HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-18, Page 7'T'47,44rkt. • a • :tweeet-harti*Ifund-eleilut. to openup row market"; for British rancbante. The Itedien, Government is about to con- strud'batteriell, at tha-Prinn$114 lteePortk of Dhsileep Singh has sett a telegram to the Nizam of Ilysiershed, saying that he is mistaken in giving sixty lace of rupees to Eegland,,because 1404 wil,ba tekeu by Russia, Advices -fmn Kurritale6 ,itV that the Vier of the Earl of Dufferin, the Governor- General,: along the . northern frontier, is iespoiated with the formation Of 'a railway between Kurractee and Upper India. The eetablishment Of /11•1011 a railway, it iseeee Howie will enable producers to place wheat in London at one shilling per quarter less than at present. • e• R. W. Thistle 4 Co. have lionehi put a. 100 Mile limit on the Indian AlVar £roz Mr. J. R. Bpeth for 625;0e10,„ garneet Simpson-, who Wf1,13 so fearfully s injured at Kingston by ,failing from a hay ' loft upon a threshing machine inoperation =died ors. Saturday. ' Edward'. MeCraeken; Aged- Ix- son of -JosephMoCresiken, luniher merchant, 140anetagtOn, was thrown. from his bugey • on Friday and killed. It its seeded on good entheritYlbat gOrne "of thelObliry gold quartz espy's. as high . as 53*00'tethe ton In the poorest -Of it the vein of' gold is as „large as a madpencil. The dead bodies of Wm. Elliott and Wm. Tower were found in 4 boat adrift on Salmon heifer, N.. Be, on Thursday night. Tho men had been on board one of the ••river steamereon; Wednesday night and left • %together intim, beat, Nothing .naore was • leen of theirs Until their bodiee were !mind. The mune of death le unknown. ' It is 'learned that the postoffice at Thorn-, dale was entered by burglars on Saturday morning, between 1 and 2 o'clock, the snooks scouring between $90 and $100 worth :of 'stamps, In.oin cash, and probably' a number of letters. The authorities think they have a clue to the thieves, who effected, . an entrance by forcing a wihdovn, • • • heiast-dirolitheneca-r-dexe thevillage of-London-weet- taken down on 'Saturday ;night', and. the Health. Officer saystlicesehoolis caninvrhe-OPO-11 Edwin Shepherd, of Kingston, Sent his wife to -the country forth"), benefit of her health, end when she returned on Satur- eb- day she found he had skipped after dis- posing of the furniture. William Harris, a 14-yearold son of a . Metcalfe farmer, was, tried before Police • Magistrate Noble at Strathrey on a charge of orimirielly assaultin,g o young girl about • his own age, named Annie Holdeme. The Polico-Magistrateraf ter eelengthy-bearint„ „ sentenced the youth to tWo years in the • renetanguishene Reformatory. ' • Two burglars entered a London South , residence on Sunday night while the family • weieueetty_and_ninsacked_thelouse:--frNot- •disccivering any valuables they helped • themeelves to a eqbare meal.: and. left. They :Were 'seen by a neighbor, who : inquired their business, when one of the intruders presentecla poor and threatened . to shoot ' . The pOffair then made - off ..• unmolested, • ' . C;..." raffigilaraimatteaTeiAtilstii,%35 < • , ••, 4. • 49114P.#13011119ff610PateaUCtr801 Stuiatry morning, 'leaving her three young . children alone in the house while. she Was absent. The youngest child, e boy of 3 years Of age, amused himself by, lighting chips at the stove,' when his clothing ,caughtfiree-ancle,beforee,hiej-mOther--ree' -thrifedewee se badly burned that he died in a few hours, after suffering the most feer- ful egony. . • From this out • every _officer in the Atm- ': , rtrian array., who has BoOed thirty years 1 Mninterruptedly and gone through one cam- paign 'shall be avvarcled a title of nobility without the payment. of the usual heavy . fees. . . The Prussian budget will phew a 'deficit of 40,000 marks, ' It is hoped to cover the ;deficit by. increased returns from the State railways and the share of Pressen, in the !Wendy tax -from Oetebee, 2887. to April, The programme of the ceremonies at- tending the celebration Of the Pope'is jul3i- lee: was made public:yesterday: On Decem- ber 310.the Pope will receive the members Of the International Committee, • who will present him with a gift of 1,000,000, ; on January .:10 the Pepe will plebrate mass in $t. Pater's ; January 2nd he will hold a publie reception at the 'Church of San•Lesrenzo ; on the 4th and 5th he will receive foreign deputations; on the Oth he will open the exhibition of the, gifte pre - seined to His Hennes's, and on the 15th -the 'Pope will canonize ten saints. The trial of ,Gen. Cefferel, Madame Limousin, Madamo- hatazzle-ande-Gerre --1XAndlen-for-,--selling-,Legien-of --Honor decorations, was commencer' at Parisi, yes- iday.-,AILtheeedefehditntsre-werspresenle except Gen. D'A.ndlan. Gen. Caffaxel was examined and admitted , entering -into heel - nese relation's with Mme.Limoesin,iti order to obtain resources to relieve his enibare rassenent •He -interested himself in .the applications for the Legion of Honor decora-' floes solely to oblige Mime. Limousin. He never received any money .for 'them. 'He denied that he divulged the plan for the .mobilization of the Seventeenth Army Corps. ; • n • THE CROWN. ,PRINCE •sywitsk. Dr. Mackenzie Says There. ie Another • Growth in the Throat. , TKO .Itliratflggr ART 11111611M11:41a.s. /1- Word A,Ikileet Itisishasii, 'Tisch &. -Sone, whose Ifiseterlsreldlogedees Go Afl Over the7Wesehle" • If a don Ordinary,. me tt were Iteked".tO name the greatest panne* now living, the nhasMAInte that MAW ..*01(1 give a dozen •Oiffexent -answers, Anybody, though par, tioilk.dy'enyartist, will tell you that the 'hoiWe of Raphael Tuck & 'Sons are the 'greatest art publishers in the world. ,There oan be no doubt of that: -1Cheir- publics - tient' are before you, no matter Where you find an art dealer's establishment. Their largest bowie is in London, but they have others almost equally extendive in Berlin, Paris, Leipzig and New York. , Their head- quarters in this city, by the • weir) is in charge of Mr: Samuel Gabriel, at No. 298 Troedway, where the firm's latest produc- tions can be viewed. The collection there displayed of reproductions of • the Most noted works of all the modern masters is worth going far to see. SO extensive, have Messrs: Raphael Tuck & Sons' operations in America become that Mr. Adolph Tuck will visit the New York • agency about the middle df next month and Make arrange - menta for still„ further extensions. The factories of Messrs.. Raphael Tuck 4 Sens at Leipzig employ an eemy of more than -three hundred experienced designers, litho- graphers and traneferers. Besides this Ther bitvetheir-titficTiaper anjifirdbeercl, millY,7teliere are prepared t5e materials for their art Awleetb r tte,rnan. effipley'r Were than onothousandpeople in their printing, cutting, embellishing, finish: ing, packing and shipping departments: They send their publications All over the . world. These consist of large Ind hand. some oleographs for framing purposes, artistic studies for painting and drawing, "'nattier and shell plaques, wall'pcickets, etc, for wall, mantel and cabinet decora- tion ; Christmas and Neve Year cards; and a thousand and one:artistic notions de- signed t beeatifY_theehornes of _those: who have learned to appreciate the beautiful. Messrs: " Raphael Tuck et Sons may, truly claim to have clerie more to 'render art popular than any other Publishers in A Berlin oablesays i PEIlieicht dinteig. er the world: They have 're,produced ' and publiehes a statement from: Dr: aokenzie MSold at ..ropeler_pricelilaTilliftiWih the World-famopi that the Crown Prince's. throat le- worse, . Berlin. •:gallery„ and the Works of. some of the eminent foreign and but that he 18 in no 'immediate - danger. . American artiets..;:fin, Christmas and. New 'Dr. Mackenzie telegraphs leornielan. Remo Year, ,cards . alone Messrs. Tuck 4 Son