Lucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-21, Page 60 T••
DIES 111 IRELAND Gioxolict- radireli At, MitchellstOWP:', 'toe
• , obtained a summon, against Qapt:Plunkett
. for trespape forLentering •the Dean's
)7, • grounds it the head of a fordepf police and
BramatiNeenOit the Trial of the Lord. hussars and dispersingcrowd assembled
there on the Pocalugn of .the ,0011'elPtion P
f. Mayor of Dahlia
winhviiotBrien., •
WQR13111,1.P AgQIJITTra,
The Mooulight Traitor Tells flow Policeman
Whelehaii Wae Murdered.
- A last (Thursday) night's London cable
, says: The Irish situation remains practi-
cally unchanged The Government and
the League are in deadly grapple,. but as
yet it is uncertain which, will win.
LordkElalsbury and Lord Ashbourne are
ready to go to the utmost extremities, they
cannot - possibly forget the restraint of
Bathe opinion. , Consereatives•are consoled
With the reflectingthat hitherto the Gov;
nrument have dope • ell they attempted,
while the Nationalist resistant:mkt Abortive.
• The disappearance of Mr. Devitt And ‘Mr.
escape produced a hid moral
• effect on their followers:
A. last (Thursday) night's_Dublin cable.
flays,„...The trial Of Lord Mayor Sullivan and _
papers respectively oontrolledby thern_re,
ports of meetings Of suppressed branches of
the „National League.. -was---openect-thia
afternoon at the Mansion House Court,
, At 2.30 the Lord Mayor was driven to the
•' court, followed by 'Mr. John Dillon, ex-
Lord'Mayors , Gray and Dawson and ex-
• 'Sheriff McDonald and others. - The city
marshal led the civio dignitaries, who
• were all arrayed in the full mhos Of office, .branches of the National 'League, the mat -
Mr. O'Brien joined jthe procession soon
after it started. The etreetatheough whioh
it passed "Nage thronged, and the Lord
Mayor and Mr. O'Brien were the recipients
' of a great, ovation. Policemen Wandered
shigly-througir thetrowds:- --A--eordoir of
police eurrounded the Mansion Howie, and
- A last, (Friday) 'night's Ilondon cable
-Ban XII a speech at 4heerystwith this
evening Lord Spencer said he was satis-
fied that the League had nothing to do
with the eritne in Ireland. Referring to
the trial of Lord Mayor Sullivan,. he 'said;
he would not advocate a breach, of the law,
but in the Present state of affairs hecould
not expect anything different on the part of
the Irish people. He was 'convinced more
strongly than ever that Ireland, needed
11°Amibialtst4lefrriclaY) Dublin 'cable
says; 'The hearing in the case of Willis=
0!Brien.:„.LwhoWAS summoned.. Lor publish..
ing apeounts.. of meetings Of suppressed
brenches of. the National League in United
Ireland, has. been acljeurned pending a
decision ' the appeal to the, Saperior
Court by the Crown in the Cape against
,Lord Mayor Sullivan, Mr. Healey, Mr.
O'Brien' s =wise', applauded the Magis-
trate's deeision, and said. the court had
shown itself fair-minded in its disposition
of the_ case..., Mr. O'Brien was not present.
:. The work of eviction , G,j'weedore was
finished to -day.- There. weal" no resistanne-
-or„disorder. • '
.1_4,,J,...enden cable says:- • The collapse of
.the ,GrnkTernment',8 prosecution of Lora
-Bleyorctullivan and Mr. O'Brien inyelyes a
great deal more, than • mere delay in the
enforcement of a single dense of the Coer-
mon•Aot. • Since the Dublin magistrate's
deoiside and free construction Of the clause
of the AO forbidding the publication of
reports of the prOmedings of suppressed
ter has been submitted to the Crown law -
yore in England and. Ireland; and their
opinion thus far given eupports, Magistrate
O'Donnell% finding, extremely
improbable that the Government will pro-
ceed With its appeal from ..his • decisioe.
