HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-25, Page 8• R •
iidj►ILa lltsnrrtli
G, ¢ B South 6.13 a ►ni
IL. H. e-1.3, ,North 13.30p. m-
Kinit►ugi 2 3 • p, m,
W. G. & B. North ;i, i8 p. m.:'•
G oderioh
Intermettiate Points `a. OOP. m.
L. ll.lt:13•North , 10.30 p, m; •
1 L mitside 3.00p, m,
• . n A 1.11.'01.e.81s.
W: G,d4B South 4
s+ 5.30 a. m.
, B �.
. i{'
u, H. & B,Soth
£li&nth 10,00.4.m.• .,
W*4. ii•S
W•4.stB• Norah $'.,op P,.
H otydoo4
':':iwinlloash 4 4.30 p m
'Kiulcks. .,._ :;'3''',,,,,
Tue days-
-d _
Ir ►ugstde i Fridays.T.
Maile:for'�the Unite' Ifingdem"close-every
Tuesday, at.9.30 p..m., (twirl tbo winter• ..atilt • e not act llt,oittvl.i.
Big Flock,
One of the largest droves of sheep
that has.ever passed through the vil
. lege, shipped shi _ed froth' this station on
.Vednesday, by • Messrs. - McLean's, .
cattle buyers. .
A. meeting LitertirY &accrety
eting will be held in the Town
Mall this (Friday) evening, Novi. 25th
:ifor,the:purpose •of. organizing a Liter
. airy ;society.: -AXI.. >81t
t are invit-
ed to�ttttend. Meeting open
Ip= its:
�• t a, hoopit ',0010 .4 •
.�•..._,;w _•.,-�--: •� "cr4selnnk*-103, sseeli-c
. fr
4 � -.re-'^prevmrlrint ' °itmting ^'cilidron �1i w,iie.
•, village, and eve :.. are • informed,: that
• children fro* the houses Where these.
:diseases•exist, are allowed, to attend •
the,puhilic school., . If 'this is..true ,'"the-
• !true ' ehoaltl Alae' to, it 'at'once; and;'
Y ...n_ -8ta ;.frotn school:
eonepe1i.therrY"te .y
- Wealth Restoreq J
*• We,ntse,glad•tQliearn that
'Mr T. J.
j;+;awttrCt, .Deputy Reeve of ;Kinloss.,•
wiltho'hhas'been attending. Oman Springs
;,yaaitasittm, New 'York; for the benefit
4.of`lli .iltealfh, is. inuch : 'itnproved, a,id
inner ilf9 returning • to his. home next.
:-heck. Mr. Stew art• has been • in poor
,':•healtit :!ur softie time post, and we hope
ate =.is now; fully restores; to:' hi3 former
rms Or
smerondc Osim lith have s souther
of Or tint
f rms for sale heap, or will rent;.
on easy terms.. Apply at the bank.
BH8Glob. 'b -
The members of the'B. H. S. Club
intend: having a grand concert in: the
Temperance Hall, on Wednesday
'evening 28th December; when an in•
teresting programme will be introduced
No pains•are being spared to make it
a Success,, .
Municipal• Nominations.;
Nominations for municipal council-
:lors.this year will be held•on Monday',
Deceit/ter 2:6th, .and the -election will
take place on. the following Monday,.
�fgivary 2nd. 'Both events 'are' thus
xed for the, two -days that w4I I be ob=
served as the Cbristvtas and -New
Years` holidays Y.,�- . .
An Oid.Oitizen Gone. .
The wellknown figure of Johnny
'.Mooney •will be seen on our streets no
more for the present. -He was removed
Last. week . to the ' .Idiot; Asylum; , at
Orillia, in charge of Mr. D. E. Camer-
on, through . whose exertions his •ad-
mission was obtained to that institut-
ion: •
New Feed for Stock. .• .•
Entrance Examinations,
Notice has been received from,• the:
Education Department that the High
School entrance exammationss will be
held, on the "31st,, 22nd: and 23rd, -.DPP,•
instead of the 20th, 21st'and220, as,
at first fixed. Teachers and intend
ing candidates: •willobserve the change,
At The Mart • •
On Saturday afternoon, a big sale
will take place at the ,Auction Mart,
the list including household: furniture,
beds, bedding,, parlor. 'and cookstoves,
etc:' Besides the ,above a number of
Iter:—Valancey F�:• Fulle> -writes—re-4
•mo_ •:,commendigtftheir
cows and beef s` ck with 7eriished.
wheat. ' u
He, ar �ls that' • with ' wheat
:it sso:low`a price,, and other' ar
tines of food'dear, ' because ..of the
short, crop, the.. cost' of . production in•,
�I��s�.13r��k11I�g�...��s �,Fa•�•�"
Taking a Partner' • : ,
Ur. •• Malcolm 'Campbell,, .the pioneer
ifattening;,tnek PanAnr stt „. , ' be,
Take tithe and: read what you can
for 'a little money,t Berry's.
