HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-14, Page 7wee _ - • TIBLEIGRAPB10 EREIVelPtY, The contractors home; stoped work 9,n' the Red River Railway eased their back ; eilaime are , ' • The Bank be Louden on Saturday began the redemption of its bills, a, considerable number being presented. When thedeposi. tors Will be peed. is still a metter for spew- lation. • „ The three nutshells end abean which one fakir eitocessfully manipulated at the Xing- . sten fair have cost some of the citizens a great !leapt money. Their experience cost all the wayfrom 05 to 0,50. ' It is ' reported that lean Praulte Whet • received terrible injuries to his leg owing ' to a draw -bar breaking while coupling cars . at A.mheretburg . a few days ago, is dying from the' effects of blood poisoning. The Committee of the White 'COM Guild, who have been making inquiry into the statement! as to the ,debauchery of children at Ottawa find that there is much truth in the statements made, and propose • to ask assistance of the Attorney -General of Ontario with lievieerof stamping out the thatserious trouble is rewing- tweere oegrpes and. whites -about •twenty mike southeast of that plane, near Lime and Pike, and Lawrence counties, About 300 men of each color are said to be Under arms and a 'collision is feared', Several white men haveleft here with shotguns for the scene of the trouble. • • - Willie, the flyear-old son* of Henry Stanyer, foreniane of the Empire . Oil Works, London, on Priday ;evening was. , sent to call his father to tea. The , lad, - -when in one of the rooma-vehereethe oil is. pumped., erilee-the agitatere-becaniee-overe- ' An unusual scene conned it the Metro- politan Methodist EpiEicepal Church, Washington, last night, when Rev. John P. Newman, in a . sermon on " Infidelity," alluded in severe terms to the Anarchists. "Could any American' citizen," lee said, '4ten years ago have imagined the circula- tion of a petition to pardon those whose hands are red; with the , blood of the de- fendere of the publie peace and safety? What is back of • this anaroliye-thie dare- devil Movement on the part of these villains, whd ought to have, been hung long ago?" . At this point many of the audi- ence rose to their feet, clapped their hands, and with loud demonstrations announced their approval of the minister's words. • Nowered-by-thee fumes-of-thelliquiduaid Messrs. J. Milligan and L. McGill,' St. • Thomas bondsmen for Alex.. Perry, the :book agent.whe jumped his heal; were' on . Saturday compelled to pay' sureties Of. 6100 • each. Perry represented the house of .:Bradley, Ciarretson le Co., Brantford, and was charged with, obtaining money under • false pretpecei by sending in bogus orders • to the firm, on which he received .commis- • , - The Kingston e-lefeesoris nearly through with his work'. He states that the change • .in the law- regarding taxable ince* will eneke, a 'difference. in the' assessment of •',about $200,000, which; however, is more , than made by an increteseen' the. aesesie went of 'real estate. The census does not show the increase ef population to be au& leas it is generally :believedebut it is never- • theless eery material. Between 300 and •'400 houses are in Genesee! erection. • .Detective Phair on Saturday night .arrested John H. .Stuart, . a London town- 1p!rmor, , gen kbe eharge:Of threatening Rift dif OM* itrAmtaidffaelk --rr, Aiwa: istiitet f(CtiteViali iedbeforeinedicat aid could be procurde Wqrat, • Friday was the Empress • of Germany's 76th birthday. • The buildings in Berlin and Potsdam were detbrated'with flags and bunting in honor of the 000.esion. King Leopold of Belgiuei,e- the Emperor and Empress of Brazil and the Baden Princes presented their congratulations to the Empress. • ' The. wile of , the 'late Han: John Mace -Atlley-ofellingston-diedeyesterdity• - eW York Herald. • .177-7;9TALATA Gold and Silver . • Alerigliezettaia4ilenTeieieaa're"eeeee- eeee