HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-28, Page 3GRAND TRUNK RALLWAT Deury Tyler's Speeeh, at the Half - Yearly *eating Yesterday, -The Deubie Tracking -St. Clair _Tthene11,-.,....TheD.P.R. - .Competition. • • , A. London:ca./34331'mM Of 'alit (Thqrsdaj) night's date seYa ATbe halLyearly meeting • • of the Grand Trunk was held to -day at the Cannon Street Hotel, Sir Henry Tyler presiding, There, was a large attendance. • The ChairMen,. before moving the adop- tion of the report, referred to the great loss the company had sustained by the death ' of Sir Charles Young, one Of the directors, and was sure it would be the wish of the meeting that on behalf of the directors and ehareholders, he *liquid in fitting terms express their_ sympathy for Lady Young -in- - her bereavement. • GREAT IHPROVEDENT: Reviewing:the company'e history for the past half year, Sir. Henry said they had rapidly recovered from the disastrous effects of competition and . were now • Making eatiefemory progrese: The win - :ter of, 1886-7 had been an " Abnor- mally severe: one ' in Canada, 4and the :competition facing them constantly was increasing; yet; --so far, they had .main;. ; tained and even improved their • ration. -The-regults of the pasthalf-yearin mate 41 revival even •beyozicl-that-wlikh-look - place in the memorable year 1833. They had carried more. paseengers, and a greater . quantity of goods than in any previous . half-year, and at -the same time, despite ' the unusually heavy snowfall; had rednced • the working expenses to 70 per cent. The • 'effect of the Inter -State Commerai Law had, not yet been fully experienced; but as far as the local Canadian traffic' Went they, :were not, of course, affected. by the' Act. They had lost passenger traffic. to the' Northwest consequence of the competi- tion of the 'Canadian ,Pacific, but only to a moderate extent. They had also lost some traffic freni the Baltimore ik Ohio line and from the Central Pacific, but had been able -tc make thelosges good in other 'directions, " Their Pullnian cars were bipial to any run- •' fling in America, and 'much superior: to those on the continental 'railways in Europe. . cm -purities TM °MM. , • They had Met increaimil Competition be- tween Montreal and Peterbpro' to a greater m:gteetAthenoltriulatf,,,,yeirreitt Nthufse • Z„?,. 4•,.P.-'-zzraftoilusing the 4aulfinstr thiefisVei'lotifore. . :They had lost Mr. Squires' hog traffid, and , in the last few Weeks had, Mniporarily lost . , the dressed beef traffic, but he thonght the , .quainekweelil Only be -a lever's quarrel and L that they mould get the traftle back:. Ada.-.' • ing together all, the'. reaerpte • from their. • lines, they had: £1141-Q"--.K9,90,-than...-in,...the corresponding period last Year. ' In the present half-year they • had se •far done • better than in the first half,' and up tn, the latest accounts had an. increase of Z1.4000 the gross receipts overthe berresponding •, period in 1883. . . . • : . • :THE DOUBI.AING OF THE 'LINE , between Montreal and,Toronto•Was an im- portant work, and would add to the safety • and do away with delays and. eriablethem •. properly to compete with the Canadian - Pacific. It was not their intention, how - Over, teproceed in any Way so to hamper, their financial resources to the eniallest -- They tepid- •:carry on this -great • Work without encumbering the resources of • the company. . The construction• of the • Montreal station had been delayed, but the directors were anxious to 'hurry '.the_work • •on befoiti winter. • The city was now doing F What it ought to have done before; namely, •• making a dyke to !keep. out. 