HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1887-10-14, Page 3• .V.c.4.•
Q.munns.ip. Tomos.,
_ „
• Pr the Enapreee Bogen* a Retie
!NO:indent writee • "She was lately at!
Amsterdam, whither she Went 01094840 a'
.394ted Dutch phyeiciae reepectinc the
'Aettimitism, trent whit* dials a COlitant
sufferer. An American, lady who paw her
•: theta tells me she has .grown Vey stout.
and infirm, and has lost every vestige of•
her mice dazzling beauty. She is” subject
• to attacks of insomnia, during whibla sho
will sit tbe'whole. night through beforethe.
' portrait of the Prince Imperial, and these
attacks, usually terminate ie fits of weeping
• and matte hysteria."
"Chsvaixont the Freech, meant; has just
celebrated his, 101st birthday. 'Whenasked
the secret of his longevity, he replied• :
"There is no secret there can bo inio rule
--of lifer -what isgood-for one man may o-
• he good for another. We must study *hat
, • la, beet for us individually. For 'example,
• my parents Hired to be morethan 00 years
• • , old; and they draek wino; from My child-
• -hood •wine has been disagreeable to, me.
Zike•Looke and Newton, I have never oared
•• for. any beverage but water, and yet I•am.
President of the Wine S.eeietY of Anjou."
• Fairies &men, Emperor of Austria and
• Xing of • Hungary, has mote royaltitles
•',than- any other :.E;grei.pean- sovereign. He
ia King of seven countries or provinces,
Grand Prince of one, ' Priebe or Maraive
of-eeverat othefsTlfid-"A-rohd'iike,7'Grancr
buke and Duke of half adozen nicore.',.Ile
is considered •the richest: monarch of
Europe,. with the possible ,exception of
Queen • Victoria. Beside his . personal
revenues, which ate enormous, the Em-
peror manages cin: various pretexts to
_ _extraeL ihmiti.t2,000;000.a•-yettr,--from-the•
• ,• pubWtreasury.. Aitegether Francis Joseph
. 10 what is commonly known as " Well fixed.'
- Tau: Medical 'Journal gives the fol-
. .
• lowingleteresting particulars of the height,
weight end dimensions of Thomas Longley,
of Doyen who is • said to be , the heatieet.
British subject' iri,the World. gr. Longley,
who is a respeotableand intelligent publi-
can, is 40 yeah; • of . age, "being horn (Of
, patentsnot abate the normal ,siie), in
• 1848. As a baby he was not Considered
• large. ' His present ,weight 18 AO stone
, height, feet inch; meaeurernent Of the
waist, 80 inches; • 'size of leg, .25 %inches.
'He finds •considerable difficulty in walking,
and does nOttrust himself in a carriage, for.
fear of hreaking,the springs...X.eizeitideick
.1164,4*.ox •seneasnattire
••. . • . ,
• The Sewing Girls. of Germany. '
. The sowing girlapf Germany, according
to",a. report which has been ".sent to. the
Department ;of; State, hate •i herd tithe.. :Fresh •rcews bicites:‘
. , . , ,
Their .wages, are. , barely . sufficient for A bill providing. for 'several. iniportan
• subsistence and lodging,: leating all neces, sanitary reforeie. will be prepared by
,hary•inoideetat„:e,xpehees; , including Cloth= the QUebeo-Provindiel :Board of --f-Health
.ing, to be provided either Itral----mibiniited • to the Legislature !'rteatt
, Or through independent efforts of her own.
In the largercities this condition 'etude to • The Dominion Government has been
frightful sufferiegor degrading immorality invited .16 'bend '4 representative to. the
.-and-ruin.-7-Theit employee are -endeavor- •Interpreviimial-Congrese to he .-held 'neat
• • ••• •ing to 0644 them., to -perchasa their month in the City of ,Quebec, but will most
thread and other .supplies at 'employers' probably decline. • . • • • ' :
, • Prices; aecl the *ell -to-do, girls Who Want ' At Yesterday's :Meeting Of the Montreal
•silittle•extra money for luxuries or fineries hOodleinvestigatiOncOmmittee, counsel for
. compete with the levier classes' and • do the .thecorriplitiount attempted to pia a niiniber
Work at even lower rates than those of fishing 'questions on the , gas contiadt.
generally paid. In short, only' • th.ose. • girls 'charge to witnesses, but they were 'tiled•.