with event s yellow. The house in...wheel% Dr. Sean* . Tolle- son was born and lived for so many years, at Litchfield, is to be Bold. At present it is a draper's shop, and little. altered Sinee the. ponderous lexicographer lived there. • The Bouvier Cabinet le-loaking forward to the reassembling of the Chambers with feelings the reverse of agreeable,as ques- tions and interpellations regarding its, home and foreign policy threaten it from every quarter., . ' • The Rome Bifoota saysaccord between the Church and Italy is impossible unless the Church Abandons her pretensions. It Would be to the advantage of the Papal See even in ies relations with Other States, Hit could be brought to ,coniprelioncl the spirit of the age. •• „ The 1,04 news from Sanwa, is that the ;Germans took Xing' Nalietakeenheard a gunboat for the purpose , of exiling him on account of his failure to prevent his people from robbing German plantatione, King Melietea had previously written „ to the British and 'American' Consuls expressing disappointment at the ebeence of their imp - Peet• .• Will Xenglend. Become involved ia an Eastern War? A. London cable says: Nobody In the inner Official circle Would be surprised if within a month British regiments were on the march from Quetta toware Candahar. All the neWiefroneeAfghanistentheiwithat the position and health of ,theAineer alike are declining. Instead of WS quelling the Ghilzai revolt, as reported, it is new wider spread and stronger than ever, elle gene- rals are .apPerently no longer striving to cope with, it. The' Amer himself gives eery little time .to affairs of Steteebeingin a condition qf ,great despondency over his illness; Changing his doctors continuelly, and ' reported that he is making life e .genuine berden for each as the failure of his cure becomes apparent. A.youle Khan is said to be on the road to Candahar him- self, but all ,theseerepertse.ethie,,where, abouts are -distended. at -the Indian and Foreign Offices is Oriente,' lies. Nothing is regarded as sure about him, Save that he is bound to • make trouble. •His pre- tensions to • the throne ere being aided. by the Aeneer's Meese and run- popnlarity. and the , infancy of his son, if not.by-Russiali intrigue. This la0 is iPat no w an -uncertain quantity, In fact, there are reasons for believing that R11.014: for • • Elellee:Who-WeetlifareePeed's successor as hangman, has been disclitirgedefordrunkene nese.. He is, erayelling. Cheshire with ese show which depicts an execution • scene, With h 1 ' --officialeereportere,Letc., a wax modelotellree.leerryetheieOldhare prisoner, Mr. Sad*, C. P---. Re yardmaster at Medi- cine Hat, Man., was killed on Sunday' while Wee dropped through 97 trap. 7G:far switching's train. crowds attend the perforreance, which is A. nean neeneff Acton bas been arrested diertingly realistic, and efforts' will be from P4orden, veld en effort will be m,ade to The , UltreePeotestent party, is by no , , induced* to desert shim by 'Harris, 'With wheel she went to live althoug•h Berr• ie at Noche, elan., for bigamy. He conies mo, e to stop it. • . . . • — • have him extradited. • means gratified at the election of the new The inaugural lecture in connection with Lord Mayor of London. Delieyser. , is a the 'establishment of the - new medical Bergiart Cathelio,but he promised ice•receg- 'faculty of the Toronto lJniversity was de- nize officially none 'bid the State religion, livered by Prof. Ramsay Wright •yesterday as was done by his predecessors, who were afternoon. • : . Quakers or Nonconformists. Mr. Delleysere • ., , • has a Wife and child Of his own. Stuart' . been looking for his .wife lately, sus- pecting that the was staying. with Harrill, • • and on meeting the doctor threatened to shoot him. Hence Stuart's arrest. The ' woman is Ovei 40 .and Harris is more than " ..