HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-25, Page 7A• • , PEE13' I$R 1014. -VN•" • • 1.39379u ,p,Vc1 =An VI's. -Tho dayiafter an entertainment, at the . ." BesPitakSiyen severedyeers ago by a few ladies, assisted bykeetleisted, friends, to obtainfanadlp start gke *loviet Vs8164j an Old man,,,A,whe tee many menthe haat been a patient sufferer 'from a terrible digease,,regulting from having had his feet feozen-lay resignedly awaiting death.. . Death, to so many a, terrible -visitant to him'eeerued a, kind friend -looked !crivaid to as e relief from the agony he be eitMer0. ..fdt„ vdiAt asereed . to him, years of. •weerinese and pain. The children were. .at • the . hospital that •day helping to .clear, away the remains of • the , previous' -evenings entertainment. ' Childlike they. seen tired of the uitudital • work, and stole away to the • wards to see the patients, and have a chat with old Dick, the sufferer ' just all/idea to; who was a favorite Of theirs', The ladies, busy sorting end pecking the immerge* articles used the evening previous, scarcely noticed the departure, of, their 13121411 helpers; and an boar passed, before,they returned, brimful of•excitement and delight, " 0Olae I come! see poor old Dick! Ile --fa-sound asleep; and we. hava...iinges,eur: ils•-wakeul'-' • - - So spoke, one CoeePir-afor; the -6tliert dancing about filled with delight•at, the. • thoUght of the, surprise awaiting theirpoor • • TAD' •WEAWN PRIITO*3 RATA • • • • Doctors, Declare That fre. jias .(htueer in ,.•• rA,44AMAY!....i.14011.1,014"7.1.C.VA.S.It• 1... • • "•,Y ;7E4 • 45.,,X441IDS1?g0Tlit. 1,017 • $ifilt Itaturdey night'a ierhn oabte earl Thel firat,“`WhiEVerik" of. dire, news from•San rIgfin*, **sing the ;Milers that the Crown Prince's Melody wasof a cancerdas nature, wee unheard in Berlin til/ teviarde-evenieg. On the Boerso busi- ness *ea over. Sorne:menieg papers had emigratalatory articles on theoneprovleg prospects of •the ' Crown, Priece, when suddenly repette, were per-' milted to transpire that yesterday, evening's advices were tales news. Thesereports oreated.general consternation,. The earlier announcements were vaguely pat, to the effect that the Malady hadbeen found to bo of a cancerous nature, and •that • with regard to the further' treatment • of the Crown Prince no trustworthy information 'geoid be obtainable • until it•verlittl report. was received • from-. Dr- Solireidt, Who went to San Remo at the dommand of the Emperor. Nothing was said about the chancieelar recovery or tlio condition -of the-patigpt, but the official admission was eneggli_ to •eonform the worst fears; in the ptiblio iiiind Eeiliierning the Crown Prince's fate, Later :it became known that Prof, Bergnienn had net ,leo• friend pick, '• WHY WilliEf3E DO NOT PB,Mc NEW TEA. • Interesting -Facts for the:1.91MM, of the Beverage 'Which,. P4eerle, 44141741/41..49).4.41* 419W t9.t, he - cause 1,0 °entail*, too rotlehl,iirelOid;ent -rfr sometimes ActualLy . intoxicating. • The *eine "AinainishesIthe waste of thegody, enabling them:to pt 'Along with less noarishment-i este that it saves ft/040nd is instinctively valued for this by the poor.. The Tartars obtained still more sustenance from their brick -tea by poWdering it boiling witli salt mud mutton fat, whereby the casino or 'gluten of the plant becomes extracted. Then they can live for weeks on the tea -leaves which the British house- wife throws away. .0n the Other band, it is distinctly bad toletea Stand teo long: that larings on to,nnin„ andtoo much tannin will turn meat taken at the same time into a. seri of leather within the, etorna,c12. There can be 'little need, however; to in- struct in the art of tea -making., Fre:1211m silver gilt egpipage of the duchess to the brown -steno pot, ia which the :Wealier• 'wohnin selemnly •preparee her evening dish of tea; thteare„of rna1tingit is essentially feminiue, and has boon profoundly etudiett. One hundred and eighty million pounds per ennam all passed throUgh teapots -what a river -fa -siring fran Popy1ii" first tentative -spoonful-andedie-medeet-ievestment_ailie. :old,gaSt_Indik.goinnany. •• • • PRETrY COSTUMES. ' tared. at the tniversity, being engaged in. : So. sornabodY Wentto See what the child, a coneultatimi on •the expediency .of per-. •• ren liad. -bPeri doing "ItIring.'