HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-21, Page 7•
—TAX41,tellti.A.PWO t1J1,!..0.14.4tY.
., •
There irs a Cincinnati woman who faints
away every time ther.fire belle ring.
A. London West'fanillY named Milroy dre
in a pitiable state. The father is in bed
helpless invalid, whilethree.of, the chil-
dren are dawn with diphtheria...
. Prang Clark, who Was injured in the
repent accident on theKingeton &Pembroke
Railway, is not expeotiscito recover. Several
ribs and his left shoulder are broken. Ile
has a Widewed. mother.
14r. Delaney, son of the Colleotor of Ctis-
kens on Grindstone ;Island welat out in °a
. heat en Wednesday and hag not been ,seen
• (deco. The boat has been found, and it is
feared its occupant iadroWned.
A petition with 6,000 eignatures attached,
has been Presented to the Government
- asking that an election for tlitreepeet cif the
Scott Act ebell be held in the United coun-
ties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
A. L. Wilcox'aor many years one of the
MOO prominent Reformers of South Oxford,
died rather suddenly it his home, in Mood-
- stock, on Wednesday night of typhoid
-:fever., 'He' took an important part ina
•..municipal politics.
' Miss, Fraser, who has boin. living. .with
Mies. McGee, dressmaker,
perial Bank Block, Woodatock• amid t 11
piping trains, and James Patterson, aged
8 was looked up for siic hours for dropping
an iron beep on a passing train from a
• bridge everhead,
keens; hTeenan and 136jus, otKingston,
will laitild a new steel steamer during the
winter to ply between Kingston, Ottawa
and Montreal. She will run feurtden miles
an hour. •
fell dokillcd.wn st ir ter Y
--4-114-es cla-34-41nr-ning' nd °
• Death, which wa,iLingtante,arneoweagB, f
. • The Kingston assessor finished his work
!able property over last year is 303,22e. The
,population hag increased 00 during,- the
yesterday.' The increase in value of assess -
Year; and is now, 16,21 There are.176
houses, in course of emetic) .
, .
An employee of the M. C. fl. shops at St.•
Thomas named :Tames Volet Was caught in
R pulley yesterday trio rning,whirled. tirenhd
in mid-air for egret, seconds a.nd then
thrown violently to the•ground, sustaining
serious-injoieg, &Sides- a Miiiiiher Of Weill
,wounds. yie,recevety is doubtful. , •
I,izzie osg, a young woman who clarets
to St. •Thomas from London, Eng.; ;some
Months ago, on Saturday everting at a
grocery store in the east end of klt.Thornae,
while waiting during a passing tain•ehower,
formed the acquaintance of _a , sailor from
Sarnia, aged .40, who gave his name 9,s
William Hearn. As they recited their _ g ticket ShOpf3---as- against-the-
past-eifiefience each to the others, mutual Board,
affection spreiag ureregiiltifig in a niarria,ge Marie Antoinette's famous necklace, of
nain.a.nlaour- ro'und her neck in 16
Fere. The Paris Tentiie states that a
complete entente .0074(410 exists between
France and Spain regarding Morocco, Two
Italian war ship, have been ordered to
Morocco. Exteneive preparations are being
made at Tarifa for encamping Spanish
troops. •
• Ab-SaVannah, Ga., 5,700 bales of cotton
in the, held of the British steamship Naples
are on fire and the ship is being flooded.
A Washington despatch: flays the, Alaska
sealing epiestion•will not be referred to any
. .
. An investigation niade at, the instance of
the .,,Department of State shows that no
infectious disease exists among aninaals in
Nova Scotia. The Treasury Department
has therefore revoked its instruetions' of
the lOth nit., prohibiting the landing' of
'animals and hides frotbat_Provinee--
•PresidenteWright„ of the Chicago Board
of Trade, struck another blow etthebucket
shops yesterday, The 'Commercial:Quo-
tation Company, which operates tickets in
connection with the Postal • Telegraph
Company, was denied the privileges and
quotations . of the Board; and the tickets
were stepped: The reason for this . action
was the belief that the Quotation Company
. .
-resulted ir-orn-diiiideation of theneck.
