41Seasekinieifibrane the • throat to his heine• tor,. MiorbeeePittinvestigation.. His - :•:*ennareli. wee cienaticted the utmost IT *MOW .414.0T40. TIM T'4101040.. ... ... ".t.',,`7.,-,;"--;'.'"'":',..---- ShO Got Pledges to Save the tilenit'Sirtifi -alai. . .-?Omistur3c.)intea,iifTheM4,_ ity.4adca A °nee Palls," N.Y., ,deepetoh says: Two weeks go a little woman, About : 38 yea a of ago, arrived in Seneca. Pelle. She was in in mourning. She had, an 'UnnatiallY fair coniplexion; dirk blue eyes and brown hair,' and her face Wes attractive and ex- pteeeiVe-of modesty and refinement.. She - said she was Mre.Rittli Armstrong, of New Xork,,and was one. of UMW° agents where. the- Society for the Prevention of Killing Song Birds in New York had gent ont into the rural districts of this State for the pur- pelie of getting 'pledgee from influential people that they -wield, do. all in their power to suppress the slaying of the birds. She obtained several pledges from people in Seneca, Falls, and on the next day drove Oferlirt-We hhinTet-70 • kt anr-VArrolri 'Semi% (sooty, where she went. to Elder Colton, a pillar in the church' there, and the. richest termer in the town. She stated her errand to. the elder, and Was Invitel to .his house to spend the•night. The Colton family were delighted with het, and Eider (Jolted not. only signed a Ple;ge, .whieh Mrs. Armstrong presented, but re. dented the lady with three $18 billalerthe treasury of the society . in New • York. 'Deliacel Skinner, otliedi, 'Wet " also l vidited lima moved by the fair lady's words to sign a pledge for checking :the slaughter of song bird* Hezekiah Bishop, Justice of the Peace 1117---W-eirVerick, and Derifel-Simpson and Peter. Henson, of Tyre, also gladly signed.extday_theuretty. widow re- ceived e telegram from Albany, air with tears in her eyes she hastily packed her -trunk at her boarding house • in SenecaFalls: .-hler only brother ' was , dying. in Albany, she said, And,.(ilie .::,took. the first "later AR SAIMPB: PRO 711"ta- lly-WwyatcareaL'A 7•78:: - xv. , end Claim* Her 10,14ta PI - 4, ii-ripp000, wit= • .1111Rorisit•N TTSK6V44... •-19 - • latIktilliminaattliasilifthiaminkrz,...... " but EnclanciMas the Itetedelsoldiom.: ' .An Atlanta,- GA.,• deepeteli syr: A: de.* flol..Clark of tha/th.Begiment,'Wholisa,- tern:lined Washingten• County Widow *JIM returned from a three.anonthe' leave in, nomad Eufferafr,hiter hqUarter of a, oenturyi England. had the oontinent,had his eyeaon. of aamireilleperseverance and, saorifiee, haw things military while' aoress the watt*. aboomplished nhordinery feet. says the Naw York lieraidi, At the breaking out of the war her bac.: Soldierwerometle frequently Oyer them. band, agi. overseer in Macon County, en- 'este impress -him With the magnitude of listed in a Georgia regiment and left. his; the lahrden,tbeir en-PPert ,m0si entail. The - wife and email helplestiehildren, with English eoldier, he says,, it a rciodel, in no funds, on a small estate, against which appearance. He, is strong and athletic, ,there was.an indebtedness of $3;800. When very erect, 'with a most eeldierly carriage. her husband was killediqi year or two liter; His uniform -is clean, handsome and well- the•etileet of her ohildre.g, was less iMn 12 luting; and When seen eif. viith.a• years of age. She realized that the respon- natty little cap perched jauntily on the side sibility ot. their maintenance and education of his heedinene. in blind and well,glovild, devolved upon her,. aria she 4i4 • no ha is appearance the Most distinguished :shrink from it, .Thrown entirelY soldier in. the ',World'," -Distinctive' 'on her 'own resources she -Applied forms aacli greatly to tlick•glinli de corp s of 'hereelf--toT-thirspindle-And supported her the army,. for every. niiitorm has a histo. !family by, spiaMmg thread and weaving and a record that is to be maintained.' ,While he deems the,English volunteers h. powerful. ciajunot for defence,. he . thinks their organization and system in , many respedi inferior to our National Oust& • The anmiehof Holland ind Belgic -oh, are imalh; and insignifieente hp thinks, com- • • pared with those of the' great powers . of. several looalattorneY*.will to -morrow Cora- could not'aid. her, and for .seyeral ,yeare• the Europe. The soldiers'. of," 'these . countries • menee the .triar of the plaintiff's wase for, brave little Woman- Ploughed,. her ground, seera to have no pride in. their ' military ' the recovery of the estate. •• sowed lier see& and reaped. , her harvests. 