.141'4r• ll°i•Ig forming another .operation, and that Drs., absence, Well Might Plek be Pittenished• 'Beileeeter; and jereese• were in favor ef • at the irSaleformatirsi scene vali.Sh met his. immediate tracheetemy, while Drs. Sohret- . tiireil whim he awoke-poor.61d °Yea; dim aer Lula 11.4olvor,tio were opposed to it. At . . • . await suffering and • sleepless -nights, .1140. last a decisive teilaminaticirWaginade yes- ' • ron bedstead -GU wbieli he' laY,Was twiner' terday merning,, which resulted. in the with 110Wereeetheek diekiratioee-, . of the, ateteri aaripipielisii ciscdaring that a tp;ai, .„_,_.,:,.._1..........• flower-reorn•the' evening hefOre ; all arOnna aidzaoti iias.,,iiiirssii*; tbec.,idy ditferauce •---. hig4iillinilitY .lioWersT-On,' the white eoda.--. elfir.hijoief behia. as.. -p -i,. -h-- ciNviehg the fjpawn., . ; t ArDpiacnke :1.1. itancfratiwrialie0en76eaW,,,,ihinithin73-4•4;;;J;); Prinee's, liffa.-7.70001k7t167-proiliriged.,--•-abe- T. Crovin•Pririce head pari �f the •diedisaion, . SH•the dorsi hel1;145.' 'and 'fr1lgringe' )1'1 lay, .between the . doctors. • „He ,Plnimied . the. with. secititlirhile Orbisive,nrirfereee-:'• 1 greefpeet3 Tielfzepeaeesion when told fliathie , • e, :ph ,ViterY !"'''•''he .sald4o . cue. Of the recovery• wae/Very uncertain and retired to • : ladies'.. 'Oat Was the ': name :he'. always' meet the Princess. He . afterwards Sent -a , , .,, Oh. Missy t .. volo..vin.g. a peep.. er, tring'aeSliatch in' the ,--041,eie'e, --ink then,' heaven Sure. It can't be: meerthen this. f218;°:elleinlitrrsediabP. it:, rt ih' e'il 1.7 .told ahands, 11: ' 4 r `IT) rt .h,'Bqs,110! ..: ., •thata. ,§otieways.t, valfththIcia,i miiley, lie kenzie 'conimunicated the "result of the .• The flowers, and the scliildren,•Goa..-bless • •-"'Mr•.7-47-41eteitriIierethervfeakeedilftritsdiluitop &lure !...,i ,exarelhatieh . PI ,„ Prince ', Williain, . who "'''''•M'V'-'0'.•*1-4tAa'a:'T•14r•&1'.:,,f1,Nh_°d.,Y.;'';gff.tiO "13;412)'''"'' -Eil'175.°42ailltliiill°411 ,• ,,ito\o:-,-alstfilt lissTig,,w,r41:11-=-112:001*.e(Mr.* ' ••• 12"a.' *firtIti'gh-e'65F11: Feeibi"*atast:iindliwtgeied, Velniffiltregliir .411:1-ull-i"NOt tiiie• • :•I'ArdenehlOiktl/e13°' •lsdiee ..ettlintl•NYUY.t° report of dectore to ' tbe'.. Emperor Ao- • . happy, wailing ot.,•ii, "pep er 40.avert „_.. inOrrow; shares Dr. •tickenzie's opposition their Work, adeen; leaving poor old Pick so M .,,,,,tate,:reitit4leen: .,, 0. tvas. t40 last v‘rile the to -en immediate operation. 'HO' rellai°48•. With the Enipereryl therefore, WillutidOnliV. ladibs•OVer 'flaNi.',01a•!] tick: The ,litet tine edty influence the ,familyedeoision:2 Prince •.. ,iliekie peotweary ,A:iyee brightenedet their 2erriii4 ere. : • '.'. ' . t ..7^- ..4 .. - ::".......', '.....,,,,;,-............: ..Willigfln, returns to .130-142 to.morrow. • •:' ' • • They "Iiift., htin,'With •• hiii'• eyes closed,' a: 70131 Vor ptitio6,3)341.1inhte:isetrevan•otat4i'eacrt• smile on his Rigged *face' waiting, the MS revived interest in the: .inethede•at• . ... natio* bed and round the pale- connte., d. for:the.,extirpetian 'ef the , 'dileasei. •,,...etirlands,5f 'flew WS over and. above., the tett Pie 'The' Natioial-.Zsitttng rtiiiiiii , artiele. bearing Molest drawn by PcMstant suffering- • ., •' the iitia.up''O! authority, •IlaYe.t. •" Despite if there are ' any, 'AO do . pot believD iti the .rcialignalif nature of cancer, theiatynt. • ill.o. '004 40/16'' ILI .4 ..:fleiver. miseicav, .let :otieflitioxi...ig, ,..now, . fiequpii4k 1:13,400ssf,o.. • . ilieM „read this truthful sketch land learn famous ,Gernitin Operators are that it .was'threigh the'Austriimentality•Of.' The Most: • t,..er'. tal; Berlin,and Dr: Borgrnatin;who re, Dr..11aain; of -the priederichshanicHospi- floWer Mission 'that a poor,. Butt. • .ing; sfriendlese, old Map had.. a "peeper tently ' performed five •operations, and in ,..