HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-25, Page 1•
M1 .
• .
' ttGlenotts `4.ent•Ind
i;i Pnbliahed every h►iday et the'ENTINllt:
flock,'North Flag Corner of Outratin
• • < ''and Campbell Stteste, •
• .
1_VCKNO1ilr' ' - ONTARIO.
25th 1887.
Luc KNO W ' • ' 'I,
,. ,LODGE, "j 111E'
0 F
.rite 112. 4,
.Meets every I May evening at eight l'I;lockiti
their Hall.Campltell Street. All
oBEum > EJ s, .1-0T:T ToTT:
Noble Grand ' Secrets:I"
•KKhseriptIoii Prue, 11 per' Year
'in �A4 vastce.
' • ' '' rIt'UI{NO�Y Y.t)UGE • 0)+ THF. •A1�CI,
L` eut nrdernf United Wark.ixten, mi la
All kis`ab of the Oddfetl,.w r flail. tin the srecnttd an,
Mondry evenings of each month, at 8�� cluck.
`j�'' ►� 'jam �`l VsitingBretliwrn are cordially invited.
BTU` Wlrr. �;rit>JNn
Master Workman. . Recorder;
4istthe ir= •R D pas
On His Rounds.
'Gossip 'fie -Hashed For ••$sentinel.'•
Not having anything to do in par,
tiieplar_and nueb .less in general, I
hast concluded'to give your. readera
WHOLE V() :723
ferently, and properly ' selected a place.
to suit itself and not Mr. 'so and so,
and now Mr. so; andso is.mad,• and
sayshe won't contribute a cent` to-
wards' • the building. The, ..truth of
the matter is -they never intended'to,
and are using this as a blind to get
out of helping the cause., •
—1 -see 'Mr. D.• E. f`amezot ie-baclr.
froth: Iltcldimand',where the great
tne:bitnefit-Q.f xt,Y.., rambles abet the
poltttcel=battle'; vita!{ :. I=was=t�ery^.nea .y.:.
.-A- 0- - ' v:'1 a e and as I am; not accustomed •n won --oh; lost: I. dro edl
r. i 1 g , saying � PP
TELPH. •.•
Fr'Cs •T}1E
`• LVJ . Thurtidayon
'or; before f nil moots of each month at eight p.in •
JNO. 11i:ioP./11tItSON, . SVM. MF'LIJS
W 1VL . • Secretary
• to Suit.
R, Lucknow:
hates, on '1;'erms'°►f !Payment
owiirs. , •
ET.'�:.I01'. '1'1tAVE
�oney t 0 .'Lown !.
to iLper cent:,interest, payable yearly;•.
Iawes. very Moderate: Apply, to
• : •BOBEILT MURRAY, at. I ten's.
�� :an
t'r 0 • PERS-CENT I•ROAI 2 TO 20
.years. Baits Of. Farms. for Sale in Oh-
tarlo. as: well as•1GI'anitobs. Parties desirous tp
sell Farms will'consult their interests byto-:
epecting'.the advertising facilities of :subscriber
t u Great Britain;and'IrelandaudContinent of
Lands for Sate.' -
Land Valuator, Lucknow, Ont.
��A�M�EYR O -H
• FOIJN'1)1��.
(33ANIi .If S)
Oampbel -Street, Lucknow•
At Reduced Rates to Spit :the 'Pilnes. Loans;'
on Mortgages as Low as 6 -per cent.
11'0t05 maid, MortgageB Souitht I.
erDraf ts•and'Chegues on all Points°Cashed.,
'Special and. Prompt Attention Paid 'to, the
Collection of Notes, Account's; Rents, etc:
Cf•Drifts Payable.; at Par 'Issued on the
'`t rincip cl'Cities and •Townti of Canada and on
the United. States and Great Britain.' ;Parties;
Remitting willfind this the- Cheapest,. Safest
and most Convenient: Method.
to "'riling for the press " I may put in -'into the bank the, other day, and after,
sorhethin,ge .that are not' altogether Iistening•to. D. E. giving his expert,
orthodox, and may cause score of.the
thin-skined to .squeel a. little.' If. I
should' do so I hope they will attrib--
ute it, to my, ignorance,, and ,,,not, "sit.
too hard ", on—a-befiinner
If there is a place that I really feel
at home in it 'beside a good fire, and
some one , else paying for the wood:
-F -ate pie; `bar' tn' "i he "members"! of '
the •" chosen circle," like myself,. can
fully appreciate the great generosity of
store -keepers and others who provide
comfortable . seats'. in ,their, business
places;for• us to " while awathe thud"
-bar1 tigIatmy4l e ar
r stltzsst3* ikh it cit `zachat
the circle, or stretched, at full ' length
on .some •empty box,' and 'listening 'to
the glowing eloquence' of a talented
member, that I really enjoy lif nd -bless' the day I ever " lathed made:",
entiiers oniy•'aiimittett. rooms npeii, every
week night. (Sundays ,excepted). .�
• ,' Initiation fee $1-00.,., .
