HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-28, Page 5`,• • Mil../ 1„RS A$SCCIATI :J,I "' :t a. r.13t'Ptli4); 'of the. ':'ttillcr's ir5figsi, tion or' 'llama, I'e Uil#at'v, lieu e�, told; Nut•tht Wellington ht,ld ut 1'ult11- tt' tid.inj the fallouiu ; ttu'uuuriul' wits. ottjOperttg t1.10:T01'011 W •l# ta1'cl' (4 '1 meet; :e„ the members: of the ..)iillev s:uasociaoisiu of Ilurou,. Perth, k rt;y, e13ruue, and .cured �`Jeallin;t�►li,, n ssoluble(1. al stm .twiit:4n't.1'uin ' t1 to• ub:tit► cull the Attention of your' t,unrd to u syp3tein hitherto followed in, Oleiilagctty to�y r , l4Id cities Ot' QUO. "unto 1:'i tlit put•chasing of brain: ' To' 1'ay the :Sauce .,rice fir 4� &tit ile_uf velleat• briclly cictuNr1 of poor in quell- • i; y ; liar, is paid for u well .cleaned und. g6od sflinpie is, unfair• and'. unjust to %he faz';tner and the. niilley;' incl also, ;Islejuiircitil to our. iittt•rf•si, and repot ,t1tio,3 of Our cotliltry'.11t 'home acid t j1-o+1d.- A. large portion of'the Wheat , • urop of . tl3is season is of an iiiferiwr. tiutalit r. '1'hit; gridtAff,yyllett is• uiifi.t- c the manufacture :Of fiotir. , As an ;tasccTatiolt we have resolved nut to.i —».creek{{ -[—bits groan; , % pV',,7tiA refore, _t+1 }fN eu your boort!. 'serious c ole. hiclerat'ius.t of this. matter, and lope you , .will ' lend : your influence and ..co oper- rtttioit ]1'r E,Stabllshiugthe . systenr" of vurf hasiug gwiin•aecording:to its best -4 a slue. . FOR DELINQUENTS:. Arckbishop Lynch. has beer{ good enough to write 'the followiing letter. Hilent delinquent's subscrihers touews- aiapero,'•whiclt we pulilisJi fiir .the 1)8316: 4it glom: delinquents: Si.'MICHAEL'S PALACE, yr'Coroiuto,-S+ept. '3; 11x7 t k kl'y'. t�t[lf�+ xart e ttZt ^ s tz rsro l^,1t,trb,slaa.F 646 .• stllrscitiiers,.urgitig theta .,to ..pay,their' just ei.ekits. •.en hop's t t': tst'"•cannot'a be 61336.Wasre tai their f31,tii;a{ttotaS''il]!ttt1S; •itutitcter, and that absolutiottsto,a peal- tent heartily sorry for .dais sins .does, ...ant 'free hint from 'tite;'oblrgation3;, of psving'tris Just:raca►ts.', The',ateneinent4 ';oblttio13 d(justice •it1 'this world will certainly be.'ecite» ted tla•ci.text; ;: t l]e editors. *tic! proprietors of ,news- s • !pipers, on their part, }live tiuir time;•" 'the::prod;uct. of ;a .high education. and i •«•xperlsnre,.tcigether suitli'iahesar'7no:r• ey' live stataonory., sprinting'and wages to,' tiip!oyees,.and"they,e>ccept ard,.sttould 'have;,. =127' tt3eriinlCtti �rustiee,, •a return, • • ,:fteii b>y.'no slyeinsadequate, for :their • sttzy'; A man who,' Will .not a a , ,lie su Lscrihe , 1a:Pei - • i � • .t'or, read, and;. `chose contents ho enjoyed, ifea retainer Cf another man's goods ; and 'is on , :a level. wit,. a.tlliea. 1• ;:Xour-s • , Arehl,ishOp. of 'T'©rauto. ••'-=Suitings of all kinds at Canalibell's.., -..Ma,eDona,'d . ,.Dean, Wingl ani, '"lave gi'eat;•UUecOSS R'it11 a'ittelizedbaii•,. ;lite: safest anesthetic. .blow l,: under. ¢:which they' extracts teens without the. ,l'Nast pain.''. greatest blesi�n 's man 'can bequeath • . "Is a piiuleiis tYtede of extr.,cting teeth Thosc'who'want-a first class .set, of artifical• teeth ,would do well to ctrl r]ri •11t1ac7Jouald t(' Dean; Wiil;hant. They can give you a good- choice; yul ,catiiti',, 'celluloid; alloy, •gold etc.:platex, a•atigi.il; frotme$ i.00 to..