• ' • •'.. ,• every', case •tlie, patient rapidly. reecivered.' heaven."' ' • 'tz,' • • ,griAikTOEIt l'Igkl.tri.PIC*,IQN:: •- .larynx • had, been4ifTeeted with, :coniplete. •Even,the extirpation Of the Whelp ,of the , ,. . • • '.' • ' ' ' • ' • ----- . ' • •,:. - - Success.". A :,.gentlemati named Puher„ • R : ,.• • ...:•:' :, . % k :eciarkanic •Discoirery: .ril a O :ng,. Lest residing hi Prague, has sent lettersto the • .• • •Brother; . ... „ ' ' *it * ' • ., , newspapers 'stating thittPreC'Ouslienbaunt,. • Thirtyllaree years ago last September Of Heidelberg, .remcved. ' the Whole Of. his • .. Hiram' • Robbins . and 'wife, of •13rialton,, hteeux fule,s0;'ainco when he has enjoYed . made a *Nit to Niagara ' Ptillik. and .02 .the eiteellellthealth..":. .''. .‘ :. .., . . . .. , ......way.lionle were attracte . bY a man. all4 , ;Whatever is done With the Crown Pria0.4 •.: wife, accompanied by three steakchildren, the .feeling in thehiihest ;quarters is seainet ' ecals'ating•bf :a .1303r, 'a ,giri • 2 years diV farther, reliance apart De: Mackenzie. • It . . ilid • .s ' hOY''PekhaPs .4 ,Years: old. . They will-boan unavailing and i.poignant .source circumstances, but thenlother "was insane.. Gernian .specialists : diagnosed-the-oancet te 0,11 Germany that while • : were well dressed and _apparelatlY .iu, good. ey ',.ee•geee , The' father, owing to his wife's ': illness, had ..Chitiacter.of the. growth at the outset of the the..whoie pare . of thefamily •and•the baby Prince's illiiesa the treittnient of . the cape Was somewhat neglected. MS. Robbins Was COminitied ' to Dr: • Mackenzie. The •tgok pitynir the liabY„and :Offered. 'to tOe 'opinions ne' people'. tebeld; Fraenkel . and• •charge of it'initil. thotrain reached Roches, , others; pidalieWfin the spring", are recalled • ter. AS thy ' iteaXed the ,city 'the :father' as .proofs ef. the securacJe of the Gern101 •said t"If yeti Would kindly take.baby and alieeiatiat•s..Written opinion keep -him, for 'eight' erten days . until I could, is hOW• of historic interest. •, 'He declared • ': • ,.. Prof. Tobold's (Airs for, the. rest of the 4121113' '-'4111::-rOuPY, that therein:oval otthe.firetgroiv.tb_froni• - and take him ' and .reWard' 'yeti ' for YCnt. the7CroWn.Prince!S throat with forceps by • troiible.7.• •,. '• .: ••e, ., ... '..: „ , H , .: . .. Dr. Mackenzio!s. method ,prevokad a, :vigor: •, Mr. Robbins!' people .readdyconsented to. 13es ..tectirieriee Of •: the tumor. 1 . 'The Only • do as reqae,sted, and ',the father: olive the eminent' defender ' Of. Dr; Mackenzie- is Prof.•„ • 'maid of the baby. as Prank, :Dyer.,:.' 'Where •eiv inien, of •leutieh, , He mahitahts,:,thaf , ' ...-the ten 44121.*Orp. Up Mr,R.!eli.,30P1.18.1994ad. Mackenzie. did not: select the *rang treat-, ., • for th,e Mania/return,' hilt in vain.' :_A..__nd_ Merit, that he contingi3d that begun ' tinder ** when twa or months hAa. passed they Bergmann .0,111. Gerhardt, ••. and that; an: • began teivish that be Would' not 'ciene and... a operation in the' spring 'would have been '• he never The child growup the fester utterly'useless.' '' : .. . . , . , • . • , ..•: .. , , , • brother of•Prof. fl; J. Robbins, Of Penfield, , .., :The fello,;iing. sehi:i..•otfloal, eurare.ary. o•f - :with whom many Of Our readers are per. the opinions Of,thePhySidiansiniitteridenee • s sonallyeatmainted.; , p, J. Robbins entered at an 7..iternO: is :. issued. ,to -night ti . ,Dr. th‘army.With: the lefitb. •eginient, from SchretzerhOlds3hat thenew growth below .•,',thigaity and • daring hie 02E40:this youth 41. .. i• .2 .., . . ',Lie Veva. cores, .s eancereas• and advises the . se he 0,9400 of Mr. Mrs. .Reblmis coreplete cutting Of 'the whole •lary04:. Daring the rebel/hen iff:.!alli'l.'.0?.!?Pfl • died. He chains • that .ati . inuneiliate oPoration •.'!'"In.Septernber,. ,1864,. S. •,,,X."-Rolalima , came ,wouldhe vi3ry advantageousr-but-myys-be• , -bane, having left • hie. . right:ere". .' at C°1,,, ` woUld consent to a pOetponerrient; as in the . • Harbor. Va.' 1.1' '.'' :fow. :°';tekt.' Plt" 'IPA' meantime the malady can he Oornhatted by •-,retnrn. Mrs.; Erirani Robbins. died, leaving tracheotoray. " )..). achroeter is Convinced, '• Prank :Dyer • tWidn .OrPilarlesl• ' • Th0. trj.: that the life ;Of the •Crown ,,,Prinee might be • ,orphaned .',hPYrr /Ought the n. battle ,of • life' preserved by thetotaleicisioof *diary nx. as best' they could, Mr. .1)37:q. taking.a' Altheugh the operation is very dangerous • „ :. , :attee'asefol,. • seen, becoming . a conductor With uncertain,it Mightbe attended pod results.. , An excision froth :tile position On a • railroad..., Jii this . he was and its effect 415n• •the, Central,. ,and is ' new.a passenger •tkitapipe, he: hiatttaitio.,,*0* only defer . _' •'. 