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Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-28, Page 1
• iii • • la re V0`Ii4ST • enilielmilummitawaamoir :-0110.71,11:r1401,11:*0#1,./Xl.- • is "I'itlili total Put : r . xy fill aY ;at.. the SOrriher,, �,,. ,,, tt tl Last �,,,, uy,• of 0.14rylu .Cncilea,ul l)e1! So:euts • -L.0CIA NOW:: ` ONTARIO. • LaOJ Tow; *ONTARIO,. 0 :1887.• SOCIETIES. 1.7-0K NO TV • ' LO I. 0- Meets -every Friday evening at. eight •r'clockiii it .1 AS .I}RY'AN,I'D7ro:fl AND Pt; BLITHER .Sit;oseriptfonx Prh , $11 per Yctstr, '111,A$1 ragice., Ail kit) sx.scu;rfin WITH • - GENERAL.'. RQ'B ` 0UNNJNo1 AM �: I\suItA\vii., • • L'IRE•AN1).M.A RINE, • .GZTELP.i1. • 'a.- .1 their Hall.Caiapbell Street... 11.„ Bret teruc,mdiallyinyhted,..,,.. ' 1Z"OB1.;fitT LL KS, • JOHN- LL9"(1T1'. • Noble Gi-wn,d: . Secretary T tT(aKNOW I.1)1)l;,.i O} '['I E:ANCT- en Orde.rof fruited 1Vorkuten,ineetin. the dcicl•fclli,w'r 1Tall.,.an the•secnnd sect' last. ltfomday evenings' of each month, at.Ao'clock VisitineRretbern are cnrdially invited. ' • W1I. (t'ill'NDV. 'A,'MAcINTYRF, • Master Workman Recorder NO. l i. 0.B.0,;11-11& .. !. :YL Thursday nn r before f,ih rnncin Lof each month/it eight Visiting 13retherncordialiylnvlted. <J.N® -A1 aroF.ii<E.fl:r3f�. W N ,T' Letter From;Michigan. for'recommending such' to conte and .see this country.. We are situated on • The followin is':a,co .'.. bi ;ba I)a V !There . • . ,, �� pY of `a' letter . .1; y oe,, :-• is ,froninle a recently"received by Mr. Robert Pur distance of two miles one of '.which is •vis, from Air, `x, m- considered the best ; wharves on Lake .. _. in. \\atsonr a; former .h .q , . resident of Isinloss; and whoa _w_ea} .01les oant. 10 .the :south, about. four miles -on -3 ako-741 eligan, there'... le an -- -known' to_' t:>1:an-yrof---our -leaders. We -other shipping ort; arid` a : t}ie }b'wer found it 'necessary, however to cull out:' end of Lake Michigan Chicago._ is sit-. uated, and produce can be Put on a .contiderable portion of, the' article, for although when'in this section the. board' and go there direct, andypu can receive your' supplies in return frctn: riter wag a; . member of''the Orange twenty to thirtyper Cent hewer t Order and.a most stanch Conservative dealingin cheaper ave ,.., the local stores.7:. have hc'}as• certainly' changed his mind andbeen surprised at • the rice: of articles P, a l s now gives vont to some very.'disl'oyal"' °£ merchandise that has been received remarks, which would not.. be tolerated from the Grange •store •'in . Chicago.; But the principal 'reason, which I have "•even by the: Grits" • • for recommending those • to :coin here DEAIE Sii1--I take this opportunity, ''is if crops should "happen •to fail; eu:' are not'restricted 'to'.your farm, alone to. address you a few •lines,- hi view of.) 'its'p.ublication, with regard to loin' a as it is a lumbering and mining as g. g well as a•farniing country. Any per - description Of thissection of the country,; Son and_o.rie or two Other.--things-in-which 1 am • •personally interested. 'In. the first,lace I will give P ig you ads • ro is Country,'As swear•,as •.I' this• N.1U]AT. ESTATE; at REASONABL Cr . 'hates,' on :'terms :of',Pa lneut •:to':�+ it' 1L•Srrowere. Y rt : .ELLIGT I '1.'