The discussion of • the case itt the Dublin
.preventecithe orowd from approaching:the court disclosed a read by which the League
court -room. There were fifty Municipal, May drive .% coach and six through the
officers in don& After the case bad been Crimes Bill. Judge O'Donnell • die -
caned a warm. dispute -0-ecurred-lietWeen missed the case against Mr. • Sullivan on
the police attendants in the court and Mr.' the ground that 'proof Was Wanting that the
Sexton, M. P.; and High Sheriff of.Dtiblin, .reports published were those of branches
• . arising from the desire of the: latter .to that had been suppressed by proclamation.
place the City sword. and mace before the The drown. Counsel , pointed to the fad
magistrate. .The peace ettempted to pre. that this decision that the Govern-
jwplasing. f the city tenihl=nestiX Meat, in the eve4,Aenkie,Oen..t,e4tge..e.A,
ftth !TOL
griute43 018FaaigiElfie2X11-6 unnitiugsse-TirP.TaPIidiugs•eie=43
and atterapted to plead): it there by force. werereallynieetingsof suppressed branches
- The pence and municipal- officers struggled of the League, and that the personspresent
• for possession Of the sword, whilethespeo. at ea= meetings were really meinbers of
titters. in the gallery • 'cheered 'Mr. Seat= those breeches. This construction, he;
and exhorted him to "Hold on."' After e &intended; was tantamount to perme,nently
&ambling , thE77y, reeecution, unless the
charges could. be supported' by the admis.,
siOn .of incriminated parties, and. further
than this it would be impossible.underbucli
interpretation: Of the Act to obtain the
evidence required to. convict. . The;position,
therefore,, is that if the decision of the
court. holds , good, net Miry will press praise -
Cations be futile,' but the Government will
-have treat- difflonity in preying that meet-
ings of suppressed branches' are illegal.
The Scotland Yard • offloials profess .to
haveireceived information tothe effect' that
a number of Ainerican Feniansare contem-
plating a series of dynamite Outrages ,in
-Ireland'end.England, Returning shim it
both Queenstown and Liverpool are closely
Watched, and a sharp: Watch, is *opt- upon
theiAinerican Fenians by .trusted agents m
New York: All the',special pollee. precau-
tions that -were in use during the troxiblotte
tiinee of 1881 and 1882 have been revived
for Mr. Balfour's protection.
At Ennis yesterday the., prisoners under
examinationfor'coniplicity in the • murder
Of Constable Whedilian were, on the testi-
for trial. Bail was refused. The populace
cheered the prisoners as they were kid to
jail' ••
• The eunimene obtained. b'y the Rev. P. D.
O'Reagan, Dean of the Catholic .Churoh" at
Mitchellstown, • against Captain Plunkett
for trespass for mitering the Dean's grounds
and diepereingicoroted which. ho.A assem-
• few minutes, both
promise was wee effected, and the sword was
• placed on the magietrate's bench.
Mr. 0?Briendid not enter.the 'point to
• anairyer the. surninOns against 'him. The
. base of Mr..pullivan was proceeded with.
Mr. :Carson appeared as counsel for the.
._• Crown and. Mr. Timothy wary. aocarca
•' for defence. After hearing.the evidence'
the Court dismissed the case on the ground
• . that the Crown had , not proved that the
meeting reported•inthe,Nation was a meet-
ing of a suppressed branch of .the National
-.League. The 'spectators and the crowd
• . onteide, were wildly. enthrisiectio over the
Mr:O'BrienIs case-willbenalled-
' • to -morrow.
:The COhnsel for the Crownhas given notice
of an .• appeal; agein' st ,the decision of the
•' •
In the trial of inoonlighterd at Ennio for
7 the murder of Constable Whelehair, Oalli-
• nen, who turned State's evidencie, testified
as follows: • • , • '
On Sunday night, &beat dusk, .we
• ' eleinatry. Two guns • and ttio revolvers
werebrought by 'the-Learys-and-Were
*loaded in the quarry.: ,A. council was then
, Thomas ;Leary said that. Sexton
should be shirt dead. He did net believe
.soratelies., One man shot had More effect
than twenty -wounded: On .t leaving the
.• :quarry wa went through -the bogs to Sex:-
tpa! ..:Most Of the party wore hand-
• kerchiefs or White clothe over their .faces.
When we got. to the bog near to the •public
road at Sexton's house, Thomas Leary Mid
the particle to stand. He then said: ".If
we meet anyPolice let nobody tun away.=
Walk on as if Ve`we're on business, and if
the police altOp Up let Us all turn on:: them.
• and mph them and kill them." Several
• spoke at the, ' Thomas Leary and
. Michael Murphy Were the chief spokesmen
-4. We then got on the read. Peter Murpby
IT Xt.*-4-PS 24111g FAIRY „TALE.