••'baire a Passable existence Who hive suffi-: outi•by the comitaite:';'-N9thingimportarit-
; • Oient-Thipport: in their family ties. 'The was elicited;.` and Unless , eometlaing
' Self -dependent girl.'Wh6 lives • by herself definite-• is. Proved at the next .meeting
'generally falls an easy:prey to designing the charge in its resent feel will. fall
: .xneia . and ends in private - ,Or "public lime. through: • . : • : :
morality and prodtitution.--,-Washingren • It stated that Sir Jae Macdonald.Wfil•
within a few weeka resign the General Shp-
etintendehey of Indian Affairs, the admin.,'
istrationof the Indian Department
re-verting, as in forme' year*. to tlie:De
pattineht Of 'the 'Interior:
7 -The appoiiitment761-ar:Burbidge,, De-
puty Minister of Justice, aii.,•ejiadge of the
mite:Court of Claims will ,bo gazetted to-
day. fathered that ,thei• OffiCe. of
Deputy Minister Will be aholiehed, in •view'
oftlie appointment'shortly Of a SOlicitor
• •
1 •
,Cpverwitelme4 by a cemplicanon or Amor-,
dents on the Day of marriage.
It was reserved for a bride lately to suf••••
fer et.VOMPillOatienof eeeldents which for,
tunately could not mow more than once or
twice in a lifetime. The young lady left
the house and got ten blocks, away when,
She discovered that she had not put on her
bridal veil. This was no fool of a veil
either. It wasnot the regulation square of
blonde, leoe; but a lovely Brusseli net,
richly wrought by the nuns in the convent
of the Sacro Cosur, in Montreal. Back
went the bride for thisgorgeous portion of
her raiment, It. Was thrown over her in
the carriage and the wedding procession
again started. This time a breath of air
produced an inclination to sneeze.
The pcior -bride %repressed it, ; but -it-
escaped at laid, ,.-ithd oh horror . on
horror'sheed, her white. satin waist
split from belt to shoulder. Here occurred
a halt, this time 'at a •little shop where
thread, and peddle were obtained, and the
gaping space with difficulty -Was covered.
At last, much too late, that unfortunate
wohianreached the chirch. In stePlana$
ntrvonsly from the carriage the lace bot -
•tom of an under •petticoat caught ori the
stepand: she felt the fastening give. way.
Every step up the aisle she could feel that
cruel skirt slip, slip, till ehe feared she
would- have ici-step-Tout-of-itat-the very
altar. She took a grip on the side and on
she went, .• During the entire serviceshe
clung to it like grim death. She bet -go for
a moment to get her glove off for the ring,
and when she resumed her hold she felt.
that it had gained on her; Like, Florence
Wallack, she might have been Married_
With,the catechism for all she how; .She
had these thoughts: "Will that petticoat
he dropped in: the aisle, or will I shed
it on, the sidewalk before the mob is I
climb into the carriage? Is it the lawn
skirt, with three ruffles of valenoienhes, or
is it that little blue embroidered ,cashmere
ma made me wear 'so I wouldn't take
cold?" • . 4
The, perspiration ,started on her pallid
brow its she hurriedly Made the responses,
and, half -fainting, made her way down the
' Don't lose Your presence .of mind;
dear," Whispered the -young husband.
It?s, my petticoat Pna losing," returned
the lady,pettishly. ' •
• AW4z3 n ganced atztbecartir Ont he. isenti*etw
• ; CgiciciarPnieccaohembahavanicsai
, She said the same thing as she kicked
the dreadful petticoat' under the carriage
seat. It was the 'woollen one.-L•Philadelphia
Thellioqi4ed Girl 'who couldn't Write.
Not leng ego a veil, nicely.' dressed
*wham, aecciinpanied by a gentlathanly
,loOkirigelite, Walked into one athe banks:
• and ealced for a certificate of deposit.' . The
book was passed out to•her for her
tute. She hesitated a motneet, glanced;
,nervously at her eecort, then boldly grasped'
• the pen'and put her. face very close to the
paper,- When the teller took the book bock
he saw plainly egogghthat the girl had
simply made genie ,very. •inieete hp: and
down, acratehee: He ;looked at" her, saw her
oithfusionand decided to be lenient with
her. As if 'unable to read the. signature,
clearly he inquired the naroe. It was given
Then ' 'it was slyly written in.
:the teller's Own bold letters, the certificate
filled out and delivered. The escort never
. suspected the difficulty and the girl de-
parted happy. -Chicago Herald:
„Unlueky , ••• • . •
"Your children all turned ctut well,, I
reckon ?7"-saiilteihalini4dresaing an old
friend he not seen for meny years. .