'duties,. are TIO.t very ronsaular or well • set , • • A 'Sharon (Pa.) despatch Hays •Dr, Edger and his Wife wetre Ep.12.013X, the wealthiest people of the- 004tY.--AWentY Yeare age and lavished great affection on an only daughter, about .18 -years- old Suddenly, the -astonielifieht . of the Mahlon e,ble. circle- in, which -Vie moved, the girl kit -pSreni4 mansion, Baying her father or Mother would never eee her again. True. to her word, they- did not. The permits sudoumbed, to their ' ereat blow Without ever permitting the enirtrannity to know the nature of the family 'elieleten which caused the myterious separation. Death soon removed from trouble the grief. strickenaaaPlat and after months of adver- tising for the lost heieess, the estate was -put -hp At • administrator's saleandboh- verteclinto cash,' which, in the, absence• -or the daughter, supposedly dead, driftedinto the hands of distant" relatives: The latter were astonished recenqy by the reappear-, once, after -twenty yeirir • &Went)* of, h portly, midale-aged women, who, with legal assistance, established her identity as the clocter'ideugliter. Her identification was Placed beyond doubt by a peouliarly. ()rippled hind. judge •Blandin, of Cleveland, with • •fr •oloth. Tide she successfully until "store bought '! goods 'forded her to turn her energies in a more :profitable chreoijon., Uneducated. and Without capital there, Was no opening for her but the fiela. She. rented. a ixtule and some neglected' land and began farming, actually. doing the laborious work incident to farm: 'cultivation. Her childien I • carelessness, sorno.,of hi children being allowed to vie* ' the germs. Two , died -on Monday,and yedtorday •the aoistor himielf snocitmhed to the diseitee,Whilifive iiil remaining children are at the mat .of • death. To add to the:misery of the 1 i 1 •at▪ on, some time ago Kale became insanely Pelona of his Wife and drove her tram hie henie: She•sOught refuge in Pittsburg,, and entkely ignorant of her hiss. • Novel 'Contest. • : Another .;hair -dressing competitionteok place last night . Paris; says atelegraM: of a recent date. : Thirty young women with\ blohdetresseheakdown-in-the-hall-of the Grand Orient,and for the space Of about inrtY-Aye minutes :the fingers and heads of he perrucptiers were busy, 'among their °°k°' The first ;prize Of 220 and a gross co t. : Heithen Tenoned his jedicial 'chair and hoard with patience the arguments of e attorneys on both side* Ho finally' i medhp the evidenne athd - rendered it deo' ion against Derringten, his son.in- law,'-allowing hinaself damages In the 'sum of $5,00. - • ' - • • 4 Yhdoentiesvaa,):. ;despatch gays i,. A. Moat remarkable 'case 'occurred in a jus. doe's court in -.11iMin-ioWnship; Which -id; Winding very general attention. Mrs Seilersued ,Johit; W hl £r Eissault •and battery. Olaimithe be knocked.' her \ down. The , defendant et • iiphe his • de- fence that the woman was It witch, and by death in his family. n Orde to keep her her machinations- had caused sickness and away from his , premises he had: in the name "of the Holy Trinity, -Wing isrcies On the' gate- through which sle was to enter, and ' the' holy' power thua weededhid \\ knocked her down when ehe attempted to to pais the gate. . No other withesees . were e examined, and the 'defendant wasdismissed though the,plaintiff Was, badly hurt .1 She . wee exceedinglY energetic and up, are clean but very slonohy;..ancI their- • - econoinioalrenclfinally-had-saved 'sufficient :uniform, which gresitly4eacinaea3,lie4ter., „ gE01311AlEt S*ORY- •money to purohasea home. Now .she tee' vice uniform of thict. .State, is; in strong sewer. and HIS •mis Three Wives.,' a, Well phying estate, .