A Georgia Farmer's Eenevolenee He -
Warded by a ril• ?sconoY. •
_ An Atlanta despatch says: A pretty
little romance had jest reached an interest-
ing culmination in Iiahrtn. county. At
the base of the Tiger Mountain, half a
mile off. the main road leading- to Clayton,
resides a sober old farmer needed Geo. W.
Dillard, who has .a wife and two sons.
Early last summer Mr. Dillard received A
latter from his . wife's brother, whom he
had not seen, mime 1849. • a time met at[a..mat,
James McOurrie was a ypung man; as was
also Qeorge, W. The Pews had
reached Georgia, of . the wonderful gold
discoveries in California. Among those
who were. fell of the. excitement were
McCurrie and Dillard-. They harlperfected
all ,arrangernents for going thither, and
were, bidding the family , good-bye 1when
-Dillard....faltered....-4,The _tearful eyesof
blezCarrie's young sister toad:hid his heirt,
especially as bile was weepingfOr Win and
uot for her brother. Throwing down his
bundle, he declared that he would .stay if
the girl would marry him, To this she
4 school Ow with a Deceptive pen end
an Ink Dottie that Held the Drug.
. Philadelphia despatch says: The in;
genuity of morphine victims to hide their
vim has never been better illustrated than
in the case of a young girl at a fashionable
young ladies' boarding-rlehoel near this city;
who has just been taken away by her
parents. • She said she learned to nee mor-
phine from a young married woman, well
known, in society in New Yerk, whom ethe
The disclosure came about accidentally.
When the young student returned to the
school this fall she had periods of deep
despondency, aed often asked the priVillege
of -going ta the room in the seminary set
apart AB a hospital -There she would lie fora
day at a time, only rousingherself whenmity
one approached the table, on which atcca an
ink bottle ;and • a stylographio The
nurse having occasion to med. a message to
the doctor attempted to write with tbis
pen, the young girl at that time being
asleep. TIMPep net pnly refused•to,write,
cheerfully agreed, so. Dillard remained a rbenctii:Itghneiz.pedracintisetdheeyepooif4thethneurspeuinnesttuanritnlyg
BGnietn°°cretghit alafttaatrgiecer9'hi e°71:alhal nend:ireabsu9rbE rnir9hneej tlaarmiaoeYfd: • a four.ounee bottle, but there was no ink
'needle' of a bypodermia syringe. This led
to auexamination'of the ink bottle. It WAS
It Was with retheed feehuP theref°re, in it. It wag painted black on the outside,
-werkecl-AgainstAdverse fortnue,-Ldeclining- •
:that Dillard read the letter irom his old • aoji.,_contrainect xagend110,0 0014094 of
comrade. McCurne sta e a e morphiit,. enough, for 128 one.hof grain
t rich,et folks s eavtehrr year
aurn tfilouhneacohulimd iwnagsgsiurrismatomneabiamremethaittei.ywaasnaptunheostluereepa-
masholidays.-+The lirincieaLof-the-school
pgroodwr,inhgis Fgoreeraetr, wish anilwnileswto•ololdok, ofriobelemiride
trona the shoulder. almost to the hand, and
upon his native hills. That he could not the lividblae merks confirreed thesuspicion
do so unless he . Was sent 'rnoneY enOugh. which Was =tinged to absolute certainty by
upon which . to return. Mr. •Dillerd read the small abscess which had begun to form'
the letter to his •wife and sous. . 'in the forearm just above the wrist. • The
." We meet send hiM the money,' said habit hia. been formed about two monthEi
the old than. ' SO a cow and „ a mnle only, and there is a' possibility that a are
wereleorificed and„the money went on its 'Oen be effected. •
miesiOn =rose the continent. Several •
weeks' - time . brought' another letter, ' in
which the old man exprerised his. grateful -
rims for the kindness done him, but he was
too ill to undertake .the journey. After
that no more was heard from:him.. '
On Monday.. Dillard received a •letter
Which 'recited that James MeCurrie Was
dead; that he.winhed to test the -fidelity of
his- ishiter's family; that the* prompt
response to his appeal had nioVed bine. &lid
that bir his will his. property in California,.