$7F5.O'); per• set. • rr l:l a l i l 1 C1 Va to tc s ba'i] 1 Otlable� ..oR 1.1 a Clty. ' `:Don't. be ,'disappointed and getI l ecai,use' we will . not 'exchaiige tit • •';oohs that' you get ,:elsewi'ero for,our, stew Medi:.stylish goods. You;ouglit to now iy: b15 tithe tvliere .feel ntyre's• 7'hnse ladies all wool hose at 25c; is all'. tliait is required to thoroughly cdnviiice ou he is selling'.' as cheap As 'you, ectrlld buy at :auction:: X. lid U•U 1 "iTt ttb10 Farms yin Wawanoth ar11d. Zin11oz3. heu:xecutornf'the.'late' ',Tishn Fraser r]ta's o, e,s for the •purchase• of the following 'farms. 1460 14 nnd,wcist half 17, in 90.3 concess•. ion S.V. 1),'yuy!airosb.'. .300 •acres •-•1.fi!) acres cleated, shoot 100 sores fess from stumps •" 'clay 10310 ; fi:7tue butts, ; fi,iunie haru ; good prclraril.; Creek ; ,well.' etc,' 140 acres good. lirdewn•nbush, b miles from Tuckiimv+ 2--1,•st 15 in fitli c;iu., W. D. 11rawfinnsh, 210 Acres-- '00 acre., •la eel • leinin INC1 t a L tLr . "• oink hht;usii, fr;i;nt 1,arti; ereeit and well, Arehai d etc. -Lssis'i arch half 43aisd•nnrth half 44 in, 1st.,: T. I,;;:,1oss;10O acres -45 acres Cleared,'' ,r„st in bosh, ,ioitly • hardwood r Small dog h nine, welt, etc. .21 •tniles from Lt cknow. • r- Lot„ 34 nail 42 and west half ref •41' In • vi la fee' of "t llelans 7• acres and 48 perches. ,Fur, fur'th'er' particulars apply to Thos. Todd Esq.; N t • lieleus, or to the undersigned ' SI•)AU ERc�k1I11,ItT'Ii, .i .40It`t • ;13rri'etete etc.t. (auetcbi (+al, . .r !:c`1f�1 OTJ('iI, g H,N:l�tEIIY GIS J N THAT `t thF tuivtoforti e^xl%si,tin(; cetween vs, the undersigned', as "furniture uIttItrlfhctnrkrt,"hes been this day die;olved by mutual; tonei it• All aietiseuwiigthe firrr,ot'. '• Gli►s�,nw d; Ullfi''" fi rnitr.re manirfgatnrere, Lucicu,nv, Ont., are tohe pal t•' taefr'succ,ra. dears "1 & St well "' at Lttcknnw ,aforesaiel.. And r,jl t,hiiutrr,ig.ii,I,et the Raid. uartnei'ship of "a lacv,w t;t-Miff" are to bg, presented to the .:ii,l "l'litf &,Strvell''by whew the same will oe.settleil• It• 31ultiIISOX, ao.. G4.03GOOW, th xx.> . Witness;. D -77WNICSo TRUNKS" • Has: just: received a' large and well. .selected stock of fineiTru•nks, Valises, ,Robes, eto,, Which he is selling at bott'oin prices. If: you Wish a First-C1a8s T•rIt31k; Go,t ot. B iffalo ; Robe, •give nte a • call. rel Single arid. Double Harness atway"a',, 1n.stgci oz "Maade to, order on" shor'.> ,itittloTor‘r OESS `� . THE VftE,�'EfN is • To all, parties cw the sub scriber .notes. or accounts due on C,tar 1112:110Uattl16- will. , put_ln court on the oaf f Toember wtho► further' unless paid; before. that; date. , 4'. Of Lcind•>t a, ' pint. Vaatty Improved 1 •2lluirutt•Artcc?er.i Alf Eike, :Feiss 1 . Popular Deparements �. ioiltelteacliyig ! .q Pages Regularly 7 Balance : of -1$87 Free. To all now aubecribing for the year 1888, • at the low price of rE ANNVM 21alinoue's and Other' Sermons 1 P.ccdreait Musical 'Sheetions I. Internaiionai',gunday SJiool Lanni I' "• :Tit.E HOLL'ir-QUE ., A limited numbernf,:this. beautiful; premium picture is offered substsribera for 10 cents.; extra; The {t•cetern Advertiser• lira Preiiilu>tt aret$Iio.... 