HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-14, Page 5• fi 4 , ti ib. Pair globes kiitttrtr,• Wni Mc.•. K en'1<in, A Fit#la ion Pair hose knitted, 1'C Itu'thcr ktrrcj,, �' ,�•tutht,'t ford!• � kyail• oiiks knitted, 'j;f:"Rutherford, T. 10174014—.Pi#ie z hir&. !aiiti nr444.;..4W , • 31cK, mzie, R Blake. Suit" ,•tt 'ladies rtr,?derware:, Miss I urget;l; W «'Hann Vrotchet work in wool; *'y' ',1,4'err4Ah`1 r 51uIlin. trutchet •wN}•lc, itir.:o1ll p11,1 \lis: Burgess. Ern bruidery iii Wool; ins Burgess. 1;ttt)n•uirl4 rV 1i1 c0tt•un, ' (. 1)ultliu. •Eutl,roidery, in. sill:, J' Al,ders,»r. , Fiat Irr,rliu tvool work;. •al18s 11 urgess, 1..1luilin. Unified. 'lrer- lin wool work,, 1'' 1,u,awFence. • 1;ririd- ut;;: i u cotton heal I ‘< < rk, ,r Anil,�l son, l..ttGing in c.uttoit, !ll 4 �>r' ll,on. k'€tit •v knitting Ali in•tiot,; •.'at•Alu1,•itt,,lt 17 Cifitier,nri, • NVo,rlt'on Java •cani•as, •R ' 1llultitr, G t4r}:er.• .fancy • patch work,, 4 Anderson,;l\V 11''' lsuu. ltag nitzt, r. tkId(Fr on,:,1i4n1Rs 7f}oir5: Sofa cttsbiorti--Jing • °,I iirpess, ,Ainlersont F racy• :;l ar rs,; R lilakc-' >l Alaci•ancr or twine work J Zane C= ;Teen • (rt•we1'. wotic in vo' l,� W' ti`i'iisott: 'Crean+el work • in . silk, T. Anclerso r----Tirlsel work, James ,i. Anderson. Point & 'Hoi)iton lace, t McUrostie. Fancy tidy •. 1„11iss,Bur- wigs. Collection 'autumn leaves, '1' • Tlsttl te, Miss I3urgess.. Collection. of • ladies• work net:less than 6„ pieces, R. t' IllrtIr4,,.-.,1•., resealso oriz• =.> :,,.el.dre . nllect'ion .merchants dry goo:Hds, Luck - new woollen mills Collection tniilin eery, Mrs', BV I' Stn tlit` •Case stuffed' Canadian; W Anderson, W And= ersdti,, .I 13 Mathers. • •F.LOWERS: '. Bouquet of flower',; Thomas Hunter,., • 1t00TS Lir a. VJG.ETA$LEs.._. varietipa of potatoes 1 peck of each, A• D., C!ameron.,2nd A. Patterson, ,! Cameron, `Iuttatoes in boa or basket, Miilouln►son,- • D. (, l uebel-off r ..- 'h' marigoldwurtzela red,,'K ,Ct'meron, R. E 1.0.13e.• Janies Vindhiter and '1V:•:Aalin• each lichibit 47d—it frplendidiot of agricultural,. ill,lll• e#Itlt'IltB. ,ivnaEs. Oar lady rider,,;,, speeding in:"the...,ring ►rad: saddle horses- .1?eter Corrigan,, A, ;[cuss and- Jain es: Bryan: . . flat stns.- �- ,141 c,1l u 1 in, W. Fergus - Ion,. Gen. 'Whitely, Peter :1$.1PCii‘egor. She W 4 ude'rrwn, R Frazer W U:Mauyain, .ratitranieJ„etc, Ilef)Heonalcndirrsuu, 01 Anderson, Alc • Lad ivs.4. enartm,ent-n•trd T Girviu,, T,Irs J •Baldwstir...Ars James Crowrtou, Mrd A. Me- Mureby' - Mrs Dr Organs .lilies E V Iiitely and P :ECnmerun. Imptntuuut3—J Haygrath, J ,Steele, Carrick l+;,livard O:' GGrahawza, the popular: and Fi'l'l know: Nurseryman"of 1Ruc,h- 1 ester, IN,;Y , desires to--' make .arrange merits -•with -one or, •two:ettergetic•- men to :take-•• orders -?for his;.--- ursery' stock. lie has a choice stook; includ tine specialties.._..1iisiilducements- to beginners are 'pat1icularily advan tageous. • He'fulfills all he promises, and guarantees to• fur'ni'sh strictly first class stock. He can give' ative;.square, upright men good, positions, and desires to communicate :with: a,few such men, '-i4 Eli k view of'secul ing their: ser%ices. Write to himas:soon as•vou have' read. this for terms 'and lull particulars, Remember,, only square • dealing men, need 'apply. Address, EDW. O GRAlIAM,, •rurserytnan, Rochester, N. Y,. SHEEP; ESTRAY. o (NAME TO THE; PREMISES OF THE undersigned, North half tots 31 and•'i2, Cion 1, Iiinlosa on :or about the::$tb:.nf-Set , temhcr last, fc lir: sheeptwo lambs, all White. The owner is requested to prove. unless r• OP r3Iii'."1': i•141caCgoson. 