HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-11, Page 5i • a S. ,C dA • • tl. TN LUc.:KNOW, ,4 CHEQITI; DRAWN •I,. (Tana 4414 6$4444: 4.4 /r.04,4 eu0 1.+uu?a+red )J .1.oI_Liar;ieswreAve.r•„et1 ;s3gio/f:--1,44,gtogle.. 1;4'1 'a;iauu{y e$ pngn)eF)t uart 11.344-4,140 ixat; 44'1`5.-411P 4,10a. SHEEP E TS !t\R 0 Ci4 E '1'U rl, L E 1'.'x,1.:11 i S4 Q,,V, T14141 :1 tIertig tett Lot. 14, 4wr 4itys (�ilelusn, by 1.1 NV. e:t, eu buil 1 eh u1,.tiun lit:i.,rur •or ah.,ut tUr lattpt• p.,r t „f Sept e;w4 a.t•, two' .:wes•uuti these l.iaths,, , U abate. list. ,,n ail CP) re tit stp,l�,+ ,1 pre,l)tut,retK 1)iy:t .Il 1 t„ika Own. away..• .1 014 G it,�lt lull -11,41. 37� icl.naN I,,,, s • 72e. 9 ,nett .......... • FO 4 '►,tle A('J Es1T1.r 1,j1`,v 11 Ia`r . THE: •)$ tow whip of Htirnts, 00tuuty of Enloe . ��: b.tli•,i G•leece;enl.,n, East Itiltr:f4. l.stt,i, 4) mile•, at•i)f Liltktsttsy, c,eare+1• and 1.i gs» d.tnte:•,f i:niti+a:tu n. '{l:r•)vd fia use b rtt,t:,:,pton,l urcliurtl, aril wat•eretlywell fenced. TerlliiiBURY. Mor 1, otic: tars apply to,' L4;\,AI*I,5 u',d)ns:to shield road. :,•Runs• 1'R13E1C NOTI(4116. • • 1•11.REIne GIVEN TIIAl' the partnership ;hrtettiftire, s+rlsisting• -hyla ern u1•, the-, ttndert6igered,; ai +"fort ones watiu£{ectiu•er.y:'"has .been this day disolvett by mut mil consent' All debts owi':k the •lirw#ot U lstngt,w & Clifi •` fnrnitt:re manufatitur4 r i, Lnc:kui. v. Shat., ire to be paid is theirnueoes soo's '• (.blit ti: St ,veil " at Loam)* aforesaid. rt,ldl a11'�' ciwang.titrbttlte haitl:•:I:trtteelship of f`(altj++gg.:w. & (Tiff '. me to 1)t l,reaentytl to the stud "(Cliff & Stoveil " by whole the genie will be nett!& 1. 1 1,katsRlsoN, Gto, Gr..tscuw, 1 N'titne ej, Jots.' 'AI, CLIFF. R • THE ! "I i • • • • HEOFER ESTRAY:.' :0: A.MF. '1'O.Till; PREMISES • OF mril+ .u.tdemsit;neei Lot 3 Con. 13 Aphfie/tl, on - els about the first of Magnet, a. dark reit year, link leiter, smtill , :The Jie 'ewne .is requested to. prove' property, pay expellees, and t:Ae hsr, • .4".`ins: ' NOTI.i E. • jorICi IS' HEREBY GIVb:'Z)t , 'UAT lir . A (.1, dirt will hu. held pursuant, ► the. Voters', List Act,",hy Hid, Hitnor the'Juiige of the ('ouuty Court of the: County,'1 Huron,. t the Court r'ium at Dungannon, on Tuesday., November`29.th, at 11 o'ylitck, p, tn,, to hear ' tied determine the several .c plaints oil errors' uitil.quiinsfonu In the,'eiter•t' Liiet• of :the ilium: eipality of the'1,'ownship. of West Wawanortu, err 1887" All .persons havin�g business at the .FF; t?' talar iit3'�'lu,�g.tit �tfilact• ""rt U'iit it YVri�%i�YtLn'i' the 1l4S7'• 1K• K. diL.LE1i; (71erlci4 saki, lliunicipOity BERKSHIRES. Ruatsar MCINTOSU,. • Ltcktiow P. Q, 420. �A,VING PTJRI. •F A7SE7�"7{'ROM1,SNEr. Brnq , •,f Rdulontoti,• the pore bre., Berkshire Boar, `air •Richard,' .got .bv tui aVeted Top•Gailant, 14,868. darn Lady' GO t(1.• writ, 3117; got. by itop•,rte'l R •gal Stewas•t 123, darn imported 1i:e v Gallaway'. 1 will keep hint, during the eeastiin for service,, a:lint,• ed timelier of.t)owa. TER 1S':$1; fir the 'Season ` tor three mon tasi or $1.50: insure: Sowst by, the. „:,easton must be' settled -'for before they • leave-- the•pen.... I have Still a fear young pigs of Is tilt $ea6:14 (2111'n digrauii. stack),• for gale.., lit low prices.. Parties huyte4iyoung SOWS can have them served by Sir Richard free. 1 also have .>, few pair of very fine Plymouth•1lm& Still •ftvr.sale • • • Janes . P...