• . • •
TO111.1W Man Instantly *Med by an
• Eight -Pear -old Say:, ; •
• 47"-MattaWn despatch says: Ernest
Aspect tut Desairne,, a resident of Bucking.;
ham, Quebec, was ..shOt dead here about
hilt -Past' 7'. o'olook 'ons. Tuesday evening.
The deceased, who was about 20 years.:
• the employ of Mrs. N. Tinf,, a s;
• and Was Sitting in.the kitchen in converse-
, valued, at $1,6f)(4090, .was, in tion with Mre. Sutcliffe, a fellow -servant,
'parts Aci his slater, her' husband and their when anayear.old son of the letter picked
two • .• a_•"...donbleiliarkell,ect:,,..gun_:...whielf_was
calreategeerntinEM'en$Ossegg.114-11M1 ,eiffize#rnithe4fikri0Vf rake"' itenelniliW
stO.ulighta'*-TinIte,:feu-efdiftettuRtektOftlo tti.1111,12V-11161.1i-,reVfoftWaVZSTFORAZ
on�Icywhiththey 4hPlialto loaded. 1.1kohl,VingUe 4646'11 • ,t0W arde-The'-'
hortly,conyert into cash, when. •they will deceased own: Mother; the child
return. '•
'cocked both leeks, palling first one and then
the other. trigger; the second of which
. .Tne'Canadiap'Northwest.•• au
sed the discharge of the • piece, lodging
Messrs. }high Johnston and W. G:ooder,. the whole of the heavy charge of., Shot . in
ham; of - TerotEtoThave-addressed a letter to. -...tho-fh-r-o-o-ifortwinifortrifaixo-
the Victoria, Celan*, with a view' of, whose death; was Instantaneous, . Judge
explaining and defending the remarks Made Delmar, stipendiary maOstrite and coroner
by them Which geveiiii ranch -Umbrage tO for the district Nipiesing;- was haunt.
thO geOide of that city. : • diatelY notitadiand decided that iray ie -
The Herne Land ee; Cattle Company, • of icy:mat was tinneceseary: , • •• '
Wood. Mountain, .a company composed of . • . .
Vnited Striteri''eititene,, have %driven the as Joao?*
cattle they intended for this country into •
the Mills River country consequence :of •
the refusal of: the. Dominion Government
the s
limn always keeps, as , far: as voasible;. in
an animal Suffering from elarOnie 'rhenium:
to 'ghli them opneessions„they desired with
When an aniMaii hue a 'tvotinded. leg or
inn hanging on it completes the arrtputa.
tion its teeth. • • . .
I f: a.; _ chimpanzee-ia„ Wounded, it stops
the 'bleeding by placing its 'hand': on the.
wound and *dieing it 'withleavei or grass..
A, sporting dog We's min over by•'.6, car-
riage.. During three weeks,:, in winter it
remained. lying in a brook, ' where its feed'
Wagtail= to IL!. The animal recovered. t •
. A dog,„ on being stung on the maid° by
,e, viper, -*as. observed 'to 'plunge its head
repeatedly, for several days •in running
water.: ,TheaniMel eventually recovered.
When a deg has lost his appetite he eats*
which seta . as an. emetic and .purgative.
Vets also eat graes. Sheep and Cows, when
ill, also seek out certain herbs.
Animals suffering from , rheumatic fever:
treat themselyee by the continued
tionof cold water; which M. Dulauney con-
siders to be More ' certain than Any of the,
other niethode, ' •• • .• .
Aniniala get rid. of their parasites *.
using = dust; Mud, elaY, etc. Those suffering
from fever restrict tit* diet., ' keep quiet,.
!seek dark; airy ;places; drink :Water, and
Frometintes plunge= into it. . •
The warrior ;ants hos* regularly organ-
ized ambulances. Leirello cut the antennie
of an ant; and Other ants (mine, and Covered.
the *deeded 'part .With A 'transparent Auld
secreted in their little menthe.
Many physicians have been observers of.
animals, their And ',the methods
adopted by them in their. .instinct to euro
thensselyps,. and, hitee appropriated • the
knowledge se, brought under their:observe,
tion in their practice.. .
'A terrier' hurt its right .eye. It'kentained
under a eounte4 arided.- heat and 'light:,
although habitually kept Giese to the fire;
it. adopted a genera treatment, reek and
abstinence from food.: The local treatment.
=misted in licking",..the upper • la:erten 'Of
the paw, which it ,applied to the i;vounded.
eye, again 'idling the paw when. it hegame,
respeet to duty., . -
George Butterworth, a Waiter. on the C.
