HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-21, Page 4• *chow., , $ enti tl. `.T110.1.1)41014' tib uTTER AND Tel ARQUE, FREELY' ACOOIii)ItiG, TO THE: DICTATgS OF C'Q `TSCIENOE,lV•E TAM `Ai-OVB dib oTIIE) LII3ER.TIFr3: ' • LuoltnOW,_:.Oot., 210, 3,587» THE, • Winnipeg Board. of ', TradH, males: the calculation that '1.000 trains ,.of 20 .:cars, each ' will be required to haul the surplus crop of Manitoba this ;year... Taking; Portage la -Prairie the as theaverage shipping—point for the • .Province, and four trains are 44t--rtcd-' every day., from now tiflTall is sent east,. a .correspondent reaches the elusion that it ;will take to; the .begin- ning of .Legin-ning'of the second week in June next. year before the last carload reaches the 'East. :Suppose, itis pointed out,' five - day's. to be. the average time •renuired for. trains: ±o reach Montreal, on 'October lit there would be four' trains route, on. October 2nd .eight trains, `+ioa October 3rd twelve trains, on Octo : lier 4th.sixteen. trains, on ,October,, 5th. twenty.: . If the', trains could be un= • loaded at once, :by.the lOth of •Octoblir . there,. would .be forty, trains loaded and • empty between Montreal and•the Port age entployed,in handling the , crop'of t}e ilwav'tmonopolists'would reap if •they only could keep ..up this sort..of : f •thing'for• fourteen years to come, as.. lir-�a, W�1-�� ;•5�.�� .,rfy /• .. YurR.n:.o::�.ptl�H6J.�—$:IS:S.,'N�. £as . x• • —A wedding recently was (iirstro it -1 poned because the girl's mother died. Then the young ,ittltaq'fz father died; then. the ;girl ;brolce a. ler ; then thk, yoirig titian got kicked with a horse,j: Last week it ,,\rts . postpoined because the girl's father was mangled in a horse power. • Probably the neXt post- t ont ent will hebecause the girl has run off with another fellOw•, A Stayner.constable • was refuset1i 'admittance to the local fair;. Ile wired County..tttortney Cotter asking if he •had: -not •authority.to..enter_the grounds,: Cotter answered, certainly he haci if he paid: The two -messages and the'ad- missioncost hint 75 cents. Served him right.,. —'.Chose who want a firstclass:: set::. of artitical teeth• would dd.- well to'call• on, ;MacDonald & Dean,,• •Wingham They--can-give-you ar good -choice•; .vnl canite; celluloid, alloy, gold'etc. plates; ruining 'f 'ern SOAP to 1575.00•. per set. All the advantages obtainal ie.iit a.city. are„• offerino. special value in colored glassware, lamp. shades, etc., Moody Bros, tit he Conservative -'paper. -shy they liar e a tight to dot But' would it be fair to the settler • • •GO U:VTY' SCR.E,TL7 S. teThe committee of'the ,County::061.in-' • til `appointed to deal 'with the. Treas car'et's defalcation, 'have issued .Circulars 'to the bondsmen, whom Messrs. MOss,. �Q_ C,., suet Kletiz,_ Consider liable, to. meet thein on the ninth..of Noveniberr- in alkertOn, rrith'.the view of mak ing 'an, offer of settlement. Thebonds•: men interested in••the matter are some. twenty in numbers and the amount of. the liability with • interest,' `thirty thousand dollars In `all,'`probability, .ERR'S til adquaers for the following Goacti, Haw, V •• .J_`ei IDideries 'Ladies; Gents raid.. �'1anneIs Sh��tngs, xnbro Childrens: Llinderclothing. ,r ..,.e.s> Shawls, Caps, Fascinators,'. Tarn sho�.tersG1ove r. inen Tabling , Towelings, Napkins, Towels, Handkerchiefs ,Doylies. -ons Gottonades•,. , DUcks, ti :(�'xG • � and: White' Cottons, and blue uff k ;T�erry .....hirti s Tic. ki n s• A�,,wni g ...', ii C® a t,_ ion Flannels, Dar.Mt Pr i t., s ;-,C�.a.