• OCTOR Has: just received a''arge and well , Selected stock'of fine Trunks, • Valises, Robes,etc., which he is selling at'bott nn prices • If cls wish a Fzr>rt-C1e c RI't�un1C;• . Goan or Eu 'alo Robf;7 gi�e.1.me call :' - o. Single and Double Harness 'always in stock or made to' order ;on; short notice.; .o; 'mss;011111. ir}ei • 1721. FAR FOR SALE, :4 ^� ACRES'SITUATEI) IN 'TOWN XVI" • ship of Ashfield; Huron County, .: ,' )teing North half'of- I,ot 4, con 12, W. ,v,' 71i milts from the viI1age of Lucknitw,.it is One of :the best grain orgrasing ,formain-the. town-' ship, 'having been ua,id for 'grassiue• the last 5` vears..eiu that it is in tire" best of order; a' log • lionise, ced cr-bare, ironic barn, .etablen, well •f Miceli, with . cedar tails, st ii well ::watered. I f not sold rente t ur fort • er, ,lar- tieulareapply .tr; • G. 13. ROBERTSON, :; utile five*t:of'Luckiroiv or Luclenow, dl -ins . Drawer 4:• , 721. BOAR• FO.R;'SERVICE. H E 1INDE11S[GNED', WI,SHES T() inforui :the'farmers of this vie, tit} that •Le,will keep. fur service this season at lot 22,' ' ;troll, 2; Kinloss; that'.very Superior •thtiro.ugh; Berkshire Jivar, "Chancellor"' whose. pedigree play.. be seen .on; application., Chan7. c ellor' was'liurehasrd from Mr 1t. E. and : try hire frown Messrs. Snell and H;tiril tnttnt, the v,e11 known imiitirters of Old, iCountryfitock. Several of those from wham t 7lhaneellor is ;descended, were first •pprize win- jters at the It 441Siiowd in England,' 'TERMS it is •$1; strictly cash . JAb T3• DAWSON;3 " Let 22, Con 2, Kinlass. La(ng�iide P. U' • 720. • E .,.B E THE WESTERN x `Stw '4 •'.Sa,G.w-.'1Is-.�', •''mw+arp,y�[!FC. • of London., Ont. Vastly Improved / Illiestrattid Argicles' Alt the New. /' - Popular, Departments HinneReading / 1S Pages Ilegutarly/ Balance of 1887Free • To all now subscribing for the year 2888, - --at the low price of • .PER ANNUM .: . Talmagc's and 'Other •,Sermons / ; Excellent M+ qfeptt.;r,Selections / Intsr,►ialton `thenday ael4r.Lessons/ TEE EOLLT. `QUEIGST,, A limited number of :this beautiful' premium icture is-.offeredasubscr. ibera for 0 bents extra. The . esteRnL • .ldycrtiser • and/ Frcmluitn Agents wanted •everywhere. ;Twenty'five. valuable prizes to be awarded overand above thecash commission :to the most successful agents:- Registered letters come*t our iii;k: For free sample. papers, terns to agents, etc., ADVERTISE$ •PRINTING .CO, 1402 11014', IMPO R'TANT LL who are bald,or have . t ' "`; >~ Grey Hair, or who are troubled With: ' Notice to Creditors. Zit 1/,le;natter i -,f C/mites• 'Cainpbetl •• ' own.4iip of .Iluton, •Count'llofBelice,•_striper, ,ctrl• ;insd1vent' • Notice is 11'erebt given that the above named 1 J 1141)1 went iia* p tiitie an .assignment to •the; in ,purstlanae'of " An •Act respect; aetsignrceuts ,for the 'benefit of ' Creditors," 48 Victoria, • %Chapter 26, and aw,endwe`uts, thereto, of rill Ihid estate and • effects, a tnectitiq `of •the Creditors of the.taid Insolvent' will be held at Whitely's Hotel,ltcknor Ttiegitaiy, i ovclubet $'til,• A It 1887 itt the hour of 4•o clock; v. nil, for the;, purl'1ope' • 4.4 appointing'inspectnrtt, and giving climatic*? ,tor the disposal of thee estate, • • I'., E;ri clite'rs arc t otiti&L 'tbr' Me -their claims •w'itli but,, duly verified by affidavit, and also tstxtiniihtrtein the nature'and Felly of etcurity' . if env) held by thein, on or before 'the 14 day t)edembi'r next. afterwhieh, date I Will did-• r tnbnte the assets of said ciltate atrluj gat the iZritiea otitiine1e nyregard nly to +tlicn i only, ed by' eji1 Act. • Dated atakerto, Rtdy Ucoerm 2887'Wo, WI101.IAM SUTTON, ', DORENWEN DS tmi 'be found invalnahJ , fulr the hair ape scalp. nses the salt of all dandruff lu.vigiltate1 gr•iwth of the hair,'Alad incases of lraldttets ht 'e there there are .the slightest signs of xe)eft, it Will produce food, 'roll of hair. t raptors grey hair to its original color, and' 'iii an'el:bellent