* conference Oli Eyingelistio work-in Who histhe first Cathelio Lord Mayor since connection with thee-Piesbyterian Chrirch the Itetermation, is a. capable man and was commenced yesterday afternoon in the clever speaker. He is known to Amen- Cential Presbyterian Church, Toronto. -eerie, ble the owner of the -Royal Hotel, Delegates nee present from all parts of the Blackfriars. • . Province. • , ' • ' : . The first contingent of troops which During the progress of. the storm at Lon. Spain will send tee-Morecco-hatieeheen . . don yesterday morning the residence of despatched. It 'consisted' 6,000 'men. The Mr. R. Garner, Colborne 'Ovid, was Article ohject"ef sending this force is to protect the by lightning. •Beyond stunmeg some of. ,interests of Spain in Monica° in case the the occupants•and shattering - a portion of ' country relapses into a state of anarchy, t/e0 house no seriouedamage wee done. -which es feared will follow the death of the • SO years old; •••• • ` • ' • A sad case of suicide has e occurred at • Chelsea, Ont., under singularly distressing • oirennestitnees. Minnie Allan, an attrac- •.„ • Aire gire of 19, daughter of -a respectable • farmer living near the- village, died, on 'Thursday evening from the effects of Tolson, administered,as subsequent events proved, by herself. She , was . ill on the 'Wednesday' and en Thursdav. morning .Wm. RowliendeeleLC.R. brakeman on an Sultan. . Eight baetalions of infantry; be - a cixttitdamicrsd -stztilft ,itlitatila(e40 • 'sides Melly and artillery; have been con- re311117441fiu stighTiljalt xtertAllnityv, mt-z-Tilmt ,-H-Ateming lia 101516'.ezeffoi E .klx41-91iMrotitg:47.1115493.Pil'aig4f18 A little dainty' golderideed,neeede 14 sturdy 9 -year /elle*: , • And there love's count ey two began,. Oh (Alt, titer By path f eading ;) •And.:voWed vibel tli were maid and man The town should see, a Wedding. Their golden curls were born and Went, 'Through wafts of fragrance treading ; • eleeeed-ohleehey munnures1,:weil eontent,11 o!.,..rwin be a golden weddingr • ''' "Pathos," old he, "to claim her vow." ' •And forth be welt a„tidieund her; But she was grown a :beauty now, And half the town was round her. " I see," says be, "YOU don't want me V?. Though tears were ripe for shedding. • . , I'm obi& eel= eyes• are good," said she-..- '" Alt, where's that golden wedding ?" He dung away, and left her there. Such heart -sere tear drops shedding, And goseilas cried, in blank. despair, "SheSPOUPC1 the rateet'wedcliPS'?".• • Fie sailed the some, he beat the French. Two score good years he tarried, And then he thought, 0 That little weneh- e • twonder4telngs,married V'. ..._ ....• ,.,•,,,,,., Next week a bluff old tar rolled petit, . 'Tile gabled Bigh street treading. And ancient gossips crowed, "At last ' We're like to have7the wedding!" . • , Sliewaited for him forty years— The gray their locks were threading; ••: And some with smiles and seine with tear's, ' Behold their silver wedding. _._. • . ' • ". ' ' --Poop :lv ORM Monkeytowii is the of a new post - office id Xazoo County; Mississippi. the present is very_ anxious revere Eng- •._•• - Rah friendship as an offset to Tee marcles Contenental-ecombenatione-andele willingeeto-abandoneegoadedeal in Asia for the sake of securing it; but there are other reasons for believing. that Russian" agents in Aida are acting in ignorance or defiance of this new. imperial policy to undermine the pnglish in CaletA. So the whole thing is in a maze. ' •• • • Sir West Ridgeway; who , succeeds' General Buller; is absolutely Without ex- perience Other than Oriental.: Those who know him speak highly of him, and he has certeinly :•done, good work On the Russo - Afghan frontier. His article in the Nine- teenth Century on the frontier ought to eecourage faith in Lord Salisbury's old advice to study 'ergs maps. ,, He believes that Russia:will keep her word restietiting the statue quo. , Hitherto, he says, the Rile- siateadeence in 'Asia has 'been like the gliding .of a. knife' through butter, but now• that it touches Afghtenietan it has met the hard substance Of the dish. He licottte the idea of an invasion of India. It would be madness, he •argues, in the 'tipsier' Generals; Who depend, for their supplies upon Oeinele lightly constructed railroad, • at once taken to St. 