__r ets,.S e=dyrde- lathin -we d=a , La ies' hs eE t Hose, �aahn_,.a.races xr� Mufflers, at cI ITYE' . :o:.. Extra, vale 'i .he ol�ori Bees , Dress,. Meitons from 1Oc.- Red :Fla.nnel:s, from 1:5c. o1 `boat$ ,. the : alb Warranted: not to shr.in -Black Telveteens =from:.,25c A special line': of blackand colored plush:es at 90c. AA fine . assortment of mantle. a responsible offer of. settfement''would be considered by` the , committee; tad very likely laccepted An' idea prevails tbat,they,have no power toaccept less' than the fuilatnount, but this:anrerror.. They have :power to deal with it in the. :same -manner that a priidelit and sen. silole; matt; would'be likelyy 'to, deal with. ;own business. A. private • individ tne;:circumstances,:., would, t a 'compromise rather • bailees of a, law suit in- n ..tuany >ritrccate:question " .it is stated. in some law and fact, , .quarters that.the bondsnaonarinot be held liable, until' the principal is itr- rested 'and ,punished., No effort ,has.> •.y.et 'been Made iii that•direction .A irunior•was startcl lately,•apparently to cover .it, ,.that , Xr• Cooper had been arrested.,' But nothing is known of it' •legal n ' bythe.feral authorties in �l%�ii,lkerton, --11'a%kerton ,Heuild ' • 4.. cloths and ulsterin, A rroCL M4TZ0' liaa been issued l,y tone Doleiniou Gov.ernnient bringing into imndi'ttc effect the Act fast SHSSiot% to al'ltend the ••lass l c:.spectulig procedure tnticriinun'il-cases: gibe Ef t n l;' gets• of a peal to the, •' chances tli,e, su e, pp >G ', l ,, n criunili'a ,�atlite'une Court �f Catta:ad ii . t mat a a.. siibat tutint for"""tIT � e rstiill;: p iovisions, ' a' 'P...rovision allowing in certain_ cases_,an appeal to the r5upiitllrie Coiut of OXnada in initial, matters, and declaring ` tiliat in 'all cases the 'jud, einent of the •Saprt:nie Court shall •be final arid.conclusive, tind that there' :shawls be ncYappealf in, arty cl n inal`Case: • (ront• anyyjttidgi mont' or 'ordt;> of any court' inOanaila to any Coui`t'of Appeal eal Great Britaiiia • =;E L • e Tia 10 g De_. partment a fine sote -- o .ser: "Worsteds and Overcoatin : young Grail naino Iiit hie,,, 5 age was burned tri death, '.in:a ley on Monday ; lagt • RIOES a c ass C��ter have been retai aa- usyt received. a u .l, w:rence h J .f. �•vare•,. tor�ssti.ng :of - Eztaa, valu. • in SI�IRT:3 ' an value.' DILI WE . • - d`O2bxS :,wolf :o, aust wol. lige, •irg w6• lb :D: Th.e Tt opt.irtifient t tin0. s e ng st fiSSiorti.tenit of C�t3 .i .. a i ai•=fldcii-' Tri>liyltcli 'nlazd f iiw>r>!esiti e , ei'y, Et4•, to bo had, ;in lLtaau.cnoi , andC at t 6. lowest . ea�ar�e rs .it d . C0eit.0 a Arl.' sizes of aur' i, brated 50c Corset: n,epeo01,81 : ket'Ct�tle'r fC]oth S .-Wringers 1- emu , Rtrbbei Soap- 'Nails ' Table r POc Y . n .�,_ ,. 