6 sweed;tnrnips,'Grtireer; H.'Caeser: • 6'turni(;s'•any :variety; ,E Gaunt; K. Cameron; :12. field carruta,..T. Malcolm, •W pane '12 garden 0arrota, T. Malcolm; j•11.• 12 parsnips, K. •Cameron, J.,H. Gamier,. . ;.12 toriiptoea,-J.i Garnier,-'1',-.Malcolm.e •3 uartetii's of anions net less than•12••of each T, Hunters H. Qaeiiar. . • • 1 quart.oi,top onions;' W. H' Reid, V1':' H. 4•heada,of---:alibage ,:01 p -L -ane aMartie • '2 ,beads of cauliflower, R;; Martin, 'A::Pat. tersnn ' • pumpkins,, T. Malcolm, 1): Alton, q mt:loirs.'P Malcolm, • - • 2 citrons, H. Rutherford, H. Caesar, 4bunciies celery T 11 Garnier, Jae lane. :Red. peppera;'A. D Cameron„ W Lane 110{lectin t of gardeavxgutables,'J 1 , aj,r• trtCx, �V. H Retcl. • ••,IAIPLFhi•ENT3 • I..umbere%s anon;>lat, 'T W, & • J Hildred; 2nd (trent carnage. W lv.grundar.: . . 'Itaniocrat„ W N Grundy. 't�p'13ubhy, ,W N Grundy, rW N Grundy. Iron beam Plow, J �'Indlater, W Allin. • "' ,General purpose ploW•W Alliti,`J Findlater • "(:rano plow. J 1r'indlater,” W Allis Iron harrows; •J lk indluter. ('xrai drill, W Allis • • Straw. Cutter, W Allis'. Mower; 1 h, mss Voun:g,;. - 13rndbr, 1ttFle'Max*eil" htghlyrecontmend: edbx)ud,ea ; Btdil,oard, W H Miller, 1st' &.,2nd Set of parlor f upittture, W H, bi filler Set.bedroom furniture, W : H • Miller, lat•& 2nd. ; • Ladies fine.boots, L E. Edward's '1st & • • Pair coarse slides., L' E Edwards, bit. : and 2nd Pair es, tine ehoea, L E' Edwardslsttnd 2nd Long fine bouts higlily r,pcouoinended lry judges. Set hiunniered hoFaeshoes, J I Patterson, • Set flnisbed horseshoes, -J L Patterson left seri itis. ' 'Collection of fow.le, John Acetas. ' 1, Fur brahain3, •A '•Itattereon. • ': •White'ciested black'polands, •K Martis ' • Pair, black hamburgs, W'• Allis.. Pair golden pnlands, R•Martin.• ` Pair silver pencilled hamburgs, W H Smith Pair plyurouth rocks,•Jatnes Lane, R. Lane. Pair J Lane%' 1Ht and4lnd. Lair brown leghorns, John Adams. .Pair of •Samaria, G Greer. • Pair of ganit, John A,1tns 'Parr of ,ces.e, J 'Lane, Vi Greer. Purr common, i -I Caesar, G Greer., Pair L'ekrn ducks, Jae Lane, 1st arid' 2nd Parr mutiny birds .M Corrigan, lat and 2nd, • • .' sPRIl1(i CIiIIE;!Iit Pair 1•i•irham4,.lst•'1: Todd. Pair y lden olal.ds, 1t ,Martin �1•hits .Crested 'black polaitds,, 1T Martin • Parr ph:111011th rocks, R 1'' Lane, lst and<2nd Pair white• li•gh, rtis,,J Hutchison, .fv Purvis Pairb' own'ieg11prils, John Adams lot and 2nd • • Pair 'l5an'tamey T' Todd • , . lll.', entices Rowand, of Sau sen. •the: . Z; , ttefortnn.' Canddatei'as oris. of the ;judges, oil cd,ttl:e1 •'J tic new' cattle sheds were a great • improvement on the C,ld ones. The display of , lauggies', 'carriages, and. cotton •exhibited by Mr.rW. t 1 uncly, rias `very fine. • . �:. FOWLS angstde P. O. • �...�,.► ..+. ;�;.. x.rs*,-+C ;^tea-= TRU° tKS! TRUNK D� J!i Go • all parties owing e `,•• sly scr. ib er notes or accountr . s clue ori J it a �U. a-ry-µ1887. and still-not'settled� will be pub in court on the est of November, ,-a tuber without.further notice. C . unless before aid •. that date. �, • • __ - . ..., v,.ke d • �, •.