'Thomas and euffered 1711016113C4a4Erilara611" ' S 1 amputation. of the injnred member. ; Severed war el:newer° also; in readiness Tor , . . . NeMrsr:/milaeltauegirtirfidr'est anpewnearanceitithmo.nDtrelal 7FfriVoer„Elsoermveic7t.irne Mormon meetings have , yesterday. It is printed on pink paper, has been held by missionaries from America in four pages of seven columns each, professes Pentonville road, London. These meetings to l hap! been established as a moneY Making, have been held in private houses, but bills been extensivelie , ciioulated . inviting enterprise; but is, Liberalipxfilitips„ have any to attend. ' dee! those Meetings Mr. Pee', U. Beatiary, sissietint , clerk of was held on Sunday night in &small house. the Privy Council, died at Ottawa yester, A. crowd collected outside. ' Speeches were day afternciOn, of typhoid fever after a short made •about pelygarny. in Utah ,end the illness: He hadlield the position of assist- mob forced •an entrance through a window.. esteemed ley all 'those acquainted with hem. and Was highlY A seem 'of great excitement and confusion• int clerk for three years, te, dem. their rear mepAsed to e os ' • eibeJrJII- 0 S7 Ns asu-y-dt-L-1-T-T-LE., PELL Qo et'S PILLS. ;Um etiv IMITATIGNS. ASK FOR Dit. .p1E-Ftee.s .PELLETBi OR Z1•71'ZIR $Y1:0471-0042.,ED PILLS: • • '" • Weing entirely eiegeitabfe, they op- erate.withenit•disturbance to the system, diet; Or occupation. Put up glass vials,-herMeti- callY sealed. Always.freeh and reliable. A. a laxativel„alterativet purgatNet • satisfaction. . ' • -these, littp • elletis give he znost pe SICK FIADACIIE, 113111 one Ilieadaehe, 111iizigegus, Conatipa-., lion, • Indigeation_e • flhlIoUS Attaatesandali derangements of the storar ach and bowebeareprompte lyrelieve,d and perniagently cured by. the use or' Dr. . Pleree's*Pleasant Purgative' Pelleta.H. • In explanation of the remedial power of these. pellets Over so great a variety of diseases, it...' may truthfully, be said that their action upon • the e seem is univeiselenot a gland or tissue • •,\Magrssantitivo halluence. ,hy paitafitgalactuwarcalfrirEMMslaW17,. ket illamealeaSsweverreeriSillette,ese.N. tlamtattitt6Mitra "0" Pa:4 - sr gorwsijp-oataroZzi,,ma geed aridefeiefidehip Of the Terietalan eiffieere endthe bulk of the peOple toward , English; • • ensued. The landloed, fearing the destruc- • The inquest on the body of Thos. Camp- tion of, his' property, sent for the police,: hell, who was drowned through the ferry. but before they arrived the Will of the boatcollon iri Ttlienito Bay, was con- garden and that separating it from thenext garden were thrown_alown, and probably worse would have happened but for the 'ar- rival of a sergeant and six constables. The Mormon missionaries and their e disciples got out at the beak of the house. • early needles,' assistance was summoned as • eluded last night, when the jury returned ' She "awed' verY. 1!1.1). Davis, who was a verdict that Campbell's death was. caused sent for, on arriving found that her re: by the negeigence of Capte Martin, of the 'obirery was implissibleeelihe '. Werilde have- Sadie and a - fierrent :Wag issued for "-hie beceeme ii mother in.a few Months. After. 