-A mules, cattle and other contrast with the handsome and close - aside. Her children are grown up and conimana the respect �f the community. A few days ago the such:testa' "farmer " made overtures to Ammo the 'ancestral plantation, and today the prosperous little -family returned' to the hcime of a quarter of a century ' ' A Detroit special to the Cinoinnati Enquirer says: ' 'The Pension Department has unearthed the following Singular Story; A' veteran in Pennsylvania applied for a pension .as Daniel. Tenney, of the 83rd Pennycilvania volunteers, company F. . A wounds in Stanton, Noah., applied at about the same' as. tke: widow of the same holdie . An investigation was instituted, resulted in showing that the woman was acting in perfect good faith and believed that she 'was a widow, saA that further- more, she was a goodand honest persOn. Her ; husband was a worthlesi'man, who one day started out for e,,l2uot andnevor came • beck; The ,neighbors. at :Stanton coheluded that .he hd perishea, it 'the woods.' When the snow went Off thhnekt spring they imind the-mangled:body of a Ula/2i near Farwell. It was supposed Tenney.. had beerl killed by the bear: it is now 'found thetTenneY' Wes not by the bear;•brit'lled gone to Pennsylvania, where he took up lifhwith. emotber..Wonian, who • fltoOkallaireorittfortable4ittle-fortuneaid-fittiug dress of tho English troops., • Latest Scottish News.' • .The City Parochial -Beard Of Glasgow has resolved,by ajerge majority, to send 93 Irish-born.tpauPerti back to their. native country. :•• • The existing Old Kirk at ilientrose was built in 1791, but it stands on the rains of one built • early. in the 13th century, of Which the spire, is intact; but at a a blacitheer and -a, cap, lying in the woods_ II* 0°ut 1641' ' Mr. • A.Teliiiiilklienier pastor Of :"Uany church, where he I- was , settled jn 1843, is When still e probationer he took part with Dr. Chelmere in the great ser. vice at Banchory House before ' the Die- oniptien,...-41o.waseburiedart4he Slot ult. "W1hd'Mid .110d ..of "who' andratetktOltailltyreauziOrAlikt:4-2rifftioil voomair Qv* mot'. akinhayl..,;(= Vanih.wife•Went to Nebraska to . get rid .of him.' Then he married another Women: NoWtho question arises,':". Who killed that :Sear andthe Man wliO`was found dead: by the beat'?" " The inan certainly had on. Terilie3r'siolothes. Stispicion' looks toward Tenney',,and the natural conclusion is that ;lie May know (Moro about the Matter than any cnd else., MeanWhile.ne" One , has • ',. get. 'the 'Penbioii7ind therefare' three -women Who thin1F-theyhave an undivided interest in the hitsbandithiP , Of : Daniel • •Tenney. Mr. Tenney ithin Pennsylvania and slEqftig • for protesserhi was awarded to a, M...,Nessi, while a nupil Mina goldmedal and £19 for turning out the beet coiffure in the shortest space of time. .After the con:03606n "fantasias" in hair -dressing were executed, oldstylesbeing temporarily revived Or new °nee exhibited to 'the delighted gaze of a crOWd of coiffeurs and their •friends. The. e'411Tehijgere,.. terminated O. bell, in (11(49'r:122!!!!!!!!!!..:!!!!!*:±14.44144D- Net its rOtra•I`g° " v. • a t ' of 'from 13,navijig ---*8irrinutIntA44.411LITAiY BLL ,Gerinany's Preparations AT Wiar aiiiSlitIsh '1'. lane -Playing X•ec1 to the Murder. TithsVine, to' a Man on the street at catteach ems At ' using Was G. B. Heft On receiving' an .4firmative reply, Cook told him that lara. Etbyt kept Win awake the night before by playing on thepianb at her Ileum Until alt Unieseenable hone,. • Ito fioishea,his owls plaitt tty tailing i�ytthat be *no ,kg • bimiif the Occurrence. watilrepeated. Iloyt replied that the piano was the prcipertY 61 his Wife's sister and that he could .not cof-• ,trol it. Cook flew 'intoa rage, Mild he emit& not Wive' any more piarco-pleying And shot Ifoiednineoreldtraixiaatrerlyudis, ceped hl II tieti to me A piea o c fs121.444, Tthea.3114 was holisnr,wad his ,only defertoe. The people- . of Titusville ere indignant that he, shOnld ' haVe been recominended to moray. • •' for take. •. . . , A Berlin cable eays : "Ancerding to the Bifolvactlideiwits. ifeietoit OF 'General Von • Sahelltinderff's speeelinn ther'91ilitary . Bill yesterday/the Minister of:.