HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-14, Page 8c!
. r+mo8 1O OXO Harvest Hmo.•
^ li ig.,. toT p m*, The: harvests home entertainment 111
4', the Methodist church this; (Thursday)
W.G.;& South • LLB l race. • ' n ' evellipw promises .:to be an enjoyable
1211, 4t i .N► rth I9p�y j, Z 1 C: =
Hot.' d . -i •
•Kictongh- •, 4i p, aa. ,
• VY 431-. oz. 13. North 3.48 p. in . ' ,� � .
, •1.., 33.`,'t 4. North 10.x0 p• m.
Iutermodie Pciiuts 9: 9Qp. m. . .
:. Tueedaya
isassside `3.00 p m, and
ii-" Fridays
• • M<slLs Caoss•' •
W, (x & B. South -
, :530 a. m. '�Daily•'.
L. Hrd•13' ,, t
, i tth 10.094 a. iii• I`• .
L. &•B: .ii
13, -
... G, "73.20 icic, or
_W ��.
'ul a yti • 4.30 . m.
affair The ,-building..:is.: handsomely
• decorated with mottos, evergreens, oats
wheat, peas,, barley; corn, .turnips.
mangoldsf carrots; .etc,. Tea served at
six o'clock.. '
Ki o b } p ".
Kinloss, 11
Tue iyas7.:
7�a agaide 4.30 p. m, • and
w'Duringis tae: summer months the office wflt
be open halff aii'hour after arrival of L- K. 4
13. North: on Saturdays at8.30:p mi •
VillagC and, Ntirintt ,aro
• e Waoie •
A`gtrl, to do house workinr•a Small
familyillLondon.' Wages 'd, par :
Apply at McIntosh ds Murray's.. ',,,
Now Treasurer.
` J. G. 'Ward, of Goderich, has been.
appointed treasurer of West. Wawan
'osh,, and will reside hereafter..in, Dun
'gannoin. ' He is a thoroughly ' reliable
man and; will make • a good township;
',off.oial --Signal:. • •
-"Not' Ti'iinsferable `"'
An exchange• tells: of a man who has
been selling patent `churns to the farn
ers, taking in payment notes' payable
• !lin.; demand and made.'. not transfer-
and -pledging himself, not to. de
• emend payment within a certain long
period_ • Then Le changed `the nut to
< ;f1 Bold the. ,totes, Ilaid the farm=
O. .gh L "• .TJ.% " ,I...Sldrr,..y�.... y2 ,' •t 74 i'
.(tat �'i�hatlsrtge.
Dear Sir -In °yiiur. , issue,. Of . hast
Week appears a challenge, to me from•,,
A..McMillan, of `Port Albert, to en...
gage in a three mile walking match' for
$::5 or $50 a side 1' °. hereby accept
the<challenge on his' own tenni, but
the walk• must takei'plac i in Lucknow
in.tho'Park'Rank. •elf ;he is 'anxious
Leg Broken.; -
Mr, Duncan McNabb, of the 14th
con. of Kinloss, -met with a very pain-
ful accident on Friday night' last. go
was driving, a wagon, on which wns ,a..
lame_ water. tank, and falling otT, one
of the wheels passed over his leg'below-
the knee, breaking, 'and brusing it
in a fearful wanner.
Conservative. Meeting.. s
At the Conservative" convention, in
Kincardine on Wednesday, it Was de -
tided: not to put a candidate in the
field in opposition to Mr..-Rowand, the:
_Reforin Nominee. The delegates, from..
L,ucknow ' 'were•:, Dr. Tennant Dr.
Elliott., Fred, Grundy, Jas.• Campbell,
R. Graham, and J 'N. Ross.
United Workmen,
The members of the Ancient.. Order
of . United Workmen will attend
divine services in , the-. Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning next,when
a .special sermon will be, preached by
the. Rev. Mr. McKay. The members
will assemble at their lodge •room.. at
half past ten and march in a body to
church., _.
td .have a match with `me, ltd, can. do.
• so here :for 825 a aisle._Sincerely •
Bush Fires, ,
The recent hearty rains have'fortur.'