2 . armee., . the girrs death letters were found etateng . . that shehad been betrayed under promise ' The two-year-old 'enn Of Joseph Grate . etnearriage. A fortnightago her •lover thain, caretaker: of Trinity, Church, • St. • - eniterried another*omen, and this hae such Thomas, had a narrow escape from a tee- . an'effeoton Meanie • Allan's, Mind that,aa rible death yesterday Morning. .The child : the girl herself stated; she preferred death toddled into a Stable ...wherehis father was e' to the diegeace *leech was about to over- eureying a Mese,' and was ' kicked by the take her. . , • , " ' ' animal in the head and thrown through the • , ; Pour Englishmen recently captured by brigands near Smyrna have been liberated • ..On Pa,yment of a ransom of 2750., . The Brennen torpedo, ptiechasedly ethe . . • • • • late British Government for :£115,000, is to • ,be inbmitted thee in '.seeket, at • Potts- ..niouth this monthee., Grave 'doubts are entertained among ierpedoises as to its auceees.1.: • e • • • ' .• . . . • .• . , • Complaints are still neade.'of the depre- dations of French • fishermen •on English 'arenas in theNorth •See. The imperial - Government e are being Urged.. ee' send euperiree VesSeld With. electric light to afford • There ie netriithiri. the . atatement that • adequate protection. • , the Prince of Wales will open. the cathe. •• dral at Truro. Whilein Cornwall he well '' :make several Yeas and show himself amongst • the Cornish people, tie: most ef whom he lea stranger. . 7' -•-•• ' is believed that the object of the.come • •Coeference , between Prince Bisinarek ' a ignor Crispiethe:Italien-Prinie Menhir- • .• te , is to renew the convention be - .wean Italy, Austria, and Germany and to establish a central European Zollvereine ' Decline of Illatilinony., ' Marriages increase ite • we approech the lowest grade where there is the RAO pride, ambition or energy other than animal- or: self-presereing.e.e.,They decrease as we door, Mod -ethic terrible fieskeviounds; hut -leeteineee___ ascend to the grades where atcplisitiveness; enterprise,. intellectUal . nothing more miens. • political or aocnalopportunities', or what On Sundae night burglar's broke into the noteinduce a huger activity in the . hide - Grand Trimk station at Eketerend forced vidual, involeing, the necessity of -larger . The Hygienic Congress that has been sit- ting at Vienna approved of the English , method Of thorough dieenfectioe, in pre- .• ference to quarantine for the prevention of the *read. of e epidemics. The Congress . also favorectereneation for the dieposel of the deed. . ' . e e .... - ' A.dvices froin,West Africa state that • the ••.• British Consul has gained the arrest of . , . King jaja of'Opetho, for ,secretly • prevent- ing jhe access of traders to the interior, Xing Jaja ordered the natives not to do any ' trading except through ' his agents,. and ' • enforced his Order by beheading 150 .of hip eitileeets as & warning -to others. • • e total decrease in the United States ik• 'de t ast month Was 114;24'1,969. ' r• e' Edvectrils' lodging housii, in Detroit was ' destroyed by fire on Saturday Morning and ' three of tlid lodgers brirnedeo death., . Thteenien and two boys Were suffocated •and thirteen others partially oVertiotne by gee in a mine at•Aehlandera.ronSaterday. . Three' death', from cholera °mined at .Stvinburee Ielitid, New York' harbor; on •' Saturday', and five pew Case!! ,were. taken there, • • ' ' • • , e • • , Thougands et peoPle. Were tamed away "Then lettbei moon usurp the rule of day, • And winking tapers show the surchis way; • For. what my senses'bs.n perceive, •• I need no revelation to believe:" Ladies! Buffering from any 'of, the weak- , - nessee or ailments. pecu a, to their sex, the lade open by breaking off the hingesan driving spikes in by the side of the door, but. did not get any booty, as there was". no , money in the safe. . Barglere aloe broke into Hawkshaw's hotel and stole three overceate.e revolver, a. pair .of shoes, a watch and. a meerschaum pipe. No ohm to e. the burglars. • " . • . • • , Alfred,Jones, aged 14, 'a son Of George Jones, of Lambeth,niet with a painfulecci- dent 'the other day. , twee on the straw , . stack helping to hang • the barn dot* when bye sudden Movement he was thrown violently :to the ground, and Striking the hook on which the door was needucation 