dressing:, ., D() h'OT 15i:1.,1Y, f! y Rtlr >)air iglu a weak eoudithin gift st battle'+d: onete --oak for A. DOR.ENWEND,- .S'o1e-llkiufactnr"cr... • `. TORONTO( JANAI)A • A, nronwend is tbc' iivadiIW iggnataotaror' • MANIIFACTUALRS:, pP' CARRIAGES. •AND • 'WAGG.0 • haying a large stock on'lliand, we, will sell at greatly, reduced• prices.. We 'have also' a large stock of First ,L las : 1 t „which: will be sold at BOTTOSI PRICES. Call and examine our stock before buyin elsewhere., 1<Iyspring'anti' summer .stock is now complete and it embraces Wiens, `V omens, est Ifoutlise AND INFANTS, .' BOOTS,'SIIOE MSD -:SLIPPERS; ,ENDLESS TrAZIET W i�h I'.hv O ,spll at risk prices Stock knd, (,lisle litsilt'g talcon into ' : cot}sideTatitil[ Tin'1ei'stnnd 1 band1,e' NQ SHOD V. OOD•S` My stock, is warranted all good, leather. 1 also warraint all searim in light goods. - eere`d wtsr'k specialty, itirggge, tat en in trade: J •CRENACHEJ. gooi1n inCanadlt)., . • • • • CHASES ECLT'S.' —(.7; s ': 1 ves.4pelan: MIND AND. BO Alfil LT..:EP1JRSSNES& 0 ate•• " Experience and scientific yanaly9is reveal to us in (.,hell in the Smoot tonic plant in the Veietabie Kingdom."... Manuel Fuentes,• '. • ” It (Coca) is, ill a Word, • tb`e most. ,l 11 `fill.restorer of the•vital'ful c s .. Pr--•04i;hwa{h Armbraoht-'s-Coca-t3'.{ine; tl'w)tttth-more tunic . than Iron or Quinine, never Constipates. . See Aleuical-Reviewe ARMBRECHT• NC;3OJ1 & COa. 2,Duke St.•, Grnsve r dry. , For, saleonly i'il< Lucknrtss by, :COPELAND AN(' DAYS' T , 1)ruggir:ts, 716 6 mos, —A -re selling many lines ,of hems close to cost fi or Cash and Tally ••••1‘ r lines at • • our' orskortmeut.a. Weliave Many nevi lines inl.dies OUrtitoplr :in Misses andChildrens BUTS TO. ORDER All Peat due accounti must be, settte'd not!e I UNDERSIGNED WISHES tO inform the inhabitalit,fr HEAVY MW .I.IGHT: HARNESS To be found in any shop in the v,iliage . which he is able. to' sell ,,at• prices Us Collars warranted.to give satisfaction. Whips, Trunks and, Valises always on hand., Call aild,see our stock before • purchasing elseWhere. Repairing desk with neatness and deSpatch. 'All •wiwils ' warranted. Liver complaint, Dyspepsia; Indigestion, Bilionintss •Jaunchce, Headache, Dizrotess, Pain in ihe Back, ' Dn. Ciinst's Lives Cent will be Totind a sure, and The „unqualified success of Dr..Chase's Lis,er Cure in LWer Coinpiaint rdste sOlely with the fact that it 'is, coinpounded from nature's well known liver regulators MANEIRAKR AND DANDELION, combined' whir Mani, other, invaluable roots, barks and herbsj haVing h powerful 'effect on the Kidneys, ,Stonlsch; Bowels.and Blood. 500,000, SOLD Oiler ons.kalf million of Dr'. Chaser Reclitl. BoOks were sold in Canada akin's., Ws godni etiery' elan; woman and chill -1,101W is troalded with Com - It is a well known face that am inactiVe liver causes 4u11, saner/ complexion, liver spots, piniplcs, etci Chase's Liver Cure is•the only remedy that will most ; SOMETHINO NEW. 'GIVEN AWAY FREE 'Wrapped around ever0)ottle bf Dr. Chase's Liver Curd '4 'Is a' valuable. HOtise.i'old Medical Guide and Recipe /13oOk (8+ .pages),'containing over aoo useful. recipes, pronounced .by medicat nien and druggists acinvalu. ,able, and worth ten times thepriee of the medicine. "L MANSON Sole Agents Bradford. ell. Are Ecsferlarectuta aged Pleasant' iperbox by man or at gifita. &Wed US Am* saate,sum The Mill:1s now full urea* and bupable of meeting all the *ants llf my patrons. 4 'MORE DELAir IN VAIII40,* • Partners WOUld do well to to ig ftr to the whore the highcs't cash u USUAL The best oracle ef 11.elier .oUr $11* Ties. 'Great Iterslish Ent hnitoterteg gut a eases caused by self -abuses or discretion. Om packagal,