is follows. :-":Regarding • the 'Condition of' annually print More the German Crown Prince, there has been . than 2,000 desiges. Aloonfg<,p4threekeill4teastnizdoiv4oltifeoupis 18 an exqeurtieite a recurrence of the growth lower down in •,. ,ILL4inimstai-;:tDc:4•affi 074',R2 Feafteli*essiden4-sififeeer 4.4e.segnOdie- • thetteneat. egeent &ening arn ''.acOfiveialele 4 aseeekeeett wet Isee-illedorkeposeehrn,y4 itheatueteetesilentertlealfhateleeweee , Seineei ,.,,,....4- , Afar Of trakege intransmission is excellent, that tikes a greet deal of . ."aal 8; through the Mail. .All the design"; are exercise in the -open Air arel ,eleena Old eats. well known artists; ,. and the best that has well, . butthat the Ideal cOmpleent • *Ohio the last few days had essuined an-unfavo.r, been thus fat brought out is the portrait �f able charadter. , The. 'Emperor has ie.. Bine President Cleveland, generally italinew- . , ledged tes. be • the,beet picture. of her extant, struoted-Penice William:: to obtain both a .:,=Ar.,_Kuriyad. • : , . ....-:-; written- apd-l-verbal-re • t i th . h Biciatis as to the stated the Crown Prinee'a • • -.L. • . ., ,..4. hessith. ' : i *. • .. • • • . ; : ;. ' . ' . . Ttinnw VITRIOL AT HER. • .. - At 7 o'clock,. this morning Princeil . W, • , --e•- '' -7-'''.' , . • • 4 A. Yining Lady Teiseher of, Norwich •the Min, 'son'. of ' the .•Crown "Pelage; vieited. =. Object. , .., Prof. Beegmenn .to. arrange for a tooter_ ,_._ 7,th" a ''.',Ienda!!4 40' — . . , . . edge •of • physicians„ whieh . was hem. this A Norwich, Ont.,' deenittoh sayei. Upon. farewell; the: Primer being present. At remitting the usually quiet yillage, of Noe - Midday this Make 'started for 'San Remo wiell your correspondent was surprised to via Frankfort. *At Festilkfcirt.hiewee jellied', .tinelthe place, thoroughly aroused •over a by Dr: 13°1)1410k the specialist, .who •-• is to we'd minis:II, theowing whichhad,, taken &Ode whether an operation • is beceseitry, .place the previous evening, . , The subjeet •OL or We, . It was reported that the growth is the attack ‘. was allies. Mckftiechie,: ene:pf atunior,' and, that the' Prince's voice/ iss :the •lady teachers ii;(• the public sehoolra again hoarse. ' 4 later. ,despatch from San; position whioh she has fille/I. to , •the great Remo says:: "Dr. , Mackenzie . found a ' Satisfaction of the. ratepayers of . this. town totally new •growth lialf an inch below: the' .for the past•four. years'. On Friday :even-. ligaments of ,UIO, gleittie. There is no ini- : mg, as was , her onstoni,,, the yeung lady mediate clanger:. The Opferthinks that went -down to the Post -office for ' her Mail the growth is toe loW to be .operated upon ' and Was returning • along Stover street through •the mouth, •and that an incision about 7.15. : just as elle , &Coed' Court Will have to be -made into the, throat," The street a men,..Whonrehe.hadnot OreviOesly etetve of the Crown Prince's condition has noticed, and who, 'ober thinks, hacl', con - caused ''a great :sentsation . in herliff :and Piled himself. ..in: the ' sliede .of the. 'fence, yfenOtt., „ , `.. . • feed& her and threw directly at her head a quantity of • Vitriol; . probably. e pint. 41. portheele,legr• 'F.taeilt. . .11434 Naughty . ,oughty Chiid and a Leer IsoY. . • ige.. :vir.ai!., ..1 judged by r the Marks upon the sidewalk and. the grass,which iti badly burned fee a full yard in length. , Fortunately for the • .._. , . -A London cablegram . says: The ; Pail -licill:g.greY,teseti3.74! .*feett:.!negeft7,,:tePt tras.! 