'the river. ' I•Tegotiationt. liere proceeding to 'enable the • .company to .place -their ,rails along the dyke,. Last winter was a inost-•-•extraordiz nary one, is he had • said,' findit was, there- •. fore, all the more creditable to their offibers that they had been able to reduce the work- •• ing.expenseg to yo per bent, , ci.M.Dien The Chairman then referred to the ex- tensions recently -made or now in progress • by the Canadian Pacific, characterising. as Most . extraordinary the action. of the • :Canadian.GOvernment in subsidizing that cOnirieny to make a line across the State of • Maine: After their past experience the 'cOrepetition of the .Canadian Pacifib haOEno longer. any great terrore, them; yet it •. required constant watchhiliiess, and Was • not to be -Wider -vilified: The discovery of gas in a. heading has interfered with the constinctionsd the St. Clair tunnel: The main tunnel ig now about to becommenced. `.The probable cost' will be half . a million • pounds, but he Was Confident the tunnel , would be a saving and net a burden on the, reocourced. The result of an • ari" .gement with the Atchesen,.• Topeka it Santa, Fe Company . at , Chicago • would be that the Grand trunk' would •',benefit X.17;400 yearly; the 'rent°. to. San • Francisco being 3,357 mules, compered With 3,538 'Miles by the Canadian Paola°. •' :The object of the Grind Trunk Act, which •• ' the Meeting was new asked to confirm; was "Sire plytesiiii-k6:666-yearly by purchasing, • for. redemption, prior -securities bearing a higher rate of interest . than the 4 per omit. debenture steak, This Act .and previous • powers for tfie conversion . of securities wonld'enable them, • to save •altogether • 115,000 yearly: Although they were goingto spend money liberally, he believed he could promise they' would have to pay no moro. interest on preference charges on ;the 31st•of December next, than they did pbn the same date last year. He ineved the • a o tion Of the report. • • • Mt, Robert Young seconded the Motion. • Mr. Landon criticized son4of the items ofithe report; which Was then Unanimously - adoPted. , Ikeiolutions wore .afterwards approved antheriiing the exercise •OVthe reinaining borrowing powers Obtahted. in the'Act of • 1.834.,, ',•• • .. /•'0 • I pushiest; Troubles • The following asffigrunente are reported in Ontario! Lendon-S. Turner, . carnage-, maker. Ilamifbon•Miss 'Fiee,t,_ mil M: Bell; aentiet. . Eiteitemerit ' over the "dewnfall :of the Eitafford.Springti National Bank continuee to run very high, The deficit is noW placiad at 3159,009. The schooner Thomas • Terri; Which nailed frein Glimetifiter, Alignit 19th, with CroW of fourteen filen 'an .1. fishing Voyage, is gilen, for With all Off will sets the botintry t30, annually. Ian hoard. OHOT AT A. 0/1114C01 A904, A Chicago Bank President Mrs.:110n b His Stepson -The Wounds Fatal -Th • Assaasin'if lifetire-A WOZnala WW1 Remarkable Career, Chicago despateh says: In the thron of people at the church door of one of th Most fashionable congregations in Chicago a gray-haired millionaire bank presiden .waaremorselesely shot, down yesterday hy his stepson, to avenge, or, ;shield a Woman charged with continued. adifitery. The woman Was Mrs. Meeokie Rawson, wile of the 'banker pilot and mother of the assail- ant. The banker , is Stephen W. Rawson, President of the Union. Trust Company,f Chicago. William Leei.agectX7, een.'"" Banker Itaillion, with file bullets in hie body and apparently in a dying condi- tion, was hastily picked 'off the blood7 spattered curb and biindled into one of the score of carriages that had been waiting for the wealthy Worshippers, , Young Lee,with the empty and dill smoking reveller in. hand; • was as hurriedly thrown. into a strikingly -different conveyance, the waggon of the pollee Patrol. Young Ise' had been seen for half an hour previous Pacing thci sidewalk fronting the Third- --Prebliy, teriari • Church. of -Rawson has long lieon •a_ leading light, and was. still tui Member, notwithstanding that he had been charged by his Wife with perjury and other effences. He, on the other hand; alleged that she, although prominent in Society and a beintl- ful woman in. appearance, Was really a dis- reputable, blasphemous, devilish tempered adventuress who ocivetea only his money. For a year or rnore the two have:been fighting each 'other in • the divorce courts, and Within . Week the banker has filed against her additional -charges of adultery. Little attention had been paid to Young Lee. •as he stalked backward ,and forward past the chinch entrance. -.HO was :lost in the crowd when the. 