�, 7 al OF-- M1NIlAND 'BODY •RNU= l" LEE'LESSNSS "Exper'ience and scientific analysis reveal to to us to Coca in! the moot tonic plant in the: Vegetable Ktngd,rn:"•-•Manuel~Fuentes. , • " It (Coca) is, io .v word, the . most power- ful restorer of the vital f6r{:-•t D,t', Se/mina: Armbreclit s Does Nine,: G, Mirth more tonne. :than Iron, or Quinine; neverC.oistipates, See \Loulcal Reviews,.. ' ARMBRECHT NELSON &. CO. 2 Duke -St, Grosve.,F:rSq.,. • • 1, wimp, ,' England: • For wale only in Lukti t,v COPE,LAND .Ate + DAYS .UruggiAts, 6 mos. 71E• PE RT C� r�A , Az•ee sel.lin'g many liness. of : b" „oa close to ' cost for cash and'•nanv i 'r•lines at coat for cash.. •Phis eu „u •„stir for. IJ.".� 7 1J.� • • As the spring' is close at h ' nd: the public' will do well to . w.• i<y A 14. oar assortment of .0 . SPRING !w SUMIER GOODS • ;before {'urcha.it g t 1sewhere We have mai:) tieV• lines' in 1adies . •,: Dol: gola: :T300Ts, l..1.CE]J AND BUTiON1 D, '. Our stock, f n Misses, and Childrens --- I'S°{CoIVI'I'ET►• las just regeiied a large and. well..• selected stock of fine Ti unks, • • Valises; ', Robes, etc., which -lie 'is selling • atr bottoti prices o. If you wish a Firs t-Claes.Traal=, Goat Ar. Euffalo Zobe, give ;me a'' call. • Single and Donble -•harness always in stock or made to order,; -on short notice 'Orderoa Work a Specialty- . PROCTOR. IMPORTANT .TO .ALL who ,are bald, or havethin,: or Grey Hair, or who aretroubled with • D.A1y 131 70- PF: DOREN.WEN DS :0: 11 lel, PRC R I ETO; 'OENERAL 'DEALER INr- MITS 11MLDE• TO, °RDE* AlLpas endue accounts must: be settled by note' or cash. ` PEART &CO>RRIGA:N. . ON'T FORGET THE SLHN; SEWING. MAC,.HINES, -i KY. TOE*: UNDERSIGNED W Is ES '. inform the inn a..' i n' �.tol tiLtia to of Luckno* sad' surroullding Country th;the has the largest: stock of HEAVY AND :% CHT HARNESS To be'found in any stop in the villa:' ` which he'is able to' -sell at• prices 'Lu. • Suit the.' :pockets of " purchasers. , 'Collars warranted to • give. satisfacti ►,n. Whips,' Trunks, ;and- Valises always on ' hand Call and see : our stock before • • purchasing' elsewhere. Repairing doka with neatness and despatch.. All w414; warranted.'' UCKNO:' `HAIR MACiC:.. Will be foetid invaluable for the Bahr end scalp' It clensea the scab of all •ilandruo; invigorates the growth of the bait, and IA cases of baldness where there there are the @1 hteint signs of roots left, it will prudueeg good :crop of lair.. Itrestors grey hair`to its original color, apd is an excellent dressing. ' 3)0 NO'1' DELAY, if your heir ib in a weir$ Condition get a bottle at once, • —Ask for it•—j Ar f0R1 NiVEN:1), Sole Ilii nufacturer. •'r'0I.iONT0; CANADA., • A. Dnrenwend is'the leading".menu, actuter of Hair•Goods in Canada, i01, TES BES' � AGI NE �U Re �����ars of alb kn°ds' as stoc: p '. .... .Y ,.._ :.. The, Mill is:now in frillwork u,n „rot,+ • and capable of meeting all the wants of my patrons, BYO MORE DELAY IN WAIT ING FOGY 0`EYR G RIST. Farmers would do wel•lto bring th•3ir wheat to the mill,where the highest cash prigs will be paid. . CHOPPING 1 DONE C I •AF USUAL.... �, , .:. The• -est g'rado of Roller :t -ear ori y b:i,e 4 •Ybdlbs - The (beet sails: Preeerleiieri twee Wcakneu, Spennatorrhea, Emiatons,' S,apoteney and all Dia• eaaeacatiaed by .elf abuse' or tn- estob.`.' man.. W td ilr for Panama. Lr ai,� �ai he>rt►flOoeeb> Cod DetiroIti'a 1,Jjc .- Is rr. is . 41