'Male Geeette PublishesleigthYextrects from to match. The e le The collar sif,, the Pat' was a • neve. book entitled "Darwin's Life,' which ,, wit seen :be issued.vrem. these ! tinned; hp, , thus. affording , veeyponiplete protection. As ,the.,:eepundeel throve the ,rtraota it iiiP6ars Wilt • Parwin as a 91..hild'I vitriol frora-the-vesselobe-dodgetheihead; aa-liaa6ht-Y'' and.'" ' a ' 1)4- ho was "43" ;' thuaescaping the full effect of the attack in He left Shrewsbury School after seven years- the hie°, t e contents very little wiser than when be 'tvent there, , largely passing over " her right 'shoulder, the balance failing upon lie.franklyaitsived that . he- did net wink the because lie knew that hie father would leave: shoulder 'end. cellar of her Pet ' and live on. Ile was . to. Olstedd in : slightly her right cheek and oar. ' For him enough charge-of, Dr. ,. Mother, ' but hie Wrier •of the moment she thought that it Was a Mere the sight of bleed, and • his repugnance. to her, el'ascitinnren.Lifnride4tdo 'etehe'•°:th*einegeeoweadtreekillwPilPya dissection prevented his, becoming a debtor. -1. AftertWo years had elapsed his father On. he had done thetthe felt thebinningemistse Cl/designed hint for theChureh. He wits .itniro.thliebbrouvresefifitle.d'ErbeAl enrs/re,t.er'alld she "rrit4 eluded that he would not %make. a dPetor. .an acidwas washed fetim the face and lerclime 'dent to Cambridge, where he ka a . died.: Mediately applied; Search was iinniedietely pitted' lifer gepiblieg /and neglecting, his med ,etndies. Theidee of his. entering the ,77ehi-r, rota have beenfor the assailant, . ;nide; .seepieien riut thud far no .ar_ points ':. db,. istry was 'eltimately. abandoned., ', Darwin."v__ ery strongly in dertain,' directions. AHEM, was passionately fond Of n21.18110, • He •free. megurobie; who WOW of:the:Moist highly- quented the concerts in the c°11(iga'.'611aPal '' esteemed young ladle') of this town ..anO a and paid the choir bays . tosing in:. 4 -in. Member • of. the . Presbyterian 'Church, is rooms. Yet his ' ear • was strangely .defetp.ii, five; , 'Ile ,was. incapable Of ,'perceiving. wwily at a loss to account for the . assault. a She has no enemy that she. knows -el and dinotiance. and ' could not,. hint . a tune . cannot imagine any "ground therefor. At ccierectly. In 1839,'Derveie beCarne a, add; Aral it was pimps:360d ' that 'the. vitriol had and thereaftee remained one. ; Never in . been' designed for 'Mother, :but maturer .my, Most extreme fluctuations," 'be vetotei, . . judgment Hein favor of the idea. that : her ' Was fean atheist. .1 never denied the esistellent knew Well' wheal he. %PLO attack-. ,existence of Gad:" ' "Thel,:ineer of Bekliare-hatiimfOrmed the Czar that the Bokharens object to a• pee- , • mahent Russian occupation Of 'Rerld and has askedthe Czar to postpone the • trans- fer of troops from 7Charjui to . Maki until -the Bakharans shall have been gained over. : The steamer Umbrice. On Which Mr. '14 Gould is a: passenger, •arrived at Queens- town yesterday. A hiirrioane was experi- enced • on Wedoeeday .and the steamer shipped a eumberofteemendente seas. Five "steerage passengers 'were ipjeredd.uring the storm. :thed`had a leg broken and • another was cut on the inni and head. ; . ' Baron Wolverton 'died suddenly at his hotel at Brighton yesterday. He attended „ the' races at 'Lewes:, on Friday and at Plynipto,n on Saturday: Yesterday morn- •ing he bathed and 'laved and appeared to be all right.' • Some time afterwards he was missed and his room was Mitered, when his ; dead body was fatted: He was years of , . : The Leedom Observer, in a leading article . yesterday; said that Canada meet hens' a •, Commercial Union .with the Milted BMWs and ish.ould net he -Mterfered with: in her •:. attempts to bring : it about, -but ;:thet any • attempt en' her part 'td: prohibit English ' 'importieas a ineasure of protection to Cana- , .ei• le Manufactures will tend to it complete saration of the Dthninion from ' the other country. , The prePerittionsataly istnakingat Mae- ,sovvah indleate the speedy beginning of a serious eampaign, the Object of '. Which is ,. supposed to ' be, to occupy ' and . fortify 'Gwen, 'ands:men trade with the Soudan. : . The 'arrival of it supposed .English niedite, tion committee at Massoteah is:interpreted ' in ,sesne quarters as deneting the.collusion •• of Eliglend,•in the• -Italian project, because the preparation's of ,Italy have goad'tocefer to permit niedietfon. ' 4 • The Crown Priricen has Sent atnees:age _ : to , Dr. Maekenzie, .reqeesting him ' to re-ex:Minna •the Crown Prinee's throat., It is expected' that the doctor will: reach San ' Berne on Tuesday. . Dr , Mackenzie has E'end through Paris en rou0 to8an„ :Remo. ' s Visit to the German Crown Prince is . not for the rime's() Of performing an opera,' tien,:but for the purpose pf considering the, advisability of allowing thePrince to return • to Geripany. , Some reports Bey that the ,'• Crown Penice, is .again suffering : trout ,boarei3tiess. ' . • It le ofileially. ennOuncecl that cholera , , has absolutely Pased to prevail in Italy. • The Prince of Bulgaria has found Bette piere tnen plotting against his life, and tea :oafight one of them, who was Methane a schenie to blase up the entire Bulgarian Government. ' ' ' , • , It is reninted, that 'has ' •Aloula has -attackedoed-defeated-all-the allied tribes 'Beath of Dotigola, and that he advanced thence to Aesetorts. Two Itussian_oftleers took part in the .battle on the:side, tif•thse Abyssinians, . e ---Mr. Archibald Colqulioun, the aiA. . tinguished teat/eller, read a paper last night ' before the tendon Chatulvt of 'Coinmoroo advocating the construction of,railways bo- , a ' • "DAR_WII4'S LIFE ' . ' ipg. :Strong feeling is .expressed that the Why He Couldn?tsWm.,,:Coiled! has not been called ill the emergencyl --ti-Wlirx'. ICr- w13 Little Giri (to vi4itor, Whose huldnas,s‘t,B, 'end Conviction of the offender. ., . .1,.,...0,.,,,,,„ and, st reward offered for the apprehensiop in Willifilfreohditirni- e you don't knew how to swim, do you? ' ' . s ,. Mr. Brown -No,, I can't swim at all. . Worldly' wi . ., . aoin,• Little • Girl, -4 • thought you ' couldn't ' Don't be a clam, ;my son; but if :an old /swim, beeatiee I heard, Pa.'. say the other.: friend come to 'you and asks fot the loan of day that you had a great dell of trouble in 65 until,. Saturday night, just close yotie keeping your bead above water. •; • , 1 shell for . repairs: It may .loOk nide, but —41-,•--: - .. , : Under some 'circumstances it is 'better to Now York city has about threethousaild-leave-e-than to be,, Jeft.-Burlingion 'Free ,pe Omen. _. 1 , Press. Wm: Cash, a Ilitrori constable,Vas fined $26 at the Geeldrich Assizes for allowing a pries:Suer to °papa.. mrilisms. is running for office inOthhhar the ektremest exaggeration of the Modern The Prohibitionists Will vote against ,him bustle; both'ought to be sat dp.Wil upon.-:' , because he comes within one Of being Mr.' •°a1Pesi°a Net"' ` • : . , . ' J. Jams. • . ' ' . . . A enmity named Turner in the _eeeteini'd4: Phcebe 'licks, of, Petersburg, Va.,: has , 0 ch of Woodstock early last week lost a 'married a widciwer withthirty-osiechilelree. , 8 from diphtheria. The following -morning She is his eighth wife. ,,, v ••• • , I i two..othem yielded to the dreaded -disease; f -'--Mese Anne Sachs, of StelOpie, who ;- G and another has since died, ' ; "'.- " threw a pancake at Mee. Cleveland during ' • Anieippsing dernopstretion in honor of the Presidential sleet was released yester. in Mr. Mercier, Premier elf Quebec, was held day on tbe:paymeet of a fine of 615. She -in Montreal last night ,under the auspices protested that her act was Peintentional. la Of the Club Letellier, beivitei 6,000 and The original fine was 650: There is so ,h 4,000 people beingprest, • , . • -'•• ' much off for cash, doubtless. , •• to R • . The ustle is Already Sat Upon. • As the protective teriff is responsihle or seNGinein ELATRIBIONIALitGAIANCE. Y'to"nngisSeifsrtoer":ei-7-d'WWihf"'01*Ist."INfuitnCBsel Shaken, The New yea correePandent• of: the Brooklyn A0gte . tells 'a pretty etoey,_ as follows: etre* tils,t nether a 'notable wedding. took Plane here the other day, with e, romantic story attached. Young James- Robertson