• "Wall; yes, all but 13ill, pore; feller."
• " Dr'unk belie, I reckon. :
' Oh; no; miter drunk no lieker; but
, han't amounted to,ii•othinV: Bill wu ae-
citiVed and it tuiet, hiro," • .
• ' 0/06:affair " • ...1 .
• " Yes; an' a mighty had orie't •
She married -some other feller, eh ? " • xhoughtfui Little • Boys.
' , "Oh, eo, she married' She wuz SOine bar"! were playing in.an alley, .off
• wilder, an' let ogt that ihe•was Well Off, .Congiess street the other .day when a
but she weal. W'yi, she wan't able to get Worean panie out of her back gate Mid
• Eill a decentlint o' clothes the.week airter said ,• • • , , , •
•"they *Oz. married, tO the -pore -fellow "'Boye,, I want yon to go away from here
has hist confidenee."-- • ricinkaw Tritr'Okr. with your noige.• MY husband Is very
• - • ,
Yesim," replied the leadercif the .crowd.
" layout husband's life insured ?" '
-"Nor gin" • . ' , • ,
Oh, then, you don't want him to' die,. of
Como ;boys lot's go." '
• • A Y,ankee Solution.
,iones is getting tieb," ' "Jones is math*
riioney,' Shell remarks, are echumen;-./kertittas
, Copying the abcit91!, the Buffalo N'etcs
"wonderingly ihquiteS Ina beadiihe-, 11"Who
le Mies?' ' Welt -we May not , able. to
giVe 11 the particulars, but we havetheard'
that ones,' he pax Ob....freight." If he Is
making oney he Might. to';'---Peehester.
. •
Sir 'John'Afacdonald has nOt yet'
fled hie . acceptance of, the position of
Canada's representative .on the Fisheriek
Commission, net will the appointment 136
madaby the Canadian ,..Governitent.entil
it is • definitely informed as to the scopo.
of the commission. `• • .
„ .
• Ketttes on the Boll. ,
Hero is an advertisement that is. appear.
ing in the:Utah papers: "Wanted, infor-
mation of John Edmund Kettle, aged 26,
formerly of LondaiThiirilatterlY of Salt
Lake City., by - the ondersigned;,•Marietta.
Kettle, Rosa V. •Kettle, Lillian 0.
Katharine K. Kettle, Mettle $. ,Kettle;
Susan T: Kettle,. Fannie 33. Kettle, Con?
stance,C, Kettle; Margaret A. Kettle . and
Julia. A. .Kottle, all of Salt Lake City."
Appb.reetly these Kettles are all ' boiling ;•
it any rate it will be pretty hot for John
Edmond if he is caught. -N; y. 1'ffeune..
, ,
• A•Linil,of.Study:
Editor (to young assistant)-" Mr, Great.
• • head; I want to !map out it brie of journal-
istic study for you l"
Young Aisistatit (einbion IY)-A4 I am
Iprettywell up to newspaper , as it; is,
. . . .
,11, • f t Mr
• Editor-' AM aware,o , .
' • head ; but you know too much. .
• suggeitthat you clevote•.one hemp each
to forgetting something."•L--Pack.
. Brisor.r.-." Capital articles theeo of
• yours on Conimereial Unien, Mr. Votnig,"
• Raid•ohr yOueg,•rhan to the hon. gehtlernae
• ftorn Galt. ", But .why yOu look so
ashamed? YOU Might to be prorid of your
• Work. • " Freud!' 'Verbal% you haven't
*Aided . that Pm' being praised by 'the
• Toronto was all he icact.7=dri),, '
•. The Pittsburg, Pa., Grand Opera }tense
• gitee an ' Opera, glais with every' Seat. 'The
'Belgian guts wakes. are eowpreparing
, ,.
to Melte glass ' to Various shapes sod.
patteine by rininin heets of it!. at 'just the
right temperature to:"• 'Orli. hieely thtougli
Steel roller*. • •
, gleetiee ate chained to the okairs,Itho chairs- , „ acceolySharp4s. to be."7 t ' to Sing Sing
are tittted to th0,•!000r,.. 'tile floor is palled . on rtiday and Jaines A.'. lc • oma, oho of
to the beanie, the' beams are leiinto .the Sharp' s co1194116e is to be plao„.C. on trial.
foundation,and the.foundation is, 'gunk ihte „ . ,.: A
Tod .trreenliOtn Motetains idC*" Oli, are
tha'aaitiT, .brit ono of these fino'rifghts SOnle tovaita with apt ,iticheapf, ahaw,
$)11o**ill dig' the whole establishoieht ,Otit. i
'Dark •'• ' lige. ;•,. LOokitig,for a match Vt n.
ha tarty it off, :lather than,..10t. ge • (4, hie 1,
. • , .. , arolitea. af I' &dock in .tho morning
Wring AGAIN.