'oongregaticin began to come out. Mr. Damien RS about to step to his carriage when suddenly came the sharp crack of a revolver, followed • by a, deep groan. '. din of limiting 'began, but, subsided almost Matantly. Lee .was seen to quickly, tint coolly, steady his Pistol' with his left hand,/ while witli•his right he .again and again ' the fatal trigger:. Mika stifled.ory- -the .=:aged staillfonalrotfelitemlitrateenabbe suptitiffingh*gottieftlfitulebh/Mloreflid <get •ecniiitenatrebeitifiu eteptieri:"Lee, turning to in officer who had, juat appeared on the scene, hearsely. whispered,. "Take me to quick,". and it seemed scarcely Monient till the petrel waggon bore him away. When the dying banker reached his home six'phyeicians had bbeileilled. They probed for the bullets,. and found that alt. had lodged' in the ' legs or arms, save one that_enterednear the Annelid the hack, and is nearly as could be judged had plunged through his alibi:nen. If his life. was saved. it .would be little short Of a:miraole. A reporter 'found Mrs. Rawson at the. Continental Hotel; -where she occupies apartmefits„shorily after the tragedy, , and upon being asked.whet she had, to say in: regard to the affair replied, ": 1 am glad' of •it. He deserved all he got.. I. intended id do if myself:* • . • ' Lee declared he had." nothing to say except that he ciao entirely responsible for what he did; The career Ottlie,yonntrean's Metlier . Many reel:mete remarkable. Shirhas been married' several times, .wds divorced Once, and as a department clerk in the Goirerninent service at Washington is -understood. to have been concerned in some . decidedly sensational .incidents. , She firiit became acquainted with Rawson obetit five years ago., and their marriage Soon followed: Rawson is 65 years.old. ' • . ITELAGOAR-140 ' StIMM.A.1.-CY. The London West diphtheria oases are ar , on the mend, and the early opening of the - South End eehool is now looked for e .. , • • • • Benjamin.Alnewailti arrested Toronto for etealing jelinI Of. horses in .P.4 Edward county, was elintenoed Pigton tive. years in the penitentiarY-• 0: Mr. Willis-Rtiseell,.proprietor of the hotels, andifor 43 ),:ears a resident Qnebec,. died on Saturday night after day's ,fllneee• of inflammation fit the bowe Vaillaneeint, accused of 114 w at Queheoi has been: acquitted. T Grand Jury has returned. true bill perjury against Treael, Chief the' River Police Thakjeverninehthaverfltie said, an offer freria :scene. English contractors bend a railway between Prime. Edwa Island and the mainland for a subsidy' $203;000 a year for fifty yeare. ' . . • An oldwoman naMed Pelson, residing at Mirnjco,-coinnaitted suicide .on, Saturday i2tOrn, gen by taking wdose of 'strychnine. • a ',deceased. ,Wag.• in v.comfortable oireum, stances no Cause oan be osigned for the deed. • . :61'.-03..natmral'aOmntlta9,...1141-;424yanklihe!ils4-1ralkiinug-thotti- , establishing sroelting„morkic_iin_.Trinfori,- • %Slur taxes and $50,000 stock subscribed, and he'-. ..seente...the balance of the stook, $290,009. • The first erre*, under . the Charlton Seduction Ac ti Wilk& has been .maclein the 'neighborhood of Ottawa- was elected on Saturday evening by Detective Harry Head. d accordance with 'instructions .received the'detective proceedeatO Cobden, where•he•arrestild*Theme.s Morris, of bum- berland, Who was then on hie may to. Bonnechere; on * Charge. Of having seduced a girl under the:age • • • • Bishop Walsh; assisted