--War;Judd-that the ohjPet of the Bffl mad be perfectly' enflamed up in the *brae' Of the Emperor en the opening `of •Rarliament—thatt 'the Empire, by God's help, Should become so strongthat it ilould meet every danger with, oalnuiess„ from whatever,;' quarter it might be atteekea. The. ?linister, bontimuigr daidthat dingerPthreatened, not from the warlike dikpositionof the allied Powers, fOr the . German' people, alWays,,, leaned towards peaciit;:but fpm attacks by :other people.... The EMPire' was strong :and it. had allies, Until:044r it mightidepended only imoh its ; .own strength .$ The Bill' aimed to increase considerably the huineri. cal strength of the . army through the , ex- tension of the term. of service in the liandstinin. The additional Strength given would be of great value, and with' the physical hardiness of the • Germensno difficulty will he experienced in &Aug effect to the provisions of the Bill. ' • The Ger- mons, he felt sure, 'Would not he sperifghf their phwers what thetime.oame •for heat- ing'eff the enemy. ' Afteereferring to the technical military arrangements required ,under. the' Bill, the speaker 'boncluded by expressing the wish that the day when it ‘ohld become necesseryto put thimeaeure t praotical use was far oft', he said, everything mut be ready, if an attack were made; for the -German army to,enter . upon the wir-path hulled; in the .most Perfect manreWeelhat their flags would again lead the Clerniaii 'people to victory. - „entIlaf t &WISH att,AffrigiMeaMOY lasquelithed 403541809.4100-411o4hrivOITity doi founding two bursaries or scholarships for young mon attending the University, of Edinburgh, and studying for the ministry in connection With the Churoh of; 8cotte.nd. The Commissionef Assembly has dePaseci Bei. Mr. Mateo, Cross parish; Lewis, who was 'found guilty at -leek Assembly of slander; falsehood, theme of protane,lan.' :Plage and , scandalously inefficient and. irregular conduct of the dervicei. of • die denetuary. ' • . ' On the night of the 1st -hist, Alexander •Robertriou, better known as ;‘,4 Diindertna- hhie," .began -e, lecture in the .leeser of the _NAtionai Halle, Glasgow, �n "The Absurdi- ties et our Lind Laws." Tho The proceedings Were.nitddenly terminated by the annbunoh mint that e man named Laurence .Bengli, welIkimarmtb many of , those present, had dropped -dead at thehall.cloor. • Among the Churches. , Dr. Hamilton's " Hietery of the Presby- teriinOhuroh in. Ireland" ' has been' issued: 'bre cheaii,eattion.' • in tree daYs, trait its 'issue riearly,9;080 copies Were sold: .Beir'.!kleffe.t 'Jackson, of gum). vehowisaa tiriti'7h it t (et:. rlieat abitneg ilia Itev:Misl.i Hight 0 ave'Vion• 'Therniie '°'1° aetailed 'tioeseto,r,h0):t9 Jet sbandd wrhotie ; d had three attacks.; it Y*.1°°r -iat awar ' a hioi off. • .., att• .watiego.1::stth' It•Woiad•have 41, to his congregation.._on a ; recent_Sendy„ "You Will be sorryZtO hear that ills littlo,. church at Jonesville is °nee more togied upon the We've*. 'sheep ". without 'a shepherd." --,,•01*ittittn„,eldvocate.