Blackie, of the. great Glasgow • pu.blishing house, pole over the ocean to take back with him in the 011ie° Of. 4 11(344060 Mita Ellen Arthur Botts, of Se,veeinale Go., who is a niece of the late President Arthur. He is talk blonde Young, fellow, who is an excellent 13usiness man, as the present prooperity of his house shows, and with a heart in the right place, as the following littlo story proves": His wife was a relative of his stepmother, and came as a school- girl to Glasgow to be educated; living in hie father's home. He fell in love With her promptly, and they were provisionally engaged .owing to her youth. UP04 her return to this country she wasfor some- time the devoted nurse of her dying grandfather, and after °his death was at- tacked wi fever as a result' of her fatigue. While still convalescent -the great earth- quake that shook Charleson to pieces came to Savannah, and the shock and terror act- enfeeblet_nerveientirely. sleiStroxeclimr_sight.-1-The-epecia1ist1 here, when consulted, declared the , Pee was hepelesseand„-e.sheinusteeresigixe-hersel to - lifelong blindness. Upon this painful verdict she wrote toterfiancee, releasing him from the engagement, and resigned herself to darkness and loneliness for the rest of her life. The Manly young Scotch - man, however, refused to submit. Ile took the next steamer for .this penny, and on arriving declared that he loved and would marry her whether she everregained her sight or not. Stimulated by this unex- pected happiness she at once began to mend,eandeewith-4hee-restaration-of-Lher, general health her eyes began to improve,: and now shelas as bright a pair of brown ones as are to be Pen anywhere, and no one can see further into a millstone than shseLLThey_LweraLnearried_on„....Wednesday and wilfreturn to Scotland sorde time in 4Vember: ' • • A New Sport. • SILtVINO Aeismst • On Tuesday, night, at No: 418 Ring's road, Chelsea,says the Lonclon Telegraph, arilui4nordinary 'shaving mat& ivegainet tn-eisvaitsVci, 14,9A061111 Witiet,41113-41hieni., Pite111301inerVitig bertfired tosehave"150 -sperg sons in ;60 Minutes, for 215 a Side., 'lethally shaved 77 persona in 59 minutes 53 seconds, ' and • thus won the stakes. In ,the first quarter of An, hour he disposed of 21 men; in the second; 14; in. tbe third, 19; and in the last 14 'minutes .53 -.seconds : hie put on 101-601-iff Taild-finlifier,Off '• , • , A Hint for Teachers • kiss Gleeson, teacher in an East Mid - deem school, has a reading-desk•in a corner of the school room, and on it keeps .4f Trea- sure atove" and ".Our Little Ones' on file. These are specially useful in stormy Weather. During the time of any special event; such as a win, he puts the Graphic or odd numbers of other illustrated papers einthe reading -desk. The : children at noon hours read in turns; sometimes one will feed to a group of listeners. -2 ' • Was_Ainerlea Ever Disesivered At the time ,when' 'Columbus' stinted in • search of the New World nearly every man, woman and child in Europe insisted that therove;s-no-Now- World to- discover: When he came back, crowned with succeed, large proportion Of these good People ad- hered to their theory:, and if they were alive to -day many of them would doubtless insist that•Ameriee had neve; been , covered at all. A man Will give tie any. thing in the world 'mire readily than a pet theory.For example, look at the hidi- viduals.who still maintain that consump- tion is incurable i Dr: , Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands upon thousands of cases, and will Cure thousande-more, but these people can't give up_ their. point. .Nevertheless_the• " Dis covery " will cure ,tiny case of consumption, if taken in time. ' -4[r. Edison is unquestionably the !smartest inventor of the age, but if he reallY wants to Serve hisfellowmae let him invent a machine that Will.takeall the little bones out of Rah. • • • For Constipation, "liver complaint," or Aiii.awswas,„_eietc_headache,ond all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the tive' or active cathartic, Impeding to size of dose. ,.. • : Pleasant Purgative Pelletsa gentle 'axe- liv.er and stom• take ...Dr. Pieree'S Six Months After Marrlage.,: • She-". Why. do' you look Oo Unhappy, :George Don't „ yoU know we : are one, now?" .