'Agents wanted -everyvtiihere: Twenty-five• valuable priziis to be awarded over and above •• the cath' commission to. the ;ihoet successful agents..., R„egistere.1 letters °owe at, oiir 'risk. Par -free aawiple papers, terms to agents, etc;; address, ••••, ••' A.DVE1tTISER PRINTING Co, Lo;3D ON,..ONT. IMPORTANT. TO -ALL ;. who are bald, or" have :'thin, ;or.':Grey Har, or .who are .:troubled, r•ith DA - DR. D RE N EN' 0 NW DS E-+ AIR MAGIC' I� IC iVillbe fonndl• invaluable for the hair 'and Scalp It clenses the dealp{ of all dandruff, invigorates; thegrowth of the hair, anti in cages of,Z aldness, wherethire there are the Slightest test signs Of roots left, it will produce .good nrol)Y of hair, It reseal strey hair to its• original calor and • is an'exc!llent dressing. DO NOT 1.)1IAY`,,if your' hair is in a weak' cnnditinii get t► bottle,ut unee.r• • . •---•Ask for lt• —. A. 1)O11.14.1NWLNI), SSnIe Manufacturer.' ' TORONTO ; 'CANADA. • ' • ��►.:1VIPB�'LL . —pF— . MINDAND) BODY,, AIrD '..LEEPLFSSNE►SS. o�. .• Y` Experret ce•and'scientific •analysis 'reveal .. to iu in Cut a, in Cm most tonic 'plant in the • Vegetable Kin,d,'►n" Manuel J'uentes weird, the reek poweF-;= .ful restorer of the vital forum.-De..Schigjadk. Armbrsoht's Cede Wine, tbo u,h more tonic ,thBan Iran or Quinine,, nt on%tipatee. ,ee,A4cuical Reviews; • ARMBR,ECNT.ever N.ON' ''& CO. 2:1)uke St.,'Grosvcno gq;,. •n t.,,,. Epglan�i For -sale only in Lud],ur•nit by,; , • COPELAND.AH' DAYS? ',–.,uruggiRte • i 6 mos.. PKART•& CO Are Selling Many linea, of. 1 • „a closet cost for cash and lien+ eels r lines at 7-7-El7frflinash, ' this sn:e: it. stst for "4 TQC: As the springis close at. band •the public. will'do well to . • My spring .and {e a riser.; stick: • is 'pow complete and it embraces N ens Womens" Missed QSt Port, i4 N D "I''I FAINTS. / Qniy• ii little over One, year has; elapsed since the introduction into ..Canada of the now ell-kziown A A.,,3w.SP ,CTACLES EYEGLASSES. . And tire: o is hardY 'l a.toivn; .or villa ge' Where •an agency"'for the safe 'of„,this. Celebrated 'spectacle has, not: been in- stituted. • ,. i The' , AIASKA a is nrot puffed np by,mean- ingiess, would be• scitrutific •d phrases, but .is otfer,tl'td'an•intiflligent public •on •its !)IeFjtS. 'try it. and yi,iu will ling it to be a': perfectly. reliable aid to your 'eyesight. Near bighted or far bighted yolltn or old age, can be suited exactly.' .The'. void' '�` Alaska•" .is stamped upon every parr, . Photograph Cabinets, $2.50- • PER: 'DOZEN.' For sale.by • W 'IT. STItilsTeER Z tcknow. Successor to E.. D. ' John soh. • • .Wr141t44tar,Ai>ieliitnlr,:Ci Aldan' Lin Lowest ratesandthrntigh tickets from Luckilow to • luverlio.ol London, Glasgow, 'or • Dublin it t, Class F,. • F � a�r0las uraaoe Coal. represented. Special rates nn. fa.rlil • .. builtlinglf: • • I also represeat'tii e'• best and int st s tccesp• ful LiteIn8urance Coinpaniesin Canada.. MOhiET TO'LOAN AT'6AND 66% UN•afh'RTAAoxts'F • NEWSPAPERS N is•thetitno,in's subscribe. Istria? . Any ''paper 111 . the`. World at lowest rates. .. ' A,.Dtire,iwend lathe lead,ing''. pliatit{f autgr@lr' Alnericat Express Company t, r . '' nioney' of Harr' Goods W ( nada, .m .