'ately c+xti lguished the bush ;fires which.,
raged in :many gnarters last' week.-
The • .darna e ' to :property caused 'hy.
these. destructive conflagrations, which.
are of almost yearly occurrence, has
been very great and ought to_result itlw
ei It st e gi the
A Prohlbitionlst
It was stated .by some •one in ,the„
village last week, that Mr. Jas , •; Row
'and, 'wh'o has been chosen as the Re-
•form: Candidate in., Nest Bruce, Was'
nota temperance roan:, This, however,'
is not trite,, :exs Mr. Rowend. who is en..
elder in, the - Presbyterian churc►i; is an
out • and' ,out 'temperance, man,`, and a
trot advocate' of the Scott Act
Mr Rowend was here last week as one
Cif the judges• at our.fal'' show.
Lo i a1, x0 ►,e
Picked up Hare and There for'Readeirs"''
,of -The Sentinel,,
School .:supplies,, a full line,,
Copeland 4 pays.
.L. The first .snow storm of the season
fell here on li'eanesday
-Kerr's column•;luta something in
this week for +everybody. -
.,-Tile Pioneer calls" upon all our
rsuders: to p , erose his notice this week.
it. Proctor lies, now in stock a
goat -and 'robes.;
stlperirar stoic>r of 7ld- k,utiitlo 0
--;All the• new :school books, to 'bo
had at Copeland & Jays..
• -- klol.se• bllankets,robes; and trunks
in endless variety at ,R. Proctot''s.
:corn, canned tomato, peas
turk(y, beef; Tapioco,• sager 'urslcarotia
ap it. peas,:a,t e.Iut o.s�...._.:_-^-w - •.
-Lost. about • two weeks ago:. near
•,Litelciainv,a :fruit.- tree agent's maato :
-aiidainn book.. The 'finder will please
leave it, at this office.. ,
-If: you :want boys boots; Misses
and' childrens -hoots or shoes, kcal at.
A.' laciutyre's. ' '
--A'regular meeting. of the' Cale-
donian society will be held in their
hall'on Wednesday. night, next,' a gull
attendance is:requested as business, of
importance -_is to be transacted;
'-4/iacintyre will' give ycu -40 bars:
soap for $ 1, : 20 •Ibs. rice $1, 20. Iltg,
:CT ' ' I,moiii $I, 4,11,6: extra,
good tea. • Gal1'. and see.
--d Hies Dawson, of : Kinloss; `• pur
chased from :13. E. Lane, of . A, htielcl,•
a very fine Berkshire 'hoar: This iii -'c:
step in the right direction, and farm
era in that section should not,; fail to
*prove their.stock..by such an arra'
•a 1
yours, Gep: e:�rfaLt cknow,
c o w l .,v.tryks�both o Public_
Luaus on real,estate, may, be .ob-
tained at the lowest current' rates of
Interest, and : most favorable ternns as
to pay'uients and expenses by, applying'
to1! liott-Trn erragent'on/C. A,.. Steep=
'ard, the pail appraiser...
=Agood-assortment of mens, wo='
Destructive Fire.
On Saturday last the 'learns and out-
bu bliugs he}oltj ing to \Vin. %ddle,.of
the 8th coticessioi7 of rAshf}eld,. were
totally destroyed'. by,•tire, together with:
their i'ontents, consisting of • the whole
of this year's crop, and several duple- •
inents.•. :The: fire occurred:: about six
n"clod., in •the morning and was,caused
by the explosion. of ••a ' linter i" There
was a •sl • ight insurance on diet liuildie
',tut the ;loss. will •amount to fully,:
' Giving up.• Business.•:
Impoundin. g Cattle.
Serious .cognplaints have been ,made
and: dire vengance thr.•eatened 'againsst
"the powers that�_be"by a number of.
our' citizens ,who hat's° had • their cows
run into the pound, during ';the past
couple of •` weeks. ,Some of •them de=
Clare .that their animals -were 'not oli
the street• at the, tinge, ''hut. were teem'
••out'of "the field, or stable `by y,.oung
boys, who are'.. paid 25c a head' for
2000 every'animal•they bring :to the-ppound
• Justice nod Law,
A' d't t1y' brought suit:
EA y>
ash • r°.D
=aa a y Cans, Bird.ages;
• lam' `.- . .