•It 4. V R Lu no'w yk one - to., ' INT F..-RST-CLAS;S MORTGAGES' AVT. 'tA "� r , p . • ry � per Cent. interest, Payable yearly.. (Jlrarges very moderate. til o• • Apply t ROBERT :'1IU1;'Y,:;t,Y, at lir, en's.' cAL. : DIS '�'• �.;. _ A.,_ G: E_I.,. 7�.IC�1-:__ I . , C A[., ]1i (.,P.• fi 0'.,' 1 P \1 S. • L.'P,',C.'P.. and L. M., Ediubul h.' • _ g 'OFFICE -That t former �a ly,ocdtipfed by -1•)r MacJ id; over b. G�rundy's store, where J will be found nightand,day. • HALE No '7'19 a, er, while"'ono 'sol:itary wait towering. .s;ome 25.feet:above..thei; ,dwelli.. mai n ed•` ' Fr natty another heavy wrnth � r: stone -commenced. The huge' wall creaked. It swayed, -'to and fro, then, . over it went on top. of the' lieTit. on and a; half franc's ` buitiii� r A.11 ,.1ts oCcli ants:. r u.yln , 11rr- P. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS, In. Central, church, Toronto; on• Oet;,• 20th, `Rev. Jonathan . Goforth who,, spoke on missions in the ,Presbyterian, church here;.last June, was ' • ordained. and solemnly set apartpto �forei • i foreign, mea Sion work. He is. to spend the winter in visiting congregations east of .Tor onto, and purposes' to' leave; fo>a Chiiia` ,.• in the:spring:. ,It was.: while hearing.:' our.' worthy missionary, . Dr,., :MacKay,, • hof Farinosa, speak.' in ; the town: of In with a Little.Auer need"never be ger soli'. that itr. •. Gooforth:resolved:to, �:ut shortas. there is g lwa s' lent; " of° ate his life' to the Work of Christ'. always P y among the heathen. ' .. work at:high wage's: You, pan realize g tires el 1 \ 'seri tion.. per day for your; team. Dr •G,'L, glaeKa'.' has ma P and'everythiri• '' foiled and. if r,r 1. 1320102,4:/0,,44.Yg , t y__ ._ a© an:p {.'aA,' for , ii p P t +F .dbifl �J41'. +e: a a wail IYI• ate- '$S'w:�a-5145_13fllY1+ar %IPiI'mid.�it�'o,'.5�'o!II}+` "1" 'r e. ,t ;•+c., ., 5 ... ""�4�11�'' l�$!�' G„.v',r,'J'�F3•"� .< . `tie'`"", landea in orth'6in •.'F A �41ose �`liinf�";, at it' lra$�een .so for the • .Formosa . many iii the t rinity In which T`lived last ton years.' • As 'I had: }±e requested', •:'1872' it ••was •n lip k,e Ir, athenizrr in. -that sev A in' - a are • laboring under. dithcultles, • ..1.4 .er .1 of my acquaintances td) • As•a•result of, the 15 ears:, wor •r{ • • • write to them-and'give• then; ,full' dei: there are now:'43 re s*: similar to '''.11'..9.-1!.:-,•••'6s'Lk,ut ".perhaps ..; , :. p ache '' stations' criptions of this Section' of .the country 38 handsome 'churches ,wher ,. net to. the swans extent, and a great Z `take this. o : orturiit of ' doing+ A 43 `'na= men tl 'PP y so. rigs preachers roolaim , th ` o- hers M c li: •', •. ..• P Q . bless' u It tkeTe Y1 theregardd Flet �V veryrel 'With French- i .t O In : dents y , , Which i1l;ave :gospel'ao thQir fe1)ows,.2,250``meri3berg nian' whet he'got marred. The Priest :.'left behind 'true I , a. y .. m y. just state ' to On the' ootniriunion roll, - 53 PId:P:r'' asked:11101' where those iriterested 'that .,o.n' and. tete he 'was' going to. live ? :. � • ,_ t if God. spares: me 4.. deacons: -Iii . Tamsui; ttie'.principal . Fie replied '" ou dadies ' Odder: end.", my health, they will: nev er� ..lose. one. town, thereare'three noble rjr} • t t t' • • terc ate 'many there• w1 J.ST'.,' r y 10 •&18. dUlilg A 0118 O .