....._-_. .
The WOOS "Stroller" Ta/Fes a Shy 'at Two
• ' )14124,17f X.:(Freafdengp.
Of ,S11 the, shortening and clipping. that
goes on in •daily 19onvOsatiCIli what s&
meithingless - as this . :exclamation--
" Thanki"?. If one has demiyou a favor,
'Why not iay." I thank yoq2" not "1 thank
yo," but "1 thardk. yee,,l'' plainly, Clearly
and distinctly. The • exclamation
" Thanks," jerked out of F3Q43q. IllatathOn-
able depths, Havers of J00 nanch haste to. be
polite, and best be omitted. - . .• short time teh Or .84 dezen iSeople, will. he denied that the Gladetonien position was •
" Thanks " is only equalled, in naY indg:. 'gazing with him.. They were .down • to net perfectly clear. 1 The Liberale, be said, .
ment, in straight down wrongness in the hard panen. their uppers BO to speak.. stood With the*: feet upon a reek, • Mr.?,
idiocy that responds to the polite " :I .thank One Of them went to the, proprietor of
you," or" Very regeh obliged," for e laver melt's.. furnishing house on Oheetreit street modifications .of bia: original'' Home Rule
a Gladstone 'had annognceci his 'assent to
rendered or a worms's' , performed, with and . told him • tbat. for ao 'much ' a. plan'. At44.ever4oneof his colleagnes: who.„,,,,,,„,,,
" Not at all." • I have I think 4 written o, .weekhezwouldgnikantee...to, at,treet._,evl. :
had -concerned iii7 preparing the BM
thici before but it Will hear repetition, and- attention to his window •than. all •the dis- had also, cedially aiserited'. . What more ,
I can Hee, no reason why; if you pick -up a playa that • could be laid Ortt,, The did • anybody. Want to know? • .He wog.
lady's kerchief, tender her Year seat in 'a ' , proprietor was . struck with the idea and ' amazed that •Mr. Chamberlain did. not Pre'.
car, or save a friend from a :dangerous fall gave it a trial'. As a consequence, there duce hie own plan. • Was Mr. Chamberlain,
on that result of a. fool'e, carelessness, a was a crowd: at his window lnearly all the against ' Houle • Rule altogether?-, The '
banana peel, and aro rewarded with that time, The :young man would walk up to ,GlatIstonittes ' wanted to • know • ale°. •
exactly proper ,remark, "1 thank Yon,", the window with his tripod and stand viz- what, ItadiCals like ' Xt.. ' Oharnher, • -
is .eiy,.. x eon . see .4Q, gOcicl. and valid leg there untila crowd of a dozoo, or piteeo lain thought ••about the doings at I/40,one:
reasOrt why it would not he equally proper were standing with . them. To. keep' the town, Ennis and ether ,„'„plieee. ' • As
and trtie• to Bay' iiitmere •a, liar," as to crowd moving he would -.walk away, - and for Ohareberlain'entging- a -.POstiehenlent
respond • with " Not at all.". Honest now, that started the break in:the-crowd; The Of Irish for English legislation, ti$3 tiOltic)a"
Cab' Via ?-"Stroller" in Toledo .rounka• performance Was repeated every ten or of Ireland, the speaker .said, Would net
. .
. ,. . , • •
fifteen minutes... The young man went. to allbw Parliament to. deal with other. affairs. '
. who Drunimees-Revenge. '. •, other stores the titreet; unfolded his • The ship of State wasWietem and: was
. . • •
Paleetine, Texas, and resolved on a terrible. a' short time be had. the whole
A drurnmer had a spite at 'a hotel in Plan and pointedout the shccesssiroefettt.froIran Awuntsroounnlydebdnehy,watyumoid,.mtetithinsg.wpitovrtottoTshuemre..
revenge. So When he, went to Galveston he ,Nintn'to Broad on his beet, and be had to mon back the old, Inlet. (Cheers.) Resq,
" bagged ". a lot of the cockroaches for take his friend into partnersbip, and he, lutiOns were•pass.ed ' wcpressing confidenbo
iibioh. the island city is Celebrated.. • Bring- makes plenty of money. If other window- • in Mr. Gladstone and demanding justice
ing a lot of the largest, commonly called by gazers do not get on to the idea and get into for Ireland. , :.. ',.