P. R. dining cur Kensington, was dragged
te.death, at Gleichen yesterday by A run-
away,borse. • ',. • . . .... • . .: , .. '
y 'There is already it..graile.:blockederni the
' Canadian Pacific Railway at Carberry.
'daily lope .:busbets ' have been marketed
out of ayield of 00,..000 . bushels:. till that.
distriek,and_the C.P.R. areunable to trand-
Port. it. They only supplied .rnie car in. the
lad ,.. three clays' for the ;four 'elevators,
which ere now.blookel There, was it• de-
yeiterday thrnughont. the Province
Or 300:00.0:anclit,eauldnot be met.. ',_'. ..
' The. Dominion .injunction, ease =. &gait*
the Red River Valley: Railway.. was begun
td-day•befere, judge IX, illain. •'. - , .. • • - ',
: . The Chief Justice yesterday gave 'iiiag.
ment in the application -Which:.wite Mede
some. days ago for an 'extension - of time in
which to proceed with the election petition
ageinet•Mr.-Scitith:•' Herefitsed the-appli-
'Weather& on the oboasion. Of ' the trial, of. cation, ' This, until reyereed;;iiirattee Scarth
Willie= Olirien, hes been !Eel:Mond by the , Ont.,. The ' jedgment.. will he 'appealed
magistrate on the ground Of irregularity.- .agmta-: : . _ . : ...,.. • ,. . "
A • Leagne, mass , mooting - Was heldat Tel -emote cars (Arena; for,theIt, FLYalley
Longford to -day. • Outing the. proceedings hopie arrived. : ;.. , • ., .' ... . - : = .• ',- '
the ,platiorin collo:peed:and a -,Government •• The first shipment of eta& froni,the Cal -
reporter Was injured. Mr. • T. M. 'Healy, gary .ranchos, consisting ,of fourteen care,
M. P., chaffed the reporter en his first trial passed through - the city to -night. ' Some
cl & plaiik, bed f . Continuing„ Mr. Healy thirty-six care are on the way.. They are
said that there imuld soon be no; landlords billed toldontreal. '• • •
• was left 111 the field.near the read, •so that. left in 'rebind, . He would deal with • the ... - • . .
. in =Act any ,police passed he could giVe the 1 landlords in ' securing • their rights • . as he
' ...Miami., We ' thew: proceeded. ' 'up the ., would iti • driving': rets from a • haystack.
back :.lard to . ' Sexton's . house. ' .1.; • The landlords wem More bothered- by the
put my ',hand on the hichlwa-lothialt -Plizizof Canapaign•than they • Were by the
. bolted: I., then, knocked, and .. some one 'killing of bailiffs. The deadliest' Plam to
from ;the inside . asked whci:Was theee.I hit them Waatheirpockets. ,,Heiroped-thrit
uaid. -." Pollee," as • had • been : previously the Mortgagee of Lord •Graxiima ;walla noit
, ,; Arranged. The door OASthen opened. I leave .hiw a' brasa farthing tobless himself
.. Was thefirst that stepped in, ThOs....Leary. .With, The Irish •: Were. Strong 4311011gh JO
, Daniel ' eii,r3r. and .Murty . Cuithe. Weresubdue-the. paltry Loyiiiiet'dreW.. . ''' • '
abreast behind; itie, coming M. -. Lalet and. ' • ' ;:
Hehir' Were • behind theni; and -.111idhael .., Life in,Torento.
..Mnrphy was to staY', in, the - back yard to ' . After , a, night : of .. debanehery Thomas
give the .alarin. ',Michael Murphy ' had a , Cunningham; it man; about 40 years Of age,.
: utiok. The mornent.I entered -I' I Was, , finind , dead in his ha, at ,,Agno,a
dthe right into a bed-roona. The visit. Of our I street, Toronto.: yesterday rimming.. • His
perty, that night was not to • be confined to j wife Was .' lying beside him' epeeehlessly
' the:S=0MM, We Were to visit:the hoe= I drunk and ceeldnoebe made, t� Understand
of One.; Callaghan, who • .did net live . far " what hadtaken. • place.
