HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-12-02, Page 8•' 4 . ;1 • • rix;",+. • !•'..%w/ yYz"x4 ^FY5%�+!� Tr'L"F •.'Y?4P=R.hrm• .e-.IYd••�'.-�t--•�•. . • Tear • • t�. . • 1 .- . _. els�s 0 rr Q.' 'Mather+ Ia*t' week, Sold a; year,old "What Caro I' ;fitly, to. a ' Mr Cook, of Clinton, for X210.. Mr. Thos. • Anderson, of Dungannon,' also Sold to the same gentleinan, a two for $ year old,. for ' •Both aiaiunals are;, we believed to. lie shipped to tine• Southern States. It. certainly -pay&. to ;arse pg o0 d; horses. 'Chickens. Stolen. , : ,--QtrSaturday-night--last a--couple-of dressed chickens were stolen from: the • ront'of McIntosh & Murray'e store_ The'thief, a boy' about. twelve' or rfif teen years of age,: was seen taking•the fowl by a lady who' was on: the oppos. ite `side of the 'street at the time, , and• aS'.he is known, we believe,, the matter will likely be investigated before' the Magistrates; • Ootrtiti Back. Houaa, 8 a; Intro Xpa: tela; 'MAult AliiIvtl•a . .;G., dt r . S ut tl 13 aA Urn: • p+;;IY Kurth 12.30 It In' . ILolyropd ' ,Kinl„,igh 2 3O p. n .:' 'J+-inlose / W. tx. 8i 13. North 3.4$ p.. m (roderiah ax Itttermedi-itg Point'a 9 O9 p, ass#.: , 14. H & B • North : i0,80 p, m. ” . ' Wpaidibys I,angside,; • 300n.w.:•• and — �. —7-- p ids 1 Ln CLasls• V. L dt L ouch' 5.36a. m;• Daily • fA,H'Jd B. South L. H..c B. South 10.00 a m - Kinle7a;l Ril rRtl 4 30 pate.o t�:p < : x.. 'Tuesdays 10,14,rde 440 p. n?,'' k.,v'davp. .' btli ails fore United ''Kiitgtlolit'•close eery "Veesday'„ at 9:30,u. to , dtartng the winter. ` ,, r „nt lifl i°e�ort�ed;•that Rev, ran 'lit d ri•YY�tyye j�ttv r�Ai41 Rn lvieturn Thera ,If the three young fellows that took the books from -the . school •fence, wish, to. save -themselves trouble they will , isieturtxtlllen} °:at •once. The Owners nauiae 1)::'R. Hill, is statnpedt on'the 'Ii" °' maid as the piirtiei who •.took ibex* toe: hell-lknown we would"advise Amin its edi ate returns • - - - Arm 4P�;;; .The tdittiog40044 f }as come; and: in sta ^traits ones. the : aiSual. number of. certainly;a-:eredit to '.the. ublistiQrs.. The: sizt`ci.lander'• pages 'are,,• from - des- igiha by J. W. Bisngough,• andthe' whole 'series are about` the best specitmeus of caricature• drawing that wo ' have yet.. ,other artists 'contrit►ute 'sketchesa series sof• •,pictures illustrati'n ' the 'I.1'ouse that $asii Built'. being panic- ularly.good,:while thereading: Tniatter • tlbetter;'thinhee iiroughoiit is•even th iippi gree in previous years 'Che pi'ioe: : this si illag a front 'Oolboruu `'and this is only lU.,cents a eopyt -and.—.you= esti i. locality -'to Lucknow., Query What are • Goderich" grain •buyiirs doing. 1" right,along gentlemen, our buy era. are .paying, the highs st ..prices for • All . kinds ::of ,graio • 'Htrti to;Flease An.•award of five: dollar's, was' recent lye given:againstja man in I' iiiloss, by ;arbitration, under the ditehes and water courses: fact: th '.:appealed against, U`ce.coirviction, anid;,carried-his ;grievance: to•court .at '•Walkerton The appeal, was, thsmissed:.uncl' now • atead (if -paying live ' dollars ..:he ' v► i11 • have•to•pay about lift,.: •And still] e satisfied.