—A Jittlo ohild, eating her. breakfast, •iisked her Mother. to remove, thp "bark" Ah, exelainded a Seotoh elder, in a tone Of pathetic) reeollection, 14 our to -ph:doter was the Man 1 Fie wee werlie Odin her sausage. She hint a grea • tireeeher 1, for, shOrttinie• e delivered canlno %rife( very ' • •• • • • the ' WOrkionitinglghlke'knno 4 heee pul. The i Hotel Iturbide (once the •pelace' of• ; rite to piece, and *clang the ihreideri out 0' Emperor Iturbide) in the city Of, Melded' is , live Biblitru • ' • ; ' ', '" to have an elevator and The •' Ti431; ttoggilittiriPtWill4hh called elattek wiLl quitoan aclienee from tellOW *together iniviitiogaiiyilaisigry426thl „osiAop•siiii 0(1 kot 3f,?, i4t:4 1.F1 • An apprehension has been Medi by the Glasgow police in connection With the' trawl which wee. committed the other day on the pig iron market: Gebighltobertson, a young man einployed, an • ireh !her - chant's office in 014410; arrested charged with having 'forged the or,der on Alexander; iron broker, to. Sell: 15,000 Scot.& iron Warrants on behilt of James Watson & Co:, iron merchants. The sale following Upon the 'forged' . order de- pressed the market and resulted in, a con- siderable loss. ' • • *. . . ' ii:oxiiiiinter Of a ,country parish Was: going along , the road/ ,he met the black- smith •of the village ,getting home pretty reneh tinder the influence of liquor. Tam," said the ininister, "11, instead of drinking your dair-won oilier that way, ye had keep .a good drink o' milk; it would have acine.yeii, more good, and hived you a bit Of irSiney;" "; Tani drew " himself : up to his full .height as well as his Unsteady legs Would admit,- and, with a look of supremo. contempt, said,: . "Milk!: !. (hia)ye, may drink Milk till ye burst, but it will never gar' ye think yerseP eking I." Mr. Clark's reference to the hrenoh. sol- - dier is verytiMely, and in view of the pre-,. • sent eoridition of affairs. .they are Very , interesting : :"..Freneli soldiers. are e die- appointnient, for they 'seem *irate* dull , and despondent. They mOve about list-. • lessly, are slouchy in gait and appearance, 'are not always neat and eleitt„ do • not t efinear to be eacieitted or 00014 intelli.- ' gent ;..in eh:art; ere-,--net-,•atH-ical-Ilie- .ideal soldiers :of • the. period. - Their drill, is • • ebierved in and ebout. Paiiii was careieea.• ,and'', indifferent,. and their • discipline. is inferior." • : • ; • . ' ' The German Soldier, as Seen at Stras- burg and in other parts • of the enapire, is the result of UmOst.'careftd, •and thorough • , military organization for a 'long series • of • • years and of a • military .esitere that hail. reached "perfection' He ni - an , „educe:tea • men,- physically and ,',•nientallY, and ..a part., Of his education is acquired Mader military dificipline.- Ee is net'. se dashing • in hia hpeneranee as the English- soldier,. but he eliolp in his (Rehr° the ,Oesult:',of thorough! ,.... . irhifing4hglithlegy0n-amer--..4r -%•aieli`="1?-1::4.8.11;2. intelligence *initi 'tilOitall "Ciiltere tithOUVOie German soldier not leen in the arniY. of any : other nation. • •His 'unifOrne is scrupulously • • • :neat ancralean ; he is sober; quiet, respect- . • .. tut:and-obedient .;• he is,;.faithfelrloyal. and :, • 'patriotic. . My observeticiiiht the GerMan soldier leads mo inh to think that • in 'physical .. development,, in military education in every • , detail, :end.. in . general edudation, Which. , indaderithe knowledge of several languages,, . the German soldier has -11O ',superior or .:- • ,eqUal.". .' •-7- - . • -; . , - • . • . . ' . , . . , • The Swiss ' •establitaiment she considers :something like ' our IsTational!GOard: f The • men- "are .: pleinly, but -comfortably • UM-. -formed, passably • well .drillear: of good - -. physique, ilia , ere. sotiVe-,--lip-rihtlr and patrietie." ., . .:',/ ,- , ,, . . , . . :. . . • "The Austrian , array is large and im- posing, but its material 'does • not Obinpere :' favorably With that Of the English or Ger-' Man armies, physicially `ik: iotellectutilly, exceptinnome faiiorite or ()elect battalions. . The soldiers of Atietria•prOperare superior ..' in appearance, More elegant and. cleanly in . areee, and ,inere-Holaierly it *bearing than ' those' troth.Bollemia, '.Hungary and 'other . parts of. the Austrian . empire, but there ie a servile manner about moat Of than Which': . Inuit be therestilt Of, the despotiecheracter .: of the Governinentrather then•goeci Military dishipline.