-ents Tweed
Overcoats for $0.9
Gen ts .wee au i -t i`or .
sheep: cutters,. buggys, etc.,': wilt also , ;.....
'merchant of our village, and who ,has
be sold. Don't fail to attend, .u�
Visiting Friends..- • �� y . ts•(good. cloth �2.00
.11 .
Mr; Edward Cox, of the Western
States, alld;a-foroter.;old=tinte••resident L
of-this-•pla•c,d,,.spent__laat 'week visiting
friends: in-.the__neiglil�vrh i. ,! �1
Cox . it Mother-in-law to Mr John F;
Andre' s, of Ashfield. Be says that
Luokriow has improved ,greatly' since:
he /left. ,
Vessel lbost;
'Capt. John.'McPherson,-of K:inear•:'
dine,, lost his schooner the Marwood,;
off Marquette, lake , Superior; The.
crew were ail. saved: 'The captain had
recently 'purchased, the vessel, . and he
had only Tilade two or three trips with
heir.- —it teiel;rant- stating ._that : the..
• here
w st •' :Was . received
;vessel as to s
Tuesday.—Kincardine Mr.
McPherson was for. merlyof Lucknow.
Church' Entertainment
• The' ariniveasary` services -in . connect-
ion with the opening of the: Methodist
t •ares lx441 •�l�tye"1:ryt1 }t1 braid
{' J�•;(y,.yAy iA -.. g .i •+•„;'i+.
Richardson, 'of ''L' istowel, ,' wail preach
ltoth :mornins and evening On :Mon.
day .evening a, grand concert will .be
•been for the past 28 years engaged gi�•en, , in'. 'which vocal : talent .frotn.
.County Treasurer.
The 'sureties of the late' County •
,,a'reasurer' of ,Bruce, Col i` Cooper, 'have'
' Ti4# -arrived at an. ,ut►derstanding
*with the County Council Committee,;to
4' pay a certain eu,i for the surrender.cf
their bonds :The surrender .d
oes no.,
include the whole of the bondsmen,.
.amid the, errlangement • is 'subject to
sratiiioation,by the County Council ,in
the general store business, has decided
to ,ietire from active service, and taken
as partner, into the firm Mr. • W. _J.
Brumpton,' of Rothsay.. Mr Brumi►
'toa-eolnes. to the• village very highly
reconnimended' :as' a business • !man and...
citizen The'' new firm will be • .Camp
bell & Brumpton
Insure Your •Stock.. `. '•
An insurance company for the'in,.
'surance of live stock has • been .formed
;in connection with the Osborne :• and Picke
'Kincardine,.. Brussels, Bluevale,s ani.
Allis village will ''take part ins the pro
gramme. On Tuesday evening ,the
Rev. 'John V. Sinith,-of London, will
deliver his popular.lee Lure on Bridges,
or Helps over shard Places." A mus-
ical programme will also; be given.'
r 390 er
of lrtcrees', o ,
Goo& 'W'o
.. vtMe to i Dross• Goods f oy .:3o per fid.
Fine • Scarlet ':rla nal: for Oc•per y4
- torr Chec1 °la►el for 26o poi ya
d wde for. 6 6 & 7c
to Cotton s►r _ .. , >, ..
Inch Eta e • y
- - - • ., ods
re►�. alb.
Reme�mber these _a , _ • . •
0 n
r� �
Hullett Mutual Fire In uran C .
The territory which tho new company
purposes to embrace comprises : the
colnties of Elgin,. Middlesex,'PPerth,..
•Thiron ' and Bruce. ' No animal will
,be insured' for a greater value .than
$1,500 or' less than $75.:
Narrow Escape.
The Lticknow •school building had a
Sneak ak Thieves'
, On Sunday niht thieves broke into
e and
° w rose
store .
Mr: Lawson's sons g gy
stole_.. about seven dollars: ,.'worth' f
goods, consisting' of • tobacco, chaetae;`
salmon, .etc,, and' also 8°40 12
in .A•tn
4ericsn,silyer, that was left in the' till
Xt.. 3atom .Gordon's' heltchelrshop was
:•also railed the 'Ileum • night, when .a:
:lamp, a• Targe knife,`and severalpounds.