�. . p t li west rates to.Ali offices iii bends or: Iai'. • lass, ()ince boure from A"r Ip, to. ;p', :• • s< ANO. SLIPtEJRS, • Wluch'.1 will .sel1 at richt, prices stock and finish :'being 'taken :`into consideration •Understand• I handle NO SHODDY GO ®OS My stock 1s :'warranted all -0•ood leather. . '1 also warrant;. all seams in Aigl.tb goods, • Ordered work a.specialty. Eggs, taken in trade.: • ' 0,11 CRESACSE Le MATED ), pe�' ewers % M4DEL1Ot1 a. mini SPRING 1 1D••'.SUMMER ,GOODS before purcliafsiiigL1sewherep'' We.havemai ;v new• liars in ladies .d 8z Dongola BOOTS,... Af,'E3 A\ir Our stocre $n blesses and,Ch1ildrens• IS = COMPLETE. 11f1�J3 • MADE TO, °RDEla All plest due acoounts mustbe;aettled bynote : or 'gait!. .' PEART & C.CRR.IGAN.:' DlN'T FORGET • -THE ,U1,iDERSio,,N D 1J'ISIT S' of rl > t, the ii111�lltct. l of Lucknow,• duct. surroOding I cgla;>I�tl^v tll�t he.'hl s the-ia;I t'e * stock' of i• HEAVY -A 11 IACHT. HARNESS: To be fouiid,in, any shop zn the vrlla{fs''.' ivliich 11.e iS mile° to Sell at; prict_s •'tt,,. riuit'"tile pockets 'of purchasers. give warranted, to ,r ,,ttie satisfaction, • Whips, 'Trunks, and Valises always (nt hand. Call and see 'our stock before::' • pu'r'cliasi.ng;'elseWhere:. Repairing ac,t•4! with' neatness and'despatch. A11 wt.rv;' wiii•ratited. HAVE YOU!' Liver Compl_aint, Dyspepsia, Ind{ estion, •Biliouanc s, Jaundice, Headache, Drzztnesi,.-Pani in the Hoek,', CoativeneSs'or any disease arisingfrom a derangad'liver, Dy. CHASE'S" Liven CURE will', be found a sure and certainremnedy.` . • NATURE'S REMEDY, The unqualified success of Dr. Cha'se's Liver Cure in ,Liver Complaint 'rests. solely with. the fact: drat• it is " compounded from nature's we11'knoivn •Liver re ulators. MAND1.2ANE AND •DANDELION, combined -with many other .nvaluablt:•.roots harks and herbs, having a powerfu! effect' o the .kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and =edify! 500,000 SOLD Over one. calf millron,of Dr. Clrnse's :Fecipe Books wire sold in Canada 'alone. lige emelt every rimae ,asoma, and child iulio•i,1 troubled wish Li✓er Cons., tlaint,to try_; Mit remedy.• •x„„...W.LADIES It is n weir known,fact that an inacthie iive r,cause s a dull, 'sallow complexion, .liver sPots.pimples, et ., ,Phase's Liver Cure ,s tete' only remedy that will most positively cure theseeotnpiainte. ' • ' SOMETNINO Neo..•GIVEN'AwAY FREE Wrapped around Ivory bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable{ Household Medical' Guide and Recipe Book (84 pages); containing over 200 useful recipes, pronounced by medical, men and druggists.as invalu. able; and worth ten tithes' the Ode of the medicine. T EDMANSON & CO., S))/ t Agents, Bradford t Be on:YdurGuar'd; ' ' t bmn'tallow ii call theltPadc.tn, slowly and surely liar intoC,itnrrait when you can. be anted for 36c. by using 1)r. -Chase's Cat arr>.l Cnre. A few applications mire insipient catarrah ; 1 to 2 boxes cnras;ttrdinarY catarrah to5 boxes $s i9 t'tuirranterd'to gurc•chroiiic tt►�'srrsh, rr + It, Onlv • 2L c WVsill", Mute, by COPE LANpf.,t• 171 Y13" Laiknu The Millis liow hi' full ;wnrkiiie, F.,,u«t anti capable of. nieetin;; lilt the ' wants of my patrons;' 140 MORE DELAY 114 ' WAIT! I G FQR YOUR GRIST. Farmers ivoitlF1'tin well to 'bring •ttt. :to the ,,ill, wiierti,ilte )ugliest cas h ti rin« CHOPPING I I BONE �, I �► • USUAL... The b(,itcrade of holler .xr Our on y v.'s` '100'lbs . • / - !F'ti Tbo tercet 1Atie1LYt Pre.ertpttr es Cures Wealcnese, Sper swtorrhe'a, Emission.. impotea .Ochil Dia - 'easel catieed bytiolV toed or' n- dilaarottlon.One ;e$l, aul meifm11ir*N. at