'bendChicago, • lietOr • On the Kangas A. death, a le* years. .Dr..-ratuletitateg that• . ' NebraslOA : 1ailkott4• - Now 061310 'the, the new 'Welling.. preVente 'Wm ,;froni.,4xe, .' strangest part ofy tha story. About . three. i,reashig a decisive ,eiiiiiio. . The ,affection Weeks ago it conductor on the Central saw appear e to becancerens, but he oppqes a ' A lady -hi -the SYraolise.:dopot irking :for p. complete excision of the larynx and edye- . 'lost hi'ctlici"',. and after'•keartlIg•Irr story Cates. tracheotomy . Only. . Dr, Mackenzie . bep "frintenvinced that Frank DYer Wasbe. considers the.,growth..to , be ' caneermis and . :.' : A•.• ttor was *lent to Pref, S, J. Rebbins; ',bibles. that a small Ogeeof i. heextracted , W 6 cerreepexided .WRII' die ladylayer- for submission to analysis by Prof: Virchow, riiont and /: found her to bo gritek'e 818 Pr." on whose report the 'final decision of the • The motheris Still, alive .arid. iesano„ but 1 y4,s...t044. pans should be based... . • . : • 11E6 •il'ev"' fbrVit'l .P9:60k: for her .baby. ---••••The. Emperor is naturally inaoh affected She eta tell his a:Iced:ago andthe elegies by the serious nature of the Crown Prince's • • . he Wore *hint:She 'last ' save. him, The ,-- illness, but the ruiners. that . lie has bad.a father died soon After ' Jawing the ehild tele.* threatening deetli are unteue. Ile . Witli Mt. RObbirie, 'Lind at • his. death., all hits appeared daily aktlits. :palace .' windoWs , • • • pcisitivo :krtoWledge its to tile. Whereabouts at the tinie for relieving .tho ',guard. and •of the babe was lpet. . The , older 'brother bowed and saluted the crowd waiting ,for •. 'lives in Xebra,ska,.. .00,4dtieter pyo*: is *14 WM, Hp leeks, pale eild works et his desk • his Old home at, Allen's Creek With, pref, for eonie trindbefore dinner. , News comes, .0.•'8'4' 33Abiri5,$wh° will a.4°0°11183IY 11'°I. to frOni Coblentz thap t, the..npress is worse. • , See the, relatives frOm WhOM ,hs has 'bse.n. lgaballetineehoat her gond itioe have been ,Eioparat edfor 113 yeata.--17.,oches(r;../7e7alposted, and it. is feared her Meese is serious. • s.. • • • • 4. ' • ' A TRAIN. Americans Travelling Iinxgrinatly From, Boston, to CaRforebt,, • By long odds the moat . magnificent train whicklatifv:eler passed . over tha- Grand Trig* line ,vent west about 330 yesterday afternoon. It Wad convoying One-. of Ray- •mond a; Whitcomb's, eptirsion- parties from Boston to California. The vestibuled train is the latest and greetest improve - A GALE fFirPrf 8017.*P..f. The Stealnsalp-Atianue Severely nandied by the Blev4 An Owen Sound despatch of lad (Friday), nig14-1*y.a„.:.-.-.-Xlma-oteit4PAg-,A.I040j9....,at tempted fe go tOC011isgwoodthie morning, halal's& ow. pootintor •131*- .got as fir as MeafOrd; °mil not Make that bort or go tany.farther and had to turn back. While "she was passing the Clay remit of the idea pat forth in the Pullman Banha,aitremendona wave struck ber for - TWO Magnificent Dresses Juin Produced by • Worth:, , ' A cablegram to -day says: One of the most. magnifieent hall ditesseS of the present season ' has just been corn: pleted by Worth for the Itaisian Princess Troubetsko. The ample train • in grass green velvet is caught. back to show Side breadths in: satin of the palest' possible green made very fall and -caught im slightly. Thee SiaeWidthe areniet-hy a plain front- ugerin-pale groan satin -set -on the skirt with scarcely any fulness and embroidered down" the centre:with o, Ouster of ostrich feathers 8163p -in& car--tinit of providing the most Vvard-;,-throwing. her. on. her gide- At the conifertable, the most luxurious; and the same time another wave caught her on the safest transit for the railway paesenger• other Bide, gweepingher decks from forward ' and the =meet and unquestionably the eft, washing Movables overboardand wash., , finest prodeof of the Pahl:eau shops are ing two of her metallic lifeboats Overp, these magnificent cars. • By an ingeniolie breaking the davits and stauncheons like 1 device the whole train is united tinder one mere straws. Shewill lie here and repair. continuous roof, so that in place Of de- The mate has driven down in hopes of find- • •t•aelied ea.:FS -with'expotedplattoilno; -,there ing her two boats. 