• Two •young ,Springfield girls, named
Charlotte Atkieson and Edith McCouleY,
, were taken to the countyjail at St: Thomas
last evening, haling been committed for
„ trial on a charge of larceny. The young
, prisoners, who beer a bad, reputation, took
po'ssession of a horse. and rig which • was
tied in front of a 'store, but were overtaken
esid arrested after a long chase.
Wm. Hetherington, .e.• farmer near
Springfield, while Menai° with drink on
Wednesday, brutally beat his wife and
then threw her into the well, after whioh,
thinking he •had nnirdered her, be at-
tempted. snicide by taking a . dime of Paris
green. The wife scrambled from the :hot=
was -mit foot .deep,
and reached neigliho?0, where she lies
under medical attendance. The.clOse did
not profit, fettil on the part of her husband,
but he liee in acritical eondition. '
Lawrence Donovan, of New York, 'dived
into the "Tharnes from Waterloo bridge,
Brooklyn bridge, and bat little sensation.
ertificate being
rom their firs
bald, of":16/.1:-.
one. They took 'rooms at the City Hotel,
where they remained till Monday morning,
When Hearn induced his Wife to raise $5
on her jewelleny at a second-hand store,
and securing her, trunks under pretence of
tekieg there t� the station preparatory t,o_
,thoving to Sarnia, decamped: :Lime b to the violetien of the la* by giving Meer-
newspaeers. Theis is a,' penalty attached
'father, who is a street reacher from Lon-- red anewere ; but wbfere is the man 'who
don, Eng., is well-known M St: Thomas,
Where he has spent the summer, and but would not, if ocetigion seemed to require,,
few days fence left for Whitby, where his take off a yearOr so at the request of his
inemoreta.?. • ,
other daughters, Who are most respecteble • _
,waii caused. • • ' • •
"One'of then:Seat interestingforthcoming
• books will be Grenville Murray's-Memoirs
• by widow It will be very piquant;
and include. such epieodes,as Lord' earring -
•;...ten'iehorsewhippirtg. of Mr. Murray and the
causes of the essayist's attack on '; the,
Foreign Office. - • '
• • • • ,
The American Club was, opened yester-
day under distinguished auspices in Albe•-•
street, London. • It is non-political in
its 'basis, the primary object .of the club
, beingto foster the various interests of
thosewho have been or are. still c'onneeted
•, • with th western hemisphere. , • • '
• d ' ' -d •
• Club accornmo - en onsnereases
• , • by two thousand to three thousand persons
• • ,. per year, andyet the demand is unsatisfied.
- the neighborhood of Piccadilly two
• • • • , . ,handsome buildings are alinest finished;e
third which " will be frequented by Con-.
. servatives, is. Rege'nt 'street. •
• • . Rumors are .Vety regarding
.. the Crown Prince of Germany. Piivate
reports affirm that the 'affection of his
throat develeps • a Cancerous tendency
• isnot yei• pronounced, but is more
• .. than suspicious. His magnificent constitu-
. • tion begins to feel the effects of the con-
tinual dram upon his strength. The local
:disease eeeins 9 yield, then it breaks forth
' again. The most. eminent medical men in
•Londen feel very doubtful about the reatiM
- • • .
• • A. Plan has been Submitted by Admiral
• • ClOite to the French Minister of Public
Works for the . construction of a bridge
• across the English:. Channel at Calais.,
' The bridge is to be ensailar to the Niagara
' .
suspension bridge, and raede of iron. There
" will be passenger -ways and place for rail-
: :. raid tracks. The structure; if built, will
extend from the Dover Heights to the hills
at the back of Calais, eriabliprships and::
'steamers to pass underneath without diffi-
• '
„ • It has' been finally, settled thattliePrinee
of•Wales lato arrive at Mount Edgeurnbe
from Londenon the (Timing of Monday,
the 31st inst., and ho will he the`, &est of.
Lord Mount Edgenmbetill the :Morning of:
Wednesday, November 2nd, when His Royal .