Rey. Dean Murphy, of IfishtoWn. ; Rel. Dr. Kilroy, of Stratford Rev,. Father B. J. Waters of •Goderich •; •Rev. Father 'Joseph Kenne'dy, oflionaon, and Rev. Father Quern, yester- day opened' and dedicated the new Reniati CathOlia churchat Petrelea. • The building is a handsome Goalie -structure, of brick with .stone teiniminge, and cost 39;00fk: Duncan .CO3101311; the oldest Man in Elgin, died:: yesterday in lElcolitliWold, aged; 9fileflife°20164figy routadijete04,: Inoten,coi' heAelye_Atiltulrfainaugagth,memmElyl 46-(iiirdhOkiatinin0. naked ...chest ,Mr. • eaMpbell: was ,born, Argyllshire;.0001 Scot- land, and was the last one of .the•old /*itch. pioneers"of the county, His children are among the, , wealthiest residents , 'in the °Minty.. '.• _•••_ • On Fridinight kipie.peison:,:or-persons- iiiied a board of ;Tallack.ct Conine' waggon shop window at 'Dorchester station; raised the. 'sash and abstracted heavy • chisel therefrom.. Crossing. the street, they gained entrance into Dean's tailor. shop, and helped 'themselves to fifteen suite of winter underclothing, a snit of new elothee a pair of. new trousers. and, a •• portion of ,finether quit, of the valueef, .$50. ,. Artlinr,Frybo; barber, of Thiclin, • .wes enjoying a. qpiet. game .of • cards . With Thomas Anderson the ..citfier .ile claims that Anderson played the Woks Of Ah Sin, and he • rose *his Wrath; seized the Oakes and proceeded•to .mark 'his. die approval of ••Anders00•7cOndliet'on-liiii tieenVwith &poker.: The latter ',mina. not seethe joke in. this, and caused Price. to bearrested to fineWer charge of assanit and Wounding. : : • •••• • • • • : •. • John James Duckworth, aged .25' yeare,' .bridge builder residing at .St... Lambert, Que.; and son Dillir.,'Duckviottli, the bridge. inspector, was in the Grand Trunk yards, Point St. Charles,', •_cin Saturday morning about 3.15 :o'clock waiting for a freight tram..vithish was about to cross the bridge,. when in:walking aiding the 'track his :foot caught in 4 frog..,...Tlietthen an engine canto along in an cipposite 'direction, andknaCked hires:town, outtinghini into seven The coroner. wee. iletiged and will bold an figneet. • ...•.1 • The now _ . . Monntii.tb $658,734,680. , • A fearful epidenaio.. Of .tYnhciia. fever 18 aging at Ikon Molintain, Mich. There are ver 100 people down with dime* and :rem one to seven- funerals :Nein daily. , he loofa physicians are ill and exhausted, na Medical aid has been ifinimoned from . • • . • • The story telegraphed from Memphis to Wage about • the attempted' wrecking of he President's train by 'burning 4 treetie s hooted and laughed at by the,eoriespend: its Who have been • with the, President. uring.his trip,. They gay nothing,;:et-the- iid occurred. at time., • , • The convention Of social Reforming pre- .. ded Olin • by gra.. -Belva LeckWood has ben in session in: • Springfield, • for the, est fe,w days and hag ,ciegeiiized.,a now politieal party,,Sclepting • aflenothy lerni and nen:king! :a national •confinittee. The name of the new 'organization is tho Industrial:••Reforna party." ''.A.uiong the partie!pahts in the conventio* Was George. Frances Train.; • On• Saturday night john Davis, , a laborer, Of Gouverneur, N. Y.; aged 65, in ileinpany. with' hie' :wife, get on a spree. About 10.' o'clock when their son trent home he :found his mother on the floor deed, having been dabbed • in the bread. with butcher's knife. The• father was in bed asleep:" It :is supposed that the old Mail Stabbed his Wife in a driinken quarrel. The Itwo 'Were alinie in the hone° at. the •time,' • • • - Falb; 300 Citizens started out • from. 