-Ifesralcl. wbp,,recently,left Goderich and took ,annappointment at Atlanta, Georgia, regrets his change,' and expects at no •very` distant 'day to return to Canada. T e reason ,given for .his change is, that. he, finds religious' life .and: sentiment altogether• different in' the South, to what heantioipated. The Dublin street church is litiielph has extended an' ilk. •vitation to Mr. Turk. to become their pastor•nekt conference. year.; • Gri'p's t orhio Al'manac.. •,t : `or 1$88, has been, -received,;' and is juvenile catastrophes. ' Chas. Edgson s, • litte4--oy,. while sliding :oat `some ica.te, the ,sedan' companly.wi tli a 1►laymate,, fell his.playtnato ell on top of;hi n. •><�, is'a�`11zE'..�h��'1�''r7rfi-1�,��� PT2'1 •r. - Teiivna>ai� set: the fracture, and 'hell $re &r!ound, again in'a short 'time 'Oorvie'Along,Gentlemen 1 cores 'ondent of., .r p � - tlte. , 4ignz1� gs '--" A';large ;quantity, h tt•P t •$Packed up• Here and There ,for'Readere ofThe Sentinel. • of'coarseo- grain is beiiig1`iaiilliil through . P Bible Society' • union pray+ei''meeting was held in the Methodist . e~hurch ou \' 'edtiesday evening,' iti:d' r. the. ' auspices of ;the Lucknovw,braneh.of, the bible '`T.l a I1 eve $r McKay,'.; ,resident, : con= ducted'"tllg services, and in hisir.address ravet'a very:liiterest7ng:sketch, ;of; he early history 'ofG...the_society,,; and .44: sget.:it at •tiie•bookstores or .send direct, to GRIP Office, Toronto, Anniversary`Services' . +,wises" edt to its formation, rapid' 1. • lirogress and`:tthe great",goon `.that is :be • . ing•accomplished in 1neathein eouutr cs,, •th'rough •the .'agency of the • Bible 'Seeley,• The Rev. -Mr. McNabb ago took ;part in. the meeting. - As announced last'week .all arran e- ni:ents are now :complete' for the anni- versary,.-'services• of -the. ,Methodist church, The.Rev. G. •Richardscin,,of •Listowel, .will-oonductthe services on ;Sunday,: while :on- Monday eveninga traucconcEtrt ,bill he given, at which. talent from Kincardine; Bru.Gsels, Blue vale and other :places will take part. On Tuesday, evening' the Rev.- J.. V 'Smith, of: -London, :one of 'the' • best speakers in the Methodist church, will delis erhia popular lecture on ,'Bridges' , The 'price of admission to both concert , and .lecture is ; single .tickets, 30 Sts';" double tickets.' 50 cts;; :family: '.tickets .$1. These tickets will..admit the: er,'to. the entertainments, on , both ,Mondav and Tuesday evenings. Levanted. • Service willbe held; iii the �E,nglish church, here on .Sunday evenil , ,next. —.Money to .loan at 6. per cent.per annum.—H. Morrison Luekno«. ' Ladies heavy meltE n• .ulster goods; double fold for 45c per yard, at peril's, —The County Council of Bruee.will' tnert"iu the Court House, ,Walkerton, on Tuesday I)ecember 13th - Ladies .heavy ulster. goods,; double fold, only $:1 10• per yard, at 'Berry's. C Cyrrie, at one time dep., uty registrar of • Bruce : county, has. secured the position of deputy 'sheriff �at Winnipeg .All accounts mush Closed either by -cash or �tnote,:tnnrediately. .Oa1l..at,: C. ;C. Ross'- old -office. . W. Connell; - -Mr. S.e�m, :Scott, 'of West Wawa. nosh, `has rented his farm, and intends .going into. business in W inghain, —G..'W. Berry. Issurer; of mar- ridges licences and certificates. , Office, Win. Connell% old stand. -A Watfiird ansa has a cow 18k hands high, (6 ft.' 2 in:)'froiu the' top 'of the nose to tip ofr tail,. 