HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-11, Page 4L• e 'b Xentinti •MSE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY AQOOROING To TILE BICTATES QF OONBOIEROE WE PRIZE ABOVE' ALL OTHER LIBERTIES. . Lu,aknow, Nov. 13.th, 1887. 447,41.11 NT INQI3ONUSE& There is-. no question 'agitating the leading -minds of the towns and villages ,throughout the.country at the present. time more than tl at "Of Lou - ,rases to manufacturers. in---fact;There- ry_._fe� phees thnthe.ve not tried_. the-s!stein-of lending ---aid ;to parties to- increase the capacity Of their present; • ,,works • or to establish new ones, and •-3•et we know of no single 'instanceln which the municipality has: ever de= served any permanent advantage. It • is true works, have been started in, tthese places; and a. few more people brought to the • town, but for how long2: Let the . experience of these places. liat-have tried theexperiiiinent answer.' in;tl a greatmajority. of villages she' shops wero: run dust so long as the mozi- ey•they had:reteived from the corpor• ation`n►et the expenses, -and no.longer,, while with.. others; a few • years ;atmost generally found them com_pletelyclosed ` fitat�t °4. 'l ., t r h tb*tpllt 4106le -.- z ,:zs- 3 aloe;.: tkzat. f iiiilyld`wtiy'i�ilr.D Cameron, at the- public 'meeting here' a .few weeks .ago,' as,a "delusion and a • asnare." ••Every. tub should stand•'oi "tits own• bottom. If -there • •is.' not enough 'business 'prospect to justify:the building' of, works: in, any place,, they. certainly: ought not to.he, built, and if there is there are always plenty. of shrewd speculators :to -build thein, arid ` to see ;they are properly worked,; while •wi the. other: hand, .those who are i,rihed by a bonus:'t.o•mako a choice of location which they Would not other- wise have _selected, •frequently • fail' ..a1-• together or. pull''up stakes and'. go else ere. "The town of ...Kincardine; and` a llage..''of Brussels` foie. each paid ]y for their. experience,• and this k'the village,of Markham furnishes they. proof of the fallacy t of4ic ystem. . 'The Markham papers, in re- ferring to, the matter, says, the village • it t sanwiasaso for the following goods, restsJVy DRIV ,nowgoing on at» • F1.els ha►wls 'C .......:... g Drives Mil lith , Flowars, FoatI - prs,nMAn,t,le .clo Mantle Ornaments,• Etc,' • i•• -s Big Driven in Silks:,.Dress. Goods,,P1--ualaes Velveteens, Etc: Special line, of .plusbcs; -1�1a 1: a? L Qh cared,' at.' 90e . Black ;.velve- teens: from 25c hirtin s; Embroideries, Ladies, Gents aux Childress Underclot� ing. ps, Fascinator• s, Tarn 0 Shanters, Gloves, Hosery ;re Linnen,. T bl ng , T e Ings, r Tapk n s . w els • Handkerchefs, Doylies. Grey and.. White- Cottons, Cottonades, Ducks, b-. -own. and• blue ; Derry Shirti r' gs, Tic Ings, Canton Fla •nz�� nels Dark P rints , Carpets, arpets, Stair Carpets, arpets; 1eady.xna�e Clothing' A Tweeds;.Caps;.Ladies ug Gordyiles,-mai-- Hose,-GaT Mu,ers, al IVE.. E'.S.. • 4•' • wear, 'Corsets, Itiblxions, Lac;e,s.. Etc,• `•-An extra heavy all wool hose, full size, only. 25c ; per pair.• o ontiro s oak must be, 'bare ' is likely to lesse' the $5,000 1.tonus it umbus; •The village held a mortgage -for its bonns, There, was ' another anortgege of. $12,000 against ,the build. .ings, but by some, means the' $5,000 bentig mortgage was go drawn Os to. • come in behind 'makers liens on the ,ritacjiinery fo.the-tune of $4,000, mak- ing in ell$16,000 syhich has to come out pf the Works before the Allege &are- . 1*(3.4 cent. 'The 'nips .aro7not able` to geon arid- the Markhatn people Ore i3.xcited. hiataing their lite things get • into, ,sucli- antegs. The • ation hating to foot the hill. ' Big Drives in Blankets, -Quilts, Shirtiags, Tqble Lumens, Towels, 'Etc. A good roller towelling for 5c per yard. Big Dri.ves in Mons Ready-made , Over- coats, Persian La.mb Caps, Astraran Caps Imitation Fin. ,Caps, Etc. The best value in • Big Drives in Cloths, Tiieeds, Etc., and special prices for cuStom made TAftrero as an example the Manner cone] usimt that_theittw._ interpreted by to prevent the fanner who has fp sell for What'he.can get',. 'from buying " at Ate price at which,otheis will* sell. Partners have lAdome well aWare of ' this, fact, and the result is the move- . Went fer -unrestricted'reciprocity. 'teeter'. mnst be a bad place. The ''11'0,44,says There are' soine,, Men in this village Whe are toe lazy to wOrk, tefuse ail offers of work, yet dress well; • 'The pe'oPle of Lucknow and Surrounding,districts, eau save money by making their pur- chases. for _the' Lucknow. Only a little over one year had elapsed sinCe 'the intrOduetion -,into Canada Of -the new • .ALASKA .spagoT.AcLes Nails • Shovels Arm eon retained. :cTow-j. DWARE .Lawre-nce• ,Filt.tst..rpoeived‘:4 line- 0. .4 Ch IWire Clothes Lines I'elting. • Fencb Wire „of all kinds Engine raeking tUilding Paper (d4 IBruilies of all: , tarred)* rOady for Ilse; AlabaStine; for. viralls, superior to anything market., Merge steel; of Titit. f?-tanite andsjapanness wares, Perfeetion Oreamerg, Heney Extractors, and Tinwarea ail'kiiifids • ftill stodk of gioves and Steve warp; Eavetroughing, done on the shortest.notieeepairing Proinptiy attended to Parties intending building ,would 06, well to give hilie e call. before purchasing elgewhere.. • ' Hemp Rubber Soap::, • stone ,and Asbesto6 Cement Paris Plaster • Rakes Garden Trowels • theee,is hardly ',a tOwn or village / where an -agency for the sale of this ' • IRS::: :EXPE OTORANT.-. ror and Well known Nurseryman of Rocli ester, N. Y.,'desires to make ' arrange - Monts with.one or' Miro Hite, energetic men to take ordeis for his Isjursery top; fine specialties. „Ilis iiiducelneritg, 4egeous.",, fulfi Is all he promisee, and guarantees to furnish. strictly first uPrieit men ;good'positions, and desires, to communicate with a few .ste..,41 Men, with a view of secuiing their!, services. Write te him as aeon its you haveread this- for, •termsf end- full -•partionlars... Retnembt,r;• .rinly square dealing Men •• Rpeliesterl• N. V. celebrated spectacle hag not been,111-11aliaraore'l Expectorant for pron. hat s I stock, „ JJe has a 'choice stock, induct , The ALASK A." is not puffed np by mean. 11;fless, would lie scientific phrases, but, is Allan:tore a Expectorant Nover.Palls !. 'to ered to' an intelligent ptiblic on its merits. Try it, and vo,i will fliutit to be a perfeotly reliable aid lo,Your eyesight; Neitr 'sighted lor or far sighted youth fir old age, can be, suited allanaorei4 ExPectorant sold 'bs • P170;7'6'1.0 b' t S2 56 n ays, an oyfgraml, ruggists IP. 3. sTiatTutE4Viitoicoov.1 1