Highness will proceed in the Osborne to
. F 'lmouth • frons there he will go the next,
• . •• .
to Truro to attend the consecration and of
. .• . • .
pening of the new cathedral, . After: the' , pr
' ceremony the Prineniie to go to Pore Eliot, th
• • • ,' where he will be thegueStof "Lorduncl Lady ' ih
• Germans till Friday 'afternoon,. when '
. he 19 to retutn. tO. London on •his way to
: • reandritigliam. • •
• • • Perhaps neonle •Would not Indulge in
, • ' ' , these silly, ignorant speculations as to the
: • • , • rear,riage between one Of the: Prince of
. ' • ': Weles'-dangliters and the Czarewitati,, or
-• one betUreen Prinee, Albert Victor and orre of
• ,, • tthe, daughters, of the Enveror of Russia, if
•. '• 7, 'they were aware, first, that the Czarewitch,
• Who is now is so Weak both in body
, . ,
" • and mind that there can .be ne, (petition
of 'his inarriage with aeybody,'; • second,
' that • the secoed son) the Grand Duke
' •" Ckerg",: Only 16 ; third, that the Grand
•• lisitlitss Xeeia is in her 13th year, -,Riensia
. • . /as benelitted so inuchilueing the lest,;sixtY
' years by her family friendship with Pos.
• ' sia that. Oise erituiot doubt that in dee time
' . the Emperor Alexaede will endeavor to
'strengthen the boucle whieli unite him with
Bettliieby este:flier %Mena+ with the ITelten-
•' Selleths;'. Ha would gain absolutely noth-
ing ihcreaging cennection with •
e ‘41ittland.,, '• ' •ed d
tie of the Italian immigrants froth the
. •
,• titeaniship Alesiti, quarantined at Hoffman ,
eeting_Rev. Dr. A.rehi- strings is now-foruale-at-theuhop of one
urch, bad made them 0 the principal JeWellers in Berlin. •
United States ladies who are 'contem-
plating matrimony, •and especially those of
them who are no tenger young, are inclined
not table) the new inartiage Helenas,. law,
because now their nee are published in the
young women, reside. One •is acedet in Sir George Stephen en I 'key() for Eng.
the etalvation Army of that plae,e; : land early in November -to arrange for the
The coroner held an inquest yesterclaY building of three powerful Steamers to rua
on the Pacific Ocean between Vencouver,
on the body of Mrs. Vaillancourt,uged 57,
' • a a orer at Charlesbourg, Que. China and Japan: ' The stearners will be
who Was 'found dead in bed last •, Friday: about 4,006 tons`burden,' callable of steam
She had beena paralytic 'for twenty-three ingielOteen miles an h°11r* •
months, never having --been out -.Of bed in: The ceittemirdelWifnat:—Trurnlitt
that time, and had, not been ,fed sinee the yesterday seized the. St. Themes consign -
preceding Wednesday weak. She had died meet of Louisiana lottery tickets for the
of. filth, stervation.and neglect. Her body drawing which takes place • on the .13th
was covered With.vereels, Her husband, inet;! and a -in h°14in.-011-em,,eendin:s.eginstrue"
at"- ag;!4'49j•P-It^ere-d' TwitaktOnatOftwiL -01%,41.,,ene4.1"
tiT London is: an immense' catliedi,a§: Vaidtin:gli"Otate That Thelittilh een
ahapelin 'the city. •• done, several gettlers, haVing-lost-teieir all,
like stone heiicling •Oltissic architectural extinguished byAlai_r ins. • A yery large
833 . y , is eonsielered the handgemest etnount Of , damage hoviever, been
The Odessa ,garrition has been reduced to and few have escaped: w.ithenit coxishlerahle
its normal strength. --ThefeeednetiOn-li-are "• 7 •'
caused surprise, and is •regarded•as. prOof • •MeSers. & Cougliellpreierietors
armed interventhOil tile. Baikar4s. :Standing in mie of gravel pits ot
that Bessie. hag shandoned, the idea of of the Port. Stanley Gravel, road, arliile
Thursday Were suddenly engulfed' by the
Advices fiona-Bijetit; Afghanistan,:nay,
thatOmere Ithan recently , defeated Abu
baying in of the pit, and it took an hour to,
aig.them; out. ,They escaped with e Le*
,Baltar, son the•Ahlieund of Swat ; that
bruises, but the waggon beside them. was.
the A.meer requested the chiefs of the neigh-
broken to splinters.