WO tiliv.e.'4tls4l,. xi .stock . L. s lleulciltl-assoi;tmcnt
r ie$ •ro.' l:li't[lti ('t{;vOtrol:ig1iing u$, :11. snit
a0 We can:guar:tlltee. .'i+'1HST Ae.5•.JO1&. vVe.,1i.E.44. 1.1"
stoe.1* ou1y A, 1:. '1llttterittl.
•' 'having disposed-oflny-stock •to Mr:'
fx W ; Berry, .I, hereby tenger, my most
sin ere thanks.'to the :'public ;for ..'the
,very liberal patronage• extended to me ,
• during:the.1 have, carried on ;business
L"ticknow. • Mr. Berry, inysuceessor,.
'well knowni,' and I • believe, •intends .
13he sta k, so the ,people a av
hargallis:';;1 ,viil:have•`all
lade out..iu a few, days.anti
colli ask an early settlement.--X'.otIrs
:truly,•W, Coxxau.
)(Vest Bruce.'.'•.
' 1'he •11oeii't•ations ,for a caiirlrclate to
•.Represent this' riding in tit ' ``. f1 'ass+, of:
t.otiuiiaus,%will a held in 1i:iecariillie
on �Vedliesdey. `.ueXt, I9tli ilii t., and;
slot 11i th as,foonterl.y aliliounced. The
elections will 'take place on, the 26t1
One .wee'k ,later. Thi _Riding Consist
of the'I.'ownships of.'Saugeen, '$roc
' ineardine, 1-luron and.Kinhiss:` TI e
w o uicardrtie ialtcl :titQ Vi11a+, :s
o ti th
,1` o
'.Of';TLVertoti'titl(�l Ln'i; {now. ..It .has ,a
•, popuiat otr of !3, i [:.. The population
of East krises is.22,255,;and of. North•
i ruee,'18,6-15.
Public Meeting.
A uL ir..,ineetin g of our citizens will.
.,P. 1. g
t esda
ll It° 'iVed 1
be held; iii the t 1 Y
eevening; nexti, to consider Mite itdvis•
;utility of grar,tit+g•four thousand 'dol-•
iii rs to )Messrs Tait ' S: Turnbull, o€
L ,nden, to, start a foundry , inn - this
A§. both the above gentlennen)
wilt be�presont a't this ineetiti4,;,.evory
•atepayer in. the village should be•
1►i'eleit • ainel.near tv1.1;it .they have' to
say, hand him `they, •Rant tiro money. •
\Ve.ltelieve, from %thatr we Can learn.
'yrs t1.te �ropose to
f t•citn (lir i r' lettc ey P p
1h it l uild suitaltle•sllops to carry. on.
wcorl s,,tlton i'va tltti village'a five.
.-'ewer's irtortgtgej, without' interest,. on
t'henl, fur' tire, aitlton t, of loan, Besides
also ask. to Ile' exam t from
�• chi:; they �.. ,, P
to ices for rive sears " 'I, his is a illtatter
mens,, and childrens ' *hole` stuck'; boots
and shoes, fine shoes.', ..lois;; boots ,and
felt boots; .che,ap;.'at 11n_clntyres
..;,..Now, that the har'v,�est'is. over, and'.
inoney.is••beginning.to ciretilate More
freely among a' large •niimi;er, of our
subscribers, we trust tall. Who ,Owe a
yea. is subscription, or too. re, to the.
SENTINEL;:..ynli oblige' by ceiling, around
and payuig up.
:.large, stork . of beautiful robes
just=received atpR.•Proctor's.
- -ilfaclntyre 1:a, the cheapest pullui •
caps,'Alila eaps,:itnitation:Persian caps:
'far caps ;in the town. Cell 'and see•.
--Ari au,otlan sale of stock, iinplem
encs, etc., of Joseph Chftou, at lot 49M
& 50 con„ 1, I inloss, On Monday,. Oet..
'.17 t,i, at;:• oc oc , y o
u • neer: :sale wi eheld.