'Charleston, W. On Saturday morning after the robbers who ranidered Ryan 'nesit Welteh,..ROam.County; laet:Thinsday night' After the hinted Wad robbed and tho'. old man •was Shot; .the itobbers, thirty in rittinber, doninelled the faniilY to send him upstairs abate get breakfast for theni. The Offieere and citizens ran into .the rob. bets on Saturday night at. (31-eorge DWI'S residence, eight mileg from Seesionlille, a were wattled to keep.offby the rolibere, o had taken refuge in the hong° Pitted •holes; • and blade other arfongements protectimi. The murderers- lore fired on and Geer& .,DUff; Wio.d ke Coon was eliptured analynched: Five the .officers and citizens in the beide WOundea.. There are about.' twenty hers in. the gang, 11; Dilff; George aka and Iranleghanililing are prisonere -atvitit the •plbastive of the Vigilance Mipittie ;kW their • dispocial, The vigi. ta are Stilt after the rehbere: Ace t,o , . • WHY Jutt r A HEATHEN? ' • • , ' , The Chinese Lecturer Taxed .• for • Comingto confide: • Kingston ',despatch says: . On Satin - day, before leaving ' for New York, Wong ; Chin FOO, the -unconvertible . Chinamen ventilated his:grievances had, the Cana. Piwii Government;7Irhad, throug4. *he. a Customs collector at Suspeneicin Bridge, imposed upon him -the tax •of .350 provided r by the AntiChinese Immigration Act 0 paned sOnie time ago. Wong Chin ..1'00 has been about fifteen years, a resident Of T the United States. He, cleires that for a thirteen years he. has been an. American C citizen,. being naturalized at Grind Rapids, Mich., in 1874. :He •had . been a • frequent d visitor to Canada ever since, the existence of the Act referred to, and until the pre- i sent he has not suffered by its enforcement. e He nays, that OS arri/ing. at Clifton the other day while on a lecturing tiny- the ki CDEtOnAD officer sized hide up and declared that he was dutiable. Wig Chin Foo professed to be ignorant Of the law and fi!` took the action of the officer' as a joke, 4' but the, officer was not ,inclined to P be at all funny; and intimated that upon the payment • of the • tiseess- merit depended his detention or Progress. Now. Wong Chin Foo, being quite chatty and possessed of an. oily tongue, he set about showing the., officer the. mistake he had intide„ The officer was not to bksub. clued in that way. "He had learned' that Weng. was a • Chinaman' and that was enough. "I didn't deny," said Wong Chin,' "that I had been Chinanian;hut said I was new an American and 'claimed the rights and privileges of American citizen. ship. I Made affidavit of the, 'facts before the American Consul. I stiggeited thatt Now York World be asked for -proof; of my identity and all to no effect. 'T I was told to 'Pay the demand 'or return to New York: I Was at first disposed to return, •lint 'Thad made edgagements for two leolgires and. was boubd ,to fulfil them, and I was duly appraised; tagged *rid taxed," showing the recoil:it fin $50. "Yes," he went on, "050 for one Chinaman weighing less than 100 lbs.', and so more than 50e. per lb." Wong Chin said he would lay the`oase before the. Ainerican Government when he went home and he looked1or the return of the money. of ne Is. ife fo: of ea to rd of • an • wit The New York Socialist leaden on Sat. obtained from the polite a permit for for . po 10,000 inerabers of their body to parade to Union square on the tweain011 of Mobility . up night's meting. • ' ' of Forweed's Eichorn& for placing all we the departments of the likitish navy on rob sound,cothreeroial, basis - exit to be sub- Ere nutted to the ChancellOr o tho Exchequer, an if approved; will at .once adopted, and Co „ xl 4 111)/XWO TmiE (1/ITXMAElf, ifiArcanelee end‘ Odd sFeeekee, of the Little Ones. • . _ ezittiohnL envanTriminnav.- '- Little Miss Washburn wandered quite, a distance fronI her country home at a' well, known summer resort, not many weeks' ago, and couldn't find her way back: But ehe was not a bit dismayed. She imme- diately up her voioe and shouted to the fulloapacity of her lungs: • " Grace •Waslibuin and I'm lost I'm Grace Washburn and Pni lost 1" This she repeated until it reached the. ears, of some one who knew -where. ;she lived, and she was Seceded, home.