,boring •tribes to' punish :the' Victor,. 'and
the,* .thes. whole Of -Ilajtiut .has risenagaintit
1 1
Marklyeain is now residing at Bucken-
ham Hall near Norwich which hp has
taken for a- year; and .is • 'equally enjoying
himself yachting on the Norfolk Broads,
entertaining a, party of Dutch:friends:and
editing his " Library, of Wit and Hunter,"
upon which he has been engaged fot-, some
time. • •
The' London Vines yesterday dismissed
at length the value of the Canadian Peel&
route to,the :east. It heti' a long .article
from a correspondent dealing with the chief
advantages. Of the: route and tracing the atter they had filled up on the liquor, which
history Of the movement to obtain - an
. ira, Was dispensed , freely_ . Over every bar:
Windsor has not been scandalized so in a
Fred,' the if-year:old eon of • Mr: John
„ .
Glen, of ,Lonelon, left his'home two weeks
,ago yesterday, ., and. has • not ',since been
heard of by, his parents, Who are alniost
distracted with ,anxiety • and . grief.. The
led,,• when balls himself "Billy Norton," is
light-complexioned,land.when he went away
were chequered. pants—red and blaek--a.
skidl cap and an overcoat.. • • .•
The Windsor authorities announce that
they:Will affirm the saloon :closing next
Sunday and iirevelit the disgraceful scenes
enacted a Week ago, at which time a crowd
of thirty Detroiteis made, the -town howi
penal subsidy: , According to, the Times
_fully -One querter•of-theffrA5;000--whieth-the*
Imperial Genternraent are contributing will
be placed -On the navy 'Vete as a subvention
for Imperial steainere for use in war times.
A secret conference German Socialists,"
leafing three days, has heen, held at St..
Gall, witzerlend. Eighty delegates were.
present: The police were completely hood-
winked'end had no knowledge of the rneet-
leg until•aftee adjournment. Reports.
Were read showing that since the previous
conference the Socialists of Germany have
spent 170,000 marks, of which 100;000 marks
were.used for eleation, expenses. and .60,000
marks! for ,defending imeeibers, who :have
been.prOseented) • ' , . • • .
There is no fetuidetion for: the report of
a separate establishmeet for the Princess
Beatrice and 'Prince next year: They
will continue to reside :With Her Majesty,
who etintiot bear to he separated from
Beatrice. The Princess thOrotighly under-
stands all the; Queen's • erbirne and is well
versed in the perplexing bouittechniealities:
which Her Majesty is s6 tentacle:tie: The
incess Beatrice has .far niorfn intlitenee
an any. of her brothers or sisters, except
e Prinee•Of Wales, • I) • •
The • steeintilip .which hi -might
the , cholera -stricken passengers tei. New
York: :yesterday came up from quarantine
to het .Broplilyit .pier. Two more deaths
froth eltolera occurred among the passengers
of the Alain at Swinburne Island yestereley
miming and two morewill die befere night.
No new &see are reported: • • • •
, , 7 -
The mail. carrieron the road to the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa•re RailrOad was
Stopped by•foilearnied and masked men in
a lonely spot about fifieenhailes from Fort
Apache, On Mopday. The robbers
at once rifled' the pouches and eetiled eft
money Order remittance's, then compelled'
the. darrier•to wait 'fifteen Minutes while
they escaped to" the mountains. . •
The , National Farineile Alliance began
;its seventh annual convention in Minneapo-
lie yeaterday Morning, with 60 delegates
pregent from Itlinois,eioteteNebraske) Wis-
eonsin, Minnesota and Dakota. . The See -
rotary reported it thousand Mere. alliances
ed since the last session, tifid there 'aro
V 600,600 members hi till. The southern
arice hale been invited' to Send:. delegates
Move for. coteolidetionof the twevn 1
' . •-, Island, heve ,been talten sick .with eholera,
, ,. 'since Monday, and t44ini, quarantine officials
ere satisfied ,the contagion has been ecin0
- , , qeored." • , - ,
. , • . ` The Mayor of,Guelph was •autliorized by
, •
the Courieil on Monday night 46 sign th
. • , , • ...,
. . • , entreat With the GAS Cienripany or light-
, ing the titteete' With •eleotrie light. • _
• ' '* r Val rt ' ' e ee
/ 4 • let age_ 6.yettrg, was s eten ci to
. • , , three hours' imprisonment in . the lockup
• ' . by Police Magistrate White at .8t, thomas
. yesterday morning for thiovViug stones at
V • ' . • •
, : ,t • v • •
I I' r *
Made. •
News wag received' in 'London that the
Stiltan of 'Morocco)who has been critically
ill foe Await) tietie, dead. Ills 16-year,old
ems took the oath ol deco en his father's
cbrpse and has assumed the Government,
Ti:has tippointed les fiivorito emote Grand
Vizier) Etigland has rnitdo proposition
to the Powers that they all tend nien,of-
sir ar ttl Mereedo t� pitted 'their reepeetive
subjects there. The Fretali ironclad Cour
bol has: beeti Ordered to propped to Wan,
iis waggon was, upset and he had been
instantly killed by his :head coming under
the hub of the waggon wheel. .