'society, habitelife in. general, re %rations and resources oueside•of mere selt-iinpport And:the reeeions found not only in the .unwillingness of the *email to begin, With her husband, in a :lower. scale ofliying in the household and. in society, but as well in the unwillinguest of the man to change his style of living to mit the con- ditions of matrimony, to deny his wife any of the advantages she enjoyed before mare rime; or even for hiniself to sticrifiee 'part' of his other e aime and ambitions to the mint:mania Of a Wo. and de home: To come at the ,point briefly from another direction; a survey of the .conditione seems a- te that the tendency of the times emieellefeeekeeeeteeereeeselerree-Mrserier and who will use Dr. Pierce& gitymite Pre- soriptions according to directions, Will ex- perience a genuine revelation.in the *peat they will receive. It is &positive cure for the most complicated' and ebstinateeasesrif leucorrhea, exceesive flowing, painful Men- struation, 'Unnatural suppreselonse pm. 'opens, or falling Of the womb, weak hack; ".feniale weakness," anteversion, retrover- simi, bearing.dOwneensations, chronic con - gigaton; inflammatien- and ulceration of the, womb, inflimmatione pain and tenderness in ovaries, .accompanied ewithe-einternal- haste ' hang, cat his back e seemly from t e shouldet blade downwards and metope: .The mit veis rabene five inched eOng; ; AredaildOils • Amdersoil, h, .Swedish •emi- greet, aged 17; died; from; exhaustion and 'insufficient. nointishinene , a Michigan Central train evhile ipassing through • St. Themes' on Sunday nightein mina to letifetilo to join his inothet and meter. The iruraOr spread .ainmeg other • emigrents, that. the cense of death was _Asiatic ',cholera,. and it to tient women for becoming, wives and. men for beconiing husbands. Domesticity is infringed bythe nieltiplication of 800i1i), business and professional.: cares and mi. sponsibilities, the inducement's t9 marriage lessened in number. and force, and . the family and thehdine, Our netional•bedwark, 'threatened with 'decay through neglect for more selfish individual' considerations and embitions.--Sprirdeeei Onion. excitement ran high until Dr. Son • • company's phyeician in fet.Thome.s, assured thene there was no eaanee fee...Marin. • , . The wife of Cherles Carroll, a faienet living on the Mount • Brydges Mad, nese Strathroy„,was found on , Saturday after- noon hanging in the been dead. Mr. John Carroll, cousin of the deceased's husband, had been Ploughing for his relative, and on coining in to dinner sew the body. hanging and out it down., The woman had &ppm-, ently, climbed up into the Mow, attached a rope to one of the Polea .foerning scaffold mine eleven feet above the floor, and there. hanged herself. There was n'eappatent motive for the deed. • ' ' • • from Plymouth church, Brooklyn, yester- day, vehlei the Plate ociiiipied • for fealty • years by. Henry Ward •Beecher was flhled by his intireate friend and possible ....filler cesdoe„ Rev. Joseph' Petker,'D.D.; of•Lon- don. e With Dr. Parker in the pulpit Was Dr. Beeeher's foknief`eitiatietant . and the -prevent 'acting pastor. Rey', S. B. Halliday; D D In the pastor's pe*:eir elreerteechee and Mrs. Parker, A report.had Mached, Bkooldn, • W. Stuart appeared at the r.,onaoit Police Court yesterday to answer the charge of threatening•teeshoot E. J. Hera!, the latter having, according to , Stuartea story, enticed away the eefendantee Wife; The caile was referred' to in yesterday's' Tines.: eine Stuart ap.peared ite a witness for Harris. She said ,ehe matried Stuart about tveer years ego, but finding he alte,ady, had a wife and family, she tuned him out of her home, which was left her ley•her firet hue- "med. She took Stuart back twice and thee discarded hini for " keeps.! Harris„ on being esked why. he did net go live with his Own wife, intimated )that he pre- fekeed to menage his own demestio