'Wind northwest, forty is, in reality, an elongated. suite of elegantly miles. furnished apartments, comprising 411 the ' • comforts end ,appliaaees, of the most Would yon know the keen , delight hisuriensly Appointed hotels. The passen. a wholesome appetite, . 'ger passes trent his bed 'room to the bath nrestrained by eoliee dire, eadache's curse, fevefs fire, • roor,n. of bather shop, and frau the- dining, houghts morose, Cr icy chilli ? : , roornto the sinohing rooni or reading room,: 'henaae Dr. , 's " • • argativ,e without tlie least expeatirotto the elenfelits• ‘Dr• • •le or to any 'risk of soiled'hands or garments, original aud only. genuine I.Aittfe • such as a passage across the platform of an Pills; 25 cents a Vial. .. ' - . • ' can go from one mid of -the train. to the Nothing sliowe greater abjectness of other without the „eliglitrit sa-d-fgi3K tharfr's listighty'dertrattor-fovierrd '11,1-e'VeSti'bules,-whiclevonstitute-theqnain ;-"*""4 feature of this model train, are _formed bY ..„„.' , ...;..„,„.d...,..44,.... • - enclosing the' platfernis. They are as ele-. gently finished DA any part of the car, car - illuminated by means of lights depending VL 'LE so tie to entirely conceal the Points of PELLE ' tt The, Original . outrglaSfrpaneled doors full, upon the etePe. . :1,4347:laA013: FP n LLS:.. '. they can- bp. opened, -. when. aatop .i• BBlitIB-BsEee-t7AR.4.01P'rlir-lli::::::•IA:B.ex.4z,"7,sr.IVS;A:i8Oig ' connection 'between the joined ears, and 1,1 a NAV C 'LITTLE frOm the ceiling; wheee raYs fall thrOegh tat ‘'.41/4r ° IVER side doors, opening out on the steps, are barred while the train is -in Motion, but wi• is made.: A vertical bufferbetween the car's imparts greater - steadiness- to the Mein% entirelt vegetab/e, they Op.; ,fireineredlices the tendency to oscillation or 'occupation. PUtup in glass via, s hermeee., • these little ellets• give the. most perfect erati3 wit out distur anee to thsrtem, diet, and -.equalizes the t`resistances.-- --The -coDy seded.. Alwaye fres and relatile As oars' .superlative -'elegande , ex. a laxativell„alterative, or purgritives fIatigaction. „, • , -throe in each groop-and worked in grass -Whited:every-whore-I-Several railway men green, does silk, and silver • beads. • ' Around and. a; Times representative had it -look this -Skirt front 'runs ri13126n pattern in. thretigli the train- daring the feW minutes. grass green. -velvet, eirblined -with Silver it.stopped here. •,Theratmeisof. the coaches lire the Harvard (dining), Whitcomb (sleeper), Holden (deeper), Rayeriond'. (smoker); Pasadena (deeper), America (sleeper) Delmente (parlor), : Cerinthia spangles,the whole front being edged with , . . silver embroidery. , . . A very beautiful and artistic evening dress„. which. was made for the Marquise. do rong°104%Ittiffalke Filheteleiet Ode* bee eViri=cepueefill1/454.2iMairrelilila KfkintnfoilteerlbeikiPgltrilliftyf-eoet veiled with silver spotted tulle edge, with, fringe and silver ,beads, and drawn up o,t one aide with a hiunch of yellow roses'; with buds and ' felisige,• a longer branch of the 'Same flowers'being-serat-the-other-side of the skirt. The back is composed of plain fall.widtha °Mho. silver:spotted tulle, • and at the right side falls'a 'Ong, white sash in. pale 'yellow satin ribl3on:. Bow theArneer.Puidelied an , The Hoitelaiale/ : Some strange stories have been told et the way, inWhice Abdur Rahmen •lords it Over his people. • "vgz);amviestPaxical1-)0PA'srAg ervaltrimMlissozaventiV,tgtoAWT2i1r. odegicesaas.-1- ductor 'Allison, ' of London, Is. The "coaches Comprising, the train are valued'at $140,000.