native galveitonians " diggeloogers," the the business, these. two •, originators Wilt ,...A.mass..meeting,-Whieh• was -attended- by -
drummer tea; therif to the ,' hotel. and, shortly establiall*I5ranchee of.the 'gazers ' 10;000 persons, was held to -day at Tower" ,-
turned, theni,loose, in the belle and Corti- in other cities....--PhaaaaPltiaNetfi. ., .. , Hill., The police seized .the placards .an -
dors: In about two weeks, the. hotel, Was :46uncing.the. meeting' and demanded the ,
swarming With them and they got in the ' 0 ,. The-Telephene Craze. names Of the promoters, of the clemonstrit •
soups, preserves, jeans, : molasses, in the --:7--pertedieitib,. the,. public have,. a • eraa non. Speeches Made from six plat-
milk--overy)thete-and worked hard all forme. The. . speeolies condemned ' tile 4
thrust on their notice ; it onetime it is '1:6
day and sat•up, at night to help. that drum- Government's Irish policy and the conditet
mer,get even. •• They have filled the hotel of the •pplice • at • Mitchellstown:, Appro.
•and geheto work (Milne Private bowies, and linen, resolutions were put and Carried. A
hew Palestine is .accursed With' theel.--
. strong force of police was present,hut their ,
Chicago News. • , . : '
services were not needed, the proceedings •
Were orderly throughout.
• , ' ' •
. .
, •
• pROPP.88102fAi. T..em‘DOW-GAZBR.13. *OAT= HASs 31lEETIkOS s
A Que*,r Profession Followed by t Declare e laanFdarcoornodr3inneladatktoene:reonudeelioz4e
' Young Men in the Quaker city.
Two Young men who spend the day and oovernment! • _
4. -large part �f the evening 'on Chestnut 'A last (Sunday), night's London cable
street are paid to do SQ. They are both, says: A great Liberal demonstration was
well known figures, and generally travel held at Templecombe,, Dorsetshire, yester. •
together. They are piofessional windotf- day. Twenty thousand. persons. were pre. ,
gazers. The young men, in commen with sentt•Somerset„ Hants and ' Wilts sending
everyliody else, know that to attract a contingents. Mr.,•JOhn- MorloY, who was •
crowd to a window all one has to do is to the chief speaker, replied to Mr. Chamber.
stand and gaze into that window'. -In a lain'e recent speech at Birmingham. He
gold -mine, at another a lead company that
seeks to draw the hard earningsfrom the
people's pockets. In, ancient times it was
the South Sea bubble that turned the heads
of kings and senators, • who were ultimately'
engulfed in one grand maelstrom that
ruined them by thousands. Montreal just
now is 'quietly , being 'flooded with tele,
phonic schemes aerfliglity in imagination
and as dubious in results as the black
. ltipther's
. Teacher -Yes, My. children, always re-
member there is no huixiitn love eqoal,te a
mother's love. • 1 •
'Little ;Girl-Wonciens kite 'their 'child- angel -companies floated. m the* States; to'
Queitiihstoonthasui 'rehrishatlevipn' „cifileye2,14,beAnaricial.i.ttinvOtathheeavsb,940PO,
--4747:61tal"'' -' 44'4r1Ple_,V,,1''--r4171•-.4..„."..,•;1!"-:--."-1-• itals."";°"ItcitZgFii,kaftlhekt.___ 4.ocitAnn .e "Itts-liei'IT'Arciletraat - ..dD
'17'..."4.14.4rcrigirdetitiaMihroxaccrtrete.-athe -4..fe-"' ArtAseagainetiintestiiri" 41aSselinaginary. la Esquimalt. 'nue xesnits a're suetidae.
: . .
coughs mamma gets sorry and tries to -cure companies that we desire to, caution our tory a large order is expected. :' .
,em, but when, papa gets the hiccoughs she :readers. But yesterday a new scheme was It is stated that Mr. Somerset Aikins,
gets 'mita.- .
.. ' afloat t� Wipe out theBell Telephone Com- son of ' the Lieutenani.GbVernor, is to be
liarlY bY redueing its 'tariff •to $3.5 per,
The Canadian. bhirthwest.
• A' collection of -Manitoba exhibits hag
/been sent by the Canadian Pieifte Railway
to Charlottetown, P,E,L .
