HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-25, Page 4•
To p..t.0R OXO. TO All00 _'
'rte ilIBERTY
„Q,Q Qo i piasca1 evil .PSIZ$, ABOVEALI4,
LaoxcaoW 15th,
Rs' Mr. Campbell, of Dui1..
oa, via -Preach �Irn-• the.: -M ethodIet
char b Va- Sunday heat.
—G.: W. ray. Insurer of ;mal
ria a licences and`•oartificates. ' 01E061
Wm. Conne11*:g•=01d- lift- -•-••-
-- MT C )affirms ►i 4 Stewltritoitmi
Halton 'county, Apishan'4, dtly�l last
week with frieuit in • bb*Y1c1nit,:
by cash or note, lmti,ediately. Ball at
li—Fresh oysters; • for salle, at 11;..
.:..The"Dominion grange meets in
Toronto on the 20th•1)eoetuber• ' W•15.,
--A T acro ►it
Must -he eihsede they
o.' O. Ross' old o ,,gf'. • W. council.
h,, f Huron is the represercta'!fvo'
,frena. the.. uc. now .. .
been qZ=�3.1'L.Uf and Having nRe,Q� the beet general xoe s �n
.r llY for
in the baA�i �M1i�E e e ,t.,,•tr� '11, lunch inferior qua � y. �
' ht `and careu�
• ' +' be6n' � ", '�".. Q tight, ' <rt;))e)�al �toclis'il
a,V1Yi ;• .. public. ene.o� the Vest ,, . , • agent Ip)
in the best :mar: a s;. ... �, rauch inferior quu i y. 1 ::.:.. • ' 4' `
ant _. ;. seller as cheap as stoc.l��� . , , ., -'
CQ -
nd Halifax 'ares ,
i lanc � ,. and Colored,.
H g • d `log' ai
.. � tan � 1aG
AlbII?�►. the. market `
Best C�the
Glove in ,
,� Checks alb 'the ,style kl�:.
el- Cl? s
. German- ��a�.n •. .
k � he
is enabled �I 1�Y to t u,
1't ' '4[cIn re is sr e a�a�
k t is en'Uled+ ' to they
l•t • '�Iclnt�l'F is sole d„b
C i4aTiZ d of t le
oycrder 8���� �'tl beiii� l,a���lled �y
- •_ � : �,klnt ;: � ems
�a�cr Era . �
ust now.
wets o L k ' dlvisioi�
e village
'�� antioned goo
le�-of Wined at
Loans' ori real estate. • may'' be oh.
a certain -gent
A rumor was afloat in 'th
this ,week that
. foul . : ten thous. P
large caplial, ,
-` d a llfiit,-ths�iufactur-ing-: -eats blish _ _to Elliott
t of
est an
lis are worthy tie attentioz� �a every . p t
. cQ
h@ lowest current rates . : a ;Ve,ui _.
ble tenses as -the-leading ` T11f�; ....bion._ bllxcl;,kancl rcen... • ew . � ..
most fano .. p.I -�� _..-7.:..� W...settso.. ......-..r ._.
d- 1 1 call -4041s. tt ne pan c buyo:
` oilses . b app y•nK �, Tea slaqu�d ents
nsd a:�p Y • f�
Traver agent, or (t� Shep
-...., ' .:lam ...,s. -a_ .........,...'." : -.-
au o .. .
me ►t. here if the council would only and, appraiser:
Z,o�.er$ P ' -�o. Tea :•:. , ,: ' � sfautiorr. name : - .
•ng Bxtraor �k �,pd-xtrrder c tl ii ;sur
V.1 ..
s deo ens • p .-Just•ianc .,_.., p.- .. _
d,J F t•�,3
11 low 1a ��
cilia � .
• U nderLlotbl'ug .� eep , y
55c., prices ae 'er before known in this,, pp:'
_ •
An` extra stock of..good Boots and'.,.1
exemp't tie 'place from taxes for ten
• xnyeers. , Nos►, if this is so, we say. by
.` •all: eons
let, the matter. be taken "up
ty the council at.once.: 'fie; better or:
Cheaper. opportunity• of booming the
"village or bringiug_more trade, to the'
.pace, will ever present itself, and as.