.con ,
'el on nes a c o er,
' • • `oh :,October
rlfilu .auction
s the barns' were:
,destroys •, y ire a wi eso
out reserve, .
And See' What We ' uan- bo.
' .0.
We will give two prizes for the first two correct solutions of this rebus.
First correct solutmn-1st prize;,'goods to thefvalue o.f-.$03.40,20
SecondI': correct solu,t ion= -2nd ,prize, �roods'to the-value�0.0
be opened, examined and riz •s iceion „•itis' Deo; 18`£37:
Solutions to 1? , . + .. ,. p . 4 � ... .
n e r or rycen
;;aillst' forty-tliree non paying sub-.
criber.'s. .7 verity =eight of� them made'.
atlithatthev' had no property,; • t}ase
were • arrested' for •, petit larceny and.
oupcl 'ovely, in•. the sato. of $300,,,each.
Alli }�ut••six };avebonds, arid: these were'
lint to jell, ,'ilie','�tzew :postal. 'law
stakes it petitxlarcenyto take u•netvs
papier acid refusgt;o pay for it
Vons of Temperan,te,
The Sotzs f T pi? � h''
righty fii•'e membersthein �ivrston
aiid aro tn>i.kttA arrangctnents for;
grand' conckrt to lee ltrel3 ,in tits nein
future : The following ogicerti arse', in
stAlle;d for else ensuing. quarter ;•-=w•
P; lirotlier Scott ;, •'1V A, 'lJ 5otnecvi]le
Tt ri lit�?t .i stew in ; A.esista,it. lt. P 9iate
IVI ' : • X11'; •'1`reasnrer,' brother NlcBain
wauc,ial A' Ls:w ;'lion, Urottier Vit
cnnne1l ; Aaaixtant Can States.- i•1 Latw'reace•
Ckiipinin, brntheti~ 141:at�ieacih ; Stater
afa l�un;tits' ; 0 ll: '; brathvr T Lawrbnc@ A
o+,r1ial wi�ic.opae i•
o:eK,tenclvcli• to ail..
1•� 11'lany of our readers will regret , t
]Ieur that DIr: iVm: Calinell, w>io" #na
d d }
ituuib 'y p t,` h` d dad t
retire ft om r
S d t tip all
few men Iii } 'll. a
1 1 f
cI izens thio W'Il B t w} le we r
1 C 11''d t fr t
cut tin 1 f tl pl e v
kin g
11 1 t u
tis a �� holo, than h _ ue es r ui hush
tiI G �V 13 S d 'erns
Excursion to Wiegbarn. `, •
G J ,.
ie e , will `be- 'f urnislte
• 13,t;tttC'ii ticl.s,ts 1
fr�oi n •Lt cic,now,' 'atul extra value giver
to - aill -arts
Uy ni . l�; • ,bl;alnelo, �
• 'n'.8 ). ) .worth' of= goods.''fron
pllrchaslu� �, O � . r,
re• a ► ' attra,etive stook of dry
}riy girt,, t cl ,
goods:' ' A -first class. i city cutter ani-
ployed in ou`r tailoring ' :department,'
' o a in ranee:' now ave
°bangs, of Business. "
1 1' h k b' r hu Purvis'
aictio " 1 l ll b
at \Vit Riddle, l d 2, 0 t �8, E. D
Ashti d , T y, .
at 1 o clock, by. s n . , .
oar, A proprietor's
d b li t} will b }d with
worth 75 , gents b As way down
cheep.; �, t, al 1 mutts •'napper.:.
-A respec able looking S` i
cently st pp l '. 111; Graham's I� t
r� H d u c
eel' •'
the Scott ACt, d d' 1'`aVI G ' 1
Mille 'host (�C tide tiai and.