The Austrian Crown Princesg. Stephanie,
it is reported, hag obtained permanent
separation.front Prince Audolklx; and has
gone to stay with her parents in. Belgium.
The Sultan of Morocco is not dead. A
despatch received in London from
Tangiers aye it is officially announced that
His Majesty's condition is better than. it
has been for &Me. daYP-
Twelve peasants, who left Pilesti; .65
mjles nortlavvest of Bucharest, to destroy
the weaves which infest the district, were
overpowered by the beasts and seven of
them were devoured. The remaining five
escaped badly mangle.d.
• The London Radical :plebs are making
arrangementale-holarti-geftera ineetinito
'urge another trial of the ChicagnAnarchists
and to cOnsider the advisability of sending
a delegation to America to apeak in behalf
of the condemned men.•44,SeVeral Radical
clubs at meetings yesterday edeptedresolu-
tions condemning thesentences.,
„ ,
, The Berlin police,have relaxed their ef-
forts to stop the sale on the streets of extra
editions of newspapers. The decree pro -
:Minting their issue has net been withf
dreven, but extras are allowed to he so II,
itto_obiggcl_tywiny-ot.-tho—edict was ad
ntitted by the Ge,yeenment organ. -
The Russian Invalic4 the organ cif tbe
1War Offiee) says Ayoub Khan bus reached
Ghazni. His influence has: so seriously at:
fected•the situation -in Afghanistan that the
Ameer's position in Cabnl has become One
of extreme difficulty, and he evidentl$, 'has,
doubts of ultimate suctess, for he is. send-
ing hist treasures and, valuables to Khana-I-
Bad. • .
The Conservative Ceiramittee of Parlia-
ment refuse to accept Col. Hughes-Hallett's
resignation as a member of the House 6f
Commons. Thefeeling against -the methods
,pursued by the Pall Mall Gazette in attack,
inglaim has plainly assisted the COnserve,
tiyee in the ,reselution. which they ' have,
adopted. dapt. Selwyn writes repudiating
all responsibility for the statements made
by the Pall Mall Gazette..
' • A 'SCENE entritfirr.
puma 4hhotet; the. Axtress; Defends Elep
, • • Prefeasion. •
enielist Muff& *or jlro
day. The pastor, the Rev: W. A. Chandler den
'livered a very severe tindbitter sermon On
the subject .of the theatre. Miss Emma
Abbott occupied a seat in the, rear of the
,phurch, and at the conclusion. of. the ser -
:mon erose and in a short speech enteeed
.protest agairtst.t.the very general °tweeter
Of the pastor's denunciation. It produced
the greatest, sensation and snide been
the, one ; source. of conversation in the
parlors, in fanaily circle, upon thestreets
and in the ,publio places; • Many merebere
of •the church uphold the pastor; but
many others cemniend the ruin of
Miss Abbott. Her appearana, showed
.inugh suppressed indignation, but her Weeds
were 'very .clear and -.distinct and, were
heard by all present.' She declared the
' :minister's chargee unfounded and said that
her life sv,its as free. from hieing as that of
en -Y living.W0n19,13. In all the operas Of the
past week to which the minister referred
there was no impure or , improper thOught..