. ;--the �l�FaY... ere have.so lstelY :declared,
their willingness to graft such favor
tuannfaaturers, no•time should be
' t veilq' stated
hist. •. It hail '-not wean posi
- what the,natur'e of the : works are to
be, but the citii ikii Vein .reit • assured
that; if the gentleman, whois credited •
vrith waking• the. offer, ?r
underes rto
.101 i a' iOrn.Rfii3Sl+ r " . ixxait1le Ru.
help the:Village:. ° to ani!
.ia ans a"bonus'hnntat',"fit• l►, shrewd,
careful bnaineas man,':aidone'who has
•• Merle his iaoneyby industry and -bard
work. « It is therefore not qt, alt likely
'that he : has . made this proposition
cit e's't nt n$^_? ?.II+ it 1nt.o
without dueconsidsratioa,• and that he
acres a good market•for ••his: produce,
aiid a paying investment for his money:
•c;t most, the coat to `the village would.
ri°ot 'bp �' • eat deal. The:. piece. of
land, on: which the; proposed buildings..
would `be erected• pay$ iiito'the village
treasury veryy11ttie•:at the •present•
time, and indeed, the rospeot that it,
ever will, Unless built upon in-, the.
manner indicated, .is very small,' so
that e•� a .,
if:`the; taxes:'wore exetnpt on
ro e
rt' fair all. time to "co'r'e :thee
would not ' effect the financial
ng of the village , to ;any.: extent.
ig Drives 1
Millinery, ''lowers, Feath
ers, Mantle; Cloth, Mantle
Ornlardeats; Etc,
flon't•lil1 ► a Stove till ; yeti
seen theF.A
and. "ROYAL J,EWEt',,! the:.:
best parlor and heating_atoves.
in the ' tnarlcet., also- the
"MODEL," the only•connplete .
cook stove in the:.. Doniinloni
'reale by Thos. . Lawrence ;
A 'very •. large and surpria--
itorduieed.ntock 4140;
Saturday'night last, another ter-
fatal collision occurred, when the
Dutch emigrant steamer .'`•W. A.
:fichdIten" ran into:elle steamer."Rose,;
Wary m :the Straits': of Dover.
twenty minutes :the "Seliolten"-wen
awn =wit• .. over, a hundreii•and .thirty
of her passengers and crew At
tiine of the, aceider t there was a heavy-
P1 ' fog on' the water;: and some.anitiety
must shave been' felt on board the'
i , r , y
7)utch steaur@r!'to the result bf going;'
nfrward 'uinclear$such circinussadeea,
?' the :crowded waters of alta narrow, Seas,
as all her' officers •were:on the„btidge.
"The cause of the great .leas of life
that attended the sinking of the steely-
ser were due, to dire causes ;. first, they
anllireads'ibttlylcept the ship afloat•
•''' twenty i niot es : •,second, the.. . officer's
`'";we're unable' tD enforce.` discipline., and
iestore .order, ;after- the shock , ,and.
Thirdly only. two out of the live or',six
Coats ,the steamiercarried could.. be
The yoking men•of Lochalsh neighbor,
•toad Have .Organised a"• debating eluli,
r. .
- tvkl,,hic. to. meet friday evenings , in
'tile•schohl•house. John 1liclntyre. is
:pre'sidet;t. John 0.'`Giilison, vice -press=,
eut1 Dt titanats
• sto, secretary,. aud
itlay' h1.cLennau, treasure?:' .
v.Don't fail to ape our' sto
of Library Lamp,RaA1f lad
:Btuckets, •Tubular ntei»I,
Ete -
4 large stock of 'Pocket and
Table Cutlery, Silverwa1ei!Act,.
to choose fromn,at -Lew:3116 i'
ve Depot " .
i..=,. -Cash paid for hides
and •sheepskins.:
u�i.`Q.ilSI�-N i!_i1•V�l '!���y� . 1,1.1 � ��III�III1I , • l a "J1^^��1 „` I. i
U iiI{11{l{11'11{]
,,f,t4* N
i ";t •'.
�� II IIi�\III II 1� � J • _:....__.
�� • I ' � I � �'N = lily „ 11 a+�r',�
iIII�Il1 ,�''.Ilgl II�II�111 ��I .II ���>N�� I Illlll�.ei �1 ����_• �",
Sllks, roods, s
Velveteens, c,. ecial line
ilk and., col-
j�lilsl�ea, in black.. :
a .