-.Resten Budget. • ' T.ixe,.-Bustr-curcent,----- i A little 3 -year-old girl, when her mother was trying to get her to glean one summer evening, began JO mac questions about a noise outside. When mad that it was caused bx•a crioket, wisely , remarked : " Blaming, I think it ought to be .oiled." -- ;Portland Transcript, AN EXPERIMENT' worrig TRYING. ,12110 day little Emma'e mother reproved' her quite sharply for npt_chenging _her shes-s; After -ii moment's te•fleition Emma said: "1 wiskyentvouldhe-reet--doodte me, manntni. I. fink yon,...;:weeld-like.i• after you got used to it."-De/reit Free 'Press. WANTED TO," BOSS /1" THE JOB se LT. A little 3-yearold girl was in frontofthe Owner& the other day: The photo- grapher had posed her to his mind, had told her. whet to look at and stepped hack to make the exposure. The little -phi& evidently concluded, the •prelimineriefi were satisfactory, for she electrified., the photo- grapher with the Cheerful advice to "Let 'er go; Gallagher.", The .protographing was deferred till the merriment subsided. -- Providence Journal. • • , • , none To 'mom, ' Mr. Winks (with affected .disgust) - Whew 1 This mince' pie is terribly strong: ' Mrs. Winks -Yes Bridget got too muoli brandy in the Minder/Mat this time. • ' • Little Nell -Ain't it funny? SmeIljjst like pa's Mustache did awhen you wasas-V--,y., -Ontaha World! •• ,•. . . ,THE neembeen ounioenualry. ' 1.!t‘tlsi. hei,a4t village school_ had wil,- ,sn'aLuddainitillIFIlloti-MsieffabultitualaiVA With 'his dale.- His little sister sitting at his side buret intetears Over: the disaster, but ,,the , spelling reformer defiantly ex- claimed "Whitt if I .did leave him out? He didn't spell nothing, and what was • the good of him ?"-Pi•estItefOniTourna.l. , WORN AND WAGM The orapinying printers of New York. whose men are on strike have advertised for 1;000 non-union' compositors, and they will make a strong fight against the union. ; A Hazleton,.Fe., dakiitteh says that the, striking miners and mine laborers have insoe rtehceemi v e dbyththeeasKsiustigahetege of awbao_sr, prom.a the probability is that the strike 'will'. seen collapse. Wein 2,500 to 3,000. miners are OD strike in lilouthern Indiana. and there is a coal famine. A comniunication . from . Canadian Knights requesting the appointment of a legialativerommitteeof three4or-Canada- was referred to the Committee ou Legis- lation. Tho • eight-hour question in the „cigar tre.de was brought up The sentiment of the convention was that as eight limns is the rifle of the International Cigarmakere' UniOn it would not be right for members Of the Knights of Leber employed in this trade to work longer hours.: it was .decided not to issue the label . to those who, worked 19121gteffir bstoautresci tfiiroie.egnventiort yesterdayafternnon voted .• tthe New ne."cohtinne-the-boYaitt-04 About $350,090 has been paid in at Mon- treal under the Business Tax Law. '• , • , • Do you feel drill/ kinguid, lowopiritea, less. and 'indescribably miserable,. both physi- • c y and mentally; experience, a sense of fullness or bloating 'after eating, or.of gone. • ness,'' or .emptiness .etomach •_in the:Morn- kingite'' coated,'" bitter or. bad, • taste in • . Mouth, irre-ulavappetite, dizziiiena "frecnient . • headachea blurred eyesight, floating eipecks" before the eyea nervous prostration or fop.. haustiOn. of temper. hot flushes. alternating . with .sensationa. eaha 4311214iteetegorearzinaltast.etfterz ne41311111.8' oretatikund'itefOinear0 tettstartittlati-d ,Quatifit-412r-lit,,cTS/c4WWnatan indeseribabie feeling of dread, or of towelld-•.: lug ? • • •.