• • ,, The Widow's mite. • ' ' '• annum for subscnbers ; to -day another
She Was ra, widow, and perhaps -a little ' babble :company which ' wishes to *fiance
sensitive on that account. ' When she ' the price to 1,12 la • floating; in the air.
answered at summons , the other day she It is ne•edless-tonay there is little roan for
found ,-a-good4O-Okingiiiiet-eriat- olian-7the next fiftryeito for any •Soriipetition-
-.Standing at the door., •• • • :'• shah as is perhaps intended or intendedfor
' . "Good day,"•hebegen_;.__Y.. I represent a sale. From personal inquirywe find that
loan association . qui person, direciOrof otherwise, in the Belt
So do I," -she responded:shortly,. "and. Co.,- has ever received '8.11Y-,. bonus on hie _ithoot$7,000;000.-:.,„ The _average:::_yield_OL
I bv:FaiT. tiiiititfitIolie ; good day; Sir." -3tOok,'-afid-tfiat-7that 'company has never
. He hasn't thought it Out yet to his entire wheat for ' the Province will be about 25
sold a 'share below par for stock gambling 'bushels to the ' acre, and may ',probably
satisfaction: , . •• ' • -•.purposes;-• -It is to be' sripposect there- reaoh.30.' ' • • . -', - • •
married in lei days to Mies Colby, daughter
of the niembenfor„Stanetead. • ,
At a meeting of the. C011/10iird-ther-Roatc12-- -
,of Trade this • aftertoon.a report was
sented.bYtheSecretaryin which. the total
yield of wheat for this year in the Provinee
is placed at: 11,000,000 bushel*, giving
7,000,000 bushels for export, . This, with
the surplus of other products, will realize .
• • , • - ;-'7'• ••tore thicanY of the naVJ concerns can ;place
, , . . , . e cars o w ea • .pasSe -
Coie hundr A f ii t • a
it is perhaps not geneally khown ihat it -Again the Bell Telephone Co., • with its
.achild is taught to swim axe :Very early 4,000 of 0,000 miles of - lines, connecting
age it leatns Much more easily than when cities and towns, offers to its subscribers
it Instinct teadifeTifFeicitefly-a-t-faeilities which'no-other-TelephoneCercan
to •do. The' children of •the. South Sea , furnish. The Bell--Telepherce-CO.ls .divi.
islanders - almost live in the • water from •dends, with the practical rnottopoly of the
their early infancy and are quite as Mud'. past eight years, avetage about 5. pe dent.
othomethereas they are on land. -London Therefore it is certain that with its eConci-
,2yetegraph„,,. _ .. _ ....,i 9r.; . • . . mical and conservative management it has
• Leerninir to Swint. • • the ahareholdera in • a better Condition. through the C. P. R. yards yesterday .
route,to Port Arthur from points in South- .
ero Manitoba' and between this city and
Brandon. The railway cOnipanY reports the
wheat 'movements brisker every-day.,and '
their locomotive power will sl. ortly be taxed
.to its utmost. •:‘• .#
The Moosomin Fair ended last night in,
banquetto the eastern presa representa. -
lives, which lasted till 2 in the morning.
been „ no special bonanza for its share- Prof. Saunders was present and Made
holders. Its stock sellatg-day atabout par. 'favorable comment on the Moosomin dis-
With two Or three competitors in the field,. trict. TO -day the eastern pressmen were
and the consequent rate cutting, What' driven here across the prairie to Wapella.
prospect is there for ditideeds;, from any There were 260 entries at the fair there to-
of7 ,
since It ienot-toTbe supposed•thaT clay., The party leaves-feir Whitt:1,00d .by
.Bill Nye in -the •Barber's Chair
Barber -You are 'eery bald, Mr. Nye. •
/slyeThat'a so. . • •
Barber -What was the • Cause , ydur
baldness/. . ' • . • :•*- •
• Nye -The top of My head' greW faster
than 'the hair. -Texas 4iftings.• '
• • • •:'
. • SomeWhat Indefinite.
• Old FriendWell, good-bye, b I
my, boy.