, awayltorn Sexton's. The ieerien , for the '
visit was ' his tahiag, Or grabbing .Hellrs . . , wernaii's Rights. • ..
hma, ; The " particular, "retie= for visiting ' He-NOW..that WO are married, we aro
:tlallagban'o Wa8 that Thorned Leary said One, and •I Shell insist ithat this be the lest
, • , -
' . if he was not 'elated. that night i
, t could net • time you appear in a low-necked dream. „
II • ; • ,
'• be den° for a leijig time; is the pollee would -
She -We may be. one hilt. you are only1
• be ,..Very •=burrY: in the 'neighbOriniod after hall of us, and I Obeli dress 1 my half as
. , .
Sexton,wad riltOC. Thomas, Leary was ineide. please, .
.' .: thethreShold or the doer, and in the ricuffle = : • - • ' . . • • '
• The NeW•Yerk.:•ousto'in, heuso ereployri
that followed I saw hint let g0 his rifle and
entpthree Womeri, Their duties, are. to
• '• ;force • hihis. Way out Of - the .: back door, tW. „ . .. . = • „
.. taw. ,:the, „V' II 0 , rim down and: smityal. exereirte the haggege of ladles' arriving from
,• , &term. wake tria e., isg-griftiiiihr -44,t,ir'fOreigri parts, And to search the persons Of
tvoilitin who are suspected . of attembtiog to
' ". • down -in the field:the bust time' ' X gaW' him.
r had previously rocked Thomas : Leary to . defraud the ...revenue: Their..'„paY is ll
•get tne.a stick to me to Walk through II3'... . . . . • . • . .
the beg. :When,te= the -bog where 1 • A eOmidete Orohegtro of iliti
,, mitteSP' ilietrn-
bodied prevaricator when ' we 'Assert- that
in ents" has' lately been presentedto the con. _
the frost en,Siinday night last 'Was oevere
the- coMicil wao hea Michael MtirphYdaid,
.' "Give me the stick, OA I have rici 'ante and 'fler#63°0 a.: TanEibY'fii. Dutch g°Yettru014 earnigh to beret lion pipe's: It is A 'fact,
-1 Must. stay in. thar•back yard." . 1:then °O.°01. • ' ' ' ' , . • ' • however, that the; Pipes. oet:Wci, threnhing
1, . Miss 011yeollarr, a Wealthy' yore*, lady, 'eag,iries Were beret by the ' water in them
. . gave it to him. 'X wawa know the Stick.
•It. , of Win, Bt, fell inlay() ,with W. E. Arrow, ,
_ Wean lag. congealed." . r • . '
' Mr. Lynoh, for the defencei:gave him
blest Beaiehillg 'eiesti-akaininationi but '011aithl." a: Psve$Yrstrinken youth. beer - An apple tido on. the fartn. of CAR- -9.'
. ., ,
„ . . , . .
: Detroit's Little Tragethene Love: •
A.:DetrOit despatch says: Him*
foreman of • the triremere who look
after the street lamps, sustained .a. , fatal.
'ehbek while werking, on the orosstrees of an
-electrfolight polo in • front Of the . opera,
house last night. The network of wires
caught himAs and for nearly ten
Minutes ho Ming suspended in the air while
a, great ' crowd gathered • below. When
finally be was 'rescued there, was. faint
sptirkof life, but five minutes later he was
• "Who is it ?": asked' a girl,. as. the .body
was being removed to the nuclettakeria. • 'A
bystander told her, . The girl broke' into a
fit' of hysterical Weeping and; fell to the gays that the 'German gunboat Adler,. con.
siklewelh.' was 'Email', COok. who v./aa Veying,King Malietoa, 'arrived there ' and
COrliser flAncee. ' •' ' transferred the Ring aboard the Albatross,
which sailed, is'euppesed, for German
j .
:0; Sethi,pit near Omaha two enormous New Guinea.
teeth have been dug up... The naturalist, M. J. AloA.rthur, of Aylmer, who is
who tells the story of their, diecotery says g a , topographical survey -of the
that they Must have -belonged to4mome"
Animal that.*as at least " elite:nes aslarga tilt)tehkeYsIrreit oh;.r4Metiihnist SatlietriPhinenef thesecond
as the Modern elephant, " and ;that ate
highest .peak in : the 'Rockies,' 10,523
timber as a steady diet. Maybe the cods..
feet 1,licive the tea level. ME. McArthur
tence of each an Online.' hocOunts for the
WW1 accompanied by e.n assistant.
yak' prairies .of the *esti, and . that he
gave ant, .• • • ' tempts have been made to Intrednee the.
starved to death When the supply Ortireber Withie the past 40 years numerous at-
skyhfrk into thit country.: Large
le rue PRI0112 INTORT21.,..-,•They have . elOid. English
tithe of it le Arthur, adeording to the:Enter, over
ds leitilrhiteiehdlardts;lahraitsbreepnitt" pointfromprise, which this Week has the fallowing i
Perhaps oaniebedy Will cell no an able. cDoeplteiworteh'etobNiredtes hEifygel &gen, pbplavextitdhaotutoilett
and never been ,heard of rigain, except °Q.'