• . • If You have all, or any einsideitible number of these symptoms, you are isuffering from that meet common of, American . maladies,- DYsliepsia..cor Torpid Dyer, assomated with DYspepela. r 'indigestion. The...more „ • ediePlicated • your disease has 'beconte the 'ter the number and diversity of 4-inec/- . ink • No Matter' what stasi it .has reach . , .1 • tt, • greater Dr: Pierce's Golden Me cal Discovery • will,,•subdue it, if taken . according to diree- ticinaLfor a reasonable length of time. If not • outell, coniplieations multiply and Conaump- , tion of the Lunsa: 'Skin Diseases, Ileart Disease, er,. Rheumatiihn, Kidney Disease, or other grave . maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner ' 'or later, induce a fatal termination. Di' Pierce's Golden.; Medical , coVeiry acts poNverfully upon the Liver, and ' through that great blood - aurifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im--• 7' : ith purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally: efficacious in acting upon the Kid- ' neye, and pother excretory organs? cleansing.: .1 strengthening,tind healing their diseases. AS, , pp t , nie, it promotes• ' dige.stion aii • nutrition thereby building _up _ • both flesh and strength. in malarial district, h • m o ne has gained great , eelebrity.in curing lever and Ague, Chills and ,Fever, Dumb Ague, andkinctred diseases. • Dr..lPieree's 'Golden • Medical Die.. overy. _ . Preminent Merchant in Trqttbitte, . . •• • . . Old moneybags mopes. in hie office all day, As snappishatici. cross se a bear; . ' The clerks know ericiugh takeep out of Mit Way •Lest'the merchant should grumble and swe Even Tabby; the cat,islu fear of a cuff', • Or a kick, If she V.eatures tOo near; • They all know the master •is apt to be rough,' And his freaks ni-Wxpected and' queer. . . What Malted the old fellow so surly and gth.n, . And behave so confoundedly mean ? ' • There's °certainly toiniethhig the. matter Jw • Is it otomadh, or livor, or spleen 7 We've ghessod liver is sluggieh and 'bad Tiis bleed is disordered and foul • Its enough to make any one hopelessly Mad, .Anffgreet,histest friendeviith a ifrowl • The world-wide, remedy', Dr, Pieree'a Golden Medical will correot a dieorderecl liver and nitrify 'tlyi bleed, :tone your system' and beild up Yenr flesh and strength, , • • A few Months ago Mr. Tartiglia: the banchnaster aboard the United States flag- . ship Richmond. corcipesed_e, Qbeen's jub lee march, which' he dedicated to .Que. Victoria, and recently he received the fo lowingreply : ." Sir Henry Ponsonby h :r"ifteeived the Queen's domniands to than Mr. Tartaglia for his letter, but to retur the enclosure which he forwarded, as it an invariable rule that Her MajestY.ehoul not ,accept .manuecript compositions." ,CURES ALL..111LINNOIRS,. from a common Tilotein., ,Ein_ption: to the . *cent Scrofula. • Salt -rheum,. "Fever -sores." • • 'Sealy ,•or Ron •Ski in -short; all 'dis eage caused by ba .blo : are conquered- by this powerf01,•_purifyingatid.-invigorating meth- • n eine. Great Eating. Ulcers rapidly heal under Its benign:influence.' Especially lies it main- : " tested ,its ' PoteneY in miring Tetter. Eczema, as. Erysipelas, B.oilS., _c_arby.ecIPSV_S•pre Scrof.. k ukeis Sines fine tup-joint: Disease. ° White JSIVellings,", Goitre.. or Thick Neck, • 1,8 itgidm Enlarged Glands. . Send, ton .0entil In.: • s for e. large :Treatise. with a:gored • d reate/4_, on Skin 'Diseases, of the smile. amount • for..it Treatise On ,ScrofuloUs •Afrectione. • ' • • , 0,c0II THE 'BLOOD IS THE LliFIE.:!' Thoroughly cleanse It by. using Dit.../Pleecegs. Golden .1ffiedical DISOOvieziy, and. ,good ges ion, fair skin,: buoyant' Spirits, vita! ' strength bodily. health will be .establi h • CONSUDirt. which Is Ecrofilla ilielaings; is arrested and mired , 'by this remedy, if :taken. in the. . earlier stages of the -disease. From, its mar- . velons Pewee Orel -this terriblY fatal disekaa. when first offering this now vvorld-famed rent.i • edy the ptiblidi Pierce thought seriously of, Calling it his. 4.