President.. Secretary.
b•i.NTE REST".
Five per cent. allowed' on Deposits in the'
• Savings Bank, Departlne'nt., Funds Invested
fur Private Parties.: ;Weare prepared to offer.
Customers every facility atfforded.by. a
alt' rieredBankandonequallyfavorableterme
as Isis Branches. iib ire and Life esur,
e Beat Companies Itoireaented:
OWFLC From; fF eau:'
to 4 pan..
LUCKNoin.. '
DIi. A.
G.', ELLIOTT, ' , '
M D., C. M., .31. C. P. S O. F. T. M S.
L. R.06 P:,•aud;L;111;., Edinburgh.
OFFICE—That formerly Occupied by Dr
MacKid, over P tGrundy's store, where l wil
be, found night•and day.
J S TENNANT, M. D,,11i.C.P.S:
;Office.-llledical, .Nall, Lucfinow:
-w°omen A�'Specialandchiiattdentionrer.' paidto: ditie'aisos of
AS�ealls promptly attended to by, night • or
Barri4ers. Solicitors. Convey-'
T. C. Itt,BtincerE, 8:,.
aosere, \otarieis,...-Ltc..:
a•IYtw'tf R,U McPHSRsos R ,t.; LL B.
Ne . ti Union, Bjouk, 'g0 Toronto .street,
wont°. 'Money to loan on farm • andillage
property,, at lowest rates. •
l r'CP'EiILLIPS CAy1ExtO�Y;:'.C,Co;.
Air Barristers, Solicitors, Ni tarieei L'ublic,
lee.,' 17 'Toronto street, 'Create; Money to
le►>i►-Rates C(tealf. r r
]+'ars, tc 'Mo'Pttrtt iis. 1) O ,stint' rr.
• L. ItC.S.; and: L. M, Edinburgh
Coroner Comity of Bruce. • ,
T.ioentiate of Midwifery.;
Royal College Pbysicians• and Sturgeons,.
Ediribitrgls , .'
Office One door east of the lost Office
ence in the battle •Held, 1 carne to "tie
conclusion. that the Tories Own,'there
--to draw it •mild -are . a' .hard. 'lot,
'Y'es, and I believe D. E. himself,
thinks so too; but I didn'thear kiln'
And right here let me gay or the
benefit of, farmers and. others coming
into the village that they : drive their
rigs right on to the ,crossings and allow
"t`lietn 'to sts`Iid there"' 'w hile they do
''•Chat's what the street
crossings' are for. . Never' Mind: the
pedestrains, •they can walk in:, the
maid 'they're not .proud.
, I have lots morevaulhI t 1 1asugg
1 est
'r'her�e' Are, Everywhere •
Even in LuckneAv., Though Only,
Few in Number.
•"There are two kinds.' of: tram
those who are dressed poorly and those-.
who .are dressed well.: This wee cF ur � �
village has.'
as been "favored;" with n.'
-visit from a roan representing. -visit Toren-
to:.fi'rm,, who was soliciting orders•for •
printingally ' NOW' . ' assuming:•mthat 'he , ,•`
could redo the work cheaper; do '.
the'businegs hien imagine that a ties
paper man, is going 'to' boom. them,
•locally, if they patronize tramps ftom v
the cities: ' ;They long and short of the;,
matter is this, -those who go to' he."
cities for' their, printing; clothes, 'etc; •
ought to • he ' advettised and should
move :there: They.. are.. -no-good: as
'Ideal men,: and farmers end ' property
holders should: "refuse 'to* deal • witch
ahem." •
These are' the wo4•ds of the, Brussels '
t ',1ivad that $I rete til wtoi R-204g4t, but dhel' } ly.vrery,,:/ittingl
.. _Y t •wwt e..n.4:, _. fit1''T%� - . �•an'•'i�i" re " ihL . arc. if fg a
Inuc�n work ill .gine "tttm�,�, v f if� �lia�: > $
.to leave off by
signing myself
4 Q
It, is here that- •you .can learn some-•
thing.. Every bit df gossip affecting
the weal or woe of • the inhabitants is
.carefully'discussed, and it is here, too;:
that' you get •'a 'proper' conception
of the great questions, socially or'pol
itically, morally or religiously that are
troubling the breasts of our citizens.
if T. were going.to study. a •. new..
busin �ss, Z think ,I like' to be -a Luck
teacher, that is; you see,
have a joli,in this.. school.. ,. I:have no
very great reason to kick on my own
job,' but. T believe *lief eon down '•'me:•.