• . ' • He-" Yes, Fie heard that befOre, but hill the la hittfricl lesesi.clt oloaeY'Pegesimt oin il ewef ehkl rd , • 'AitnaireteCern•Eetreeter ' Is the best 'remedy for corns extant, It acts quickly, makes no sore epoteandeffects a radical pre. A hundred imitations prove its value. Take neither substitutes offered as geed nor the dose amitatione of the genuine tea often offered: A Mean Man. liusbarid-Getting ready for the opera? Wife -Yes, dear. :know 'Why a vibmani getting reaclYfer the opera rentinde me of an un - plucked fowl ? • 7 - W. -Not knowing, can't say. H. -Because she hag to be nedreesea be clressed.eheoston Courier. '•:thronic nasal catarrh positively cured by,Dr. Sagels.Re,inedy. • • • *Atiten von Wernereesepainting: picture f kaiser at the age of 00, :sitting urrounded by his family. It is to be a ubllee preseet tO Queen -Victoria from the erniene rest England. , • There are nearly 6,000 Hungarian voters the city of New York. Only two of the thirty best "shots at the at Dominion Rifle Association 'metals's; ave declined to go to, Wimbledong selected' neXt year ' No9g7 efo xtsok 0 - �. ,E nae!.444.4A4v.,, LAU** PIMP .76UND,e• In C47willanY With JEr6r Iiresbelid BAP' * • . Accosts Her Fathers Advirat *gal Auffs10 ennveY the infer, mation that Laura Pugh, the 16-year-oid. daughter oe.,S.Ir. "West. W„„..„Reigh, formerly of Haniiifo-n; who disappeared from her; tether's house in Buffalo six we -eke ago, was found Wednesday afternoon by her father. She was, walking en the; street in Buffalo with her husband, Fred. 'W. Adams, to, whom else was married in Toronto inunediately after her disappear.. ance. • They have beers, Chicago during the interval and only Astamed to Buffalo on Wednesday. The law of New 'York makes it a felony to many a girl under 16 years of ago without the consent of her parents.The penalty iefive years' imprison- meet or $1,000 fine, or both. Mrs. Adams, has her marriage certificate, and it a.not " known whether, there will be any proseenr . tion or not. Mrs. Pee% her mother, ilS very ill. ' , • a • • Do you feel, dull; languid.. lowopiritece . lees, and indescribably mieerahlerboth phygie calls' and mentally; experleuee a Beeee of fullness or bloating after eating,. or of "gene - netts" or einpthiess of aka:nada ,in-thes.raorn- ing, :tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in . mouth, 'irregular appetite; clinlime% :frequent headaches, blurred eyeaight.'-'floating owes". before the Oyes. nervous prostration or ex- haustion, irritability of temper.' hot flushes,. . alternating , With _chilly sensation% • -sharp. biting. transient •patus hero arid there, cold feetrdrowiiiresirafteals wakefulness, ..or • disturbed and. unrefreehing !deep, constant. • indescribable, feelinget dread, or 'of. Impend-..• Ing .e.alamityf, • • • • • • • . lf, you have all, or any considerable EUMbet of these symptoms; you, are suffering from • that most •common of American maladies-: Billousl)yEffietleit‘-or7Tssroid-Liverf;associiiteclre,. • with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The, .raore. . 'complicated , your disease :has become the • ,greater. the number end.diversity Of . tome. • No matter What stage it has •reached, Dr.