`,Coiki,Strnirmos COnE,". but abandoned that mune as 'too. reetrictife for •• a-'•inedicine which, from its. wOriderful. com.',, • bination of tonic, oratreng.thening; alterative. or hood-cleaniiing, .pectoral, and . nutritive properties, is' unequaled. not only remed_y,, for 'Constimptien, but for .afl Chronic Diseases of the . Liver,. OloOdy.' and Lwigs. For Weak: Lungs. Spitting Of Short- ness of Meath. chronic Easel 'Catarrh', Pros... • .chitis, -Asthma,' Severe Cones,. ',and. kindred, .affections, it an efficient' reined*: • . Sold by Druglidete, at 1111.00, Or Six 'BOttle3. ' 5.00. • . .. • • . , Send ten cents in Stamps for Dr. Pierce's 4• :bookienConsumpt,ion. ' AddresS, , . World's 'flispensart.Aledical Association': . • , . • .863 niali Ste:. teti6PALtIi • . • • . What it Means. • • To the man or womanwho has 'my been ilk theword "health "is meaningless. But to the one who has suffered and. der ,spaireck-health appears as * priceless. boon. To the thousands of unfortunate. women Who are suffering from esome of tho. many forms of weaknesses or irregularities .pecu Hai to their sex, Dr. Pieree!s•Favorite Pee- soription holds forth the Promise df a speedy restoration of this "priceless boon." • Miss '''Anna Whitney, the . proprietor of the Chequasset kennels, is one of the most lifillegialuThreeders of the St. Bernard 'dogs in America. She ..spent ;years in Switzer- land studying the dog, ' and is an authority on the subjeot. The spooks andgoblins that delight .To nil with terror ahl the night; That stalk abroad inhideqesdreains • With Which dyepepsia's fancy teems. W141 never trouble With their file • The man who trent in Pierce's Piffs: . • Dr, Fierce's Pleasant 'Purgative /Pellets :- Vegetable, harmless; painless, sure • .., • The tenth annual cbriverition ' of thb Ontario Women's Christian Ten-mem:ice Union concluded its business yesterday and adjourned, to meet next year; in Sarnia. Mr?. Addio Chisholm was re-elected Pregi:4 dent: and was presented with $150. Prof. great setting out from Mrs. Youmans.' Fester Was in aft, (ludo:nee, and received a • Itesults, TOL Tlie. proof of the • pudding is the ;eating, and the proof Of the extraordinary power ,over pain of PolsOn's :Nerviline is the using it, Polson!ti Nerviline never Nile to perform wonders iti every OSSA of pain. It cannot fail, or it is .coriposed of rotvetfill pain subduing remedies. It goes right to the beitoni, 0„na pain is banished at onoe. Nervilind mires all kind of pain,internal. or Ixtereal„ Go to any drug store and get a 0 or 25 cent bottle, and be delighted by its promptitude in doing its work, , A pet 'goat, like -mm O'Leary's' &thaw es*, kiciked over a latig in a residende at Visalia, Cal., one cloy redentler, and before the Ore' Was extirigUishaa. $2,000 attniito had Been dodo, The .gotif esetiped, 'TherCiiir 8filith7O(Virginia," killod an eagle„ and George Thomast. a nefghhOi Of his, felt his patriotic impulses no outraged. that he turned to and- pounded Themes . within tin Welt of his life. • ItX....43 87. • . • • . When I Bey' cure 1 do not moan merely to eton Meru for • *nomad then have them return itroln I mean a radical• . Imre, 1 hevei made the disease of FITS, 1 ,ii.ErSY or FALL. INGI STOKNESS .1Ife-1ong etudy. 1 Wsrrsnt my temediy • to care the worst cases. Beattie° othe a li.ve felled le 110 •gesson tor not now receiving.. CUM. Sond sut once' for et' ' treetise end 8 Free 110t$10 01 goy Infallible remedy. thee . lextirese mud Poet OfOne. II goats, yon nothing for a trIsk Ind I Will cure Ott. Address LIM 11. G. ROOT,• .! • Bralich Olttte. 37 Y011ic Et Toralto. • THE Ot3Ok'f.TRET,P.RIFINtr) hare it positlen remedy Totth sibiwo theme° ;, by its nod thousendi of Mmes of the teeot kind no • orlong etanding hero boot 'Cured. I13(1004.• 1.0 krone ,falth in.its eillescrOlint 1 tvlt 110,1.1. TWO 50111 01 together 'With. a VA tt1/AltlIR. 1`11EA 11SKon this 'Mee.... to any ertr441or. e*prillt Awl P tri,11416. • nit " t sof •)'11 • StailCh Oftico, 37 rong*0 St.; TorOato. •