+8 ' to., T'r N.AN I. , t D ' g Loan �' + ,L. C.1.S: so. ouu mHn` who• seem : t • ,. , Y o o. tae aft' cent by' tile,' as I consid'er. tin: honest s us i u •lona, t A large ni nian willpaytics honest debf,y .where :. -" g � els school. wag erected"fronl, a>d : fundssupplied`•by:the Womans; Mis:• 'ever situated, and. as; such 1' claim. 'to ,a.; siouary• :Soviet .•:-God' • Y, bless.r t be.:, •I. refrain 'y'urs trothose y+ :'ch'risti`an.w o.nen' w h. 0 r ae u It 1:• Meet," nt � • ing in little coinpanie's ::of from; bo ;SO 'down t d re twos,and .threes,.. and' are •doing'-suc'rr-a, grancl work' -=."r dam 'Of God couleth not with'' ohser- vat1011 "' -In MacKay ' lrospitale, .which - was Ibuilt at a cost _of'$3;0OO, g ven enticrel I,:hy Mrs. MacKay; + 'of V'tso r, froiii two to .three; thousand ::new;: •: p at nts :are treated: 1s 'annually. ' 1. A+c= AT ,6 IL 'ENT., FROM 2 TO 20 ,.a1 3 T stb of raihns for Sale in On- tar•rc as well as•11fnnrtob a. Parties desirous to Nell it• arm, will consult their interests , by in-. ai>uctin: tics advert1Srng fa:cihtie,r.o ,:Subscriber 1 ti •G rent ri taiin:and Ireland and Continent of l•�ands flit. .Sale. ' • ;A NOUS S'I'EIWART, Land Valuator, Lticknow, Ont'. CAMPI[[l BAYKERS) tl• 1 �� bei � � � ,•' • _ I • p Stree'�, Luc -know, MONEY TO , LOA N ..t Reduced Rates to Snit .the' '1'inies. • Locus • On Mortgages: rtgages es Low as 6 percent.. • sTob S a�a < rt @O a.0.13�0q • g g ght •S 43 -Drafts' and Chei ues.on all Points Cashed. •,.8`peciul -and Prim pt:Attention Paid t. the Voliecti:on of Notes, Accounts Rents etc. 43 -Drafts Payable at Par Issued on the Principal Cities anti. Townw'of Canada and on the United States and Great Britain.. Parties . Remitting will find this the Cheapest, Safest and most Convenient Method. ' 5 • 1N;TEREST. Five:er, cent. allowedL o.n' Deposita in the, Savings Bank Department.' Funds Invested for PrivateEarties.` We are prepared to offer act nstoinore' .every faeility• •af&,rded by a ,4 taredBankund'o equally fa vorab a ee ms 1, 'CONVEYANCING :o its Br'anebes. acib'ire.and Life Insur• Are, Best 0ninpat 1l rReq)resehted•. I WFIC E 1101116i s Frain' 9 a.in to 4• p.m., ,. • .O.AMERQ & ''CAMPBELL LUCKNOW .. Ddi.ce=lfCedi i duh L,ieknow.•' Aar Special attention' Paid to dpsea.os of women and.childrei:. AFg'C:alla promptly attended toiliy nlg1Yt or' day.. 'U.. ,.As.'�,AG T• C�I1VT11QI�., ,. A. D., C. M., M.O.?: L. ,.and 1.. 1f.; Edinburgh:. Coroner Couuty.of Bruce,.: . 'Licentiate of Midwifery,. Royal College -Physicians and, Sur ,eon Edinburgh: SurgeOns, 8' ,}1si3`Office- One docireast of the Post :0ffi•ee•: Lncynow, Out. ' • • D e Graduate of th,e •'Ontario V lege; L'oronto ' 'and' regia oterinary.- Col Veterina registered , can n .w be y Medical. Aseeciatiou, can now be' friend prenared to treat'all diseases of the do= Meath; animals in the•latest and inost•scienti fie, zn, neer. Calls either -by. Malt o Y . i a.telegram' prom tly attended to. Charges moderate. ''p Offce; .Corr;� �an e.. Hall.: ." Re'idem gg a ce, Pascoe Hotel , Luck .DENTAL. Lr etln tIA J. to of J. er , has removed ' Dental $ural yr .d to Wingham, where he will carr on the .Dontristy business; but be would beg to inform his patrons that he. will visit' Lucknow on the first and. third Mondays; and Tuesdays of each Month. Office in Cain's• .Hotel. Pure Vitiliied'A'ir :administrated for the painless extraction of teeth. • CAMERON". (OFCAMERON & •CAMPBELL.) NOTARY. � PUBLIC. I Cornmiseioiter tri IL :R., Conveyancer; etc, • •LUCI�NOMr. QNTA.RIO: � .. ' . Conveyancing n all•ite•bianch©s. • pI LER '' &.12 73I F Deeds Mortg unix, Bonds k gree SON, 0 � LTTE ttc• tont t: , a mentet,Leases,: I, to M C''°" 13arristerr Solicitors ' Con ve - + p N y and carefully prepared, • • aii.