affairs. The Mese 'nide(' Stuart being bound over to keep "the peso, ' . • James Gdedon. Bennett *ill publish a newspapee in Paris, tee.lee_known as the • • • ••:' • ' EnglIgh-Eiterary. Notes. • An Interesting , • A. Bronson Alcott has , kept a journal ever since he was a boy. ieinong the earliest entries are the following e 'Went ewimming to-daY; Read Plato while 111 dryin' off and got awfully sunburnt." "To- day begankriticle study of the Greke tree gediee, but Ralf 'Emerson come round and we gonclooded, to go after ,Ceipmunkseee- Burtingtori Fite Press. • , • • Hundreds who have'experiencedthe won - 444 power orNerviline subduing nein haveteetified that . it is the remit potent remedy in existence. • Nerviline is equally efficacious as an. internal or_ean_externae remedy, PolsOn's Nereiline; mires fistula*, hills, spasms, cramps, headache, •eclie•sicknees, summer vcomplaint, eta., 'eta:, Neiviline is sold by all druggists and country clealere. Only 25 cents. a ' bottle: Try it, : ' • / • ("REWARD is tottered bY the manufactnr- • "era of Dr. - Sage's Catarrh ' • Itemedy, for • a case Of Chronic' Nasal Cater& which thet:eannetkpure. . . sTeePTOSIS OLTARDIEL-Ti heavy headache, obstruction of the; n passages; diecharges tailing. from the head Into the throat; 'sometimes profuse watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, purulent, bloody. And putrid; the eyes are Weak, watery, and indamed; there is ringing in. thoears; deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the .throat, expectoration' of offensivn . matter. together with scabs from ulcers; the • voice is changed and has a nasal twang.; .the' breath is offensive; 'smell, and taste. are hn- paired; ,there is a sensation iff dizziness. wiCh mental depression, a backing cough and gen- etaldebility. Only a few of •the aboveLnamed . symptonis tire likely to be present any one CMOs Thousands of cases annually, without • manifesting half of the above symptoms. re - suit in consumptien; and end in the grave. , No 'disease is so common, inore deceptive and dangerous, or less Understood by nhysicians. • . Dyits mild, soothing, and healing properties. 'Dr. Sage's Catarrh, Remedy cures the worst . .casesof Catarrh, 66 Celti in %he he,ad992,' • Coryza, and Catarrhgil Headache. • • Sold by drzUggiste everywhere; 50 cents. . , The fortliconeing•life of R,ev... Dr. Morley Ptenshon will contain many interesting 'facts not previously published.' • Professor MacDonald, of Edinburgh, is the 'biogra- pher. The details of the fiVe years he spent in Canada are supplied by Professor Mag- ner, Dr. Punshon's son-in.lavi. • • • Messrs. Isbister announce the • Eiecerie volume of DeaniPtaintree!s "Dante," a com- pletion Of the work; • else "Everyday Christian Life," by Archdeacon Farrar. • . gr. Swinburne has also • finished anew. 'drains to be called " " Scenes. from , the George Eliot Coun- try," by Stephen Parkinson, is the title of a volume:now ineprese, which deals heore especially with the early life ;of: George Elicit and. identifieirchteratters in her novels With persons of whom she had knowledge in actuel life, and'places and scenery with portions . of the midland : comities amid which ' she spent her youth oa young •womanhood. Two Important Questions for Girls. . Here is' a' postscript to a• girl's• letter "When yeti Writenext answer Me in confit' &lice two questione Can . you lace, ,your boots with your corset! ? And 0911 you put on your bonnet weehyour . bodice ? I Went to know. M." -London Truth,. . Happiness., ' , • . ' • • , • . ..441Dittold, Agony from Cgstarrh.” . . . Prof. W. HAuSigin, the fanione mesin—er4f.„— •• of 'Ithaca; 1.47:. 17.