A despatch front Coektown, Australia,
eillinan' displayed the greatest coolness • parents &lased he young man outtho
• Atal witness . by ,the Clear and snecinct weddpig Was :the reeult.' The young
nie'd composure. and.preVed hiMeelf ofTif; P°u14trY,, b14 Ba" followed bin?* haEt'- boree' fruit, for a number of 1,tho oouptilt kW) big that they •ecator ayer'i
'manner . Which he answered --every-WOMWIS Worth 0150,006 in her own right.
question, •, .'• The last of tho British etrealty aro abmit
Tho Rev. 0A:extort, Dean be t)' tO withdrawn from Egypt.
easiotally, after intervals of yeers, reports
NovEP ocRE Poo 6A,NozlItr, • • '
4 .00:nneetleat BoYed, by Miro!
_ „
. The :usefulness of toads has been a
.deliated question. 'While the gardener,
has contended that the, batraohian had itn;
place as a destroyer of insects, even this
hes been pooh-poohed by doubting
humanity, and as a medical -remedy -why
they have net even been dreamed of., It
has remained: for e, • Connecticut man to
discover a new field of usefulness for the
-toad-as-a-remedy for what has been,
hitherto considered incurable -the .caneere. '
Thomas Gladden, a resident of -New '
Britain, Cepa., toile the remarkable, story
of his experience. Mr.`Gladdee is a vender
of tin, who has followed the occupation og -
gelling from ,house to house for many years, '
and is one of the few specimens of Yankee
peddler still .folrowing his profeesion. He
is kna7vii many towns withinti radicle -Of
25 'miles from his home, where he had bow
a regular visitor from time to time.
About five years ago a small pimple on
the left cheek of Mr. Gladden •developed: •
into a cancer. So he was informed by
various reputable physicians whom he con-
sulted. He tried various remedies withont
success,. although some of them succeeded, ,
in staying the progress of the, deadly •
scourge, which- had increased to
a great Bore which covered a. good- part. of
his face.: But while the disguetingmalady
did notiiiiireararirditrnale-t-rdnotrbetter.
might eventually lose his life. It was very
painful at times. Finally, a neighbor sug-
gested a new remedy -live toads. W. 5.
Canapbell was the neighbor. Campbell
'looks like a. man who might --Bugged- a
remerly of that nature. He gives the idea
of being a man 'whosatitblntions are not of 2
aver -recurring frequency: Neeertheless, ib
is said that there are a good many thiegs itt
his head that other mortals have not
dreamed of , in their philosophy ; He
studied Medicine years ago, but 10,s not
practiced. .• • ,
"Toads will cure it," was :the constant
refrain of Mk:- Campbell, Who =lied '•Ofteii
On his neighbor. Finally Mr. Gladden*
who resented the theory at first, was pre-
vailed, upon to try it. He thought it would
riot kill hint at any rate, and the cancer was: '
sure to do that in time. SO the neighbor,
hood wee'scoured for toads. The neighbors . • ,
were celled into service. They captured,.
them by the -dozen. Big fat fellows were
at a premium. • When they , had a' large
Ifflinangsoaftliedisads -waive earmuff'
vont scratchieg and ' Wes lam cc the
centre of the sore. The'operetion weepain-‘
ful. The sufferer could feel every breath.