17• ft 5 in. girth over fore' shoulders, .8 ft 2 —For hos clothing, go to berry's. Goodtwsed Suits' for f 62.00. , • ' : - • An' important meeting will be: held: next' Y ` Wednesday `eve iuf#'for the; � purpose .of•;nouiinatiilg of icer, foa next year. Ali meinbers. 'are', .requested to 'attend.' e time and reE4 w at ou• can buy for a. 'little xnone at Berry's. -4, o' �: for 0 . • e e �!: ,:, �-er�c�ats ,...� ..fir Gents Tweed Suits for 3.90 Boys'suits (fiOod c1Ot. h)•2-_..nn 0.. r5' • Good. Wool TW • e for 390 per � a 4 • Melton frees foods; for SO•� per •y Pine _Scarlet-Plannel. for 20c per ya Factory. 1.n15 c Check � an a for 2 c per yd. actory Cotton, yard. wide for 5, c n .. �-nch heavy: Sheetig Remember these are all. newooa ..: �' o d •ortgreatdeal• more money er -v—z'+4 ....,. n II:ant —MssV.E' -herr,of ••Brussels, Will take part sir„ the'.inustcal, part of ,.• r thero raliinnH ot: the .ariniversa . . � :.. ,, 4 Butt •services of the SI (ethodlet church, ,Luck- 1 <. now; •oat Dere nb r 5tfi =Pvyt ': Loans_ cin -i cal estate- iiia -be ;eb Y -tai'ned at -:-the lowest cu'rreii rates -of - interest and in.ost favorable terms• aS • :to'payment a,ed'expenses by :applying. ta: Elllett: l i a ver,!; agent, ,or•U.:a. a hop' • ard .appraiser... • According to thH 'report of': the. Ontario':I3ureau of 'Iiidustries':for i$a6 the cot cif' ' proiuebig.'•anci, placing on the '.ittarlet a bushel of •Ontario. wheat iii that year was 78.c.. • • Week.; , the . price; ;•of, tweeds and'cloths will be ,narked' still, lower, ati,•Berry's.. ; ' —Don't imagine .that a nian is a sweet tempered, :sociable and gentle "manly fellow because he shakes hands and smiles; and chats with every one he:meets.. • Perhaps he's ;a candidate.. • Try our Japan teas, at'20c, 25c, acid 32e per pound, at Berry's., The :other Glee. Bert ',of• Th , a. he dayGe o . 1!, • Winal arn, local;gent for the.Doherty, orKanf caine'totown . with a' span' of horses, wagon' and an •organ ';and dis ;posed 'of the outfit to` `f O.' leil, : of thew Central Hotel, ata low price. ,,,Further .investigation .: showed that', the said Dohertyhad played:' sharp with:; his brothers,': the Manufacturers :,of the or, than, and had 'endeavored' to perpertrate a swindle on;•. several .farmers -liming -- near' W'inghant by use of forged notes. : After this. he ;left for •parts unknown end his brother' was, in town last Tues- day'. matters ,up• -This' erratic ino4e Of :Doherty's•,is a dificiilt matter..'tosolve= Bivzasels Post - 1)oh Pity/had , been ,Making lits headquarters: in Lucknow. for some tune'. past •arid 'We believe, wicceeded in going through several parties in' tie .tieighburhood,,! with .bogus notes, •hotel bills and other debts. Lisp id Suit. %Judgex Barrett on Tuesday pf last .vreek galico,judgetneut in` the libel „suit of:G`'a i r i vs.'