Taking wet -.1ays,.and cold days,:' :and'
.days' when ..:there's -iso fun going on.
'they, have the .best of it.
Their labors\begin ,or• ought •to;'
but they,'the .schollars I mean—are no
ways particular to a;`half hour - or': so=
at nine in the. morning and wind'upat
4' p. m: I f this sort of thing had to
be kept, up• for -the 365- days of'the.
years it might become monotonous.
But its don't. 'They 'have a few regular
holidays,: and : the+' few:they takei-.to-
gether with the, fewthe trustees 'gives
them, Makes about 300. The .balance'
they ;work
• Chief among 'the big topics in-
.troduced the past- couple of weeks, is
the "bonus question," and, it has been
treated to a :'good, deal of say, and • if
the public meetings do rip' More,'.they
have:Awakened our', people froth their
I, was at the meeti}ng, „myself, but.
like my. old'friend Mr.Ross, I. was
willing' to let the 'big guns 'do the..
firin," and, sir, sone of •them did . it
to perfectic.ti Our 'worthy Reeve in-
terested ane . most, ; and while I • sat
there in'deep silence, drinking in, as
DR. D. GEDDES,' V. S,,:
Graduate of the • Ontario Veterinary 'Col
lege, Toronto, and; •registered 'member of the'
Voterinay. Medical Atisociation, cast°ncw . be
`fotwd.:j,repared to treat all'diseates of the do-
mestic animals in the latest and moat scienti
`fic irianner:
.Calle either by mail of ;elegraiii promptly ,
attended to ,Charges.moderate.
,Oaice Corn� gan's Hall ' • "
Residrence.. Pascoe Hotel. Luckn•o•
��j'� �%�, O aR,ISON, • A`r'Tonxit at
•• ,i.1s y Law, Soli& it,ir, in chauortry,
fl onen'itbsioner, (lolly eyancer, etc:, Luclt ice
(hit. Office over the Post Office. -
801%0N COPA;i(1 A:N,bosiNt1Seti �i:it,
in It t .J.,1inlougli T'. b,, ; t>•utariis.
.1;:arristera �3,tilic tors, etc:,Goderich,Utit,
A11.110 W. NV g. eAtutYDl.'uca.
TRS VL'Itt . ATTOItlf ifwAT
�a1icitoti in Chancery, Convep•
.Of 4 neait "dust t1;Nie {
it :were the great, volume of, intel-
forget What hp said, but in lootting ovet
• the.'S'EtrriSzi; the next day like a
• • Se Dental •Snrg-
ery, has reinoved to Wingluttn, where he will
beg tb inforni his,.patrons that he will visit
Lucknow on the first and third Mondays and
Tuesdays of ench Month . Office in Cain's
• Rotel. Vegetable Vapour the 'only absolute;.
ly safe anassthetic Oren for the pain/ens
Mtitual Fire Insurance ornpanyi
the transaction of bit4iness the. first
Tuetulity in ettcb month: l'itities whiting to
'tailed upon by an agent or., bSto °lie of
the ,Directors; Bliiiipetts calls promptly at-
tended Lb
Office Dungannon. • See. & Treas. ,
with sect)nd, or third e,Tiss‘liertificiite,
1 stating experience and snlary Wattte4 to
, If we gave the leee he .said it would
east liS,$240 a: year, , That is indeed,
.• very, small .suoi for SQ Wealthy a
.did eVer °emir to :you, or hien' either,
how .rench that little sum '' with the
other little suma would iiinoent, to,.
' Mr. 'Tomei . and his daugh-
ter' B'aruh, of Ulaniinis, ° paid 'us a
friendly Visit ;last week
Misses Mary A. MCI:eau, of British,
street. and Christy' Ross, of 'L ingside, .
are visiting ,Mise' Bella Mcliarmid • would •caliapse: in a week..' They alone
Misses Fant ' and Nellie t;obi% of are the `buliworks 1,
Jiving out of our eitizens,'and yet they
send to. Hamilton, Toronto, `' and'other
cities,' not only: ^for .:printing„ but ;for
every article of dry- goods, 'clothing,
groceries, etc.,,:used_in-_their_.faintlies.