� sh d h 11 h s arrange
mHnts fo F
. people. '1'1 ,t g was greatly,
1 d } th things were tsxed
o, anti said they tt b t he had
seen in Y P,
a aftertio n g l t g got
°Into hes bug(;y and was tlrlving away
d •
•A'i G 1 him his name
rc My Iiatnr • the stranl;er,, is
LV ,
e It's nc >wooder''Macintvre has
solei, tnore 1•,u1Cln ► powder than ev*er
,Was sole lyiV, Cotte niercltarit• in elle
• countii's• of •.:llu'ran and Prude. The
it .
handsome 1areseeta'woulcl 'entice every
),'person to liu•w, betides svPt'y'poiuid is
person .guaranteed egnal',to anything itv the
inarlct t, Oaf 1. and, get a• package Now
•A. •�cl eters `sole agent for
been'in tite'dry goo s• trod here for
er ofears es as aeon:lea
husiuess. %•Mr Connell gra.
always one a ::very geld .. trade, e,,
the village e are.more ' uui
ve'rsally, •'liked by `Ail c asses o
cit u Will. . u Ii
gret lb r. • olincl s spar ure ;, oil
c i ercia .trade •.o. the: ace,
W,of no. entletnen whose recur
Will 'give more pleasure t o our'citizens
1ss c so
iiess ,\h. , a erry. 'Sac 'advertise
=1Sien:.'sod.cs. •for 30ianc135t worth•
50c. Gerits cashenmr mufflers for 50c
+e n a brat
'gen s:ryovesaiic" ;
buck gloves and.initts very:cheap, at
Mac ntyre,s ' • '
Mr, Gralta.r, `{'tVh is my
did t that'
Stranger o ec ' at• ' r... .. o el,
n'Arkwright, and engaged -the propri,
tor -in "conversations H e ,;eno u ti
t ani so' • i , r. ra nam.
;ew. con Il ,
owe . the strange r•- a -- i -_
r 'beating the teen eraice.
The : s ran er s
pease with e'. way ,
were a es .
i the ;count . ' After • a:• leasant
o together, the s ran er o
when. r. r titin askedit ,
'' ..- rt said' •.rang
,Pat 1Ie1l i'nan. " 0, heavens,• groaned •
a Never. tnind," re-plud. Pat, ".Here's,
c i not mean,
Mr, (;graham 't conic in and have
a srnile.r0':Anel ,Patrick mita-,
!VtJ'al kertoli-lklcr.actd.
a::es diver rtie ai er iii the J)ress :and niantfetgnodsa specialty.'
that; t tie � y .. ,."4� Y ,...,tie .•, l3 ock' 171n7
placer and we hope to see a large. incee:.,[ M. 11. Mclndo,• 4 1 1 ,Z•
i i 0n Wednesday, • ; `.hatilr
.04 A -ND & .DAY'S
L![G11IS4b AND IiD'11i.:111GG$STS;•:
• 1.11• dKri.,W, 0I ..
loan 1.aijrreereouiri•iny 'n r motley
et_ rates', to. all offices iii. aitlidt Or
fi°r, ill.- toi lir .r
sTOG°K. OF. D,RY QOObS P.VEfi `EROD(;iIT, INTO,' ` ' "
• Is now `lie ri�r; o '•ened crit; at •
'all then velties•of`the season,.ii
Comprising• it d
e1V is •. •
Dress Goods
�% C3
1le ] ..sh 'd:
. lea n•er,�e5t l nl✓.i ' In •till the ead1� a es •
Mantle Cloths irtings
• . n , u li 1�_ wool. sand Co. to ..
.. A.t various'° pestes a d• -q a ties, n � , �,
hawls from small .shoulder shawls: to. large double pla ds.
• ids and bailie c1i rro �
. f cict� sac •l urs that dc,s ><
A beautiful lot o• . pix; 4 ��l
Ladies and Gents Furi' and Persian Laub in
C,retonsi riidl- G ci S ,GJI.(i. and 't117. .
adios, and, Gents. Underclothing
:ln'1 ei'inob Woaii.and Cotton..Also:
When peddlers tell Ott the ; • are• eddlii<j r fort. 'me don't ''
W1 1. ,Y 1� .
,.a..:.... A semi " 1 dont hawk m . goods•thvou rh tho
heli ,Wo Y �, ��� . €,
aSS ere oft the worth cQrnin r to' see,
brig; would � 5 , Y they .. t•+...
l'hanking you for ' past favors . ail .-Sale ting1'1/4m y011.11'01,4