.Vesleey, on -741-e. •apple -- cation of Mr; Cameron to strike out Ortaiir of,* the defendants •,1efei' ceS. • the defeuda it' pleaileit ' that .he. was, served' "with the. tic tice conip"laininl of ' the li}e'1i'ous.:paragraph at tw: short a • t:ne lisfoie `hepublicaticnof t6fieralil, to permit him to :refer to it,. "The .fiirlge held this plea bad end or- •'•dered .it;to lie struck. . out .accordingly • 111r: O'Connor for Oanieron,• Mr. Shaw, Q•• G. for• Wesley. • The Law. ' _ Citizens who' lt4%ve elii dren • attend i»a tits: 'public 'sch ol, ill d4 Weir , ,tuts that uu Act •receutly,'?,pattli;id'x re- "attl(t n.psabIic heartt,li egac 'L0s,folloiv. 3 's't s 'Cast;' of ' li` theria ' scarlatina, .i Sp r , xvhooping•coui h, measles,•• Intl ps,* ty- Olivia fever, or other contagions dis- '( `t and ,if f ola such house' there are ,;:•.tiny Persons attenclsng-.sghoftl, 'the;,, guclt householdersin x11, tvithrn 7 S; 'ours, of 1•litr t)ItI : such; (ii tease! is; ""lcuOWn.to: •xita': 4i0tify'the head ,teaeli'r-`of such or iehnols, and 'also ifie4'r3euty. of • Local. 13oiircl of.,.lcaltb.,• ,.s f . ilio exitiiett `' of such d'isOat30,: this' Ito; ilielti- 1, 1 such household, . shall attend >•tl. r:.oll•til a certificate has been ohr fttieifrom legallY ',qualified Meci-' ',cat .l'ii Metitad ter . that infection it'o: . ;,.l,)i „.rItT.fttl;ttis tat -the-house and •ahatut1te- ,ski"Butt,' clothing, , ete., hare been r t ••,' 1 to ' hisx' Alit action." The iliF e r• : . x t for neglecting, or refusing to: tlrto'these I0 131131TS • J 1Jat:any pPrsOn 1n •w1ivac':.liQU,`A eat . Mt Fpret+t H t t e3`fu"rural o e "tn of: -tbe • Terrible Death. ,Janes Iiodgitts, son of -.Mr `John I•iodgins,. • of ' the lOth' con. of Kinloss; .met 'with *ti sshorkg.in!each on the Micliigat: Central: Railroad n)ar St. Thomas, on Monday last: • It 'p- eais• the train had stopped at IHarwich HP - pears stati.' 'orn i to ni k up some cars that were ,c standing en an. inside track, when, the deceased, who was ti brakeman, under: took to make a coupling 'where` ,the. draw -head on one ?Oho cars was inis'- • sinX •\Vhen the. cars- came together •he was' caught between, the single draw.: head •and:the briffena•,of the next car and •hhrrihly ,sgiieeszecl, his' stomach,. ,abdomen and thigh being , terribly crushed, 'When the cars parted ..49d ;- :itls stopped out, but his fatal injuries soon overcame hint and he ,was at once: conveyed to the railroad hospital,where deathrel ieacicl hili ofd' its isil6c�rtn y l( .shoetly . afterwards.-.. Deceased, 'was �,' .ears Of . age ani :• had ',only ,+Lout. I years' ;i 5' boort' brakeg o ''iala iir•three'inonth'+. The remains were brought home for.burial, •-lottt tatid---the funeral on' Wednesday was tw' ,404..4.0o tai." Forest,nigli 'S`cliool buildin ,. by file loves antes 25c' er air 1� 5 sac O. b `l. • mons '.Tweed goats, -Panto �@31iS �Tweed. , Gents weed. Ves�is' t Ordered Tweed Suits - from $9 r neo rawer `awe s..5 0, u� r e: orne .and � leave your measure r i1 =111e L11t �. end d • s�.' Prices d aira: Miifiister;ofl Educatiion;;laat week, .,giro: fortifier residenite.of Luelciioiis: ook°part'. in the nrogr iii `e• •and'1• the? 7te retiet�"a~- :r ri t d t sail tis iss'S, alive refer. t f; t , .