^ere' •Notaries, . `]Uta. {1'. ('1. it„i1CNiZTTR Iyla • and eorreetness guaranteed. . • , 'to tl U. McPilifiisox; n. A., t.L.n. Spe"cal and., prompt attention sacci sect Searching ci P to the ". <04.ee; fi'Uni(M. Block, .1G Toronto street, g #Titlerl,and to allMattersconnec a r of ea state. t `to strike outfrom their uiotl ers; There. nre"others which are'laborin under mdse .heavy:' mortg'tges end -of vario 's^ ,u.l kill is and. as :Josh .Bill ngs' says, when a mak starts to go,doWn hill, be find greased, reased read f b� + y,ai- the oecassion, •and ill my- own experience' I have`foundit.so:'' :These are others who,�like myself., have got 'soutewhat inter'.ested ln� meeting demands made upon them 1n a certain 'Now, 'Now, ':1 would• say to 'all; such, Come and ,see.. Northern Mlchinarr and you `will be better able to • judge: for yourselves this :country there is any :amount:of good land to be had fro nwhatis known as ae ac1 on Iron, Co., . which the wood: has:'been.,cut off,. from.. fifteen to twenty years; ,The stumps are all TA., to P •. n, Old it can, be had for.five dollars per acre:••' -True, it is; that this Company monopolies this: section. to a certain extent, but I never knew a eonipanyor ptiaate•individual give a farnier,a.bet- ter."chance. I Will, give you . an example out of many.' ,There.'is a farni.across the road froin•nie of eighty acres. Five years ago,he• paid 'the company:fifty dollars omit'; he has never .paid them any, thing since; but has paid the taxes. He has had it rented for a' term ' of years for' the sum of one hundred. and. 'fifty dollars' per' year,- and as far. the :company:. controlling,this: section I nia just state. that. I. would sooner. . be c Y: on- . trolled by them than the, overninet .t .of: Sir'John. ,If you •are laboring und- er any:;of • these dif]ieulties, which I have -mentioned, pay nee a visit and 'I will• be glad to'.see, you 'and•' take ;you around t� •see fore yourselves.: 1 may • .now give a sketci''of the` crops :,.which •1. have seen for myself, and have helped P neighbors to cut and the;' public -can judge" for themselves, if. Y am 'capable of,-ud ►in•• good- crops Or good a, b � g . F , land, ok the opportunity: of taking'a 'ride to south 'of .us about twenty miles. I think I never saw, ,better'' cro"'s'. F toroh to. Money to Iean on farm', and village : ed with the transfa It' 1 Estate. grew IL41tGES •:c REASONABLE, in wheat, oats barley >;, , , ,, rh.y arid peas. property, at •Iowts t rates ' 699.. C I' just• sate four acres winter wheat and • ' " ' it was ve`''far wheat The ,: ary Y' don't O&M l RON it CO. LLL Barristers, o ... » r . ie ie V.' ...S, ]tett rs,. ItTa tarus•.i;-arb'lror- Rc,., •17 Toronto street, Toronto, Money',to lear17- hates Cheap. lobo, •MePlitt,Lirs. D. O.. Cni(uiloN. WEST WAWA.NOS.c', I uu �a�. ifreln urau c eC ... � r .om an ;. .p y OARD OP I REU'I'ois' MEE'I'SFOR the ,tranrna.tion cif business on the ' first 'Make a specialty here' of growing win'- , ter in'ter Wheat, as 'spring •wheat is a sure ar,d brings a better price. And rt the In11c1 I don't think it' is le to get a. more priduotivo .soil,' ugh a . Canadian at first, ,sight'. d he t A condem nde o m it P as 1 rii � self Y The' woods. resemble a swamp in.. da, but the soil' is all foundo(roti k,: which is' p eros x and lets tile'. creep as fo possi h altho OIi,RI'SON, ATTrOlaNEY at w , •'':�.' . .. . out .M. t lrtsnr ed 1 in t Iw 9cicht t ho h er s n re ca n. Y as1 nl y R Y • di x d. 4yurrr�nlesloner, (.-uvea�' anr.er, utc,; Lticknc:w; Ont. Office over the 3? t Office, I . - Cana a T es u cls rn y each month. Parties wishing to have.their rrpper pbpiilar Company, "will by giving notice' be galled 'mum by an agent or by ;ono of the Directors. Business calls prottiptly at-, tended' to r • IMON CORRIG�f1,l\Y,corl ,itssioNrtt in IL C. 3;41Cinleugh is r 0., . Ontario.; ARROW AND 'plt,'Otthv )C1'['''' ,:e +• Iis1•riste'rs,lirtili'citor•a;'etr �,,C�niicrtch On�. ,1,• T. (xARIwW.' l tyles 111.0Un1Pr10Y. t1OT. rrl.AVER, ATToit:V1 Y-,aT' ,LAW, :lolicitor ht 0liancery.y'Coavey' the miens will bo below" :;what. was f'�t-', did.• fisc%, etc ()aloe next dc'glt' t til. Post. I�taltnow. Opti •�� peep ate •wAelt; ,r, M. R>31JI�7aa� Oliici"D'atngalinon. B`et Meas :-. 0hees markets: , e are dull. . A good "many fabtories.are reported' as irxious. to sell,' and it is likely. there will be a 'bruit 'movement: Af4stoc ks soon; but roc surface water through ;It ranges from "thre"e"t'i3"'"twoii'ty"�`"fee`t'; ' n long r there are large tracts that it conies close to the surface and such land is very little nee. It is a very level country and does not need undordraining. I have not' seen any: as yet wMoh'1 considered' • DISASTER AT'MIT:OII L`L . L ': ;Two Mangled 'Corpses'•Taker, From ' the Ruins, 'Alitch:ell; Out. • 24; . A he.. eqvy wind Stone swept:ovor Here: last nig lit about o'cloek,;-•demo]ising a large opera' hall; in courso,of• erection The... ivall$ were blown .'dowel:oh.' a : small frame. 'Nouse oceiipiod by,N. Green and •famil .. • Mr.•Gree ' ' Y . n...and; a- feme1e:. seri ant wPr•e' instantly killed his.•wife escu itis few :bru ` ' P r with plass.: P110 SEAILCII AFTER TiiE BODIES. The workmen' who were searchin ► for. the bodies discovered. Mrs.. txreen standing erect.itt the doorway between the' back ' door and. 'the front. door-' several feet below the ,ruins. •She' was unhurt, although a short •time -after she became: .dangerously. delirious. Mrs. . Greeiii has' been.an invalid for years,: " and this ;shock nay. . be " • the means Of. gauging, her 'death. She is supposed: to b•i hurt ' interiltilly. ,The work''.