The toad lived for severalkours, ' The first •
firet dozen who Were applied_lived perhaps
for five. -,--Wheri--they-had-absorbeciA
Min quantity of Poison they Would cease to
breathe.: 'This process went On for several
days until over twenty toads Were used:2
The last one was net visibly affected:
The neighbors Watched the ease with.
great interest, mid. it Waal a Constant theme ,
of 'Conversation in the vicinity. Many will •
bear witness. to the. efficacy of the.reMed3r
and the truth of the :facts ,above stated;
As for Mr. Campbell, he shuffles about in .•
great 'glee,' and. • by- the. hour. to.
any one who will beer him &Scant upon
the case. Mr. Gladden was seen yesterday
upon his paggon, looking apparently well,
He is:a man 50. yearentage,--alldi-while he
has always been abard•worker, has been a '.
man of good habits.: The first appearance
of the cancer was 25 years ago; but it did
not develop untilwithin a few years. It new. ,
=eine eetirely, cured, and Mr. Gladden
bids • fair to enjoy many 'years. For the :
present; however, there ui _a scarcity of
Made in the vicinity of South Main street/
New Britain. ;
• •,
• A • •
°tete cif ' oriebeing . heard in ootoe parts of I
the 'Country. 'Abroad they fietirish froni ,
'the south of England to ScrnidiettVia, Why ;
they die ift this eoentry , no one knows=j
J. Williamson, 121, • Pleasants county; yo,... Some think that they 'do net die, but that l'
1 years, has nover boon hnown to hiOseom. it is 000n as IFicied,,and are swallowed, tIP
-.apples, the. strangest'thing about which is t -Church Tillo yearthe-tree-is-againfull-of-fine large in its ilinnen6sh/to aasseo-utrbe:orDeitlit't-te, a., i .0.-1.,
that the.druit has neither dote nor seed, ' onitagoin WOWS a °hallo.
r.. , . . •, . . . tir y, at arepa a ion Was necessary.
„ .. ,
. . , .
• • • '
• '
Danesal Hass and Otlier Sparta Arrested :
. , at St, Thinnaa.
• A St:. ThOmas despatch says: Durban
C. Ross, the World-renowned athlete!, '
together with • Robert Wood, '• the humorist
cowboy, were arrested herd Yesterday after-
noon. Ross, Wood, Prof,:, -Reid -:end other
noted sports were billed to, appear IA the
Roller Iiink-yesterday evening 111% a' grand: •
mounted Bword contest, cowboy specialties, •
etc. 'Yesterday afternoon Ross and Wood: -
procured a steer frora Mr: Iklantosh, .
drover,' for the purpose of advertising their '
show on the street. ' After running the •
, a shameful manner and throwing
it a number Of times by means' of a lasso,
they finally allowed it to stray away. Mr.
McIntosh, on hearing the state of affeire„.j
immediately swore out a warrant, on whielt:
they were arrested about 4.30 pan, They.
were subsequently liberated , bail, but
Willi appear at. •the Police Court
morning. , '
Penalty of the Lash.
A Montreal despatch 'nye: 'or the
-fourth tiine in The criminal record of this
'city the lash is tobe administered at Mont:. .
real jail nest Thursday upon the person of
Damen* Desormieir an -alleged Catholio
clergyman, who recently attempted to , • .
.aesault-a young girl of St. Martin, The
0A-0-nine-tang has Wen applied on three
convicts within the last twenty-five years.-
On the 25th of Caliber, 1875, an Italian •
named Catabria received' thirty-fiVe' lashes
for indecent assault On a, girl under the age :
:of years: The peniihment took snob an •
effect upon his physical and moral syetent
that, When / he died evejthiln short time
afterwards, his death Was generally ascribed •
to the lash,' The next onesithjected to that
puniehinent, WAS Bte. Dubois, , who 4,
ceived twentilashes in August, 1883, Wia,
out flinehing, but when the last stroke had
fallen. sank to the' ground insensible, and
awoke to conscioesnme a mauled. On;
September 28th, 1883, Ferdinand Verron-
neeti received twetAy leches for rape. tie
was the Only ono vIO !seemed:able' to. bear '
tno severe punishment,
. • Mr. John HrenillOri, Proprietor of the.
Kent Brewery, for 'thirty yearsa reeiacnt
of London, dieet on Sunday at the ago of 63
yenta • .
Mr. J. 0; Quiggle' 'the lieWly-appointeci
United States .Vice:Censel for St. Thomas
and Fort StenleY„ arrived , et SE Thonnia
to 'enter won the Of, hie office yes-
terday, ' "
4„.; Mtolilgan Central brakernari named,
eleiredden; Whe iived in Lnildon, had tbree'
fingers Of hid right hand- so badly einshed
whiht 06upl ing-Cariekt-En Centro,eek-. on, •
Sat .dai -tit t '
l• .