say, why don't you come up to dinner with subscribers who are .shareholders in the
me some tinfe.:2 , My. Boy,-.--•Why;•I will ;of Bell Telephone We should : be base to
course Will be glad to. When shall 'come? •Our trust did we'not try to protect their
" Oh. come :4-7er-some time. Well, so :interests as well as prevent ,others .frOin
s.,:i•tolgs. • , • . • , losirig large amounts of rtioneyhfinvest-
, • , ,ing new bubbles • which cannot by any
Nikita,: Maurice Strakosch's latest dis- possibility pay a fair dividend, if any at
We.find onstill-furthet-inoiry that
eevered.,•star, about whom 'he• ,told that
the 'Bell Telephone Co. to -day had about
wonderful Indian" story, and for whom he
prophesied . feture, more brilliant arid' 14,000 sets of instruments in uee and owns
'glorious than -that of Patti, has appearelin between 4,00Q. and, 5,000 mike of line cOn7
Lehdon at the, promenade coecertagiten at necting 'cities and towns in Canada and,tbe
• United States. It has also the exclusive
Her Majesty's under: Col: Mapleson's Mao-
-agement. So far the success of this young • right to .connect with the system of the
'lady has been Of a rather doubtful nature,..'AmeriOan TelePheneOcil in, the United
'ifTwITEeprthe verdict Of some of the lead- States,. Any person at all. familiar with
ing London papers. , • the business and the cost of construction.
theBell,Telephene Co. will retire 'fmmihe to -night's train to attend Whitewood
field?' This then is fair financial of Fair. •- • •
the matter the prospect:of-aneWrpOor- election Emerson yetiter.,
and untried ' company payieg any divi day 'resulted in a sinall riot. C. S.: Doug- '
deeds; KnOWing:the large number of out lass, M.P.P., it 'candidate for mayor • tore
up the Official votera'. Hit . at one Of the ,
Polling sub-diviSiOns because it Was incom-
plete, he claimed,and a row ensued. In. .
consequeticethere,is no electien of: mayor.
When the Nelson Valley Railway Ceti- ,
etrny was dissolved by Parliament' some •
years ago the Hudson Bay Company was
directed to theNelson Valley Company
e10;97,0 for surveys,."ete: This has never
been, paid,.and•Mr. S: Drummond, of Mon.
tteal, has applied in the Courts here for an
attachniettot the linepf the Hudson Bay
Roakin Order to liquidate the debt. ,
All the bridges on the Red River Valley
-Roaditrii-howeeinpleted eideptiii-ethe one
at Morris, and the construction of the eta -
nowt haye now been begun, ,
Four mounted policemen arrived -et -,Ed. .
meetonlast night with a lialnreedand his '
soli from Lesser Slave Lake charged With
:the Murder of the wifetel the former and
the sitepniother of -the The woman
became, iniume and was inciting to cahnibal-
lam'and =inlet; Therefore, in accordance '
•With Indian custom, her neatest relatives
'killed he. '
,.. 1..cata readily see . that no • company •,cituld
• A. suisnio,,.instance. of the •;eXtent to. 1,elliplicate this eonettoetion without it very
. Which saving machinery , • is carried gotta- i largo pvital.!. Opposition may be a. good
days. Bays the. industrial' journal; is :shown thing, and where it haaas,Clictriceof success
in'th'etin-can industry. . Everybody knows '
that •tin caoe'uremanufactored, by, itachi. f•a'oreditablo thing, but . where in, common.
sense •:,la -there anything ,to lioniade,•With,
nety: ! One, Of the machin'ee • used in the three. or to,* 4,0thRatlies $n . 611a ...it swell
process solders the.. longitudinal 13anai' of 'population,. aft ,we have in the Dominion Of
the oaee at•the rate of 'fifty,: a minute • the . Canada?,we have, .thereforer,two4-,.a.egres.
cane thehingalaglii-a continuous stream. i this matter, . the first to protect our
Nott, of course; a drop or ' tWO of selder is ' fariends•who have already 'invested in one '..„ it:fakir Phippe Free.
leftrin the min. The drop .'oit the outside . 'company, and .:the*.e0CondlOprotect those -
,can, be. easily. cleared away, . but it . 'the , terrri of; iniprisoinnent' of • Major
easy to eecure the drop 'left . on. the inside;', losses,
fail°1'' who .niity tie,poilcited to invest in epttain
Ellie P. Phipps,: the defaulting 2superinten..,
It Wouldn't do,of 'course,. tbretardthespeed ..the dent of . the. alroslionse, expired:last mid: .,
Finally,Whet is thee' to prevent
of. the work -bettor Waste • the drop; it Bell :*Telephene Company, with its night, . His semen of mental and physical .`
is Only -a triile,4thyhow, and to 999 'Men in. wealtliy 'and paid-up organization -in oltse• deptession. Which invoked the solicitude of,
1,000 would not Sdern' worth a• tninute'd ;hang
of a doubtful' success • of, ,their . tiVira-re- his physicians und•trionds, was followed,:es .• , ,
the pride''. Of theit subscription to
,thent, X0ti;Wipill, the inside of the . can; shareholder atia.,,histo.ane ga,tAtte,,, ,.. lookihg 64 when be was first arrested; ,:' He
'thereby saving that drop 4 of solder end -.