•of ,recovering the other two .bod.ies, which •wero buried 411 a mass of brick, stone, mortar-and`h ,huge tem- bers,,fifteen feet in depth„ Was then' begun After ;two' •hours' and ahalf of••liard work the body of Noel 'Green was found in the front room. • He was lying upon his back with.' planks over his.bareaieail which' was badly crush- ed. ,Emily • Snow,.:,the domestic enc-. ployed by the Green family; was else found in the front room:: 'Nolte' of the family : had •i:etired." Tho girl' Bali evidently ,been eating a lunch' before: retic' r , aa' when her body "was:'found she was lying Upon hoi' side with her mouth full_ of bread. ller body, %vas badly • mangled. Noel Y • !, Green '•vas 'a man of about 45 or 50 • years of'age, and very sicklY ; tllsoh, dotn xi eetni -a young lad of 14 years of ago, ,fortun. ately happeaied to be away. ft one, home. Emily, , Snow• s parents are'both dead,. she has brothers residing ' in1litcliell 0 and has •a cousin' "in Str a tfor'd,, T ' West, a hxickivalior. • She, was •24.1' year's of. age., , 7'lle (.Lreen," family Were .warned of` the datiger they ivero in when rho' first wail fell. ,• Green , in rep l said "there was no danger," P Y ., , g •� ullori, •time.after the west wall fell they veto again told; .that'thiiy had Bettor leave their house and peek safety elanwhere, Still they deniurred. Ever ' when the front. wall . of the, buildingildin tumbled 'the refusedogo.' ' nZigebll `1'.' It. d s t;go, f Y now live. tw446 �• m� Tait �'�Ase h-� g�1g�4In0'eAI�r �bn�1 I1gQ poi<aj'ii,,. • � Oxford• college,.was, built at a cost of $7,000,. which was raised by 'the-Pres- hyeerians• of.Oxfor d, Dr. M,c hay's '.n:rr--: tive:county. I[ere are "trained a na- tive ministry. y, In -reviving all this atl.il:' farmore'unto,d it 1. i . '' 1 May •wet ay we exclaim, what •amagnlhcent work`aceoni lis h e.d , 1ti 15 ears When p.. h 1 ,.Y..•. Dr: lac.ay,' Ordained to this avprk �in 1Glontreltl;•.a;, young man'in retiririg from the c1ureh • made`the' reinark regarding hiur ' " poor. fellow ! is .there not work fele him in 'Canada ! Why Should he throw away his life I", •Will any one how ask .: the question ".why should' . he throw- away' his life 1" : 'IVhat'work on earth .• is attended with 'su'ch joy •! rvliat' work ' is so honorable or SO enduring as the work :of leading perishinga souls' to..tho` blessed . Saviour ! About a '1000 lnii libns have never yet heardthe pt' , ll eeoos' nems Jerree.. I' sincerelyPraY .that.' - •. several boys around 'Luc know may ,be longing to go forth 'and". tell some 'of: fhese'sad. souls ,the d i1 glad tid lga. GoY� TIIIIJIITED.., -Hold on Tom •! e • 'm :L. t o help tA. car'ry•your lead ; what in the world have ' you got , in those •ht ar .mg- parcels els 7 . Well, neighbor, •I,have:' been out shop- i'nY,asthecallt�.'il, 14 • . Y t, and 'fora •$5 ' bill' I bought all these goods!: A heavy• war•. Led• comforter n clot s .!31;..x.: .. t}. dross for. nl'y.wife .IU yd good 'cot. ton ; a dross; air lo�•estockings,factory r ... P :. fi , .s, and : for my little girt; cloth' jaoket,for'►ny wife ; . pair, kid gloves ; ,pound '.gre.ti tea ;',six...pounds ,of. rice ;`four pounds • .of raisins ;, 17 •pounds•, of su ar =. and I vas offered,, a good overcoat for four' dollars. Well, Toth, that's .,a''heap of goods' for. that altioutrt of -tooney;'f Where did you puroliaae them '11 think his name is terry, .1r. domicil' used t . " rl keep the,store, anyway, you can't nisi the place, look out for';t a red, white and blue hags.' t' --141tens uuderc'lohi l t ng 'it�y cd heap, shirty; :and drawers for Oardiganjaclt;e►ts, felt socks van bets , Ment impsp1 imitation nt .hlcIntyre's, -- Don't forgo to atter' bit;' sale of,, household fug' pots,etc., on Fridayl ,oroloclt 'Sharp.. Per ''• is