' t ;:. tre1ve
teem from tOO. ,
Drives .in.
thre will be .
osiery;, Gloves, Under
.TOWN'SKTt'1 op :4s <`I 'it;D►'
,� in the dDotY of l�uro><►, y. "r•
sold on;'': i
• AT
• '
first two.correet solutions 'of this. rebus.
, rixeafor the.,
s W;will,g'ive two F
de to the value of $3.00 .
' . t' or ct allusion--=1st'ptrirs; .414; value of g2:U0 . :•
F-- to thecal.
.. .. Ce ... • a '� � ods.
. rl
ecotadcort'eCt solution -'-2nd P ..-:e!s�� • .rites given. on'2�th�ec 1887.
•. Solutions to be. opened,-e,amincldaud,p.b gv .�•
r, Corsets, . Ribbons, Laces..
at 2 eoleek ilpttble, afternoon, thee i .eeof
d.ueknOW• y virtue ,of -l' 1
contained in oertai!P.Nortgage, which'
will be produced at the salt•, ; .
the'following .property' under.
.. mortgage • ronl, , ,
Ali:.extra heavy all .Wool ROBERT WESLEY•1i,EEO,
-o—n. psi
es', full slz®ly` : 25c r ,• ., he township ei
north half of, lot 4, iq.the .11th, •f onegsAion,
r. Eastern Dlviei"n. of t
• A, hfield, it. the.• County of Huron, con
" • taieiing',100acree more ar=}ees save`
•' • and • except• twit ati acre 1if ; .
land covered to one NCath
• r. amine oes.
The follows . ,improvements are said to }be en'
the *anise' :_..•'bout 90 acres • cleare,,tp'hie
ing erected tl►ereon tr ,;frame house,
harni.tfraeneitable a id' drive shed: ,Thine
le also add ore iarad,bn the remises.:
1g Drive in
Blankets, Quilts,`Shirings,
able• Linnens,.' 'Towels, ; ' c%
good•roller towelling for 5c
i' yard.
ury gooAs aye well
ought and well assort b ositiv'ely
flanxiel, for 20c under.
'all wool iciiittod •
:/111* the'igantifit:101ttess.
14000ini0 .0a6 14 :la g .91:61-1:441
rives in
Ions; ll,eauy made Over-
coati, -Persian: Lamb `Caps,:
Astrac.ai) Caps, Imitation ur
Caps, Etc. The best. valu•
e in
Luekno” .
+•1 altti
,. e11 t�' Union De
_;'• a' of . gas
.t 'la b ey' '•were
a 1° sued Station.
1' RhLg i--iO pet.. cent: of the -purchase
money to be paid down' an the day' of sale..
• Fgr balance terfnt will be made known at the
sale..,„. For fitrther prticulara apply to,
JO ES B1108 : aC MACitENZIE ,
5oloitore, Toronto Street, Toro'nte.
ox ro.
•/ Lucknow,•Ogt ,
3 ins
Big Driveb in
01:9 00,11,
gall' sill
\ ea
i+enes al
venue id
Eera fear, i
v Yor
e Lead 'y
as els
t1�• Ws a f thse
`..hna tut'
to war
f w bli
Cloths, Tweeds. Ete., and
sliecial prices for eitstotuifiade
., The people of Luc now an
money fl ra Biting • their par
chtiqes for the corning winter
.9nly. a little (Wei one year has.
Ana thee" is' hardly %a toWn • or village
where ageadY for 'the fittfe of this
I in less, would be scientific phrasee, but 'is
ort • telligent public On its merits.
e. and yhu will find it to- he n verjectly
‘,000141000y4114/ekbitt'yle'tIbluie7n,"tont:d° 4°41, 4. laegslte.14,..'c'anis,blfAted:,
youtra'4e,yens:zilts.'...' Near kn.ghte,
S.A1616.4ti., ONT.
0 R E'S EXPE on—AN
For Coughs..
allantorOsEzpe4orant for Bronchi:Os I
allizapro's Expectormit :Xavier Fails, I'
:611003680r to It; L., 3011t1kOnt I, Ge 1.1BDOCI.4 chatala. Vi ISOIgt Paramount