- Some soldiers from the Aus- trianiProvinges are eo .: poorly.' and cheaply Uniforinearso-tintid-y4n„perscini-andsa,Ve. eliatiehY: and ntsOlaierly in carriage And ' ' bearing .that .• 'a looker-on in Vienne', hi - • obliged' to dentat the .nillitiry, efficiency and ;iinceess of an 'ariny._•.61,4000a.,in_part., or . "meterial of that ollareoter." . • • : . The' ' Italians - he likes' better% than • the; " ;•--. Austrians, and thinks 'they will :compare "favorably with these of France aml. Aug. trie.,and ,eceisidering the brief existence of the • . Kingdom, . resulting from .Italian ! unity, de- -•• • eerve -special notice. They a ‹diVe and -••• tit& sprightly,- well uniformed equipped, ; • and appear to be in a fair i i,, Of drill and disdirilme.• .• In appearance . na % in spirit . ttioy. Well represent - a ..country that is .:. rapidly improving and developing ;ender its present Government, but Why it is necessary ; to burden this fair, sunny land; eci ,Very old,' .' • and 'yet. do. very youtgin modern •Oiviliza.,' tion, With •the support of So large in army 'enly' those. wise in.Eurcipean stateithatiehip, .cati explain." • ' ' • , •' • ':. • . • ' • •'- • .. ., ' • • -HOW 'they Do It'Xh. Botton. • The • modern • girl doesn't give herself away wheft she allows herself to be wooed and won.,4-She 'cOmpeld her :adoring swain 'to •surrender himeelf. example, says the Boston Traitscript; 7 He put oh his het'starfiud slowly for the door, hesitated' :Came back, sighed deeply and tea the lily white -hand in his 'own am pressed it to his lips. "Katie," he murmured, '1 have waited Will yeti; ' will yen, darling, be Icing how king !—for opportunity. 6313130r of Dr. T. INKillen in the pastorate" of Dunoeirii ChurN'Belfast.., ' • • • A •,4 Uy dear," said he, eetivelv hag the piece of Meat hel. survey: bee_ rootuate, eon see haw P a man to die at the Steak, aqi,48pJ more richly deserves the nano, „the Load Binehemteit Be/rub/icon,• , Three pet 'fied, *add WI bucket ,in , the'cellar of t Valley Bailees Ph.; recently. the :cellar lest ere supposed to • Atlanta Cpi driotis ion family', Wel other day,,bebanse he was afraid° `belonged,/ to ;A; .,Alass dRily; 1.10t rt114effhp .• ' ' ll ha e-rn. :11 di: eepia sh: ra:mil eiyi t'nhYab°' ee°;:: °ghui Itah e°nr; simr4ana,11:40f b .-why-hhee Yell Pei ".".".1 me to hopo? never be yours. 1.. Haiti view." .7 • . "."Other objecte ?" ' • "Yes, Henry; I cannot aonsent tb belong to any man: I intend that sou shalt be tor 'kn. %fig lioZr,r7:mitz intkenoclies -birthd Ttie ht„, station at petert.),-, •0°R0)64.41- , •• ,Xlis O11fl to Do s. She—And you don't like bitg Mr be Germ° ? • He.---No.,1;can't say si. liavr.e very ':ilidch 16v,8' f:°'tt.het-on .31e-7But-thibeinYel:bti.le' a...-ghiiaig•, e ,41.. e• i.re°pt."u, E.i.: Ho -It object ,:i-' t::ir3:tha1::u'::°rtbr6:e: o7:ft:ti:beia°fP:3i:iil tiMTi:°du°nPla11th:It:le::itle:ug.: - c -E° earIdo-IfiPe'tiGudaaIUYner.kpocliatVhI r:ddol. '-. - ilGln1it• aviliyottavde1candy or leo cream ? • ' ' -..)-17,4:...• She—Ne; Edward.g,* me eoine poAlicOrni , kir-gfccrysoonii, 8,84711ing.' in these.. ada 0,296h,evezy thing that, pope. The' biteket vc(ii,g; eges. , olecoot.4guto, bac: is, vv,,k 2,.. : et Inakeae, etts12,..tidntonie ast sa a Ai , . )391 ••-oelebrEttecf.f,;18 ore, PI' it a() theieituff ? 7 , , own 6 Wrie - the" h ... • • Oen' b-Ciaa•el_..eatvitt.,00.'0,i(?'"..4';hoet,,iht ig. le a • aoromer',,, „.• clo ittezpot,, 1,V1.61....41c;0118.. • ,••4 '0,0kett' 0,0 hopcie a ,. ,P6P!!Iritiot. t :mitfl who killea • ding himbelti•at Lent • fe46 Nts, , 1- . , ‘ pft+0,,,, i Is voriWil i; •-• . v(1', a' : ,o0,f 4 ..ffix. st4„,7,-"'- - -- 6arOr„ -..:.4, .**,;,.''''''' 0 ne en -... a or • . ` hedi - aeoPY /ea ' •:" '• inciney,e1.).14k- i, , 4 t , qe4448 Allitivel'IqtrY the fd , siUtiR • "4 ', •