The greatlights of the stage; such:abAnny
Lind, Modeska,Alhani and catintlesS others
had been good .vvortien, "Model 'wives and
mothers: She. defied balk. one to say that
aught had ever been said. 'against the fair
tame of Emina Abbott: There was- con-
siderable applause'at the conclusion tither
reinarks. Before it subsided; Mr. Chand-
ler answered that he could not answer th
lady because she Was a lady '
Dr. Labarg'e medical health officer,
shows that vaccination is on the increasein
Montreal: Four hundred yacoinations were
performed during the last Month. Dr:
Labarge stated that the prejudice that
existed 'against Vaccination was . certainly
on the decrease. During the whole Month
there were' only three refasalg. ' Several
actions will shortly be instituted • against
parties for resisting the law. '
Me.- J. D. 'Raymond, . Who wag 'United
'States 'Consul , Ottawa shout ,t*enty
, years ago„,, was found dead on , Thursday
morning tit McCrady & Sens'. tannery at
Beockville, which he was employed. A.
.bullet hole was found in his :side and, eetith
had • eiridently. taken place earlY in the
night: It is not .believed that , he com-
mitted anicide, but how : the, shooting ea- '
;purred' is, •unknown. The, family of. the
-deceased live at,Ogd'eneburg, .4' • •
• John F. •Morrison was found' guilty of
bigamy at the Assize. Court at • Ottawa on
Saterdey morning. ,Sentence was deferred.
• .
Colone1:01iYer, Oeminandant of the Royal,
,Military"Ceillege at Kingston, "Whotie ten,
years' terea, service has expired,Will
retain the position till the, end Of . the cur-
rentieollege term.• ,
General Lind. Alexander Ittissell);cceri-
Mandel. of the British •troops at Halifax,
and Lady Ruseell were an:All:entree' en
Saturday Oti their way home after their.
trip to the Pacific boast.
• Mr. .Johnston, 'a Weetininster betcher,
was thrown out of his rig . Saturday On
Wellington' street, tendon,. and seriously
hurt.. The accident was Caused , by the
hers° running away and it
post, badly..smashing the vehicle :
•.A Man named Leverdiere, saddler, 23
years of age, wesaccelentelly !that and killed
yesterday afteiiitien at Levis, Que., in it
bush between the two . forts, be a conipanioe•
baited Montiniey; .•ylio was partridge shoot
ing q.,na dia .net 800 the deceaged: Mont",
rainy innnediatelygtiVe 'up to the
police. Ile bears a: geed reputtition;
Deceased ' had been but - feel. menths
married. ,
The • total amotiet of contributions
received tied promised: for tho Imperial
institute is 4,100,000: ' •
. The Dttchei3s of Cinnherland heibeen re=
'moved Irene' the • fisyleen where ,ene,'Was
Confined, tea vine at Peesung.
Aboot 7 Otelfiek on •Wednesday evening
last Meerungtoe • farther left Spahr's
LieWOCid, With doable WeggemiliT
which holed gristosid it barrel Of Salt,
for Itis home tear Carthage,' about eights
milts distant. ' A.hOut three home after- •
ward'word Watt bronglit to the village that
he had driefin or • ello,Wed his teeth,' to tun
into e-gellY beside • the thiripike, 'Wherehy:
„; •
• I' •
Nevercnearry a wit:10*er," : was the
advice of a Young matron to a friend.
".But you married ene. • Why ?" :
" badenoughto havedtd heir about
'your husband's mother's cooking, but to
have his :first ..wite'-a biscuits thrown in
your fees every Morning iseimply unbeare,
B. its: • '
life of Dr. Morley Pun.shon, Whidi
isle be published Shortly- inErtglank,will
be:brought out at 80 high pride , (12s. pd.
sterling) that it ' is probable no special
Canadian edition will be hawed. The de
tails as to Dr. Punslion'a life. in Canada
.were supplied by Dr; Reyner, son -in
law.. Effort's' were Made bk. several. Cana-
publighing 'houses to arrange for e
cheaper :special ,edition for Canada, but
without success. , • : „ '
Mother (reading)—" France rises . peat.
for fuel." child (listening)—" What did
they burn him for, maraine?" " Burn
Whe,Bessie ?." Why, Pe.te•"':' ' " •
The 'Toronto Enver combination collapsed
yesterday and the' Montreal Retail Grocers
Association passedlesolutioes strongly-de-
nOuncing the one existing in that city.