� �. c�' •• -rl� re •e of m sic.in-t1tiA `school, •followed the addtess: in .the:ren- s 'dition ''of • a 'Sole 410-'ih4 finshed; and pleating' mantis `which leas' miide'her` C Strong, p .cepxA'esS , u a general :favorite all oxer,,tli i'' greater part of Ontario.;:.• So well pleased' were tier listeners on this occusioll that;sile. htf lto •'ap1 ear'. a secgtysi time in „rea ponse•to.a hearty encore. Fier aecoiti- accompanist.. was one','hee own pupils iii the '.person: 'Of' ;etas Tiernan,. ,'Miss Hornell follow= eel with, a' brilliantly executed, piano solo. The ease and 'inasterly' mangtie, , in which she .psrforti ed her • selection', a most difficult on', was'afterwardg re: ferrect to as being the best kind of • •recomtneuilatiou for. the `music depart- •Tient of. the High School ..... Miss, strong again appeared on the'stage.atid: held the • audit?ice enthralled iri' her singing; of •t ,'1l.arguerite." ° In respcnse •to a raputitroins'eucore she clan:; glixd iny ,.►a't any` sin?,'' Which also coin pleat'ty ti iy tteil the, large audi. st►, .: er how 'frequently M+ss Strong tt{e •�4'.rr3'..1,(tore a. iV1.t,.‘.1Forest,' • audience lv`*'•cy• r never, wearyacf t � are hearing her.•'' Excursion` to M/in har» g �s `30o each cod fitgUar ,nteed. I.etu`rn tickets will be 'furnished, frot►1'Lurkn.ow, and extra valuet..giv°en, by'`sX. 11. Melndo, to all parties~,par=. chasing:$5 worth of goods from his large and ;attractive, stock of dry _goods: A.. first c1a4i ' city cutter` eiitployed in our tailoring elepartnisnt, Dress and. mantle uc�oil.4 a specialty.. 11I 1-1 Mc» 'Indo, Beaver Block, W ingliatn. »«: ,,)Mitt/ TAttott"`-At the rt vede•a a • of the ,liov. ' Wafker, rsid<rI W, 4)t Satiresv 20th 'November, Martha Laylut•, rele 't ni' the: late.J0111,'1.'atiylor, Of afloat Rot, ,(xn,ler• n' ich town�!ili. unit ,tbor of !Firs. Wswlker very' largely.attended. ' : xtr:tlut tls,arrivls vem•tery. . age., 73 wear{, 'I`he Ieiii.iieta were interned D;;,, ni•. E' LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OP. DRY ,GOODS EVER, RitOuoIIT INTO Ts now bejng_opened otit at comprising all the .novelties of tlie;season in Dress ood:s G . Velvet- . s Iii all °tl e.•newest.,lines.. In all 'the lea g c antle :Gl ths'. Shirtin s: . Ati irallol1S• prices and., al0.lilie, Shawv1s frons slnall.shouldel•' shawls to. large.'(lou'' 1e la 'd LD 1 I JTS, Q .TIT T'S.: :Sta.! A beautiful' lot of.elouds n, �lllfi urs that b<tE� cCcsir ipt•iz LaJie.� and Gents, l urs and Persian , G0A �� GAP .IVtU FFS>3oAS • 81,6:. r .To ARRIVE. ' tret(7i1s 1t �' •'' n'' i� z all colors c,1U. 0.1';c�� it `i. 1 ladies. and . Gens: �GTnderclot�i.�•n . Merino. ez no. "ooI;: .Cotton. Also 6 ' GROCERIES, HARDVYAR'E, WALL; PAPER, PAINTS, Ol L�► When, peddlers tell yon' the_. r �- r . don't :, '[? ., � l e pecl(illn�, ,for me believe,them. .1, dont Ila•wk,m gode • through tt'le G9nntr . but would asslre ,ol thhe': 6; ,_wort k ining_ti-s _ _ Y l c( h�, rA 0e,, ' 1h tnki g :'.o for ., and tech g t 1, ��ti past flt�c r�rs all+ sollcitatn� new saes, Y• am puriAr . ly.L . l' ._• I, - Earr IV'LUR 1Y. ear aP diM