And, this is not° the worst feature'of •
the matter. They are never tired of. ,.
running the -place down -Eser-y,-thing
is going to the doge,and were it not
for the 'liberal •• patronage' bestowed' up.
on' our merchants and others by "`their
royal highnessess," the Whole- concern
village If the is in such
a 1r
-de o abl®�
;. 'tin Airs. 1h
: t ' ere
h n
W w
, g
. �e�o ,,,i *L;,,.,a ..e sold. "'so ' much
last wail.
W. G. :end Peter Murdoch, .. return-.'
ed from. Brussels on Frulity;
The good templets, in' this place pon-
template holding' their annual,concert
shortly.; Further, notice will be given.'''
teach mir publie 84101 dor the Corning
Rev. Mr. -Nugent, of 'Luckiieve,
'livered 'a. temperance., lecture. here,,On
.FridaY. evening Nov. 14th, •-whielf-was
listeped. tO with much . interest, 'mild
should again:be favored with an-,
'ether addresi from the -'asine` gentle. -
:Arian on this vety. ,iinportent.topie, We'
da not hesitate in assuring hiiri a good
.'.E: Itichards hag greatly improv-
ed the outWard appearanCe Of, his helm
by; veneering :it with. brick, All E
W.: Wants is a helpmate tolidorn the
inside and the :building 'will be Cain.
Means, .$200 ;• and interest On the.;
this add the taxesoiay $40 eyetit for
ten•years, end you 'have .4400'. More
with interest 0100.•niore, naiking
or a geand,total of tik; 3500. To be Ore
'this is a Small ailment,' het if I don't,
mistake the pulse of.,Ifle, people; the
1"loctot" will' haw big contract on his
t1 't 'it, contd. 'Mr. so .and • so: Want-
NewS was received on , 'Friday lest,
of,the sudded death of :fared ,Dryden, .
this 'place. , 111 r. Dryden took , inflam-•
ation of the hoWals, and after two.
days illness passed' away. • He leaVes
three little, children to mourn ,his. de-
parture, his wife 'having ' died about.
two yearsago. The family andfriends,
have 'our' sympathy. '
teas of, a faar, days. It appears ,whiW
'engaged bmlding a house . for !lames.
urdocir of the lake shore, the Udder
big to fall aeross the jo•Yicceift, libraetlayk,,
thing very • Setif:MS had, occurred, he
eentinucd, to work -for days when.
he was obliged to' la.yclown his haMmer
,stiffering died., . Death was -caused by
ternat 'injuries. In the 'cleatli,of
MCMillan, we lose not '010y 'a Peaceable
,Was fifty -Ave years of age:, Mitt tun,.
leave the fainilY residence Within the,
iast 14 months, •the remains were, tik
1). Atilie.w. sec. school BoArao„ ..1 , ere, n ;„ SO Ot the Wilily • have -; t
• home: Of all thee's goo'ci 'don't the .
croakers g'et Up, and 'leave t • There is
ilo law under the , heaVens,.that we
'knew .of, coMpelling• them tastey
atid-hit then! give • •place to men who
'are willing. to build' up Lucknow. and,"
not'acime, Other .place..
, It is withpleasure that we this‘Weelc
'notice one of the most happY events
ever taken 'p ace in our „wn. e
occasion was the. uniting in the holy,.
bonds of matrimonyt-JoliK A. Tracy
teller in the hank.of Hamilton, Wing-
4ham., only eon of .the late R. Tracy,
'Broenge, Esquising, Was Annie g.,
o'nly daughter. :of the, 'late ,TPania0
The bride was '..stipported by Miss •
Brooks ..of. Landori, and the groom hs.7',
now,. officiated aha inade the happy:
:conple.one for life:' The b,ride ia one,:
.ladies and'the ,cfrpOin is *held -the.'
highest estiniation-byall the; eitizetia
'Of Our. Wo kali 'their , friary
'friends :*in* wishino• thein long and,
prosperous life 'together, and may their2,
veyage ciciwn the stream Of life never '
be praised by care or trouble until.
:they anchor at last in. the haven' of
PraYer' Meeting 'of the.,
different denononatiens of the •
'under the auspices of the Bible Soc
will' be held in the gethodist
Crompton tniatlt.: 6°
[ save him tne trouble of hurititio •
rellitng publel them ,"