59.11 c hams. •: •'' . Vire' C;lcithes Tines • stole and' AA Plats C• • , Wire of all kinds Ceineiit. Putt Resting ;I+,ealcb ' ' Paris Plaster Buililin Pa' er (dry '& P Razors . Engine Packing'. P Shovels ' Brushes of all 'hinds'.: , .': tarred) Rakee.. ' Spades ,Water .Lime Tab:Metalit :Metal . Giarclen Trowels •PAINT`S-rOILS::AND .VARNISHES., :. s,,_ irl � 1%•sl.Yaci.•es-, \Vhlte •Leati,,. Turpeiitine,. Johinc�if s;Alltiilu.e colors gro‘ in 6i. , Preps. ,ed ,Paints `t . • , t ' s _ , ei' .or to.an. th..ing, in•them larket: • • . ;c�dy_o-r L�se,.3�tkraNtizi�, %t �vlls, , ul� i , Y• , • • . , ,; ;: •. ction Ci 'niers, I -bone, ' tractors,..uiiel Tinu;'ue.of all ici'11 • ., .A lure stock of Tt.n, C'xranrtw and, Tapanne..s r� areas �r£e l• , y • ,,.. _. p t,promptly A_ . t k of Stovss''and Strive Ware; Favetr2u hinT•claire. ori the Shortest nc)ttCe . ••Ii,tr nirintr.�tte�ntde'd ti). . full s �oc : n r. ', ' r ., • Parties intendi ig buililing,;would do well to give him n'e nil ;before ptircha-ing t 15ew•here. , • n EACHER:il' AN: 'I4D; y 1 OR S. S. No 14, Huronem . thole nr fale, with seer nd r>r thins clam `ecrti•Eic:LtP, JL' ). • f1.1slily statinlx and :41R y wanted to See, Scliepl.Beard. 4inr-717,-:..' • '1.ucknow 1)40. , ,lis Ut RLED.. : • ZoTr--•STURDY -btr Octolser. 10th, tt. the residenc.of the bride's fattier, by the•Pev. tett ert Levi Relents I b • R. 'Leask,. St.,Lott, Brussels, to :lizaalseth . Elien,• eldest • daughter of 1,'obert Sturdy; Esgl., \Gest. *Wawanosh. f-klabliIIERSON' & 11,073INET'.CE .. arristers Snlicit4fs Convey. angers., Xotariey,_ Ete, 1, t . itotniai rri, It Lt. ll. 11., tr. IdcPHERS0;i,tl. 'LL B offices, 8 tJ`nion' Block;. it 'Toronto street, Toronto... Money to loan en farts and•vill>ige p o - " t;loweet rated, 093,' - ril 0♦ (rahaiii,. the: popular and well known-.Nnnsityinan of stool►, 'desires•o make nnrrauge— ester, N. 1., t ., malts. with ones or two lire, , energetic his INursor. c' . orders for In ' men CO.alc Y stock,''�•Lo 11as; a chcie;rs,Stock, ,itnol'ucl ingtine specialties w �.1)i5 inducements to begin nerS aro parsicularily ad tageous. •> Het fulfills; all lie' 1)l'oinist',5, arnd guarnintees:te furnish strictly. first k 'i eat' dttiCi' scow, .�.st.. ;re cl s o, c1 give'l > iipright men gbpd positions,' and dosires -,to' cotltnnun.tcatewith a few such men, with' a .'ieav of recut ing'rtheir services, Write to hitt. as soon as 'you hares ;ad this for terms and"' full' par-tteulars. R. eniembe , tidy vinare dealing Anen treed apply, Address, EUw.'0: Criiiii.t,if, Ntrseryuian, Itoeliester; Nx Xy rte_::'!*•! � . , �... ,,,_.... '. .'D k. i TILT.; 7 Tt 'S'J i ►,,,j- of tltizCtt drrr:i,^itt•.i, 18, oair. . \Vawinoah and:tttio liintb>,, iyithh the' letter" O''t ti their back, ni:ide' Aar, When list seen, tiny were, , t Mr. Ort•'s'enriter • on the 12t:Tt concession of \Ve,t Waw4n: wli. ('teat 4 Weeks ago. ntlrnttt 1 acid three rluarter: itiiie8 ttortli of ;St, lluivit't;: . • Atty� tsrxe, letct.hit siteh int. i4iri 'tinit at %lig• ' �. sro ilietr,tr a' will., Sl,�:rt�titr:oflirsu or With the 1 l •wSl U, iiia, � • le;rrl to their ceunm,y . 1 r~ qt ••G,' eti bye,: •• i .k' t44•IyOl1ItW b'L'oNti Wt, :4-tt5r `Yhiteahuteh I' dl. 7.1r); The right place to buy twoods,.' dress'g000s, clothing, hats, caps, .furs etc. is at :Berryys•—Coiaaell's old stains..' •