-Hamiltou Times, • • A.:Business-like Offer ' Por many years the niattufactarers Of Dr: Sege'fi Catarrh Rentedy -have , offered, ingeed. faith 000 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which cannot mire. The RemedY is sold. by druggists it only 50 cents. This Wonderful remedy has fairly . attained werld-widerePutatioru-'-if you have dull,' heavy headache, obstruction of the • meal 'passages, discharges from the _head • 1 SICK RENE, B1114110 Headttebes Dizziness, 1ConatIpm. ti Indigestion, Bilions Attachsoindall; doriangenients of the storm, .4aehandabitiffiffitYliffisexffiotop&: KilitraM.44175.1044Braliltie,AW6 !ORA* SOTO 3430 1)7f 11}3r, In' explanation of theremedial power et'these Pellets over .so great a variety of diseases. it • may truthfully be said that their. action upon .• the sYstere is unifiersal. not a. gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Sold by , druggists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Cbemical Laboratory of Wonec'eDisiegissairr '3/semen ASsoommoiki, Duple; N. Y'.• There es it humor in Ins. way (418,3+111g the into the -throat, sometimes profuse, watery lord -absolute which can beat be appreciated. ' 'acrid; • at ;others, thick, • tenacious, at a distance, as • a 'story which has. just rrineonie. purulent, bloody and putrid; if ,reached us will show. ' 'Net long ago, we are the eyes are- • watery. and inflamed 'told, the Arneer was sitting in clurbat • dis- if there is : ringing in the 'ears,: deafness, cussing • pablio 'affairs. .• The " hchne." hacking of coughing t� deer die. throat; ex- depattrieetthed gene throagli their' work. .pectoration of offensive inatter; together Orders had been issued • to :release. certain with .01:Albs from ulcers; the Voice being: Perietui from the sorrows of existence, when changed and heti a•nasattwa;ng•e the breath the durber suddenlY dashed into greater pffensive ;.staell and taste impaired,;.'sen- things;Und began to talk pleat the English Elation of dizziness, With mental depression, and•the Itussietifi. • A. wank Whip had lately a hacking cep& and.generar"gebility, yea been introduced•at court, and. was net well e,re •sliffering from nasal catarrh: • The acquainted :with hhe envereign'S 'ways, more complicated your disease, the greeter remarked: "Lord the earth, let people number and • •: diversity .ot symptoms. say 'What they like; but thishilmble onehas Thoestinds of •cases annually, without boen scanning the political • horizon with Manifesting hall of the above symptoms, far,reaching, eyes --E, nil the 2108h:ins are result in consumption, and end in the grave: "Feifilrie--The lord Of the. earth. smiled' No disease is .so common, more deceptive a stveet smile --some of ;the, Old courtiers and dangerous; or less Understood, or more Who knew. that : also eh:died-and, uesucccsefully treated byphYsicians. turning upon him with the far-reaching , eyes," said : " Bright jewel of our .durbar ' •The State of Crops in 'onterie. and. min of Our understanding,irt thou mire of this ?" " The lord .of the earth is A omniscient and knows everything," replied he. " Well, to be • sure, we do see thing's -endlmovrOne-er tWO things,but-weare old now Moreover, , yon tree obstracts, our view. . Moreover, thee art young ;• gOthou,. therefore, climb. the tree; watch the :cursed Muscovite's movements, arid when he is very °lee° Upon come and inform us. The tree is high, so that then shalt, be enabled to see a long way off." Forthvgith the Man War; led to the tree and made to climb to the topmeet :brandies. To keep ,up his Courag,e if he grow weary of his. poet, a guard with bayonets fixed Was toiq off to remain below,. It is young man bit considerably elevated by hneinaster's, limner, and felt verY•eXhilarated at first ; hate 'three ' days! centeMplation of the beauties of nature,,is aptio •tire one, and so ha fell. They, say he get hert and died. No miOdo,res to raise alarnisin., Cabot now. . • iteeinau;•spare'that Tree Chief Justice Gilt decided sai iniportent queetion yesterday in Queen vs Stonge. Defendant, who 'was•ati employee of the G. N. W. Telegraph Company, had been dm - \rioted in Barrie for having destroyed trees while • at. work errangiag and' repairing telegraph wires. tpen a motion to quadi conviction His Lordship"' held that under the statutes relating theroto the 4legraph corapany.:ana their servants Are exonerated here blame in respect .of injuries • to teees, saleng unneceisiary 'damage isdone. The conviction Was quashed. • 'Chicago Pointers: . •, . Fierce looking stranger (just arrived) -I am looking. Sir, for tho, socialist head- quarters in this place. , Patty -: 0,a areseed,,-,Yees • eft,' saloor.i etraiii,ht ahetva::.. direelly .opposite. You can't miss ;it, MSt friWldf Yoki can't miss it if yen keep on.