•of mot' were -taken. We• are 'under
• the impression-ttiat •• the thieves .could
;he found out if the: proper; were
taken to do so,. 1Ft:ti ,p deadcertaiuty '
• ,time aunty' !parties themselves' Hill •
•eailtrewn'tlp; and if•the authorities' put
forth no ensure .,effort 'to tr'tcr out' the:
culprit,: t haus -has kern dour „n• scute
Cher .:tit :sasis►us, • the • only .wn tiles •is'
there'is not' itu,'cre stores ruid d '
narrow'' escape from '.tir'e' one clay . last
week.: • While th'e teachers ;and; schol
lars were away, to dinner several large
coals of 'tire ' dropped •:from:' the stove'
door, which had fallen open; Oto.,! the
the' tli 'room
floor, :and • wberi:T:discover,
Was full: of•smoke from the '.horning'
-floor.`• The teachers should. ,see Alust
the -stoves -are ;properly'.fastened theybefor_e
leave the building. . '
Site Selected.
At the: congregation meeting of. the
Presbyterian church, on Thanksgiving
day, the • site' for •the proposed new
church building was decided upon.,
The committee, that had been, appoint-
ed to examine the different placeo'that.
could be- secured, reported: in favor of
erecting the building on the . Main
street. • ; On a votebeing taken: how--.
ever, it was decided to build the church
on the grounds. at present occupied by
.Knox church.
:At the.liistsession of the, Legislature
tow Ontario an act was passed .to 'pro
• tle•for a long,fielt want—the teaching
f tofu erairee •in"`the public •schools.:_
in accordance . with the provisions'af:
• that. act, the subject is placed. on the
programme." of public school:, studies,
and: a 1.;ery neat volume entitled', Pub".
sic School T'remperauce, is authorized
lay th a Department of Etiu •ration ag
,the text • book. • The author - of this
work is the •cq lebratedt Dr.' il,icl►ardioii
gi. „.A L., L..,' 1t'; `:It. 5.. known.
'tfiroughout'the British Etiipire'as Ottey
;of the highest authorities on , the. stilt
•+iect,tnttinly,-t'reate(I in this book; t .,
action The
Alcohol, on the It duan'
•body. The look contaius 120. pages
' ;and' it#. divided into 50 dilferent lessens,"
with. questions at the" ,cl' ose• of each
11'ltile L•.ritten iti all iliterestiug . stylet.
is full of moat, alua ,le--infor.tiiation'
fetid itis very. desirable that public
• sch ..o! teUChers.atiti trustees i will at,
• s•atss" v.blt�xt h+e tipils may' Study this
*took iv.ittioui'tile1ay. Had such a be�ik.
17e011 iiltrndt ced itito the school's 20 or
+: V(11 u. 1(1' - -are 940, '" utero Avoulii inose
no so wain
,certainly he, ftiwer peopleW,, ,
'iusuld:b ••the--dree tivc o'wers of
sv olig' rlt iuJ y The trice of he. Look
is 25 :- rami ca.0-he seeurcri7theengh.any,
book seller;,
Local Chit Chat.
--• n eadeis IQOk Out,..
d up.Here and There for R
of The Sentinel. �....: "
I• '
Latif e5,. Cloth
1 S2.Y �, , Pity',. ttD �,Ci 4t.3 4.am.Arat
50 each
r• d
do Per
• =Christina; is only four weeks,
from next annday. !,
-Readt(,I ilV. Berny's advertise•
went on ''4th page., - • • •
—Water is•again.getting very scarce
soma of the wells are giving out
-The pupils of • S. S No.; 5, are
making":},reparations for, ' a Christmas
-Fresh oysters for sale it
are glad to learn that Mr:
`Reed who was dangerously • ill is now
convalescent•. .
=.••ltlr.. tinct` Dlrs. D: Catnpbell• re
their triplaothe : North-.
west last week: '
•• —Two large loads;,of young folks
• drove the ,Black• Horse on Friday
night' last,, to a dancing party,, •
Goirtlemenerweea. ' atc,.
Pato,0.04.ts Twsl,a. e
• 950
Ordered Tw'
ee.,.d Su
ts Br.
G8YtSUna rshiris o:eaC
tits Drawers .30c. ',.
your ,
. o measure
leave ,
Come an :�
` .
' 1
F n..
� Twee aPrices.—
fox `�'
-The measles .have•, broken out `' in,,
the vicinity, of Zion, .and consequent-
ly:' quite a mintier are downaiok
—Comforters, '75 cents each,; 'at.
Berry's. ,
—The, party :who took - the umbrella'
.by niistalcc, frote the vestry of ',the.
'Methodist. church,'will ;greatly oblige
by leaving' it at B.: P• roctor's. + •
—The officials of ;the Zion church.