Woman (to tramp) -,Don't you over take
a bath? `Tramti (sadly)—I ain't got Money
ehough; faiiiam, to buy a'bething suit. ,
• kiaa Jessie -0o' ancient admirer,. who
alwaysdropieg gook Morning,
Mr. Wilson! :Grandraania Will be delighted
to see you. You wilifind her•in the library
ticiess. the, hall." '
A minister .asks.' I Why .do the: wicked
live'?" We don't knew sure Why they do;
but we might s.uggest mildly that if the
wicked -didn't live it would be a cold day for
the' ministers'. • •
•WelviCeti received at Simla stat e that the
force- which captured the &imp of the
noterious ,dacoit leader Bokshway and
him was . eompoged of rnOunted in,
fantry, under the .6oeninand of titajok
Harvey. Ten <if the folle*ers of Boksh,
way were also killed: . ;
Pialiainentary return' just published
'shows further adoption Of continuous
brakes on Btitisle` railways. . CiVtlit""ten"
different kinds of 'brakes in use only four
Meet the "Board of Trade requirerfunts.
Of thea 62 per cent. ere fitted to the
etgineesiettiVilef editTlei' carriages and
othet -vehicles. Of the brekee
ib,"„d,-Witlill'irtotid'Or.:VaitiiToliditi ohposanty
pee cent, ere -applied td the engin:di-end 82'
per cent. to carriages and" other velaiales)
At thepeesentrete ofpragress. hylune of
next' year; every kind of railway rolling'
dealt Will be provided with 'sortie sort,tlf
continuous brake.
• 'TAILED 170114 rsoer.
A *lite Gets a Liferticeilt4ne at chathent 1"
' for an Atrocious Crinie.
4 last tWednesday) night's Chatham
'despatch flaYs-i At the A esiies here to -day,
George•Hewell.(colored) was tried en they
charge of crimmalassault on.„1,frs, McLean. •
The evidence on the part of the Crown.
showed. that a most atrocious crime had
been committed.„ Mrs. McLean is a very
delicate young woman, the wife of a ret-
epectable farmer, and had been recently :
confined at the time of the offence. Tho
perpetrator of the. outrage called at her
house, ehe being alone, and milted her for ei: 4..
drink and a piece of soap. ' She eonaPilect
with:hitt request, and as she took the cap •
from him he rushed upon her, choked her
and: threw her upon _fitteticio_r,v_iteree _a____
detiperatOitriiggle emitted. He flourished „
a knife`and threatened to kill her if she ,
screamed. After a lengthy struggle, her
clothes, being tern, her breasts' bleeding .•
and her eyes blackened, the villain aaeoas4
Wished his purpose, : e being than
, •
in a semi-uncenecions. ; ondition.- He •
OA her by the shoulders • and placed her
in a chair, threatening her %life if she gave '
t e alarm. She identified the prisoner as
being the person.: Other .witneseea. proved
that he was in the neighborhood Of Me- —
•Lean'a house. , The prisoner was_unde.
en ed, and his defence was thathewats,
not thepersonwho committedlhe offence.
The jury after retiring ten minutesreturn'ed
with a verdict of guilty. His Lordship, in ,
sentencing the prisoner) dwelt Open the
heinous character of the crime. He sere.
tenced him to imprisonment. for life in the.
Kingston Penitentiary. The prisoner •is a
herd -looking character, and it is said hails
Hems Alabama, where he claims he was ' •
connected with some travelling show. . The
prisemer did not evince much emotion
when being sentenced, though it was seen
he was much eurpriseel at • the summary
way in which Canadians get rid of monsters
whose conduct renders them'unfit to be at
large. The sentence was a, just one; and it
was witle•difficulty the constables kept:the .
large audience in •eaert from expressing
their approval. of it in a decided manner.
Mr. Lister acted for the Crown.
George,. dear ?".. she said: "You"You - never drink or know •
eould:neeer marry amen who drinks. and
:enlokes:": ),,'„,Geoege; in .4a ,-,hreilefi arta
"deditliktettteeeln -tenietinn"'
epaiiiirptvivian:4174498gucid.ranalS %%WO ,M.bentb
his . neck a , moment. . Never mind,
George," said the 'OW ;. perhaps My
Wifely influence induce you to, give
there :op." '
• Got ettle,Beerieses Worth., •
, • ,
, . •
"Where ..did .go ,this . summer?'
tigked, one biisinegs Men Of another.,
"Woeboarcled• In the country.",
4!„ExPeriaive, ?" ••• • '-•
Not very. We got 11;ocid'deal; fer•otir
money. My wife gat. the Malaria :!and I
got the rhentimatism. . •boy. Jimmy got
his leg•brOke.and little Mende ,gOt:•peateined:
With ivy. we paid was .$1.0 a :Week`
°plebe."... • • . v. . •
, 4
The Nautical SOCiety, Of, Hamburg
'offered a prize Of 500 Merke for the beet
essay, en:.the use of-otlinceiraingthnsete.,
. . .