„ writes! e Soneetert•yealv ago , sneered untold. agony from chronic- nasal .catarrh. . .My'fainily physician gal..e me up. as incurable, and said I must die. My case was ' such bad.one,:that every day towards sun ' seton&Voice.WoUld become so. hoarse I conk': - barely sPeak aboVen whisper. In the.Morning my coughingand clearing of ply threat wei .almoi3t strangle me. • ,By the ilea of Dr. Sago's :Cetarrh.liemedY, in three inenths;'I mart am Man, and the care. has been ,permanent." „60Coatitantly Hawking lioia Trionee 'Itusinzeo, Esq., eeee Mee writes:was a greet if 'frem catarrh for three years., 'At timeti I could hardly breathe, and was Constantly haWldnir and 'spitting, and ler' the last eight, niolithil -Could not breathe' through the ,nostrils. thotIght nothing could' be done for me. Luck - 11y, / WO advised' to . try Dr'. ,Sage's *Catarrh . Remedy; and I.am now a well man. believe it to be the only stire remedy for catarrh now mantifactured, and one has,only to give it a • fair trial to -experience 7nEitcrundWg results imei. a peemanerit eerie". , • - • • Three 'Bottles Care .Catarrh. The foUnd'ition. of ellhappiness is health: A man with a perfect digestion may be , millionaire, may,' be the husband Of an angel and , the father of half te, dozen chertilese and yet be' miserable if he be troubled with dyspepsie, or any of the. dig - orders arising from imperfect digestion or a sluggish liver. Dr Pierce's Pleeenint Purgative Pellet! are the Bafest and surest remedy for these morbid conditions. 'Being purely. vegetable, they are perfectharmiess • The Decline ef the Dance. " The dancing of our youth was really an able:bodied, 'exercise. The original polka fatigued the musoleseike Wbodecleoppieg Or peyeing: • That no* these siene muscles have given in to cdsiume,. Necessity, hail laid upon there that they, shall , have no 'free motion. Seine French writer Baia' that the waltz had 'killed the dance. • Crinoline and tie.baoks have in their turhkilled the waltz: Ile* lie Got Those IllaCk Eyes. • judge, to Pat, who has been arrested for beating Mike-4We% you, did pound him,. didn't you? • • , ' Pate-Vieyet honor, I struck him On the note theeglieiat part of his oak! fade, : Judge, in aetonishreent-On his MA just leek at•his .two black eyes: . Pat --Well; he didn't fatukhi ELI Boerne, Runyan P. b.. Colionbiet Cttc, Pa., says: `MY daughter had catarrh .when': ' she was live years old, very! badly. I saw Dr, Sago's Catarrh IternedY .advertised, and pro- cured a bottle for her, and scion, saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected averma neat cure.. She is now eighteen years old and sound and hearty': • ,• • D C N 87. , I have0 positive remedy for the above Metes° its nee Allemande of Cane. of the worstkind andof long Mending have been mired. Indeed, so strong. t•-•11..,LIaIth In 11. eMeaeLlhat I Will send. TWO BOTTLES "". together ' with a VALUABLE TREATISE on Oda g1ee.....r..110 any sufferer,. Give expreei and P. 0, address. . Hife.lutin,-Yoting Reporter-" eThe storm -king hurled his torn and tunthling torrents over t e• ruins of tYfe broken and dismembered edifice," old Editor -"What's that? What do youinean, young fellow ?" YotiOg Reporter -1," I--e-ee--the flood weehed-eviae PiAriek MoDaugae's old 6'4) factory." Zranoh Office, 37 "Zongeqt•Torosto . . , • , . • • Thouse.nds of cures follow the usief Er. Sage's CatarrhRemedy. .50 pents, . • Ahem that recently (ell ,on and :killed anoImlian nee; Garfield; Idaho, was ,mAaa the Eitibp3ct of a b by the surviving relatives Of the de redskin. ' TH.E.:.co'Or.s:ROT.rMF. .. Itih CURE FI' L' When / say cn._,AI &Suet mean merely to otopthera far Attne end thenhave them retlirn again, I trieen a 'radical • cure. I Iiitielleadelhe'diflease Of Pas, EPILEPSY or PALL. IRO' SKI/CRESS a lifelong otudy, ' '1 warrant my remedy' ' AO tette the worst Mule& Decease others hsve /ailed Is lga. **Mon fotnot now , reeelVing a cure. Send at Omelet ii treiiille and a Prim Bettie of my Infallible' remedy,. Give.. Expreas and roit,001ce, ,..Ite,cost.ays_u natkina for 6 404. • - -ecii will euro id,r4r P4i.11` tru., it)t, • , ,i, .. ^ ii urtscaumce- -ift !ono i,. OrOnt0. • • • • • • • • • • -14 • • •*1'.