---:(31Wage Tribnne. , .. ' .• • , • • • neteatiVe ,Plidit, Of London, w"ent to on the meeting of the Cherch of England :Eastwood, neer Woodstock, yesterday and 8ynoil of Neva Seotittet.Halifax yesterdey; •: Arrested Maud SherWoOd' alias, Cartor on a a•cablogroan was read from the Archbishop 40 -chargf of obila tiofiottfoLi:, Tho \vortical of C., 1nterbury fitatiegflietbe was waitieg ' lived iilytaindon steno' six months age, adr, for additiefilil information before r,ecom..' .. ing,which time, it is alleged, She gave. birth eleielieg a• name for the bishopiic. . 'the , to it abild which olio got rid of by IOILVing 'Synod, cortsbqtteritly, acqourhed. for threb on it doorstep, . • ,„,,,, ', ' .. Months.. •t',. ' . . , •. 91 roathet. • . , , . • '00 M.= lellsagin! isCifieredby the manufeetur.. ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh. . Remedy, for a care of • Chronic; Nasal Catarrh 'which they gannet cure. • • ' •. S• YMPTOMS OT• CATAI11.1111,Dull, heavy headache, obstrtictionjaof: the nailed passages, discharges, falling ffrom •thee head hito. the throat, sometimes profuse, watern and acrid, at others, thick,lenacious, eille0O/3. purulent, Woody and putrid; the eyes are • Weak; watery; and inflamed; there is ringing inthe-earis; deafness, hacking or coughing to • clear the throat,, expectoration of offensiVe ' inatter; together. with scabs from ulcers; the , voice is ehting,ed and has a nasal twalirrthe., ...breath is offensive; smell and taste are paired; there is,a sensation •df dizziness,•with mental depressionpa backing cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of the above-named , symptoms ate likely to be present In' any one' 'case. , Thousands of eases annually, -without •manifesting half of the above symptoms, re, suit in consumptieue and end in the"graVew No disease is so coral:eon, more deceptive and • dangerous, or less understood physidans." •By soothing, and healing properties, Sago's Catarrh ,Remedy cures the worst cages of .4Dittarrb, 46 cold in • the head?, Coryzn, and Catarrhal Ileaditelite. ' 59,11pir druggisticpyotywhere; so rote, , 16,1Untold Agony front Catarrh.9? The November report, of. the Bureau of • Tref, W. AilSNER, the famous' m' ani Industries forOntario states that the,aree ff d u told agony from chronic nasal • or Ithaca, N. ivrit,es: "Some ten years ago devoted to rye is, small, and that this crop does not appear •to . be growing in -favor: -The average • new crop of fall WINittc in the ProvincS is • • • about the, game ss that given to the crop of this year. Theappearaiace and general condition of thecrop at the end of- October may he ranked, as • fair. Indian , corn, sorghum, beans and buckwheat have shared the fate of other crops ; 'the. drouth proving too rnuoh for theta:, All • accounts unite placing ,tbe. crop of -clover seed ft coin- elete failure. The general condition 4, the root • drops is about on a par with_tho,t4gibe_grains. _Despite the ex- trernely het surrimer, those portions of the Province Vaal ,devote any considerable attention to fruit growing rePOrt the ,'pest season to have been 'a favorable one for; this branch . • of agriculture. ,Tfle poop 'pastures. of the past season have •lutd the usual effect upon . live 'atock, notwithstanding :that Supplementary feed- :ing was adopted to a much greeter extent than generally:happens: The dairy indite - tribes been niucli More ,sUccesstill rduring the past year thanonight haVabei3n expect- ed: The yield on •honey was affected by the, drouth,•but at the latter prat of ,October