leithignone•to• cOme in contact .With,the• ' • ' '' ' • • •••• - /
for a fitni using one of these inethinetl, Alla dry wht, opposed vialyi b,3tau.tariff 6a, whi6h
be set about cleitisingan
attention.. The , thoiteandth man Worked
ingenleus arr.aute••':: none :but , themselves ' could, subsist? -,7116
1 such a poiet as Would Wipe out all and Sun-
liatieyet, fettled no plans for the future:. . it'
brigliter'Spitite and his old physical tiger.: '. •
When ;he left the prison: he was as vigorous. ,
the time. of. hict, release drett neaten', by
cbritents of die elm:. ;Ile ,waii encouraged ; ' ' . .tivvOauslda-ntrir ae161dhse°..121kneeabeoriatgf.Yal
.-The Pang' 11.7 gar° says'. that' thOed who
by his employers to: patent • hie hi'vehfloo, ' Meet hilt cannot .talin quinine ehenld mil. irregulatinea-Wherrte-Waerielettkeirt-he. '.
did so, , arid , has already received several. the. Apse. 'prescribed with a. V,ory • . smItli, ,cause 1113'6;1161dd that his (turiikaani friends' .
thousand dollars: iii...rayaltioq, 'fot..;lta..tuto - quatitity Of fresh btittet and spread it linnet' had . deserted mhi• hi his hour Of heed'. The -
As the inuellitut 0Oldete tWentY thouBanci ' tile Orupit, ,. The 41)8611:A1ot' will be as' Majtr.the Other day denied any intention
eerie . a day, ,the aoldertiated by hiaintetation, perfect AS it introclueediiitothe etOniatli - '
4 . 4
, O.. -making any •statement.
'amounted' tenbent 415 a day.; Xt,Pays :to ' • L'zit..tvithesS in n8cOtt.Aof citseat Pane; ... • .
aeaaarai: . , r, , • . . ••. . .. ; Of good Whiskey
applied to hard , eider by, the Connecticut whi*eY Iii it.. 1"`' 4e6hbtiP riatIrvin'elk, ire:Illitt:Y.,gibaustaei
think as you work. . ., , ... .1 deseribing what lie hita got to anek at one tietitthi6s:utiudd4e.6r,stoo.,,t1 that tile i.a:ti Ex, che.i,;01,1*
Orchard tea" .is the' ,ilanie ,ebilietiinect
' A teii'lork :7'neiiPatab eaYs.: :PreatOn . tet...get.,, - . , , . , . • • ' •
, t eill the mixturel got in the Windsor just Deputy, Minister Of -tistice beind'epoken of • •• ' '
•of iliehotele, said ; -14, There Was not Much Court: provided fee by the .bill ,passed by•
he. started ininiedia.tely, ' Mr.. Btirbicige, • ...
the Domiritoq.parlianimit last seation is tO-
, , ,
candidate ot•the thlion Labor party for , • ' . • • ' ' . •
Secretary of State, has resigned .to allow!, Aeeetcling ,to the ."‘,rashingtcin. ....Star; :Ii..tili.nesia in the redent Convict inquiry in,; ,
John Swiritoh's name to be put at, the head, .Sectetaey Bayard is.rinable to4ind atiitabie. Georgia said it necessary. to Whip the -
of That abhet, , 00 ,otaka.a four partig: men. Whe-areAtilling,to-take -pliteee on thEt Mee to get any, Work out of 'theft.. If they
already in the, field. vionoptivioiimilhavo . "(tufted States Beetichi of the Bislicriect Cetn,' Were Whipped in tithe:, hetVeVet, it Was, not
Col., Fred: ' grant; The .Dernocreit , Will*. naisaien- . , ' ,'; ,necessary to whip theel: in hell.
,. ,
flintiest° ' te:reerrOw.• Henry . George • ' i, "t" say, waiter, ,this beefsteak le'at least l• The :Mire:Sid State 11oard of -Agriculture
, . ,
represents tJnited Labor and .John Swinton three -weeks old l" " Can't, Say; Pin lute l' 'deolites to teeogeize the,Clallatvey treed of
Union tabor. ' The fall election proinises • only been here a. fortnieht;"--,.Paris kin Cattle as Oreedi but olawa thorn thegarrie,
to be liv•bly. . . tette. • ' . .
DA •the Aberdeen.inguP., ' . ' .." •
• \ '
. , •