'Oommercial;'Jnio.n. "
^We'have received from Mr: Thomas
Shaw, of: Hamilton; Secretary of the
.Centra : 'Farmer's, Union,' a large
ipatl►phlet, entitled•. "Plain • ?al
•Cohtwercial• Union 'between • Canada'
au:dth'b;,Uiiited States." The ..Writer:
,goes over. the. ground exhaustively and.'
concludes with a stirring appeal to tiae'
hunters to act unitedly for ;their. own ,
benefit: at this crisis in the history of
their'industry.. ,
Lucknow Teachers 'Society.
TIM •progratn[ne for the :meeting of
Dec.- 3rd, is as ' follows: --The Sub.•
junctive,Mood, G. sMiddleton , reciter,
,• F. MtKenx e.l' Drawing, Miss ,
tion,aT, ... ►
Hunter i Reading, J. Cameron ; Des=
cussion on time• table` for an Ungraded
school, i.•.tetubers in general •; Thints'
that 'differ, E. A. McKonrie,i Beading,
•p5'liss McIntosh ; Criticims on the def.
motions , itt Gratittnar, 'Mr. Rennie •
Wood •pictures, H,; A. ,Stewart Ln-
trait& Geography, Mr. ,Mitchel[.' In
addition therewill lie .furnished; select=
ions of vocal and .instruinental music:
• c i i i tat.ion is• given' to the
A cordiai.ritCvit },
ublic and ex ' ially to.those interest-
e i matter torte ro's-
ed fit. educational s, ,p .
tett at, this .tiiceting-'to wilier admission
D 't f �rget the•• place ' anis
and Sahbath school; are -making 'ar-
raiigeinents for their. annual tea-uteet•
.McIntyre has • an extra good line.
of Persian Lamb cups, imi.tatton.caps,;
• Alma caps, pulltuan caps, turban caps,
an extra find 'dap 'for'ol'd gents. •
• P
--'1�r:.IL.•�1. Clow was united in
',Marriage NIA •tvt,ek to ;41 -itis McLean;
of Kinloss. i'hey ` arrived `home from
their trip io Hamilton on Tuesday.
=Henry Torrence, of Erie township
and eoasin of Mr,' Peter. Torrence, of
I inloss. w is accidentlyshot and killed.
away down.
It s..hireil. !fain.
.:.Notice_F�trniers should :beware
in buyingsalt to see -that every barrel
is stamped 28.0. Those. that are not
stamped do not contain the required
.aniouut. A.. Melntyre.
—Mr.• 'rhos. Todd; of . St �':!I•Telens,,
is having'tt set of Burr ;stones •,for
chopping, grain placed in --his' saw mill,
which .'%Alil1,be a great accomodation to
•the,faetn'+rs Tii:tlint teptinn.
d i.t:guaranteed.
.A.:'TT N TIC) N
,—A.+uhnour has •gone' about"' that
14Zrc. `V'..11. Smith has typhoid fever,
hit we are pleased to'state:'that , there;
is'noOtindatintt' whatever fol Such a'
_ rumor, for neither Mrs. Srnith nor any
1•J.. rets. Ott- --. - �
'tient, � a
" 1 o scho,il , at 2 A i et' , oii Sat- . of her hon ahold lime .or -bad ;typho d,;1
BTOtIC OP 'DAY 000D$ 'EVER Btian:3 T:' nerd
now being opened out at.
(<orrlprisin all the• novelties of the season in
Dress :.Goods,--:•; .
Eh all the newest lines:, Yn all: the leadiii , shades
Mantle Cloths . Snirttn 's
td' qualities.. -1wool' . d ottc n:.
va'r sous l lees • ax es. I� � ar
ll shoulder • shawls to large double plaids, �ha'vwls from sm,t ,,. , . .P
BLA.Tq E T> , Q 71]ITs` ..Bzc •
• , if t of cluiicls:an;l fAciriUtt •s. thatbalfe. descri •tioni•
La.lies, �cnd 'Gents Furs and •,Persian Lamb in •
'1'O : ARRIVE.
Cletons ill all colors ill). aiid'u .
adies and Gents UndetolOthing
w in erino,; V4�ool: and Cotton.• Also. '
CiR�itii . ,s ,,y . !
When . eddlers tell oii they ale peddling-, for me Tion',
w12,� y p �....
i a then). I' don't hawk ,m..goods, .through the Country
bell V � goods • .,c . . �p
but *Quid ass�lre you they are worth coming to 'ee,
, Lbankin.g .you for past :favors_al>:c"l.. soliciting new one!$, .
Lain ;yours ;truly •
urday;;',Bee; •3rd.• • ' nor atly'a ther fet•el;