'The dairy Show. now proceeding at the
Agricultural Hall,.. Islington,..includes. 70 •
Ontario. cheaie. . Some ere excellent
mens and are highly7sTiOkendf.. • , •
The Spanish GOveriurient , has iesued
decree forbidding foreigners to 'natike tope-
graphibet studies neafthe Spanish frontiers.
'No surveyor Or engineer Will .he ahciived '
mike notes even . behalf of private ern,-
PlOyerte . :" . • ' • ; •• s„.: •
, .
dvices...frOm_Zanzibar_stitte thatLthe
news of Stanley's "expedition has 61*(30 '
among the tribes near the % Albert NYerize4
King, Mivange,: Who is still • fighting: the
tribes inhabiting the country south the
Albert Nyanza:, sent meigeegera .tbeErein
•Bey to 'obtain sinfereiation 'regerding ,the
expedition.,Mieenetiseeestawin the'enp;
:pert of Enlin Bey.. . The approach • of
Stanley therefore tend to .pacificele
,Uganda. Eiiihr Bey .htie gent two squads '
of ten' men .0A:eh te, meet' Stanley: • One
S(Itiad. will go to th�.. sonthern:ehore of the
Albert Nyanialincl-the other to Mliagi;
inilitaity,post which Emin, Bey established
0,t about:the"iniddleef the west shore of the,
, . • „ • ,
Two hundred of the. poor, homier*,
etiployed portiere; Who -sleep at ,night in
Trafalgar • •tiquarte. London," yesterday
'paraded in a •body through theprincipal •
streets in the West .End) They. carried it
black banner), hearing in white betters the
inscription "'We • .will Work,. or. •
breed.'" . A large ferein. of - polies; mounted
anclori7fadt,--toOOMPatiied the procession,.
which eventually: returned to.: Trafalgar
maitre; and with the followers attracted. .
eelda meetiiig.: The orators described the.
hardships. of „Those 'whole , Only resting .
place ;in London at . in 'a public
square, and declared that .theonly ineabg
they had of deco:Wink' the attention tit the
putilie to cemdition was by Buell ,
dem,onstrations tie they, had jeet .made.: •
The Meeting adopted te. resolution to •
° e i h
aSs_rn the sense piece • next Monday,
and tO'centimie to parade eleily:•entil relief: • '
is afforded) • „ .
eleaptiteh ficin .11urley, Vie, Says the ,
story about ,the. :finding- of the bodies of
,seven Men behind a cabin there is it heat. ,
..Messrs. Putman. and Angell; Secretary
. . .
Baysird'a coadjutors on the. Fishery.. COM-
reiseion, are in Wealaingtonconeelting with
the' Secretary. •. •'. . ••
• The revontie putter.Riehard Rush ar•riiild
t Sim Franciseoyestereley/from the'Aretie
Ses,.• She reports that during the, semen
he. bag seNict tiatelve sealing sohooneri,
with it total Of nearly 1,600 skins, • The'
RUSsiart euthoritiee: , have • seized three '
ealere.iin the Siberian Coast, olio. Atneri. ,
an, One British and the thirdriatioetility
76.1ifetiroee' urred 'at Reneoke's
mines tit en. Sattirdey evening
eetilting in the instant of, one man, •
hrea., otherd ': being_ fatally and twelve '
ekietislyherk The dause.of the etplesien
fisenatatimillatiem!•61 Of bitierinnaita coal.
..est,suppIemputed bv seve,rel simultantotig ;
lagts which were,ted as' usual when eaeli.
iift leaves the tenses, In this histahee
to Meet ha1 been prelhattire, and antimber
f.mines were in close proximity to thet
xploSion, not fewer than sixty men being *
the Mine at the