colonies were =eh stronger than expected. ' Sir Charles Warren's, order prohibiting meetings in. Trafalgar square, London, has be -approval of all but the disorderly classed Or fanatics. " Sir :Charles," saya the Daily News, " proposos„ to Stop. •a public nnisKrice, mid lie ought to bp vigorously up- held.".' Other journalS write in a similar tone and Priblic opinion in Lendon, is un - The Nerthweet • Cotitiell has' passed it resolution in faVol! Of the ballet for the election: of its members. • , . . Both otlt wctjya and ih pard,bound steamers are delayedin'. the St. LaWronee by stress: eso 01„, 00 tiot‘ f601\°°'iti aa04.,:n0°,\KOVAiti • .• • , When a threatening lung disorder'' .ShOwS its tl.rEt ptoelivity0 De, hot lot itieVoss tho,bOttliit- Qtwp it witli activity. „. • Many a patient, yoting oi olden, •Owea a quick recovery . 411 to.1,1i, Pierce's Golden • .7 Medical Dieedvory. • 1 Isa*Ot 17.plcasttntwayorputtingXt. • . catarrh. • Atv filmily,physician: gave me up as . incurable; and said „I Must die. My cage was such it bad one; that every day towards gun, . " set my *Wee -would beceine .so .13eared barely speak above a,.whiSper.. In Morning . iny coughingnad clearing' of anythroat would ahnost strangle inc. 13y the Use of .Dr. Sage's . Catarrh Remedy, inthree mouths, I was a Well . Man, and the•cere has been permanent" ' , • • 4itpOnatantly *king rind. TitelitAd 3. lingstriva, Esq.; 290; Pine Street. • , t. Lou is, writes "I was it great sufferer • : from catarrliforthree years. At thine I could hardly breathe, And. was constantly hawking and spitting, and forithe "lest- eight...months- • ld not ',reatho through the nostrils. I, •thotifhwtar could he one .for , fly, tarrh, seasUn't° b:ag9 lfemenY: and _ nett We . mao. 1 believe ' ' it to be the only sure remedy for Catarrh. now -IflialtriViiiiiregAtilnee4gu.onnziirregowasti3.. .11 permanent burn" ...4 • - , •• , • • , . • Three Bottles enre „Catittritli. lionTSS, Rtnipan P. O.; Co.. ,. Pa., says';., `My daughter had Catarrh when she was five years old, very badly, 'I Saw Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and. pro- cured a, bottle for het, and •goon gaw that it helped her. a third bottle effected Penna. - tient cure. 'She is now eighteen years old and, • Sound -and hearty:" . . , Mials Spinater •Rit•ally, Mr. 'Oldboy, you., are'so kind 1" Mi O1dboy-D'ti Spinster. I: food ;%‘;ith yon,/you know; ". niention it,. Miss hecaase the ofller8 aro, all too young for a Man of my yearS. . • • Ilanest 'and True. • D N L. 47 87. URE.:F1 1111 • _en I esionre I do not mean merely tO eton them tor a ' tlind and then hove them return actin. 1111,0 it radical „, • • pure, !have made the dleeedeof FITS. EPILEF8Y orFALI- IStI s tise400r itu.k. I. wairent My remedy' ' to Are the *Mt eaSee. "Becanee others heve ,falled Is no • reason tor, not now recelding a cure. Bond ill once for a 'treatise and a Free BottlOof my Infallible remedy. tilea Ilipresitand Poet Office. It coats your nothing ler • trial, and I wlliroro you. ..itddreas 511.110, FOOT, 'Branch Olice, 311 Tango St., Toronto... ..; This is eMinently the ease With 130180ii',6 Nerviline, , the great: pain • cure. . It, is an honest relliedy, for it, contains' the Meat] ,. ,powerful, Said purest, and,m0St'oertain,paiii I. TH F. ,"1 , , ., subduing. vinedies • known . .to medial,' ' ' • . .SCience. It is honest, fin' Ude-0411.ft elaitnel. to •ad. ',It, is holiest, .hecliaiSa it is the beet 1 fiS i in the wotld, . lt billy eedte'l0 or .p'. 'cents i!, nob? a Nom viireiiittaY reevegVeon dritase nott to try it, and. You can buy"a 'bottle ai any 1 . .... ruiftUrO'Orvth. thonoende Of essee Of the tedret nrit•i, on i tit lac emir i have been cure • indeed. sO et•• •re . My' kith In 1111 • iite'tiireit----toOthaelie ' a. •.. neuralgia, 'Pain.in. the baek and tilde,. Al1. a"'''Y' that ' "'I "fli ''''''') n 11 • . '''' x '0 16 16"th" . , . , , , ,,, _. . vith a V,. LOAM TANA tIffit nu to,. Ow. , to 001. ' pains ere promptly relieved' by Poledia'S • ' . , sufferer. • lily., iiitprel.. tnit,r. ii .11411..,41i, ... ' .' . • Nerviiino, . .. ,,,'' ,, . • . '• .1 . BittOi Qfb..ti 47 TimgdZt, ri,"Opt; • • „.. .. • • •ri •