•Plereeet Golden, Medidal Discovery will subdue •ft, if taken according. to three. tions for a r.ellsonable, length of time. If not cured, coMplieationasinuitiPly and Constunp.: tion of the Lungs, Skin ,Drseases Heart Dn.:mate. • Rheumatism, ••XL4neyallsonse.swcather ansfladlescarecqultnatchlectonetinaterd,: ortatr' ALS-Ater.htilueet.iaffatal•derittiVticird--- qditr.sliAlanclentw4Glits. •Ohotilizal Slew eovery acts pfsverfulltitiorilthe.Liver. and • • • through that. great •• blood -.purifying nrgan;,, cleanses the system of 'all •bleodtaints and, purities,.frOin Whatever •eamse arising. •ItAit equelly ;e0leacieue In acting .upon. the •Kid- neys. and 'other' excretory organs, cleans:sip& strengthening, and healing their disease. Aa .an_sip.petiting,...res.toi•ative-timic,It promotes' -digestion and nutrition: thereby building Co-,. both flesh, and strength: In melanal, districts,: • . this WontlerfuU medicine:: has' gained - greet • - celebrity ineuring.rever and,Ague, chills and . Fever, Di timb'Airne, and Winked diseases., . Dr.-•Pieree's polideiu .uxedient. rile;• ' torery• • . • • • • -• • • . • . • • . • • • - • ..•Cunts.. LL HUNNIORIS from a common Blotch, Or EruntioriLto. the worst Scrofulie,.Stilt-rheutri._"Fever-sereS” Scaly Or itough‘_Skin, in sho0,all diseases causedby bad' blood •aro conquered by this. • poWerful,.. purifying. and Invigorating inedt, eine. Great Eating 171rS 'rapidly heal under' . ,itsbenign influence. Especially has it mani- fested its potency in Curing Tetter. Eczema. ' Erysipelas,' Boils, Carbuncles Sore Eyes' Scref- ; nlous Sores and Swellings, IIip.joint Disease. • ." White SwelliegSr, Goitre, or Thick Neck. and • Eplarged Glands. 'Send. ten. Cents in• stamps , for a large Treatise,. With co/ored *Platee: On Skin Diseases, or the same ainount' for a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. , , 'FOR THE BL.0013.13 THE LIFE." Thoroughlir. cleanse it bytising Dr. Ploree21 Golden .111ediesd DiscoverYi and geed' , digestion, a fair 'skin, buoyant spirfts:, vital strength and bodily health will be estateished. „ •• • • . CONSUIVIPTION rF which is Sereiniss'efthe Lungs, is arrested • , and cured by this 'remedy, If token in the earlier itaget-nf the •disease. From its mar..., • velous power aver this terribly fatal disease,i ' when first offering this now World -Yarned rem- " edy to the public; Dr..Pieree thought seriously of 'calling it his ''Consomptrosi Cults," but abandoned that name as 'too restrictive for., a medicine which, from its •wonderful com- bination of, tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-eleausing, anti -bilious, pectoral, Lind nutritive-propertiesils unequaled, not-onkv--- as a, remedy for Consumption, but for fill Chronic. Diegasee of the Liver Blood. and Lungs. For Weak Lunge; Spitting of Blood: Short? nese of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh.Bron- chitis Asthma, Severe Coughs, and idndred Affections, it is an efficient remedy. _ ' Sold Lw Druggists, at $EP% or Six ;Bettis/1' for 5.00. • ' Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pleree'S hook on Consumption. Address, . • , World's Dispensary • Medic!! Association Goi Mails pt., surrAzO, N. Ire G 0 N L. 46 67. Merchants, Bu,tChers AND TRADERS bENERALLY, We want a (lobo NG: in your lecality • to Pick 'CALFSKINS . . For 110. Cash furnished diusatisfactory guarant( , - Address 0.8. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont,"TT-.. rho** a pokitive relue'dy for the above disease ; ltv Us nett tbonestids.of floes or the worst klnd au or lonestandlpf have been cured. Indeed, so ;strong ey fsItb In Its , SIflcsey, that I wit! Send TWO DOTTLFS *.e tositheT' with s VALTISOLS TREATISE on Ole tiblOrLO!. 14), sufferer.. Give expreer and P. 0 tiddreis.' • . • • A. SLOCUM, • • BratiohOffice 37 "Zonig otimito a St, T When I sty cure I do sot mesa merely t0 stop them for *line "4 the''Ilave tham return Ssalnt theati a radical, - Etivralri!; CUPP rnY rr FA;Iettfira.o. trohameNessoisde tho.dIsioo eased,r1;78.. e ths trent eases. ,fleCatilla ethers h. ve felled le no Sisson tor not now resolving A enre. Rend At °rice for treatise lust it Prod Settle of my Infelllhle remedy. , Olvs • flipteill Mut Peet Office, • It tests yew no thies fer a 1r14 . • ltd 1 will esrs•rese• ASirese os. IL 0, SOOT, . Brandi Office' 37 Yolle St., Torolitat, • .f