HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-11-11, Page 4L• e
. Lu,aknow, Nov. 13.th, 1887.
447,41.11 NT INQI3ONUSE&
There is-. no question 'agitating the
leading -minds of the towns and villages
,throughout the.country at the present.
time more than tl
at "Of Lou -
,rases to manufacturers. in---fact;There-
ry_._fe� phees thnthe.ve not tried_.
the-s!stein-of lending ---aid ;to parties to-
increase the capacity Of their present;
• ,,works • or to establish new ones, and
•-3•et we know of no single 'instanceln
which the municipality has: ever de=
served any permanent advantage. It
• is true works, have been started in,
tthese places; and a. few more people
brought to the • town, but for how long2:
Let the . experience of these places.
liat-have tried theexperiiiinent answer.'
in;tl a greatmajority. of villages she'
shops wero: run dust so long as the mozi-
ey•they had:reteived from the corpor•
ation`n►et the expenses, -and no.longer,,
while with.. others; a few • years ;atmost
generally found them com_pletelyclosed
` fitat�t °4. 'l ., t r h tb*tpllt 4106le
-.- z ,:zs- 3 aloe;.: tkzat. f
Cameron, at the- public 'meeting here' a
.few weeks .ago,' as,a "delusion and a
• asnare." ••Every. tub should stand•'oi
"tits own• bottom. If -there • •is.' not
enough 'business 'prospect to justify:the
building' of, works: in, any place,, they.
certainly: ought not to.he, built, and if
there is there are always plenty. of
shrewd speculators :to -build thein, arid
` to see ;they are properly worked,; while
•wi the. other: hand, .those who are
i,rihed by a bonus:'t.o•mako a choice of
location which they Would not other-
wise have _selected, •frequently • fail' ..a1-•
together or. pull''up stakes and'. go else
ere. "The town of ...Kincardine; and`
a llage..''of Brussels` foie. each paid
]y for their. experience,• and this
k'the village,of Markham furnishes
they. proof of the fallacy t of4ic
ystem. . 'The Markham papers, in re-
ferring to, the matter, says, the village
it t
for the following goods,
,nowgoing on at» •
ha►wls 'C
g Drives
Mil lith , Flowars, FoatI -
prs,nMAn,t,le .clo Mantle
Ornaments,• Etc,' •
Big Driven in
Silks:,.Dress. Goods,,P1--ualaes
Velveteens, Etc: Special line,
of .plusbcs; -1�1a 1: a? L Qh
cared,' at.' 90e . Black ;.velve-
teens: from 25c
hirtin s; Embroideries, Ladies, Gents aux
Childress Underclot� ing.
ps, Fascinator• s, Tarn 0 Shanters, Gloves,
;re Linnen,. T bl ng , T e Ings, r Tapk n s . w els
Handkerchefs, Doylies.
Grey and.. White- Cottons, Cottonades, Ducks,
b-. -own. and• blue ; Derry Shirti r' gs, Tic Ings,
Canton Fla
•nz�� nels Dark
P rints
, Carpets,
arpets, Stair Carpets,
1eady.xna�e Clothing' A Tweeds;.Caps;.Ladies
ug Gordyiles,-mai-- Hose,-GaT
IVE.. E'.S..
wear, 'Corsets, Itiblxions, Lac;e,s..
Etc,• `•-An extra heavy all wool
hose, full size, only. 25c ; per
o ontiro s oak must be, 'bare
' is likely to lesse' the $5,000 1.tonus it
umbus; •The village held a mortgage
-for its bonns, There, was ' another
anortgege of. $12,000 against ,the build.
.ings, but by some, means the' $5,000
bentig mortgage was go drawn Os to.
• come in behind 'makers liens on the
,ritacjiinery fo.the-tune of $4,000, mak-
ing in ell$16,000 syhich has to come out
pf the Works before the Allege &are-
. 1*(3.4 cent. 'The 'nips .aro7not able` to
geon arid- the Markhatn people Ore
i3.xcited. hiataing their lite
things get • into, ,sucli- antegs. The
• ation hating to foot the hill. '
Big Drives in
Blankets, -Quilts, Shirtiags,
Tqble Lumens, Towels, 'Etc.
A good roller towelling for 5c
per yard.
Big Dri.ves in
Mons Ready-made , Over-
coats, Persian La.mb Caps,
Astraran Caps Imitation Fin.
,Caps, Etc. The best value in
Big Drives in
Cloths, Tiieeds, Etc., and
special prices for cuStom made
TAftrero as an example the Manner
cone] usimt that_theittw._ interpreted by
to prevent the fanner who has fp sell
for What'he.can get',. 'from buying " at
Ate price at which,otheis will* sell.
Partners have lAdome well aWare of
' this, fact, and the result is the move-
. Went fer -unrestricted'reciprocity.
'teeter'. mnst be a bad place. The
''11'0,44,says There are' soine,, Men
in this village Whe are toe lazy to wOrk,
tefuse ail offers of work, yet dress well;
'The pe'oPle of Lucknow and
Surrounding,districts, eau save
money by making their pur-
chases. for _the'
Only a little over one year had
elapsed sinCe 'the intrOduetion
-,into Canada Of -the new •
.ALASKA .spagoT.AcLes
• Shovels
eon retained.
.Lawre-nce• ,Filt.tst..rpoeived‘:4 line- 0. .4
Ch IWire Clothes Lines
I'elting. • Fencb Wire „of all kinds
Engine raeking tUilding Paper (d4
IBruilies of all: , tarred)*
rOady for Ilse; AlabaStine; for. viralls, superior to anything market.,
Merge steel; of Titit. f?-tanite andsjapanness wares, Perfeetion Oreamerg, Heney Extractors, and Tinwarea ail'kiiifids •
ftill stodk of gioves and Steve warp; Eavetroughing, done on the shortest.notieeepairing Proinptiy attended to
Parties intending building ,would 06, well to give hilie e call. before purchasing elgewhere.. • '
Hemp Rubber Soap::,
• stone ,and Asbesto6
Paris Plaster •
Garden Trowels •
theee,is hardly ',a tOwn or village /
where an -agency for the sale of this '
and Well known Nurseryman of Rocli
ester, N. Y.,'desires to make ' arrange -
Monts with.one or' Miro Hite, energetic
men to take ordeis for his Isjursery
top; fine specialties. „Ilis iiiducelneritg,
4egeous.",, fulfi Is all he promisee,
and guarantees to furnish. strictly first
uPrieit men ;good'positions, and desires,
to communicate with a few .ste..,41 Men,
with a view of secuiing their!, services.
Write te him as aeon its you haveread
this- for, •termsf end- full -•partionlars...
Retnembt,r;• .rinly square dealing Men ••
Rpeliesterl• N. V.
celebrated spectacle hag not been,111-11aliaraore'l Expectorant for pron. hat s I stock, „ JJe has a 'choice stock, induct ,
The ALASK A." is not puffed np by mean.
11;fless, would lie scientific phrases, but, is Allan:tore a Expectorant Nover.Palls !.
'to ered to' an intelligent ptiblic on its merits.
Try it, and vo,i will fliutit to be a perfeotly
reliable aid lo,Your eyesight; Neitr 'sighted lor
or far sighted youth fir old age, can be, suited allanaorei4 ExPectorant sold 'bs
P170;7'6'1.0 b' t S2 56 n ays, an oyfgraml, ruggists
IP. 3. sTiatTutE4Viitoicoov.1